A list of dimension description records. Dimension description records are records which are used to represent dimensions in the MDEX Engine. A list of dimension description record slices. A record slice is a piece of a record. It must contain a record spec (in this case, mdex-dimension_Key) but need not contain all of the other required assignments. Dimension description record slices are used to specify particular assignments to be updated on dimension description records. A list of property description records. Property description records are records which are used to represent properties in the MDEX Engine. A list of property description record slices. A record slice is a piece of a record. It must contain a record spec (in this case, mdex-property_Key) but need not contain all of the other required assignments. Property description record slices are used to specify particular assignments to be updated on property description records. Used to wrap the global configuration record, which is used to configure settings which apply to the MDEX Engine as a whole. A list containing the full representations of groups. In addition to the information presented in a group summary, the group element also contains a list of the members of the group. Used to wrap a piece of XML-based configuration. A list of property keys. A list of dimension keys. A list of group summaries. A group summary consists of a groupSummary element with key and cardinality attributes. If the group has a display name, the summary will also include a displayName attribute. A list of XML configuration document names. The configuration element is a wrapper for the various types of schema and configuration used in the MDEX Engine, including dimensions, properties, groups, XML configuration documents, and the global configuration record. An operation which returns an mdex:properties element containing a property description record for each property in the MDEX Engine. An operation which returns an mdex:propertyKeys element containing the key of each property in the MDEX Engine. An operation which returns an mdex:properties element containing a property description record for each of the specified properties. An operation which creates each of the given properties or updates them if they already exist. An operation which updates properties according to the given property description record slices. Each slice should contain an mdex-property_Key element indicating which property to update and other elements representing assignments to add to the property. For each of these assignments, any existing assignments to the same property will be removed from the property being updated. An operation which returns an mdex:dimensions element containing a dimension description record for each dimension in the MDEX Engine. An operation which returns an mdex:dimensionKeys element containing the key of each dimension in the MDEX Engine. An operation which returns an mdex:dimensions element containing a dimension description record for each of the specified dimensions. An operation which creates each of the given dimensions or updates them if they already exist. An operation which updates dimensions according to the given dimension description record slices. Each slice should contain an mdex-dimension_Key element indicating which dimension to update and other elements representing assignments to add to the dimension. For each of these assignments, any existing assignments to the same property will be removed from the dimension being updated. An operation which removes all existing groups and adds the given ones. An operation which returns an mdex:groups element containing the full representation of each group in the MDEX Engine. An operation which returns an mdex:groupSummaries element containing a summary of each group in the MDEX Engine. An operation which returns an mdex:groups element containing the full representation of each of the specified groups. An operation which creates each of the given groups or updates them if they already exist. An operation which deletes each of the specified groups. An operation which returns an mdex:globalConfigRecord element containing the global configuration record. An operation which updates the global configuration record. An operation which returns mdex:configDocument elements containing the content of each of the specified XML configuration documents. An operation which returns an mdex:configDocumentNames element containing the name of each XML configuration document in the MDEX Engine. An operation which updates the given XML configuration documents. An operation which returns an mdex:configuration element containing the global configuration record and all properties, dimensions, groups, and XML configuration documents in the MDEX Engine. An operation which imports all of the given schema and configuration. The global configuration record, properties, dimensions, and XML configuration documents will be updated. The set of groups will be replaced with those given. The configTransaction element contains the operations to be performed for a configuration service request. The results element indicates that the configuration web service request completed successfully, and it contains any information returned by the operations which were performed. Web service for managing MDEX Engine configuration and schema