This graphic depicts the topography of servers processing a request with Oracle HTTP Server. A hardware load balancer receives requests and passes them to either WEBHOST1 or WEBHOST2 on the web tier. WEBHOST1 and WEBHOST2 are represented by parallel columns and have almost identical structures. Clusters are represented by grey boxes that bridge the gap between the two columns and contain elements from both columns.

A firewall divides the web tier from the applications tier, where APPHOST1 and APPHOST2 contain BI SERVER 1 and BI SERVER 2, respectively. The BI SERVERS are part of a shared WLS Cluster. Both BI SERVERS contain a series of boxes labeled BI EE, BI Publisher, Provider Services, Workspace, and Financial Reporting. APPHOST1 contains a bubble labeled VIP1, which communicates with APPHOST2. APPHOST2 contains a bubble labeled VIP2 that communicates with APPHOST1.

Outside of the WLS Cluster are five clusters that include a box on APPHOST1 and a separate but functionally identical copy on APPHOST2. These shared clusters are represented by boxes labeled Presentation Server, Java Host, Cluster Controller, Scheduler, and BI Server.

Both APPHOST1 and APPHOST2 have a box sectioned into Essbase and Administration Server below the shared clusters. These boxes are not in a shared cluster and stand alone in their respective APPHOST. APPHOST1's box is highlighted in grey and has a green bubble below it labeled VIP0. APPHOST2's box is outlined in a dotted line and colored the same as the background.

A firewall divides the apps tier from the data tier. A disk labeled Shared Storage is in line with the WEBHOST1 and APPHOST1 column. A bulleted list above the disk reads Essbase Repository, Oracle BI Presentation Catalog, Query Cache, RPD, and Scheduler Scripts. An arrow from the Presentation Server in the applications tier points to the Shared Storage disk.

On the WEBHOST2 and APPHOST2 side, a cluster of disks labeled Oracle RAC Database has an arrow pointing to it from the BI Server in the applications tier. A green bubble labeled VIP sits on the arrow's path on the data tier side. A bulleted listed above the Oracle RAC Databse disks reads BI Repository and Enterprise Database.