Creating a rule group

A rule's order within the group affects its evaluation order. The MDEX Engine evaluates rules at the top over a group before rules that are placed lower in the group.

To create a rule group:

  1. In the Project Explorer window, expand Dynamic Business Rules.
  2. Double-click Rules. This opens the Rules view and also activates the Rule Group menu on the menu bar.
  3. From the Rule Group menu, select New.
  4. Type a unique name in the Group name field. Use only alphanumeric, dash, or underscore characters. The name must be unique across both keyword redirect groups and rule groups.
  5. To select a rule for this group, highlight a rule in the All Rules list and click Add. The rule appears in the Rules in Group list. (If this is the first group you created, all the rules are moved to the Rules in Group list and the Remove button is inactive.)
    Note: A rule can belong to only one rule group. Adding a rule to a group removes it from any group to which it previously belonged.
  6. To change the order of a rule in a group, select the rule and click either the Up or Down arrow buttons.
  7. Click OK. The new rule group appears in the Rules view.
  8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 if you want multiple rule groups in your project.
Note: Fully implementing this feature requires additional work outside of Developer Studio. Please refer to the Endeca Advanced Development Guide as well as the Endeca Workbench Help for details.