====================================================================== Endeca Discovery Framework GENERAL (1.3.1) - Release Date: November 2010 - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Access the Product Downloads section of the Endeca Developer Network (EDeN) at https://eden.endeca.com for the most recent version of the release notes. NEW FEATURES (1.3.1) - A new Cross Tab component provides a table that allows end users to perform comparisons and identify trends across several cross sections of data. A cross tab consists of a specific configuration of rows, columns, and summary cells that together make up the table body. The values displayed in the header rows and columns represent every possible grouping value of the specified data fields. Summary cells exist at the intersection of rows and columns. The value of a given summary cell is a metric corresponding to the intersection of those two groupings. - The Results Table, Record Details, and Find Similar components now allow users to interact with representative aggregated records when bound to a data source that has a Record Aggregator function configured. Similarly, the Guided Navigation component will display refinement counts for the representative records, rather than the underlying base records. For information on how to configure a data source using a Record Aggregator function, see the DF Install Guide. - The Chart component contains the following enhancements: * Users can now export the Analytics results that are powering the chart. * Users can now print a page containing the chart with context information (breadcrumbs). * Power users can now enable a "Top-N Sort" control, which allows users to toggle the sort applied on the Analytics statement powering the chart. Users can view the "top N" or "bottom N" results for a given metric, where "N" is a number configured by the power user. * Power users can now set a threshold for the maximum number of records the Analytics statement should return. When exceeded, a message is displayed indicating that the user should further refine the result set in order to see the chart. * Power users can now configure a chart title that will display variable content, such as the user-selected metric or group-by. * Power users can now configure multiple charts within a single instance of the component. When more than one chart has been configured, the user can switch between them dynamically by selecting a given chart from a drop-down list. * Chart now makes use of the Corda Redirector for chart generation and rendering. The Corda Redirector acts as a proxy to the Corda Server or Corda Server servlet which is responsible for generating the chart images. The new approach provides a greater level of control over where Corda fits into the network supporting the Discovery Framework. KNOWN ISSUES (1.3.1) - The Chart Metrics Selector, which is where the power user sets which metrics will be visible in the rendering of the chart, only appears after the Save Preferences button has been clicked. In addition, whenever the power user adds or removes a metric in the Analytics statement, Save Preferences button must be clicked again to update the Metrics Selector. The default behavior is that all metrics are visible in the chart. - When an invalid metric name is entered into the Chart's Metric Options, the power user is not warned. If the invalid metric is selected by the end user, the result will be an empty chart. To fix this problem, the power user can update Metric Options with a valid metric returned by the statement. - New-line characters in the Chart's list of Metric Options do not render properly in Internet Explorer after preferences are saved, making all metrics appear on one line. This does not impact the user's ability to toggle metrics, but may be confusing for the power user who edits the Chart's preferences using Internet Explorer. - When testing an Analytics statement in the preferences editor for an Analytics- powered component, the Save button will remain disabled even when a warning condition occurs. Once the power user addresses the issue in the statement and clicks the test button again, the Save button is re-enabled upon successful validation of the statement. - Please read the known issues for previous versions as well. FIXED IN THIS RELEASE (1.3.1) - BUG7825 A Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability was addressed in the Corda Server servlet. Note that as a result of this fix, the URL that verifies that the servlet is running (http://server.example.com:8080/ corda/server) now produces an empty white box instead of the Corda logo. - BUG6259 The Breadcrumbs "clear all" button now only removes query functions that are displayed and supported by the Breadcrumbs component from the backing data source. It no longer removes record filters that have been configured in the data source's list of base functions. - BUG8076 The dimension configuration editor used in preferences for the Guided Navigation and Search Box components now presents the list of available dimensions along with a paging toolbar, displaying only 100 dimensions at a time. This alleviates performance issues with data sets containing large numbers of dimensions. - BUG8128 The Attribute Settings component in the Control Panel now presents all attributes and the attributes within sets along with a paging toolbar, displaying only 60 attributes at a time. This alleviates performance issues with data sets containing large numbers of dimensions. - BUG8091 If an invalid metric is added to the Metric Options list in the Chart component's preferences editor, a warning message is displayed when the Analytics statement is tested, indicating that an unknown key was referenced. Previously, an invalid metric resulted in an indefinite "loading" state. - BUG8159 Dimension names containing percent symbols and other special characters now display properly in the Guided Navigation component. ====================================================================== Endeca Discovery Framework GENERAL (1.3) - Release Date: October 2010 - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Access the Product Downloads section of the Endeca Developer Network (EDeN) at https://eden.endeca.com for the most recent version of the release notes. NEW FEATURES (1.3) - Discovery Framework now supports WebSphere Application Server 6.1, running on IBM JDK 1.5. - The Liferay code in use by Discovery Framework has been updated to Service Pack 4 (5.2.8). This carries a large number of stability, security, and performance fixes. - View transitions now allow you to specify a target tab of the Tabbed Component Container as well as a target page. View transitions are now available in the Results Table, Guided Navigation, Record Details, Find Similar, and Search Box components. - The Guided Navigation and Breadcrumbs components now support negative refinements. - The Guided Navigation component now lets you specify which dimensions should be exposed by default when the component loads. - The Guided Navigation component now has a preference for the maximum number of dimension values to show in a single dimension (the default is 500). Use this preference to control your user experience on very large dimensions. - The Search Box component now supports multiple search configurations, each specifying a data source, MDEX Engine search interface, matchmode, and a display name for breadcrumbs. The end user can choose between these search configurations at runtime. - The Search Box component now lets you choose which dimensions should be included for type-ahead suggestions. - The Range Filter component now supports histograms. - The Control Panel has been reorganized to have a "Discovery Framework" category containing all Discovery Framework-specific administrative controls. - The Data Source Bindings control panel is new in this release. This is a beta component and is therefore unsupported. This component allows you to change the data source binding for multiple components at the same time, without needing to edit the preferences of each component. - The Discovery Framework core APIs now support aggregate records. You can use these APIs for your custom components; aggregate record support for the standard Discovery Framework components will be added in future releases. - The Discovery Framework core APIs, the Attribute Settings control panel, and the Record Details component now support attribute sets. Attribute sets allow you to organize your properties and dimensions into named groups. You can use these APIs for your custom components; support for the standard Discovery Framework components will be added in future releases. - Discovery Framework 1.3 contains multiple enhancements around integration with the upcoming MDEX 7 platform. Please contact your Endeca representative for more information about MDEX 7 integration. KNOWN ISSUES (1.3) - JavaScript performance in Internet Explorer remains significantly poorer than in Firefox. From time to time, you may receive a warning from Internet Explorer about a long-running script. We continue to tackle this issue, but recommend switching to Firefox if you encounter problems in Internet Explorer. - Discovery Framework requires the Endeca Theme in order to start up and allow you to enter a license key. Even if you do not intend to use the Endeca Theme in production, please install the Endeca Theme from the components-1.3.zip file, start and configure Discovery Framework, then switch to your custom theme once Discovery Framework is functioning correctly. - You must install Discovery Framework to the root web context - "/" - for full functionality. If you install to another context, some images, JavaScript, and other necessary resources will not load properly. This limitation will be removed in a future release. - The method signatures for view transitions have changed. If you have custom components that use view transitions, please contact your Endeca representative for details on upgrading your component. - The Component SDK's build scripts do not function out of the box if you are using the standalone WAR package to install into your application server (as opposed to using the Discovery Framework bundle). You will need to modify paths within the SDK build scripts in order for them to work. - When configuring a child data source (i.e. a data source that specifies a "parentDataSource" property), you must explicitly set "securityEnabled" to true if you desire that feature. The "securityEnabled" property defaults to false if it is not specified. - The Freeform layout has been removed from this release because it was unstable when used with Endeca components. If you were using the Freeform layout, you will need to rebuild your pages. - Please read the known issues for previous versions as well. FIXED IN THIS RELEASE (1.3) - BUG7152 Portlets would sometimes stick in Edit mode. This problem, which was persistent across sessions, has been fixed. - BUG7193 Chart component drilldown on a bar with a space in its name no longer causes an exception in Internet Explorer. - BUG7267 In the Results Table component, sorting on a column with a period in its name has been fixed. - BUG7329 The "+" character is no longer stripped from dimension display in the Chart component. - BUG7342 Portlet and Security Manager SDK Eclipse projects no longer reference xmlbeans. - BUG7401 Search Box type-ahead results now work when special characters are present. - BUG7480 Calling resetQueryState() on parent/child datasources, such as the Reset link in the sample portlet or the Delete All button in Breadcrumbs, would reset to the wrong state. This has been fixed. - BUG7526 Search Box type-ahead preferences no longer require a full page reload to take effect. - BUG7549 The Range Filter component could fail when using less-than filters against a property configured as a Date filter, if that property contained invalid date values. This has been fixed. - BUG7649 WebSphere: enabling Java 2 Security no longer prevents the server from starting up correctly. ====================================================================== Endeca Discovery Framework GENERAL (1.2.1) - Release Date: July 2010 - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Access the Product Downloads section of the Endeca Developer Network (EDeN) at https://eden.endeca.com for the most recent version of the release notes. NEW FEATURES (1.2.1) - A new Find Similar component provides end users with the opportunity to find other records that share common attributes with a specific record of interest. Users can view specific records of interest in the Record Details component and then click Find Similar to search for records with similar attributes. - The Record Details component has been enhanced to support the "find similar" functionality offered by the new Find Similar component. A new button has been added that directs users to the Find Similar component so that they may attempt to find other records with similar attributes to the one being viewed. - A new Metrics Bar component allows users to quickly view metrics that summarize various aspects of the underlying data. The metrics displayed are based on Analytics statements written by the power user in the component's preferences editor, where the display formats of the metrics can also be configured. Power users can also set threshold violation indicators to alert the end users when a metric has reached a certain value or range of values. KNOWN ISSUES (1.2.1) - BUG7441: The Metrics Bar component's preferences editor intentionally does not provide a Save Preferences button, but this means there is no way to toggle the "Respect data source query state" option on/off without re-testing the Analytics query and re-loading the metrics. - BUG7429: The Find Similar component logs an ERROR about being unable to store a com.endeca.navigation.PropertyMap object into session, as this object is not serializable. The error may indicate a possible issue with the component during session deserialization, but this generally should not limit an end user's ability to use the component. FIXED IN THIS RELEASE (1.2.1) - BUG7401: The Search Box component's type-ahead results now work properly when they contain punctuation such as an apostrophes or other special UTF-8 characters (for example, 'ü'). ====================================================================== Endeca Discovery Framework GENERAL (1.2) - Release Date: July 2010 - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Access the Product Downloads section of the Endeca Developer Network (EDeN) at https://eden.endeca.com for the most recent version of the release notes. NEW FEATURES (1.2) - A new Endeca Attribute Settings component in the Control Panel allows you to change the end-user-visible names used by Discovery Framework for properties and dimensions in the MDEX Engine. These display names are used by the Guided Navigation, Breadcrumbs, Range Filters, Record Details, and Results Table components. - The Chart component added support for Analytics statements that use two metrics and one group-by, in addition to the previous support for statements with one metric and two group-bys or one metric and one group-by. - The default Discovery Framework bundle has been upgraded to use Apache Tomcat 6 and Java 6. - Discovery Framework has been upgraded to support (and require) Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox 3.6. - The Advanced Visualization component has been upgraded to support (and require) Xcelsius 3.1. KNOWN ISSUES (1.2) - BUG7144: Flash Player 10.1 problems with Advanced Visualization. When viewing the Advanced Visualization component in a browser with Flash 10.1, certain features do not work. Specifically, drilldown and mouseover labels in the DrillDownChartExample fail, and all sample movies may fail to load data when the movie first appears on the page, though they do load data once the data source has changed due to a refinement or removal of a breadcrumb. Custom visualizations you create in Xcelsius may encounter the same problems with Flash 10.1. To work around this issue, use Flash 10.0. - The default Tomcat 6/Java 6 bundle can log NullPointerExceptions on org.apache.tomcat.util.net.NioEndpoint setSocketOptions during startup. This is a known issue in Liferay (LPS-4021) that can be ignored, since it does not affect any functionality. - BUG7106, BUG7043: In the Chart and Results Table components, Analytics statements using the TRUNC or EXTRACT functions will fail. This is due to a specific interaction between these components and the Endeca Java Presentation API that triggers TT BUG10979 in the Presentation API. - BUG7147: Look and Feel menu causes "stop running this script" message in IE8. Some users report that when selecting the Look and Feel option in a component, they are prompted with an Internet Explorer dialog asking to stop a long-running script. Users should choose to allow the script to continue; if they do, the Look and Feel functionality will work. FIXED IN THIS RELEASE (1.2) - BUG6838: You could not set or test an Analytics statement in the Results Table preferences if the current view of the Results Table was sorted by a column. - BUG6927: When you changed the data source in the Record Details component, it did not clear its record spec and tried to display the previous data source's record. - BUG6974: Once you sorted the Results Table component, you could not unsort. - BUG6978: There was a JavaScript error when adding the Data Sources component to a page. - BUG6983, BUG7046: Results Table column sampling was incorrect. When adding the Results Table component to a page, it makes a best guess at which columns to display. This guess has been significantly improved. - BUG6986: After loading a bookmark, the Results Table would show the Bookmarks component's contents when clicking on "View Detail..." - BUG7010: There was an error in the Results Table when sorting on certain Analytics columns if the columns had been reordered in preferences. - BUG7011: There was no horizontal scrollbar on wide tables/tabs in the Results Table. - BUG7028: The Results Table did not empty its contents if the current refinement state returned zero records. - BUG7047: Guided Navigation mishandled non-dimension-grouped dimensions unless they appeared first. - BUG7070: CSV export limits were too high and not configurable. - BUG7077: The Results Table fired two identical queries to get records on first load. - BUG7079: The Bookmarks component failed if the Results Table component had concrete (non-default) preferences. - BUG7081: The SDK README incorrectly pointed to a separate shared lib package. - BUG7089: The Breadcrumbs "Delete All" button link target was too small. - BUG7102: the Breadcrumbs Delete button for searches was subscripted when the component was in a narrow column. - BUG7180: Page transition parameters were not being properly cleared and set. - BUG7182: Paging math was incorrect when "records per page" was changed. ====================================================================== Endeca Discovery Framework GENERAL (1.1) - Release Date: May 2010 - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Access the Product Downloads section of the Endeca Developer Network (EDeN) at https://eden.endeca.com for the most recent version of the release notes. NEW FEATURES (1.1) - The overall look and feel of the Discovery Framework has been improved through changes to the portal theme and to individual components. - The Results Table, Guided Navigation, and Breadcrumbs components have been significantly rewritten to improve functionality and user experience. - The Range Filter component is new in this release. - Switching a component into edit mode now happens asynchronously and does not reload the entire page. KNOWN ISSUES (1.1) - BUG6841: Internet Explorer 7 performance is poor. The runtime performance of IE, expecially when you have a Results Table component on your page, is suboptimal. You may encounter a warning message from IE stating "A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly." Performance in Firefox is good. - BUG6834: The Results Table component does not support the same property in multiple columns. If you add the same property to multiple columns, only the last column for that property will render. Additionally, Internet Explorer may throw a JavaScript error when attempting to switch column sets. - BUG6838: The Results Table component does not allow you to test or save an analytics statement if the table is 1) currently showing base (non-analytics) records, and 2) currently sorted. - BUG6831: There are issues around the handling of inert dimension values in the Guided Navigation and Breadcrumbs components. When your breadcrumb contains inert (non-navigable) dimension values and you remove certain parts of that breadcrumb, the Guided Navigation component may not show its in-context breadcrumbs and exposed dimension state properly. - BUG6868: The Range Filter component's slider does not prevent its minimum value from being greater than its maximum value. It is possible to set this either via the portlet preferences or by dragging the min/max slider handles past each other. If you do this, you create an invalid query by setting the range's lower bound above its higher bound. - BUG6853: Date-based range filters do not display properly in breadcrumbs after they are loaded via a bookmark. These range filters do display properly when they are directly applied from the Range Filter component. - Date-based range filters only support epoch time values in the MDEX Engine. To use a date-based range filter, the target property in the MDEX Engine must be formatted as an epoch time. Other data formats are not currently supported. FIXED IN THIS RELEASE (1.1) - BUG6158: You cannot reorder the tabs from the configuration screen of the Tabbed Component Container. - BUG6294, BUG6326: The Results Grid (Advanced) component may output corrupted visual artifacts when it does not have enough horizontal space or when an individual column does not have enough horizontal space. ====================================================================== Endeca Discovery Framework GENERAL (1.0) - Release Date: March 2010 - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Access the Product Downloads section of the Endeca Developer Network (EDeN) at https://eden.endeca.com for the most recent version of the release notes. KNOWN ISSUES (1.0) - BUG6255: There is no validation for data source identifiers. If you create a data source with a space in its identifier (either its JSON filename or its "id" attribute), it will appear in the data source chooser and the Data Sources component; however, you will get errors when attempting to select the data source in the chooser or when a component tries to query the data source. Validation should be added for data source initialization to check for a valid data source identifier. - BUG6158: You cannot reorder the tabs from the configuration screen of the Tabbed Component Container. It will appear as if the tabs can be reordered, but the new order will not be preserved. To reorder tabs, delete and then re-create tabs in the desired order. - BUG6294, BUG6326: The Results Grid (Advanced) component may output corrupted visual artifacts when it does not have enough horizontal space or when an individual column does not have enough horizontal space. To work around this issue, ensure that screen resolutions are large enough, that the component is placed in a wide enough column, and that you specify an explicit width in the component preferences for any column that displays incorrectly. - BUG6325: You cannot drag any components into the Component Container immediately after adding the Component Container to a page. After adding the Component Container to a page, reload the page in order to drag components into it. Similarly, you cannot add components to the Component Container or the Tabbed Component Container immediately after changing their layouts; you must reload the page after changing a layout in order to add a component. - BUG6015: You cannot drag any components to or from the Tabbed Component Container into or out of a free spot in the same column as the Tabbed Component Container. Instead, you can drag and drop a component into a free spot in a different column on the page, and then drag the component from that temporary position to its desired position. - BUG6368: You cannot drag any components from the Add Component menu into the Tabbed Component Container when using Internet Explorer. Instead, you can drag and drop a component into a free spot in a different column on the page, and then drag the component from that temporary position into the Tabbed Component Container.