2 Installing and Configuring Oracle WebCenter Portal

This chapter describes issues pertaining to the installation and configuration of Oracle WebCenter Portal. It includes the following sections:

2.1 Issue Related to Installing Oracle WebCenter Portal

This concerns installing the WebCenter Portal Extension Version 11g Release 1 ( for JDeveloper.

The WebCenter Portal extension is an add-in that provides JDeveloper with the complete set of WebCenter Portal capabilities and features. Oracle WebCenter Portal 11g Release 1 ( works only with WebCenter Portal extension 11g Release 1 ( and Oracle JDeveloper By default, JDeveloper will recommend that you download the WebCenter Portal extension for 11g Release 1 ( because it is the latest version. You must ensure that you have the correct version installed. For information about installing the extension, see the "Installing the WebCenter Portal Extension for JDeveloper" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal and Oracle JDeveloper.

2.2 Issues Related to Configuring Oracle WebCenter Portal

This section provides information about configuration-related issues. It includes the following subsections:

2.2.1 Oracle WebCenter Portal's Pagelet Producer Failover Support

Oracle WebCenter Portal's Pagelet Producer supports failover in a clustered configuration. However, the in-flight data (unsaved or pending changes) is not preserved. On failover, administrators must reestablish their administrative session. End users may also need to reestablish the session if the proxy is required to have a state. If SSO is configured, credentials are automatically provided, and the session is reestablished.

2.2.2 Configuring the REST Server Post-Installation

For certain features of the Oracle WebCenter Portal REST server to work correctly when using a REST client, like the Oracle WebCenter Portal iPhone application, the flag WLForwardUriUnparsed must be set to ON for the Oracle WebLogic Server Plugin that you are using.

  • If you are running Apache in front of WebLogic Server, add this flag to weblogic.conf.

  • If you are running Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) in front of WebLogic Server, add this flag to mod_wl_ohs.conf.

The examples below illustrate the possible configurations for both of these cases.

For more information about how to configure WebLogic Server Plugins, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Web Server 1.1 Plug-Ins with Oracle WebLogic Server.

Example 1: Using <location /rest> to apply the flag only for /rest URIs (recommended)

<Location /rest>
  # the flag below MUST BE set to "On"
  WLForwardUriUnparsed    On
  # other settings, example: WebLogicCluster or WebLogicHost & WebLogicPort
  # set the handler to be weblogic
  SetHandler weblogic-handler

Example 2: Applying the flag to all URIs served by Oracle WebLogic Server

<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
   # the flag below MUST BE set to "On"
  WLForwardUriUnparsed    On
  # other settings, example: WebLogicCluster or WebLogicHost & WebLogicPort
  WebLogicCluster johndoe02:8005,johndoe:8006
  Debug ON
  WLLogFile             c:/tmp/global_proxy.log 
  WLTempDir             "c:/myTemp"
  DebugConfigInfo       On
  KeepAliveEnabled ON
  KeepAliveSecs  15

2.2.3 Accessing Owners' Profile Information Using the OpenSocial API

To access owners' Profile/Activities/Friends information using the OpenSocial API with Oracle WebCenter Portal's Pagelet Producer, you must target the WebCenterDS data source to the WC_Portlet managed server as described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter. After saving this configuration, Activities and Friends information can be fetched, but Profile information is not returned. To access Profile information, restart the WC_Portlet managed server.

2.2.4 Exception Reported When Running WC_Spaces Managed Server

When you start the WC_Spaces managed server, the following exception is reported in server logs after the server reaches the running state.

"Could not fetch the default portal configuration from webcenter-config oracle.webcenter.webcenterapp.WebCenterException: Getting WebCenter Attributes "

This does not cause any functionality loss. It is a known issue.

2.2.5 Duplicate Copies Created when Copying, Moving, or Cutting and Pasting Files and Folders with the Same Name

Duplicate copies of files and folders (prefixed with "Copy of") are created when you "copy and paste", "cut and paste", or "move and paste" to a location that already contains a file or folder with the same name. For example, if you copy or cut the file Events.docx and paste it to a folder containing that file, the new pasted version is named Copy of Events.docx.

This is applicable only when Oracle WebCenter Portal is configured to use FrameworkFolders as the folder service. If Folders_g is configured, files and folders are not duplicated if a matching copy is found at the target.

2.2.6 Invalid Characters in Folder and File Names

If WebCenter Portal is configured to use FrameworkFolders as the folder service, the following characters are not allowed in folder and file names:

? # & / \ * " | < > : ^

2.2.7 Comment and Tag Updates Not Listed in Activity Stream of Portal Framework Applications

In a Portal Framework application, when you add comments or tags to a newly uploaded document, these updates are not listed in the Activity Stream of the application. This happens when Oracle WebCenter Portal is configured to use the FrameworkFolders component.

2.2.8 Imprecise Error Message When Uploading a File with the Same Name as a Checked Out File

When a user has checked out a file, and another user tries to upload a new version of the file with the same name, an error message is shown specifying that the user does not have the permission. The error message is not complete as it does not specify that the file has already been checked out by a user. This error is displayed when Oracle WebCenter Portal is configured to use the FrameworkFolders component.

2.2.9 Cannot Create or Move Files by Using CMIS REST API

The feature to create files or folders or move files from one folder to another using the CMIS REST API does not work when FrameworkFolders is enabled as the folder service.

2.2.10 Tabs Not Displayed on Document Management Taskbar

When editing a WebCenter Portal document in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, the tabs (Status, Members, Tasks, Documents, and Links) do not appear on the Document Management taskbar, which is invoked by clicking on the Office icon > Server > Document Management. The tabs are displayed only after the document has been checked in. This happens when Oracle WebCenter Portal is configured to use the FrameworkFolders component.

2.2.11 Imprecise Error Messages When Renaming or Pasting a File in Workflow

When you try to rename or cut and paste a file that is part of workflow, an error message appears indicating that the file cannot be renamed or moved as it no longer exists. For example, the following error message appears when you rename a file:

"Messages for this page are listed below.
Unable to rename the selected document.
The document no longer exists.
Please refresh to see the latest content (View > Refresh Content)."

This error message is incorrect, and is displayed when Oracle WebCenter Portal is configured to use the FrameworkFolders component. The error message should specify that the file cannot be renamed or moved because it is part of workflow and the user is not added as a reviewer to the workflow.

2.2.12 Unable to Access Files Using a Direct URL in the Home Portal

In the Home portal, accessing a file under Item Level Security using a direct URL does not work if you do not have access to all the folders in the chain. This happens when Oracle WebCenter Portal is configured to use the FrameworkFolders component.

2.2.13 Creating a Portal Based on a Template Containing Blogs or Wikis

When you create a portal from a portal template that contains blogs and wikis, the blogs and wikis are not displayed in the newly created portal. This happens when Oracle WebCenter Portal is configured to use the FrameworkFolders component.

2.2.14 FrameworkFolders Not Supported When Oracle BPM Process Spaces is Enabled for WebCenter Portal

Oracle BPM Process Spaces requires Folders_g to be enabled on Content Server. In a new installation of Oracle WebCenter Portal 11g Release 1 (, if you want to enable Process Spaces for WebCenter Portal, you must ensure that Folders_g is enabled and FrameworkFolders is disabled.