10 Performing Advanced Functions

While the Capture system administrator performs Capture system installation, configuration, and overall monitoring, you may need to occasionally perform advanced functions on workspaces to which you have workspace manager access. For example, you might import or export a workspace configuration, or release or export stuck batches.

This chapter includes the following sections:

10.1 Using Workspace Manager WLST Commands

Table 10-1 provides a subset of Capture WLST commands, and includes those commonly used by Capture workspace managers. For detailed information on using WLST commands, see Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

To run Capture WLST commands:

  1. Install and run the Weblogic Scripting Tool (WLST).

  2. Run Capture-specific WLST commands by invoking the wlst script (wlst.sh or wlst.cmd, depending on platform) located in the Capture Home directory inside Middleware Home (MIDDLEWARE_HOME/Oracle_ECM1/common/bin/wlst.sh or wlst.cmd).

    Below is an example Windows location:


    Below is an example Linux location:


    Either connect to the Oracle WebLogic Server managed server (default port 16400) on which the Oracle WebCenter Capture application is deployed, or connect to the Oracle WebLogic Server administration server and change your location to domainRuntime by executing the command:


    See "Using Custom WLST Commands" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

  3. Use the commands listed in Table 10-1 that begin with list to identify the workspace or batch to act on by its ID.

  4. Use the export, import, or unlock commands to act on the specified batch or workspace, as described in the sections that follow.

Table 10-1 Capture WLST Commands Typically Used by Workspace Managers

Capture WLST Command Description Syntax Example


Lists all workspaces (preceded by their IDs) to which you have access.


Command: listWorkspaces()

Output: 4 bills_workspace

2 certificates_workspace

5 receipts_workspace


Lists all batches for the workspace specified by its ID.









Displays a list of all locked batches for the workspace specified by its ID.





3 1 EXP1 AUSER AUSER_PC 01/01/13


Exports an entire workspace's configuration, including scripts, profiles, and jobs, to a specified xml file at the specified location.





Workspace successfully exported


Imports a workspace from an xml file generated with the exportWorkspace command. The workspace you import cannot exist in the Capture database.





Workspace successfully imported


Exports a specified batch, including images, documents, and metadata, to a specified XML file at a specified location.


Command: exportBatch(8,'/home/abc/batch8.xml')


Batch successfully exported


Deletes the batch lock record for the specified batch, and changes the batch to a Ready state so users can open it in the client.

Use the listLockedBatches command to display a list of locked batches for a workspace.


Command: unlockBatch('8')


Batch successfully unlocked

10.2 Exporting a Workspace Configuration

The exportWorkspace command allows you to output an entire workspace's configuration, including its definition, profiles, jobs, and scripts, to an XML file. When used with the importWorkspace command, the exportWorkspace command can be useful for transferring workspace configurations between environments, such as for testing purposes.

To export a workspace to an XML file:

  1. After connecting to the managed server or navigating to the domainRuntime, execute the listWorkspaces command to identify the ID of the workspace to export.

  2. Execute the exportWorkspace command, specifying the workspace ID to export and the file and location of the XML file to be written. See Table 10-1 for command details and an example.

10.3 Importing a Workspace Configuration

The importWorkspace command allows you to import an entire workspace, including its configuration (profiles, jobs, and scripts) and data (images, documents, and metadata) from an XML file created using the exportWorkspace WLST command. This can be useful for transferring workspace configurations between environments, such as for testing purposes.

To import a workspace from an XML file:

  1. After connecting to the managed server or navigating to the domainRuntime, use the listWorkspaces command to verify that the workspace to import does not already exist in the Capture system.

    If a workspace already exists, changes in the xml file are merged into the workspace.

  2. Execute the importWorkspace command, specifying the location and XML file to import. See Table 10-1 for command details and an example.

10.4 Releasing Locked Batches

You may occasionally need to free a batch that is locked to another user, so that it can be worked on.

To release a batch:

  1. After connecting to the managed server or navigating to the domainRuntime, use the listLockedBatches command to verify the ID of the batch to release.

  2. Execute the unlockBatch command, specifying the ID of the batch to unlock. See Table 10-1 for command details and an example.

10.5 Exporting a Batch

You may find it useful to export a batch, including its images, documents, and metadata, particularly for troubleshooting purposes.

To export a batch:

  1. After connecting to the managed server or navigating to the domainRuntime, use the listBatches command to verify the ID of the batch to export.

  2. Execute the exportBatch command, specifying the ID of the batch to export. See Table 10-1 for command details and an example.