../E63259-01.epub /> ../E63259-01.mobi />


About mode

A portlet mode that typically displays information such as copyright, version, and author of the portlet.

Activity Stream

Feature for viewing the activities tracked for you and other users.

Activity Graph

Provides suggestions of people, portals, and content that a user may be interested in connecting with, based on existing connections and shared interaction with objects in the portal.

The engine used by the Activity Graph tool to provide a central repository for actions that are collected by enterprise applications. The data stored in the activity graph is analyzed to calculate ranks for nodes, predict new actions, and make recommendations.

activity rank

Determines (by the activity graph engine) the relevance of content for search results.


A person who sets up new machines, administers WebCenter Portal, Portal Framework applications, and databases, and works with other tools such as Fusion Middleware Control and command line tools.

  • In WebCenter Portal, administers and sets global options for all portals.

  • In Portal Framework applications, manages application-wide settings, assets, users, and roles.

administration console

Enables users with the appropriate privileges to continue developing a Portal Framework application after it has been deployed. Using the administration console, users can also download runtime portal resources (also referred to as assets) and import them back into Oracle JDeveloper for further development. These assets can then be exported from JDeveloper and uploaded back into the deployed application.

Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

An approach using existing standards for exchanging data with a server and updating parts of a web page without reloading the whole page. WebCenter Portal developers use Ajax for UI components, including portlets and pagelets.


A WebCenter Portal tool that offers real-time usage and activity reporting for your portal. Using this tool, users can track and analyze WebCenter Portal traffic and usage.


Offers a quick, convenient way to create and widely distribute messages instantly or at a specific time.

application customization

Performed by an administrator, all users see the change. These are static changes to an application that affect a site or sites that do not involve changes to the application's code or schema.

See also user customization and personalization

Application Development Framework (ADF)

A range of technologies aimed at making Java EE application development faster and simpler for developers while at the same time taking advantage of proven software patterns to ensure that the developed application is scalable, performant, and the like.

Application Programming Interface (API)

An application programming interface (API) typically refers to a software library that includes specifications for methods, object classes, data structures, and variables. API also refers to an interface used by software components to communicate with each other. Oracle WebCenter Portal provides a rich assortment of Java, REST, and Expression Language APIs that let you access services and tools, external applications, portal components, data controls, and so on.

application role

Roles that are specific to a particular application and are stored in an application-specific stripe of the policy store.

application skin

Specifies the application background color, screen fonts, and, with some skins, the shapes and images used for application buttons and icons. In WebCenter Portal, the administrator chooses the default application skin and users may change the application skin on the General tab of the Preferences dialog.

application specialist

A WebCenter Portal user who works in Portal Builder to develop site structure by planning, creating, and administering portals and their content. At the application level, an application specialist has the permissions granted to the Application Specialist role. In a portal that an application specialist creates, the application specialist can perform the actions available to the Moderator role.

application templates (JDeveloper)

Oracle WebCenter Portal provides templates for creating two kinds of applications: Portal Framework applications and Portlet Producer applications. Templates ensure that the right technology scopes are set, tag libraries added, and required Java classes are added to the class path. Once you do this, relevant components are included to the Component Palette and relevant context menus become available in JDeveloper.

See also Portal Framework application template and WebCenter Portal Producer Application template.

authenticated user

A user who is logged into WebCenter Portal or a Portal Framework application. Credentials of this user are verified against the identity store. By default, an authenticated user can access public information. To access secured information, such as pages and portlets, this user must be authorized through the policy and credential store.

Contrast with public users, who are not logged in, and can access public content only.


Identification of a user through an identity management system. You can require ADF authentication to enforce credentials for users to access the Portal Framework application only (all ADF resources in the application remain accessible), or authentication and authorization to enforce credentials for users to access the Portal Framework application and any ADF resources that have been secured in the application.


The policies that define the access rights of an individual or group to a secured resource. This resource may be a page or component within a page.

authorized user

An individual who has access to a secured resource. For non-public resources, this individual is also an authenticated user.

blog page

A page that provides a personal record of an individual user's experience and opinions. There are two kinds of blog: personal blogs are written by an individual; group blogs are written by several users.

Box layout component

A layout component available through Oracle WebCenter Portal's Composer. A container that enables the placement of content on a page created in the WebCenter Portal. In Composer, a Box is rendered as a rectangle comprised of dashed lines. In a Portal Framework application, this is the runtime equivalent of a Panel Customizable component.


Business Process Execution Language. An XML-based markup language for composing a set of discrete web services into an end-to-end process flow.

business role page

A page, created by the WebCenter Portal system administrator, specifically provided for a given role in an organization. Business role pages provide a targeted environment for users of a particular role by delivering information that is timely and relevant to individual roles without the noise of irrelevant information from other lines of business. Business role pages appear in the Home portal of users classified under the specified role.


The act of storing frequently accessed information, typically web pages, in a location where it can be accessed quickly to avoid frequent content generation.

See also expiry-based caching and validation-based caching.

calendar overlay

The ability to display multiple calendars in a single Events task flow.

Change Mode Button component

In the Composer tag library that enables users to change from page View mode to page Edit mode.

Change Mode Link component

A component provided in the Composer tag library that enables users to change from page View mode to page Edit mode.

check out/check in

A mechanism that enables a user to lock information, by checking it out, so that other users cannot modify that same piece of information. This prevents users from overwriting each other's changes. After making modifications, the user releases it by checking it back in, making it available again for other users to modify.

Child Components

The components contained within a parent component. For example, the task flows contained within a Box layout component are the child components of the Box.

See also Box layout component and parent component.


Visual elements surrounding a portlet or task flow that provide an access point for actions, such as those on the Actions menu and those embedded in the chrome itself, such as the minimize icon or resize handles.


Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) standard defines a domain model and Web services and Restful AtomPub bindings that can be used by applications to work with one or more Content Management repositories or systems.


An individual piece of a portal, for example, a task flow, portlet, page, or layout element such as a box or image.

Component Catalog

A dialog, accessed from Composer, that provides access to all the content you can add to a WebCenter Portal application page.

component developer

The developer who builds components (such as portlets, JavaServer Faces components, and web services).

Component Properties

A dialog, accessed from Composer, that provides access to a component's parameters, display options, child components, style settings, and associated events.


Feature for establishing a social network with other portal users (People Connections).


A seamlessly integrated environment for populating, revising, and configuring portal pages. It enables users to easily build or revise page layout and content. It also provides the means of adding different components, such as task flows, portlets, content, and other objects, onto a page and then linking those components for a more relevant or personalized view of the information.

container runtime option

A JSR 286 feature that provides a way to customize the behavior of the portlet container and therefore customize the runtime environment.

content integration tools

Tools provided by WebCenter Portal tools and services to enable developers to display content from a content repository, such as by creating data controls.

Content Presenter

Feature that enables end users to select and search content items and then display those items using available display templates (part of the Documents).

content repository

A specialized storage and management mechanism that provides such features as author-based versioning, full text searching, and content categorization and attribution. A content repository is optimized for storing unstructured information, which differentiates it from a data repository.

content repository data control

A data control sourced though a content repository. In a Portal Framework application, you can create content repository data controls for the following content repositories: Oracle Portal, Oracle WebCenter Content, third-party repositories that support the Java Content Repository (JCR) standard, and your local file system.

credential provisioning page

A JSF (*.jspx) page used for authenticating to an external application. At runtime, the Credential Provisioning page displays login data fields consisting of the data fields specified through external application registration. Login information is passed to the producer, which in turn passes the login values to the external application. The application provides the producer with the requested portlets.

After authentication, the user's login credentials are preserved in a credential store, which subsequently supplies that information at future sessions. Unless his information changes, the user supplies his credentials only one time.

credential store

Provides storage for login credentials for its associated domain. It also preserves the login credentials that a user provides for authentication to an external application. Credential store is usually combined with the policy store as a single logical store.

Although the credentials stored in the credential store are used during subsequent logins for authentication, the main function of this store is to provide authorization for those accounts.


Cascading Style Sheet. A simple mechanism for ensuring a consistent look and feel or adding style, such as fonts, colors, and spacing, to web documents.

custom action

Icons or menu items rendered on the header or the Actions menu of a Show Detail Frame component surrounding a task flow. Custom actions can represent actions that were defined in the task flow when it was created. For example, at design time a developer can build a task flow with custom personalization settings. At runtime, users can access these settings through icons or Actions menu items provided in the task flow's surrounding chrome (or Show Detail Frame).

custom attribute

In the WebCenter Portal, custom attributes specify information in addition to that provided by the built-in attributes. Custom attributes can be used to determine the content of the components in a portal based on the parameter passed in. For example, a component can display data for a specific customer by passing in the customer ID. A custom attribute is simply a name value pair, for example customerId=400, orderId=11, userName=Smith, and so on. Custom attributes are stored within the portal template.

custom page

Any page created by a user rather than one provided out of the box.

custom display template

A Content Presenter display template is a JSFF file (JSF page fragment) that defines how Content Presenter renders content items on a Portal Framework application page. WebCenter Portal provides several out-of-the-box display templates to get you started, or, you can create your own templates.

custom role

A user role created by an administrator or a portal moderator to meet a specific Home portal or portal requirement.

Customize mode

A portlet mode that enables users to set the default values for portlet preferences for all users.

customizable component

A WebCenter Portal component that can be added to a page at runtime to enable end users to perform personalizations such as move, minimize, restore, or remove on content within those components. Customizable components are the Panel Customizable component and the Show Detail Frame component.

data control

A mechanism that provides an abstraction of the business service's data model. The ADF data controls provide a consistent mechanism for clients and web application controllers to access data objects, collections, methods, and operations.

Data Presenter

Enables you to retrieve data from a data source, such as a relational database or web service, and display that data in your portal as a table, form, or graph.

default language (application-level)

A display language specified by the system administrator that is used when users log in to WebCenter Portal. The administrator sets the application-level default language on the General tab of the Administration page. Individual users can set their own user-level default language on the General tab of the Preferences dialog.

default language (user preference)

A user-specified display language that is rendered when the user logs in to the WebCenter Portal. This language selection lasts until the user specifies a different default language. It can be overridden by a session language, but returns as the default when the session cookie is purged or expires. This value is set on the General tab of the Preferences dialog.

default server

See Integrated WebLogic Server.

delegated administration

Provides a mechanism for securing portal resources based on user roles. You apply delegated administration to a page hierarchy, and the specific security assignments are automatically propagated down through the hierarchy through pages and sub pages.

deployment profile

A file used in application deployment that specifies the following types of information:

  • The source files, deployment descriptors, and other auxiliary files that are packages

  • The type and name of the archive file to be created

  • Dependency information

  • Platform-specific instructions

  • Other information

Design view (Composer)

A view, in Composer, that provides a WYSIWYG rendering of the page and its content, where controls are directly selectable on each component. The resource catalog displays inline on the right side of the page, where you can select components to add to the page.

See also Structure view (Composer) and Select view (Composer).

device group

Represents a collection of devices that share similar display requirements. Out-of-the-box, WebCenter Portal comes with several pre-configured device groups: Desktop Browsers, iOS Phones, Android Phones, iOS Tablets, and Android Tablets.

discoverable portal

A portal that can be found by anyone logged into WebCenter Portal, for example through a search. Any Public or Private portal is discoverable. Discoverable portals are listed on the Portals page when All Portals is selected from the Show list. Users wishing to join the portal can request membership through self-service (if enabled) or by contacting the portal moderator.


Provides a means of creating and participating in discussion forums.

display language

Controls the language in which application user interface elements, such as buttons, field labels, and screen text, are rendered in the browser. The order of precedence for WebCenter Portal display language settings from weakest to strongest is: browser setting, application setting, portal default language, user preference setting, Change Language task flow, and Global language switcher (public cookie).

Documents page

A system page exposed in portals and the Home portal that provides controls for managing files and folders through the Document Explorer task flow.


Provides a variety of formats to display folders and files on a page. You can choose the task flows appropriate for your portal to provide features for accessing, adding, and managing folders and files; configuring and viewing file and folder properties; and searching file and folder content in the connected content repositories.


A basic administration unit for WebLogic Server instances. Oracle WebCenter Portal developers using JDeveloper deploy to the Integrated WebLogic Server which is managed within the DefaultDomain. For production purposes, parts of Oracle WebCenter Portal are deployed to Managed Server instances. A domain can have any number of Managed Servers. Managed Servers can be configured to run applications in a test, staging, or production environment, or all three.

dynamically-generated page

A page that displays as the result of a user action, such as a search or a click on a tag. As the name suggests, dynamically-generated pages are not stored, but rather are created as and when needed.


Enterprise Archive file. A Java EE archive file that is used in deploying applications on a Java EE application server. Portal Framework applications are deployed using both a generic EAR file, which contains the application and the respective runtime customization, and a targeted EAR file, which contains only the application for deployment to the application server. EAR files simplify application deployment by reducing the possibility of errors when moving an application from development to test, and test to production.

ECMA-262 specification

A standardization of scripting programming languages, such as ECMAScript and JavaScript.


A scripting programming language, standardized by Ecma International according to the ECMA-262 specification. Frequently referred to as JavaScript or JScript, which are both extensions of the ECMA-262 specification.

Edit Defaults mode

(JSR 286 portlets only.) A portlet mode that enables personalization of a JSR 286 portlet. Edit Defaults mode is a display mode for the JSR 286 portlet's properties. In a Portal Framework application, the Edit Defaults mode displays on the portlet's Actions menu as the Customize command.

See also Edit mode.

Edit mode

A portlet mode that enables personalization of the portlet for each user, for each instance.

See also Edit Defaults mode.

edit mode

A view mode that enables users to modify the content, style, and layout of a page. See also Composer.


Expression Language. Provides a shorthand way of working with web application data by providing operators for retrieving and manipulating application data residing in a Java EE web container. In a Portal Framework application, EL expressions are encapsulated in the characters "#{" and "}" and typically come in the form #{object.data} where object represents any Java object or Oracle ADF component placed in the Java EE web container's page, request, session, or application's scope.

Enterprise Archive file

See EAR.

enterprise mashup

An application that enables users to bring all sorts of content and services together in a single place.


Provides calendars for scheduling meetings, appointments, and so on. In WebCenter Portal, it provides calendars to record events relevant to the specific portal. You can also integrate events with Microsoft Exchange Server to enable individual users to access their personal calendars in their Home portal. Personal calendars are also available in Portal Framework applications.

expiry-based caching

A caching method that uses a retention period to specify how long the item is valid in the cache before a refresh is required. When there is a request for the item beyond the retention period, it is refreshed in the cache.

See also validation-based caching.

Expression Language

See EL.

external application

Applications that do not delegate authentication to the single sign-on server. Instead, they display HTML login forms that ask for application user names and passwords. At the first login, users can choose to have the single sign-on server retrieve these credentials for them. Thereafter, they are logged in to these applications transparently.


A collection of components managed by Fusion Middleware Control. A farm can contain a Managed Server domain and other Oracle Fusion Middleware system components that are installed, configured, and running on the domain.


A personal list of links to favorite pages in WebCenter Portal and external web sites.


Feature for posting informal appraisals for and receiving informal appraisals from other portal users (part of People Connections).

Portal Framework application

A Portal Framework application is built on top of ADF using the WebCenter Portals Extension for Oracle JDeveloper. This application combines web content, portlets, content integration, and collaborative services for the end user. Developers and administrators can create a Portal Framework application based on their roles and skill levels in the organization.

A portal also includes page hierarchies, navigation models, and delegated administration.

Portal Framework application administrator

The administrator responsible for managing and maintaining the Portal Framework application. For example, administrators can set application-wide options, manage assets, and grant and revoke privileges.

Also administers Fusion Middleware, deploys Portal Framework applications, and performs on-going administrative tasks for Portal Framework applications and other Oracle WebCenter Portal components through Fusion Middleware Control.

Portal Framework application developer

The developer who plans, builds, and maintains a Portal Framework application using the Oracle Application Development Framework, Oracle JDeveloper, and WebCenter Portal tools and services.

Portal Framework application template

A JDeveloper template which includes WebCenter Portal Framework features like site navigation, page hierarchies, delegated administration, and page templates.

See also application templates (JDeveloper) and WebCenter Portal Producer Application template.

Full Screen Mode (WebCenter Portal)

A view mode that opens the portal to occupy the entire screen, thus maximizing the display portal. The Sidebar is not displayed in Full Screen Mode.

Full Screen mode (Portlets)

(PDK-Java portlets only.) A portlet mode that provides more content than can be shown in the portlet when it is sharing a page with other portlets.

Fusion Middleware Control

A browser-based management application that is deployed when you install Oracle WebCenter Portal. From Fusion Middleware Control, you can monitor and administer a farm (such as Oracle WebCenter Portal).

Help mode

A portlet mode that displays usage information about the functionality of the portlet.

Home portal

A work area within WebCenter Portal that provides individual users with a private portal for storing personal content, keeping notes, viewing and responding to assignments, maintaining a list of online buddies, and performing many other tasks relevant to their unique working day. Users can also extend this environment by creating additional personal pages and custom content.

HTML Markup layout component

A layout component available through Composer. A simple HTML component that renders raw HTML and JavaScript mark-up inline on the page.

Hyperlink layout component

A layout component available through Composer. A link to an internal or external web page. For designers of Portal Framework applications, this is the runtime equivalent of a Go Link component.

Identity Propagation

For a Portal Framework application and associated content repositories, selecting this option allows propagation of current user's identity across the application and processes. The propagated identity is verified on the receiver's side, and then it is used to make decisions such as assigning role based access control.

Image layout component

A layout component available through Composer. An illustration that can include a hyper link. For designers of Portal Framework applications, this is the runtime equivalent of an Image Link component.

initialization parameters

The parameters initialized upon the start-up of a standard JSR 286 portlet. Initialization parameters provide an alternative to JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) variables. Use initialization parameters instead of JNDI to configure the behavior of all of the different components of the portlet—for example, servlets and other portlets—in a compatible way. In WebCenter Portal tools and services, initialization parameters are entered into the portlet.xml file.

Instant Messaging and Presence

Enables users to observe the presence status of other authenticated users and provides instant access to interaction options, such as instant messages and email.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

A visual application development tool containing editors, debuggers, screen painters, object browsers, and the like. The Oracle JDeveloper IDE provides a fully featured environment for building custom portal components, like task flows, data controls, managed beans, and scenarios.

Integrated WebLogic Server

A WebLogic Server instance used as a platform for pretesting Portal Framework application deployments on a local computer. Integrated WebLogic Server also contains preconfigured portlet producers and several useful prebuilt portlets.

Iterative development

Iterative development lets you make changes to your Portal Framework application while it is running on the Integrated WebLogic Server and immediately see the effect of those changes simply by refreshing the current page in your browser. The iterative development feature works by disabling certain optimization features. Iterative development allows developers to work more quickly and efficiently when building a Portal Framework application.

Java Content Repository

See JCR 1.0.

Java Portlet Specification

Standardizes how components for portal servers are to be developed. This specification defines a common portlet API and infrastructure that provides facilities for personalization, presentation, and security. Portlets using this API and adhering to the specification are product-agnostic, and can be deployed to any portal product that conforms to the specification. See also JSR 286.

JavaServer Faces

See JSF.

JavaServer Page

See JSP.

JCR 1.0

Java Content Repository 1.0. Also known as JSR 170. It proposes a standard access and interaction API for content repositories, much like JDBC does for databases.


See Oracle JDeveloper.


JavaServer Faces. A standard Java framework for building web applications. It simplifies development by providing a component-centric approach to developing Java web user interfaces. JSF offers rich and robust APIs that provide programming flexibility and ensures that applications are well designed with greater maintainability by integrating the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern into its architecture. As JSF is a Java standard developed through Java Community Process, development tools like Oracle JDeveloper are fully empowered to provide easy to use, visual, and productive development environments for JSF.


JavaServer Faces JavaServer Page. JSF JSPs differ from plain JSPs through their support of Oracle ADF Faces components for the user interface and JSF technology for page navigation. JSF JSP pages leverage the advantages of the Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) (Oracle ADF) by using the ADF Model binding capabilities for the components in the pages.


JavaServer Page. An extension to servlet functionality that provides a simple programmatic interface to web pages. JSPs are HTML pages with special tags and embedded Java code that is executed on the web or application server. JSPs provide dynamic functionality to HTML pages. They are actually compiled into servlets when first requested and run in the servlet container.

See also JSP tags.

JSP tags

Tags that can be embedded in JSPs to enclose Java code. These tags use the <jsp: syntax and enclose action elements in the JSP with begin and end tags similar to XML elements.

JSR 286

Java Specification Request (JSR) 286. Defines a set of APIs for building standards-based portlets using Java. Portlets built to this specification can be rendered to a portal locally or deployed to a WSRP container for rendering portlets remotely. For more information, see http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=286.

JSR 170

See JCR 1.0


A file that provides information about available public and private keys that are used for authentication and data integrity. User certificates and the trust points needed to validate the certificates of peers are also stored securely in the keystore.

knowledge worker

A WebCenter Portal user who focuses on providing content and reviewing the content of others. At the application level, a knowledge worker has the permissions granted to the Authenticated-User role. At the portal level, a knowledge worker is likely assigned the Viewer or Participant role.

layout box

A container that enables placement of content on a page created in the WebCenter Portal.

layout component

An object for enhancing the usefulness and appearance of a given page. Layout components include layout boxes, a rich text editor, images, hyperlinks, and so on.

Layout Customizable component

A component provided in the Composer tag library that enables users to select from a set of predefined layouts (for example, two column, three column, two row, and so on) and apply it to the page. Users can apply these layouts to a particular area of the page or to the entire page.

life cycle

The process of creating and testing a portal or Portal Framework application in a design time environment, deploying it to a production system, and then performing routine maintenance, such as monitoring performance and migrating customization data. The life cycle of portal or a Portal Framework application also includes performing further enhancements, restaging, and then redeploying it to the production system.


Provides a means of creating a bidirectional association between two objects, thus setting up easy access between those objects.


Provides a means of creating lists and exposing them for placement on portal pages.

Lists page (or console)

A predefined page that displays a portal's current lists.


Provides a means for exposing familiar email functionality in portals.

Managed Server

In a production environment, a Managed Server hosts applications and the resources needed by those applications. A domain, which is a logically related group of Oracle WebLogic Server resources, can have any number of Managed Servers. An Administration Server manages these servers.


A web application that enables end users to pull information from different sources to create a customized application that exactly meets their individual requirements.

See also enterprise mashup.


Oracle Metadata Services. A core technology of the Application Development Framework (ADF). MDS provides a unified architecture for defining and using metadata in an extensible and customizable manner.

MDS repository

An application server and Oracle relational database that keep metadata in these areas: a file-based repository, dictionary tables accessed by build-in functions, and a metadata registry. One of the primary uses of MDS is to store customizations and persisted personalization for Oracle applications.

Message Board

Feature for posting messages to and receiving messages from other portal users (part of People Connections).


Information about a content item, such as title, author, or security group. Metadata is used to describe, find, and group content items. Also referred to as content information.


See MVC.


A WebCenter Portal user who is responsible for managing a particular portal. A portal moderator can add and remove members, invite new members, enable self registration, provide and update portal metadata, and manage the tools and services available to the portal.

Movable Box layout component

A layout component available through Composer. A container that enables the placement of content on a page created in the WebCenter Portal. Movable Boxes, along with their content, can be moved around on the page. For designers of Portal Framework applications, this is the runtime equivalent of Show Detail Frame component.


Model-View-Controller. A classic design pattern often used by applications that need the ability to maintain multiple views of the same data. The MVC pattern hinges on a clean separation of objects into one of three categories: models for maintaining data, views for displaying all or a portion of the data, and controllers for handling events that affect the model or views. Because of this separation, multiple views and controllers can interface with the same model. Even new types of views and controllers that never existed before, such as portlets, can interface with a model without forcing a change in the model design.


WebCenter Portal provides three navigation components to create portal navigation. These components are: Breadcrumb navigation, menu navigation, and tree navigation.

navigation model

Navigation models provide data to the navigation user interface and enable navigation to assets in your portal, such as pages, page hierarchies, task flows, external sites, portlets, and other entities.


Provides useful features for writing personal notes and reminders.


Provides an automated means of triggering notices across different messaging channels, such as phone, mail, worklist, and so on. Messages are triggered when the portals and application objects to which you have subscribed change.


A component of WebCenter Portal tools and services that enables you to inject portal-like capabilities, such as portlets, content integration, and customization, into your Oracle ADF Faces applications.

Oracle ADF

Oracle Application Development Framework. A range of technologies aimed at making Java EE application development faster and simpler for developers while at the same time taking advantage of proven software patterns to ensure that the developed application is scalable, performant, and the like.

Oracle Access Manager (OAM)

Part of Oracle's enterprise class suite of products for identity management and security, Oracle Access Manager provides a wide range of identity administration and security functions, including several single sign-on options for WebCenter Portal and Portal Framework applications. OAM is the recommended single sign-on solution for Oracle WebCenter Portal 11g installations.

Oracle ADF Faces

Oracle ADF Faces is a rich set of user interface components based on the new JavaServer Faces JSR (JSR 127). Oracle ADF Faces provide various user interface components with built-in functionality, such as data tables, hierarchical tables, and color and date pickers, that can be customized and reused in an application.

Oracle Enterprise Manager

A component that enables administrators to manage Oracle Fusion Middleware services through a single environment. The administrator uses Enterprise Manager to configure, manage, and monitor Portal Framework applications.

Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)

Software that processes web transactions that use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Oracle uses HTTP software developed by the Apache Group.

Oracle Internet Directory

Oracle's LDAP V3 compliant LDAP server. It is used as a repository for provisioning users and groups. By default, the Oracle Single Sign-On (OSSO) authenticates user credentials against Oracle Internet Directory information about dispersed users and network resources. Oracle Internet Directory combines LDAP version 3 with the high performance, scalability, robustness, and availability of the Oracle database.

Oracle JDeveloper

Oracle JDeveloper is an integrated development environment for building applications and web services using the latest industry standards for Java, XML, and SQL. Developers can use Oracle JDeveloper to create Java portlets, Portal Framework applications, portlets, skins, portal templates, task flows, mBeans, data controls, and so on.

Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge

Based on and conforming to JSR 329, the Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge enables application developers to expose a JSF application or task flow as a JSR 286 portlet for consumption in another application.

Oracle Metadata Services

See MDS.

Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES)

Provides easy-to-use search for public and secure data, with unified ranking results. With Portal Framework applications, Oracle SES is set as the default and preferred search platform.

With WebCenter Portals, WebCenter Portal's internal live search adapters are set as the default search platform; however, large-scale implementations should be configured to use Oracle SES for best performance.

Oracle Single Sign-On (OSSO)

A component that enables users to log in to all features of the Oracle Fusion Middleware product suite, and to other web applications, using a single user name and password.

Oracle Technology Network

See OTN.

Oracle WebCenter Content

Provides a flexible, secure, centralized, web-based repository that manages all phases of the content life cycle: from creation and approval to publishing, searching, expiration, and archival or disposition. It enables contributors to easily contribute content from native desktop applications, efficiently manage business content through rich library services, and securely access that content anywhere using a web browser. All content, regardless of content type, is stored in the web repository or database for management, reuse and access.

Oracle WebCenter Content Server

A content repository for building secure business libraries with checkin and checkout, revision control, and automated publishing in web-ready formats. Current information is available to authorized users anytime, anywhere.

Oracle WebCenter Content Server is a component of Oracle WebCenter Content.

Oracle WebCenter Content's Site Studio

A powerful, flexible web development application suite that offers a comprehensive approach to designing, building, and maintaining enterprise-scale web sites. Site Studio uses Oracle WebCenter Content: Content Server as the main repository for a web site.

In WebCenter, Content Presenter integrates with Site Studio to allow you to create, access, edit, and display Site Studio contributor data files in either a Site Studio region template or a custom Content Presenter display template.

Oracle WebCenter Portal's Discussions Server

Backend discussions server for discussions and announcements.

Oracle WebCenter Portal Framework

An WebCenter Portal Framework application is a standard ADF web application that includes portal features, like navigation, pages, page templates, content integration, and so on.

Oracle WebCenter Portal's Pagelet Producer

Provides a collection of useful tools and features that facilitate dynamic pagelet development.

Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console

A browser-based environment for managing WebLogic Server, including deployed applications, domains, security, clusters, and so on.


Oracle Technology Network. The online Oracle technical community that provides a variety of technical resources for building Oracle-based applications. You can access OTN at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork.

Page Customizable component

A component provided in the Composer tag library that defines the editable area of a page at runtime. Within this area, users can edit properties for a component, add content to the page, arrange content, and so on.

page hierarchy

A model, in Portal Framework applications, that associates pages in a parent-child relationship, where any page can have one or more sub pages. This parent-child model not only helps define the overall structure of the portal, but also allows child pages to inherit the security policies from their parent.

page parameter

A parameter associated with a page that can be used to store values that can then be passed to the components on the page. It also enables your page to take values through its URL. Page parameters are defined using the <parameter> tag at the top of your PageDef.xml. You can bind page parameters to your page variables.

Page Properties

A dialog, accessed from Composer, that provides access to a page's display options, security settings, and parameters.

page scheme

Determines the background image used in the page. The WebCenter Portal provides several default page schemes and an option for specifying a custom page scheme.

page style

Determines the initial page structure, for example one column or two column. Some default page styles also include the task flows, components, and page properties useful for a particular purpose. For example, a page created using the Text page style includes a Text layout component.

page template

Lets you specify view elements that you intend to be common to all of your pages. A page template file is a JSPX file that includes ADF layout components and other elements. Typically, page templates define a page layout, with headers, footers, and content areas. In addition, the page template usually specifies the positioning and style of the navigation UI for your pages.

page variable

A variable that binds your public portlet parameter to the page. Page variables are defined within the <variableIterator> of your PageDef.xml. One page variable can be bound to multiple public portlet parameters.

Panel Customizable component

A component provided in the Composer tag library that provides a container region for a group of Oracle ADF components and portlets that are customizable at runtime. Any Show Detail Frame components and portlets added as child components to a Panel Customizable component can be moved or maximized with the Panel Customizable component.

parent component

A component that contains other components, such as a Box layout component that contains task flows. The Box is the parent component of the task flows. In contrast, the task flows are the Box's child components.

See also Child Components.


A WebCenter Portal user who can manipulate the content of a portal. A participant can upload and share documents, initiate and take part in chats with other members, create discussion topics, create new or view existing lists.


Java Portlet Developer Kit. The development framework used to build and integrate web content and applications with WebCenter Portal tools and services. It includes toolkits, samples, and technical articles that help make portal development simple. You can take existing Java servlets, JSPs, URL-accessible content and web services and turn them into portlets. It is typically used by external developers and vendors to create portlets and services.

People Connections

Provides social networking tools for creating, interacting with, and tracking the activities of one's enterprise connections.

See also, Activity Stream, Connections, Feedback, Message Board, and Profile.


Dynamic changes to an application's behavior based on user context, facilitated by Personalization for WebCenter Portal.

See also application customization and user customization

Personalization for WebCenter Portal

Enables you to deliver content within your application to targeted users based on selected criteria. Personalization for WebCenter Portal also provides a declarative means for specifying dynamic application flow.

personal page

A page created by a user in his or her Home portal. Personal pages are viewable by other users only if specifically granted access by the user who created the page.

personal profile

A page that displays a user's personal information such as email address, phone number, office location, department, manager, direct reports, and so on.

See also, Profile.


Enables you to create, edit, and take online polls on your portal pages. Polls let you survey your audience (such as their opinions and their experience level) and check whether they can recall important information, and gather feedback on the efficacy of presentations.


A common interface (that is, a web page) that provides a personalized, single point of interaction with web-based applications and information relevant to individual users or class of users.

Portal Builder

Comprises the portal creating, editing, and administration areas of WebCenter Portal. In Portal Builder, you can create a portal, add and edit the pages of a portal in the page editor (Composer), and administer a single portal as the portal owner. The system administrator has access to the Portal Builder administration area that allows for administering all portals.

Portals page

A predefined page in Portal Builder that displays a list of all the portals available to the currently logged in user. The user can choose to display All Portals, only portals of which the user is a member (Joined), only portals of which the user is the moderator (Moderated), portals that are accessible to all (Public), and portals that have been made discoverable (Discoverable).

portal application template

See application templates (JDeveloper).

Portal Developer Kit

See PDK-Java.


A reusable web component that can draw content from many different sources. Portlets can display excerpts of other web sites, generate summaries of key information, perform searches, and access assembled collections of information from a variety of data sources. Because different portlets can be placed on a common page, the user receives a single-source experience, even though the content may be derived from multiple sources. Portlet resources include the many prebuilt portlets available out of the box and programmatic portlets built through WebCenter Portal's JSR 286, PDK-Java Portlet wizards, and other portlet building tools.

portlet event

A JSR 286 feature that allows portlets to react to actions or state changes not directly related to an interaction of the user with the portlet.

portlet filter

A JSR 286 feature that allows on-the-fly transformations of information in both the request to and the responses from a portlet. A portlet filter is a reusable piece of code that can transform the content of portlet requests and portlet responses.

portlet mode

The ways by which a portlet can be called to display information. These methods include:

predefined page

A page created by the WebCenter Portal to perform a specific function. Examples of predefined pages include, Welcome pages, Search pages, and Documents pages.

predeployment tool

A utility for Portal Framework applications that assists you in configuring your target system with the new producer registrations you have added to your application in Oracle JDeveloper. You must run this utility before deploying your application. You can also use this utility after deployment to migrate metadata from stage to production, for example, to export and import your customizations. This tool also enables you to define the MDS repository location to allow run-time customizations to be migrated.

pretty URL

A shortened version of a page's URL that hides the complexity of the real web address.

private parameter

A portlet parameter that is known only to the portlet itself and has no connection to the page on which the portlet resides.

Contrast with public parameter.


A communication link between portlet consumers (such as a Portal Framework application or a portal). When a consumer application renders a portlet, it calls the producer of that portlet, which in turn executes the portlet and returns the results in the form of portlet content. A producer can contain one or more portlets. A portlet can be contained by only one producer.

WebCenter Portal tools and services supports two types of producers:

  • Oracle PDK-Java producers: Deployed to a Java EE application server, which is often remote and communicates through Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) over HTTP.

  • Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP): A web services standard that enables the plug-and-play of visual, user-facing web services with portals or other intermediary web applications. Being a standard, WSRP enables interoperability between a standards-enabled container based on a particular language (such as JSR 286, .NET, Perl) and any WSRP portal. A portlet (regardless of language) deployed to a WSRP-enabled container can be rendered in any application that supports this standard.


Feature for viewing and managing information about yourself, such as your contact information, manager, and direct reports, and for viewing this information about other application users (part of People Connections).

programmatic portlets

Portlets constructed in a non-declarative manner using APIs. Also referred to as hand- or manually-coded portlets.

public render parameters

A JSR 286 feature that enables portlets to share parameter values, allowing a form of interportlet communication.

public portal

A portal that is available to all users, even those who are not logged in to the WebCenter Portal.

public page

A page within the WebCenter Portal that is available to all users, even those who are not logged in to the application.

public parameter

A portlet parameter that is known to the page and bound to it by way of a page variable.

Contrast with private parameter.

public user

A user who can access, but is not logged into a portal or Framework application. A public user can view any page that has been marked as public, but cannot personalize or edit any content, or view pages that have any form of access control.

Contrast with authenticated user.

Recent Activities

Provides a means of tracking recent activities in a Portal Framework application.


A weighted list of similarity calculations. The weighting of each calculation determines its significance in deciding the overall recommendation score. Recommendations are ordered by their total recommendation score.

resize handle

A user interface element in a task flow chrome increasing or decreasing the height of the task flow.


An object that defines the structure, look and feel, or content of a portal. Assets include page templates, navigation models, resource catalogs, skins, page styles, Content Presenter display templates, task flow styles, pagelets, task flows, and data controls.

Resource Action Handling framework

Enables services that expose custom resources to be viewed, searched, and tagged.

resource catalog

A catalog that provides a federated view of one or more otherwise unrelated repositories in a unified search and browse user interface. Resources are created and published in their source repository and are then exposed to the developer in JDeveloper's Resource Palette and to the end user in the resource catalog viewer. Resource catalogs can contain layout components, Oracle ADF components, portlets, task flows, and documents.

Resource Index

The starting point for accessing WebCenter Portal REST APIs. Sending a GET request to the Resource Index URI returns a list of links to entry points for all available services.

resource type

Defines the type of resource that a WebCenter Portal REST API link identifies. Use resource types to determine the response bodies for GET requests and allowable request bodies for POST and PUT. Also use resourceType attributes on entities to uniquely identify their type.


Oracle WebCenter Portal provides a set of web-based REST (REpresentational State Transfer) APIs for retrieving and modifying server data dynamically from the client. REST APIs are available for many WebCenter Portal tools and services.

Reverse Proxy Server

A server process that hides the physical location of internal servers by exposing the servers as a single public site. Requests to the public site are routed to the appropriate internal server.

round-trip development

Round-trip development refers to features and techniques that allow you to retrieve resources from a deployed, runtime portal back to JDeveloper for maintenance or enhancement. After modifying a resource in JDeveloper, you can use the administration console to upload the resource back to the deployed portal. WebCenter Portal's round-trip development features provide a simple, convenient way to modify portal resources without redeploying the entire application.

RSS reader

An RSS reader provided with the WebCenter Portal that incorporates public news feeds from external sources onto portal pages. This RSS reader is available only in WebCenter Portal, and not in Portal Framework applications.


Provides a means of publishing content from other services as news feeds. The RSS tool supports both RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0 formats.


Enables the discovery of information and people in a portal, returning only the results users are authorized to see.

Secure Enterprise Search

See Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES).

Select view (Composer)

A view, in Composer, that provides a WYSIWYG rendering of the page and its content, where a component can be selected for quick access to its properties or the properties of its parent component. Component cannot be deleted in Select view.

See also Structure view (Composer) and Design view (Composer).

Self-Registration page

A predefined page where users can register with the WebCenter Portal, thus creating themselves an identity store login account. Administrators can customize certain aspects of this page.

Self-Subscription page

A predefined page where users can register to become members of a portal. Moderators can customize certain aspects of this page.

service ID

In Expression Language, the string that identifies a particular service. For example, the string oracle.webcenter.collab.announcement is the service ID for the Announcements service.

A PDK-Java producer's unique identifier. PDK-Java enables you to deploy multiple producers under a single adapter servlet. Different producers are identified by their unique service IDs. A service ID is required only when a service ID/producer name is not appended to the URL endpoint.


A Java program that usually runs on a Web server, extending the web server's functionality. HTTP servlets take client HTTP requests, generate dynamic content (such as through querying a database), and provide an HTTP response.

session language

A display language specified by the user that remains in effect for the life of the session cookie (from log on to log off). If the user clears browser cookies, the display language reverts to the user-level default language, if specified, then to the application-level default language set by the administrator. Set the session language in the Change Language pop-up, accessible from the Welcome page.

Shared Screen mode

A portlet mode that renders the body of the portlet and enables you to display a portlet on a page that can contain other portlets. Every portlet must have at least a Shared Screen mode.

See also View mode.

Show Detail Frame component

A component provided in the Composer tag library that renders a border or chrome around the child component. It provides a header with an Actions menu and thereby provides user interface (UI) controls to customize the display of the child component. However, to customize the display of the child component, the Show Detail Frame component must be included inside a Panel Customizable component.

Show Details Page mode

A portlet mode that provides full-browser display of the portlet. For example, a portlet in Show Page mode could be limited to displaying only the ten most recently submitted expense reports, while the same portlet in Show Details Page mode could show all submissions.

Contrast with Show Page mode.

show modes

Types of portlet modes encompassing Show Page mode and Show Details Page mode.

Show Page mode

A portlet mode that provides a smaller portlet display to allow portal for additional portlets and other objects in the browser window. For example, a portlet in Show Page mode could be limited to displaying only the ten most recently submitted expense reports, while the same portlet in Show Details Page mode could show all submissions.

Contrast with Show Details Page mode.

similarity calculation

Used by the activity graph to provide a similarity score (a number between zero and one) that designates how similar two objects are to each other given a specific criterion. The weighting of each calculation determines its significance in deciding the overall recommendation score. Recommendations are ordered by their total recommendation score.


A style sheet based on the CSS 3.0 syntax specified in one place for an entire portal. Instead of providing a style sheet for each component, or inserting a style sheet on each page, you can create one skin for the entire portal.

Structure view (Composer)

A view, in Composer, that provides a combined WYSIWYG and hierarchical rendering of page components, where controls are available in the header of the hierarchical list pane to add, edit, delete, hide, and rearrange page components.

See also Design view (Composer) and Select view (Composer).


A work area within WebCenter Portal that supports a group of people of any size that is organized around an area of interest or a common goal.

portal icon

An image displayed alongside portal names on the Portals page in My Portals to help other users with identification and location.

portal logo

An image displayed on the Home portal page to provide a visual identity for the portal. The Home portal logos also display alongside the portal name at the top of the page in Full Screen Mode.

portal member

A user who is participating in a portal. Members can be added or invited to a portal, or they can subscribe to a portal themselves if self-registration is enabled.

portal owner

A user who initially created a portal. The portal owner is automatically also a moderator of the portal.

portal template

A starting point for creating a new portal. WebCenter Portal includes several out-of-the-box templates to get you started, and you can create custom portal templates using existing portals as the basis.

Portal Unavailable page

A predefined page that displays when a portal member tries to open a portal that is temporarily offline. Moderators can customize this page.

Portals Switcher

Provides access to a popup window where users can select a portal to which to navigate. Recent Portals lists up to ten recently accessed portals, followed by portals to which current user most recently gained access. Portals lists all portals to which the current user has access, in alphabetical order. A list of links provides direct access from the menu to the Home portal, the portals browser page, the Create a Portal dialog, and Portal Builder.


Enables users to apply their own terms to portal objects, making it possible to search for those objects using personally meaningful terms.

task flow

A set of ADF Controller activities, control flow rules, and managed beans that interact to allow a user to complete a task. Task flows provide a modular approach for defining control flow in a portal. Instead of representing a portal as a single JSF page flow, developers can break it up into a collection of reusable task flows.

Text layout component

A layout component available through Composer. A rich text editor for providing static page text. For designers of Portal Framework applications, this is the runtime equivalent of a Rich Text Editor component.

Unauthorized Access page

A predefined page that is shown when someone without access permission tries to open a page.

URL parameter

See private parameter.

user customization

Changes that affect only a user's own work space.

See also application customization and personalization

validation-based caching

A caching method that uses a validation check to determine if the cached item is still valid.

Contrast with expiry-based caching.

Virtual Content Repository

Virtual Content Repository (VCR) enables you to plug in multiple, heterogeneous content repositories.

View mode

(JSR 286 portlets only.) A portlet mode that enables you to display a JSR 286 portlet on a page that can contain other portlets. It is the only required mode for JSR 286 portlets.

See also Shared Screen mode.

Web 2.0

Technologies, such as wiki, RSS, and blogs, that enable the construction of highly interactive web applications.

See also WebCenter Portal tools and services.

WebCenter Portal

Out-of-the-box application built using JSF, Oracle ADF, WebCenter Portal Framework, WebCenter Portal tools and services, and Composer. WebCenter Portal provides a browser-based platform for creating enterprise portals, multiple sites and communities, a Home portal for each user, and threaded discussions, blogs, wikis, worklists, announcements, RSS, recent activities, search, and more.

WebCenter Portal Producer Application template

An application template, provided by JDeveloper, for creating an application with the recommended projects and technology scopes required for developing portlets. The Portlet Producer Application template consists of a single project scoped for portlet creation (Portlets).

See also Portal Framework application template and producer.

Web Page layout component

A layout component available through Composer. A means of embedding another web site, wiki, or blog within the context of a page which is created in the WebCenter Portal. For designers of Portal Framework applications, this is the equivalent of an Inline Frame component.

Web Services for Remote Portlets


WebCenter Portals Extension for Oracle JDeveloper

An extension available through the Oracle JDeveloper Update Wizard that installs the necessary libraries, templates, wizards, and dialogs needed to build and deploy Portal Framework applications in Oracle JDeveloper.

WebCenter Portal Framework

See Oracle WebCenter Portal Framework.

WebCenter Portal systems administrator

See administrator.

WebCenter Portal tools and services

A collection of tools and services that expose social networking and personal productivity features.

Welcome page

There are two types of Welcome page:

  • Public Welcome page: A predefined page that users encounter before logging in to the WebCenter Portal.

  • Personal Welcome page: A predefined page that introduces users to their Home portal.

WebLogic Server (WLS)

WebLogic Server. A scalable, enterprise-ready Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) application server. The WebLogic Server infrastructure supports the deployment of many types of distributed applications and is an ideal foundation for building applications based on Service Oriented Architectures (SOA).

See also Integrated WebLogic Server


WebLogic Scripting Tool. A command line tool for managing Oracle Fusion Middleware components, such as Oracle WebCenter Portal.


Provides access to notifications, alerts, and BPEL tasks assigned to the current user.


Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) is a web services standard that allows the plug-and-play of visual, user-facing web services with portals or other intermediary web applications. Being a standard, WSRP enables interoperability between a standards-enabled container based on a particular language (such as JSR 286, .NET, Perl) and any WSRP portal. A portlet (regardless of language) deployed to a WSRP-enabled container can be rendered on any portal that supports this standard.