2 Preparing to Migrate AIA Artifacts to AIA 11g Release 1

This chapter describes how to prepare your migration environment, lists the prerequisites, and describes how to deploy Oracle Application Integration Architecture (AIA) components as Web Archive (WAR) files.

In Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1, any SOA composite can be deployed by referring to the abstract WSDL. This allows AIA projects to be migrated independently and in any order.


Migrate all the services in AIA 2.4 or 2.5 to AIA 11g R1. AIA does not support services that are migrated and deployed on AIA 11g R1 to make call to the AIA 2.5 or AIA 2.4 services. The services that are migrated cannot have references to AIA 2.4 or AIA 2.5 services.

This chapter includes the following sections:

2.1 Preparing Your Migration Environment

This section includes the following topics:

2.1.1 Preparing a Certified Database for the Migration

AIA Foundation Pack 2.4 and 2.5 installations use a database to make the best use of the following:

  • Storing cross-reference data.

    Cross-references enable you to dynamically map values for equivalent entities created in different applications. When you create or update objects in one application, you may also want to propagate the changes to other applications.

    For example, when a new customer is created in one of your applications, you may want to create a new entry for the same customer in another application. However, the applications you are integrating may be using different entities to represent the same information.

  • Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) for message persistence (only available for use with Oracle Database).

  • Storing AIA system registration and error notification information.

When migrating to AIA Foundation Pack 11g Release 1, AIA recommends using a fresh installation of the database and then migrating data from the existing AIA Foundation Pack 2.4 or 2.5 environments.

Another option is to have an existing 10g SOA database hosting the AIA instance to be upgraded to the 11g Release 1. Oracle databases do support two types of database upgrade: side-by-side migration or grace period cutover migration.

For more information, see the Oracle Database 11g Upgrade Guide.

If you have selected an existing 10g database for the upgrade, you must ensure that all in-flight instances are allowed to complete before the database upgrade.

For information about database and Oracle Fusion Middleware certification for Foundation Pack on each platform, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/ias/downloads/fusion-certification-100350.html.

2.1.2 Preparing Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 for Migration

When migrating to Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 you must use a fresh installation of Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1. Oracle Fusion Middleware enables enterprises to create and run agile, intelligent business applications while maximizing IT efficiency through full utilization of modern hardware and software architectures.

For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Planning Guide.

Set up the Oracle Fusion Middleware environment for AIA Foundation Pack 11g Release 1.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation and Upgrade Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack.

2.1.3 Preparing AIA Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 for Migration

Foundation Pack is a prebuilt integration solution that provides the programming model, best practices, and application-independent data model, as well as supporting tools to implement, test, diagnose, and govern your service-oriented architecture.

To migrate your existing services and integrations to the 11g R1 platform, you must use a fresh installation of AIA Foundation Pack 11g Release 1.

For information about how to install AIA Foundation Pack 11g Release 1, see "Understanding the Oracle AIA Foundation Pack Installation Process" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation and Upgrade Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack.

2.1.4 Preparing Oracle Enterprise Repository 11g Release 1 Setup for the Migration (Optional)

Oracle Enterprise Repository is an optional component for AIA Foundation Pack and the Process Integration Packs. You can install and use AIA products without Oracle Enterprise Repository. If you want to use Oracle Enterprise Repository to obtain visibility into objects, services, composites, and so forth throughout the SOA lifecycle, you must purchase a Full Use License (FUL) for Oracle Enterprise Repository.

For information about how to install Oracle Enterprise Repository 11g Release 1, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository.

2.1.5 Preparing Oracle Service Registry 11g Release 1 for the Migration (Optional)

Oracle Service Registry is an optional component for AIA Foundation Pack and the Process Integration Packs. You can install and use AIA products without Oracle Service Registry.

For information about how to install Oracle Service Registry 11g Release 1, see "Installation Guide" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Service Registry product documentation at http://download.oracle.com/otndocs/tech/soa/OSR11gR1ProductDocumentation.pdf.

2.2 Before You Begin

The prerequisites for migration of the AIA 2.4 and 2.5 service artifacts are as follows:

  • Installation of Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1, including Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Database 11g Release 1.

  • Installation of AIA Foundation Pack 11g Release 1. As a part of the Foundation Pack, infrastructure services such as Error Handling, Composite Application Validation System (CAVS), Service Constructor, Project Lifecycle Workbench, and the AIA Migration Utility will be installed. Foundation Pack requires a new install and cannot be migrated from earlier versions.

  • Access to the AIA artifacts to be migrated.

  • All of the service references (adapter services, extension services, infrastructure services, and external web services, for example) should be reachable. In other words, the services should be up and running. If the services are not up and running, a copy of the abstract service WSDLs should be placed in the appropriate 2.4 or 2.5 service folder.

  • Ensure AIA 2.4 or 2.5 service projects are compilable, deployable, and executable on the 10g environment prior to migrating them to the 11g environment.

  • The 11g version of your custom adapters (binary) should be installed prior to the start of the migration process. For example, the BRM JCA installation should be done after the 11g FMW installation.

  • AIA components should be deployed as a .war file on the 11g server.

2.3 Creating and Deploying AIA Components as Web Archive (WAR) Files

The AIA 11g R1 recommendation is to migrate projects independently without needing the 10g server instance up and running. To avoid the dependency on the 10g server, you must deploy all the library components, namely AIA Components, as a war file onto the WebLogic Server.

To create and deploy AIA components as a .war file:

  1. Copy the Application Object Library artifacts and Enterprise Library of the corresponding application to the $AIA_HOME/AIAComponents folder if not already present.

    For example: If you are trying to migrate any provider or requester service in AIADemo in AIA FP 2.5, you may need to copy the ApplicationObjectLibrary/AIADEMO and AIADemoEnterpriseBusinessServiceLibrary folders from <$AIA10g_HOME>/samples/AIADemo/htdocs/AIAComponents to <$AIA11g_HOME>/AIAComponents.

    Then copy the entire AIA 10g library under AIAComponents into a local folder.

    For example:

    • For Windows: c:\Metadata

    • For Linux: /slot/ems1739/oracle/Metadata

  2. Create a subfolder named WEB-INF under c:\Metadata for Windows, or /slot/ems1739/oracle/Metadata for Linux. For example:

    • C:\Metadata\WEB-INF for windows

    • /slot/ems1739/oracle/Metadata/WEB-INF for linux

  3. Create a file named web.xml in the folder WEB-INF.

  4. Open web.xml using a text editor, add the following content, and save.

    <web-app xmlns:j2ee="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"></web-app>
  5. Create a file named weblogic.xml in the folder WEB-INF.

  6. Open weblogic.xml using a text editor, add the content shown in Example 2-1, and save.

    Example 2-1 Editing weblogic.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <weblogic-web-app xmlns="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/90">
  7. Create a file named build.xml in the folder c:\Metadata for Windows, or /slot/ems1739/oracle/Metadata for Linux.

  8. Open build.xml using a text editor and add the content shown in Example 2-2. Replace the content in square brackets [ ] with the values relevant to your environment and save.

    Provide the values for the bold attributes.

    Example 2-2 Editing build.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <project name="AIAComponentsAsWAR" default="copyAIAComponents" basedir="." >
       <target name="copyAIAComponents">
          <taskdef name="wldeploy" classname="weblogic.ant.taskdefs.management.
                <pathelement location="[JDEV install folder on your local 
          <jar destfile="AIAComponents.war">
             <fileset dir
             ="="[c:/Metadata (for linux /slot/ems1739/oracle/Metadata)]">
                <include name="**/AIAComponents/**"/>
                <include name="**/WEB-INF/**"/>
          <wldeploy action="deploy" name="AIAComponents" source ="[c:/Metadata (for
          linux/slot/ems1739/oracle/Metadata)]/AIAComponents.war" user=
           "[weblogic admin user name]"password="[weblogic admin user pwd]"
           verbose="true" adminurl="t3://[weblogic server host name]:[port num]"
           debug="true" targets="[WL_SOA_SERVER_NAME]" upload="true" 
          <echo message="- Deployment of AIAComponents.war completed"/>
  9. Set environment variable ANT_HOME to [JDEV install folder on your local machine]\jdeveloper\ant.

  10. Set environment variable PATH to $ANT_HOME\bin.


    Ensure that the admin and SOA servers are up and the Java path is set correctly before running the ant command. Without this configuration, the deployment may fail.

  11. In the command prompt window, change to directory to c:\Metadata (for Linux /slot/ems1739/oracle/Metadata).

  12. Run the ANT build file by executing the ant command. This builds and deploys AIAComponents as a .war file to the 11g Release 1 server.

    For example:

    • For Windows


    • For Linux

      -bash-3.00$ cd /slot/ems1739/oracle/Metadata

      -bash-3.00$ ant