About the Endeca URL query syntax

The Endeca query syntax defines how the client browser communicates with the Presentation API.

This appendix describes two methods:

URL parameter description format

The tables in this appendix describe the Endeca query parameters, using the following characteristics:

Parameter The query parameter, which is case-sensitive.
Name The common name for the query parameter.
Java setter method The corresponding ENEQuery Java setter method for the parameter.
.NET setter property The corresponding ENEQuery .NET setter property for the parameter.
Type The type of valid value for the query parameter.
Description The basic MDEX result object that this parameter is associated with.
Object A description of the query parameter, including information about its arguments.
Dependency Additional query parameters that are required to give this parameter context.

In addition, an example of the query parameter use is given after the table.

About primary parameters

The following parameters are primary parameters:
  • N (Navigation)
  • R (Record)
  • A (Aggregated Record)
  • An (Aggregated Record Descriptors)
  • Au (Aggregated Record Rollup Key)
  • D (Dimension Search)

All other parameters are secondary. In order to use the secondary parameters in a query, you must include the primary parameters associated with that query type. For example, you cannot use a Dimension Search Scope (Dn) parameter without a Dimension Search (D) parameter

Note that the A, An, and Au parameters are mandatory for all aggregated record queries and must always be used together.