What's New In This Guide

This section describes new Oracle WebCenter Application Adapter features. It contains the following topics:

New and Changed Features in 11g Release 1 (

This section covers the following topic:

Managed Attachments Integration With Oracle WebCenter Capture 11g (

You can configure the adapter to direct the Oracle WebCenter Capture application to scan a document and pass in document metadata values. This allows users to scan documents or import files from the Managed Attachments page and attach them to the selected business application record.

In previous releases, you could direct the Oracle Distributed Document Capture 10g application to scan or import from Managed Attachments. With this release, you can integrate Managed Attachments with the Capture 11g or 10g applications. For information about Managed Attachments integration with Capture 11g, see Section 7.9.

New and Changed Features in 11g Release 1 (

This section covers the following topic:

Managed Attachments Solution Features Added (

The following table describes new Managed Attachments solution features included with the application adapters.

Managed Attachments Solution Features Description Refer To

Role specific configuration

Role specific configuration entry has been added to the Managed Attachments Administration page which allows you to control the configurable features and button visibility, based on roles assigned to the user.

Section 7.6.1

Business context specific configuration

Business context specific configuration has been added to the Managed Attachments Administration page which allows you to control the configurable features and button visibility by passing the businessObjectContext from the business application.

Section 7.6.2

Configuration settings order of precedence

The order of precedence of the configuration settings, from highest to lowest is: role specific, business context specific, application entity specific, application instance specific, and global.

Section 7.6.1

Support for new search engine

A new search engine called DATABASE.METADATA.AFLIST.STANDARD has been added, providing flexibility in listing documents.

Unlike the DATABASE.METADATA.AFLIST engine, which displays released and unreleased documents, DATABASE.METADATA.AFLIST.STANDARD displays released documents only.

Section 7.5.1

New and Changed Features in 11g Release 1 (

This section covers the following topics:

BPEL Imaging Solution Features Added (

The following table describes new BPEL Imaging solution features included with the application adapters.

BPEL Imaging Solution Features Description Refer To

Administration interface (Solution Editor) for making web tool changes

After solution configuration, use the Solution Editor in Imaging to quickly make changes to the user interface components without directly modifying the underlying tables. For example, change BPEL views available in the Task List, task actions listed in the Task Viewer, or enumeration values available on an Enumeration Picker page.

Section B.2.1

Account Distribution Coding Form

This AXF web interface allows for entering and selecting detailed document information, including line-item level values. The invoice processing solution accelerator uses the coding form to provide an account distribution entry form for qualified users to enter codes for non-PO invoices.

Section B.2.6

Using Imaging with OAF applications

Optionally you can provide access to the Imaging solution instead of the Managed Attachments solution on OAF (Oracle Application Framework) pages. For example, include a button that allows users to access the supplier maintenance functionality available in the Imaging solution.

Section 2.3.3

Searching for tasks in the Task List

If viewing many tasks in a Task List, users can search for a specific task by a key identifier. For example, users might search for an invoice task by its invoice number.

"Searching for Tasks" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Using the Application Adapters for Oracle WebCenter

Sorting tasks in the Task List

End-users can sort the Task List in ascending or descending order by clicking a column heading.

"Sorting Tasks" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Using the Application Adapters for Oracle WebCenter

Managed Attachments Solution Features Added (

The following table describes new Managed Attachments solution features included with the application adapters.


For information about additional certifications, such as for Oracle E-Business Suite or Oracle PeopleSoft plug-ins, see supported configuration and certification information at:


Managed Attachments Solution Features Description Refer To

Support for Oracle E-Business Suite OAF applications

Integrate Managed Attachments functionality into OAF (Oracle Application Framework) pages by adding a Managed Attachments button via page personalization and configuration.

Section 2.3

Support for configuring Managed Attachments on other business applications

Using the Enterprise Application Adapter Framework component, integrate Managed Attachments functionality into a business application other than Oracle E-Business Suite or Oracle PeopleSoft.

Section 7.4

Administration interface for customizing Managed Attachments functionality

As an alternative to editing the preferences.hda file, use this interface to configure global variables and add attachment relationships and entity-specific configurations.

Section 7.5.1

Customization variables added

  • AppAdapterCheckinPrivate: Enables you to make private document check-in the default when users check in documents, instead of shared.

  • AppAdapterExtraCheckinMetadata and AppAdapterExtraScanMetadata: See item that follows in this table regarding passing extra metadata.

  • AppAdapterHelpIconVisible: Enables you to display or hide the user Help icon on the Managed Attachments page.

  • AppAdapterViewUnreleased: Enables you to display or hide documents in the attachments list before they are released.

In addition, ResultCount (number of attachments to display per page) and SearchEngineName (search engine to use) are now variables you can set and modify on the Configure Managed Attachments page.

Section 7.5.1

Pass extra metadata for use in Content Server

Enables you to pass metadata on the AXF grant call to be prepopulated during checkin.

Section 7.6.16

Simplified URL displayed to end-users

A ticket mechanism now hides detail such as business object IDs from end-users on the Managed Attachments URL.


CSF enhancements in the Managed Attachments security model

You must now store administrator credentials in a credential store framework (CSF) using a configurable key name.

The Managed Attachments solution compares the user name sent by Oracle E-Business Suite or Oracle PeopleSoft in the Web Services call with the user name stored in the CSF. If the administrator user names do not match, an exception occurs that prevents access to the Managed Attachments page.

Section 7.7.1

Resize Oracle PeopleSoft Popup Solution Windows

You can change or remove the default system-wide size for all Oracle PeopleSoft popup windows that display as part of solutions.

Section 6.4.12 and Section 7.6.17

Private attachments security group configurable for specific business entity

On a per entity level, you can override the default security group for private attachments, and assign documents to an alternate private attachments security group.

Section 7.6.18

Users can search within the attachments list

If viewing many attachments on the Managed Attachments page, users can perform a search within the attachments list (for example, search for a document by its name).

"Searching Within the Attachments List" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Using the Application Adapters for Oracle WebCenter.