95 Creating Adapters and Plug-Ins

This chapter provides instructions for creating a complete integration solution to support content delivery from any source system to WebCenter Sites.

This chapter contains the following sections:

95.1 Overview of Creating Adapters and Plug-Ins

Creating an adapter and plug-in involves the following steps:

  1. Implementing the pluggable interfaces that are provided within Content Integration Agent.

  2. Registering the implementation(s) with the Content Integration Agent runtime system.

  3. Registering javafacility in order to enable the Java Virtual Machine to delegate calls from the C++ Agent runtime to Java code.


A custom plug-in can be used with any adapter. You can implement and deploy as many plug-ins as necessary.

Before a custom adapter (or plug-in) can be successfully used, the data model for the publishable objects must exist on the WebCenter Sites system and be mapped to the WebCenter Sites system. The following steps are required:

  1. Reproduce the objects' metadata in WebCenter Sites by creating a dedicated flex family (or re-using an existing flex family) to store the object types, their attributes, and the objects themselves.

  2. Map object types and attributes to their respective flex family asset instances (created in the previous step). The map can be created directly in the adapter implementation, or in the mappings.xml file.

95.2 Creating a Java Source Adapter

Publishing from an unsupported source system to WebCenter Sites requires you to create a Java-based source adapter. A plug-in is not required unless objects retrieved by the adapter must be processed before they are published.


If you are using a relational database, implement custom views or custom queries in order for the adapter to work.

To create a Java source adapter 

  1. Implement the adapter:

    Implement the IConnector, IProviderSession, IRepository, and IItem interfaces. You can optionally implement the InputStream interface if items on your source system have primary binary content.

    Figure 95-1 shows the relationships among the interfaces. The entry point for the adapter's code is a factory class: the IConnector interface implementation.

    Figure 95-1 Adapter and Plug-in Class Diagram

    Description of Figure 95-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 95-1 Adapter and Plug-in Class Diagram"

    There are different phases in an adapter's lifetime. Depending on the phase, different methods are invoked. Figure 95-2 shows the sequence of calls during each phase.

    Figure 95-2 Source Adapter Calls Sequence

    Description of Figure 95-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 95-2 Source Adapter Calls Sequence"

    Analyzing Figure 3: Source adapter calls sequence

    The ID, which is passed to the getRepositoryByID function, is taken from one of the corresponding workspace elements in the catalog.xml file.

    Depending on what you pass to the cipcommander, one of the following functions is invoked:

    • If -source_itemid is passed, then getItemByID is invoked passing the itemid.

    • If -source_itemid is omitted, and -source_path is specified, then the getItemByPath function is invoked.

    • If neither -source_itemid or -source_path is specified, then the getTopFolder function is invoked. (In this case, the entire repository is published.)

    To ensure uniqueness, maintain a different versionid, itemid, and path for all items inside the same repository, and keep the names different for all items inside the same folder. The path must be in the form: <parent path>/<this item name>.

  2. Register the adapter:

    1. Register the IConnector interface implementation with Content Integration Agent by adding a 'connector' element to catalog.xml (located in integration_agent/conf/):

      <connector id="connector_id" name="connector_descriptive_name">
               <param name="className">connector_class_name</param>
      Parameter Description

      Any unique identifier.


      Any descriptive name (does not have to be unique).


      Name of the IConnector implementation created.


      Set of parameters that will be passed to IConnector.initialize during the call.

    2. Enable publishing by adding a new 'provider' element to catalog.xml:

      <provider id="provider_id" name="provider_descriptive_name">
            <connector-ref refid="connector_id"/>
      </ provider >
      Parameter Description

      Any unique identifier.


      Any descriptive name (doesn't have to be unique).


      Adapter's unique identifier.


      Set of parameters that will be passed to IConnector.login during the call.

    3. Deploy the adapter:

      Place the adapter's jar files into the folder <resource>/java/<connector_id>/lib, and the class files into <resource>/java/<connector_id>/classes.

      The <resource> folder is located within Content Integration Agent.

      On Windows: <resource> is <%INSTALLDIR%>

      On Unix: <resource> is <$INSTALLDIR/shared/cipagent>


      Adapter classes are loaded by different class loaders to prevent collisions with different implementations and loading/unloading features. We strongly advise placing all adapter jar and class files into the <connector_id> folder, instead of including them into the CLASSPATH environment variable, or the java.class.path property, or the jre/lib/ext folder.

  3. If you require a Java plug-in (to process items retrieved by the adapter), continue to section Section 95.3, "Creating a Java Plug-In." Otherwise, enable javafacility (to allow the Java Virtual Machine to delegate calls to Java code from the C++ Agent runtime). For instructions, see Section 95.4, "Enabling javafacility."

95.3 Creating a Java Plug-In


A custom plug-in can be used with any adapter. You can create and deploy as many plug-ins as necessary.

A plug-in is not required unless objects retrieved by the adapter must be processed before they are published to the WebCenter Sites system. The main purpose of a plug-in is to modify the metadata of retrieved items, add metadata to retrieved items, and reject items.

Creating a plug-in is similar to creating a adapter. The steps are as follows:

To create a Java plug-in 

  1. Implement the plug-in by implementing the IAssetHandler interface (in Content Integration Agent).

    The entry point for a plug-in is the IAssetHandler interface. This is the only interface which is directly used by the runtime system.

    In most cases ExtractMetadata is the only method you need to implement. Figure 95-3 shows the calls sequence in a plug-in's lifetime.

    Figure 95-3 Plug-in Calls Sequence

    Description of Figure 95-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 95-3 Plug-in Calls Sequence"

  2. Register the plug-in with Content Integration Agent.

    1. Add a new plug-in 'handler' element to the types.xml file (located in the integration_agent/conf/ folder):

      <handler id="handler_id">
      Parameter Description


      Custom plug-in's unique identifier.

      plugin-specific parameters

      Plugin-specific parameters that are passed when the plug-in is initialized.

    2. If you are using Content Interation Platform for EMC Documentum, complete this step. Otherwise, skip to step c.

      Enable the handler for the selected handler sets. Which handler set to use is specified during the publication initiation process. Each handler set contains the list of handlers, which are invoked during the metadata extraction phase in the Content Integration Agent. Handlers are matched by either MIME type or asset type.

      MIME type has the following form: <major type>/<minor type>

      (image/jpeg, for example). There is an option to use '*' for MIME types. It can be applied either to the minor part or the whole MIME type. For example, */* matches all assets, while text/* matches only text files.

      When using the IConnectorContext.guessMIMEType function, it will look into mimetypes.xml to get the corresponding MIME type for the supplied file extension. For example the call with "txt" parameter will produce the "text/plain" result.

      Asset types also support the '*' notation, which matches all asset types.

      If more then one handler matches a specific item, then both are invoked in the same sequence in which they are registered within the handler set used. If any of the matching handlers returns the null object from the IItem.extracMetadata call, then the item is discarded from future processing and not sent to the target adapter.

    3. Enable the custom plug-in for selected object types by adding "asset-type" elements to the types.xml file. Items for which this plug-in is invoked will be filtered according to MIME type.


      The asset-type element in the context of a plug-in is a MIME type group.

      <asset-type type="MIME_type">
               . . .
         <handler-ref refid="handler_id" />
      Parameter Description
      MIME type

      MIME type of the item for which this plug-in will be invoked. MIMEtype must be of the form <major_type/minor_type>, e.g., text/plain.

      A wild-card symbol (*) can also be used. For example:

      • To enable the plug-in for all text files, specify:


      • To enable the plug-in for all items, specify:



      File extension, e.g., .txt for text files. The file extension does not directly affect the plug-in selection process. However, it is used to "guess' the MIME type for those systems where MIME type is not directly available (e.g., file system).


      Custom plug-in's unique identifier (specified in the handler element, in the previous step).

    4. Deploy the plug-in:

      Place the plug-in's jar files into the folder <resource>/java/<plugin_id>/lib, and the class files into <resource>/java/<plugin_id>/classes.

      The <resource> folder is located within Content Integration Agent.

      On Windows: <resource> is <%INSTALLDIR%>

      On Unix: <resource> is <$INSTALLDIR/shared/cipagent>


      Plug-in classes are loaded by different class loaders to prevent collisions with different implementations and loading/unloading features. We strongly advise placing all plug-in jar and class files into the <plugin_id> folder, instead of including them into the CLASSPATH environment variable, or the java.class.path property, or the jre/lib/ext folder.

  3. If you created a custom adapter but have not enabled javafacility, continue to Section 95.4, "Enabling javafacility."

95.4 Enabling javafacility

Calling Java code from C++ Agent runtime requires a special facility named java to be registered in facilities.xml.

To enable javafacility 

  1. Verify that facilities.xml is not commented (facilities.xml is located in the integration_agent/conf/ folder).

  2. Add the following lines:

    <facility name="javafacility">
             <param name="VMArgparam_id">Java_VM_argument
             <param name="VMLibraryPath">VM_library_path</param>
Parameter Description

Parameter's unique id (any unique value). In order to pass multiple arguments to the JVM, construct multiple parameters with different param_id's.


Java VM argument to be passed to the Java VM created within the Agent runtime process.


<param name="VMArg0">-Xmx256m



Full path to the Java VM library (DLL or shared library) within the JRE/JDK installation.

For example, for Sun JDK on Windows, VM_library_path is either:




95.5 Troubleshooting and Debugging

When developing custom components for CIP, it is often helpful to see more than just the default logging messages displayed in the production environment. CIP Agent supports five different logging levels:

  • fatal

  • error

  • warning

  • info

  • debug

Use the instructions below to debug custom components in CIP.


Do not use the settings shown below on a production system, as they can slow down the system's performance.

  • Escalating the logging level in CIP Agent

    CIP is set to error by default. To increase the logging level, CIP Agent must run as a console executable:

    1. Stop the CIP Agent system service.

    2. Run the cipagent -t debug command.

  • Debugging Java custom components

    To debug custom Java implementations hosted within the Agent runtime, enable remote debugging in CIP Agent. For example, to start the remote debugger on port 7007 and suspend CIP Agent to wait until a debugger attaches, add the following lines to javafacility:

    <param name="VMArg1">-Xdebug</param>
    <param name="VMArg2">-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,
  • Escalating the logging level for Sites Agent Services

    To get more data about an error in the Sites Agent Services application, set the DEBUG level in the commons-logging.properties file for the com.fatwire.logging.csagentservices category. We also recommend setting the DEBUG logging level in the commons-logging.properties file for the com.fatwire.logging.cs.db category.