16 Oracle WebCenter Application Adapters

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle WebCenter application adapters. It includes the following topics:

16.1 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

This section describes configuration issues and their workarounds. It includes the following topics:

16.1.1 Populating the AXF_MA_PARAMETERS Table to Pass Extra Metadata Values (Managed Attachments)

This section provides additional information on passing extra metadata values from a business application to Content Server for an Oracle E-Business Suite Forms configuration, as described in "Passing Extra Metadata Values From a Business Application to Content Server" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Application Adapters for Oracle Enterprise Content Management.

To populate the AXF_MA_PARAMETERS table, use a script similar to the following:

Example 16-1 PL/SQL Script to Populate the AXF_MA_PARAMETERS Table

  FOR x1 IN
  (SELECT fndid, block_name FROM axf.axf_fnd_map WHERE FORM_NAME = 'APXINWKB')

Note that this script creates many new rows in the AXF_MA_PARAMETERS table. You can use the script for other forms by changing the form_name parameter (APXINWKB). You can also change the metadata field (xIDNumber) to another field. If pulling a different field value from the Oracle E-Business Suite form (xl.block_name and INVOICE_NUM), replace these settings.

16.2 Documentation Errata

This section describes documentation errata. It includes the following topic:

16.2.1 Incorrect Default Document Type Specified

In the section "Customizing the Document Type Used For New Attachments" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Application Adapters for Oracle Enterprise Content Management, the entry used to specify the default document type is incorrect: afDocType should be replaced with dDocType.

16.2.2 dPrivilege Parameter in AFGrants Table Incorrectly Identified as Optional

In the section "AFGrants Table" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Application Adapters for Oracle Enterprise Content Management, the dPrivilege table entry incorrectly states that the dPrivilege parameter is optional. This parameter is required. If not specified, the access level specified for the AppAdapterGrantPrivilege configuration variable is used.