About implementing partial updates

Pipelines that implement partial updates must incorporate an update adapter.

The Endeca MDEX Engine processes two types of updates:

A full, or baseline, update fully reprocesses the entire dataset. Full updates occur infrequently—usually once per day or once per week. They usually involve generating an extract from your database system and making the files accessible either on an FTP server or on the indexing server. This data is processed by Forge and Dgidx and then finally made available through the Endeca MDEX Engine.

A partial update reprocesses a smaller subset of the overall dataset. Partial updates affect a small percentage of the total records in the system. They occur much more frequently and consist of a much smaller extract from your database that contains volatile information. For example, the price and availability of products on a retail store site are usually volatile. Pipelines that implement partial updates must incorporate an update adapter.

See the Endeca Partial Updates Guide for detailed information on how to configure a partial update pipeline.