4 Oracle WebCenter Content

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle WebCenter Content. It includes the following topics:

4.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

4.1.1 Site Studio Does Not Support Multibyte Characters in Site IDs, Directory Names, and Page Names

Oracle Site Studio does not support multibyte characters in any value that will be used in URLs, including site IDs, directory names, and page names.

4.1.2 Site Studio Publisher Does Not Support Multibyte Characters

Oracle Site Studio Publisher does not support multibyte characters.

4.1.3 Oracle WebCenter Content Servers and IPv6 Support

Oracle WebCenter Content servers are supported on IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack hosts, but not on"IPv6-only" hosts. The following topologies are supported:

  • Oracle Database on IPv4 hosts

  • Oracle WebCenter Content, Oracle WebCenter Content: Records, Oracle WebCenter Content: Inbound Refinery on IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack hosts

  • Client (browser) on either IPv4 or IPv6 hosts

4.1.4 Content Categorizer Trace Log Settings Discontinued

The Content Categorizer-specific execution trace log settings are discontinued. Use the Content Server System Audit Information facility instead. To enable Content Categorizer execution trace, enter contentcategorizer in the Active Sections control of the Tracing Sections Information section of the Admin System Audit Information page.

4.1.5 Extra Lines Displayed Viewing Contribution Folders in Internet Explorer 8

When using Folders in Internet Explorer 8 with default settings, IE8 adds extra lines. This is solved by opening the Compatibility View Settings dialog and unselecting the Display intranet sites in Compatibility View checkbox.

4.1.6 WebDAV Connection Fails After Logout or Restart

In Windows 7 and Windows Vista clients, after logging out and logging back in or after restarting, the Network Place used to access WebCenter Content over WebDAV may no longer work. This is solved by deleting and recreating the connection.

4.1.7 WinNativeConverter Requires .NET Framework

The Inbound Refinery component WinNativeConverter requires the vb.Net libraries included in the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package for a Windows operating system. This package is available from the Microsoft Download Center at:


Search for "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1" and download and install the dotnetfx35setup.exe on your Windows operating system.

4.1.8 Detailed Oracle OpenOffice Configuration Settings

When configuring Inbound Refinery to convert content using Oracle OpenOffice, additional configuration details can be found in the Oracle 10g release of the PDF Converter Installation and Administration Guide. The complete guide is available for download in either PDF or HTML format from Oracle Technology Network at the following URL:


Oracle OpenOffice configuration is detailed in the "OpenOffice" section of "Installing Third-Party Applications" in Chapter 4, "Installing PDF Converter" and can be accessed directly at the following URL:


Oracle OpenOffice configuration is detailed in the "OpenOffice" section of "Installing Third-Party Applications" in Chapter 4, "Installing PDF Converter" and can be accessed directly at the following URL:


4.1.9 Clarification When Setting Classpath to OpenOffice Class Files

In the Oracle Digital Asset Manager and Conversion Administration guide, chapter 2 "Managing Conversions" under the section "Configuring Content Server and Refinery Communication," step 2 asks you to enter:


Note that the true value for <OfficePath> is likely to include spaces and care must be taken when setting this in a Microsoft Windows environment.

Ensure that the paths are not enclosed in quotes, that slashes (/) are used for path separators and not backslashes (\), and that any space in the path is escaped using a backslash (\). For example, a properly formed classpath in a Windows environment could look like this:

JAVA_CLASSPATH_openoffice_jars=C:/Program\Files/OpenOffice.org\3/Basis/program/classes/unoil.jar:C:/Program\Files/OpenOffice.org\3/URE/java/ridl.jar:C:/Program\ Files/OpenOffice.org\3/URE/java/jurt.jar:C:/Program\ Files/OpenOffice.org\ 3/URE/java/juh.jar

4.1.10 Inbound Refinery PDF Conversion May Differ Visually from the Original Content

Oracle WebCenter Content: Inbound Refinery makes every effort to maintain the visual integrity and formatting of content being converted from its native format to PDF, but Oracle cannot guarantee that the resulting PDF will be an exact visual replication.

4.1.11 Mismatching User and Server Locales Prevent Access to Oracle E-Business Suite and PeopleSoft Managed Attachment Pages in WebCenter Content

For the Oracle E-Business Suite and PeopleSoft managed attachment function in WebCenter Content, users are not granted access to managed attachment pages if their user locale does not match the server locale, which means they cannot view these pages.

4.1.12 Connection Issues with Windows to WebDAV

Supported Windows operating systems may have difficulty connecting to a WebDAV server running over HTTP and using HTTP Basic authentication in some situations. To correct for this, you must edit the registry of the client computer to enable Basic authentication. For detailed information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 841215 at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/841215.

4.1.13 Manual Addition of xdoruntime.ear Library for Records Management

If the Records Management feature is installed in an Oracle WebCenter Content product, xdoruntime.ear library needs to be added manually from the Oracle WebLogic administration console after a domain is created. A reference to the library must be added to the weblogic-application.xml file of the Oracle WebCenter Content EAR file before the managed server is started for the first time.

To add xdoruntime.ear to the WebLogic WebCenter Content domain, follow these steps:

  1. After a domain is created, start the Admin Server only. If a managed WebCenter Content server has already been started, then the administrator will have to perform additional steps to add reference to the deployed WebCenter Content server instance later.

  2. Open WebLogic console in browser. Click on Deployments in the left pane. Browse the pages to check if there is already a xdoruntime.ear file in the WebLogic administration console. If it is already present, then no more steps need to be performed.

  3. If no xdoruntime.ear file is present, click Install on the Deployments display. A file selection dialog opens. Browse the available file system and select xdoruntime.ear in the following path:

  4. Click Next. The option page to select the file as library opens. Select "Install this deployment as a library" and click Next.

  5. The Target Selection Screen opens. Select all targets and click Next.

  6. The Deployment Name screen opens. In the Security section, select "DD Only: Use only roles and policies that are defined in the deployment descriptors." In the Source accessibility section, select "Copy this application onto every target for me" and click Next.

  7. In the Additional Configuration section, select "Yes, Take me to the deployment's configuration screen" and click Finish. The library is now deployed in the environment.

To reference the deployed library from the WebCenter Content Enterprise Application library, follow these steps:

  1. Extract the cs.ear file from the following path:

  2. In the extracted directory modify META-INF/weblogic-application.xml and add the following line for library reference:

  3. Create an archive file named cs.ear from the extracted modified directory and replace the file by the same name in the path it was retrieved from. This change will take for all undeployed WebCenter Content server instances.

  4. Start the managed server.

If the managed server has been started at least once after the domain has been created, complete the following:

  • Locate the weblogic-application.xml of the Oracle WebCenter Content enterprise application in the deployed WebCenter Content domain at a path similar to the following example:

    /FMW_HOME/domain path/servers/UCM_server1/servers/UCM_server1/tmp/_WL_user/Oracle Universal Content Management - Content Server/k6ggd/META-INF/weblogic-application.xml

    Modify the META-INF/weblogic-application.xml and add the following line for library reference:


    If the UCM_server1 is not available in /FMW_HOME/domain path/servers/, then this step is not needed, as the managed server has not been started, which would have deployed the UCM_server1 at this location.

4.1.14 Using HCSP Custom Elements with SSXA

When a new custom element form is created from scratch (rather than copying an existing form to build an element from), it may have issues lading properly in SSXA.

To use HCSP custom elements within SSXA, you must include the following in the SSXA application's web.xml file:


This will allow the files related to the custom element to be executed rather than downloaded.

4.1.15 Backing Up Site Studio Websites Using Chrome

When backing up a Site Studio website using Chrome, and manage the archive and download as a ZIP file, the name of the ZIP file might not be as expected.

The name of an archive downloaded as a ZIP file should be in this format: server_DDMMYYYY_HHMMSS.zip. But when using Chrome, the name may be idcplg.zip.

4.1.16 DAM Video Storyboard Errors With Chrome and Safari

The storyboard links on the Rendition Info page for a video item (which should make the video start playing at a specific spot) are not working in Chrome or Safari browsers with Windows Media or QuickTime player plug-ins. Nothing happens when you click on the links. They do work in Chrome and Safari with the flash player, and they work with all plugins in Firefox and IE.

4.1.17 Issues Applying Table Styles When Using FireFox and FCK Editor

When using FCK editor and the Firefox browser with Site Studio Contributor, it is difficult to apply available table styles to a table. This is a functionality missing from FCK editor, and not a limitation of Firefox or Site Studio.

4.1.18 Content Information Server Is Not Supported for 11g

Oracle Content Information Server (CIS) is not supported for WebCenter Content 11g connections in any formats.

4.1.19 Window Size Using Trays with Firefox

When using the Trays view with Site Studio on the Content Server, some screens viewed with the Firefox browser may not correctly fill the browser window.

4.1.20 VB6 Component Dependency for Kofax 9

Kofax 9 does not install VB6 components required for many of the Export Connectors. Install and register the required VB6 components to use the Export Connectors.

4.1.21 Windows (32-Bit): Offline Server Status Icon Overlay Not Displayed on Windows Vista and Windows 7

On Windows XP, Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop shows a special icon overlay for offline content servers in the Oracle Content Servers tree in Windows Explorer (a red circle with a red diagonal line). This icon overlay is not displayed on Windows Vista and Windows 7. You can see if a server is offline in its details pane.

4.1.22 Windows (32-Bit): Opening an Older Managed File Revision Not Available in Microsoft Excel

The Microsoft Office integration provided by Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop allows you to open an older revision of a managed file in the Office application. However, this feature is not available in Microsoft Excel. Please note this is not a bug in Desktop, but rather a limitation in Excel, which does not allow two files with the same file name to be opened simultaneously.

4.1.23 Using URLs With SSP Include and Exclude Filters

If URLs are used in the Include or Exclude Filters list then any periods ('.') will need to be escaped, otherwise the filter will fail. For example:


Note the '.' have been escaped with '\'

4.1.24 Disabling the Folders_g Deprecation Alert

There is an alert displayed when Folders_g is enabled that says, "The Folders_g component is in use but is now deprecated. Folders_g is replaced with the FrameworkFolders component, which implements the Folders feature. Folders_g data can be migrated to the new Folders feature."

To prevent this alert from displaying, open the config.cfg file and set the following configuration value:


4.1.25 Windows (32-Bit): Dragging and Dropping Microsoft Office Documents in Windows Explorer

On a Windows 7 or Vista system, Microsoft Office documents may become corrupted if you drag and drop them from an Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop content folder in Windows Explorer to a location outside Content Server, particularly documents in native Office 2007/2010 format (.docx, .xlsx, or .pptx extension).

If you want to edit a document, you should use the Check Out or Available Offline (previously the Make Available Offline) item on the context menu.

If you have administration privileges, you can disable the DesktopTag component before performing a drag and drop operation, to avoid document corruption.

4.1.26 Accessing ZipRenditionStaticAccess Scheduled Job Information

The ZipRenditionManagement component automatically creates a scheduled job to aid in the creation of static renditions. This job is sometimes created at the wrong time during the setup or configuration process, which causes an error when an administrator accesses the Administration > Scheduled Jobs Administration > Active Scheduled Jobs page. If the administrator deletes the job and restarts Content Server, the job will be recreated, and the Active Scheduled Jobs page will not throw an error.

4.1.27 Check-in and Search Forms Pop Up Error Messages when UCM is in EBR Mode

When UCM is run in EBR more, the following errors pop up when opening check-in or search forms.

"Unable to generate data for the view websiteobjecttypelist. Unable to build where clause for for view WebsiteObjectTypeList. The field dKey does not exist in table OptionsList"

"Unable to generate data for the view pachagedconversionslist. Unable to build where clause for for view PachagedConversionsList. The field dKey does not exist in table OptionsList"

"Unable to generate data for the view pdfwtemplatetypelist. Unable to build where clause for for view PdfwTemplateTypeList. The field dKey does not exist in table OptionsList"

"Unable to generate data for the view videorenditionslist. Unable to build where clause for for view VideoRenditionsList. The field dKey does not exist in table OptionsList"

As a result, some dropdowns in the forms are not populated with data.

4.1.28 View Publishing Errors Are Observed in Logs When UCM is in EBR Mode

Once UCM managed server is started, errors of the kind !csSchemaUnableToPublishView can sometimes be seen. These errors happen only when UCM is in EBR mode.

4.1.29 Optimization Errors with External OracleTextSearch

When using OracleTextSearch using an Oracle database as an external search provider, optimization errors may appear in the logs. It is an issue with the database, not UCM. This issue is resolved in the database.

4.1.30 Propagating the cwallet.sso Changes to Deployment Manager

The updates to the cwallet.sso file, in some cases, are not propagated from the UCM server to the Deployment Manager. In these cases, you must propagate the change manually.

The Oracle UCM server updates the cwallet.sso file located in


when it starts after completing configuration on the Post Install Configuration Page or after enabling PdfWatermark or BpelIntegration components. In these instances, propagate this change back to the Deployment Manager.

To do this, copy the cwallet.sso file to


immediately after the start.

4.1.31 UCM in EBR Mode Fails to Start when Dynamic Converter Component is Enabled

When the UCM is in EBR mode, and Dynamic Converter is enabled, UCM managed server will not start due to an error with creating the HtmlConversions object. An ORA-00955 error will be referenced in this exception:

!csDbUnableToPerformAction_create,HtmlConversions!$ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object

A possible workaround is to disable DynamicConverter component using the Component Wizard.

4.1.32 Content Tracker Report Date Format Supported in Nine Languages

Auto-filled dates in the Content Tracker Report page are only supported in nine languages. If the admin locale is not set to one of the nine languages, the date format is displayed in the default (English).

The nine supported admin locales are: Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, Deutsche, English-UK, English-US, Espanol, Francais, Italiano, Japanese.

4.1.33 Inbound Refinery PDF Optimization Not Supported with Ghostscript 9.07

When using Inbound Refinery WinNativeConverter to convert documents to PDF, the PDF Optimization option does not work if the distiller being used is Ghostscript version 9.07. PDF Optimization does work with Ghostscript version 9.06.

4.1.34 Thai Locale in Firefox Browser Displays Larger Asian Font

When using Firefox browser with Content Server set for the Thai locale, the font size for Asian characters is larger than for non-Asian characters. This issue is specific to Firefox. A general recommendation is to use a different browser.

A workaround for using Firefox with the Thai locale is to access the Accessibility preferences in Content Server and select Use Large Fonts. Then in the Firefox Options, open the Advanced dialog in the Fonts & Colors section and deselect "Allow pages to choose their own fonts." The Thai font will display more accurately.

4.1.35 'Show on Top' Context Menu Option Does Not Display as Expected in WebCenter Content User Interface

When using the WebCenter Content user interface (as opposed to the native 11g interface) to work with a multi-level folder tree and doing a right-click on a sub-folder to display the "Show on Top" context menu option, the option is not always immediately displayed. Also, when the option does display, it does not always immediately function when clicked.

A workaround is always select the folder first (by doing a left-click), then do a right-click to invoke the context menu.

4.1.36 Windows (32-Bit): Viewing Metadata Window for Files to Upload Using Internet Explorer 9 and WebCenter Content User Interface

When using the WebCenter Content user interface (as opposed to the native 11g interface) and Internet Explorer version 9 to select multiple files to upload, clicking on the row does not expand the metadata window. This is inconsistent with behavior in Firefox version 18, Chrome, or Safari version 5.

A workaround is to click a file name to expand the metadata window.

4.1.37 Using Dropdown Menu on Chrome When Ask.com Toolbar Present

When using the WebCenter Content user interface (as opposed to the native 11g interface) and Chrome, the presence of the Ask.com toolbar disables dropdown menu functionality. A workaround is to remove the Ask.com toolbar.

4.1.38 Windows (32-Bit): Behavior of Folder Search Bar is Erratic in Internet Explorer 9

When using the WebCenter Content user interface (as opposed to the native 11g interface) and Internet Explorer version 9, clicking the text input area of the folder search bar can result in erratic behavior. For example, the placeholder text may be cleared and the input focused, or the search bar buttons are enabled and the tree is hidden, or may it behave normally.

4.1.39 Using Tabular View in Screen Reader Mode in WebCenter Content User Interface

When using the WebCenter Content user interface (not the native 11g interface) in Screen Reader mode to access a Documents, Libraries, Favorites, or Folders page, then switching to the Tabular view, an error will occur if you perform a right click to get to the Context menu. The workaround is to select the desired document and then access the Context menu by using the menu bar and More menu. This situation only occurs when using the Screen Reader mode with the Tabular view.

4.1.40 Framework Folders AutoSuggest Type-Ahead Feature Limitation

When the WebCenter Content user interface is implemented instead of the native 11g interface, Framework Folders must be enabled (Folders_g cannot be used). As of, Framework Folders uses an AutoSuggest type-ahead feature when users enter search terms. The AutoSuggest feature is required and is enabled as part of the AutoSuggestConfig component with the WebCenter Content user interface. By default the AutoSuggest index engine splits a term into grams and stores them in the index. For better performance the minimum gram length is set to a default of 2. Because the minimum gram length is 2, users cannot select user and role names that are only one character in length. Avoid creating documents, folders, libraries, users, and roles with a single character name.

4.1.41 Site Studio ASP and JSP Sites Functionality in 11gR1

Active Server Page (ASP) and Java Server Pages (JSP) sites are still available for legacy (pre-10gR4) projects, but they do not have 11gR1 functionality. They will function as they did with previous releases of Site Studio.

ASP sites will work only when the Site Studio 11gR1 component is installed on a 10g Content Server. IIS is not a supported web server for 11g Content Server, so it is not possible for ASP sites to work out-of-the-box on 11g Content Server.

4.2 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

This section describes configuration issues and their workarounds. It includes the following topics:

4.2.1 Minimum JDBC Driver Version Required for Oracle Text Search Component

The Oracle Text Search component that is part of WebCenter Content 11gR1 requires a JDBC driver version of or higher. The component will not work with older JDBC driver versions.

4.2.2 Windows (32-Bit): Manually Disabling 8.3 File Naming for Inbound Refinery on Windows 7

When running Oracle WebCenter Content: Inbound Refinery on Windows platforms, you may see this alert:

"The weblayout directory is on a filesystem with 8dot3 semantics. Legacy 16-bit 8dot3 filenames conflict with revision labels and will cause file loss. Disable 8dot3 semantics by running Installer DisableNtfs8dot3 and then restarting Windows."

On Windows 7, running Installer DisableNtfs8dot3 does not resolve this. You must make the configuration change manually in the Windows registry.

To change the Windows registry, go to the following key:


Then, set the value of the NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation key to 1. You must restart Windows for the new setting to take effect.

Please note that Inbound Refinery is supported on Windows 7 in development environments only.

4.2.3 Setting Security Privileges for Modifying Contribution Folders

By default, users only need RW privileges to modify contribution folders (Folders_g), where before the default was that RWD or owner was required unless collaboration was enabled.

Users explicitly relying on RWD privileges must set the environment variable to allow for this. WebCenter users and those with no upgrade issues are not affected.

For those who require RWD rather than RW, set the variable as:


4.2.4 Linux x86: Site Studio for External Applications (SSXA) Port Values for Oracle Content Server 10gR3

The JDeveloper Site Studio for External Applications connections dialog is pre-populated with a default web connection port value of 16200 for an Oracle Content Server 11g instance. Oracle Content Server 10gR3 web servers most often listen on port 80. As such, this value will likely have to be changed when connecting to an Oracle Content Server 10gR3 instance.

4.2.5 SSXA Required DC Version for Oracle Content Server 10gR3

To use dynamic conversion of native documents on your Site Studio web sites running off of Oracle Content Server 10gR3, you must install and configure Dynamic Converter build version or greater.

4.2.6 Content Portlet Suite (SCPS) WebCenter as Producer Targeting Libraries

When creating a custom managed server, the following libraries need to be targeted to the newly created managed server (for example, CPS_Portlet). Note that the libraries for 11gR1 PS2 ( are different from the libraries for 11gR1 PS3 ( and 11gR1 PS4 ( installation of WebCenter.

Libraries for 11gR1 PS2 ( installation of WebCenter:

  • oracle-ridc-client-app-lib(10.3.2,10.3.2)

  • oracle-ucm-spi-app-lib(10.3.2,10.3.2)

  • p13n-app-lib-base(10.3.2,10.3.2)

  • vcr-app-lib(10.3.2,10.3.2)

  • oracle.webcenter.framework(11.1.1,11.1.1)

  • oracle.webcenter.spaces.fwk(11.1.1,11.1.1)

Libraries for 11gR1 PS3 ( and 11gR1 PS4 ( installation of WebCenter:

  • oracle.ucm.ridc.app-lib(11.1.1,11.1.1)

  • p13n-app-lib-base(10.3.2,10.3.2)

  • oracle.webcenter.framework(11.1.1,11.1.1)

  • oracle.webcenter.spaces.fwk(11.1.1,11.1.1)

  • oracle.webcenter.framework.core(11.1.1,11.1.1)

When consuming Oracle Content Portlet Suite 11gR1 PS3 ( on Oracle WebCenter 11gR1 PS3 (, users will see the exception "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:IdcContext.setUser() method not valid, do not use this method."

Contact Oracle support for the options available to resolve this issue.

4.2.7 Logout URL for SSO Logout Integrating with Oracle Access Manager 11g

When integrating WebCenter Content with Oracle Access Manager 11g, add the following to the Logout URL setting for the WebGate:


4.2.8 Using the Custom Truststore with the JPS Connection to ActiveDirectory

JpsUserProvider should be up for WebCenter Content to be able to fetch users' roles/groups from the LDAP server. The JPS layer does not automatically pick up the SSL truststore configuration from WLS. Since a custom truststore is being used in the WLS configuration, the problem is that the JPS connection to ActiveDirectory is not using this custom truststore.

Therefore, set the following Java properties when starting UCM_server1:

Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=<location of custom truststore>
Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=<truststore password>

If you start the server from the command line using startManagedWeblogic.sh you can set the environment variable EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES before invoking startManagedWeblogic.sh.

If you start the server using the NodeManager, these can be set using the WLS Admin console by setting the Arguments in the Server Start tab for the Configuration of UCM_server1.

4.2.9 Windows (32-Bit): Using WebDAV on a Windows 7 Client

If you use WebDAV on a Windows 7 client, consider the following issues:

  1. Registry changes are necessary for WebDAV use.

    • Windows 7 will not connect to a WebDAV server running over HTTP and using HTTP basic authentication. To fix this, set these registry entries:

      • Set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\
        to 2.

      • Set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\
        to 2.

    • By default, Office 2010 will not open documents over WebDAV using basic authentication over a non-SSL connection.

      To get around this problem, you need to create a registry entry,
      , and set it to 2.

    • The WebDAV implementation used by Windows 7 (Mini-Redirector) does not implement the WebDAV locking protocol correctly (still the case as of WebDAV version 6.1.7601.17514). This means that on a drag and drop using Explorer, you will get an error. The file will likely be checked in correctly, though.

      To avoid the error, you can turn off the locking protocol through a registry setting. Set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\
      to 0.

  2. Drag and drop creates an empty first revision.

    The WebDAV implementation used by Windows 7 (Mini-Redirector) creates an empty file for an initial revision on a drag and drop using Explorer. This just means that you will get two revisions for your first drag and drop of a file, and the first revision will be zero bytes.

  3. The Network Location shortcut to WebDAV in Windows Explorer stops working.

    The typical method for accessing and browsing the WebDAV share for Oracle WebCenter Content Server is through creating a network location in Explorer, as follows:

    1. Select Computer in the Explorer navigation tree on the left, and select Add a network location on the right.

    2. Enter the WebDAV URL to Content Server

    3. Log in.

    After you log in, a shortcut to the Content Server WebDAV URL will be displayed in Explorer under the list of drives for the client computer.

    You will initially be able to access the WebDAV share for Content Server through this shortcut, as expected. However, once your session expires (typically after 2 hours of inactivity, as configured), you will not be able to access the WebDAV share through this shortcut again. The reason this occurs seems to be the way the shortcut data is stored and used for reconnecting.

    If you delete the shortcut and re-create it the same way, it should work correctly.

  4. Deleting a folder may cause a performance issue. The Windows 7 (Mini-Redirector) client will navigate the entire folder tree, deleting each item in the tree recursively. Microsoft's previous WebDAV client sent a single DELETE command to the server and relied on the server to perform the delete folder action. The new behavior may have performance and network traffic repercussions for large folder trees.

  5. Deleting a folder shortcut will delete the contents of the entire tree. The base WebDAV protocol does not distinguish between shortcuts to folders and normal folders. That means deleting a folder shortcut will cause all the items contained in the target folder of the shortcut to be deleted. This will not typically happen with other WebDAV clients, like the Microsoft XP Web Folders implementation. The reason for this is the behavior described in item 4 above.

4.2.10 Setting the Connection Pool for an External LDAP ID Store on IBM WebSphere Application Servers

An LDAP server is not automatically installed and configured when you install Oracle WebCenter Content on IBM WebSphere Application Server - Network Deployment (ND) or IBM WebSphere Application Server. Before you can configure WebCenter Content, you must install and configure an external LDAP identity store for your WebCenter Content applications. For information about how to set up external LDAP identity stores, such as Oracle Internet Directory, see the "IBM WebSphere Identity Stores" section of the "Managing Oracle Fusion Middleware Security on IBM WebSphere" chapter of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Third-Party Application Server Guide.

After the LDAP identity store is set up for a cell, you must set the CONNECTION_POOL_CLASS property in the cell's jps-config.xml file to avoid excessive LDAP connections. You need to add the following property to the <serviceInstance> entry in the file:

<property name="CONNECTION_POOL_CLASS" value="oracle.security.idm.providers.stdldap.JNDIPool"/>

To set the connection pool for an external LDAP ID store on IBM WebSphere application servers:

  1. Modify your cell's jps-config.xml file with a text editor:

    1. Open the WAS_HOME/profiles/profile_name/config/cells/cell_name/fmwconfig/jps-config.xml file.

      WAS_HOME is the location where the WebSphere application server is installed, DISK/IBM/WebSphere/Application Server by default, profile_name is the name of the WebSphere Deployment Manager profile for the cell, and cell_name is the name of the cell.

    2. Specify the CONNECTION_POOL_CLASS property in the <serviceInstance> entry as follows:

      <serviceInstance name="idstore.ldap.0" provider="idstore.ldap.provider">
                  <property name="subscriber.name" value="dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com"/>
                  <property name="CONNECTION_POOL_CLASS" value="oracle.security.idm.providers.stdldap.JNDIPool"/>
                  <property name="bootstrap.security.principal.key" value="bootstrap_idstore"/>
                  <property name="idstore.type" value="OID"/>
                  <property name="ldap.url" value="ldap://example.com:3060"/>
                  <property name="bootstrap.security.principal.map" value="BOOTSTRAP_JPS"/>
                  <property name="user.login.attr" value="mail"/>
                  <property name="username.attr"  value="mail"/>
  2. Synchronize all managed nodes.

  3. Restart all the servers.

For more information about installing and configuring Oracle WebCenter Content on WebSphere application servers, see the "Managing Oracle WebCenter Content on IBM WebSphere Application Servers" chapter of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Third-Party Application Server Guide.

4.2.11 Electronic Signature Login and Time Limit

The electronic signature authentication process has been redesigned to include changes to the ESIG_GET_SIGN_CONTENT_FORM and ESIG_SIGN_CONTENT services in order to redirect users to the Oracle WebLogic Server login page before they can sign content items.

The Sign Content Item page has a time limit cookie (the default is 2 minutes) for re-authenticating users before signing content items. The cookie timeout can be reconfigured by setting the ESigCookieTimeOut property (with the value in seconds) in the electronicsignatures_environment.cfg file. For example, to set the cookie timeout value to 30 seconds, specify the following: ESigCookieTimeOut=30

4.2.12 Configuring Temporary Directories

For systems using the WebCenter Content user interface instead of the native 11g interface, the administrator must set the application configuration property temporaryDirectory to a safe location that does not automatically get cleaned up by the operating system or other scheduled jobs.

For example, if the temporaryDirectory property is not set, on the Linux operating system it defaults to /tmp. Many Linux distributions include cron jobs that automatically clean up the /tmp directory. If this happens, the application cannot recover from this unexpected error and it needs to be restarted.

4.2.13 Setting Maximum Windows Per Session Parameter

For systems using the WebCenter Content user interface instead of the native 11g interface, the configuration parameter maximumWindowsPerSession is used to limit the number of active Doc Properties windows. The default is set to 10. If the WebCenter Content instance is experiencing higher than desired memory consumption, the setting can be changed to 6 to reduce the required heap size.

4.2.14 AutoSuggestConfig Component Must Be Disabled in Native 11g Interface

The AutoSuggestConfig component is a new feature that is valid only with the WebCenter Content user interface, not with the native 11g interface. When using the WebCenter Content user interface, both the FrameworkFolders and AutoSuggestConfig components are required and must be enabled. When using the native 11g interface, the AutoSuggestConfig component must be disabled, even if the FrameworkFolders component is enabled.

4.2.15 Content Server Localization and Verbose Tracing

Enabling Content Server localization tracing with Verbose also enables strict error detection. As a result, Content Server throws an exception when it tries to localize a key that is not valid. When Content Server gets in this state, the only solution is to restart the server. To disable strict error detection for localization, set the parameter EnableLocalizationAssertions=false in the config.cfg file.

4.2.16 FrameworkFolders Patch for Release 11gR1 (

Administrators should contact Support to obtain a patch for the following FrameworkFolders bugs in release 11gR1 (

  • 17171852: FLD_PROPAGATE Should Not Allow Content to Have xLibraryGUID Altered

  • 17171834: UPDATE_DOCINFO Should Not Allow Content to Have xLibraryGUID Altered

  • 17171818: UPDATE_DOCINFO Should Not Allow Content to be Unfiled

  • 17164502: UPDATE_DOCINFO to Move Content from EL to ADHOC Does Not Error

  • 17160600: UPDATE_DOCINFO to Move Content from EL to Another EL Does Not Update GUID

  • 17153780: Move of an EL Folder to Another EL Folder, Subfolder Content Fail to Update GUID

  • 17362858: FLD_MOVE to /Enterprise Libraries Does Not Update xLibraryGUID

  • 17323595: Copying a Folder: All Files Are Flattened into One Directory

  • 17317268: FLD_MOVE with OverrideDuplicates Does Not Correctly Handle xLibraryGUID

  • 17314494: Folder Move with RESOLVE on a Folder Renames Subfolders in Conflict Resolution

  • 17312366: FLD_COPY with ReviseDuplicates Does Not Correctly Handle xLibraryGUID

4.3 Documentation Errata

This section describes documentation errata. It includes the following topics:

4.3.1 Content Portlet Suite (CPS) WSRP URLs for WebCenter as Producer

After deploying the CPS EAR file to WebCenter as a producer, the WSDL URL for 11g PS2 ( is different from the WSDL URL for PS3 ( and PS4 ( For more information, see the Deployment Guide for Content Portlet Suite, Section 3.1.4, Step 17.

WSRP URL for PS2 ( installation of WebCenter:


WSRP URL for PS3 ( and PS4 ( installations of WebCenter:


4.3.2 Update Component Configuration Information Missing in Documentation Set

Update component configuration information included in the documentation set is not included in the and documentation sets. The information in section A.3.7 "Update Component Configuration Interface" in the Oracle WebCenter Content System Administrator's Guide for Content Server is valid and can be viewed on the Oracle online documentation library at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23943_01/doc.1111/e10792/e01_interface.htm#CIACFBAG