Ranking dimension values manually

Manual dimension value ranking defines the order in which dimension values appear in your Web application and overrides any default dimension value ranking you have specified.

A dimension value is only ranked relative to its siblings (that is other dimension values at the same level of hierarchy within the same dimension).

To manually rank dimension values:

  1. If necessary, in the Dimension Values editor, expand the dimension hierarchy to display the dimension value you want to rank.
  2. Click the dimension value to select it.
  3. Click Up to move the value up in rank, or Down to move it down, within its own level of hierarchy.
  4. Continue moving dimension values as necessary.
    Note: The order in which the dimension values appear in Dimension Values view will be the order in which they appear in your application.
  • You can load auto-generated dimension values and then rank them manually. See Editing auto-generated dimension values for details.
  • Use of ranked dimensions and dimension values does not affect MDEX Engine performance. However, indexing time is slightly increased by heavy use of this feature.
  • Configuring a dimension so that its dimension values are pruned according to their popularity overrides any manual or default dimension value ranking you may have specified.