Removing components from your configuration

To remove inactive components you can use several options — stop and remove them in the Deployment Template, run initialize_services, use eaccmd, or use the EAC Console of Endeca Workbench.

To stop and remove a component from the EAC definition:

Use any of the following options:
Option Description

Use the Deployment Template runcommand.

The runcommand of the Deployment Template stops the components if they are running and removes their definition. After that, you can remove the components from AppConfig.xml.
  1. If the component is running, stop it: [appDir]/control/runcommand component_name stop
  2. Remove the component's definition: [appDir]/control/runcommand component_name removeDefinition
  3. Remove the inactive component from the AppConfig.xml file.

Run the Deployment Template initialize_services script.

This script resets your provisioning to components specified in AppConfig.xml. It stops any running components (such as Dgraphs or log servers), removes the application from the EAC, and provisions the entire application again to the EAC.

Important: Re-running the initialize_services script will wipe out any configuration that exists in Endeca Workbench, such as configuration of rules (if you have created them in Workbench).

Use the EAC Admin Console of the Endeca Workbench.

The Endeca Workbench communicates with the EAC, stops and removes the component.

Use the eaccmd tool to stop and remove the component.

The eaccmd tool stops and removes the inactive components from the EAC.
  1. Stop the component:
    • On Windows: eaccmd.bat host:port stop --app <appname> --comp <component id>
    • On UNIX: host:port stop --app <appname> --comp <component id>
  2. Remove the component:
    • On Windows: eaccmd.bat host:port remove-component --app <appname> --comp <component id>
    • On UNIX: host:port remove-component --app <appname> --comp <component id>