Creating a style

Create a style from the Style editor in the Styles view. Here you can set minimum and maximum records returned for a rule, add or remove property templates, and allow Endeca Workbench users to set new rule properties.

To create a style in Developer Studio:

  1. In the Project Explorer, double-click Styles to open the Styles view.
  2. Click New to open the Style editor.
  3. In the Name field, provide a unique name for the style.
  4. If desired, specify a title in the Title field. The title does not need to be unique.
  5. In the Minimum Records field, specify the minimum number of records that must be returned by a rule's target in order for that rule to return results. (The default Minimum Records value, if not specified, is zero.)
  6. In the Maximum Records field, specify the maximum number of records that can be returned for a rule. (The default Maximum Records value, if not specified, is ten. If Maximum Records is set to zero, the rule returns zero records.)
  7. If you want to create a property template, click Add in the Property Templates frame. The Property Template dialog box displays.
  8. Provide the key for the property template.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Repeat for as many new property templates as necessary.
  11. If you need to remove a property template, select it in the Property Templates frame and click Remove.
  12. If you want to allow Endeca Workbench users the ability to create new properties for a rule, check "Allow additional, custom properties." Unchecking this option prevents Endeca Workbench users from creating new properties to associate with a rule. In other words, Endeca Workbench users will be restricted to creating properties based only on the property templates you have created in Developer Studio.
  13. Click OK.

Fully implementing this feature requires additional work outside of Developer Studio. Please refer to the Endeca Advanced Development Guide as well as the Endeca Workbench Help system for details.