Endeca Presentation API
ExprAggregate Constructor (function, expr)
NamespacesEndeca.Navigation.AnalyticsExprAggregateExprAggregateExprAggregateNew(ExprAggregate..::ExprAggregateOp, IExpr)
Creates a new ExprAggregate, which will compute an aggregate function over the evaluation of the subexpression expr on the members of the aggregated record.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public ExprAggregate(
	ExprAggregate.ExprAggregate..::ExprAggregateOp function,
	IExpr expr
Public Sub New ( _
	function As ExprAggregate..::ExprAggregateOp, _
	expr As IExpr _
ExprAggregate (
	ExprAggregate..::ExprAggregateOp^ function, 
	IExpr^ expr
function (ExprAggregate..::ExprAggregateOp)
An aggregate function of type ExprAggregate..::ExprAggregateOp. See the Function property for a list of the function names.
expr (IExpr)
An object of type IExpr that will be the subexpression for this ExprAggregate.
ExprAggregate nodes may not be nested. That is, neither the specified subexpression expr nor any of its descendant subexpressions may be instances of ExprAggregate; otherwise, the resulting expression is semantically invalid (note that this will not be caught by the ValidateSyntax()() method).

Assembly: Endeca.Navigation (Module: Endeca.Navigation) Version: