Suggested workflow using Endeca tools to promote records

Place supporting constructs for rules before creating the Web application. The pipeline developer should then give business users access to the project through Endeca Workbench to create, edit, and test rules.

You can build dynamic business rules and their constructs in Developer Studio. In addition, business users can use Endeca Workbench to perform any of the following rule-related tasks:
Because either tool can modify tools, the tasks involved in promoting records require coordination between the pipeline developer and the business user. The recommended workflow is as follows:
  1. A pipeline developer uses Developer Studio in a development environment to create the supporting constructs (zones, styles, rule groups, and so on) for rule and perhaps small number of dynamic business rules as placeholders or test rules.
  2. An application developer creates the Web application including rendering code for each style.
  3. The pipeline developer makes the project available to business users via the Endeca Workbench Settings dialog.
  4. A business user starts Endeca Workbench to access the project, create new rules, modify rules, and test the rules as necessary.

For general information about using Endeca tools and sharing projects, see the Endeca Workbench Administrator's Guide. Endeca Workbench tasks are described in the Endeca Workbench Help.

Note: Any changes to the constructs that support rules such as changes to zones, styles, rule groups, and property templates have to be performed in Endeca Developer Studio.

Incremental Implementation

Merchandising and content spotlighting are complex features to implement, and the best approach for developing your dynamic business rules is to adopt an incremental approach as you and business users of Endeca Workbench coordinate tasks. It is also helpful to define the purpose of each dynamic business rule in the abstract (before implementing it in Developer Studio or Endeca Workbench) so that everyone knows what to expect when the rule is implemented. If rules are only loosely defined when implemented, they may have unexpected side effects.

Begin with a single, simple business rule to become familiar with the core functionality. Later, you can add more advanced elements, along with additional rules, rule groups, zones, and styles. As you build the complexity of how you promote records, you will have to coordinate the tasks you do in Developer Studio (for example, zone and style definitions) with the work that is done in Endeca Workbench.

Note: Fully implementing this feature requires additional work outside of Developer Studio. Please refer to the Endeca Advanced Development Guide as well as the Endeca Workbench Help system for details.