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WseeCore Subsystem Messages

The WseeCore1.0 catalog contains messages in the range BEA-220500 - BEA-221999. Messages in this catalog are part of the weblogic.wsee Internationalization package and the weblogic.wsee Localization package.


Error: An unexpected error occurred: error


An unexpected error occurred. Please contact Oracle support and provide details of the exception and stack trace.




Contact Oracle support


Warning: The service port portName bound to https transport in service serviceName is NOT available, the https address cannot be resolved because SSL is not enabled for the server. The service port definition will be removed from WSDL that is being accessed through wsdlURL.


The service port portName bound to https transport in service serviceName is NOT available, the https address cannot be resolved because SSL is not enabled for the server. The service port definition will be removed from WSDL that is being accessed through wsdlURL.


While a WSDL is being retrieved through http protocol, the server requires replacing the service port address in WSDL with the actual address for the server. For any web service which defines one or more service ports bound to https transport, if the domain does not enable SSL functionality then the service port address could not be replaced correctly because https address for the server cannot be resolved.


Enable SSL functionality for the server.


Info: The Wsee Service is starting


The Wsee Service is starting


This is an info message. No cause is needed


No action required. This is an info message.


Info: The Wsee Service is stopping


The Wsee Service is stopping


This is an info message. No cause is needed


No action required. This is an info message.


Info: The Wsee Service is halting


The Wsee Service is halting


This is an info message. No cause is needed


No action required. This is an info message.


Warning: Implicit/generated Client Identity clientId has been used in multiple calls to Service.getPort()/createDispatch() where these calls have used different services and/or sets of features. Monitoring statistics for this client will include all these different usages. Validation failures were: msg


Implicit/generated Client Identity clientId has been used in multiple calls to Service.getPort()/createDispatch() where these calls have used different services and/or sets of features. Monitoring statistics for this client will include all these different usages. Validation failures were: msg


WebLogic JAX-WS web service clients are assigned a unique identity that is intended to represent the business purpose of that client. This identity can be specified directly using weblogic.jws.jaxws.client.ClientIdentityFeature or it can be allowed to be implicit. Implicit identity is generated automatically based on environmental information at the point where a Port/Dispatch instance is created. Your code has received an implicit client identity that is getting used (again implicitly) across multiple services or sets of features. All statistics gathered for a given client instance are rolled up under the client instances client identity. If client instances using different services and/or feature sets contribute statistics to the same client identity, this can be confusing. It is even possible for clients to behave incorrectly when more advanced web service features are used.


Best practice is to create a specific client identity (with a name representing a logical business purpose) for the client and denote this identity by passing weblogic.jws.jaxws.client.ClientIdentityFeature to the call to Service.getPort/createDispatch. Further, it is recommended that you pass a single/global set of web service feature objects to that call (e.g. Create WebServiceFeature instances as static class members or in a method annotated with @PostConstruct for containers compatible with this annotation). The actual call to Service.getPort()/createDispatch() should still be made in any way that makes sense for your uses (e.g. calling getPort on demand in a web service method, with Service created as a static class member).

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