This graphic shows the "Sites Information" report for the FirstSite II sample site. This "Sites Information" report contains two sections: "Page Views Chart" and "Summary." In this graphic, the "Page Views Chart" plots the number of times the FirstSite II site's page view was accessed in the last 7 days. The "Summary" list displays the performance indicator for the FirstSite II sample site along with the site's URL, the top ten countries from which site visitors have accessed the site, the asset types viewed within the last 7 days, the percentage of sessions that only registered a single request, the date on which the first data point within the last 7 days was captured (2009-06-07 Sunday, in this example), the date on which data was first captured (2009-06-08 Monday, in this example), the percentage of visitors who used Web browsers that supported JavaScript, the average duration of a page view on FirstSite II within the 7 day time period, and the average duration of a page view on FirstSite II from the time data capture for the site began until the present date.