In the CRS Example 2 topology, there is a big box labeled Node1 in the top left corner and a corresponding box labeled Node2 in the top right corner. In the space between the nodes sit two boxes labeled VIP3VHN2 and a double-headed arrow labeled interconnect.

Both nodes contain the same components: CRS, Admin Server, and DB. Admin Server contains Admin Server and EM, while DB contains DB Ins. In Node1, the DB box is outlined in a dotted line, while the Admin Server box in Node 2 is outlined in a dotted line.

Below the node boxes are three disks, all labeled Shared Storage. Beneath the first cylinder are two boxes labeled Middleware Home and MW Instance Home. Beneath the second cylinder are two boxes labled DB Oracle Home and DB Data Files. Beneath the third cylinder are two boxes labeled DB Oracle Home and DB Data Files.

A solid arrow from the Admin Server in Node1 and a dotted line points from the Admin Server in Node2 point to the first Shared Storage.

A dotted arrow from the DB in Node1 and a solid arrow from the Admin Server in Node2 point to the second Shared Storage.

A dotted arrow from the Admin Server in Node1 and a solid arrow from the Admin Server in Node2 point to the third Shared Storage.