Di (Search Dimension)

The Di parameter sets the dimensions which the dimension search can search from.

Parameter Di
Name Search Dimension
Java setter method ENEQuery.setDimSearchDimensions()
.NET setter property ENEQuery.DimSearchDimensions
Type <dimension id> or <dimension id>+<dimension id>...
The Di parameter can be used with two types of dimension search:
  • Default dimension search
  • Compound dimension search.
This parameter must be used in conjunction with the D parameter.

Note that by default, all dimensions are enabled for the default dimension search. If you use Dgidx --compoundDimSearch flag, all dimensions are enabled for the compound dimension search.

If used for the default dimension search, specify a single dimension for the Di parameter. The dimension ID value that you specify refers to the single dimension from which matches will be returned by the MDEX Engine. In other words, the default dimension search will occur within a single dimension (as opposed to the standard behavior of the default dimension search to search across all dimensions).

If used for the compound dimension search, specify a list of dimension value IDs for the Di parameter. This way, you are requiring that every result returned has exactly one value from each dimension value ID specified in Di. This restricts your compound dimension search to the intersection of the specified dimensions (as opposed to the compound dimension search across all dimensions).

Note that in order to receive matches when you specify more than one value for the Di parameter, you must also enable the compound dimension search by using Dgidx --compoundDimSearch flag. If the compound dimension search is not enabled and you specify more than one value for the Di parameter, the MDEX Engine does not return any results (since it can match an intersection only with the compound dimension search enabled).

Object Dimension Value Search
Dependency D


