Nrr (Relevance Ranking Strategy)

The Nrr parameter sets the relevance ranking strategy to be used to rank the results of the record search.

Parameter Nrr
Name Relevance Ranking Strategy
Java setter method ENEQuery.setNavRelRankERecRank()
.NET setter property ENEQuery.NavRelRankERecRank
Type <string>

Sets the relevance ranking strategy to be used to rank the results of the record search. The valid id module names that can be used are: exact, field, first, freq, glom, interp, maxfield, nterms, numfields, phrase, proximity, spell, compound, stem, thesaurus, and static.

This parameter does not support multiple relevance ranking strategies; therefore, the use of a pipe (|) is not allowed.

Note that the Nrk, Nrt, Nrr, and Nrm parameters take precedence over Ntk, Ntt, and Ntx.

This parameter is not supported for use with the Aggregated MDEX Engine (Agraph).

Object Navigation
Dependency N, Nrk, Nrt

