Overriding Java home and class path settings

When running your pipeline, you can override the Java home and Class path settings specified in a record adapter using two Forge command-line flags, --javaHome and --javaClasspath.

The JDBC adapter uses both of these settings. Use a command similar to this one to override them, where j2sdk is an absolute path to your Java 2 SDK and drivers.jar is an absolute path to the drivers you want to use:

$ENDECA_ROOT/bin/forge -vvt --javaHome usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1_02 --javaClasspath usr/local/Oracle/lib/oracle8i.zip pipeline.epx

If you specify multiple drivers, delimit them using colons (:) on UNIX and semi-colons (;) on Windows.

The Exchange adapter only uses the Java home setting. Use a command similar to this one to override this setting, where j2sdk is an absolute path to your Java 2 SDK:

$ENDECA_ROOT/bin/forge -vvt --javaHome usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1_02 pipeline.epx