Ntpr (Rewrite Query with an Alternative Phrasing)

The Ntpc parameter sets whether the MDEX Engine uses one of the alternative phrasings it has computed.

Parameter Ntpr
Name Rewrite Query with an Alternative Phrasing
Java setter method ENEQuery.setNavERecSearchRewriteQueryToAnAlternativePhrasing()
.NET setter property ENEQuery.NavERecSearchRewriteQueryToAnAlternativePhrasing
Type 0 or 1
Description Sets whether the MDEX Engine uses one of the alternative phrasings it has computed instead of the end user's original query when computing the set of documents to return. 1 instructs the MDEX Engine to use a computed alternative phrasing, while 0 (the default) instructs it to use the user’s original query.
Object Navigation
Dependency N, Ntk, Ntt, Ntpc. Nty is also a dependency if Did You Mean and automatic phrasing are being used.

