Pruning dimension value refinements by popularity

You can prune the list of refinement dimension values returned for a query to those values that occur most frequently in the requested navigation state; that is, the refinement dimension values that are most popular.

You can limit the number of popular refinements returned, as well as control the order in which they are returned. Note that configuring a dimension so that its dimension values are pruned according to their popularity overrides any manual or default dimension value ranking you may have specified.

To prune dimension value refinements according to their popularity:

  1. In Dimensions view, double-click the dimension you want to edit to open it in the Dimension editor.
  2. Click the Dynamic Ranking tab.
  3. Click Enable Dynamic Ranking to specify that this dimension should calculate which refinements are most popular.
  4. Type the number of popular refinements to return in the Maximum Dimension Values to Return box. The default value is 10.
  5. Choose a method for sorting the popular refinements.
    • Alphabetically, which is a bit of a misnomer, uses whatever order you've selected for the Refinements Sort Order setting on the main part of the Dimension editor.
    • Dynamically orders the most popular refinement values according to their frequency of appearance within a data set. Dimension values that occur more frequently are returned before those that occur less frequently.
  6. (Optional) click Generate "More..." Dimension Value. When this option is checked, if the actual number of refinement options exceeds the number set in Maximum Dimension Values to Return, then an additional option called More is returned for that dimension. If the user selects the More option, then the MDEX Engine will return all of the refinement options for that dimension. If Generate "More..." Dimension Value is not checked, only the number of dimension values defined in Maximum Dimension Values to Return is displayed.
  7. Click OK to close the Dimension editor.