Ntk (Record Search Key)

The Ntk parameter sets which dimension, property, or search interface will be evaluated when searching.

Parameter Ntk
Name Record Search Key
Java setter method ENEQuery.setNavERecSearches()
.NET setter property ENEQuery.NavERecSearches
Type <search key>

Sets the keys of the record search for the navigation query. The keys are delimited by a pipe (|). Search keys can be either valid dimension names or property names enabled for record search in the data set. The search key can also be a search interface.

The Ntk parameter must be used with the Ntt parameter, which indicates the search terms for each key. In addition, Ntt should have the same number of term sets as Ntk has keys.

Note that there is no explicit text search descriptor API object, so displays of text search descriptors need to be extracted from the current query.

Object Navigation
Dependency N, Ntt.


