Dimension Mapping dialog box

This includes the name of the dimension the source property maps to, and which match mode is used.

Option Description

Source property

Name of the source property to be mapped.

Target dimension

Name of the dimension the source property will map to.

Maximum length

Optional. Defines the maximum source property value length allowed when creating mappings. Source properties that have values that exceed this length are not mapped, and a warning is issued by the Forge Hierarchical Logging system. This value overrides the default maximum length that you set on the Advanced tab of the Property Mapper editor.

Match mode

The mapping mode to be used.
  • Normal

    Normal maps only those source property values that have a matching dimension value explicitly defined in the dimension hierarchy. Forge assigns the IDs for any matching dimension values to the Endeca records. Any source property values that do not have matching dimension values in the dimension hierarchy are ignored.

    In order for a source property value to match a dimension value, the dimension value's definition must contain a synonym that:

  • Is an exact text match, including capitalization and white space, to the source property value.
  • Has its Classify option enabled.
Note: There are two types of advanced dimension values, range and sift. These dimension value types have different matching criteria than standard dimension values. See About range dimension values and About sift dimensions, respectively
  • Must Match

    Must Match behaves identically to Normal, with the exception that Must Match issues a warning for any source property values that do not have matching dimension values.
  • Auto Generate

    Auto Generate specifies that Forge automatically generates a dimension value name and ID for any source property value that does not have a matching dimension value in the dimension hierarchy. Forge uses these automatically-generated names and IDs to tag the Endeca records the same as it would explicitly-defined dimension values.

    Auto Generate dramatically reduces the amount of editing you have to do to the dimension hierarchy. However, auto-generated dimensions are always flat. Auto-generated names and IDs are persisted in a file that you specify as part of a dimension server component.