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Oracle® Fusion Applications Sales Implementation Guide
11g Release 5 (11.1.5)
Part Number E20373-05
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6 Common Applications Configuration: Define Social Networking

This chapter contains the following:

Define Social Networking

Group Spaces in Oracle Fusion CRM: Highlights

FAQs for Define Social Networking

Define Social Networking

Getting Started with Oracle Fusion CRM Collaboration: Overview

Oracle Fusion CRM Collaboration is a collection of features of the Oracle WebCenter product. Employees in an organization can use these features to collaborate and stay informed of the latest information.

Employees can use Oracle Fusion CRM Collaboration features to do the following business tasks:

From Oracle WebCenter, Oracle Fusion CRM Collaboration leverages the following features.

Activity Streams

Activity streams provide an ongoing view of activities from connections, actions taken in group spaces, and other business activities. Within Oracle Fusion CRM Collaboration, activity streams have been enabled for opportunities and customer business events, as displayed in the following Oracle Fusion CRM areas:

Employees can use activity streams to:

For more information, see "Tracking Your Connections Activities" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces.


Blogs are typically personal records of an individual user's experience and opinions. In Oracle WebCenter Spaces, users can create blogs to group related blog posts, for example to group topics by the same author or otherwise related topics. Each blog contains various blog posts. Although, blogs have not been exposed in Oracle Fusion CRM, users can access blogs by way of Oracle Web Center Spaces. For more information, see "Working with Blogs" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces.

Discussion Forums

You can use a discussion forum to post, respond to, and preserve topical information, and other users can post information relevant to those topics. All of this information is preserved within the discussion forum so that teams of users can collaborate on opportunities and customer records. Everyone who is part of the opportunity or customer team can post and reply to discussions. Within Oracle Fusion CRM Collaboration, discussions are enabled for opportunities and customer business objects. For more information, see "Creating a Discussion Forum" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces.

Discussions has been enabled for:

Group Spaces

Teams of employees can use group spaces to collaborate in the context of an opportunity or customer record. Within a group space, employees can collaborate by engaging in existing discussions or creating new ones, and they can create new wikis. They can also create new group spaces and leverage available features, such as discussions, blogs, wikis, announcements, and so on. By using group spaces, employee groups can contend with work blockages, such as:

For more information, see "Understanding Space Basics" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces.


Tags categorize business objects in Oracle Fusion Applications, for example specific invoices and opportunities, with your own keywords. You can share tags so that anyone searching or browsing for items can find them based on common tags. For more information, see "Working with the Tags Service" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces.


Wikis are Web sites of interlinked Web pages that members of a group can create and edit in a Web browser. Members who have the appropriate permissions can add and edit information to share it with their group. For more information, see "Working with Wikis" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces.

Wikis have been enabled for:

Group Spaces in Oracle Fusion CRM: Highlights

Group spaces bring people together in a virtual environment for ongoing interaction and information sharing, enabling the formation and support of social networks. Teams can use group spaces to collaborate through discussions, in the context of an opportunity or customer record, and create new wikis. Users can also create a new group space and leverage available features, such as discussions, blogs, wikis, announcements, and so on. Group spaces support the collaboration of project teams and communities of interest by providing a dedicated and readily accessible area for relevant services, pages, and content, and by supporting the inclusion of specified members. A member can invite you to join a space, in which case you receive a notification. To see all the spaces that you can join, use the Spaces link in the global area or go to the Spaces dashboard, which contains a list of the spaces to which you belong, a list of any recommended spaces, and a tool to search for all public spaces that you can join.

The available features in a group space depend on the template that was selected when the group space was created. Out-of-the-box templates provide a variety of features. Spaces are an Oracle WebCenter feature that is used not only in the Oracle WebCenter Spaces application but also throughout Oracle Fusion Applications.

Accessing Group Spaces

You can access group spaces by the Spaces link in the global navigation area. From there, you can access the existing public group spaces or the group space of which you are a member. From within the Edit Opportunity page of an opportunity record, you can also access an existing group space or create a new group space. Click an icon to display a popup window where you can do the following group space activities:

Setting Up Group Spaces

You can associate existing group spaces to an object, or you can create new ones. These associations have no impact on any embedded group spaces within the object, nor do they create a new embedded forum or wiki for that object. You can make associations in the following ways:

Security for Enabling or Viewing Group Space Widgets

Users need specific security permissions to enable or view group space widgets, such as forums, wikis, and so on, for the following objects:

Optional Enabling

Deploying organizations have a choice of enabling embedded forums and wikis for sales objects by using two profile options:

Embedding Group Space Widgets

To embed group space widgets, use the following actions:

Group Spaces and Oracle WebCenter

For more information on group spaces, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter. As you read that guide, note the following points:

Collaboration Capabilities in Oracle Fusion CRM: Highlights

Oracle Fusion CRM Collaboration includes the following features.

Fusion Welcome Page

Across all Fusion applications, the Fusion Welcome page shows all activity stream messages:

Sales Dashboard Page

The Sales Dashboard shows activity stream messages for the following functions:

Customer Center Overview Page

The Customer Center Dashboard shows activity stream messages for the following functions:

Posting Messages

You can post a status update message from the Oracle Fusion Welcome page. This message can be posted to Everyone, to members of a specific group space, or to members of a specific opportunity or customer sales team. A user can also post a message from an Oracle WebCenter group space. Within a group space, the same field is available for users to post a status update.

Discussion Forums in Oracle Fusion CRM: Highlights

Teams of users can use discussion forums to collaborate on opportunities and customer records. Everyone who is part of an opportunity or customer team can collaborate and take part in discussions by posting and replying to discussions. When someone posts a new discussion entry or replies to an existing discussion, the users who are members of the opportunity or customer team are notified by an activity stream message.

Members can drill into a discussion to read all replies, watch the forum where discussions are created, and view, edit, reply, and create their own discussions by accessing the group space. Members can also create and participate in text-based discussions with other users within the scope of specific business objects, an application, or a space. For example, in Oracle Fusion Applications Help, you can post questions or comments regarding topics covered by a specific help file and view posts from other members regarding the same help.

The Discussions feature is an Oracle WebCenter service used within and outside of spaces in Oracle Fusion Applications. Discussions are fully described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces. As you read that guide, note the following points:

Setting Up and Using Discussion Forums

Moderators can create discussion forums in which members can view and participate in topics and threads. Set up and use discussion forums in the following ways:

See Also

Wikis in Oracle Fusion CRM: Highlights

A wiki is a Web site of interlinked Web pages that allows members of a group to create and edit the Web pages in a Web browser. Members of a group who have the appropriate permissions can add and edit information and share it among the group. Wikis are available by way of CRM References and Competitors.

In Oracle WebCenter Spaces, you can create and manage wiki documents by using the Documents service. To support the wiki functionality, the Documents service stores all wiki documents on Oracle Content Server. For this feature to work, the Oracle Content Server needs to be set up.

Setting Up Wikis

This option is available only to users at the level of full access, for example, someone like an opportunity owner.

See Also

Tags in Oracle Fusion CRM: Highlights

Use tags to categorize business objects in Oracle Fusion Applications, for example specific invoices and opportunities, with your own keywords. You can share tags so that anyone searching or browsing for items can find them based on common tags. For example, members collaborating on a project can tag all related work with a particular term. Although tags are available to anyone who has access to the item, when you create tags you can designate them to be private .

The tags feature is an Oracle WebCenter service.

Tags are fully described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces. As you read that guide, note the following points:

Understanding Tags

Aside from the Tags icon and the Tag Center dialog box, tags are available in Oracle Fusion Applications from applicable Oracle Fusion Applications Search results. The search considers tags in finding matching results. The search results do not indicate the number of times a particular tag was applied, and not all searches retrieve private tags. You can access the Tag Center dialog box from the global area or other places in Oracle Fusion Applications, for example in Oracle Fusion Applications Help. The Tag Center shows all tags, not only those relevant to what you are working on. For example, the tag center in Oracle Fusion Applications Help displays all tags, not only the tags for help files. Use tags to do the following actions:

Activity Streams in Oracle Fusion CRM: Highlights

Activity streams show a continuous view of activities from connections, actions in group spaces, and other business activities. For example, you might see that specific users have created, edited, or deleted specific business objects, such as customers or opportunities, and you can use activity streams to access more information about that user or object. Additionally, similar to social networking Web sites, the activity stream displays messages that other users want to broadcast.

Activity Stream is an Oracle WebCenter feature, available in Oracle Fusion Applications on the Welcome dashboard and various other locations within and without the context of spaces. The types of activities that are tracked vary depending on each Activity Stream region.

Setting Up Activity Streams

You can set up activity streams from the Navigator link by selecting Setup and Maintenance under Tools. In the Search: Tasks field, type "Activity". In the Search Results list select Set Activity Streams Options. Click the icon in the Go to Task column to open the Setup and Maintenance page. Expand Service Categories. In the rows for Customer and Opportunity select the following check boxes:

Understanding Activity Stream Security

Activity stream messages are only displayed to users who are:

Tracking Activity Streams

Users can start receiving activity streams for opportunities or customer records by accessing the Opportunity or Customer Edit page. Under the header, click Follow. The system starts displaying the activity stream for changes to the records that the user is following. When using activity streams, note the following points:

Liking and Commenting in an Activity Stream

Activity Stream and Oracle WebCenter Spaces

Activity streams are described fully in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces. As you read that guide, note the following points:

Using Profiles

In an activity stream message, click a person's name or picture to open the Portrait tab giving general information about that person, such as contact information and areas of expertise. If you click on your own name or picture, then the My Portrait tab opens, showing more detailed, human resources-related information about you, such as your professional development goals.

Blogs in Oracle Fusion CRM: Highlights

Blogs are typically personal records of an individual user's experience and opinions. The word "blog" is a contraction of the term "Web log". In Oracle WebCenter Spaces, you can create blogs to group related blog posts, for example to group topics by the same author or related subjects.

In Oracle WebCenter Spaces, each blog contains various blog posts, with the most recently added blog post displayed at the top. In a Blog page style mode, the Archives pane on the right provides controls for navigating to blog posts. Blog posts are categorized automatically by year and subcategorized by month. Next to the date of a year, the number in parenthesis represents the total number of blog posts created during that year. The number next to a month represents the total number of blog posts created during that month. For example, the designation December (2) shows that two blog posts were created in the month of December. Clicking any month displays all blog posts that were created during that month. You can view all blog posts available in a blog, regardless of the month or year they were created, by clicking the View All link. If there are more blog posts than can be displayed on one page, typically 10 posts, you can use the Next and Previous buttons to navigate through the list of blog posts.

See Also

FAQs for Define Social Networking

How can I enable social networking features?

Set the Social Networking Features Enabled profile option to "Y" on the Manage Social Networking Profile Option Values page. If you enable this profile option, users can access the following features:


If you disable social networking features, users can continue to access the bookmarks they created from the Bookmarks region in the Activities and Interests card on the My Portrait tab. Also, the spaces that users are a member of continue to appear in the Spaces region.