3 Managing Workspace Elements

As a workspace manager, you create and manage the shareable workspace elements integral to capturing and processing document batches. These elements, such as metadata fields, choice lists, document profiles, and database lookups, are described in this chapter. You can also make use of these workspace elements in client profiles, processor jobs, and commit profiles.

This chapter includes the following sections:

For information about the client profile and processor workspace elements, see the following chapters:

3.1 Introduction to Workspaces and Their Elements

A workspace represents a complete Capture environment, containing metadata, configuration profiles, and physical data for a particular environment. Workspace managers can add, edit, copy, and delete workspaces.

Table 3-1 lists and describes the shareable Capture elements workspace managers work with in a selected workspace.

Table 3-1 Capture Elements to Manage in the Workspace

Capture Elements How You Manage Them Refer To

Workspace Users

Grant previously created Capture users or groups workspace manager or viewer access level to the selected Capture workspace.

Section 3.3

Metadata Fields

Create fields that client users or Capture processors populate with values for Capture documents. Configure how metadata fields are completed, such as choice lists or database lookups. Use metadata fields throughout the workspace.

Section 3.4

User Defined Choice Lists

Configure a metadata field to display a dropdown list of choices. With this type of choice list, you maintain the list of choices. Use choice lists in client profiles and processor jobs.

Section 3.5

Database Choice Lists

Configure a metadata field to display a dropdown list of choices. With this type of choice list, the choices come from a database search. Use choice lists in client profiles and processor jobs.

Section 3.6

Dependent Choice Lists

Configure dependencies between user defined or database choice lists, where the user's choice in a parent list affects the choices displayed in a linked child list.

Section 3.7

Database Lookup Profiles

Configure links to a database. For example, configure a lookup to search a database for a matching value, then return and populate Capture metadata fields. Use database lookups in client profiles or processor jobs.

Section 3.8

Batch Statuses

Create statuses that users or batch processors can assign to batches. Batch status can be used to filter which batches are displayed or acted upon.

Section 3.9

Document Profiles

For each type of document captured, specify the set of metadata fields that apply.

Section 3.10


Import JavaScripts for customizing functionality in the client or in a recognition or import processor job.

Section 3.11

Client profiles

Configure settings to be used by client users when they scan, import, and index documents in the Capture client.

Section 4.1

Import Processor jobs

Configure automated importing of documents from email, a monitored folder, or a list file.

Section 5.1

Document Conversion jobs

Configure automated conversion of non-image documents to image format.

Section 6.1

Recognition Processor jobs

Configure automated bar code detection, separation, and indexing of documents.

Section 7.1

Commit profiles

Configure how batches are output to a commit folder or content repository.

Section 8.1

3.2 Managing Workspaces

Below are some important points about managing workspaces:

  • Adding a workspace creates an entirely new Capture environment, to which you add elements such as metadata fields and client profiles.

  • You can also copy a workspace, which creates a new workspace with a different name based on the copied workspace's contents, but contains none of its batches or data. All configurations defined in the source workspace are included in the copy, including metadata fields, document profiles, client profiles, database lookups, choice lists, and processor jobs. Note that login credentials, such as an email account login in an email import processor job or a Content Server login in a Content commit profile, are not copied into the new workspace.

  • Editing a workspace refers to renaming it or changing its optional description; information about editing the selected workspace's elements is included throughout this chapter.

This section covers the following topics:

Figure 3-1 Workspaces Pane for Managing Workspaces

Description of Figure 3-1 follows
Description of "Figure 3-1 Workspaces Pane for Managing Workspaces"

3.2.1 Adding, Editing, or Copying a Workspace

To add, edit, or copy a workspace:

  1. In the workspaces pane, click the Add button or select a workspace and click the Edit button.

    To copy a workspace, select one to copy and click the Copy button.

  2. Enter a name and optional description for the workspace, and click OK. The new or edited workspace displays in the workspace list.

  3. Select the workspace to edit its elements, as described in this chapter.

3.2.2 Deleting a Workspace

Deleting a workspace permanently removes all of its batch data and configurations, including profiles, processor jobs, and metadata settings.


Ensure that no batches are being processed before deleting a workspace. Deleting a workspace with batches in process could be harmful.

To delete a workspace:

  1. In the workspaces pane, select a workspace to delete and click the Delete button.

  2. When prompted, click Yes to confirm the deletion.

3.2.3 Filtering Workspaces

If you manage many workspaces, you may find it useful to limit the workspace list by filtering it. To filter the workspace list:

  1. In the workspaces pane, enter a filter in the Filter field.

    Enter the full name of the workspace, or use % as a wildcard to match one or more characters. For example, enter %capture% to display workspaces with capture in their names. Note that filters are case sensitive. Workspace descriptions are also searched.

  2. Click the Refresh button.

    The workspace list is displayed with the filter you specified applied.

To remove the filter, clear the contents of the Filter field, and click the Refresh button.

3.3 Managing Workspace Security

As described in Section 1.7.1, a workspace manager with access to a workspace can grant or remove other managers' or viewers' access to it on the Security tab. Note that managers and viewers must already have access to the workspace console itself, as described in Section 1.6.

This section covers the following sections:

Figure 3-2 Security Tab Displays Workspace Managers and Viewers With Workspace Access

Description of Figure 3-2 follows
Description of "Figure 3-2 Security Tab Displays Workspace Managers and Viewers With Workspace Access"

3.3.1 Granting Workspace Access to Workspace Managers and Viewers

To grant workspace access to another manager or a workspace viewer:

  1. Click the Security tab in a selected workspace.

    The Workspace Users table lists managers and viewers with access to the workspace, including yourself. To sort the User/Groups column, click one of the triangles in the column.

    A green check mark indicates an access level of Workspace Manager or Workspace Viewer.

  2. Click the Add button. The Add Security Member window displays.

  3. In the Capture Roles field, select Capture Workspace Manager to grant access to a manager or Capture Workspace Viewer to grant access to a viewer.

  4. In the left field below, select Search Groups to find users assigned Capture group roles, or select Search Users to find users assigned Capture user roles.

  5. In the adjacent text field, optionally search for a specific group or user name by entering a partial or full name. You can use the '*' character as a wildcard. Leave the text field blank to return all members. Click Search.

  6. From the search results, select one or more members (holding down the Ctrl key to select multiple members) and click Add. The added member displays in the table.

Figure 3-3 Granting Workspace Access to a Group or User Assigned a Capture Role

Description of Figure 3-3 follows
Description of "Figure 3-3 Granting Workspace Access to a Group or User Assigned a Capture Role"

3.3.2 Removing Workspace Access From a Workspace Manager or Viewer

Removing workspace access means that the manager or viewer can still access the workspace console, but the selected workspace is no longer available and visible to the manager or viewer.


You cannot remove your own workspace access. Each workspace must have at least one workspace manager with access.

To remove a manager's or viewer's workspace access:

  1. Click the Security tab in a selected workspace.

  2. In the Workspace Users table, select the manager or viewer whose access you want to remove.

  3. Click the table's Delete button. When prompted, confirm the deletion.

3.4 Managing Metadata Fields

An integral part of creating a workspace is defining its metadata fields. Client users enter values in these fields while indexing, and batch processors assign values to these fields during processing. Typically, users later search for documents in a content management system using these fields.

You can configure metadata fields in a variety of ways. Metadata fields can be required, which means they must be completed to be successfully output (committed). Metadata values can also be auto populated, derived from bar codes read by the Recognition Processor, selected from choice lists, or selected from a database lookup.

Figure 3-4 Metadata Fields Defined for a Workspace

Description of Figure 3-4 follows
Description of "Figure 3-4 Metadata Fields Defined for a Workspace"

This section describes the following topics:

3.4.1 Adding or Editing a Metadata Field

After adding a metadata field, you can use it throughout the workspace. Editing a metadata field changes it wherever it is used.

To add or edit a metadata field:

  1. Click the workspace's Metadata tab.

  2. In the Metadata Fields table, click the Add button. To edit a field, select it in the table and click the Edit button.

    The Metadata Field screen is displayed.

    Surrounding text describes metadata1.gif.
  3. In the Field Name field, enter a name for the metadata field.

  4. In the Data Type field, select a type for the field. You can choose: Alpha Numeric, Numeric, Date, and Float.

  5. To require that the field be completed, select the Required field. A document's required fields must contain values to be committed by the commit processor.

  6. Complete other fields as needed.

  7. In the choice list fields, identify previously created sources and choice lists for the metadata field. See Section 3.5.1 and Section 3.6.1.

  8. To configure a database lookup for a metadata field, see Section 3.8.1.

  9. When done, click Submit.

3.4.2 Deleting a Metadata Field

Deleting a metadata field permanently removes it from the workspace. If you delete a metadata field that is in use in a client profile or a batch processor, errors may occur at different stages of batch processing.

To delete a metadata field from a selected workspace:

  1. Click the workspace's Metadata tab.

  2. In the right pane, select the metadata field to delete from the Metadata Fields table, and click the Delete button.

  3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    The metadata field is removed from the workspace.

3.4.3 Configuring a Metadata Field's Input Mask

An input mask is a filter that controls what users can enter into a metadata field. For example, a mask might allow users to enter numbers but not alphabetic characters. If the user enters a character that does not conform to the mask, the application does not accept it.

To set up an input mask that controls what users can enter into a metadata field:

  1. Add or edit a metadata field as described in Section 3.4.1.

    To apply an input mask, the metadata field's data type must be Alpha Numeric, Numeric, or Float.

  2. In the Input Mask field on the Metadata field screen, enter any of the available mask characters listed in Table 3-2 (alphanumeric) or Table 3-4 (numeric or float).

    Any other characters you type are displayed exactly as typed.

  3. Click Submit to save the metadata field's settings.

  4. Use and test the metadata field's input mask in the workspace (for example, in a client profile).

Table 3-2 Alphanumeric Input Mask Characters

Mask Character Description


Requires a number to be entered.

' (single quote)

Escape character, used to escape any of the special formatting characters.


Accepts any letter, and converts it to uppercase.


Accepts any letter, and converts it to lowercase.


Accepts any letter or number.


Accepts any letter.


Accepts any character.


Accepts any hexadecimal character (0-9, a-f, or A-F).

Table 3-3 Alphanumeric Input Mask Examples

Input Mask Description Example


Social Security Number





Table 3-4 lists numeric and float input masks.

Table 3-4 Numeric and Float Input Mask Characters

Mask Character Description


Requires a digit to be entered.


Requires a digit to be entered. Zero shows as absent.


Include as a decimal separator or monetary decimal separator.


Include as a minus sign.


Include as a grouping separator.


Include to separate positive and negative subpatterns.


A DecimalFormat pattern contains a positive and negative subpattern; for example, "#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)". Each subpattern has a prefix, numeric part, and suffix. The negative subpattern is optional; if absent, then the positive subpattern prefixed with the localized minus sign ('-' in most locales) is used as the negative subpattern. That is, "0.00" alone is equivalent to "0.00;-0.00". If there is an explicit negative subpattern, it serves only to specify the negative prefix and suffix; the number of digits, minimal digits, and other characteristics are all the same as the positive pattern. That means that "#,##0.0#;(#)" produces precisely the same behavior as "#,##0.0#;(#,##0.0#)".

To allow the user to enter decimal values, you must create a format that forces at least one decimal (#.0#).For client users to change a number's sign, they must enter the number first, then press the + or the - key.

Table 3-5 Numeric and Float Input Mask Examples

Input Mask Description Example


Decimal Value





3.4.4 Configuring a Metadata Field's Display Format

A display format provides a way to ensure that data entered by users displays in a certain format. When the user moves to another metadata field, Capture changes the data display, if needed, to match the specified display format. For example, you might format a date field to display a standard date format. Note that the metadata value Capture saves is not changed.

To set up a display format that changes metadata value display:

  1. Add or edit a metadata field as described in Section 3.4.1.

    To apply a display format, the metadata field's data type must be Numeric, Date, or Float.

  2. On the Metadata field screen, click Select Display Format. Select from the available formats for the data type, listed in Table 3-6.

  3. Click Submit to save the metadata field's settings.

  4. Use the metadata field's display format in a client profile.

Table 3-6 Input Formats

Input Format Data Type Description



Number formatted using the system locale's currency.

General Date


A medium date followed by a medium time. Date display is determined by the system locale settings.

Short Date


Date using the system's short date format. Date display is determined by the system locale settings.

Medium Date


Date using the system's medium date format. Date display is determined by the system locale settings.

Long Date


Date using the system's long date format. Date display is determined by the system locale settings.

Short Time


Time using the 24-hour format; for example, 17:45.

Medium Time


Time in 12-hour format using hours and minutes and the AM/PM designator.

Long Time


Time using the system's long time format; includes hours, minutes, seconds.

General Number

Numeric, Float

Number with no grouping separator (for example, 7500).

Fixed Number

Numeric, Float

At least one digit to the left and two digits to the right of the decimal separator (for example, 7500.16).

Standard Number

Numeric, Float

Number with grouping separator, at least one digit to the left and two digits to the right of the decimal separator (for example, 7,500.16).

Date formats


Select from one of the following date formats:

yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm
MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss
dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm
dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss
MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm
MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss
yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm
yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm
dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss

3.4.5 Setting Metadata Fields to Auto Populate

You can configure metadata fields to automatically fill (populate) with certain values. For example, you might want to automatically populate a date field with a batch's scan date instead of having users enter it. Or, you might provide a default value for a field that users can change if needed.

Note that you can auto populate metadata fields without displaying them.

To configure a metadata field to auto populate:

  1. Add or edit a metadata field as described in Section 3.4.1.

  2. In the Auto Populate Type field on the Metadata Field screen, select a type for the metadata field. The available auto populate types depend on the selected metadata field's type, as listed in Table 3-7.

    Table 3-7 Auto Populate Types by Metadata Data Type

    Auto Populate Type Data Type Description

    Batch Name

    Alpha Numeric

    Populates the metadata field with the batch name assigned by Capture.

    User ID

    Alpha Numeric

    Populates the metadata field with the ID of the user to whom the batch was locked when the document was created.

    Computer Name

    Alpha Numeric

    Populates the metadata field with the name of the computer used when the document was created.

    Profile Name

    Alpha Numeric

    Populates the metadata field with the client profile used to capture the batch.

    Batch Status

    Alpha Numeric

    Populates the metadata field with the batch's assigned status (if any).

    Document Profile

    Alpha Numeric

    Populates the metadata field with the selected document's assigned document profile.

    Default Value

    Alpha Numeric, Numeric, Date, Float

    Populates the metadata field with the value specified in the Default Value field.

    Batch Priority

    Alpha Numeric, Numeric, Float

    Populates the metadata field with the batch's assigned priority.

    Scan Date


    Populates the metadata field with the date on which the document was captured.

    Current Date


    Populates the metadata field with the current date.

  3. If you selected Default Value as the auto populate type, enter a value in the Default Value field.

  4. Click Submit to save the metadata field's settings.

  5. Use and test the metadata field's auto populating in the workspace (for example, in a client profile).

3.4.6 Configuring Regular Expression Validation

A regular expression ensures that data entered matches a certain format. For example, to match a value of a, b, or c, you would enter:


Note that regular expressions in metadata fields apply only to alphanumeric type fields. For more information, refer to documentation relating to using and formatting regular expressions, such as the following:


To configure and test a regular expression:

  1. Add or edit a metadata field as described in Section 3.4.1.

  2. On the Metadata field screen, enter an expression in the Regular Expression field.

  3. Test the regular expression. Enter a sample value in the Sample Value field and click Validate. A result of valid or invalid displays next to the Results read-only field.

  4. Click Submit to save the metadata field's settings.

  5. Use and test the metadata field's regular expression in the workspace (for example, in a client profile).

3.5 Managing User Defined Choice Lists

A choice list provides users with values from which to choose. Use choice lists to standardize specific metadata field values or speed up indexing and prevent data entry errors. You create choice lists on the Metadata tab, then select them in the client profile or processor job. This allows you to use the same choice list in multiple Capture areas.

You can create these types of choice lists:

  • User-Defined Choice Lists. Use this type to enter and maintain values in Capture. Note that you can import choice list values into the Capture database from a text file as well as export choice list values to a text file.

  • Database Choice Lists. Use this type to display choice list values dynamically retrieved from an external database. See Section 3.6.

Figure 3-5 User Defined Choice List with Correspondence Choices

Description of Figure 3-5 follows
Description of "Figure 3-5 User Defined Choice List with Correspondence Choices"

This section covers the following topics:

3.5.1 Adding or Editing a User Defined Choice List

Follow these steps to configure a user defined choice list for use in Capture. User defined choice lists are stored within the Capture database.

For example, you might create a choice list to allow users to select a correspondence type of Complaint, Satisfaction, Suggestion, or Other.

  1. Click the workspace's Metadata tab.

  2. Under User Defined Choice Lists, select Document Capture in the table and click the Edit button.

  3. On the Choice List Type screen, click the Add button to add a choice list, or edit one by selecting it and clicking the Edit button.

  4. On the Capture Choice List screen, enter a name in the Choice List Name field (for example, Correspondence Type choice list). Select a type in the Data Type field (Alpha Numeric, Numeric, Date, or Float).


    To display the choice list's values in a metadata field, the choice list must have the same data type as the metadata field.

  5. In the Choice List Items table, click the Add button to add a choice list item.

  6. In the Choice List Item Properties window, enter a choice list value in the Item Value field.

    To display one value to users but commit another, enter a different value in the item's Display Value field. To display the same value to users, click OK without entering a value in the Display Value field. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to add additional choice items.

    For information about importing or exporting values, see Section 3.5.2 or Section 3.5.3.

  7. Using the up and down or sorting ascending and descending arrow buttons, order choice list items as you want them displayed in the choice list.

  8. Click Submit.

    The new choice list is displayed in the Defined Choice Lists table. Click Close.

  9. Use the choice list in Capture. See Section 3.5.5.

    To use the choice list in a metadata field:

    1. Add or edit a metadata field, as described in Section 3.4.1.

    2. On the Metadata Field screen, select Capture Source in the Choice List Source field.

    3. In the Choice List field, select the choice list you created.

    4. Select the Locked field, if needed. In this case, locking the metadata field prevents users from entering a value into the choice list field.

3.5.2 Importing Values From a Text File Into a Capture Choice List

Follow these steps to import values from a text file into a user defined choice list. Capture imports UTF-8 text files delimited with carriage return/line feeds. Each line within the text file is imported as a choice list item.

  1. Add or edit a user defined choice list as described in Section 3.5.1.

    1. On the workspace's Metadata tab, select Document Capture in the User Defined Choice Lists table and click the Edit button.

    2. In the Defined Choice Lists table, click the Add or Edit button to add or edit a choice list.

  2. In the Choice List Items table, click the Import button.

  3. In the Import Choice List Items window, click the Browse button, locate the file to import, and click Open.

  4. Select the Check for duplicates field to check for and eliminate duplicate values.


    Importing large choice lists takes longer when this option is selected.

  5. Click Process.

    Capture imports the values and displays items added and errors encountered in the Import Status area. To select a different file to import,

  6. Click Close.

3.5.3 Exporting Capture Choice List Values to a Text File

Follow these steps to export values from a user defined choice list to a text file. Capture writes a selected choice list's values to a delimited text file.

  1. Edit a user defined choice list as described in Section 3.5.1.

    1. On the workspace's Metadata tab, select Document Capture in the User Defined Choice Lists table and click the Edit button.

    2. In the Defined Choice Lists table, select a choice list and click the Edit button.

  2. On the Capture Choice List screen, click the Export button. A message displays asking if you want to open or save the export.txt file. Choose save options.

    The text file is written to the specified location.

3.5.4 Deleting a User Defined Choice List or Items

Deleting a choice list makes it unavailable in any client profile or processor in which it is used.

  1. Edit a user defined choice list as described in Section 3.5.1.

    On the workspace's Metadata tab, select Document Capture in the User Defined Choice Lists table and click the Edit button.

  2. To delete a choice list, select it in the Defined Choice Lists table and click the Delete button. Confirm the deletion.

  3. To delete a choice list item, select the choice list in the Defined Choice Lists table and click the Edit button. In the Choice List Items table, select an item and click the Delete button. Confirm the deletion. Click Submit.

3.5.5 Using User Defined Choice Lists in Capture

After creating one or more user defined choice lists, you can then:

  • Use them in Capture profiles or batch processor jobs, as listed in Table 3-8.

  • Define dependencies between them, as described in Section 3.7.

Table 3-8 User Defined Choice List Use in Capture

Capture Component Choice List Type How Used

Client Profiles

Choice List

Dependent Choice List

Use choice lists in metadata fields. See Section 3.4.1.

Create dependent choice lists, where a selection in the parent field determines the values displayed in the child choice list field. Create a dependency, then select it in a client profile (see Section 3.7.1).

Recognition Processor

Choice List

Assign a bar code value that matches a choice list value to a metadata field. See Section 7.4.1.

Content Server Commit Profile

Choice List

Dynamically assign a type, security and/or account based on a choice list metadata field value. See Section

3.6 Managing Database Choice Lists

A choice list provides users with values from which to choose. Use choice lists to standardize specific metadata field values or speed up indexing and prevent data entry errors. You create choice lists on the Metadata tab, then select them in a profile or processor job. This allows you to use the same choice list in multiple Capture areas.

You can create these types of choice lists:

  • User-Defined Choice Lists. Use this type to enter and maintain values in Capture. See Section 3.5.

  • Database Choice Lists. Use this type to display choice list values dynamically retrieved from an external database. This is useful when choice list values are subject to change, since a database choice list displays current values from a database table.

Figure 3-6 Database Choice List for Product Family List

Description of Figure 3-6 follows
Description of "Figure 3-6 Database Choice List for Product Family List"

This section covers the following topics:

3.6.1 Adding or Editing a Database Choice List

Follow these steps to configure a database choice list. Database choice lists provide choices from a linked database record.

To configure a database choice list, you need a data source, which is typically configured by a system administrator. You first connect to a data source and then identify how you want the database's values used. For more information about JDBC data sources, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuring and Managing JDBC Data Sources for Oracle WebLogic Server.

To add or edit a database choice list:

  1. Click the workspace's Metadata tab.

  2. In the Database Choice Lists table, select Database and click the Edit button.

  3. On the Choice List Type screen, click the Add button in the Choice List Sources table to add a source. To edit a source, select one in the table and click the Edit button.

  4. On the Choice List Source screen, enter a name for the source in the Choice List Name field (for example, Product source).

  5. In the JNDI field, enter the data source to connect to, and click Connect.

    After Capture connects to the source, it updates the Status field below the Connect button. Use the Defined Choice Lists table to add or edit a choice list that uses the source.

  6. Click the Add button in the Defined Choice Lists table.

  7. In the Database Choice List Properties window, enter a name in the Choice List Name field.

  8. In the Schema and Table fields, identify the schema and table from the data source to use for the choice list.

  9. In the Item Value field, identify the table column whose data will display in the choice list. In the Display Value field, enter an alternate value to display to users in the choice list; this value is often the same as the item value.

  10. In the Sort Order field, specify whether the data should display in ascending or descending order, and click OK.

    The choice list displays in the Defined Choice Lists table.

  11. Click Submit.

    You return to the Choice List Sources screen, with the new source displayed. Note that you can create additional choice lists for the data source you specified or create choice lists for other data sources.

  12. Use the choice list in Capture. See Section 3.6.3.

    To use the choice list in a metadata field:

    1. Add or edit a metadata field, as described in Section 3.4.1.

    2. On the Metadata Field screen, select the source you created in the Choice List Source field.

    3. In the Choice List field, select the choice list you created.

    4. Select the Locked field, if needed. In this case, locking the metadata field prevents users from entering a value into the choice list field.

3.6.2 Deleting Database Choice List Sources and Choice Lists

Follow these guidelines:

  • Deleting a choice list source makes it no longer available for creating choice lists and deletes all choice lists that use it.

  • Deleting a choice list makes it unavailable in any client profile or processor in which it is used.

To delete a database choice list source:

  1. On the workspace's Metadata tab, select the top Database entry in the Database Choice Lists table and click the Edit button. The list of sources displays.

  2. In the Choice List Sources table, select a source and click the Delete button. Confirm the deletion.

  3. Click Close.

To delete a database choice list:

  1. On the workspace's Metadata tab, select the choice list to delete in the Database Choice Lists table. (The choice list name displays in the Choice List column.) Click the Edit button.

  2. In the Defined Choice Lists table, select a choice list and click the Delete button. Confirm the deletion.

  3. Click Submit.

3.6.3 Using Database Choice Lists in Capture

After creating one or more database choice lists, you can then:

  • Use them in client profiles or batch processor jobs. See Table 3-9.

  • Define dependencies between them, as described in Section 3.7.

Table 3-9 Database Choice List Use in Capture

Capture Component Choice List Type Function

Client Profiles

Choice List

Dependent Choice List

Use choice lists (user defined and database) in metadata fields.

Create dependent choice list metadata fields, where a selection in the parent field determines the values displayed in the child choice list field.

Recognition Processor

Choice List

Assign a bar code value that matches a choice list value to a metadata field.

Content Commit Profiles

Choice List

Dynamically assign a type, security and/or account based on a choice list metadata field value.

3.7 Managing Dependent Choice Lists

In a choice list dependency, a parent field is linked to two or more child choice lists, one of which is displayed after the user makes a selection in the parent field. As shown in the example in Figure 3-7, when a client user selects Household from the Products parent metadata field, the dependent Subproducts child metadata field displays household subproducts from which to choose.

You create the dependent choice list and its associated choice lists on the Metadata tab, then select the dependent choice list in a client profile, as described in Section 3.7.1.

Figure 3-7 Dependent Choice List Result in Client's Metadata Pane

Description of Figure 3-7 follows
Description of "Figure 3-7 Dependent Choice List Result in Client's Metadata Pane"

Important Points About Choice List Dependencies

  • You can create choice list dependencies between Capture user defined choice lists, database choice lists, or between choice list types.

  • Create all choice lists you plan to link before creating a choice list dependency. At a minimum, you need a parent choice list, and two or more child choice lists.

  • Each item in a child list can be related to multiple parent items. For example, Supplies could be a child item to Household and Automotive subproducts.

  • You can create multi-level dependencies (for example, great grandparent, grandparent, parent, and child choice lists).

  • Only one choice list dependency may be assigned to a client profile. Multiple parent/child dependencies must be defined within a single choice list dependency.

This section covers the following topics:

3.7.1 Adding or Editing a Dependent Choice List

Follow these steps to create a parent/child dependency between choice lists.

  1. On the Metadata tab, create the choice lists. See Section 3.5 to create user defined choice lists or Section 3.6 to create database choice lists.

    You need at least three, including one to serve as the parent choice list and two or more child choice lists.

    In our example, we created the following user defined choice lists:

    Parent or Child Choice List Name Choices



    • Automotive

    • Household


    Automotive Subproducts

    • Cars

    • Motorcycles


    Household Subproducts

    • Bathroom

    • Kitchen

  2. On the Metadata tab, create the metadata fields to contain the choice lists (Section 3.4.1).

    In our example, we created a Products field to serve as the parent field and a Subproducts field to serve as the child.

    1. On the Metadata Field screen for the parent field, choose a source in the Choice List Source field. In the Choice List field, select the choice list you created as the parent in step 1. In our example, we chose Products as the choice list.

    2. On the Metadata Field screen for the child field, choose the parent metadata field in the Parent Choice List Field. In our example, we chose Products as the parent metadata field.

    3. To prevent users from typing in an entry instead of selecting a choice from the list, select the Locked field.

  3. On the Classification tab, create a document profile that uses the metadata fields you created in step 2 (Section 3.10.1).

    In our example, we created a document profile called Products that contained the Products and Subproducts metadata fields.

  4. On the Metadata tab, create the dependent choice list.

    1. Scroll near the bottom of the tab and click the Add button in the Dependent Choice Lists table. On the Dependent Choice List screen, enter a name for the dependency, such as Product/subproduct dependency.

    2. In the Defined Dependent Choice Lists table, click the Add button. Complete fields for the first dependent choice, by identifying fields for a parent choice list item (Household) and the child list that displays when the user selects it (Household Subproducts).

      Surrounding text describes choice_list_dependency6.gif.
    3. Click the Add button and complete fields for the second dependent choice, identifying another parent choice list item (Automotive) and the child list that displays when the user selects it (Automotive Subproducts).

      Surrounding text describes choice_list_dependency5.gif.
    4. Click OK.

      Surrounding text describes choice_list_dependency3.gif.
  5. Click Submit.

  6. On the Capture tab, add or edit a client profile that uses the document profile and choice list dependency you created (Section 4.2).

    1. On the General Settings train stop, select option 2 or 3 in the Profile Type field. Enter a name and batch prefix.

    2. On the Document Indexing Settings train stop, select the dependency you created in the Dependent Choice List field. Select the document profile you created in the Document Profiles field.

    3. On the Security train stop, grant a Capture user login access to the client profile.

    4. Click Submit to save the client profile.

  7. Test the choice list dependency in the client.

    1. Sign in to the client.

    2. Select the client profile you created and capture a batch.

    3. Expand the batch and select a document.

    4. In the metadata pane, try out the choice list dependency.

3.7.2 Deleting Dependent Choice Lists

Deleting a choice list dependency means it is no longer available for use in a client profile. Its associated choice lists and metadata fields are not affected.

To delete a dependent choice list:

  1. On the Metadata tab, select the dependency to delete in the Dependent Choice Lists table, and click the Delete button.

  2. When prompted, click Yes to confirm the deletion.

3.8 Managing Database Lookups

A database lookup searches an external database for a specified value (specified by a client user or a processor) and populates metadata fields from a matching database record. For example, you might configure a database lookup that searches a database for a matching customer ID, then returns the matching record's full customer name and address.

Database lookups can eliminate data entry of certain fields and ensure data integrity. They can also significantly speed up indexing and prevent errors. When used in a client profile, as shown in Figure 3-8, a user enters a value in a metadata field and clicks the Database Lookup button in the client window's document pane. Capture searches the specified database field for a matching value, and if found, automatically populates other specified metadata fields.

You configure database lookups for the workspace, then select them when configuring client profiles or processor jobs. Note these guidelines:

  • If a single matching record is found in the database, the fields are automatically populated, unless the client profile's Always Display Records field is selected. If Capture finds multiple values that match, it displays them in a results list from which the user chooses.

  • Capture provides flexibility in database searching. For example, you can configure multiple search fields, providing the user with multiple means of matching a database record. In addition, you can map metadata fields to different tables and views within a database.

Figure 3-8 Database Lookup in Use in the Client

Description of Figure 3-8 follows
Description of "Figure 3-8 Database Lookup in Use in the Client"

This section covers the following topics:

3.8.1 Adding or Editing a Database Lookup

To configure a database lookup, you need a data source, which is typically configured by a system administrator. You first connect to a data source and then identify how to search for matching values and values to return. For more information about JDBC data sources, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuring and Managing JDBC Data Sources for Oracle WebLogic Server.

To configure a database lookup:

  1. In a selected workspace, create the metadata field on which to configure the database lookup. Also create any metadata fields that the database lookup will populate. For more information, see Section 3.4.

    For example, you might create a database lookup that searches a Customer ID field and from a matching database record, returns and populates customer name and address fields.

  2. On the Metadata tab, scroll to the bottom. In the Database Lookup Profiles table, click the Add button. To edit a lookup, select one and click the Edit button.

  3. Select settings on the General Setting train stop.

    1. Enter a name in the Database Lookup Name field.

    2. In the JNDI Name field, enter the name of a data source to connect to, and click Connect. The status changes to Connected, followed by the source name.

  4. On the Search Fields train stop, use the Search Field Definitions table to identify the database field(s) to search for values matching those in Capture metadata fields.


    Capture metadata fields must have a data type that is compatible with the data type of the database fields whose values will be searched.

    1. Click the Add button or select a search field definition and click the Edit button. To delete a definition, select it and click the Delete button, and when prompted, confirm the deletion.

    2. In the Search Field Settings window, complete the fields.

      • In the Capture Field option, select the Capture metadata field on which to activate the database lookup.

      • For the database field, select its schema and table or view, then select the database field to search in the Database Field.

      • Use the remaining fields to specify search and sort options as needed.

      Figure 3-9 Configuring a Database Lookup's Search Fields

      Description of Figure 3-9 follows
      Description of "Figure 3-9 Configuring a Database Lookup's Search Fields"

    3. Repeat steps a and b to optionally set up additional search fields.

  5. On the Return Fields train stop, identify the database values to return from the database. You must specify return fields for each search field you defined in step 4.

    1. In the Return Field Definitions table, choose a field in the Search Field option adjacent to the buttons, and click the Add button.

    2. In the Return Field Settings window, select the Capture Field to populate from the list of metadata fields for the workspace.

    3. In the Database Field option, select the field to return from the list of fields in the specified table or view.

    4. Repeat steps a through c to configure each return field.

    5. In the Return Field Definitions table, use the up and down arrow buttons to order the fields in the order in which to return values.

    Figure 3-10 Configuring a Database Lookup's Return Fields

    Description of Figure 3-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-10 Configuring a Database Lookup's Return Fields"

  6. Click Submit to save the database lookup profile.

  7. Use the database lookup in a client profile or processor job. See Section 3.8.3.

    To use the lookup in a client profile:

    1. Add or edit a client profile, as described in Chapter 4. On the General Settings train stop, select a profile type of 2 - Capture and Index or 3 - Index Only.

    2. On the Document Indexing Settings train stop, select the lookup in the Database Lookup Profile field.

    3. On the Security train stop, grant a Capture user login access to the client profile.

    4. Click Submit to save the client profile.

    5. In the client, test the lookup by clicking the metadata field on which the lookup was configured; the Database Lookup button in the document pane should be active.

3.8.2 Deleting a Database Lookup or its Search or Return Fields

Deleting a database lookup makes it no longer available in client profiles or processor jobs if in use.

Follow these steps to delete a database lookup profile.

  1. In a selected workspace, click the Metadata tab.

    The Database Lookup Profiles table lists lookup profiles defined for the workspace.

  2. Delete or edit the lookup profile.

    To delete a profile, select it and click the Delete button. Confirm the deletion.

  3. To edit a profile, select it and click the Edit button. Select a train stop, make changes, and click Submit. For example, edit or delete the lookup's searching on the Search Fields train stop or its return values on the Return Fields train stop.

3.8.3 Using Database Lookups in Capture

After creating one or more database lookups, you can then use them as listed in Table 3-10.

Table 3-10 Database Lookup Use in Capture Components

Capture Component Function


Search a database for a matching record and if found, populate metadata fields with other values in the database record.

Import Processor

After importing images, search a database field for matching metadata values (from a list file) and populate metadata fields from the database table or view. See Section 5.9.

Recognition Processor

Search a database using a bar code value and populate metadata fields using values returned from it. See Section 7.7.

3.9 Managing Batch Statuses

The batch status feature provides a standardized method of assigning statuses to batches. On the Classification tab, you create a list of possible statuses for the workspace, which can be used in various ways in Capture.

This section covers the following topics:

Figure 3-11 Defining Batch Statuses for the Workspace

Description of Figure 3-11 follows
Description of "Figure 3-11 Defining Batch Statuses for the Workspace"

3.9.1 Adding or Editing a Batch Status

Adding a status to a workspace makes it available for assigning to batches in profiles or processor jobs and to users for assigning when working with batches.

To add or edit a batch status:

  1. In a selected workspace, click the Classification tab.

    The Batch Statuses table lists statuses defined for the workspace.

  2. Click the Add button to add a batch status. To edit a batch status, select one and click the Edit button. Note that editing a batch status changes it throughout Capture.

  3. In the Status field of the Add/Edit Batch Status window, enter a status and click OK.

3.9.2 Deleting a Batch Status

Deleting a batch status makes it unavailable to assign in client profiles and processors and for users to assign to batches.

To delete a batch status:

  1. In a selected workspace, click the Classification tab.

    The Batch Statuses table lists statuses defined for the workspace.

  2. Select the status to delete and click the Delete button. When prompted, confirm the deletion. The status is deleted and no longer available.

3.9.3 Using Batch Status in Capture

Below are ways you can use batch status in a workspace.

  • In a client profile, you can assign a default status that gets assigned to batches when they are created.

  • Client users can change batch status, selecting from possible statuses listed, or search for batches based on their status.

  • Some Capture batch processors can change batch status after successful or failed processing. Batch status can be output as metadata upon commit.

3.10 Managing Document Profiles

A document profile specifies the set of metadata fields, from those configured for the workspace, to use to index a specific type of document. For example, for a workspace configured for capturing Correspondence, Purchase Order, and Customer Agreement documents, you would likely create a document profile for each of these document types, and each would contain a different set of metadata fields. If users will scan batches that contain multiple document types, select each document profile in the client profile that may apply, so that indexing users can choose the document profile that corresponds to the document and index it accordingly.

When specifying document profiles during configuration (for example, when configuring a client profile), you can select one or more document profiles, all profiles, or the Default value. The default document profile contains all metadata fields defined for the workspace, and is useful for troubleshooting purposes.

This section covers the following topics:

Figure 3-12 Defining a Document Profile

Description of Figure 3-12 follows
Description of "Figure 3-12 Defining a Document Profile"

3.10.1 Adding or Editing a Document Profile

To add or edit a document profile:

  1. In a selected workspace, click the Classification tab.

  2. In the Document Profiles table, click the Add button.

    To edit a profile, select one and click the Edit button. Note that client users currently running the client do not see document profile changes until they sign out of the client and sign back in.

  3. Complete fields on the Document Profile screen.

    1. Enter a name for the document profile in the Name field.

    2. In the Metadata Fields list, select the fields to include in the profile, and move them using the arrow buttons. Use the up and down arrow buttons to order the metadata fields in the order in which an indexing user will read and index documents.

  4. Click Submit.

3.10.2 Deleting a Document Profile

Deleting a document profile makes it no longer available for use. For example, client users no longer see a deleted document profile in the metadata pane. Note that client users currently running the client do not see document profile changes until they sign out of the client and sign back in.

To delete a document profile:

  1. In a selected workspace, click the Classification tab.

    The Document Profiles table lists profiles defined for the workspace.

  2. Select a profile to delete and click the Delete button. Confirm the deletion.

3.10.3 Using Document Profiles in Capture

After creating a document profile for each document type to be indexed, you can select them in Capture areas where metadata fields are assigned, as listed in Table 3-11.

Table 3-11 Document Profile Use in Capture Components

Capture Component Function

Client Profile

Select one or more document profiles on the Document Indexing Settings train stop to allow users to select a document profile and complete its metadata fields. See Section 4.14.

Import Processor

Select the document profile to use to index imported documents. See Section 5.8.

Recognition Processor

Select the document profile to use to index recognized documents. You can even dynamically determine the document profile. See Section 7.5.

Commit Profile

Restrict the documents that the commit profile outputs by selecting one or more document profiles. When the commit profile runs, Capture only commits documents assigned the selected document profiles. See Section 8.5.

3.11 Managing Capture Scripts

Capture scripts are JavaScripts that enable you to customize Capture functionality in the following components:

  • Capture client

  • Recognition Processor

  • Import Processor

Typically, a Java developer writes one or more scripts, following instructions in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Scripts for Oracle WebCenter Capture. A workspace manager imports the scripts on the workspace's Advanced tab, then selects the script in a client profile or import or recognition processor job.

Figure 3-13 JavaScripts Imported for Use in Client Profiles or Processor Jobs

Description of Figure 3-13 follows
Description of "Figure 3-13 JavaScripts Imported for Use in Client Profiles or Processor Jobs"

This section covers the following topics

3.11.1 Importing or Changing a Script

Follow these steps to import or change a script:

  1. In a selected workspace, click the Advanced tab.

    The Scripts table lists JavaScripts imported for the workspace.

  2. Click the Add button. To change a script, select it in the table and click the Edit button. The Script screen displays.

  3. In the Type field, select the Capture component in which to use the script. You can choose: Capture Client, Recognition Processor, or Import Processor.

  4. In the Name field, enter a name to identify the script in Capture.

  5. In the Script File Name field, import the script file. Click Browse and locate the file.

  6. Click Submit. The imported script now displays in the Scripts table.

3.11.2 Exporting a Script

If needed, follow these steps to export a script in the Scripts table. For example, you might do this to verify or modify the script's behavior.

  1. In a selected workspace, click the Advanced tab.

  2. In the Scripts table, select a script to export, and click the Export Script button.

  3. From the open/save options that display, save the script file. The selected script is saved as a text (.txt) file.

3.11.3 Removing a Script

Removing a script from the Scripts table makes it unavailable for assigning to a client profile or processor job. Before removing a script, ensure that it is not being used by a client profile or job. If you remove a script that is currently assigned to a client profile, import job or recognition job, errors may result.

To remove a script:

  1. In a selected workspace, click the Advanced tab.

    The Scripts table lists JavaScripts saved for the workspace.

  2. In the Scripts table, select one or more scripts to remove.

  3. Click the Delete Script button. When prompted, confirm the deletion.

3.11.4 Using Scripts in a Client Profile

To use one or more scripts in a client profile:

  1. On the Advanced tab, import the script as described in Section 3.11.1, selecting Capture Client in the Type field.

  2. Click the Capture tab and add or edit a client profile as described in Section 4.2.

  3. On the client profile's Extension Profiles train stop, add, edit, delete, or order client scripts in the Extension Profiles table.

    1. To add a script, click the Add button. In the Extension Profile Setting window, enter a description, choose Capture Java Script Extension in the Extension Type field, and select the script. Repeat to include additional scripts.

    2. Use the up and down arrow buttons to reorder selected scripts. When a client profile is used, scripts are executed in the order shown in this table.

    3. Click Submit to save the client profile.

  4. In the client, test the client profile script's functionality.

3.11.5 Using a Script in a Recognition Processor Job

To use a script in a recognition job:

  1. On the Advanced tab, import the script as described in Section 3.11.1, selecting Recognition Processor in the Type field.

  2. Click the Processing tab and add or edit a recognition processor job as described in Section 7.2.1.

  3. On the recognition job's General Settings train stop, select the recognition script in the Script field. Click Submit to save the recognition job.

  4. Run the processor job to test the script's functionality.

3.11.6 Using a Script in an Import Processor Job

To use a script in an import processor job:

  1. On the Advanced tab, import the script as described in Section 3.11.1, selecting Import Processor in the Type field.

  2. Click the Capture tab and add or edit an import processor job as described in Section 5.2.

  3. On the import job's General Settings train stop, select the import script in the Script field. Click Submit to save the import job.

  4. Run the processor job to test the script's functionality.