Member Options dialog box (snippeting)

You enable the snippeting feature in the Member Options dialog box. Each member of a search interface is enabled and configured separately.

In other words, snippeting results are enabled and configured for each member of a search interface and not for all members of a single search interface.

Note: A search interface member is a dimension or property that has been enabled for search and that has been added to the Selected members pane of the Search Interface editor.

You can enable and configure any number of individual search interface members. Each member that you enable produces its own snippet.

Enabling a member in one search interface does not affect that member if it appears in other search interfaces. For example, enabling the Description property for Search Interface A does not affect the Description property in Search Interface B.

Option Description

Enable snippeting

Enables the snippeting feature for the selected search interface member only.

Max snippet size

Determines the size of the snippets returned for the search interface member.