Nrcs (Dimension Value Stratification)

The Nrcs parameter sets the list of stratified dimension values for use during refinement ranking by the MDEX Engine.

Parameter Nrcs
Name Dimension Value Stratification
Java setter method ENEQuery.setNavStratifiedDimVals()
.NET setter property ENEQuery.NavStratifiedDimVals
Type int,int;int,int;...
Description Sets the stratification configuration for a list of dimension values. The stratified dimension values are delimited by semi-colons (;) and each stratified dimension value is in the format:
where dimvalID is the ID of the dimension value and stratumnt is a signed integer that signifies that stratum into which the dimension value will be placed. For stratumInt, a positive integer will boost the dimension value while a negative integer will bury it. Dimension values that are not specified will be assigned the strata of 0.
Object Navigation
Dependency N

