Editing Static module parameters

Edit static module parameters from the Relevance Ranking Modules editor.

The Static relevance ranking module, which indicates that a constant score be applied to a given result, is one of two modules that take parameters. You can apply it to a specific searchable dimension or property, and specify whether the records will be sorted in ascending or descending order. You can have multiple Static modules, as long as they have different configurations.

To rank the members of a dimension or property statically:

  1. Open the Relevance Ranking Modules editor.
  2. In the All Modules list, select Static and click Add. The Edit Static Relevance Rank Module editor appears.
  3. In the New Property or Dimension list, select the property or searchable dimension to which you want to apply the static ranking module.
  4. Check Sort Records in Descending Order if you want the resulting records sorted in that order. If you want the records sorted in ascending order (the default), make sure the checkbox is cleared.
  5. Click OK to return to the Relevance Ranking Modules editor.