Adding a dimension server

A dimension server collects dimensions from multiple dimension sources, and makes them accessible in a uniform way to other components throughout the pipeline.

The dimension server must have a unique name within the pipeline, and must specify all the input dimension adapters as its dimension sources. If automatic dimension generation is used, a format, compression level, and URL must be provided so the automatically generated data can be persisted. Finally, a property mapper requires a dimension server as its source of dimension data.

Typically, there is only one dimension server per pipeline.

To add a dimension server:

  1. In the Pipeline Diagram editor, click New, and then choose Dimension > Server. The Dimension Server editor appears.
  2. In the Name text box, type a unique name for the dimension server.
  3. In the General tab, do the following:
    1. (Optional) In the URL text box, type the location where dimension data created by auto-generation will be saved.
    2. In the Format list, choose Binary or XML (Endeca recommends binary).
    3. To save on the amount of disk space used to persist auto-generated dimensions, check Custom Compression Level and slide the bar to Endeca's recommended value of 7.
      Note: Compressed data consumes less disk space but takes longer to read and write.
    4. (Optional) To restrict the range of IDs that Forge assigns to automatically-generated dimension values, check Dimension Value ID Limits and enter the minimum and maximum values that you want to use.
  4. In the Sources tab, choose a dimension source.
  5. Click Add. Repeat for all dimension sources.
  6. (Optional) In the Comment tab, add a comment for the component.
  7. Click OK.