The figure shows an example configuration for shared storage with multiple volumes for WebCenter Portal. The top of the figure are representations of SOAHOST1 and SOAHOST2. The lower part of the diagram illustrates the storage volumes. Vol1: TX Logs, JMS persistent stores, Vol1: MW_HOME1: AdminServer, WLS_SOA1, WLS_WSM1, WC_Spaces1, WC_Portlet1, WC_Collaboration1, WC_Utilities, WLS_WCC1, WLS_IBR1. Vol2: MW_HOME2: WLS_SOA2, WSM_WSM2, WC_Spaces2, WC_Portlet2, WC_Collaboration2, WC_Utilities2. Vol3: WebCenter content files, Inbound Refinery Files. Vol1 DOMAIN CONFIG ADMIN: AdminServer, DOMAIN CONFIG MANAGED SERVERS1. Vol2 DOMAIN CONFIG MANAGED SERVERS2.