Releasing locks set by the Deployment Template in the EAC

In some instances, you may find it necessary to manually release locks that the Deployment Template scripts have put in the EAC on a particular component.

Different types of locks can appear in your Endeca implementation. The first type of lock is a Windows file system lock. For example, if you have Windows Explorer open at the data\forge_output location and the baseline update tries to clean up that folder, it will fail due to explore.exe holding on to the directory lock. To release file system locks, make sure that no processes and users have related folders (or files within those folders) open. (UNIX does not put exclusive system locks on files.)

Other types of locks that you may encounter are locks (or EAC flags) that are put into the EAC by the Deployment Template baseline_update script, partial_update scripts, or other scripts. The default lock is called update_lock. It is created by the following line in the Deployment Template script:

If the running Deployment Template script breaks halfway through its execution due to an unhandled exception, or is manually interrupted by a user pressing Ctrl-C while it is running, the lock remains set within the EAC.

For example, you may see the following exception error in the Deployment Template logs:
[10.17.09 06:52:09] SEVERE: Caught an exception while
 invoking method 'run' on object 'BaselineUpdate'. 
Releasing locks. 
Caused by java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 
[10.17.09 06:52:09] INFO: Released lock 'update_lock'. 
While there can be other causes for this exception, it typically results from a failure to release locks on the Dgraph.

To release the lock on a component within the EAC, run the following commands:

  1. Using the eaccmd tool, run the following command to obtain a list of all outstanding flags in the application. You may want to review these flags before running the remove-all-flags command. list-flags --app application_name
  2. Run the following commands from the command line, or using the eaccmd tool:
    Option Description
    From the command line: Go to the .<AppDir>/control/ directory.

    Run the following Deployment Template command:

    On Windows: .\runcommand.bat LockManager releaseLock update_lock

    On UNIX: ./ LockManager releaseLock update_lock

    Using the eaccmd tool:

    Windows: eaccmd.bat remove-all-flags -app <your application>

    UNIX: remove-all-flags -app <your application>

    The LockManager is internally using EAC flagging functionality, so the remove-all-flags function of eaccmd effectively cleans the Deployment Template locks.

    This releases the locks in the EAC.