Creating an access rule

Allow a group to access records matching a value specified in the access rule.

Follow the procedure below to create an Access Rules component in your pipeline and add rules to it.

To create access rules:

  1. If you haven't already, create an Endeca.ACL.Allow.Read property and enable it for record filtering.
  2. In the Pipeline Diagram, click New > Access Rules .
  3. Enter a unique name for the access rule in the Name field.
    Note: Access Rule components can only use Property Mappers or other Access Rule components as their record source. The Record Source menu is limited accordingly.
  4. Choose a record source from the Record Source menu.
  5. Choose a dimension source from the Dimension Source menu. Use the same dimension source that you use for your property mapper. This should be a dimension server.
  6. Add access rules:
    1. Click the Rules tab.
    2. Click Add. The Edit Access Rule editor appears.
    3. In the If area, select the property you want to use to identify records for access and enter a value.
      Note: The value you enter must be an exact match with the value in the property on the record. For example, if you enter "merlot" it will not match properties that have a value of "French merlot".
    4. In the Then area, enter the name of a group.
      Note: This group is allowed access to any records that have the property and value you specified in the previous step.
    5. Click OK to close the Edit Access Rule editor.
  7. To add additional access rules, repeat step 6.
  8. To remove a rule:
    1. Select it in the list.
    2. Click Remove.
  9. To modify a rule:
    1. Select it in the list.
    2. Click Modify.
  10. When you are done specifying access, click OK to close the Access Rules editor and save your changes.