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Oracle® Fusion Applications Sales Implementation Guide
11g Release 5 (11.1.5)
Part Number E20373-05
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20 Common CRM Configuration: Define Sales Catalogs

This chapter contains the following:

Define Sales Catalogs

FAQs for Define Sales Catalogs

Manage Product Groups

Define Sales Catalogs

Functions and Miscellaneous Actions: Explained

You can set various options to customize the runtime instance of your product catalog.

The Functions and Miscellaneous tabs have several built-in features and options for you to choose from.


Select certain functions and specify how they should run depending on your processes.





Availability Engine

Determines the availability of a product in stock.

Do not run

Do not call the availability service.



Quick availability

Show whether the product is available or out of stock



Detail availability

Show the number of quantity available. Example 25 in stock.

Eligibility Engine

Determines the eligibility of a product or product group for a customer or a geographical area.

Do not run

Do not call the eligibility service.



Run and hide

Call the eligibility service but hide the ineligible products, product groups and promotions.



Run and sShow

Call the eligibility service and show the ineligible products, product groups and promotions with the appropriate message.

Pricing Engine

Determines the price for a product.

Do not run

Do not call the pricing service.




Show the List Price, Your Price, Discount, and so on.




Show the List Price only.

Territory Engine

Determines the products in a territory.

Do not run

Do not check for territory information.



Enforce territory

Always show the products and product groups that are part of the territory.



Display user choices

Provides the user with the choice to toggle between all product or product groups and the ones that belongs to the territory only.

Miscellaneous Actions

Set preferences such as button label, sort by text, number of products per page, and so on.



Add item button label

The selected value is shown next to the product in the runtime interface.

Add category button label

The selected value is shown next to the catalog or category in the runtime interface.

Add category enabled flag

Allows buttons to be shown next to the catalog or categories.

Records per page

Number of records to be displayed per page.

Sort by format text

Sort format of the entire label that you want displayed in the runtime interface. The default pattern is {ATTR}: {SORT_ORDER}. Example: Name: A to Z.

Sort by product label prefix

Sort format of the prefix label that you want displayed. Example: If the default is Name: A to Z, you can select an alternate label for Name. It could be Item: A to Z.

Sort by sequence product ascending label

Sort format of the ascending suffix label that you want displayed. Example: If the default is Name: A to Z, you can select an alternate for A to Z. It could be Name: Ascending.

Sort by sequence product descending label

Sort format of the descending suffix label that you want displayed. Example: If the default is Name: Z to A, you can select an alternate for Z to A. It could be Name: Descending.

Sort by sequence ascending first flag

Select Yes to display ascending labels first in the Sort By LOV.

Show immediate child products only

Shows immediate products of a given category disregarding the standard behavior of showing all products (including child categories) if narrow by is defined on the category.

Image server

Identifies the source of images for products and product groups.

Image server alternate path

Identifies an alternate image source location (URL)

Enable transactional attribute

Allows transactional attributes to show up in product detail page. Transactional attributes are attributes that can be selected such as color and size of shirt.

Hidden category optional attribute list

You can specify the attributes you would like to hide from the category UI here. This could be a comma separated list of attributes that needs to be hidden from the category list page.

Hidden product optional attribute list

You can specify the attributes you would like to hide from the product UI here. This could be a comma separated list of attributes that needs to be hidden from the product pages.

Hide quantity

Set this to Yes, to hide the quantity field shown in the product page.

Hide unit of measure

Set this to Yes, to hide the unit of measure field shown in the product detail page.

Change Display Options for Product Group Categories: Worked Example

Megan and the marketing team notice that when they browse the ComfyGooseCatalog, availability information is shown against each product. Since they have no visibility around the Loveseats product, the marketing team suggests to hide the availability information for the Loveseats category alone. Megan remembers from the training that Fusion Sales Catalog provides the ability to override the default behavior.

Megan recalls that she has to make this change from the Display Options for the Loveseats catalog.

Change the Display Options

  1. Select the catalog from the Product Group Administration page and lock it.

    Megan chooses the Loveseats catalog.

  2. Create a new entry in the Display Options tab.

    Megan creates a record and names it Hide Availability.

  3. From the Applies To subtab, select the usage that this display option must be applicable to.

    Megan selects the Base usage.

  4. From the Functions tab, select the Availability Engine Code function and assign Do Not Run as its value.
  5. Save and publish the ComfyGooseCatalog.

    Megan validates the effect of this change at runtime.

Display Options: Explained

Use the display options to control various aspects of the published product group.

Modifying Product Group Information

You can make small but significant changes to a product group from these tabs. The changes here override default settings.

Creating a Sales Catalog: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to create a sales catalog. In this example, ComfyGoose Inc is a state of the art outfit in the business of selling chairs and sofas. As part of their expansion plans, they recently bought Oracle Fusion CRM and are uptaking the best business practices and all the functionality it brings.

Megan works in the product marketing department and is excited about the sales catalog and the ease with which she can create products and catalogs. She gathers information about the categories to be created and the products that need to be associated to each category. She is familiar with the layouts and the navigation paradigm in the application.

As a first step, Megan decides to create a sales catalog.

Creating a Sales Catalog

  1. Log in to the application and select the Product Group Administration tab.
  2. Click Createfrom the Product Groups pane.
  3. Enter data in the relevant fields.

    Megan enters the following details for her catalog.


    Sample Data




    Comfy Goose Catalog


    Contains ergonomic chairs for your home or office needs, chairs for businesses such as call centers and offices; at attractive prices.

    Root Catalog

    Select to make this a root catalog.Only root catalogs can be added to a usage in Product Group Usage Administration.

  4. Associate an image that should go with the catalog from the Details tab.
  5. Add categories to this product catalog from the Subgroups tab.

    Megan creates the following subgroups for the ComfyGoose Catalog product group.


    Sample Data

    Subgroup Name

    • Chairs

    • Sofas

    • Medical Chairs

    • Sports Chairs

    • Chairs and Stools

  6. Add further categories to a subgroup, if required. To do so, change the view of the product group from List to Tree view from the Product Groups pane. Select the category within which you want a subgroup.

    Megan creates further categories within some of the subgroups.

    Parent Subgroup

    Sample Data


    • Heavy Duty/Call Center Chairs

    • Ergonomic Chairs

    • Leather Chairs

    • Event Chairs


    Sofas and Loveseats

    Sofas and Loveseats

    • Leather Sofas

    • Reception and Lounge Sofas

    • Loveseats

  7. Add products from the Products tab to the respective subgroups that you just created
  8. Click Publishto publish the product hierarchy that you just created

    A published catalog is available for use by different departments which is done via Usage Administration

  9. To associate a published catalog with a particular usage, click the Product Group Usage Administrationlink
  10. Select the usage, click the Product Groups subtab. Search and add the product group you just created

    Megan selects the Base usage and adds ComfyGooseCatalog to this usage.

Reusing a Sales Catalog: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how you can reuse a sales catalog. In the scenario used in this example, ComfyGoose Inc is a state of the art outfit in the business of selling chairs and sofas. As part of their expansion plans, they recently bought Oracle Fusion CRM and are uptaking the best business practices and all the functionality it brings. Megan works in the product marketing department.

Megan gets a call from another division of the company, after a few months of deploying the ComfyGooseCatalog. They have heard of the new catalog that she helped build for the marketing team and enquire if they can have a similar subset for their division. They want to leverage as much as possible having a consistent look-and-feel.

An application developer must create an application and should be able to consume the sales catalog task flows to achieve this example. This task is similar to what the Sales module has done to consume the task flows provided by the sales catalog team.

Megan gathers the necessary information and identifies that this division primarily needs what is in the Chair category of the ComfyGooseCatalog. She is very excited because she knows that she can simply reuse the Chairs category. In the past, she would have had to create another catalog repeating the same data, a maintenance overhead.

Reusing an Existing Catalog for Another Department

  1. Navigate to the Product Group Usage Administration page
  2. Create a new usage

    Megan creates the Call Center Division usage

  3. Click the Product Groups subtab for the usage that you just created

    You can choose only product groups that are catalogs by themselves here. In other words, the catalog must be a root catalog.

    Megan realizes that the Chairs catalog that she wants to reuse is a subgroup of the ComfyGooseCatalog. To make it a root catalog, she follows these steps:

    1. Navigate to the Product Group Administration page

    2. Select the product group Chairs from the Product Group pane

    3. From the Details tab, select Root Catalog

    4. Save and publish the catalog.

  4. Add the product group to the new usage in the Product Group Usage Administration page.

    The Chairs catalog is now available for the Call Center Division.

Enabling Filtering by Attributes: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to enable filtering by attributes. In the scenario used in this example, ComfyGoose Inc is a state of the art outfit in the business of selling chairs and sofas. As part of their expansion plans, they recently bought Oracel Fusion CRM and are uptaking the best business practices and all the functionality it brings. Megan works in the product marketing department. She has created the ComfyGooseCatalog and tried changing some usage attributes.

Megan now reviews the ComfyGooseCatalog with the team and decides that it will be nice to provide the user with few narrow by filters. After reviewing the definition of products associated to the Chairs category and its subcategories, it is decided that attributes Color and Material can be used for filtering.

The attributes must already be registered in the Product Group Attribute Administration page. These attributes must be present and associated in the Item Master.

Associating Attributes for a Category

  1. From the Product Group Administration page, select the category to add the attributes for and lock it.

    Megan selects the Chairs category.

  2. From the Filter Attributes tab, click Newto select the attribute that you wish to associate to Chairs product group. Select the Advanced Search, Narrow By and Sort flags for the attribute. By selecting these flags, this attribute will get displayed in those regions.


    The attribute is already registered in the Product Group Attribute Administration page.

    Megan selects the Color and Material attributes.

  3. Create values for the selected attributes from the Attribute Values region below.

    Megan creates Blue, Pink and Black as the values for the chair color. She also creates values for the chair material.

  4. Megan saves the changes and publishes the Chairs product group.

    Megan validated the changes in the graphical catalog. She can see the attributes that she created and their values in the Advanced Search, Narrow By and Sort options of the catalog.

FAQs for Define Sales Catalogs

How can I customize button labels in the catalog?

You can add custom labels for your catalog by specifying them in the Miscellaneous tab of Display Options. For example, you can change the default Add to Cart label and can select a different label such as Add to Shopping Cart. You can add an additional value for the button label from the Manage Product Group Lookups page from the Setup and Maintenance Overview page. You can enter a new value using the lookup Add Item Label Values. Once done, you can navigate to the product group administration to either override the button label for the entire catalog via the usage functions or to a specific product group from the display options tab.

Apart from customizing button labels, you can also set the number of items to display per page from the Miscellaneous tab.

What's the difference between rollup and sales catalog hierarchies?

A rollup catalog does not have the same product appearing multiple times within its hierarchy. The primary purpose of a rollup catalog is to create a hierarchy more tailored to forecasting purposes where a particular product appears only once in the entire hierarchy.

A sales catalog can have the same product appearing multiple times within its hierarchy. For example, the product Toys can be part of the Children category as well as the Electronics category within the same catalog.


The Allow Duplicate flag distinguishes between a rollup catalog and a sales catalog. By default, the flag is selected making it a sales catalog. The Allow Duplicate flag is in the Details tab of the Product Group Administration page.

Why did some of the products in my published catalog disappear?

Products in your catalog are active for a specified period. Once the period expires, the product becomes inactive and does not appear as part of the published catalog. Activate the products from the Products tab of the Product Group Administration page.

Manage Product Groups

Eligibility Rules for a Product Group: Explained

An eligibility rule can be a physical eligibility rule or a marketing eligibility rule

Some points to remember when you create an eligibility rule:

Physical Eligibility

When you create a physical eligibility rule, select attributes from these: Country, State or Province, City and Postal Code.

Marketing Eligibility

When you create a marketing eligibility rule, select a value for Customer Type.

Using a New Template in a Catalog: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to use a new template in a catalog. Megan informs the marketing team that the IT department has created a new template that gives a cool web 2.0 feeling and asks their permission to try it out. She informs them that it gives a carousel effect which is quite common while browsing songs, DVDs, and so on. The marketing team agrees to give it a try.

Using Fusion JDeveloper, application developers have to create a task flow using the Fusion ADF component and all necessary VOs to support the task flow. The task flow must be registered in the template administration.

Megan decides to use the template ComfyGoose Carousel template in the ComfyGoose Catalog's browsing categories.

Using a New Template in a Catalog

  1. On the Product Administration page, Megan searches for the ComfyGooseCatalog and locks it
  2. In the Display Options tab for the selected catalog, create a new record

    Megan creates a record and names it Carousel.

  3. From the Applies To subtab, select the usage that this change should be applicable to

    Megan selects the Base usage.

  4. From the Templates subtab, create a record and select the appropriate template type and the new template

    Megan selects the Category List Template as the type and the ComfyGoose Carousel template as the template.

  5. Save your changes and publish the catalog.

    Megan verifies the change in the catalog at runtime. The marketing team loves this cool effect and agrees to adopt it for the final catalog roll out.

Changing Usage Attributes for an Application: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how you can modify attributes for an application's usage. In this scenario, the Call Center division only deals with call centers across the world, they have not seen if any product they have sold is not applicable to call center companies. Therefore, they decide to switch off the eligibility and availability messages that show up in their side of the catalog.

Megan knows that this is a fairly simple task because she can do these settings from the Product Group Usage Administration page.

Modifying Attributes for an Application's Usage

  1. Navigate to the Product Group Usage Administration page, and select the usage to make changes.

    Megan selects the Call Center usage.

  2. From the Functions subtab, select the following:



    Availability Engine

    Do not run

    Eligibility Engine

    Do not run

  3. Save your changes and validate the effect in the catalog at runtime.

    Megan accesses the catalog and finds that the availability and eligibility messages do not appear anymore for the Call Center division's catalog.

FAQs for Product Groups

What's a related group?

Related groups shows the relationship between two different product groups. For example, a group that contains extended warranty products is related to a group that contains laptops. There are various relations types supported such as revenue, service and so on. This relationship is used in the other applications.

What's eligibility ?

Eligibility is the condition of being qualified or being entitled for a purchase or enrollment.

There are two types of eligibility.

Some examples of eligibility are:

How can I change the labels for filter attributes at runtime?

In the Filter Attributes tab of the Product Group page, change the value for the Display of the attribute. The attribute can have an internal name but the name displayed at runtime can be more meaningful and customer friendly.

For example, if the attribute name is Laptop Color, you can change the display to Available Colors. This will display in the narrow by or advanced search options at runtime.

Why can't I modify a product group?

To modify a product group, you must first lock it. Click Lock in the Product Group page. If the product group is locked by another user, the Lock button is not visible and the Locked flag is enabled in the Details tab.

How can I associate promotions to a product group?

There may be several promotions running at any given time. You can associate active promotions to a product group from the Promotions tab. Coupons are a part of promotions and are added to the product group along with the promotion. You can also view the promotion's effective period.

What's the difference between the administration and published product group versions?

A product group can have two versions, Administration and Published. The Published version is visible to the end user in the graphical sales catalog. The administrator must make any changes to the product group in the administration version.

After publishing the administration version, the changes are made available to the published version and to the consuming applications

When can I use product group mapping?

Use product group mapping in the following situations:

If a product group is reused, find it in the target hierarchy.

Identify the right product group in the target hierarchy when the source product group is not recognized.

Do a reverse mapping by passing the target product group to get the source product group.

How can I set exceptions for particular usages?

You can set exceptions for a usage from the Modes tab of the Product Group Usage Administration page. Exceptions can be made when you need minor modifications for different departments in your organizations, for the same usage. The following modes are available: Lead Management, Campaign Management, Opportunity Management, Territory Management, Opportunity Landscape and Sales Prediction.

How can I know if my catalog is used by other catalogs?

You can get this information from the Product Groups Shared With region in the Product Groups pane. By default, all product groups are shared.