Logs for the EAC Central Server

Aside from log files associated with specific EAC components, utilities, and scripts, the EAC Central Server and its services generate log files in their workspace directories.

The EAC logs are located in %ENDECA_CONF%\logs (on Windows), or $ENDECA_CONF/logs (on UNIX).

Specifically, the /logs directory contains a number of files generated by the Endeca HTTP service, and the applications running inside it, such as the EAC Central Server and EAC Agent.

The EAC logs have a default size limit of 1Gb. The log is named main.rotation number.log and is part of a two-log rotation that rolls automatically when the maximum size is reached. When the second log file reaches the maximum size, the first is overwritten. That is, when main.0.log reaches the 1G size limit, the system starts to write to main.1.log. Once main.1.log reaches the 1G size limit, main.0.log is overwritten.

The following log files are typically useful and relevant in EAC development and debugging:
Type of EAC logs Description

Main log, such as main.0.log

Most EAC logging goes into this log file. For example, exceptions thrown when invoking a shell or component are logged in it.

For example, if you attempt to launch a utility on a non-existent host, an exception similar to the following is logged in this file: "The host "my_host" in application "my_app" does not exist"

Process log, such as process.0.log

Logs generated by the EAC process control module go into this file. This log contains messages associated with process control and recovery.

These messages include information about starting and stopping scripts, components and utilities, recovering failed processes and rebinding to active processes.

Invocation log, such as invoke.0.log

This file contains logs associated with the EAC Web service invocations. For example, this file records the exact XML content of Web service requests and responses.

Tomcat/Catalina logs, such as:
  • catalina.out
  • catalina.[date].log
  • tomcat_[stdout|stderr].log

These logs are useful when errors occur while loading the EAC.

For example, if the context configuration for EAC specifies the wrong path for the EAC WAR file, an error occurs when starting the Endeca HTTP service, and is logged in these log files.

Alternatively, a clean startup of the Endeca HTTP service results in no exceptions, and a successful output of a message: "Server startup in [n] ms"