Editing Phrase module parameters

Edit phrase modules parameters from the Relevance Ranking Modules editor.

You can use only one Phrase module in any given search interface, but you can set all of your options in it.

The Phrase relevance ranking module states that results containing the user's query as an exact phrase, or a subset of the exact phrase, should be considered more relevant than matches simply containing the user's search terms scattered throughout the text. Phrase is one of two modules that take parameters.

To edit Phrase module parameters:

  1. Open the Relevance Ranking Modules editor.
  2. In the All Modules list, select Phrase and click Add. The Edit Phrase Relevance Rank Module editor appears.
  3. Set the following options. See "Phrase" for detailed descriptions, interaction information, and examples of how to use these options.
    1. Rank based on length of subphrases: Ranks results based on the length of their subphrase matches. In other words, results that match three terms are considered more relevant than results that match two terms, and so on.
    2. Use approximate subphrase/phrase matching: When enabled, the Phrase module looks at a limited number of positions in each result that a phrase match could possibly exist, rather than all the positions.
    3. Apply spell correction, thesaurus, and stemming: When enabled, the Phrase module ranks results that match a phrase's expanded forms in the same stratum as results that match the original phrase.
  4. Click OK to return to the Relevance Ranking Modules editor.