Creating a keyword redirect group

Open the Redirect Group menu from the Keyword Redirects view to create a new keyword redirect group.

To create a keyword redirect group:

  1. In the Project Explorer window, double-click Keyword Redirects. This opens the Redirects view and also activates the Redirect Group menu on the menu bar.
  2. From the Redirect Group menu, select New.
  3. Type a unique name in the Group name field. Use only alphanumeric, dash, or underscore characters. The name must be unique across both keyword redirect groups and rule groups.
  4. To select a keyword redirect for this group, highlight a keyword direct in the All Redirects list and click Add. The keyword redirect appears in the Redirects in Group list.
  5. Click OK . The new rule group appears in the Rules view.
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 if you want multiple rule groups in your project.
Note: Fully implementing this feature requires additional work outside of Developer Studio. Please refer to the Endeca Advanced Development Guide as well as the Endeca Workbench Help system for details.