About stop words

Stop words are words that are set to be ignored by the Endeca MDEX Engine.

Typically, common words like "the" are included in the stop word list. In addition, you might want to add terms that are prevalent in your data set. For example, if your data consists of lists of books, you might want to add the word "book" itself to the stop word list, since a search on that word would return an impracticably large set of records.

  • Words added to the stop word list are not expanded by other Endeca Developer Studio features like stemming and thesaurus. That means that if you set the word "item" as a stop word, its plural form "items" will not be marked automatically as a stop word. If you want both forms to be on the stop word list, you must add them individually.
  • Stop words are counted in any search mode (such as MatchPartial) that calculates results based on number of matching terms. However, the Endeca MDEX Engine reduces the minimum term match and maximum word omit requirement by the number of stop words contained in the query.
  • Stop words must be single words only, and cannot contain any non-searchable characters. If more than one word is entered as a stop word, neither the individual words nor the combined phrase will act as a stop word. Non-searchable characters within a stop word will also cause this behavior. Entering "full-bodied" as a stop word acts just as if you had entered "full bodied", and does not have any effect on searches.