Configuring dimension values

Set a dimension value's type, navigability, add synonyms, or associate properties to the dimension value.

To configure a dimension value:

  1. In the Dimension Value editor, type the dimension value's name in the Name text box.
  2. In the Type list, choose a dimension value type: Exact, Range, or Sift. A dimension value's type determines how it matches to property values during mapping.
    • Option Description


      Dimension values of type exact will only match to property values that match one of the synonyms exactly.


      Dimension values of type range will match to ranges of property values (specified by the upper and lower bounds of the range dimension value).


      Auto sifting is an extension to autogeneration which positions newly auto-generated dimension values within an existing 'sift' hierarchy. A sift hierarchy is a normal hierarchy that has dimension values of type Sift. Sift dimension values are specified using ranges. Auto-generated dimension values "sift" through the hierarchy according to the ranges they match.

  3. (Optional) Check Inert if the dimension value is non-navigable.
  4. Check Collapsible if the dimension value is a candidate for collapsing
  5. If you chose Range or Sift in step 2 above, do the following:
    1. From the Bound Type list, choose one of the following: String, Floating point, or Integer.
    2. In the Lower Bound text box, enter the lower number in the range. If you want the range to include the number you enter, check Include Value in Range.
    3. In the Upper Bound text box, enter the higher number in the range. If you want the range to include the number you enter, check Include Value in Range.
  6. Click Synonyms to add any dimension value synonyms.
  7. (Optional) Click Properties to associate any properties to the dimension value.
  8. Click OK.