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Oracle® Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide
11g Release 5 (11.1.5)

Part Number E16691-07
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12 Customizing and Extending SOA Components

This chapter describes how to customize (edit) service-oriented architecture (SOA) components during runtime in a deployed SOA composite application with a runtime tool such as Oracle Business Process Management (BPM) Worklist, Oracle SOA Composer, or Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control or customize and extend (create) SOA components during design time in Oracle JDeveloper. It also provides recommendations for merging runtime customizations from a previously deployed revision into a new revision and instructions for synchronizing customized flexfields in Oracle Metadata Services (MDS) Repository.

This chapter includes the following sections:

For information about troubleshooting SOA issues, see the "Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide.


12.1 About Customizing and Extending SOA Components

SOA provides an enterprise architecture that supports building connected enterprise applications to provide solutions to business problems. SOA enables you to develop enterprise applications as modular business web services that can be integrated and reused, resulting in a flexible, adaptable IT infrastructure. SOA separates business functions into distinct units, or services.

Oracle SOA Suite provides a complete set of service infrastructure components for designing, deploying, and managing SOA composite applications. A SOA composite application is a service, service component, and reference assembly designed and deployed in a single application. Wiring between the services, service components, and references enables message communication.

Oracle SOA Suite consists of SOA components that comprise the business logic and processing rules in a SOA composite application. You can include components such as the following in a SOA composite application:

For more information about these components, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

Oracle SOA Suite supports the following types of customizations and extensions of these components:

The tool to use depends on the component you are customizing or extending and whether you are performing these tasks during runtime or design time. Table 12-1 provides details.


If you are customizing approval configuration and assignment rules or nonapproval business rules for a deployed project (either for Oracle SOA Suite or Oracle BPM Suite), always use Oracle BPM Worklist or Oracle SOA Composer. If you are customizing approval configuration and assignment rules or nonapproval business rules as part of a new Oracle BPM Suite project being extended in Oracle Business Process Composer, then use Oracle Business Process Composer. For information about using Oracle Business Process Composer, see Chapter 13, "Customizing and Extending Oracle BPM Project Templates."

Table 12-1 Customization and Extension Tools for Oracle SOA Suite

To Perform These Tasks... Use This Tool... Use This Tool At... Tool User

Customize business rules:

  • Approval configuration and assignment rules

  • Nonapproval business rules

  • Oracle BPM Worklist (recommended) or Oracle SOA Composer

  • Oracle SOA Composer

Note: If you use Oracle SOA Composer to customize approval configuration and assignment rules during runtime, changes in subsequent revision patches are not applied successfully.

Runtime in a deployed SOA composite application

Runtime in a deployed SOA composite application

Technical analyst

Business analyst

Customize domain value maps

Oracle SOA Composer

Runtime in a deployed SOA composite application

Business analyst

Customize SOA composite application endpoint properties such as the following:

  • Attached Oracle Web Services Manager (WSM) security policies

  • Service and reference binding component properties

Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control

Runtime in a deployed SOA composite application

System administrator

  • Customize or extend business rules

  • Customize or extend BPEL processes

  • Customize or extend human tasks

  • Customize or extend Oracle Mediator

  • Customize SOA composite application components such as a binding component and wire

  • Customize or extend transformations

  • Extend Web Services Description Language (WSDL) or Extensible Markup Language (XML) schema definition (XSD) files

  • Extend business rules

  • Extend Java EE connector architecture (JCA) adapters

JDeveloper (when logged in with the Customization Developer role)

Design time (when complete, you must deploy the SOA composite application)

System integrator


  • You cannot customize human tasks, BPEL processes, and Oracle Mediators during runtime in a deployed SOA composite application.

  • When using Oracle SOA Composer, you can save your customizations in a sandbox environment without applying them to a running instance. You can later return to the sandbox to make additional customizations. These customizations are applied to the running instance only when you click Commit.

12.1.1 Before You Begin Customizing SOA Composite Applications

Before you customize SOA components, become familiar with the Oracle Fusion application architecture that enables customizations, as described in Chapter 1, "Customizing and Extending Oracle Fusion Applications." Also understand the typical workflows for working with runtime customizations, as described in Chapter 2, "Understanding the Customization Development Lifecycle."

In addition, you need to perform the following tasks before you can begin customizing your application:

12.2 Customizing SOA Composite Applications

As described in Table 12-1, you can customize SOA components during runtime in a deployed SOA composite application with a runtime tool. This section provides an overview of these tasks and provides references to additional documentation for more specific instructions.


You cannot customize SOA components in CRM Application Composer. However, you can extend a business event in CRM Application Composer and use the Event notification action to notify a SOA composite application by email of the occurrence of the event. For information about extending events in CRM Application Composer, see Section 4.2, "Editing Objects."

Task: Start the Runtime Customization Tool

Use a web browser to start the tools shown in Table 12-2 for customizing approval configuration and assignment rules, nonapproval business rules, domain value maps, and SOA composite application endpoint properties at runtime.

Table 12-2 Starting the Customization Tool

For Customizing... Start... By Entering...

Business rules

  • Approval configuration and assignment rules

  • Oracle BPM Worklist (recommended)

  • Oracle SOA Composer

Note: If you use Oracle SOA Composer to customize approval configuration and assignment rules during runtime, changes in subsequent revision patches are not applied successfully.


  • Nonapproval business rules

Oracle SOA Composer


Domain value maps

Oracle SOA Composer


SOA composite application endpoint properties such as Oracle WSM security policies and binding component properties

Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control


Task: Select the Data to Customize

After accessing the runtime customization tool to use, select the data to customize:

Task: Customize Business Rules

Two categories of rules are available:

Task: Customize Domain Value Maps

You can customize domain value map rows included in a deployed SOA composite application using Oracle SOA Composer, as shown in Figure 12-5. For more information, see the "Using Oracle SOA Composer with Domain Value Maps" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

Figure 12-5 Domain Value Map Customizations in Oracle SOA Composer

Editing DVMs in Oracle SOA Composer

Task: Customize SOA Composite Application Endpoint Properties

You can customize endpoint address properties for an external reference such as Oracle WSM security policies and binding components included in a deployed SOA composite application using Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control.

Figure 12-6 provides details about customizing Oracle WSM security policies. For more information, see the "Managing SOA Composite Application Policies" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

Figure 12-6 Security Policy Customizations in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control

Editing policies in Enterprise Manager

Figure 12-7 provides details about customizing binding component properties for services and references. For more information, see the "Configuring Service and Reference Binding Component Properties" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

Figure 12-7 Binding Component Property Customizations in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control

Changing binding component values

Task: Synchronizing Customized Flexfields in the MDS Repository for SOA

SOA composite applications in Oracle Fusion Applications reference copies of the original XSD schema files included in the MDS repository for SOA. When you customize and deploy Oracle Fusion Applications flexfields (or upgrade the base table, after which the flexfields are automatically reapplied), which result in a new XSD file being generated in the MDS repository for Oracle Fusion Applications, the updated XSD files must be synchronized in the MDS repository for SOA for use in the fact models in business rules.

To perform this synchronization, a special SOA composite application named UpdateSOAMDS is included with Oracle Fusion Applications. By default, UpdateSOAMDS is automatically deployed. When a synchronization is required, you manually invoke an instance of this SOA composite application to synchronize the updated XSD files in the MDS repository for SOA. You can view the results of this synchronization in the audit trail in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control.

  1. Invoke UpdateSOAMDS.

    1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control.

    2. In the navigation pane, expand soa-infra and the domain.

    3. Select UpdateSOAMDS.

    4. At the top of the Dashboard page for UpdateSOAMDS, click Test.

    5. In the Operation list, note that the updateDuring operation is selected, as shown in Figure 12-8.

      Figure 12-8 Operations to Perform

      Test operations

      The updateDuring operation specifies how far back in time to go to get flexfield updates for synchronizing in the MDS repository for SOA.

    6. In the Value field of the Input Arguments section, enter a value, as shown in Figure 12-9.

      Figure 12-9 Value Field

      Specify a value

      Table 12-4 provides examples of how to specify a value. The updateDuring operation uses the xsd:duration type as input to obtain the data.

      Table 12-4 Operation Value Examples

      If You Enter... Description


      The operation goes back 50 days to get flexfield updates that occurred.


      The operation goes back one month, two days, and three hours to get flexfield updates that occurred.

    7. Click Test Web Service.

      All rule dictionaries in the MDS repository for SOA that use the affected XSD schemas are altered. The data model of the rule dictionaries is modified and the fact types are reimported. After reimporting the XSD schemas, the rule dictionaries are saved in the MDS repository for SOA.

      The Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.0 classes for the fact type model of the rule dictionaries that have been altered are regenerated and compiled into the appropriate SOA composite application SCA-INF/gen-classes directories.

      Other SOA instances in the cluster are notified of the flexfield customizations.

      The class loader for the SOA composite applications in which the rule dictionaries were altered is invalidated and a new class loader is extended with the next request for the SOA composite application.

      The SOA instances not involved in updating the rule dictionaries in the MDS repository for SOA regenerate the JAXB 2.0 classes for the SOA composite applications that comprise rule dictionaries in which the fact type model was altered.

  2. View the results in the audit trail:

    1. In the navigator, click soa-infra.

    2. In the Recent Instances section of the Dashboard page of the SOA Infrastructure, click the instance ID.

    3. In the Trace section of the Flow Trace page, click the UpdateSOAMDS BPEL service component.

    4. Click View XML Document to expand the activities in the audit trail, as needed.

    5. View the list of XSD schema files synchronized in the MDS repository for SOA in the audit trail, as shown in Figure 12-10.

      Figure 12-10 Audit Trail Results

      Audit trail results


Prior to Release 11g R1 (, Oracle BPM Worklist included a feature known as flex fields. Starting with Release 11g R1 (, flex fields are now known as mapped attributes. Do not confuse Oracle BPM Worklist flex fields with Oracle Fusion Applications flexfields; they are completely different features.

12.3 Merging Runtime Customizations from a Previously Deployed Revision into a New Revision

After using a SOA composite application customized at runtime for a period of time, a new patch revision of the SOA composite application may become available. Repeating the process of customizing the new revision of the SOA composite application at runtime can be cumbersome and time-consuming. To avoid these challenges, use OPatch. OPatch is an Oracle-supplied, Java-based utility that enables you to merge customizations made during runtime in a previously deployed SOA composite application into a new patch revision of the SOA composite application. OPatch preserves your runtime customizations and prevents you from having to reenter the customizations again for the next patch revision.

OPatch merges a new patch revision into a SOA composite application that was previously customized during both design time in JDeveloper and runtime in Oracle SOA Composer, Oracle BPM Worklist, or Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control. For specific procedures on patching SOA composite applications with OPatch, see the "Patching Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Composites" section in the Oracle Fusion Applications Patching Guide.

Task: Merge Runtime Customizations from a Previously Deployed Revision into a New Revision

Before using OPatch to merge runtime customizations from a previously deployed revision into a new revision, review the recommendations in Table 12-5 to ensure that you merge customizations successfully.

Table 12-5 Recommendations on Merging Patch Revision Customizations and Extensions

Component Recommendation

Deletion of base components

Delete only components that you added as part of the customization, and not components that are part of the base revision. This is because the deletion of base components does not survive the move to the new revision, but the deletion of the wiring does. If you delete an existing base component, it comes back again when you get the new revision, which still has the component. However, the wire deletion survives the upgrade because the composite.xml file is customizable.

Business rules

If business rules are customized at runtime, and those runtime customizations must be preserved in subsequent revisions of the base version of the SOA composite application, it is recommended that the rules dictionaries be split into two dictionaries and linked using the dictionary linking functionality.

The base rule, linked dictionary contains the data model of the dictionary and the custom rules dictionary contains all the rules customized at runtime. The OPatch process preserves the customized dictionary when it merges the customized application with subsequent versions of the application. Business rules are used in different scenarios and the following information identifies how to handle each situation:

  • Approval configuration and assignment rules

    These rules are used within human tasks to identify approvers and the routing of human tasks. Approval rules are always generated as base and custom dictionaries at design time. No further configuration is necessary at design time. Runtime customizations:

    If you must customize approval configuration and assignment rules during runtime, use only Oracle BPM Worklist to perform this task. Using Oracle BPM Worklist enables:

    -) Approval assignment and configuration rules to automatically be stored in a custom rules dictionary (Rule.rules). The custom rules dictionary is initially shipped with only sample, pre-seeded rules. The custom rules dictionary is separate from the base rule, linked dictionary (RuleBase.rules). The base rule, linked dictionary contains Oracle Fusion Applications fact definitions. Revision patches are applied to the base rule, linked dictionary.

    -) Changes in subsequent revision patches to be applied successfully to the base rule, linked dictionary.

    If you use Oracle SOA Composer to customize approval configuration and assignment rules during runtime, changes in subsequent revision patches are not applied successfully.

    Design time customizations:

    You cannot customize existing rules that are part of the base version of the SOA composite application at design time in JDeveloper. However, you can extend new rules that you later customize.

  • Nonapproval business rules

    These rules are used directly in processes like BPEL and BPMN outside of the context of a human task. These dictionaries are not generated as linked dictionaries in JDeveloper and must be manually split as linked dictionaries.

    Runtime customizations:

    If the dictionaries are split as linked dictionaries, ensure that only the linked dictionaries are customized from Oracle SOA Composer. Identification of the base rule and linked rule dictionary is up to you to develop.

    Design time customizations:

    You cannot customize existing rules that are part of the base version of the SOA composite application at design time in JDeveloper. However, you can extend new rules that you later customize.

Default uniform resource locators (URLs) for service binding components

Use default URLs for service binding components. If the revision is used in the URL for service binding components, when the SOA composite application is patched using OPatch, the revision of the SOA composite application is customized. In this case, the reference to URLs for service binding components fails to work. In this scenario, you must manually update all the URL references for service binding components.

Oracle BPEL Process Manager scope activity

If a base SOA composite application team removes the scope activity in the next revision of the SOA composite application, when a vertical SOA composite application team or customer runs OPatch to apply the new revision of the SOA composite application to their customized version, all customizations they performed on that scope activity in the first revision are lost.

Renaming of a SOA composite application whose SOA archive (SAR) file is imported in JDeveloper

When importing a SAR file for customization in JDeveloper, the SOA composite application must not be renamed. In addition, if you rename a SOA composite application, OPatch cannot detect runtime customizations made in Oracle SOA Composer, Oracle BPM Worklist, and Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control. You must manually re-apply those customizations.

Base revision of a SOA composite application with JDeveloper customizations

Assume you customize the base revision of a SOA composite application with the Customization Developer role in JDeveloper, and then deploy the SOA composite application. When the base revision is updated and a newer revision is made available, the customer uses OPatch to apply the patch revision. OPatch may then fail because there are JDeveloper customizations in the deployed SOA composite application.

To resolve this issue, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the customized SOA composite application with the Default Role in JDeveloper.

  2. Import the patched base version 2 SAR file into this SOA composite application project extended in Section 10.3, "Customizing SOA Composite Applications with JDeveloper."

  3. Restart JDeveloper with the Customization Developer role.

  4. Open the preceding customized SOA composite application. Error messages are shown in case of conflicts.

  5. Resolve the conflicts in the SOA composite application.

  6. Deploy the SOA composite application to the SAR file. The new SAR file should be replaced by the patched base version 2 SAR file.

  7. Proceed with the OPatch process.

Note: Ensure that the backup of the SAR files is taken properly.

12.4 Extending or Customizing Custom SOA Composite Applications

You can customize or extend some SOA components during design time in JDeveloper when logged in with the Customization Developer role. Components that are extended in JDeveloper can be further customized in JDeveloper when again logged in with the Customization Developer role. Customization changes are maintained in separate .xml files from the base component files. Note that you cannot make customizations in Source view in JDeveloper; only customizations made in Design view are supported.


  • New SOA artifacts extended in the SOA composite application survive patching.

  • Ensure that you provide unique names for any new components and SOA artifacts that you extend. For example, add a prefix to each component and SOA artifact name that is a unique identifier.

Table 12-6 describes which existing base SOA artifacts in a SOA composite application can be customized and which new SOA artifacts can be extended when logged in to JDeveloper with the Customization Developer role.

Table 12-6 Customizable and Extendable SOA Artifacts in Customization Developer Role

SOA Artifacts Existing Artifact in Base SOA Composite Application Is Customizable with Customization Developer Role? SOA Artifact Is Extendable with Customization Developer Role?

SOA composite application components



BPEL process



Oracle Mediator



Human task



Business rule



Extensible style sheet language transformations (XSLT) map



Cross references (XREFs)



Domain value maps









Business events



JCA Adapters



Table 12-7 provides more specific details about which SOA artifacts can be extended when logged in to JDeveloper with the Customization Developer role.

Table 12-7 SOA Artifact Extensibility in JDeveloper with Customization Developer Role

SOA Artifact Extendable? Description

SOA composite application


Only one SOA composite application per Oracle SOA Suite project is permitted.

BPEL process


Can drag a BPEL process from the Component Palette into SOA Composite Editor or Oracle BPEL Designer.

Oracle Mediator


Can drag an Oracle Mediator from the Component Palette into SOA Composite Editor or Oracle BPEL Designer.

Human task


Can drag a human task from the Component Palette into SOA Composite Editor or Oracle BPEL Designer.

Business rule


Can drag a business rule from the Component Palette into SOA Composite Editor or Oracle BPEL Designer.

XSLT map


Can extend a transformation in a transform activity in Oracle BPEL Designer or Mediator Editor.

Domain value maps


The New Gallery dialog is disabled with the Customization Developer role.



The New Gallery dialog is disabled with the Customization Developer role.



Right-click an Oracle SOA Suite project and select SOA, or as the result of extending other SOA artifacts.



Right-click an Oracle SOA Suite project and select SOA, or as the result of extending other SOA artifacts.

Business events


Subscribe to or publish events for a BPEL process or Oracle Mediator component in SOA Composite Editor, Oracle BPEL Designer, or Mediator Editor.

JCA adapters


Drag adapters from the Component Palette into SOA Composite Editor or Oracle BPEL Designer.

Task: Customize a Base SOA Composite Application in JDeveloper

You can customize a base SOA composite application of Oracle Fusion Applications in JDeveloper. These steps provide an overview of SOA composite application customization and assume that you know the following:

For more information, see the "Customizing SOA Composite Applications" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.


See Section 10.3.2, "Setting Up the JDeveloper Application Workspace and SOA Composite Application Project for MDS Repository Customization" for instructions on setting up the JDeveloper workspace (JWS) and SOA composite application project when customizing Oracle Fusion Applications SOA composite applications.

  1. Install Oracle Fusion Applications with a SOA composite application that you want to customize in JDeveloper.

  2. In Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control, go to the home page of the SOA composite application to export.

  3. From the SOA Composite menu at the top of the page, select Export.

  4. Obtain the base SAR file for initially customizing from other locations, including:

    • Checking out the base SOA composite application project from the source control system where the base SOA composite application project was checked in by the base development team. This way, no SAR file deployment, export command, or import command is involved.

    • Importing the base SOA composite application SAR file that was deployed from the base SOA composite application project.

    • Importing the base SOA composite application SAR file that was exported (without runtime changes) from the Export Composite page of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control installation from which the SOA server is managed.

  5. Extend layer values for customization to the CustomizationLayerValues.xml file (can perform this task in JDeveloper or from the directory structure).

  6. Start JDeveloper in the Default Role.

  7. Extend a new SOA composite application.

  8. From the File main menu, choose Import, then SOA Archive Into SOA Project to import the exported SAR file into the new SOA composite application in JDeveloper.

  9. In the Import Composite Archive wizard, select the Import For Customization checkbox.

  10. From the Tools main menu, choose Preferences, then Roles, and then Customization Developer.

  11. Restart JDeveloper, and customize the layers of the SOA composite application.

  12. Right-click the project and choose Deploy to extend a customized SAR file of the SOA composite application in Oracle Fusion Applications.


After performing the initial customizations described in these procedures, you can no longer export the SOA composite application from the runtime. This is because the SOA composite application is a merged SOA composite application, and no longer the original base SOA composite application.

For more information about exporting SAR files, see the "Exporting a Deployed SOA Composite Application" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

Task: Extend or Customize Custom Business Rules

You can extend business rules in a SOA composite application during design time in JDeveloper when logged in with the Customization Developer role. After extending these business rules, you can further customize them in JDeveloper when again logged in with the Customization Developer role. You cannot customize existing business rules that are part of the base version of the SOA composite application.

For information about customizing business rules during runtime, see Section 12.2, "Customizing SOA Composite Applications."

Task: Extend or Customize Custom BPEL Processes

You can extend or customize BPEL processes in a SOA composite application during design time in JDeveloper when logged in with the Customization Developer role. For example, you can perform the following tasks:

For more information about extending or customizing BPEL processes, see the "Using the BPEL Process Service Component" part in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

Task: Extend or Customize Custom Human Tasks

You can extend human tasks in a SOA composite application during design time in JDeveloper when logged in with the Customization Developer role. After extending these human tasks, you can further customize them in JDeveloper when again logged in with the Customization Developer role. You cannot customize existing human tasks that are part of the base version of the SOA composite application.

For more information about extending human tasks, see the "Using the Human Workflow Service Component" part in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

Task: Extend or Customize Custom Oracle Mediators

You can extend or customize an Oracle Mediator in a SOA composite application during design time in JDeveloper when logged in with the Customization Developer role. For example, you can perform the following tasks:

For more information, see the "Using the Oracle Mediator Service Component" part in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

Task: Customize SOA Composite Application Components

You can customize SOA composite application endpoint properties in a SOA composite application during design time in JDeveloper when logged in with the Customization Developer role. For example, you can perform the following tasks:

For more information, see the "Developing SOA Composite Applications with Oracle SOA Suite" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

Task: Extend or Customize Transformations (in a Transform Activity)

You cannot customize existing transformations that are part of the base SOA composite application in JDeveloper. However, you can extend a new transform activity in a BPEL process or in the Transformation Map dialog of Oracle Mediator during design time in JDeveloper when logged in with the Customization Developer role. After extending the transformation, you can further customize it in JDeveloper when again logged in with the Customization Developer role. For example, you can perform the following tasks:

Task: Extend XSD or WSDL Files

You can extend an XSD schema or WSDL document in JDeveloper when logged in with the Customization Developer role.

  1. Right-click the Oracle SOA Suite project in the Application Navigator.

  2. Select SOA.

  3. Select the SOA artifact to extend:

    • Create XML Schema

      Invokes the Create XML Schema dialog for extending a new XML schema file in the project. When complete, the new schema file automatically opens.

    • Create WSDL Document

      Invokes the Create WSDL dialog to extend a new WSDL file in the project.

Task: Extend Business Events

You cannot directly extend business events in JDeveloper when logged in with the Customization Developer role. The New Gallery dialog that is displayed when you select New from the File main menu is disabled with the Customization Developer role. However, you can create business events as part of other Oracle SOA Suite customizations such as when allowing Oracle Mediator to subscribe to an event.

For more information, see the "Using Business Events and the Event Delivery Network" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

Task: Extend JCA Adapters

You can extend JCA adapters in JDeveloper when logged in with the Customization Developer role.

For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Technology Adapters.

12.5 Deploying SOA Composite Application Customizations and Extensions

You must redeploy a customized or extended SOA composite application after making changes in JDeveloper. The development and deployment phase is as follows:

For more information, see the "Customizing SOA Composite Applications" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

12.6 Extending a New Oracle SOA Suite Service

You can extend new SOA composite application services to integrate with Oracle Fusion Applications. This section provides an overview of tasks for extending and consuming new services and provides references to documentation that more specifically describes these tasks.

Task: Setting Up a Development Environment

You must set up and configure a development environment in JDeveloper to create new Oracle SOA Suite services. For more information, see the "Getting Started Building Your Oracle Fusion Applications" part in the Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.

Task: Using JDeveloper to Create Applications, Projects, and Services

Whenever you create new projects, you must first create an application using templates provided by JDeveloper. For more information, see the "Setting Up Your JDeveloper Application Workspace and Projects" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.

You can select an Oracle SOA Suite project template when creating a JDeveloper application. For more information about creating Oracle SOA Suite projects, see the "Developing SOA Composite Applications with Oracle SOA Suite" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

You can extend an ADF Business Components service to be consumed by the SOA composite application. The ADF Business Components service is used for connecting Oracle ADF applications using service data object (SDO) data formats with the SOA composite application. For more information, see the "Getting Started with Binding Components" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

Task: Understanding Common Service Use Cases and Design Patterns

There are fundamental patterns for Oracle Fusion Applications developers to follow when building applications involving Oracle ADF and Oracle SOA Suite. These patterns fall into three main categories:

For more information about these and other design categories, see the "Common Service Use Cases and Design Patterns" part in the Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.

Task: Using Oracle SOA Suite with MDS Repository

MDS Repository contains metadata for certain types of deployed applications, such as SOA composite applications. You can store Oracle Fusion Applications artifacts and custom artifacts in MDS Repository. You connect to the repository to consume these artifacts.

For more information about MDS Repository, see the "Managing the Metadata Repository" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

For more information about creating a connection from Oracle SOA Suite to MDS Repository, using the MDS repository for SOA to store custom SOA artifacts, and connecting to and consuming SOA artifacts from the MDS repository for SOA, see the "Creating a SOA-MDS Connection" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

Task: Discovering Oracle Fusion Applications Services

Oracle Fusion Applications includes web services that are available for public consumption. These web services are defined in Oracle Enterprise Repository and available for discovery. When extending Oracle Fusion Applications and building SOA composite applications to invoke services built by Oracle Fusion Applications, you can use Oracle Enterprise Repository to perform the following tasks:

For more information about Oracle Enterprise Repository, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware User Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository.

Task: Securing Oracle Fusion Applications and Services

You must secure Oracle Fusion Applications and services to be consumed by SOA composite applications.

For more information about Oracle Fusion Applications security, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Security Guide.

For more information about Oracle ADF Application Artifacts security, see Chapter 15, "Customizing Security for Oracle ADF Application Artifacts."

For more information about web services security, see the "Securing Web Services Use Cases" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.

Task: Deploying SOA Composite Applications and Services

You must deploy SOA composite applications and the services to be consumed.

For more information about deploying SOA composite applications, see the "Deploying SOA Composite Applications" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

For more information about deploying external references such as web services, see the "Deploying Web Services Applications" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security and Administrator's Guide for Web Services.

Task: Understanding Fusion Applications Deployment Topology

An enterprise deployment is an Oracle guidelines blueprint based on proven Oracle high-availability and security technologies and recommendations for Oracle Fusion Applications. For more information about deployment in an enterprise environment, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Customer Relationship Management Enterprise Deployment Guide.