3 Uploading Content

This section describes the steps to upload content into Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging.

In Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging, the upload process, also called ingestion, involves creating an electronic image of your document, using a predefined application in Imaging to associate metadata to the document, and manually assigning values to required metadata by completing fields on the Imaging document upload page.

This section covers the following topics:

3.1 Creating An Electronic Image

Before you can upload a document, it must be in an electronic format such as a TIFF or JPEG image, a PDF file, or a Microsoft Word business document. If your document is not in an electronic format, scan the document to create and capture an electronic image. You can use a desktop scanner or your company may have individuals or a department responsible for scanning all paper documentation.

After it has been scanned and before you can upload, you will need to know where the electronic copy of the document is. If you scanned the document yourself, you likely saved it to your local file system or to a networked file system to which you have access. If the document was scanned by someone else, talk to them to see if it was saved or could be moved to a networked file system to which you have access. You must be able to navigate to the electronic file from within the Imaging interface in order to upload the file.

3.1.1 Document Capture Options

Oracle provides a document capture solution called Oracle WebCenter Capture that streamlines the capture process for paper and electronic documents.

Oracle WebCenter Capture provides scalable document capture focused on process-oriented imaging applications and image-enabling enterprise applications. It provides a web interface for centralized or distributed environments, thus streamlining the capture process for paper and electronic documents. It is fully integrated with Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging and Oracle WebCenter Content to provide organizations with one system to capture, store, manage, and retrieve their mission critical business content.

For more information about Oracle WebCenter Capture, see the Oracle WebCenter Capture web site.

3.2 Uploading a Document to Imaging

Once a document is captured and an electronic version available on a file system to which you have access, you can upload the document. You must have the rights to create a document in at least one application in order to upload a document. To upload a document, do the following:

  1. Click Tools in the Navigation pane to expand it, then click Upload Document. The Upload Document Page is displayed. Note that if you do not have rights to create a document in at least one application, the Upload Document option is not displayed.

  2. From the Select an Application field, choose the correct application for the type of document you are uploading. The correct application is determined by the business process in which the document type is used.

    Additional metadata fields are displayed on the Upload Document page when an application is selected. The additional fields are unique to each application and are defined by the person creating the application. The fields are determined by the type of document being uploaded and its associated business process. Required fields are noted with an asterisk (*). For more information about metadata fields, see "Understanding Metadata".

  3. Click Browse to locate the document image you want to upload. A standard dialog box opens for you to locate the document.


    If using your keyboard rather than your mouse to select the Browse button, use the Space bar to execute the Browse button function and open the dialog box. The Enter key does not execute the Browse button function.

  4. Navigate to the document and click Open. The dialog box closes and the path to the document is shown in the Document Image field

  5. Click Upload. A confirmation message displays after a successful upload.


    Imaging has been optimized to store files of sizes 200KB or smaller, but upload times can be affected by your document size as well as the speed of your network connection. If the documents you need to upload are larger than 200KB, contact your system administrator.

3.3 Updating Existing Content in Imaging

If you have a reason to change a document or update its metadata, you can do so provided that you have the proper permissions.

To update the document and document metadata, do the following:

  1. Search for the document you want to update. For detailed information on how to search, see "Executing a Search".

  2. Click the row in the search results with the document you want to update to select it, and click Update in the Search Results Toolbar, or right-click on a document and select Update from the Search Results Contextual Menu. The Update Document Page window opens.

  3. If you want to update the document, click Browse to locate the new document to upload. A standard dialog box opens for you to locate the document.


    If using your keyboard rather than your mouse to select the Browse button, use the Space bar to execute the Browse button function and open the dialog box. The Enter key does not execute the Browse button function.

    1. Navigate to the new document and click Open. The dialog box closes and the path to the document is displayed in the Document Image field. The new document creates a new revision of the original.

  4. Update the information in the desired metadata fields.

  5. Optionally, enable Lock Document or Keep Lock, depending on whether or not you have previously locked the document. It is recommended that you lock the document before updating it. Locking a document does not prevent others from viewing it, but ensures that no one else can update the document while you have it locked. Once locked, a document can be unlocked either by the person that locked it, or someone with Lock Admin rights.

  6. Click Update. A confirmation is displayed at the bottom of the Update Document page.


    In some cases when updating a document you may receive an error stating that you are unable to lock the document. This is due to a permission error in the repository that stores the document and metadata and is not related to the Lock Document option. Contact your system administrator if you have questions about any error you receive if unable to update a document.

  7. Close the Update Document Page.

3.3.1 Updating a Document From the Properties Panel

You can also update a document from the Properties Panel of the Viewer by doing the following:

  1. With the document displayed in the Viewer, click Update in the Properties Panel. The metadata fields in the panel are enabled.

  2. If you want to update the document, click Browse to locate the new document to upload. A standard dialog box opens for you to locate the document.


    If using your keyboard rather than your mouse to select the Browse button, use the Space bar to execute the Browse button function and open the dialog box. The Enter key does not execute the Browse button function.

    1. Navigate to the new document and click Open. The dialog box closes and the path to the document is displayed in the Document Image field. The new document creates a new revision of the original.

  3. Update the information in the desired metadata fields.

  4. Optionally, enable Lock Document or Keep Lock, depending on whether or not you have previously locked the document. It is recommended that you lock the document before updating it. Locking a document does not prevent others from viewing it, but ensures that no one else can update the document while you have it locked. Once locked, a document can be unlocked either by the person that locked it, or someone with Lock Admin rights.

  5. Click Update. A confirmation is displayed at the bottom of the Properties Panel.