Extracting phrases from dimension names

In addition to importing an XML file of phrases, you can add phrases to your project based on the dimension values of any dimension you choose.

The MDEX Engine adds each multi-term dimension value in a selected dimension to the phrase dictionary. Single-term dimension values are not included. For example, if you import a Winery dimension from a wine catalog, the MDEX Engine creates a phrase entry for multi-term names such as Agostina Pieri but not for single-term names such as Alessi.

In addition, the MDEX Engine adds each multi-term synonym to the phrase dictionary that has "Search" checked on the Synonyms dialog box. In this release, dimension value phrases that have been modified by a partial update pipeline are not reflected in the phrase dictionary.

To extract phrases from dimension name:

  1. In the Project Explorer, expand Search Configuration .
  2. Double-click Automatic Phrasing . The Automatic Phrasing dialog box displays.
  3. From the All dimensions list, select a dimension that you want to extract phrases from and click Add. Repeat this step as necessary for additional dimensions.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select Save from the File menu.