About search interfaces

Search interfaces allow your end-users to search on multiple properties and/or dimensions simultaneously.

A search interface is a named collection of properties and dimensions, each of which has its Enable Record Search option checked. A search interface may also contain a number of attributes such as name, cross-field matching configuration, and an ordered collection of one or more ranking strategies that determine the order of search results.

The search interface's name is used just like a normal property or dimension when performing record searches. A record search query on a search interface returns results that match any of the properties or dimensions in the interface.

For example, if a data set contains both an Actor property and Director dimension, it would be useful to provide the end-user with the ability to search for a person's name in both. In this case you might create a search interface called People that contained both the Actor property and the Director dimension.

Note: Implementing search features requires additional work outside of Developer Studio. Please refer to the Endeca Basic Development Guide for details.