Synonyms dialog box

Define a synonym and its behaviors, or modify an existing synonym.

Option Description
Synonyms list A list of synonyms of the dimension value.
Synonym area Use this area to define a synonym and its behaviors:
  • Synonym field: Use this field to enter and edit synonyms.
  • Search: Indicates that the selected synonym will be used during search.
  • Classify: Indicates that the selected synonym will be during classification.
Add Adds the synonym entered in the 'Synonym' field to the Synonyms list.
Modify Used to modify an existing synonym. To modify a synonym, select it in the Synonyms list, make your changes in the Synonym field, and click Modify.
(Display) Sets the selected synonym in the Synonyms list to be used for display. Only one synonym can be set for display, and it is indicated by parentheses in the Synonyms list.
Remove Removes the selected synonym from the Synonyms list.