Oracle® Fusion Applications Sales Security Reference Manual

11g Release 6 (11.1.6)

Part Number E23070-06

Title and Copyright Information

Oracle Fusion Applications Sales Security Reference Manual

11g Release 6 (11.1.6)

Part Number E23070-06

Copyright © 2011-2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Authors: Mahesh Sabapathy, Nigel Smith

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Abstract Role: Anonymous User


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Business Practices Director


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Channel Account Manager


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Channel Partner Manager


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Job Role: Channel Partner Portal Administrator


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Job Role: Channel Sales Director


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Channel Sales Manager


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Abstract Role: Contingent Worker


Role Hierarchy and required role membership


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Customer Contract Administrator


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Customer Contract Manager


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Customer Data Steward


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Job Role: Data Steward Manager


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Abstract Role: Employee


Role Hierarchy and required role membership


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Enterprise Contract Administrator


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Enterprise Contract Manager


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Abstract Role: Line Manager


Role Hierarchy and required role membership


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Product Data Steward


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Abstract Role: Resource


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Sales Administrator


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Sales Analyst


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Sales Catalog Administrator


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Sales Lead Qualifier


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Sales Manager


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Sales Representative


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Job Role: Sales VP


Role Hierarchy


Data Security Policies

Data Role Templates

Unassigned Duties


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The Guides menu also provides access to the business process models on which Oracle Fusion Applications is based.

Guides are designed for specific audiences:

These guides cover specific business processes and offerings. Common areas are addressed in the guides listed in the following table:


Intended Audience


Common User Guide

All users

Explains tasks performed by most users.

Common Implementation Guide


Explains tasks within the Define Common Applications Configuration task list, which is included in all offerings.

Information Technology Management, Implement Applications Guide


Explains how to use Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager to plan, manage, and track your implementation projects, migrate setup data, and validate implementations.

Technical Guides

System administrators, application developers, and technical members of implementation teams

Explain how to install, patch, administer, and customize Oracle Fusion Applications.

For guides that are not available from the Guides menu, go to Oracle Technology Network at

Other Information Sources

My Oracle Support

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Use the My Oracle Support Knowledge Browser to find documents for a product area. You can search for release-specific information, such as patches, alerts, white papers, and troubleshooting tips. Other services include health checks, guided lifecycle advice, and direct contact with industry experts through the My Oracle Support Community.

Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications

Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications provides visibility into service-oriented architecture assets to help you manage the lifecycle of your software from planning through implementation, testing, production, and changes. In Oracle Fusion Applications, you can use the Oracle Enterprise Repository for:

The Oracle Fusion Applications information is provided as a solution pack that you can upload to your own deployment of Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications. You can document and govern integration interface assets provided by Oracle with other assets in your environment in a common repository.

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Security Reference Manuals describe the Oracle Fusion Applications security reference implementation. This manual includes descriptions of all the predefined data that is included in the security reference implementation for an offering. The reference implementation can be customized to fit divergent enterprise requirements.

Security Reference Implementation

The Oracle Fusion Applications security approach supports a reference implementation that addresses common business security needs and consists of roles, policies, and templates for generating data roles.

Oracle Fusion Applications Security Reference Manuals present the following information about the predefined security reference implementation.

For information about the common roles required to setup and administer an offering, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Common Security Reference Manual.

For a mapping of duties and privileges to roles across all offerings, see Document ID 1459828.1 on My Oracle Support.

For information about how duty roles and privileges map to top-level menus, see Document ID 1460486.1 on My Oracle Support. 

For an overview and detailed information about the Oracle Fusion Applications security approach, including an explanation of role types, enforcement, and how to implement and administer security for your deployment, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Security Guide.

How to Use this Security Reference Manual

Enterprises address needs specific to their organization by changing or extending the role definitions, role hierarchies, and data security and segregation of duties policies of the reference implementation.

For each job or abstract role, review the duties, role hierarchy, and policies that it carries so you understand which users should be provisioned with the role, or which adjustments your enterprise requires before the role can be provisioned. 


All information presented in this manual can be accessed in the various user interface pages of Oracle Fusion Applications provided for security setup, implementation customizations, and administration. The advantage of reviewing the security reference implementation as it is presented in this manual is that you can more easily compare and plan your customizations.

Review which duty roles a job role inherits. Before making changes, consider the segregation of duties policies defined for the role. Violations may be introduced by or may dictate a change in included duties.


From the entitlement of a role as expressed by privileges, you can deduce the function security enforced by a role. If your enterprise needs certain functions removed from access by certain roles, change the data security policies or duties carried by the role.

Review the data security policies conferred on job roles by their inherited duty roles.  Review data role templates to determine what data roles are generated when you setup the dimensions of your enterprise such as business units or inventory organization.

Review the privacy in effect for a job or abstract role based on its data security policies. Privacy is additionally protected by security components, as described in the Oracle Fusion Applications Security Guide.


As you make changes to the security reference implementation for an Oracle Fusion Applications deployment, the predefined implementation as delivered remains available. Upgrade and maintenance patches to the security reference implementation preserve your changes to the implementation.

Offering: Sales

Configure everything you need to manage sales planning and forecasting, pursue and track opportunities, align territories and distribute sales quota.

This manual describes the security reference implementation for the Sales offering.

There is a set of common roles that are required to set up and administer an offering. For information about these common roles, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Common Security Reference Manual.


Privileges granted to Business Intelligence duties are not described in this manual. For information about these privileges, see the My Oracle Support document Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Duty Role Security Assignments for Oracle Fusion Applications (Doc ID 1333454.1).

Abstract Role: Anonymous User

Maps to OPSS system Anonymous Role


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Anonymous User

Duty Role


All Partner Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view all trading community partner data

Anonymous Supplier User Duty

Creates supplier registration for self service.

CRM Anonymous User Duty

Provides data access to CRM anonymous users.


Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server

Supplier Registration Attachment Management as Anonymous User Duty

Manage supplier registration attachments for the category: from supplier as an anonymous user.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Anonymous User

Inherited Roles

Anonymous User

          Anonymous Supplier User Duty

                    Attachments User


                    Supplier Registration Attachment Management as Anonymous User Duty

          CRM Anonymous User Duty

                    All Partner Inquiry Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Anonymous User.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Anonymous Supplier User Duty

Creates supplier registration for self service.

Register Supplier

CRM Anonymous User Duty

Provides data access to CRM anonymous users.

Create Self Service Partner Registration

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the abstract role Anonymous User

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Trading Community Organization

An Anonymous User can view partner for all organizations in the enterprise with usage partner

Role: All Partner Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Partner (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Job Role: Business Practices Director

Defines and manages sales or procurement contract policies and standards. Ensures all corporate contracts conform to established guidelines and best practices.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Business Practices Director

Duty Role


Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Manages the Contract Terms Library, including defining and maintaining terms templates, clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections, variables, folders, questions, constants, and numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views Contract Terms Library objects, including terms templates, clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections, variables, folders, questions, constants, and numbering schemes.

Contract Terms and Conditions View Access for External User Duty

Views contract terms in a contract. Additionally, downloads contract terms to Microsoft Word in rich text format.

Contract View Access Duty

Views contracts for the assigned business units.

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Customer Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Manages sell intent Contract Terms Library objects.

Customer Contract Terms Library Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views sell intent Contract Terms Library objects.

Customer Contract View Access Duty

Views customer contracts for the assigned business units.

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of interaction data. Interactions record inbound and outbound communications.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Review purchase order, purchase agreement, and referenced document attachments.

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Supplier Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Manages buy intent Contract Terms Library objects.

Supplier Contract Terms Library Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views buy intent Contract Terms Library objects.

Supplier Contract View Access Duty

Views supplier contracts for the assigned business units.

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Business Practices Director

Inherited Roles

Business Practices Director

          Contract Terms and Conditions View Access for External User Duty

          Customer Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

                    Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

          Customer Contract Terms Library Search and View Access Duty

                    Contract Terms Library Search and View Access Duty

          Customer Contract View Access Duty

                    Contract View Access Duty

                              Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                              Interaction Management Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Item Inquiry Duty

                              Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                              Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

          Functional Setups Duty

          Supplier Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

                    Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

          Supplier Contract Terms Library Search and View Access Duty

                    Contract Terms Library Search and View Access Duty

          Supplier Contract View Access Duty

                    Contract View Access Duty

                              Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                              Interaction Management Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Item Inquiry Duty

                              Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                              Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Business Practices Director.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Manages the Contract Terms Library, including defining and maintaining terms templates, clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections, variables, folders, questions, constants, and numbering schemes.

Adopt Global Clauses for a New Business Unit

Analyze Contract Clause Usage

Define Clause in the Contract Terms Library

Define Contract Expert Rule in the Contract Terms Library

Define Folders in the Contract Terms Library

Define Numbering Scheme in the Contract Terms Library

Define Section in the Contract Terms Library

Define Terms Template in the Contract Terms Library

Define Variable in the Contract Terms Library

Import Contract Clauses

Manage Contract Terms Library Work Area

Purge Contract Clause Import Tables

Purge Contract Temporary Tables

Search Clauses in the Contract Terms Library

Search Contract Expert Rules in the Contract Terms Library

Search Folders in the Contract Terms Library

Search Numbering Schemes in the Contract Terms Library

Search Sections in the Contract Terms Library

Search Terms Templates in the Contract Terms Library

Search Variables in the Contract Terms Library

View Clause in the Contract Terms Library

View Contract Expert Rule in the Contract Terms Library

View Folder in the Contract Terms Library

View Numbering Schemes in the Contract Terms Library

View Section in the Contract Terms Library

View Terms Template in the Contract Terms Library

View Variable in the Contract Terms Library

Contract Terms Library Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views Contract Terms Library objects, including terms templates, clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections, variables, folders, questions, constants, and numbering schemes.

Manage Contract Terms Library Work Area

Search Clauses in the Contract Terms Library

Search Contract Expert Rules in the Contract Terms Library

Search Folders in the Contract Terms Library

Search Numbering Schemes in the Contract Terms Library

Search Sections in the Contract Terms Library

Search Terms Templates in the Contract Terms Library

Search Variables in the Contract Terms Library

View Clause in the Contract Terms Library

View Folder in the Contract Terms Library

View Numbering Schemes in the Contract Terms Library

View Section in the Contract Terms Library

View Terms Template in the Contract Terms Library

View Variable in the Contract Terms Library

Contract Terms and Conditions View Access for External User Duty

Views contract terms in a contract. Additionally, downloads contract terms to Microsoft Word in rich text format.

Download Contract for External Parties

Contract View Access Duty

Views contracts for the assigned business units.

View Contract

View Contract Terms

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Manages sell intent Contract Terms Library objects.

Enable Sell Intent

Customer Contract Terms Library Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views sell intent Contract Terms Library objects.

Enable Sell Intent

Customer Contract View Access Duty

Views customer contracts for the assigned business units.

Enable Sell Intent

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Review Applications Offering

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Setup and Maintain Applications

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Search Supplier Negotiation

View Supplier Negotiation

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Purchase Order

Supplier Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Manages buy intent Contract Terms Library objects.

Enable Buy Intent

Supplier Contract Terms Library Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views buy intent Contract Terms Library objects.

Enable Buy Intent

Supplier Contract View Access Duty

Views supplier contracts for the assigned business units.

Enable Buy Intent

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Business Practices Director

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Application Attachment

A Business Practices Director can read application attachment for the categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment


A Business Practices Director can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract View Access Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Contract Clause

A Business Practices Director can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Role: Contract Terms Library Search and View Access Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Contract Clause Folder

A Business Practices Director can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Role: Contract Terms Library Search and View Access Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Contract Expert Rule

A Business Practices Director can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Role: Contract Terms Library Search and View Access Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Contract Note

A Business Practices Director can view contract note for notes that are not private or private notes where they are the author.

Role: Contract View Access Duty

Privilege: View Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Contract Terms Template

A Business Practices Director can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Role: Contract Terms Library Search and View Access Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Customer Account

A Business Practices Director can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account


A Business Practices Director can delete interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Business Practices Director can update interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Business Practices Director can view interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Business Practices Director can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Business Practices Director can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Business Practices Director can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Business Practices Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Business Practices Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Business Practices Director can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Business Practices Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Business Practices Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Business Practices Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Business Practices Director can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Business Practices Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Business Practices Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Business Practices Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Business Practices Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Business Practices Director can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Job Role: Channel Account Manager

Sets the objectives and goals for partners. Works with a partner organization to identify what programs best fit the partner organization and the training that the partner should take to increase skill sets or qualify for programs.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Channel Account Manager

Duty Role


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages all application profile values.

Application Attachment Administration Duty

Manages attachment categories and entities.

Application Data Security Administration Duty

Manages data security policies and database resources.

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Application Message Administration Duty

Manages application messages.

Application Profile Option Registration Duty

Manages application profile categories and profile options.

Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

Manage application reference data set and assignments.

Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

Manages application taxonomy.

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

Manages application tree structure.

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Application World Reference Administration Duty

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Applications Common Application Impersonator Role

Enables User to Impersonate as other Fusion Apps User, after Impersonatee grants him the privilege.

Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

Appointment Note Management Duty

Manages creating and maintaining appointment notes.

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Unit Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege that enables users to select a business unit, enabled for assignments and work terms, from a secured list determined by the organization security profile.

Channel Account Manager Duty

Enterprise Duty role that inherits all duties performed by Channel Account Manager

Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

Provides channel roles a dashboard to manage their daily transactions.

Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

Views contract terms in a contract. Additionally, downloads contract terms to Microsoft Word.

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Customer Data Management Foundation.

Department Selection Duty

Filters the department list of values based on the user's organization security profile.

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of interaction data. Interactions record inbound and outbound communications.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Job Selection Duty

Filters the job list of values based on the user's job security profile.

Lead Registration Approval Duty

Approves sales lead registrations submitted by external partners.

Lead Registration Management Duty

Manages and analyzes sales lead registrations. Includes the ability to create sales lead registrations, edit both internal and partner lead attributes as needed, and view lead age and status.

Lead Registration Submission Duty

Submits sales lead registrations to the enterprise and manages sales lead attributes. Includes the ability to create, accept, and reject sales lead registrations.

Legal Employer Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege  Choose Legal Employer Duty  that allows the ability to select a Legal Employer from a secured list as defined in the organization security profile.

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Marketing Approval Duty

Reviews and approves secured marketing campaigns by viewing detailed campaign, list, segment, and treatment information from the campaign, audience, and treatment work areas.

Marketing Budget Attachment Management Duty

Manages secured file attachments of specific categories associated to marketing budgets.

Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Manages marketing budgets and budget entries, including import, export, and viewing budget fund requests and claims that utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Reviews marketing budgets and creates and manages budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Marketing Claim Attachment Management Duty

Manages secured file attachments of specific categories associated to marketing claims.

Marketing Fund Request Attachment Management Duty

Manages secured file attachments of specific categories associated to marketing fund requests.

Marketing Fund Request and Claim Processing Duty

Reviews and approves budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities. Includes reviewing and exporting budget information.

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Opportunity Channel Account Manager Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for channel account managers.

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

Participant Appointment View Duty

manages the view access for the participant owner's appointment data.

Participant Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing the interaction data by a participant.

Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Maintains a partner account, including managing members and partner profile information. This role is for members of the partner account team and their management chain.

Partner Account Review Duty

Views a partner account, including viewing a partner's members, profile, and account team.

Partner Account Team Data Security

This role is used for Partner Account Team based data security for Partner Analysis including, but not limited to Partner, Leads, Opportunities, Enrollments and Programs

Partner Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Partner Analysis module.

Partner Channel Account Manager Analysis Duty

This BI duty role is meant for Channel Account Team based access to Partner Analytics, including but not limited to Partner, Leads, Opportunities, Territories, Enrollments and Programs.

Partner Channel Analysis Duty

This BI duty role is to analyze overall partner performance that entails complete visibility into all the transactions the partner is associated to.

Partner Channel Transaction Analysis Duty

This BI duty role is to analyze overall partner performance that entails complete visibility into all the transactions the partner is associated to

Partner Content Management Duty

Secures who can create partner collateral

Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

Accesses partner customer contact information.

Partner Import Maintenance Duty

Partner Maintenance Duty role. This duty will allow for maintenance of Partner Import data.

Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Accesses partner company and partner member information.

Partner Program Enrollment Supervision Duty

Reviews and updates the enrollment details of the program to which a partner enrolls. This role is for a channel sales director.

Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Views the enrollment details of the program to which a partner enrolls.

Partner Program Inquiry Duty

Reviews a partner program.

Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

Manages the capture of responses to the partner program enrollment questionnaire.

Partner Program Questionnaire Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views questions and their associations to partner programs.

Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of sales organizations and consumers for partners. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.  This role has limited access to customers and contacts.

Party Contract View Access Duty

Views contracts for a party for the assigned business units.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

Views their own information.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Review purchase order, purchase agreement, and referenced document attachments.

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Quota Management Duty

Manages sales territory quotas and territory quota formulas. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and party information inquiry.

Read CRM documents on content server

Allows to read CRM documents from content server repository.

Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.

Resource Administration Duty

Administers resource information.

Resource Directory Management Duty

Obsoleted Role. Not used anymore

Resource Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Resource Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Resource Organization Administration Duty

Administers resource organizations.

Resource Organization Management Duty

Manages resource organizations.

Resource Team Management Duty

Manages resource teams.

Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for salespersons.

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Processes sales lead for follow up actions including the qualification and conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

Manages sales account partner territory associations.

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Views reference customer note data. This role is for salespersons.

Social Connection Partner Duty

Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection partner duties.

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Talent Notifications Duty

Sets up and manages talent management notifications.

Task Note Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of task notes data. Task notes record additional information about the specific task.

Territory Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Territory Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Territory Management Duty

Manages sales territories, territory proposals, and quotas.

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Transactional Analysis Duty

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Portrait Duty

Grants access to the worker and nonworker portrait pages.

Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

Performs administration duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Channel Account Manager

Inherited Roles

Channel Account Manager

          Business Intelligence Applications Worker

                    Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

          Channel Account Manager Duty

                    Applications Common Application Impersonator Role

                    Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                    Appointment Note Management Duty

                    Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

                    Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

                    Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

                    File Import Scheduling Duty

                              Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                    Interaction Management Duty

                    Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Lead Registration Management Duty

                    Lead Registration Submission Duty

                              Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

                              Partner Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

                    Marketing Approval Duty

                    Marketing Budget Attachment Management Duty

                    Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

                              Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

                    Marketing Claim Attachment Management Duty

                    Marketing Fund Request Attachment Management Duty

                    Marketing Fund Request and Claim Processing Duty

                    Opportunity Channel Account Manager Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

                    Partner Account Maintenance Duty

                    Partner Account Review Duty

                    Partner Channel Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Partner Analysis Currency Preference

                              Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                              Territory Hierarchy Data Security

                    Partner Content Management Duty

                    Partner Import Maintenance Duty

                    Partner Program Enrollment Supervision Duty

                              Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

                    Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

                              Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

                    Partner Program Inquiry Duty

                              Partner Program Questionnaire Search and View Access Duty

                    Partner Sales Party Management Duty

                              Locations Management Duty

                                        Locations Inquiry Duty

                              Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                              Opportunity View Duty

                              Participant Appointment View Duty

                              Participant Interaction Management Duty

                              Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

                              Partner Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

                              Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                    Party Contract View Access Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Resource Administration Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Application Attachment Administration Duty

                              Application Data Security Administration Duty

                              Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              Application Lookup Administration Duty

                              Application Message Administration Duty

                              Application Profile Option Registration Duty

                              Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

                              Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

                              Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Application World Reference Administration Duty

                              Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

                              Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                        Business Unit Selection Duty

                                        Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                        User Role Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                              Job Selection Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Resource Information Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                              View Person Details Duty

                              Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

                                        Talent Notifications Duty

                              Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                    Resource Organization Administration Duty

                              Application Tree Administration Duty

                              Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

                              Department Selection Duty

                              Resource Organization Management Duty

                                        Application Tree Administration Duty

                    Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

                    Sales Extension Management Duty

                    Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

                    Sales Party Management Duty

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              Locations Management Duty

                                        Locations Inquiry Duty

                              Resource Information Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                              Sales Party Review Duty

                                        Appointment View Duty

                                        Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                                        Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

                                                  Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                                  Interaction Management Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Item Inquiry Duty

                                                  Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Interaction Management Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Marketing Response Data Review Duty

                                        Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                                        Opportunity View Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Sales Extension Management Duty

                                        Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                              Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                              Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

                    Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

                    Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

                    Task Note Management Duty

                    Territory Management Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Quota Management Duty

                                        Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                                  Business Unit Selection Duty

                                                  Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                                  User Role Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                        Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    View Portrait Duty

                              Social Connection Partner Duty

                                        Social Group Participation Core Duty

                                        Social Network Duty

                                                  Social Network Core Duty

          Marketing Approver

                    Lead Registration Approval Duty

          Partner Channel Account Manager Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Partner Account Team Data Security

                    Partner Analysis Currency Preference

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Territory Hierarchy Data Security

          Partner Channel Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Read CRM documents on content server


                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Resource Directory Management Duty

                    Resource Information Management Duty

                              View Person Details Duty

                              Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                    Resource Organization Management Duty

                              Application Tree Administration Duty

                    Resource Team Management Duty

          Transactional Business Intelligence Worker

                    Transactional Analysis Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Channel Account Manager.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

View Administration Link

Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages all application profile values.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Application Attachment Administration Duty

Manages attachment categories and entities.

Manage Application Attachment Category

Manage Application Attachment Entity

Application Data Security Administration Duty

Manages data security policies and database resources.

Manage Application Data Security Policy

Manage Application Database Resource

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage Application Standard Lookup

Application Message Administration Duty

Manages application messages.

Manage Application Message

Application Profile Option Registration Duty

Manages application profile categories and profile options.

Manage Application Profile Category

Manage Application Profile Option

Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

Manage application reference data set and assignments.

Manage Application Reference Data Set

Manage Application Reference Data Set Assignment

Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

Manages application taxonomy.

Manage Application Taxonomy

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Manage Application Tree

Manage Application Tree Label

Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

Manages application tree structure.

Manage Application Tree Structure

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Manage My Application Profile Values

Application World Reference Administration Duty

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Currency

Manage Application Reference ISO Language

Manage Application Reference Industry

Manage Application Reference Language

Manage Application Reference Natural Language

Manage Application Reference Territory

Manage Application Reference Timezone

Applications Common Application Impersonator Role

Enables User to Impersonate as other Fusion Apps User, after Impersonatee grants him the privilege.

Impersonate User

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Manage Calendar Preferences

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

View Customer Asset

View Product Recommendation

Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

View Audit Trail Report

Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

Provides channel roles a dashboard to manage their daily transactions.

Manage Partner User Profile

View Channel Manager Dashboard

View Channel Manager Dashboard as Administrator

View Customer Analytics

View Partner Content

View Partner Profile

View Partner Program Enrollment

View Partner Programs Summary

View Territories and Forecasts

Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

Views contract terms in a contract. Additionally, downloads contract terms to Microsoft Word.

Download Contract for External Parties

View Contract Terms

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Enable Buy Intent

Enable Sell Intent

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

View Contract

View Contract Terms

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Customer Data Management Foundation.

Manage Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

Set Up File Import Object and Mapping

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Manage Users

View Person Details

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Customize Incentive Compensation Participant Goal

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Lead Registration Approval Duty

Approves sales lead registrations submitted by external partners.

Approve Sales Lead

Lead Registration Management Duty

Manages and analyzes sales lead registrations. Includes the ability to create sales lead registrations, edit both internal and partner lead attributes as needed, and view lead age and status.

Create Sales Lead

Delete Sales Lead External Attributes

Delete Sales Lead Internal Attributes

Delete Sales Lead Primary Partner

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Select Sales Lead External Attributes

Select Sales Lead Internal Attributes

Select Sales Lead Primary Partner

Update Sales Lead Expiration Date

Update Sales Lead External Attributes

Update Sales Lead Internal Attributes

Update Sales Lead Primary Partner

View Sales Lead Contextual Bin

View Sales Lead Internal Tabs

Lead Registration Submission Duty

Submits sales lead registrations to the enterprise and manages sales lead attributes. Includes the ability to create, accept, and reject sales lead registrations.

Accept Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Delete Sales Lead External Attributes

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Reject Sales Lead

Select Sales Lead Claimed Flag

Select Sales Lead External Attributes

Submit Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead External Attributes

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Search Trading Community Location

View Trading Community Location

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Enter Trading Community Location

Remove Trading Community Location

Update Trading Community Location

Marketing Approval Duty

Reviews and approves secured marketing campaigns by viewing detailed campaign, list, segment, and treatment information from the campaign, audience, and treatment work areas.

Approve Marketing Campaign

Manage Audience Work Area

Manage Campaigns Work Area

Manage Treatments Work Area

Update Marketing Campaign

View Marketing Campaign

Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Manages marketing budgets and budget entries, including import, export, and viewing budget fund requests and claims that utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Activate Marketing Budget

Create Marketing Budget

Create Marketing Budget Entry

Create Marketing Claim Settlement

Delete Marketing Budget

Delete Marketing Claim Settlement

Export Marketing Budget

Export Marketing Budget Entry

Import Marketing Budget

Import Marketing Budget Entry

Inactivate Marketing Budget

Manage Budgets Work Area

Run Marketing Budget Currency Revaluation Scheduler

Update Marketing Budget

Update Marketing Budget Entry

Update Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Budget

View Marketing Budget Analytics

View Marketing Budget Checkbook

View Marketing Budget Entry

View Marketing Claim

View Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Source Code

Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Reviews marketing budgets and creates and manages budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Create Marketing Claim

Create Marketing Fund Request

Delete Marketing Claim

Delete Marketing Fund Request

Manage Budgets Work Area

Submit Marketing Claim

Submit Marketing Fund Request

Update Marketing Claim

Update Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Budget

View Marketing Claim

View Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Source Code

Marketing Fund Request and Claim Processing Duty

Reviews and approves budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities. Includes reviewing and exporting budget information.

Approve Marketing Claim

Approve Marketing Fund Request

Export Marketing Budget

Export Marketing Budget Entry

Manage Budgets Work Area

Reject Marketing Claim

Reject Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Budget

View Marketing Budget Analytics

View Marketing Budget Checkbook

View Marketing Budget Entry

View Marketing Claim

View Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Source Code

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

View Marketing Response

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Search Supplier Negotiation

View Supplier Negotiation

Opportunity Channel Account Manager Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for channel account managers.

Manage Opportunity Work Area

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

View Opportunity Revenue

Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

View Opportunity

Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Maintains a partner account, including managing members and partner profile information. This role is for members of the partner account team and their management chain.

Create Partner Member

Create Partner User

Import Partner

Manage Partner Account Team

Manage Partner User Security Role

Remove Partner Member

Update Partner Member

Update Partner Profile

View Partner Contract

Partner Account Review Duty

Views a partner account, including viewing a partner's members, profile, and account team.

Search Partner

View Channel Manager Dashboard

View Partner

View Partner Account Team

View Partner Contract

View Partner Interaction

View Partner Lead

View Partner Member

View Partner Note

View Partner Opportunity

View Partner Profile

View Partner Snapshot

View Partner Task

Partner Content Management Duty

Secures who can create partner collateral

Manage Partner Content

Partner Program Enrollment Supervision Duty

Reviews and updates the enrollment details of the program to which a partner enrolls. This role is for a channel sales director.

Apply Partner Program

Manage Partner Program Enrollment

View Partner Program Enrollment

Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Views the enrollment details of the program to which a partner enrolls.

View Partner Program Enrollment

Partner Program Inquiry Duty

Reviews a partner program.

View Partner Program

Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

Manages the capture of responses to the partner program enrollment questionnaire.

Capture Partner Responses to Partner Program Enrollment Questionnaire

Partner Program Questionnaire Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views questions and their associations to partner programs.

View Questions associated to Program

Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of sales organizations and consumers for partners. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.  This role has limited access to customers and contacts.

Create Consumer

Create Sales Account

Create Sales Account Appointment

Create Sales Account Assessments

Create Sales Account Contact

Create Sales Account Interaction

Create Sales Account Note

Create Sales Account Task

Create Sales Group

Create Sales Group Members

Create Sales Organization

Create Sales Party Appointment

Create Sales Party Contact

Create Sales Party Interaction

Create Sales Party Task

Delete Sales Account Appointment

Delete Sales Account Assessments

Delete Sales Account Contact

Delete Sales Account Interaction

Delete Sales Account Note

Delete Sales Account Task

Delete Sales Group Members

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Delete Sales Party Contact

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Delete Sales Party Task

Manage Customers Work Area

Manage Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Account Team

Manage Sales Party Team

Update Consumer

Update Sales Account

Update Sales Account Appointment

Update Sales Account Assessments

Update Sales Account Contact

Update Sales Account Interaction

Update Sales Account Note

Update Sales Account Task

Update Sales Group

Update Sales Group Members

Update Sales Organization

Update Sales Party Appointment

Update Sales Party Contact

Update Sales Party Interaction

Update Sales Party Task

View Consumer

View Sales Account

View Sales Account Appointment

View Sales Account Assessments

View Sales Account Contact

View Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Account Interaction

View Sales Account Note

View Sales Account Team

View Sales Account task

View Sales Group

View Sales Group Members

View Sales Organization

View Sales Party

View Sales Party Appointment

View Sales Party Contact

View Sales Party Interaction

View Sales Party Task

View Sales Party Team

Party Contract View Access Duty

Views contracts for a party for the assigned business units.

View Contracts for Party

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Purchase Order

Quota Management Duty

Manages sales territory quotas and territory quota formulas. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and party information inquiry.

Manage Sales Quota Prediction Formula

Manage Sales Territory Quota

Resource Administration Duty

Administers resource information.

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Enter Trading Community Resource Information

Identify Trading Community Person as a Trading Community Resource

Manage Trading Community Resource

Manage Trading Community Resource History

Manage Trading Community Resource Lookups

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Type

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Type Mapping

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

Manage Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

Manage Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Remove Trading Community Resource

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Administration Detail Information

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource History

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Add Trading Community Resource to My Social Network

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Manage Trading Community Resource Address

Manage Trading Community Resource Contact Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Social Network

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Address

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Contact Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Skills

View Trading Community Resource Social Network

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Resource Organization Administration Duty

Administers resource organizations.

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Members

Run Trading Community Resource Reporting Hierarchy Generation

Search Trading Community Resource Organization

Search Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Organization Resource Members

View Trading Community Resource Organization

View Trading Community Resource Organization Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Team Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Organization Usage Information

Resource Organization Management Duty

Manages resource organizations.

Manage Resource Organization Member Descriptive Flexfields

Search Trading Community Resource Organization

Search Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Organization Resource Members

View Trading Community Resource Organization

View Trading Community Resource Organization Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Team Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Organization Usage Information

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

Resource Team Management Duty

Manages resource teams.

Search Trading Community Resource Team

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Team

View Trading Community Resource Team Details

View Trading Community Resource Team Members

View Trading Community Resource Team Usages

Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for salespersons.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Competitor

View Sales Competitor Opportunities

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Reference Customer

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

View Sales Lead

Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Processes sales lead for follow up actions including the qualification and conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Convert Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Export Sales Lead

Identify Sales Lead

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Qualify Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Create Consumer

Create Sales Account

Create Sales Account Appointment

Create Sales Account Assessments

Create Sales Account Contact

Create Sales Account Interaction

Create Sales Account Note

Create Sales Account Task

Create Sales Group

Create Sales Group Members

Create Sales Organization

Create Sales Party Appointment

Create Sales Party Assessment

Create Sales Party Contact

Create Sales Party Interaction

Create Sales Party Note

Create Sales Party Task

Delete Sales Account Appointment

Delete Sales Account Assessments

Delete Sales Account Contact

Delete Sales Account Interaction

Delete Sales Account Note

Delete Sales Account Task

Delete Sales Group Members

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Delete Sales Party Assessment

Delete Sales Party Contact

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Delete Sales Party Note

Delete Sales Party Task

Manage Reference Customer Profile

Manage Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Account Team

Manage Sales Party Classifications

Manage Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Party Forums

Manage Sales Party Team

Update Consumer

Update Sales Account

Update Sales Account Appointment

Update Sales Account Assessments

Update Sales Account Contact

Update Sales Account Interaction

Update Sales Account Note

Update Sales Account Task

Update Sales Group

Update Sales Group Members

Update Sales Organization

Update Sales Party Appointment

Update Sales Party Assessment

Update Sales Party Contact

Update Sales Party Interaction

Update Sales Party Note

Update Sales Party Task

Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

Manages sales account partner territory associations.

Manage Sales Party Partner Territory

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Manage Customers Work Area

View Billing Account

View Consumer

View One Source Market Place Information

View Revenue by Organization Hierarchy

View Sales Account

View Sales Account Appointment

View Sales Account Assessments

View Sales Account Contact

View Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Account Interaction

View Sales Account Note

View Sales Account Snapshot

View Sales Account Team

View Sales Account task

View Sales Group

View Sales Group Members

View Sales Organization

View Sales Party

View Sales Party Analytics

View Sales Party Appointment

View Sales Party Assessment

View Sales Party Classifications

View Sales Party Contact

View Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Party Forums

View Sales Party Hierarchy

View Sales Party Interaction

View Sales Party Note

View Sales Party Snapshot

View Sales Party Subsidiaries

View Sales Party Task

View Sales Party Team

View Siebel Service Requests

Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Views reference customer note data. This role is for salespersons.

View Sales Reference Customer

View Sales Reference Customer Opportunities

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Group

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Bookmarks

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Invite Social Connection

Manage Kudos

Manage Message Board

Manage Social Connections

Manage Social Self-descriptive Information

View Activity Stream

Talent Notifications Duty

Sets up and manages talent management notifications.

Manage Goal Management Notifications

Manage Talent Notifications

Territory Management Duty

Manages sales territories, territory proposals, and quotas.

Manage Sales Territory

Manage Sales Territory Account Exclusions

Manage Sales Territory Account Inclusions

Manage Sales Territory Proposal

Manage Territories, Forecasts and Quotas Work Area

Run Territory Proposal Activation Job

Run Territory Restore Job

Run Territory Validation Job

View Sales Territory

View Sales Territory Proposal

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Enter Trading Community Merge Request

Submit Trading Community Merge Request

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

Assign Roles to User

Copy Personal Data to LDAP

Manage User Account and Roles

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Person Details

View Portrait Duty

Grants access to the worker and nonworker portrait pages.

View Nonworker Portrait

View Worker Portrait

Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

Performs administration duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Talent Education Establishment

Manage Talent Profile Content Item

Manage Talent Profile Rating Model

Manage Talent Profile Sources

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Person Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Channel Account Manager

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Activities and Interests

A Channel Account Manager can view activities and interests for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Activities and Interests (Data)

Resource: Activities and Interests

Activity Stream

A Channel Account Manager can view activity stream for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Activity Stream (Data)

Resource: Activity Stream

Application Attachment

A Channel Account Manager can delete application attachment for all application attachments of categories including budget reference, additional planning reference, and miscellaneous

Role: Marketing Budget Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Channel Account Manager can delete application attachment for all application attachments of categories including marketing activity reference, additional justification, and miscellaneous

Role: Marketing Claim Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Channel Account Manager can delete application attachment for all application attachments of categories including marketing activity reference, training reference, and miscellaneous

Role: Marketing Fund Request Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Channel Account Manager can read application attachment for all application attachments of categories including budget reference, additional planning reference, and miscellaneous

Role: Marketing Budget Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Channel Account Manager can read application attachment for all application attachments of categories including marketing activity reference, additional justification, and miscellaneous

Role: Marketing Claim Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Channel Account Manager can read application attachment for all application attachments of categories including marketing activity reference, training reference, and miscellaneous

Role: Marketing Fund Request Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Channel Account Manager can read application attachment for the categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Channel Account Manager can update application attachment for all application attachments of categories including budget reference, additional planning reference, and miscellaneous

Role: Marketing Budget Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Channel Account Manager can update application attachment for all application attachments of categories including marketing activity reference, additional justification, and miscellaneous

Role: Marketing Claim Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Channel Account Manager can update application attachment for all application attachments of categories including marketing activity reference, training reference, and miscellaneous

Role: Marketing Fund Request Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment Category

A Channel Account Manager can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Channel Account Manager can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Channel Account Manager can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category


A Channel Account Manager can participant view appointment where they are owner or participants of the appointment

Role: Participant Appointment View Duty

Privilege: Participant View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

A Channel Account Manager can view appointment for all appointments in the enterprise

Role: Appointment View Duty

Privilege: View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

Appointment Note

A Channel Account Manager can delete appointment note where they have delete access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Channel Account Manager can update appointment note where they have owner update access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Channel Account Manager can view appointment note for all internal appointment notes in the enterprise

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Channel Account Manager can view appointment note where they are the author of the private appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

Assignment Grade

A Channel Account Manager can choose assignment grade for grades in their grade security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade


A Channel Account Manager can view bookmark for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Bookmark (Data)

Resource: Bookmark

Business Unit

A Channel Account Manager can choose business unit organization for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Business Unit Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Competitor Note

A Channel Account Manager can manage sales competitor note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

A Channel Account Manager can view sales competitor note for all notes that are not private

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

A Channel Account Manager can view sales competitor note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Consumer File Import Activity

A Channel Account Manager can view consumer file import activity object type for all consumer file import activities of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Activity

Consumer File Import Mapping

A Channel Account Manager can view consumer file import mapping object type for all consumer file import mappings of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Mapping

Consumer File Import Object

A Channel Account Manager can view consumer file import object type for all consumer file import objects of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Object

Contact File Import Activity

A Channel Account Manager can view contact file import activity object type for all contact file import activities of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Activity

Contact File Import Mapping

A Channel Account Manager can view contact file import mapping object type for all contact file import mappings of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Mapping

Contact File Import Object

A Channel Account Manager can view contact file import object type for all contact file import objects of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Object


A Channel Account Manager can manage contract for all business units

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Contract

Contract Note

A Channel Account Manager can view contract note for notes that are not private or private notes where they are the author.

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: View Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Customer Account

A Channel Account Manager can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Account Manager can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Account Manager can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a sales account team member with edit or full access

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Account Manager can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member with edit or full access

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Account Manager can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Account Manager can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a sales account team member

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Account Manager can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Customer File Import Activity

A Channel Account Manager can view customer file import activity object type for all customer file import activities of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Activity

Customer File Import Mapping

A Channel Account Manager can view customer file import mapping object type for all customer file import mappings of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Mapping

Customer File Import Object

A Channel Account Manager can view customer file import object type for all customer file import objects of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Object


A Channel Account Manager can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Department Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Employee Resource File Import Activity

A Channel Account Manager can view employee resource file import activity object type for all employee resource file import activities of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Activity

Employee Resource File Import Mapping

A Channel Account Manager can view employee resource file import mapping object type for all employee resource file import mappings of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Mapping

Employee Resource File Import Object

A Channel Account Manager can view employee resource file import object type for all employee resource file import objects of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Object

Group Customer File Import Activity

A Channel Account Manager can view group customer file import activity object type for all group customer file import activities of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Activity

Group Customer File Import Mapping

A Channel Account Manager can view group customer file import mapping object type for all group customer file import mappings of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Mapping

Group Customer File Import Object

A Channel Account Manager can view group customer file import object type for all group customer file import objects of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Object

HR Job

A Channel Account Manager can choose hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Job Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Channel Account Manager can view hierarchy file import activity object type for all hierarchy file import activities of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Channel Account Manager can view hierarchy file import mapping object type for all hierarchy file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Object

A Channel Account Manager can view hierarchy file import object type for all hierarchy file import objects of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Object

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Channel Account Manager can view hierarchy node file import activity object type for all hierarchy node file import activities of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Channel Account Manager can view hierarchy node file import mapping object type for all hierarchy node file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Object

A Channel Account Manager can view hierarchy node file import object type for all hierarchy node file import objects of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Object

Incentive Compensation Goal

A Channel Account Manager can manage incentive compensation goal for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Goal (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


A Channel Account Manager can delete interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Account Manager can participant delete interaction where they are participants of the interaction

Role: Participant Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Participant Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Account Manager can participant update interaction where they are participants of the interaction

Role: Participant Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Participant Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Account Manager can participant view interaction where they are participants of the interaction

Role: Participant Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Participant View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Account Manager can update interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Account Manager can view interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction


A Channel Account Manager can view kudos for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Kudos (Data)

Resource: Kudos

Legal Employer

A Channel Account Manager can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Legal Employer Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legal Entity File Import Activity

A Channel Account Manager can view legal entity file import activity object type for all legal entity file import activities of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Activity

Legal Entity File Import Mapping

A Channel Account Manager can view legal entity file import mapping object type for all legal entity file import mappings of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Mapping

Legal Entity File Import Object

A Channel Account Manager can view legal entity file import object type for all legal entity file import objects of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Object


A Channel Account Manager can choose location for locations in their location security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Marketing Budget

A Channel Account Manager can delete marketing budget for all resource organizations and child resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Account Manager can delete marketing budget where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Account Manager can delete marketing budget where they are a resource in the marketing budget team

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Account Manager can delete marketing budget where they are the owner of the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Account Manager can update marketing budget for all resource organizations and child resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Account Manager can update marketing budget where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Account Manager can update marketing budget where they are a resource in the marketing budget team

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Account Manager can update marketing budget where they are the owner of the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Account Manager can view marketing budget for all resource organizations and child resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Account Manager can view marketing budget where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Account Manager can view marketing budget where they are a resource in the marketing budget team

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Account Manager can view marketing budget where they are the owner of the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Account Manager can delete marketing budget note where they have delete access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Account Manager can delete marketing budget note where they have view or update access to the marketing budget and where they are the author of the marketing budget note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Account Manager can update marketing budget note where they have view or update access to the marketing budget and where they are the author of the marketing budget note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Account Manager can view marketing budget note for all internal or external marketing budget notes in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Account Manager can view marketing budget note where they are the author of the private marketing budget note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Marketing Budget Team

A Channel Account Manager can update marketing budget team for all external and internal marketing budget team members

Role: Marketing Fund Request and Claim Processing Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Team (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Team

A Channel Account Manager can update marketing budget team for all external and internal marketing budget team members where they are the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Team (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Team

A Channel Account Manager can update marketing budget team for all external marketing budget team members who belong to their top-level resource organization or any of its child resource organizations

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Team (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Team

Marketing Campaign

A Channel Account Manager can update marketing campaign where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the marketing campaign team with full access

Role: Marketing Approval Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Campaign (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign

A Channel Account Manager can view marketing campaign for all resource organizations and child resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Marketing Approval Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Campaign (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign

Marketing Claim

A Channel Account Manager can delete marketing claim where they have view access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim

A Channel Account Manager can update marketing claim where they have view access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim

A Channel Account Manager can view marketing claim where they have view access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim

Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Account Manager can delete marketing claim note where they have delete access to the marketing claim

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Account Manager can delete marketing claim note where they have view or update access to the marketing claim and where they are the author of the marketing claim note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Account Manager can update marketing claim note where they have view or update access to the marketing claim and where they are the author of the marketing claim note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Account Manager can view marketing claim note for all internal or external marketing claim notes in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Account Manager can view marketing claim note where they are the author of the private marketing claim note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Account Manager can delete marketing fund request note where they have delete access to the marketing fund request

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Account Manager can delete marketing fund request note where they have view or update access to the marketing fund request and where they are the author of the marketing fund request note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Account Manager can update marketing fund request note where they have view or update access to the marketing fund request and where they are the author of the marketing fund request note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Account Manager can view marketing fund request note for all internal or external marketing fund request notes in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Account Manager can view marketing fund request note where they are the author of the private marketing fund request note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Message Board

A Channel Account Manager can view message board for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Message Board (Data)

Resource: Message Board

Network Activities

A Channel Account Manager can view network activities for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Network Activities (Data)

Resource: Network Activities


A Channel Account Manager can view opportunity where they are a member of the account team of a partner organization on the opportunity

Role: Opportunity Channel Account Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Opportunity

A Channel Account Manager can view opportunity where they are a territory resource in the opportunity sales account territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity sales account territory team

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Opportunity

Opportunity Note

A Channel Account Manager can view opportunity note where they are a member of the account team of a partner organization on the opportunity and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Channel Account Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Account Manager can view opportunity note where they are a territory resource in the opportunity sales account territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity sales account territory team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Account Manager can view opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Channel Account Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Partner File Import Activity

A Channel Account Manager can view partner file import activity object type for all partner file import activities of object type 'partner company'

Role: Partner Import Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Activity

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Activity

Partner File Import Mapping

A Channel Account Manager can view partner file import mapping object type for all partner file import mappings of object type 'partner company'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Mapping

Partner File Import Object

A Channel Account Manager can view partner file import object type for all partner file import objects of object type 'partner company'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Object

Partner Member File Import Activity

A Channel Account Manager can view partner member file import activity object type for all partner member file import activities of object type 'partner member'

Role: Partner Import Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Activity

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Activity

Partner Member File Import Mapping

A Channel Account Manager can view partner member file import mapping object type for all partner member file import mappings of object type 'partner member'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Mapping

Partner Member File Import Object

A Channel Account Manager can view partner member file import object type for all partner member file import objects of object type 'partner member'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Object

Partner Note

A Channel Account Manager can manage partner note for all notes that are not private and where they are in the partner account team

Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Note (Data)

Resource: Partner Note

A Channel Account Manager can manage partner note where they are the author of the note

Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Note (Data)

Resource: Partner Note

Partner Profile

A Channel Account Manager can manage partner account where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the partner account team with full access

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Account Manager can manage partner account where they are in the partner account team with full access

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Account Manager can update partner account where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the partner account team with edit access

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Account Manager can update partner account where they are in the partner account team with edit access

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Account Manager can view partner account where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the partner account team

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

Fact: PRM - Partner Presence


Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

Fact: PRM - Partner Presence


A Channel Account Manager can view partner account where they are in the partner account team

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

Fact: PRM - Partner Presence


Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

Fact: PRM - Partner Presence


Partner Program

A Channel Account Manager can view partner program for all partner programs in the enterprise

Role: Partner Program Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Partner Program (Data)

Resource: Partner Program

Partner Program Enrollment

A Channel Account Manager can manage partner program enrollment where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the partner account team with edit or full access

Role: Partner Program Enrollment Supervision Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Partner Program Enrollment

A Channel Account Manager can view partner program enrollment for all partner program enrollments in the enterprise

Role: Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Privilege: View Partner Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Partner Program Enrollment

Person Assignment

A Channel Account Manager can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

A Channel Account Manager can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Email

A Channel Account Manager can manage person email for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: User Role Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Type

A Channel Account Manager can choose person type for person types in their person type security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type


A Channel Account Manager can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Public Person

A Channel Account Manager can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Details Duty

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Reference Customer Note

A Channel Account Manager can manage sales reference customer note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

A Channel Account Manager can view sales reference customer note for all notes that are not private

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

A Channel Account Manager can view sales reference customer note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

Sales Account

A Channel Account Manager can manage sales account where the user is in the customer team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Channel Account Manager can manage sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Channel Account Manager can update sales account where the user is in the customer team with edit access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Account

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Account

Resource: Sales Account

A Channel Account Manager can view sales account where the user is in the customer team with view access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Channel Account Manager can view sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with view access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Sales Competitor

A Channel Account Manager can view sales competitor for all sales competitors in the enterprise

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor (Data)

Resource: Sales Competitor

Sales Lead

A Channel Account Manager can convert sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Account Manager can convert sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Account Manager can convert sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Account Manager can convert sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Account Manager can convert sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Account Manager can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Account Manager can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Account Manager can update sales lead others where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Account Manager can update sales lead others where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Account Manager can update sales lead owner where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Account Manager can update sales lead owner where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Account Manager can update sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Account Manager can view sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

A Channel Account Manager can view sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

A Channel Account Manager can view sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

A Channel Account Manager can view sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

A Channel Account Manager can view sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Sales Lead Note

A Channel Account Manager can delete sales lead note where they have delete access to the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Account Manager can delete sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Account Manager can update sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Account Manager can view sales lead note for all external sales lead notes in the enterprise

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Account Manager can view sales lead note for all internal sales lead notes in the enterprise

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Account Manager can view sales lead note where they are the author of the private sales lead note

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Sales Party

A Channel Account Manager can manage sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Account Manager can manage sales party where they are in the sales account team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Account Manager can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Account Manager can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Account Manager can update sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Account Manager can update sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Account Manager can update sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with edit access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Account Manager can update sales party where they are in the sales account team with edit access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Account Manager can view sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Account Manager can view sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Account Manager can view sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Account Manager can view sales party where they are in the sales account team

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Sales Party Note

A Channel Account Manager can delete sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Account Manager can delete sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Account Manager can delete sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Account Manager can edit sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Account Manager can edit sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Account Manager can edit sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Account Manager can view sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Account Manager can view sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Account Manager can view sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Sales Quota Plan

A Channel Account Manager can view sales quota plan for all sales quota plans that are active

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan

Sales Reference Customer

A Channel Account Manager can view sales reference customer for all sales reference customers in the enterprise

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Account Manager can manage sales resource quota where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy where the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Account Manager can manage sales resource quota where they are the owner of the root territory, if the resource quota is for the root territory

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Account Manager can view sales resource quota where they are assigned the quota

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Account Manager can view sales resource quota where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy where the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Account Manager can view sales resource quota where they are the owner of the territory to which the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Sales Territory

A Channel Account Manager can manage sales territory where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy, as long as the topmost territory they own is not submitted

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Channel Account Manager can view sales territory where they are a member of the territory team

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Channel Account Manager can view sales territory where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Channel Account Manager can view sales territory where they are the territory owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Sales Territory Partition

A Channel Account Manager can view sales territory partition for all partitions in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Partition (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Partition

Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Account Manager can manage sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a territory administered by the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Account Manager can manage sales territory proposal where they are the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Account Manager can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy of a published or submitted territory in the proposal

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Account Manager can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a published or submitted territory in the proposal

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Account Manager can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a territory administered by the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Account Manager can view sales territory proposal where they are the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

Social Connection

A Channel Account Manager can view social connection for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Connection (Data)

Resource: Social Connection

Social Profile

A Channel Account Manager can view social profile for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Profile (Data)

Resource: Social Profile

Task Note

A Channel Account Manager can delete task note where they have delete access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Account Manager can delete task note where they have delete access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Account Manager can update task note where they have update access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Account Manager can update task note where they have update access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Account Manager can view task note for all internal task notes in the enterprise

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Account Manager can view task note where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Channel Account Manager can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Channel Account Manager can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Channel Account Manager can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Channel Account Manager can view trading community organization for a trading community organization that is a partner and the user is a member of the partner organization

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

A Channel Account Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Channel Account Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

A Channel Account Manager can view trading community person for all persons who are a member of their partner organization

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

A Channel Account Manager can view trading community person for all trading community persons that are contacts and associated with their partner company organization

Role: Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

A Channel Account Manager can view trading community person for their trading community person record

Role: Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Account Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Account Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Account Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships that are contacts and associated with their partner company organization

Role: Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Account Manager can view trading community relationship for trading community partner contact relationships with their company

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource

A Channel Account Manager can remove trading community resource for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Remove Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Channel Account Manager can update trading community resource for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Channel Account Manager can update trading community resource for their resource record

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Channel Account Manager can view trading community resource for all trading community resources.

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

Trading Community Resource Note

A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community resource note for the resource notes for which they are the owner

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Channel Account Manager can view trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

A Channel Account Manager can view trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community resource skill for all resource skills

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Account Manager can view trading community resource skill for all resource skills

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Account Manager can view trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Account Manager can view trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

Job Role: Channel Partner Manager

Defines new channel partner programs.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Channel Partner Manager

Duty Role


Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Unit Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege that enables users to select a business unit, enabled for assignments and work terms, from a secured list determined by the organization security profile.

Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

Provides channel roles a dashboard to manage their daily transactions.

Channel Partner Manager Duty

Enterprise Duty role that inherits all duties performed by Channel Partner Manager

Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

Views contract terms in a contract. Additionally, downloads contract terms to Microsoft Word.

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of interaction data. Interactions record inbound and outbound communications.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Management Duty

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Legal Employer Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege  Choose Legal Employer Duty  that allows the ability to select a Legal Employer from a secured list as defined in the organization security profile.

Partner Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Partner Analysis module.

Partner Channel Analysis Duty

This BI duty role is to analyze overall partner performance that entails complete visibility into all the transactions the partner is associated to.

Partner Channel Transaction Analysis Duty

This BI duty role is to analyze overall partner performance that entails complete visibility into all the transactions the partner is associated to

Partner Program Contract Association Duty

Manages association of contract types and contract terms templates to partner programs.

Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Views the enrollment details of the program to which a partner enrolls.

Partner Program Maintain Duty

Manages, publishes, terminates, and submits partner programs.

Partner Program Questionnaire Management Duty

Creates questions and manages the association of questions to partner programs.

Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

Manages the capture of responses to the partner program enrollment questionnaire.

Partner Program Review Duty

Reviews the program details in the program catalog.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Quota Management Duty

Manages sales territory quotas and territory quota formulas. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and party information inquiry.

Read CRM documents on content server

Allows to read CRM documents from content server repository.

Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.

Resource Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Resource Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

Manages sales account partner territory associations.

Social Connection Partner Duty

Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection partner duties.

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Territory Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Territory Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Territory Management Duty

Manages sales territories, territory proposals, and quotas.

Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views trading partner items including competitor items, customer items, and manufacturer part numbers.

Transactional Analysis Duty

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Portrait Duty

Grants access to the worker and nonworker portrait pages.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Channel Partner Manager

Inherited Roles

Channel Partner Manager

          Business Intelligence Applications Worker

                    Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

          Channel Partner Manager Duty

                    Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

                    Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

                    Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

                    Interaction Management Duty

                    Item Management Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Partner Channel Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Partner Analysis Currency Preference

                              Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                              Territory Hierarchy Data Security

                    Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

                              Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

                    Partner Program Maintain Duty

                              Partner Program Contract Association Duty

                              Partner Program Questionnaire Management Duty

                              Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

                    Partner Program Review Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

                    Territory Management Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Quota Management Duty

                                        Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                                  Business Unit Selection Duty

                                                  Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                                  User Role Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                        Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    View Portrait Duty

                              Social Connection Partner Duty

                                        Social Group Participation Core Duty

                                        Social Network Duty

                                                  Social Network Core Duty

          Partner Channel Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Partner Analysis Currency Preference

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Territory Hierarchy Data Security

          Partner Channel Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Read CRM documents on content server

          Transactional Business Intelligence Worker

                    Transactional Analysis Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Channel Partner Manager.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

View Audit Trail Report

Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

Provides channel roles a dashboard to manage their daily transactions.

Manage Partner User Profile

View Channel Manager Dashboard

View Channel Manager Dashboard as Administrator

View Customer Analytics

View Partner Content

View Partner Profile

View Partner Program Enrollment

View Partner Programs Summary

View Territories and Forecasts

Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

Views contract terms in a contract. Additionally, downloads contract terms to Microsoft Word.

Download Contract for External Parties

View Contract Terms

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Manage Users

View Person Details

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Customize Incentive Compensation Participant Goal

Item Management Duty

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Create Item Structure

Manage Item

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Lifecycle Phase Change

Manage Item Organization Association

Manage Item Relationship

Manage Item Status Change

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Monitor Item Summary

Monitor Item Work Area

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Partner Program Contract Association Duty

Manages association of contract types and contract terms templates to partner programs.

Associate Question to Partner Program

View Contract Terms Template by Web Service

View Contract Type by Web Service

Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Views the enrollment details of the program to which a partner enrolls.

View Partner Program Enrollment

Partner Program Maintain Duty

Manages, publishes, terminates, and submits partner programs.

Maintain Partner Program

View Partner Program

Partner Program Questionnaire Management Duty

Creates questions and manages the association of questions to partner programs.

Define Contract Expert Question for Programs

Search Contract Expert Question for Programs

Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

Manages the capture of responses to the partner program enrollment questionnaire.

Capture Partner Responses to Partner Program Enrollment Questionnaire

Partner Program Review Duty

Reviews the program details in the program catalog.

Review Partner Program

Quota Management Duty

Manages sales territory quotas and territory quota formulas. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and party information inquiry.

Manage Sales Quota Prediction Formula

Manage Sales Territory Quota

Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

Manages sales account partner territory associations.

Manage Sales Party Partner Territory

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Group

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Bookmarks

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Invite Social Connection

Manage Kudos

Manage Message Board

Manage Social Connections

Manage Social Self-descriptive Information

View Activity Stream

Territory Management Duty

Manages sales territories, territory proposals, and quotas.

Manage Sales Territory

Manage Sales Territory Account Exclusions

Manage Sales Territory Account Inclusions

Manage Sales Territory Proposal

Manage Territories, Forecasts and Quotas Work Area

Run Territory Proposal Activation Job

Run Territory Restore Job

Run Territory Validation Job

View Sales Territory

View Sales Territory Proposal

Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views trading partner items including competitor items, customer items, and manufacturer part numbers.

Monitor Item Work Area

View Trading Partner Item

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

Assign Roles to User

Copy Personal Data to LDAP

Manage User Account and Roles

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Person Details

View Portrait Duty

Grants access to the worker and nonworker portrait pages.

View Nonworker Portrait

View Worker Portrait

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Channel Partner Manager

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Activities and Interests

A Channel Partner Manager can view activities and interests for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Activities and Interests (Data)

Resource: Activities and Interests

Activity Stream

A Channel Partner Manager can view activity stream for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Activity Stream (Data)

Resource: Activity Stream

Assignment Grade

A Channel Partner Manager can choose assignment grade for grades in their grade security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade


A Channel Partner Manager can view bookmark for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Bookmark (Data)

Resource: Bookmark

Business Unit

A Channel Partner Manager can choose business unit organization for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Business Unit Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


A Channel Partner Manager can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

HR Job

A Channel Partner Manager can choose hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Incentive Compensation Goal

A Channel Partner Manager can manage incentive compensation goal for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Goal (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


A Channel Partner Manager can delete interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Partner Manager can update interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Partner Manager can view interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction


A Channel Partner Manager can create item class item for the item classes they have access to

Role: Item Management Duty

Privilege: Create Item Class Item (Data)

Resource: Item


A Channel Partner Manager can view kudos for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Kudos (Data)

Resource: Kudos

Legal Employer

A Channel Partner Manager can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Legal Employer Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer


A Channel Partner Manager can choose location for locations in their location security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Message Board

A Channel Partner Manager can view message board for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Message Board (Data)

Resource: Message Board

Network Activities

A Channel Partner Manager can view network activities for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Network Activities (Data)

Resource: Network Activities

Partner Program

A Channel Partner Manager can maintain partner program for all partner programs in the enterprise

Role: Partner Program Maintain Duty

Privilege: Maintain Partner Program (Data)

Resource: Partner Program

Partner Program Enrollment

A Channel Partner Manager can view partner program enrollment for all partner program enrollments in the enterprise

Role: Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Privilege: View Partner Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Partner Program Enrollment

Person Assignment

A Channel Partner Manager can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

A Channel Partner Manager can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Email

A Channel Partner Manager can manage person email for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: User Role Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Type

A Channel Partner Manager can choose person type for person types in their person type security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type


A Channel Partner Manager can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Public Person

A Channel Partner Manager can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Details Duty

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Sales Quota Plan

A Channel Partner Manager can view sales quota plan for all sales quota plans that are active

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan

Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Partner Manager can manage sales resource quota where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy where the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Partner Manager can manage sales resource quota where they are the owner of the root territory, if the resource quota is for the root territory

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Partner Manager can view sales resource quota where they are assigned the quota

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Partner Manager can view sales resource quota where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy where the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Partner Manager can view sales resource quota where they are the owner of the territory to which the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Sales Territory

A Channel Partner Manager can manage sales territory where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy, as long as the topmost territory they own is not submitted

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Channel Partner Manager can view sales territory where they are a member of the territory team

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Channel Partner Manager can view sales territory where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Channel Partner Manager can view sales territory where they are the territory owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Sales Territory Partition

A Channel Partner Manager can view sales territory partition for all partitions in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Partition (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Partition

Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Partner Manager can manage sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a territory administered by the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Partner Manager can manage sales territory proposal where they are the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Partner Manager can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy of a published or submitted territory in the proposal

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Partner Manager can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a published or submitted territory in the proposal

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Partner Manager can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a territory administered by the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Partner Manager can view sales territory proposal where they are the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

Social Connection

A Channel Partner Manager can view social connection for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Connection (Data)

Resource: Social Connection

Social Profile

A Channel Partner Manager can view social profile for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Profile (Data)

Resource: Social Profile

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Channel Partner Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Channel Partner Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Partner Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Partner Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job  role Channel Partner Manager

GRC Entitlement

Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Create Items

Approve Cycle Count Sequences

Create Cycle Count

Create Interorganization Transfer

Create Subinventory Transfer

Cycle Counting

Inventory Transactions

Item Costing

Create Items

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as follows:

GRC Entitlement Type

GRC Entitlement

Duty Role



Create Items

Manage Item

Job Role: Channel Partner Portal Administrator

Maintains customization of all PRM portal pages, external, internal, and anonymous pages.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Channel Partner Portal Administrator

Duty Role


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages all application profile values.

Application Attachment Administration Duty

Manages attachment categories and entities.

Application Data Security Administration Duty

Manages data security policies and database resources.

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

Manages document sequences and document sequence categories.

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Application Message Administration Duty

Manages application messages.

Application Profile Option Registration Duty

Manages application profile categories and profile options.

Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

Manage application reference data set and assignments.

Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

Manages application taxonomy.

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

Manages application tree structure.

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Application World Reference Administration Duty

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application document sequence categories.

Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application flexfields value sets.

Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application profile option values.

Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

Appointment Note Management Duty

Manages creating and maintaining appointment notes.

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

Audit Trail Management Duty

Duty role to allow the administrator to configure and view the audit history.

Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Intelligence Consumer Duty

A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office. This role  allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a subject area.

Business Unit Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege that enables users to select a business unit, enabled for assignments and work terms, from a secured list determined by the organization security profile.

CRM Administrative Analysis Duty

BI duty role to administer analysis in all key areas in CRM, including but not limited to Revenue,Quota, Forecasting,Territory, Marketing Programs, Leads, Responses and TCA.

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process


Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server

Channel Administrator Duty

Enterprise Duty role that inherits all duties performed by Channel Administrator

Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

Provides channel roles a dashboard to manage their daily transactions.

Channel Partner Portal Administrator Duty

Enterprise duty role to maintain customization of all PRM portal pages, external, internal, and anonymous pages.

Common Component Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all common components objects.

Contract Setup Duty

Contract Setup

Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Manages the Contract Terms Library, including defining and maintaining terms templates, clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections, variables, folders, questions, constants, and numbering schemes.

Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

Views contract terms in a contract. Additionally, downloads contract terms to Microsoft Word.

Contract UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Contracts pages

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Customer Contract Setup Duty

In addition to the setup activities allowed by the Contract Setup Duty, this duty performs setup activities that are specific to customer contracts, such as managing customer contract management business function settings and billing accounts.

Customer Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Manages sell intent Contract Terms Library objects.

Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Customer Data Management Foundation.

Delete Partner Management documents on content server

Allows to delete Partner Management documents on content server.

Department Selection Duty

Filters the department list of values based on the user's organization security profile.

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty

Imports people and organizations.

Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of interaction data. Interactions record inbound and outbound communications.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Item Management Duty

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Job Selection Duty

Filters the job list of values based on the user's job security profile.

Lead Registration Submission Duty

Submits sales lead registrations to the enterprise and manages sales lead attributes. Includes the ability to create, accept, and reject sales lead registrations.

Legal Employer Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege  Choose Legal Employer Duty  that allows the ability to select a Legal Employer from a secured list as defined in the organization security profile.

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Marketing Budget Export Management Duty

Restricts the presentation of exportable objects to marketing budgets.

Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Reviews marketing budgets and creates and manages budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Marketing Claim Attachment Management Duty

Manages secured file attachments of specific categories associated to marketing claims.

Marketing Fund Request Attachment Management Duty

Manages secured file attachments of specific categories associated to marketing fund requests.

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Administers all aspects of the application, including some setup. This role is for channel administrators.

Opportunity Partner Administration Duty

Administers all aspects of the application, including some setup. This role is for partner administrators.

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

Page Composer Source View Access Duty

Duty role to allow access to page composer source view

Participant Appointment View Duty

manages the view access for the participant owner's appointment data.

Participant Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing the interaction data by a participant.

Partner Account Administration Duty

Maintains a partner account, including managing members and partner profile information.

Partner Account Review Duty

Views a partner account, including viewing a partner's members, profile, and account team.

Partner Administrator Dashboard Duty

Executes transactional items within the partner dashboard when belongs to an approved partner organization. This role is for an administrator.

Partner Administrator Duty

Enterprise Duty role that inherits all duties performed by Partner Administrator

Partner Administrator Limited Dashboard Duty

Views limited information based on a dashboard when a partner organization is in a status of registered or expired. This role is for the partner administrator.

Partner Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Partner Analysis module.

Partner Center UI Customization Duty

Customize the Partner Center pages.

Partner Channel Administrative Analysis Duty

This BI duty role is to administer analysis in all key areas in Partner Analytics, including but not limited to Partner, Leads, Opportunities, Territories, Enrollments and Programs.

Partner Channel Administrative Transaction Analysis Duty

This BI duty role is to administer analysis in all key areas in Partner Analytics, including but not limited to Partner, Leads, Opportunities, Territories, Enrollments and Programs

Partner Content Management Duty

Secures who can create partner collateral

Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

Accesses partner customer contact information.

Partner Export Management Duty

Manages partners bulk export.

Partner Import Administration Duty

Partner Import Administration Duty role. This duty will allow for administration activities of Partner Import

Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Accesses partner company and partner member information.

Partner Lead External Management Duty

Views and updates all partner leads in the partner organization.

Partner Lead Management Duty

Views and updates all partner leads in the enterprise.

Partner Management Setup Duty

Manages the partner management setup tasks.

Partner Management as Partner Administrator Duty

Manages the partner account for their partner organization, including managing members, users, and profile information. This role is for the partner administrator.

Partner Member Termination Duty

Grants privileges to terminate partner members.

Partner Organization Analysis Duty

This BI duty role is to analyze the partner's own  performance.

Partner Portal Customize Links Duty

Views the links to customize UI Shell and all PRM pages, including anonymous partner pages.

Partner Program Contract Association Duty

Manages association of contract types and contract terms templates to partner programs.

Partner Program Enrollment Partner Duty

Manages their partner enrollment data. This role is for a partner administrator.

Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Views the enrollment details of the program to which a partner enrolls.

Partner Program Maintain Duty

Manages, publishes, terminates, and submits partner programs.

Partner Program Questionnaire Management Duty

Creates questions and manages the association of questions to partner programs.

Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

Manages the capture of responses to the partner program enrollment questionnaire.

Partner Program Review Duty

Reviews the program details in the program catalog.

Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of sales organizations and consumers for partners. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.  This role has limited access to customers and contacts.

Partner Transaction Data Security

This role grants data security access to all partner transactions around leads and opportunities

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

Views their own information.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Review purchase order, purchase agreement, and referenced document attachments.

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Read CRM documents on content server

Allows to read CRM documents from content server repository.

Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.

Resource Administration Duty

Administers resource information.

Resource Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Resource Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Resource Organization Administration Duty

Administers resource organizations.

Resource Organization Management Duty

Manages resource organizations.

Sales Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Sales Analysis module.

Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Manages product groups and product eligibility rules.

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Processes sales lead for follow up actions including the qualification and conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Social Connection Partner Duty

Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection partner duties.

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Talent Notifications Duty

Sets up and manages talent management notifications.

Task Note Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of task notes data. Task notes record additional information about the specific task.

Territory Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Territory Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Trading Community Import Administration Duty

Defines trading community data import installation and configuration information.

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views trading partner items including competitor items, customer items, and manufacturer part numbers.

Transactional Analysis Duty

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Portrait Duty

Grants access to the worker and nonworker portrait pages.

Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

Performs administration duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Channel Partner Portal Administrator

Inherited Roles

Channel Partner Portal Administrator

          Business Intelligence Applications Worker

                    Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

          Channel Partner Portal Administrator Duty

                    Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

                    Channel Administrator Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Attachments User


                              Audit Trail Management Duty

                              Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

                              CRM Administrative Analysis Duty

                                        Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                                        Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                              Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              File Import Scheduling Duty

                                        Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              Functional Setups Duty

                              Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty

                                        Trading Community Import Administration Duty

                                        Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                                        Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

                              Item Management Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Lead Registration Submission Duty

                                        Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

                                        Partner Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

                              Marketing Budget Export Management Duty

                                        Common Component Export Management Duty

                                                  CRM Export Management Duty

                              Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

                              Partner Account Administration Duty

                              Partner Account Review Duty

                              Partner Center UI Customization Duty

                              Partner Channel Administrative Analysis Duty

                                        Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                                        Partner Analysis Currency Preference

                                        Partner Transaction Data Security

                                        Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                                        Territory Hierarchy Data Security

                              Partner Content Management Duty

                              Partner Import Administration Duty

                              Partner Lead Management Duty

                              Partner Management Setup Duty

                                        Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                                        Customer Contract Setup Duty

                                                  Contract Setup Duty

                                                            Administration Link View Duty

                                                            Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                                            Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

                                                            Application Lookup Administration Duty

                                                            Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

                                                            Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

                                                            Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

                                                            Contract UI Customization Duty

                                        Customer Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

                                                  Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

                                        Partner Export Management Duty

                                                  CRM Export Management Duty

                              Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

                                        Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

                              Partner Program Maintain Duty

                                        Partner Program Contract Association Duty

                                        Partner Program Questionnaire Management Duty

                                        Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

                              Partner Program Review Duty

                              Partner Sales Party Management Duty

                                        Locations Management Duty

                                                  Locations Inquiry Duty

                                        Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                                        Opportunity View Duty

                                        Participant Appointment View Duty

                                        Participant Interaction Management Duty

                                        Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

                                        Partner Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Resource Administration Duty

                                        Administration Link View Duty

                                        Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                                        Application Attachment Administration Duty

                                        Application Data Security Administration Duty

                                        Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                        Application Lookup Administration Duty

                                        Application Message Administration Duty

                                        Application Profile Option Registration Duty

                                        Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

                                        Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

                                        Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

                                        Application World Reference Administration Duty

                                        Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

                                        Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                                  Business Unit Selection Duty

                                                  Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                                  User Role Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                        Job Selection Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Resource Information Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                                  Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

                                                  Talent Notifications Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                              Resource Organization Administration Duty

                                        Application Tree Administration Duty

                                        Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

                                        Department Selection Duty

                                        Resource Organization Management Duty

                                                  Application Tree Administration Duty

                              Sales Catalog Administration Duty

                              Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

                              Sales Party Management Duty

                                        File Import Management Duty

                                                  File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                            Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                                        Locations Management Duty

                                                  Locations Inquiry Duty

                                        Resource Information Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                                  Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                                        Sales Party Review Duty

                                                  Appointment View Duty

                                                  Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                                                  Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

                                                            Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                                            Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                                            Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                                            Interaction Management Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Item Inquiry Duty

                                                            Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                                      Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                                      Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                                            Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                                      Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Interaction Management Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Marketing Response Data Review Duty

                                                  Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                                                  Opportunity View Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Sales Extension Management Duty

                                                  Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                                        Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                                        Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

                              View Portrait Duty

                                        Social Connection Partner Duty

                                                  Social Group Participation Core Duty

                                                  Social Network Duty

                                                            Social Network Core Duty

                    Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

                    Page Composer Source View Access Duty

                    Partner Administrator Duty

                              Appointment Note Management Duty

                              Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

                              Lead Registration Submission Duty

                                        Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

                                        Partner Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

                              Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

                              Marketing Claim Attachment Management Duty

                              Marketing Fund Request Attachment Management Duty

                              Opportunity Partner Administration Duty

                              Participant Interaction Management Duty

                              Partner Administrator Dashboard Duty

                              Partner Administrator Limited Dashboard Duty

                              Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

                              Partner Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

                              Partner Lead External Management Duty

                              Partner Management as Partner Administrator Duty

                              Partner Member Termination Duty

                              Partner Organization Analysis Duty

                                        Business Intelligence Consumer Duty

                              Partner Program Enrollment Partner Duty

                                        Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

                              Partner Program Review Duty

                              Partner Sales Party Management Duty

                                        Locations Management Duty

                                                  Locations Inquiry Duty

                                        Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                                        Opportunity View Duty

                                        Participant Appointment View Duty

                                        Participant Interaction Management Duty

                                        Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

                                        Partner Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                              Resource Organization Administration Duty

                                        Application Tree Administration Duty

                                        Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

                                        Department Selection Duty

                                        Resource Organization Management Duty

                                                  Application Tree Administration Duty

                              Task Note Management Duty

                              View Portrait Duty

                                        Social Connection Partner Duty

                                                  Social Group Participation Core Duty

                                                  Social Network Duty

                                                            Social Network Core Duty

                    Partner Content Management Duty

                    Partner Portal Customize Links Duty

          Delete Partner Management documents on content server

          Partner Channel Administrative Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Partner Analysis Currency Preference

                    Partner Transaction Data Security

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Territory Hierarchy Data Security

          Partner Channel Administrative Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Read CRM documents on content server

          Transactional Business Intelligence Worker

                    Transactional Analysis Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Channel Partner Portal Administrator.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

View Administration Link

Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages all application profile values.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Application Attachment Administration Duty

Manages attachment categories and entities.

Manage Application Attachment Category

Manage Application Attachment Entity

Application Data Security Administration Duty

Manages data security policies and database resources.

Manage Application Data Security Policy

Manage Application Database Resource

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

Manages document sequences and document sequence categories.

Manage Application Document Sequence

Manage Application Document Sequence Category

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage Application Standard Lookup

Application Message Administration Duty

Manages application messages.

Manage Application Message

Application Profile Option Registration Duty

Manages application profile categories and profile options.

Manage Application Profile Category

Manage Application Profile Option

Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

Manage application reference data set and assignments.

Manage Application Reference Data Set

Manage Application Reference Data Set Assignment

Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

Manages application taxonomy.

Manage Application Taxonomy

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Manage Application Tree

Manage Application Tree Label

Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

Manages application tree structure.

Manage Application Tree Structure

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Manage My Application Profile Values

Application World Reference Administration Duty

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Currency

Manage Application Reference ISO Language

Manage Application Reference Industry

Manage Application Reference Language

Manage Application Reference Natural Language

Manage Application Reference Territory

Manage Application Reference Timezone

Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application document sequence categories.

Manage Application Document Sequence Category

Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application flexfields value sets.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application profile option values.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Manage Calendar Preferences

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

View Customer Asset

View Product Recommendation

Audit Trail Management Duty

Duty role to allow the administrator to configure and view the audit history.

Manage Audit Trail

Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

View Audit Trail Report

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

Run CRM Export Process

Set Up CRM Objects for Export

Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

Provides channel roles a dashboard to manage their daily transactions.

Manage Partner User Profile

View Channel Manager Dashboard

View Channel Manager Dashboard as Administrator

View Customer Analytics

View Partner Content

View Partner Profile

View Partner Program Enrollment

View Partner Programs Summary

View Territories and Forecasts

Common Component Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all common components objects.

Run Purge Recent Items

Contract Setup Duty

Contract Setup

Build Keyword Search Index for the Contract Terms Library

Define Project Contract Billing Configuration

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

Manage Contract Currency Conversion Rate Types

Manage Contract Customer Account

Manage Contract Customer Account Site Usages

Manage Contract Global Employee

Manage Contract Interaction Reference Mapping

Manage Contract Layout Templates

Manage Contract Line Item

Manage Contract Line Type

Manage Contract Note Type Mapping

Manage Contract Organization Party

Manage Contract Party Contact

Manage Contract Party Location

Manage Contract Party Role and Contact Sources

Manage Contract Payment Terms

Manage Contract Person Party

Manage Contract Risk Event

Manage Contract Standard Clauses, Templates, and Contract Expert Rules

Manage Contract Type

Specify Customer Contract Management Business Function Properties

Specify Procurement Contract Management Business Function Properties

Track Purchasing Activity for Contract Fulfillment Line

Update Contract Status

View Contract Type

Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Manages the Contract Terms Library, including defining and maintaining terms templates, clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections, variables, folders, questions, constants, and numbering schemes.

Adopt Global Clauses for a New Business Unit

Analyze Contract Clause Usage

Define Clause in the Contract Terms Library

Define Contract Expert Rule in the Contract Terms Library

Define Folders in the Contract Terms Library

Define Numbering Scheme in the Contract Terms Library

Define Section in the Contract Terms Library

Define Terms Template in the Contract Terms Library

Define Variable in the Contract Terms Library

Import Contract Clauses

Manage Contract Terms Library Work Area

Purge Contract Clause Import Tables

Purge Contract Temporary Tables

Search Clauses in the Contract Terms Library

Search Contract Expert Rules in the Contract Terms Library

Search Folders in the Contract Terms Library

Search Numbering Schemes in the Contract Terms Library

Search Sections in the Contract Terms Library

Search Terms Templates in the Contract Terms Library

Search Variables in the Contract Terms Library

View Clause in the Contract Terms Library

View Contract Expert Rule in the Contract Terms Library

View Folder in the Contract Terms Library

View Numbering Schemes in the Contract Terms Library

View Section in the Contract Terms Library

View Terms Template in the Contract Terms Library

View Variable in the Contract Terms Library

Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

Views contract terms in a contract. Additionally, downloads contract terms to Microsoft Word.

Download Contract for External Parties

View Contract Terms

Contract UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Contracts pages

Customize Contract UI

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Enable Buy Intent

Enable Sell Intent

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

View Contract

View Contract Terms

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Contract Setup Duty

In addition to the setup activities allowed by the Contract Setup Duty, this duty performs setup activities that are specific to customer contracts, such as managing customer contract management business function settings and billing accounts.

Enable Sell Intent

Customer Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Manages sell intent Contract Terms Library objects.

Enable Sell Intent

Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Customer Data Management Foundation.

Manage Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

Set Up File Import Object and Mapping

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Manage Users

View Person Details

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Review Applications Offering

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Setup and Maintain Applications

Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty

Imports people and organizations.

Import Trading Community Person

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Item Management Duty

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Create Item Structure

Manage Item

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Lifecycle Phase Change

Manage Item Organization Association

Manage Item Relationship

Manage Item Status Change

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Monitor Item Summary

Monitor Item Work Area

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Lead Registration Submission Duty

Submits sales lead registrations to the enterprise and manages sales lead attributes. Includes the ability to create, accept, and reject sales lead registrations.

Accept Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Delete Sales Lead External Attributes

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Reject Sales Lead

Select Sales Lead Claimed Flag

Select Sales Lead External Attributes

Submit Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead External Attributes

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Search Trading Community Location

View Trading Community Location

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Enter Trading Community Location

Remove Trading Community Location

Update Trading Community Location

Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Reviews marketing budgets and creates and manages budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Create Marketing Claim

Create Marketing Fund Request

Delete Marketing Claim

Delete Marketing Fund Request

Manage Budgets Work Area

Submit Marketing Claim

Submit Marketing Fund Request

Update Marketing Claim

Update Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Budget

View Marketing Claim

View Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Source Code

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

View Marketing Response

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Search Supplier Negotiation

View Supplier Negotiation

Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Administers all aspects of the application, including some setup. This role is for channel administrators.

Assign Opportunity

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

Set Up Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Partner Administration Duty

Administers all aspects of the application, including some setup. This role is for partner administrators.

Close Opportunity

Delete Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

View Opportunity Revenue

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

View Opportunity

Page Composer Source View Access Duty

Duty role to allow access to page composer source view

Access Page Composer Source View

Partner Account Administration Duty

Maintains a partner account, including managing members and partner profile information.

Create Partner

Create Partner Member

Create Partner User

Import Partner

Manage Partner Account Team

Manage Partner User Security Role

Remove Partner Member

Update Partner Member

Update Partner Profile

View Partner

View Partner Contract

Partner Account Review Duty

Views a partner account, including viewing a partner's members, profile, and account team.

Search Partner

View Channel Manager Dashboard

View Partner

View Partner Account Team

View Partner Contract

View Partner Interaction

View Partner Lead

View Partner Member

View Partner Note

View Partner Opportunity

View Partner Profile

View Partner Snapshot

View Partner Task

Partner Administrator Dashboard Duty

Executes transactional items within the partner dashboard when belongs to an approved partner organization. This role is for an administrator.

Manage Partner User Profile

Select Partner Account

View Customer Analytics

View Partner Content

View Partner Dashboard

View Partner Dashboard as Administrator

Partner Administrator Limited Dashboard Duty

Views limited information based on a dashboard when a partner organization is in a status of registered or expired. This role is for the partner administrator.

Manage Partner User Profile

Select Partner Account

View Partner Content

View Partner Dashboard

View Partner Dashboard as Administrator Limited

Partner Center UI Customization Duty

Customize the Partner Center pages.

Customize Partner Center UI

Partner Content Management Duty

Secures who can create partner collateral

Manage Partner Content

Partner Lead External Management Duty

Views and updates all partner leads in the partner organization.

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Partner Lead Management Duty

Views and updates all partner leads in the enterprise.

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Partner Management Setup Duty

Manages the partner management setup tasks.

Set Up Opportunity

Set Up Partner Management

Partner Management as Partner Administrator Duty

Manages the partner account for their partner organization, including managing members, users, and profile information. This role is for the partner administrator.

Create Partner Member

Create Partner User

Remove Partner Member

Update Partner Member

Update Partner Profile as Partner Administrator Function

View Partner Lead

View Partner Member

View Partner Opportunity

View Partner Profile as Partner Administrator Function

View Partner Program Enrollment

Partner Member Termination Duty

Grants privileges to terminate partner members.

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Remove Trading Community Resource

Partner Portal Customize Links Duty

Views the links to customize UI Shell and all PRM pages, including anonymous partner pages.

Update Partner Portal UI Shell

View Partner Portal Customization Links

View Partner Portal Landing Page

View Partner Portal Registration Pages

Partner Program Contract Association Duty

Manages association of contract types and contract terms templates to partner programs.

Associate Question to Partner Program

View Contract Terms Template by Web Service

View Contract Type by Web Service

Partner Program Enrollment Partner Duty

Manages their partner enrollment data. This role is for a partner administrator.

Apply Partner Program

View Partner Program Enrollment

Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Views the enrollment details of the program to which a partner enrolls.

View Partner Program Enrollment

Partner Program Maintain Duty

Manages, publishes, terminates, and submits partner programs.

Maintain Partner Program

View Partner Program

Partner Program Questionnaire Management Duty

Creates questions and manages the association of questions to partner programs.

Define Contract Expert Question for Programs

Search Contract Expert Question for Programs

Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

Manages the capture of responses to the partner program enrollment questionnaire.

Capture Partner Responses to Partner Program Enrollment Questionnaire

Partner Program Review Duty

Reviews the program details in the program catalog.

Review Partner Program

Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of sales organizations and consumers for partners. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.  This role has limited access to customers and contacts.

Create Consumer

Create Sales Account

Create Sales Account Appointment

Create Sales Account Assessments

Create Sales Account Contact

Create Sales Account Interaction

Create Sales Account Note

Create Sales Account Task

Create Sales Group

Create Sales Group Members

Create Sales Organization

Create Sales Party Appointment

Create Sales Party Contact

Create Sales Party Interaction

Create Sales Party Task

Delete Sales Account Appointment

Delete Sales Account Assessments

Delete Sales Account Contact

Delete Sales Account Interaction

Delete Sales Account Note

Delete Sales Account Task

Delete Sales Group Members

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Delete Sales Party Contact

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Delete Sales Party Task

Manage Customers Work Area

Manage Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Account Team

Manage Sales Party Team

Update Consumer

Update Sales Account

Update Sales Account Appointment

Update Sales Account Assessments

Update Sales Account Contact

Update Sales Account Interaction

Update Sales Account Note

Update Sales Account Task

Update Sales Group

Update Sales Group Members

Update Sales Organization

Update Sales Party Appointment

Update Sales Party Contact

Update Sales Party Interaction

Update Sales Party Task

View Consumer

View Sales Account

View Sales Account Appointment

View Sales Account Assessments

View Sales Account Contact

View Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Account Interaction

View Sales Account Note

View Sales Account Team

View Sales Account task

View Sales Group

View Sales Group Members

View Sales Organization

View Sales Party

View Sales Party Appointment

View Sales Party Contact

View Sales Party Interaction

View Sales Party Task

View Sales Party Team

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Purchase Order

Resource Administration Duty

Administers resource information.

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Enter Trading Community Resource Information

Identify Trading Community Person as a Trading Community Resource

Manage Trading Community Resource

Manage Trading Community Resource History

Manage Trading Community Resource Lookups

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Type

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Type Mapping

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

Manage Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

Manage Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Remove Trading Community Resource

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Administration Detail Information

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource History

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Add Trading Community Resource to My Social Network

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Manage Trading Community Resource Address

Manage Trading Community Resource Contact Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Social Network

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Address

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Contact Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Skills

View Trading Community Resource Social Network

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Resource Organization Administration Duty

Administers resource organizations.

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Members

Run Trading Community Resource Reporting Hierarchy Generation

Search Trading Community Resource Organization

Search Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Organization Resource Members

View Trading Community Resource Organization

View Trading Community Resource Organization Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Team Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Organization Usage Information

Resource Organization Management Duty

Manages resource organizations.

Manage Resource Organization Member Descriptive Flexfields

Search Trading Community Resource Organization

Search Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Organization Resource Members

View Trading Community Resource Organization

View Trading Community Resource Organization Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Team Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Organization Usage Information

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Manages product groups and product eligibility rules.

Manage Product Eligibility Rules

Manage Product Groups

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Reference Customer

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

View Sales Lead

Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Processes sales lead for follow up actions including the qualification and conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Convert Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Export Sales Lead

Identify Sales Lead

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Qualify Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Create Consumer

Create Sales Account

Create Sales Account Appointment

Create Sales Account Assessments

Create Sales Account Contact

Create Sales Account Interaction

Create Sales Account Note

Create Sales Account Task

Create Sales Group

Create Sales Group Members

Create Sales Organization

Create Sales Party Appointment

Create Sales Party Assessment

Create Sales Party Contact

Create Sales Party Interaction

Create Sales Party Note

Create Sales Party Task

Delete Sales Account Appointment

Delete Sales Account Assessments

Delete Sales Account Contact

Delete Sales Account Interaction

Delete Sales Account Note

Delete Sales Account Task

Delete Sales Group Members

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Delete Sales Party Assessment

Delete Sales Party Contact

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Delete Sales Party Note

Delete Sales Party Task

Manage Reference Customer Profile

Manage Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Account Team

Manage Sales Party Classifications

Manage Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Party Forums

Manage Sales Party Team

Update Consumer

Update Sales Account

Update Sales Account Appointment

Update Sales Account Assessments

Update Sales Account Contact

Update Sales Account Interaction

Update Sales Account Note

Update Sales Account Task

Update Sales Group

Update Sales Group Members

Update Sales Organization

Update Sales Party Appointment

Update Sales Party Assessment

Update Sales Party Contact

Update Sales Party Interaction

Update Sales Party Note

Update Sales Party Task

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Manage Customers Work Area

View Billing Account

View Consumer

View One Source Market Place Information

View Revenue by Organization Hierarchy

View Sales Account

View Sales Account Appointment

View Sales Account Assessments

View Sales Account Contact

View Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Account Interaction

View Sales Account Note

View Sales Account Snapshot

View Sales Account Team

View Sales Account task

View Sales Group

View Sales Group Members

View Sales Organization

View Sales Party

View Sales Party Analytics

View Sales Party Appointment

View Sales Party Assessment

View Sales Party Classifications

View Sales Party Contact

View Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Party Forums

View Sales Party Hierarchy

View Sales Party Interaction

View Sales Party Note

View Sales Party Snapshot

View Sales Party Subsidiaries

View Sales Party Task

View Sales Party Team

View Siebel Service Requests

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Group

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Bookmarks

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Invite Social Connection

Manage Kudos

Manage Message Board

Manage Social Connections

Manage Social Self-descriptive Information

View Activity Stream

Talent Notifications Duty

Sets up and manages talent management notifications.

Manage Goal Management Notifications

Manage Talent Notifications

Trading Community Import Administration Duty

Defines trading community data import installation and configuration information.

Manage Trading Community Import Lookups

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Modify Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Enter Trading Community Merge Request

Submit Trading Community Merge Request

Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views trading partner items including competitor items, customer items, and manufacturer part numbers.

Monitor Item Work Area

View Trading Partner Item

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

Assign Roles to User

Copy Personal Data to LDAP

Manage User Account and Roles

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Person Details

View Portrait Duty

Grants access to the worker and nonworker portrait pages.

View Nonworker Portrait

View Worker Portrait

Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

Performs administration duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Talent Education Establishment

Manage Talent Profile Content Item

Manage Talent Profile Rating Model

Manage Talent Profile Sources

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Person Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Channel Partner Portal Administrator

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Activities and Interests

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view activities and interests for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Activities and Interests (Data)

Resource: Activities and Interests

Activity Stream

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view activity stream for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Activity Stream (Data)

Resource: Activity Stream

Application Attachment

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete application attachment for all application attachments of categories including marketing activity reference, additional justification, and miscellaneous

Role: Marketing Claim Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete application attachment for all application attachments of categories including marketing activity reference, training reference, and miscellaneous

Role: Marketing Fund Request Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can read application attachment for all application attachments of categories including marketing activity reference, additional justification, and miscellaneous

Role: Marketing Claim Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can read application attachment for all application attachments of categories including marketing activity reference, training reference, and miscellaneous

Role: Marketing Fund Request Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can read application attachment for the categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update application attachment for all application attachments of categories including marketing activity reference, additional justification, and miscellaneous

Role: Marketing Claim Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update application attachment for all application attachments of categories including marketing activity reference, training reference, and miscellaneous

Role: Marketing Fund Request Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment Category

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Application Document Sequence Category

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage application document sequence category for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Document Sequence Category (Data)

Resource: Application Document Sequence Category

Application Flexfield Value Set

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage application flexfield value set for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Flexfield Value Set (Data)

Resource: Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Profile Value

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete application profile value for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Profile Value (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Value

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update application profile value for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Application Profile Value (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Value


A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can participant view appointment where they are owner or participants of the appointment

Role: Participant Appointment View Duty

Privilege: Participant View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view appointment for all appointments in the enterprise

Role: Appointment View Duty

Privilege: View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

Appointment Assignee Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view appointment assignee export object for all appointment assignee export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Assignee Export Object (Data)

Resource: Appointment Assignee Export Object

Appointment Category Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view appointment category export object for all appointment category export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Category Export Object (Data)

Resource: Appointment Category Export Object

Appointment Contact Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view appointment contact export object for all appointment contact export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Contact Export Object (Data)

Resource: Appointment Contact Export Object

Appointment Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view appointment export object for all appointment export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Export Object (Data)

Resource: Appointment Export Object

Appointment Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete appointment note where they have delete access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update appointment note where they have owner update access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view appointment note for all internal appointment notes in the enterprise

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view appointment note where they are the author of the private appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

Assignment Grade

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can choose assignment grade for grades in their grade security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade


A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view bookmark for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Bookmark (Data)

Resource: Bookmark

Business Unit

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can choose business unit organization for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Business Unit Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Consumer File Import Activity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view consumer file import activity object type for all consumer file import activities of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Activity

Consumer File Import Mapping

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view consumer file import mapping object type for all consumer file import mappings of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Mapping

Consumer File Import Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view consumer file import object type for all consumer file import objects of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Object

Contact File Import Activity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view contact file import activity object type for all contact file import activities of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Activity

Contact File Import Mapping

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view contact file import mapping object type for all contact file import mappings of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Mapping

Contact File Import Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view contact file import object type for all contact file import objects of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Object


A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage contract for all business units

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Contract

Contract Clause

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Contract Clause Folder

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Contract Expert Rule

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Contract Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view contract note for notes that are not private or private notes where they are the author.

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: View Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Contract Terms Template

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Customer Account

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member with edit or full access

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Customer File Import Activity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer file import activity object type for all customer file import activities of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Activity

Customer File Import Mapping

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer file import mapping object type for all customer file import mappings of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Mapping

Customer File Import Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer file import object type for all customer file import objects of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Object


A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Department Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Employee Resource File Import Activity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view employee resource file import activity object type for all employee resource file import activities of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Activity

Employee Resource File Import Mapping

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view employee resource file import mapping object type for all employee resource file import mappings of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Mapping

Employee Resource File Import Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view employee resource file import object type for all employee resource file import objects of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Object

File Export Batch

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view file export batch for all export batches

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: View File Export Batch (Data)

Resource: File Export Batch

File Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage export unit test for all export unit test objects

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Export Unit Test (Data)

Resource: File Export Object

Group Customer File Import Activity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view group customer file import activity object type for all group customer file import activities of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Activity

Group Customer File Import Mapping

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view group customer file import mapping object type for all group customer file import mappings of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Mapping

Group Customer File Import Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view group customer file import object type for all group customer file import objects of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Object

HR Job

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can choose hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Job Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view hierarchy file import activity object type for all hierarchy file import activities of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view hierarchy file import mapping object type for all hierarchy file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view hierarchy file import object type for all hierarchy file import objects of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Object

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view hierarchy node file import activity object type for all hierarchy node file import activities of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view hierarchy node file import mapping object type for all hierarchy node file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view hierarchy node file import object type for all hierarchy node file import objects of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Object


A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can participant delete interaction where they are participants of the interaction

Role: Participant Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Participant Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can participant update interaction where they are participants of the interaction

Role: Participant Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Participant Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can participant view interaction where they are participants of the interaction

Role: Participant Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Participant View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

Interaction Association Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view interaction association export object for all interaction association export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction Association Export Object (Data)

Resource: Interaction Association Export Object

Interaction Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view interaction export object for all interaction export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction Export Object (Data)

Resource: Interaction Export Object

Interaction Participant Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view interaction participant export object for all interaction participant export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction Participant Export Object (Data)

Resource: Interaction Participant Export Object


A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can create item class item for the item classes they have access to

Role: Item Management Duty

Privilege: Create Item Class Item (Data)

Resource: Item


A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view kudos for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Kudos (Data)

Resource: Kudos

Legal Employer

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Legal Employer Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legal Entity File Import Activity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view legal entity file import activity object type for all legal entity file import activities of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Activity

Legal Entity File Import Mapping

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view legal entity file import mapping object type for all legal entity file import mappings of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Mapping

Legal Entity File Import Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view legal entity file import object type for all legal entity file import objects of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Object


A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can choose location for locations in their location security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Marketing Budget

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view marketing budget for all resource organizations and child resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view marketing budget where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view marketing budget where they are a resource in the marketing budget team

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view marketing budget where they are the owner of the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

Marketing Budget Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view marketing budget export object for all marketing budget export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Budget Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Export Object

Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete marketing budget note where they have delete access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete marketing budget note where they have view or update access to the marketing budget and where they are the author of the marketing budget note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update marketing budget note where they have view or update access to the marketing budget and where they are the author of the marketing budget note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view marketing budget note where they are the author of the private marketing budget note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Marketing Budget Team

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update marketing budget team for all external marketing budget team members who belong to their top-level resource organization or any of its child resource organizations

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Team (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Team

Marketing Claim

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete marketing claim where they have view access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update marketing claim where they have view access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view marketing claim where they have view access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim

Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete marketing claim note where they have delete access to the marketing claim

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete marketing claim note where they have view or update access to the marketing claim and where they are the author of the marketing claim note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update marketing claim note where they have view or update access to the marketing claim and where they are the author of the marketing claim note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view marketing claim note where they are the author of the private marketing claim note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete marketing fund request note where they have delete access to the marketing fund request

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete marketing fund request note where they have view or update access to the marketing fund request and where they are the author of the marketing fund request note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update marketing fund request note where they have view or update access to the marketing fund request and where they are the author of the marketing fund request note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view marketing fund request note where they are the author of the private marketing fund request note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Message Board

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view message board for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Message Board (Data)

Resource: Message Board

Network Activities

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view network activities for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Network Activities (Data)

Resource: Network Activities


A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view note for all notes in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Note (Data)

Resource: Note

Note Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view note export object for all note export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Note Export Object (Data)

Resource: Note Export Object


A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage opportunity general profile for all opportunities having a partner organization

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage opportunity general profile where they are a member of a partner resource organization whose partner organization is on the opportunity

Role: Opportunity Partner Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage opportunity general profile where they are an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage opportunity restricted profile for all opportunities having a partner organization

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are a member of a partner resource organization whose partner organization is on the opportunity

Role: Opportunity Partner Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage opportunity revenue for all opportunities having a partner organization

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage opportunity revenue where they are a member of a partner resource organization whose partner organization is on the opportunity

Role: Opportunity Partner Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage opportunity revenue where they are an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage opportunity team for all opportunities having a partner organization

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage opportunity team where they are a member of a partner resource organization whose partner organization is on the opportunity

Role: Opportunity Partner Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage opportunity team where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view opportunity for all opportunities having a partner organization

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view opportunity where they are a member of a partner resource organization whose partner organization is on the opportunity

Role: Opportunity Partner Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view opportunity where they are an opportunity sales team member with view, edit, or full access

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Opportunity Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage opportunity note for all opportunities having a partner organization and the note is external

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage opportunity note where they are a member of a partner resource organization whose partner organization is on the opportunity and the note is external

Role: Opportunity Partner Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage opportunity note where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Partner Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view opportunity note for all opportunities having a partner organization and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view opportunity note where they are a member of a partner resource organization whose partner organization is on the opportunity and the note is external

Role: Opportunity Partner Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view opportunity note where they are a member of the opportunity sales team with view, edit, or full access, and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Partner Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note


A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view partner account for all partner accounts in the enterprise

Role: Partner Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner

Partner Account Team Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view partner account for all partner accounts in the enterprise

Role: Partner Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Account Team Export Object

Partner Dimensions Member Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view partner account for all partner accounts in the enterprise

Role: Partner Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Dimensions Member Export Object

Partner File Import Activity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view partner file import activity object type for all partner file import activities of object type 'partner company'

Role: Partner Import Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Activity

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Activity

Partner File Import Mapping

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view partner file import mapping object type for all partner file import mappings of object type 'partner company'

Role: Partner Import Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Mapping

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Mapping

Partner File Import Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view partner file import object type for all partner file import objects of object type 'partner company'

Role: Partner Import Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Object

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Object

Partner Member File Import Activity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view partner member file import activity object type for all partner member file import activities of object type 'partner member'

Role: Partner Import Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Activity

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Activity

Partner Member File Import Mapping

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view partner member file import mapping object type for all partner member file import mappings of object type 'partner member'

Role: Partner Import Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Mapping

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Mapping

Partner Member File Import Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view partner member file import object type for all partner member file import objects of object type 'partner member'

Role: Partner Import Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Object

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Object

Partner Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage partner note for all notes  that are not private

Role: Partner Account Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Note (Data)

Resource: Partner Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage partner note for all notes that are not private and where they are in the partner account team

Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Note (Data)

Resource: Partner Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage partner note where they are the author of the note

Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Note (Data)

Resource: Partner Note

Partner Profile

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage partner account for all partner accounts in the enterprise

Role: Partner Account Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update partner profile as partner administrator where the user is a member of the partner organization

Role: Partner Management as Partner Administrator Duty

Privilege: Update Partner Profile as Partner Administrator

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view partner account for all partner accounts in the enterprise

Role: Partner Account Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view partner account where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the partner account team

Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view partner account where they are in the partner account team

Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view partner profile as partner administrator where the user is a member of the partner organization

Role: Partner Management as Partner Administrator Duty

Privilege: View Partner Profile as Partner Administrator

Resource: Partner Profile

Partner Profile Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view partner account for all partner accounts in the enterprise

Role: Partner Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile Export Object

Partner Profile Multiple Values Fields Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view partner account for all partner accounts in the enterprise

Role: Partner Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile Multiple Values Fields Export Object

Partner Program

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can maintain partner program for all partner programs in the enterprise

Role: Partner Program Maintain Duty

Privilege: Maintain Partner Program (Data)

Resource: Partner Program

Partner Program Enrollment

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage partner program enrollment where the user is a member of the partner organization

Role: Partner Management as Partner Administrator Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Partner Program Enrollment

Role: Partner Program Enrollment Partner Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Partner Program Enrollment

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view partner program enrollment for all partner program enrollments in the enterprise

Role: Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Privilege: View Partner Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Partner Program Enrollment

Person Assignment

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Email

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage person email for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: User Role Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Type

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can choose person type for person types in their person type security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type


A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Product Group Details Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view product group export object for all product group details export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Product Group Details Export Object

Product Group File Import Activity

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view product group file import activity object type for all authorized product group file import activities in all resource organizations where they are authorized

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Product Group File Import Activity

Product Group File Import Mapping

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view product group file import mapping object type for all product group file import mappings in all resource organizations where they are authorized

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Product Group File Import Mapping

Product Group File Import Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view product group file import object type for all product group file import objects in all resource organizations where they are authorized

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Product Group File Import Object

Product Group Products Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view product group export object for all product group products export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Product Group Products Export Object

Product Group Subgroups Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view product group export object for all product group subgroups export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Product Group Subgroups Export Object

Product Group Translations Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view product group export object for all product group translations export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Product Group Translations Export Object

Public Person

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Details Duty

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Sales Account

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage sales account where the user is in the customer team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update sales account where the user is in the customer team with edit access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Account

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Account

Resource: Sales Account

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales account where the user is in the customer team with view access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with view access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can convert sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can convert sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can convert sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can convert sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can convert sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update sales lead all partners for all partner leads in the enterprise

Role: Partner Lead Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead All Partners (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update sales lead others where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update sales lead others where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update sales lead owner where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update sales lead owner where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales lead all partners for all partner leads in the enterprise

Role: Partner Lead Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead All Partners (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Sales Lead Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete sales lead note where they have delete access to the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales lead note for all external sales lead notes in the enterprise

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales lead note for all internal sales lead notes in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales lead note where they are the author of the private sales lead note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Sales Party

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage sales party where they are in the sales account team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with edit access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update sales party where they are in the sales account team with edit access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales party where they are in the sales account team

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Sales Party Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can edit sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can edit sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can edit sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Sales Reference Customer

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view sales reference customer for all sales reference customers in the enterprise

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Social Connection

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view social connection for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Connection (Data)

Resource: Social Connection

Social Profile

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view social profile for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Profile (Data)

Resource: Social Profile

Task Assignee Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view task assignee export object for all task assignee export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Assignee Export Object (Data)

Resource: Task Assignee Export Object

Task Contact Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view task contact export object for all task contact export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Contact Export Object (Data)

Resource: Task Contact Export Object

Task Export Object

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view task export object for all task export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Export Object (Data)

Resource: Task Export Object

Task Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete task note where they have delete access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can delete task note where they have delete access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update task note where they have update access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update task note where they have update access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view task note for all internal task notes in the enterprise

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view task note where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading community organization for a trading community organization that is a partner and the user is a member of the partner organization

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading community person for all persons who are a member of their partner organization

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading community person for all trading community persons that are contacts and associated with their partner company organization

Role: Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading community person for their trading community person record

Role: Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships that are contacts and associated with their partner company organization

Role: Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading community relationship for trading community partner contact relationships with their company

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can remove trading community resource for all partner members of his partner company

Role: Partner Member Termination Duty

Privilege: Remove Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can remove trading community resource for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Remove Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update trading community resource for all partner members of his partner company

Role: Partner Member Termination Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update trading community resource for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can update trading community resource for their resource record

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading community resource for all trading community resources.

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

Trading Community Resource Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading community resource note for the resource notes for which they are the owner

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading community resource skill for all resource skills

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading community resource skill for all resource skills

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job  role Channel Partner Portal Administrator

GRC Entitlement

Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Create Items

Approve Cycle Count Sequences

Create Cycle Count

Create Interorganization Transfer

Create Subinventory Transfer

Cycle Counting

Inventory Transactions

Item Costing

Create Items

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as follows:

GRC Entitlement Type

GRC Entitlement

Duty Role



Create Items

Manage Item

Job Role: Channel Sales Director

Supervises channel roles to support partner relationships and transactions.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Channel Sales Director

Duty Role


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages all application profile values.

Application Attachment Administration Duty

Manages attachment categories and entities.

Application Data Security Administration Duty

Manages data security policies and database resources.

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Application Message Administration Duty

Manages application messages.

Application Profile Option Registration Duty

Manages application profile categories and profile options.

Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

Manage application reference data set and assignments.

Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

Manages application taxonomy.

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

Manages application tree structure.

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Application World Reference Administration Duty

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

Appointment Note Management Duty

Manages creating and maintaining appointment notes.

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Unit Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege that enables users to select a business unit, enabled for assignments and work terms, from a secured list determined by the organization security profile.

Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

Provides channel roles a dashboard to manage their daily transactions.

Channel Sales Director Duty

Enterprise Duty role that inherits all duties performed by Sales Director

Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

Views contract terms in a contract. Additionally, downloads contract terms to Microsoft Word.

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Customer Data Management Foundation.

Department Selection Duty

Filters the department list of values based on the user's organization security profile.

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of interaction data. Interactions record inbound and outbound communications.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Job Selection Duty

Filters the job list of values based on the user's job security profile.

Lead Registration Approval Duty

Approves sales lead registrations submitted by external partners.

Lead Registration Submission Duty

Submits sales lead registrations to the enterprise and manages sales lead attributes. Includes the ability to create, accept, and reject sales lead registrations.

Legal Employer Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege  Choose Legal Employer Duty  that allows the ability to select a Legal Employer from a secured list as defined in the organization security profile.

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Marketing Approval Duty

Reviews and approves secured marketing campaigns by viewing detailed campaign, list, segment, and treatment information from the campaign, audience, and treatment work areas.

Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Manages marketing budgets and budget entries, including import, export, and viewing budget fund requests and claims that utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Reviews marketing budgets and creates and manages budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Marketing Fund Request and Claim Processing Duty

Reviews and approves budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities. Includes reviewing and exporting budget information.

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for sales managers.

Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Manages or views all aspects of the application. This role is for salespersons.

Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for resources whose territories are on the opportunity territory team.

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

Participant Appointment View Duty

manages the view access for the participant owner's appointment data.

Participant Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing the interaction data by a participant.

Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Maintains a partner account, including managing members and partner profile information. This role is for members of the partner account team and their management chain.

Partner Account Review Duty

Views a partner account, including viewing a partner's members, profile, and account team.

Partner Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Partner Analysis module.

Partner Channel Analysis Duty

This BI duty role is to analyze overall partner performance that entails complete visibility into all the transactions the partner is associated to.

Partner Channel Transaction Analysis Duty

This BI duty role is to analyze overall partner performance that entails complete visibility into all the transactions the partner is associated to

Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

Accesses partner customer contact information.

Partner Import Maintenance Duty

Partner Maintenance Duty role. This duty will allow for maintenance of Partner Import data.

Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Accesses partner company and partner member information.

Partner Program Enrollment Supervision Duty

Reviews and updates the enrollment details of the program to which a partner enrolls. This role is for a channel sales director.

Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Views the enrollment details of the program to which a partner enrolls.

Partner Program Inquiry Duty

Reviews a partner program.

Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

Manages the capture of responses to the partner program enrollment questionnaire.

Partner Program Questionnaire Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views questions and their associations to partner programs.

Partner Program Review Duty

Reviews the program details in the program catalog.

Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of sales organizations and consumers for partners. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.  This role has limited access to customers and contacts.

Party Contract View Access Duty

Views contracts for a party for the assigned business units.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

Views their own information.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Review purchase order, purchase agreement, and referenced document attachments.

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Quota Management Duty

Manages sales territory quotas and territory quota formulas. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and party information inquiry.

Read CRM documents on content server

Allows to read CRM documents from content server repository.

Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.

Resource Administration Duty

Administers resource information.

Resource Directory Management Duty

Obsoleted Role. Not used anymore

Resource Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Resource Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Resource Organization Administration Duty

Administers resource organizations.

Resource Organization Management Duty

Manages resource organizations.

Resource Team Management Duty

Manages resource teams.

Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for salespersons.

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Manages sales lead follow up marketing activities from qualification and assessment of leads to reassignment to sales for follow up sales activities including the conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

Manages sales account partner territory associations.

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Views reference customer note data. This role is for salespersons.

Social Connection Partner Duty

Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection partner duties.

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Talent Notifications Duty

Sets up and manages talent management notifications.

Task Note Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of task notes data. Task notes record additional information about the specific task.

Territory Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Territory Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Territory Management Duty

Manages sales territories, territory proposals, and quotas.

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Transactional Analysis Duty

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Portrait Duty

Grants access to the worker and nonworker portrait pages.

Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

Performs administration duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Channel Sales Director

Inherited Roles

Channel Sales Director

          Business Intelligence Applications Worker

                    Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

          Channel Sales Director Duty

                    Appointment Note Management Duty

                    Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

                    Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

                    Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

                    File Import Scheduling Duty

                              Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                    Interaction Management Duty

                    Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Lead Registration Submission Duty

                              Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

                              Partner Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

                    Marketing Approval Duty

                    Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

                              Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

                    Marketing Fund Request and Claim Processing Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

                    Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

                    Partner Account Maintenance Duty

                    Partner Account Review Duty

                    Partner Channel Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Partner Analysis Currency Preference

                              Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                              Territory Hierarchy Data Security

                    Partner Import Maintenance Duty

                    Partner Program Enrollment Supervision Duty

                              Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

                    Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

                              Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

                    Partner Program Inquiry Duty

                              Partner Program Questionnaire Search and View Access Duty

                    Partner Program Review Duty

                    Partner Sales Party Management Duty

                              Locations Management Duty

                                        Locations Inquiry Duty

                              Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                              Opportunity View Duty

                              Participant Appointment View Duty

                              Participant Interaction Management Duty

                              Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

                              Partner Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

                              Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                    Party Contract View Access Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Resource Administration Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Application Attachment Administration Duty

                              Application Data Security Administration Duty

                              Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              Application Lookup Administration Duty

                              Application Message Administration Duty

                              Application Profile Option Registration Duty

                              Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

                              Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

                              Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Application World Reference Administration Duty

                              Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

                              Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                        Business Unit Selection Duty

                                        Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                        User Role Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                              Job Selection Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Resource Information Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                              View Person Details Duty

                              Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

                                        Talent Notifications Duty

                              Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                    Resource Organization Administration Duty

                              Application Tree Administration Duty

                              Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

                              Department Selection Duty

                              Resource Organization Management Duty

                                        Application Tree Administration Duty

                    Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

                    Sales Extension Management Duty

                    Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

                    Sales Party Management Duty

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              Locations Management Duty

                                        Locations Inquiry Duty

                              Resource Information Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                              Sales Party Review Duty

                                        Appointment View Duty

                                        Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                                        Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

                                                  Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                                  Interaction Management Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Item Inquiry Duty

                                                  Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Interaction Management Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Marketing Response Data Review Duty

                                        Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                                        Opportunity View Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Sales Extension Management Duty

                                        Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                              Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                              Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

                    Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

                    Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

                    Task Note Management Duty

                    Territory Management Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Quota Management Duty

                                        Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                                  Business Unit Selection Duty

                                                  Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                                  User Role Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                        Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    View Portrait Duty

                              Social Connection Partner Duty

                                        Social Group Participation Core Duty

                                        Social Network Duty

                                                  Social Network Core Duty

          Marketing Approver

                    Lead Registration Approval Duty

          Partner Channel Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Partner Analysis Currency Preference

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Territory Hierarchy Data Security

          Partner Channel Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Read CRM documents on content server


                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Resource Directory Management Duty

                    Resource Information Management Duty

                              View Person Details Duty

                              Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                    Resource Organization Management Duty

                              Application Tree Administration Duty

                    Resource Team Management Duty

          Transactional Business Intelligence Worker

                    Transactional Analysis Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Channel Sales Director.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

View Administration Link

Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages all application profile values.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Application Attachment Administration Duty

Manages attachment categories and entities.

Manage Application Attachment Category

Manage Application Attachment Entity

Application Data Security Administration Duty

Manages data security policies and database resources.

Manage Application Data Security Policy

Manage Application Database Resource

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage Application Standard Lookup

Application Message Administration Duty

Manages application messages.

Manage Application Message

Application Profile Option Registration Duty

Manages application profile categories and profile options.

Manage Application Profile Category

Manage Application Profile Option

Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

Manage application reference data set and assignments.

Manage Application Reference Data Set

Manage Application Reference Data Set Assignment

Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

Manages application taxonomy.

Manage Application Taxonomy

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Manage Application Tree

Manage Application Tree Label

Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

Manages application tree structure.

Manage Application Tree Structure

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Manage My Application Profile Values

Application World Reference Administration Duty

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Currency

Manage Application Reference ISO Language

Manage Application Reference Industry

Manage Application Reference Language

Manage Application Reference Natural Language

Manage Application Reference Territory

Manage Application Reference Timezone

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Manage Calendar Preferences

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

View Customer Asset

View Product Recommendation

Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

View Audit Trail Report

Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

Provides channel roles a dashboard to manage their daily transactions.

Manage Partner User Profile

View Channel Manager Dashboard

View Channel Manager Dashboard as Administrator

View Customer Analytics

View Partner Content

View Partner Profile

View Partner Program Enrollment

View Partner Programs Summary

View Territories and Forecasts

Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

Views contract terms in a contract. Additionally, downloads contract terms to Microsoft Word.

Download Contract for External Parties

View Contract Terms

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Enable Buy Intent

Enable Sell Intent

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

View Contract

View Contract Terms

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Customer Data Management Foundation.

Manage Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

Set Up File Import Object and Mapping

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Manage Users

View Person Details

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Customize Incentive Compensation Participant Goal

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Lead Registration Approval Duty

Approves sales lead registrations submitted by external partners.

Approve Sales Lead

Lead Registration Submission Duty

Submits sales lead registrations to the enterprise and manages sales lead attributes. Includes the ability to create, accept, and reject sales lead registrations.

Accept Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Delete Sales Lead External Attributes

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Reject Sales Lead

Select Sales Lead Claimed Flag

Select Sales Lead External Attributes

Submit Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead External Attributes

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Search Trading Community Location

View Trading Community Location

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Enter Trading Community Location

Remove Trading Community Location

Update Trading Community Location

Marketing Approval Duty

Reviews and approves secured marketing campaigns by viewing detailed campaign, list, segment, and treatment information from the campaign, audience, and treatment work areas.

Approve Marketing Campaign

Manage Audience Work Area

Manage Campaigns Work Area

Manage Treatments Work Area

Update Marketing Campaign

View Marketing Campaign

Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Manages marketing budgets and budget entries, including import, export, and viewing budget fund requests and claims that utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Activate Marketing Budget

Create Marketing Budget

Create Marketing Budget Entry

Create Marketing Claim Settlement

Delete Marketing Budget

Delete Marketing Claim Settlement

Export Marketing Budget

Export Marketing Budget Entry

Import Marketing Budget

Import Marketing Budget Entry

Inactivate Marketing Budget

Manage Budgets Work Area

Run Marketing Budget Currency Revaluation Scheduler

Update Marketing Budget

Update Marketing Budget Entry

Update Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Budget

View Marketing Budget Analytics

View Marketing Budget Checkbook

View Marketing Budget Entry

View Marketing Claim

View Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Source Code

Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Reviews marketing budgets and creates and manages budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Create Marketing Claim

Create Marketing Fund Request

Delete Marketing Claim

Delete Marketing Fund Request

Manage Budgets Work Area

Submit Marketing Claim

Submit Marketing Fund Request

Update Marketing Claim

Update Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Budget

View Marketing Claim

View Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Source Code

Marketing Fund Request and Claim Processing Duty

Reviews and approves budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities. Includes reviewing and exporting budget information.

Approve Marketing Claim

Approve Marketing Fund Request

Export Marketing Budget

Export Marketing Budget Entry

Manage Budgets Work Area

Reject Marketing Claim

Reject Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Budget

View Marketing Budget Analytics

View Marketing Budget Checkbook

View Marketing Budget Entry

View Marketing Claim

View Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Source Code

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

View Marketing Response

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Search Supplier Negotiation

View Supplier Negotiation

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

View Opportunity Revenue

Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for sales managers.

Assign Opportunity

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Delete Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Manages or views all aspects of the application. This role is for salespersons.

Assign Opportunity

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Delete Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for resources whose territories are on the opportunity territory team.

Assign Opportunity

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Delete Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

View Opportunity

Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Maintains a partner account, including managing members and partner profile information. This role is for members of the partner account team and their management chain.

Create Partner Member

Create Partner User

Import Partner

Manage Partner Account Team

Manage Partner User Security Role

Remove Partner Member

Update Partner Member

Update Partner Profile

View Partner Contract

Partner Account Review Duty

Views a partner account, including viewing a partner's members, profile, and account team.

Search Partner

View Channel Manager Dashboard

View Partner

View Partner Account Team

View Partner Contract

View Partner Interaction

View Partner Lead

View Partner Member

View Partner Note

View Partner Opportunity

View Partner Profile

View Partner Snapshot

View Partner Task

Partner Program Enrollment Supervision Duty

Reviews and updates the enrollment details of the program to which a partner enrolls. This role is for a channel sales director.

Apply Partner Program

Manage Partner Program Enrollment

View Partner Program Enrollment

Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Views the enrollment details of the program to which a partner enrolls.

View Partner Program Enrollment

Partner Program Inquiry Duty

Reviews a partner program.

View Partner Program

Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

Manages the capture of responses to the partner program enrollment questionnaire.

Capture Partner Responses to Partner Program Enrollment Questionnaire

Partner Program Questionnaire Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views questions and their associations to partner programs.

View Questions associated to Program

Partner Program Review Duty

Reviews the program details in the program catalog.

Review Partner Program

Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of sales organizations and consumers for partners. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.  This role has limited access to customers and contacts.

Create Consumer

Create Sales Account

Create Sales Account Appointment

Create Sales Account Assessments

Create Sales Account Contact

Create Sales Account Interaction

Create Sales Account Note

Create Sales Account Task

Create Sales Group

Create Sales Group Members

Create Sales Organization

Create Sales Party Appointment

Create Sales Party Contact

Create Sales Party Interaction

Create Sales Party Task

Delete Sales Account Appointment

Delete Sales Account Assessments

Delete Sales Account Contact

Delete Sales Account Interaction

Delete Sales Account Note

Delete Sales Account Task

Delete Sales Group Members

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Delete Sales Party Contact

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Delete Sales Party Task

Manage Customers Work Area

Manage Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Account Team

Manage Sales Party Team

Update Consumer

Update Sales Account

Update Sales Account Appointment

Update Sales Account Assessments

Update Sales Account Contact

Update Sales Account Interaction

Update Sales Account Note

Update Sales Account Task

Update Sales Group

Update Sales Group Members

Update Sales Organization

Update Sales Party Appointment

Update Sales Party Contact

Update Sales Party Interaction

Update Sales Party Task

View Consumer

View Sales Account

View Sales Account Appointment

View Sales Account Assessments

View Sales Account Contact

View Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Account Interaction

View Sales Account Note

View Sales Account Team

View Sales Account task

View Sales Group

View Sales Group Members

View Sales Organization

View Sales Party

View Sales Party Appointment

View Sales Party Contact

View Sales Party Interaction

View Sales Party Task

View Sales Party Team

Party Contract View Access Duty

Views contracts for a party for the assigned business units.

View Contracts for Party

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Purchase Order

Quota Management Duty

Manages sales territory quotas and territory quota formulas. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and party information inquiry.

Manage Sales Quota Prediction Formula

Manage Sales Territory Quota

Resource Administration Duty

Administers resource information.

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Enter Trading Community Resource Information

Identify Trading Community Person as a Trading Community Resource

Manage Trading Community Resource

Manage Trading Community Resource History

Manage Trading Community Resource Lookups

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Type

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Type Mapping

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

Manage Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

Manage Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Remove Trading Community Resource

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Administration Detail Information

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource History

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Add Trading Community Resource to My Social Network

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Manage Trading Community Resource Address

Manage Trading Community Resource Contact Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Social Network

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Address

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Contact Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Skills

View Trading Community Resource Social Network

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Resource Organization Administration Duty

Administers resource organizations.

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Members

Run Trading Community Resource Reporting Hierarchy Generation

Search Trading Community Resource Organization

Search Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Organization Resource Members

View Trading Community Resource Organization

View Trading Community Resource Organization Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Team Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Organization Usage Information

Resource Organization Management Duty

Manages resource organizations.

Manage Resource Organization Member Descriptive Flexfields

Search Trading Community Resource Organization

Search Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Organization Resource Members

View Trading Community Resource Organization

View Trading Community Resource Organization Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Team Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Organization Usage Information

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

Resource Team Management Duty

Manages resource teams.

Search Trading Community Resource Team

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Team

View Trading Community Resource Team Details

View Trading Community Resource Team Members

View Trading Community Resource Team Usages

Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for salespersons.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Competitor

View Sales Competitor Opportunities

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Reference Customer

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

View Sales Lead

Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Manages sales lead follow up marketing activities from qualification and assessment of leads to reassignment to sales for follow up sales activities including the conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Convert Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Export Sales Lead

Identify Sales Lead

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Qualify Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Create Consumer

Create Sales Account

Create Sales Account Appointment

Create Sales Account Assessments

Create Sales Account Contact

Create Sales Account Interaction

Create Sales Account Note

Create Sales Account Task

Create Sales Group

Create Sales Group Members

Create Sales Organization

Create Sales Party Appointment

Create Sales Party Assessment

Create Sales Party Contact

Create Sales Party Interaction

Create Sales Party Note

Create Sales Party Task

Delete Sales Account Appointment

Delete Sales Account Assessments

Delete Sales Account Contact

Delete Sales Account Interaction

Delete Sales Account Note

Delete Sales Account Task

Delete Sales Group Members

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Delete Sales Party Assessment

Delete Sales Party Contact

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Delete Sales Party Note

Delete Sales Party Task

Manage Reference Customer Profile

Manage Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Account Team

Manage Sales Party Classifications

Manage Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Party Forums

Manage Sales Party Team

Update Consumer

Update Sales Account

Update Sales Account Appointment

Update Sales Account Assessments

Update Sales Account Contact

Update Sales Account Interaction

Update Sales Account Note

Update Sales Account Task

Update Sales Group

Update Sales Group Members

Update Sales Organization

Update Sales Party Appointment

Update Sales Party Assessment

Update Sales Party Contact

Update Sales Party Interaction

Update Sales Party Note

Update Sales Party Task

Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

Manages sales account partner territory associations.

Manage Sales Party Partner Territory

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Manage Customers Work Area

View Billing Account

View Consumer

View One Source Market Place Information

View Revenue by Organization Hierarchy

View Sales Account

View Sales Account Appointment

View Sales Account Assessments

View Sales Account Contact

View Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Account Interaction

View Sales Account Note

View Sales Account Snapshot

View Sales Account Team

View Sales Account task

View Sales Group

View Sales Group Members

View Sales Organization

View Sales Party

View Sales Party Analytics

View Sales Party Appointment

View Sales Party Assessment

View Sales Party Classifications

View Sales Party Contact

View Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Party Forums

View Sales Party Hierarchy

View Sales Party Interaction

View Sales Party Note

View Sales Party Snapshot

View Sales Party Subsidiaries

View Sales Party Task

View Sales Party Team

View Siebel Service Requests

Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Views reference customer note data. This role is for salespersons.

View Sales Reference Customer

View Sales Reference Customer Opportunities

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Group

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Bookmarks

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Invite Social Connection

Manage Kudos

Manage Message Board

Manage Social Connections

Manage Social Self-descriptive Information

View Activity Stream

Talent Notifications Duty

Sets up and manages talent management notifications.

Manage Goal Management Notifications

Manage Talent Notifications

Territory Management Duty

Manages sales territories, territory proposals, and quotas.

Manage Sales Territory

Manage Sales Territory Account Exclusions

Manage Sales Territory Account Inclusions

Manage Sales Territory Proposal

Manage Territories, Forecasts and Quotas Work Area

Run Territory Proposal Activation Job

Run Territory Restore Job

Run Territory Validation Job

View Sales Territory

View Sales Territory Proposal

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Enter Trading Community Merge Request

Submit Trading Community Merge Request

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

Assign Roles to User

Copy Personal Data to LDAP

Manage User Account and Roles

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Person Details

View Portrait Duty

Grants access to the worker and nonworker portrait pages.

View Nonworker Portrait

View Worker Portrait

Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

Performs administration duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Talent Education Establishment

Manage Talent Profile Content Item

Manage Talent Profile Rating Model

Manage Talent Profile Sources

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Person Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Channel Sales Director

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Activities and Interests

A Channel Sales Director can view activities and interests for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Activities and Interests (Data)

Resource: Activities and Interests

Activity Stream

A Channel Sales Director can view activity stream for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Activity Stream (Data)

Resource: Activity Stream

Application Attachment

A Channel Sales Director can read application attachment for the categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment Category

A Channel Sales Director can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Channel Sales Director can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Channel Sales Director can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category


A Channel Sales Director can participant view appointment where they are owner or participants of the appointment

Role: Participant Appointment View Duty

Privilege: Participant View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

A Channel Sales Director can view appointment for all appointments in the enterprise

Role: Appointment View Duty

Privilege: View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

Appointment Note

A Channel Sales Director can delete appointment note where they have delete access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Channel Sales Director can update appointment note where they have owner update access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Channel Sales Director can view appointment note for all internal appointment notes in the enterprise

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Channel Sales Director can view appointment note where they are the author of the private appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

Assignment Grade

A Channel Sales Director can choose assignment grade for grades in their grade security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade


A Channel Sales Director can view bookmark for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Bookmark (Data)

Resource: Bookmark

Business Unit

A Channel Sales Director can choose business unit organization for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Business Unit Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Competitor Note

A Channel Sales Director can manage sales competitor note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

A Channel Sales Director can view sales competitor note for all notes that are not private

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

A Channel Sales Director can view sales competitor note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Consumer File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Director can view consumer file import activity object type for all consumer file import activities of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Activity

Consumer File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Director can view consumer file import mapping object type for all consumer file import mappings of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Mapping

Consumer File Import Object

A Channel Sales Director can view consumer file import object type for all consumer file import objects of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Object

Contact File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Director can view contact file import activity object type for all contact file import activities of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Activity

Contact File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Director can view contact file import mapping object type for all contact file import mappings of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Mapping

Contact File Import Object

A Channel Sales Director can view contact file import object type for all contact file import objects of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Object


A Channel Sales Director can manage contract for all business units

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Contract

Contract Note

A Channel Sales Director can view contract note for notes that are not private or private notes where they are the author.

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: View Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Customer Account

A Channel Sales Director can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Sales Director can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Sales Director can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a sales account team member with edit or full access

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Sales Director can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member with edit or full access

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Sales Director can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Sales Director can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a sales account team member

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Sales Director can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Customer File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Director can view customer file import activity object type for all customer file import activities of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Activity

Customer File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Director can view customer file import mapping object type for all customer file import mappings of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Mapping

Customer File Import Object

A Channel Sales Director can view customer file import object type for all customer file import objects of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Object


A Channel Sales Director can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Department Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Employee Resource File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Director can view employee resource file import activity object type for all employee resource file import activities of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Activity

Employee Resource File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Director can view employee resource file import mapping object type for all employee resource file import mappings of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Mapping

Employee Resource File Import Object

A Channel Sales Director can view employee resource file import object type for all employee resource file import objects of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Object

Group Customer File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Director can view group customer file import activity object type for all group customer file import activities of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Activity

Group Customer File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Director can view group customer file import mapping object type for all group customer file import mappings of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Mapping

Group Customer File Import Object

A Channel Sales Director can view group customer file import object type for all group customer file import objects of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Object

HR Job

A Channel Sales Director can choose hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Job Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Director can view hierarchy file import activity object type for all hierarchy file import activities of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Director can view hierarchy file import mapping object type for all hierarchy file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Object

A Channel Sales Director can view hierarchy file import object type for all hierarchy file import objects of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Object

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Director can view hierarchy node file import activity object type for all hierarchy node file import activities of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Director can view hierarchy node file import mapping object type for all hierarchy node file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Object

A Channel Sales Director can view hierarchy node file import object type for all hierarchy node file import objects of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Object

Incentive Compensation Goal

A Channel Sales Director can manage incentive compensation goal for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Goal (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


A Channel Sales Director can delete interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Sales Director can participant delete interaction where they are participants of the interaction

Role: Participant Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Participant Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Sales Director can participant update interaction where they are participants of the interaction

Role: Participant Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Participant Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Sales Director can participant view interaction where they are participants of the interaction

Role: Participant Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Participant View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Sales Director can update interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Sales Director can view interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction


A Channel Sales Director can view kudos for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Kudos (Data)

Resource: Kudos

Legal Employer

A Channel Sales Director can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Legal Employer Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legal Entity File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Director can view legal entity file import activity object type for all legal entity file import activities of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Activity

Legal Entity File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Director can view legal entity file import mapping object type for all legal entity file import mappings of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Mapping

Legal Entity File Import Object

A Channel Sales Director can view legal entity file import object type for all legal entity file import objects of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Object


A Channel Sales Director can choose location for locations in their location security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Director can delete marketing budget for all resource organizations and child resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Director can delete marketing budget where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Director can delete marketing budget where they are a resource in the marketing budget team

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Director can delete marketing budget where they are the owner of the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Director can update marketing budget for all resource organizations and child resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Director can update marketing budget where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Director can update marketing budget where they are a resource in the marketing budget team

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Director can update marketing budget where they are the owner of the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Director can view marketing budget for all resource organizations and child resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Director can view marketing budget where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Director can view marketing budget where they are a resource in the marketing budget team

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Director can view marketing budget where they are the owner of the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Sales Director can delete marketing budget note where they have delete access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Sales Director can delete marketing budget note where they have view or update access to the marketing budget and where they are the author of the marketing budget note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Sales Director can update marketing budget note where they have view or update access to the marketing budget and where they are the author of the marketing budget note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Sales Director can view marketing budget note for all internal or external marketing budget notes in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Sales Director can view marketing budget note where they are the author of the private marketing budget note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Marketing Budget Team

A Channel Sales Director can update marketing budget team for all external and internal marketing budget team members

Role: Marketing Fund Request and Claim Processing Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Team (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Team

A Channel Sales Director can update marketing budget team for all external and internal marketing budget team members where they are the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Team (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Team

A Channel Sales Director can update marketing budget team for all external marketing budget team members who belong to their top-level resource organization or any of its child resource organizations

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Team (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Team

Marketing Campaign

A Channel Sales Director can update marketing campaign where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the marketing campaign team with full access

Role: Marketing Approval Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Campaign (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign

A Channel Sales Director can view marketing campaign for all resource organizations and child resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Marketing Approval Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Campaign (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign

Marketing Claim

A Channel Sales Director can delete marketing claim where they have view access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim

A Channel Sales Director can update marketing claim where they have view access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim

A Channel Sales Director can view marketing claim where they have view access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim

Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Sales Director can delete marketing claim note where they have delete access to the marketing claim

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Sales Director can delete marketing claim note where they have view or update access to the marketing claim and where they are the author of the marketing claim note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Sales Director can update marketing claim note where they have view or update access to the marketing claim and where they are the author of the marketing claim note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Sales Director can view marketing claim note for all internal or external marketing claim notes in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Sales Director can view marketing claim note where they are the author of the private marketing claim note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Sales Director can delete marketing fund request note where they have delete access to the marketing fund request

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Sales Director can delete marketing fund request note where they have view or update access to the marketing fund request and where they are the author of the marketing fund request note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Sales Director can update marketing fund request note where they have view or update access to the marketing fund request and where they are the author of the marketing fund request note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Sales Director can view marketing fund request note for all internal or external marketing fund request notes in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Sales Director can view marketing fund request note where they are the author of the private marketing fund request note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Message Board

A Channel Sales Director can view message board for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Message Board (Data)

Resource: Message Board

Network Activities

A Channel Sales Director can view network activities for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Network Activities (Data)

Resource: Network Activities


A Channel Sales Director can manage opportunity general profile where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Director can manage opportunity general profile where they are an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Director can manage opportunity general profile where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Director can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Director can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Director can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Director can manage opportunity revenue where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Director can manage opportunity revenue where they are an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Director can manage opportunity revenue where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Director can manage opportunity team where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Director can manage opportunity team where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Director can manage opportunity team where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Director can view opportunity where they are a territory resource in the opportunity sales account territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity sales account territory team

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Opportunity

A Channel Sales Director can view opportunity where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Opportunity

A Channel Sales Director can view opportunity where they are an opportunity sales team member with view, edit, or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Opportunity

A Channel Sales Director can view opportunity where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with view, edit, or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Opportunity

Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Director can manage opportunity note where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Director can manage opportunity note where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Director can manage opportunity note where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with full access and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Director can manage opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Director can view opportunity note where they are a member of the opportunity sales team with view, edit, or full access, and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Director can view opportunity note where they are a territory resource in the opportunity sales account territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity sales account territory team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Director can view opportunity note where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Director can view opportunity note where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with view, edit, or full access, and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Director can view opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Partner File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Director can view partner file import activity object type for all partner file import activities of object type 'partner company'

Role: Partner Import Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Activity

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Activity

Partner File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Director can view partner file import mapping object type for all partner file import mappings of object type 'partner company'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Mapping

Partner File Import Object

A Channel Sales Director can view partner file import object type for all partner file import objects of object type 'partner company'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Object

Partner Member File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Director can view partner member file import activity object type for all partner member file import activities of object type 'partner member'

Role: Partner Import Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Activity

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Activity

Partner Member File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Director can view partner member file import mapping object type for all partner member file import mappings of object type 'partner member'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Mapping

Partner Member File Import Object

A Channel Sales Director can view partner member file import object type for all partner member file import objects of object type 'partner member'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Object

Partner Note

A Channel Sales Director can manage partner note for all notes that are not private and where they are in the partner account team

Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Note (Data)

Resource: Partner Note

A Channel Sales Director can manage partner note where they are the author of the note

Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Note (Data)

Resource: Partner Note

Partner Profile

A Channel Sales Director can manage partner account where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the partner account team with full access

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Sales Director can manage partner account where they are in the partner account team with full access

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Sales Director can update partner account where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the partner account team with edit access

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Sales Director can update partner account where they are in the partner account team with edit access

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Sales Director can view partner account where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the partner account team

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

Fact: PRM - Partner Presence


Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

Fact: PRM - Partner Presence


A Channel Sales Director can view partner account where they are in the partner account team

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

Fact: PRM - Partner Presence


Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

Fact: PRM - Partner Presence


Partner Program

A Channel Sales Director can view partner program for all partner programs in the enterprise

Role: Partner Program Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Partner Program (Data)

Resource: Partner Program

Partner Program Enrollment

A Channel Sales Director can manage partner program enrollment where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the partner account team with edit or full access

Role: Partner Program Enrollment Supervision Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Partner Program Enrollment

A Channel Sales Director can view partner program enrollment for all partner program enrollments in the enterprise

Role: Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Privilege: View Partner Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Partner Program Enrollment

Person Assignment

A Channel Sales Director can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

A Channel Sales Director can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Email

A Channel Sales Director can manage person email for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: User Role Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Type

A Channel Sales Director can choose person type for person types in their person type security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type


A Channel Sales Director can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Public Person

A Channel Sales Director can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Details Duty

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Reference Customer Note

A Channel Sales Director can manage sales reference customer note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

A Channel Sales Director can view sales reference customer note for all notes that are not private

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

A Channel Sales Director can view sales reference customer note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

Sales Account

A Channel Sales Director can manage sales account where the user is in the customer team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Channel Sales Director can manage sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Channel Sales Director can update sales account where the user is in the customer team with edit access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Account

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Account

Resource: Sales Account

A Channel Sales Director can view sales account where the user is in the customer team with view access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Channel Sales Director can view sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with view access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Sales Competitor

A Channel Sales Director can view sales competitor for all sales competitors in the enterprise

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor (Data)

Resource: Sales Competitor

Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can convert sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can convert sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can update sales lead others where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can update sales lead others where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can update sales lead others where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can update sales lead others where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can update sales lead owner where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can update sales lead owner where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can update sales lead owner where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can update sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can view sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

A Channel Sales Director can view sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

A Channel Sales Director can view sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can view sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can view sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can view sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Director can view sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Sales Lead Note

A Channel Sales Director can delete sales lead note where they have delete access to the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Sales Director can delete sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Sales Director can update sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Sales Director can view sales lead note for all external sales lead notes in the enterprise

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Sales Director can view sales lead note for all internal sales lead notes in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Sales Director can view sales lead note where they are the author of the private sales lead note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Sales Party

A Channel Sales Director can manage sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Director can manage sales party where they are in the sales account team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Director can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Director can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Director can update sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Director can update sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Director can update sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with edit access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Director can update sales party where they are in the sales account team with edit access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Director can view sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Director can view sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Director can view sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Director can view sales party where they are in the sales account team

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Director can delete sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Director can delete sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Director can delete sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Director can edit sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Director can edit sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Director can edit sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Director can view sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Director can view sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Director can view sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Sales Quota Plan

A Channel Sales Director can view sales quota plan for all sales quota plans that are active

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan

Sales Reference Customer

A Channel Sales Director can view sales reference customer for all sales reference customers in the enterprise

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Sales Director can manage sales resource quota where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy where the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Sales Director can manage sales resource quota where they are the owner of the root territory, if the resource quota is for the root territory

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Sales Director can view sales resource quota where they are assigned the quota

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Sales Director can view sales resource quota where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy where the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Sales Director can view sales resource quota where they are the owner of the territory to which the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Sales Territory

A Channel Sales Director can manage sales territory where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy, as long as the topmost territory they own is not submitted

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Channel Sales Director can view sales territory where they are a member of the territory team

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Channel Sales Director can view sales territory where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Channel Sales Director can view sales territory where they are the territory owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Sales Territory Partition

A Channel Sales Director can view sales territory partition for all partitions in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Partition (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Partition

Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Sales Director can manage sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a territory administered by the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Sales Director can manage sales territory proposal where they are the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Sales Director can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy of a published or submitted territory in the proposal

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Sales Director can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a published or submitted territory in the proposal

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Sales Director can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a territory administered by the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Sales Director can view sales territory proposal where they are the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

Social Connection

A Channel Sales Director can view social connection for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Connection (Data)

Resource: Social Connection

Social Profile

A Channel Sales Director can view social profile for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Profile (Data)

Resource: Social Profile

Task Note

A Channel Sales Director can delete task note where they have delete access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Sales Director can delete task note where they have delete access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Sales Director can update task note where they have update access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Sales Director can update task note where they have update access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Sales Director can view task note for all internal task notes in the enterprise

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Sales Director can view task note where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Channel Sales Director can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Channel Sales Director can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Channel Sales Director can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Channel Sales Director can view trading community organization for a trading community organization that is a partner and the user is a member of the partner organization

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

A Channel Sales Director can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Channel Sales Director can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

A Channel Sales Director can view trading community person for all persons who are a member of their partner organization

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

A Channel Sales Director can view trading community person for all trading community persons that are contacts and associated with their partner company organization

Role: Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

A Channel Sales Director can view trading community person for their trading community person record

Role: Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Sales Director can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Sales Director can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Sales Director can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships that are contacts and associated with their partner company organization

Role: Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Sales Director can view trading community relationship for trading community partner contact relationships with their company

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource

A Channel Sales Director can remove trading community resource for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Remove Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Channel Sales Director can update trading community resource for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Channel Sales Director can update trading community resource for their resource record

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Channel Sales Director can view trading community resource for all trading community resources.

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

Trading Community Resource Note

A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community resource note for the resource notes for which they are the owner

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Channel Sales Director can view trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

A Channel Sales Director can view trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community resource skill for all resource skills

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Sales Director can view trading community resource skill for all resource skills

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Sales Director can view trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Sales Director can view trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

Job Role: Channel Sales Manager

Manages the indirect sales pipeline by routing leads to partners, reviewing lead registrations, approving or rejecting registrations, and forecasting sales.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Channel Sales Manager

Duty Role


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages all application profile values.

Application Attachment Administration Duty

Manages attachment categories and entities.

Application Data Security Administration Duty

Manages data security policies and database resources.

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Application Message Administration Duty

Manages application messages.

Application Profile Option Registration Duty

Manages application profile categories and profile options.

Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

Manage application reference data set and assignments.

Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

Manages application taxonomy.

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Application World Reference Administration Duty

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

Appointment Note Management Duty

Manages creating and maintaining appointment notes.

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Unit Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege that enables users to select a business unit, enabled for assignments and work terms, from a secured list determined by the organization security profile.

Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

Provides channel roles a dashboard to manage their daily transactions.

Channel Sales Manager Duty

Enterprise Duty role that inherits all duties performed by Sales Manager

Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

Views contract terms in a contract. Additionally, downloads contract terms to Microsoft Word.

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Customer Data Management Foundation.

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of interaction data. Interactions record inbound and outbound communications.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Job Selection Duty

Filters the job list of values based on the user's job security profile.

Lead Registration Approval Duty

Approves sales lead registrations submitted by external partners.

Lead Registration Management Duty

Manages and analyzes sales lead registrations. Includes the ability to create sales lead registrations, edit both internal and partner lead attributes as needed, and view lead age and status.

Lead Registration Submission Duty

Submits sales lead registrations to the enterprise and manages sales lead attributes. Includes the ability to create, accept, and reject sales lead registrations.

Legal Employer Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege  Choose Legal Employer Duty  that allows the ability to select a Legal Employer from a secured list as defined in the organization security profile.

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Marketing Approval Duty

Reviews and approves secured marketing campaigns by viewing detailed campaign, list, segment, and treatment information from the campaign, audience, and treatment work areas.

Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Manages marketing budgets and budget entries, including import, export, and viewing budget fund requests and claims that utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Reviews marketing budgets and creates and manages budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Marketing Fund Request and Claim Processing Duty

Reviews and approves budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities. Includes reviewing and exporting budget information.

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for sales managers.

Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Manages or views all aspects of the application. This role is for salespersons.

Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for resources whose territories are on the opportunity territory team.

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

Participant Appointment View Duty

manages the view access for the participant owner's appointment data.

Participant Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing the interaction data by a participant.

Partner Account Administration Duty

Maintains a partner account, including managing members and partner profile information.

Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Maintains a partner account, including managing members and partner profile information. This role is for members of the partner account team and their management chain.

Partner Account Review Duty

Views a partner account, including viewing a partner's members, profile, and account team.

Partner Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Partner Analysis module.

Partner Channel Analysis Duty

This BI duty role is to analyze overall partner performance that entails complete visibility into all the transactions the partner is associated to.

Partner Channel Transaction Analysis Duty

This BI duty role is to analyze overall partner performance that entails complete visibility into all the transactions the partner is associated to

Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

Accesses partner customer contact information.

Partner Import Maintenance Duty

Partner Maintenance Duty role. This duty will allow for maintenance of Partner Import data.

Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Accesses partner company and partner member information.

Partner Program Enrollment Maintenance Duty

Manages partner program membership. Additional duties inclue program questionnaire response.

Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Views the enrollment details of the program to which a partner enrolls.

Partner Program Inquiry Duty

Reviews a partner program.

Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

Manages the capture of responses to the partner program enrollment questionnaire.

Partner Program Questionnaire Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views questions and their associations to partner programs.

Partner Program Review Duty

Reviews the program details in the program catalog.

Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of sales organizations and consumers for partners. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.  This role has limited access to customers and contacts.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

Views their own information.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Review purchase order, purchase agreement, and referenced document attachments.

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Quota Management Duty

Manages sales territory quotas and territory quota formulas. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and party information inquiry.

Read CRM documents on content server

Allows to read CRM documents from content server repository.

Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.

Resource Administration Duty

Administers resource information.

Resource Directory Management Duty

Obsoleted Role. Not used anymore

Resource Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Resource Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Resource Organization Management Duty

Manages resource organizations.

Resource Team Management Duty

Manages resource teams.

Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for salespersons.

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Sales Forecasting Duty

Manages sales forecasts, sales forecast items, sales forecast adjustments, and sales forecast item adjustments. Additional duties include exporting forecast information.

Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Manages sales forecasts, sales forecast items, sales forecast adjustments, and sales forecast item adjustments. Additional duties include exporting forecast information and managing subordinates forecasts.

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Processes sales lead for follow up actions including the qualification and conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Manages sales lead follow up marketing activities from qualification and assessment of leads to reassignment to sales for follow up sales activities including the conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

Manages sales account partner territory associations.

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Views reference customer note data. This role is for salespersons.

Social Connection Partner Duty

Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection partner duties.

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Talent Notifications Duty

Sets up and manages talent management notifications.

Task Note Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of task notes data. Task notes record additional information about the specific task.

Territory Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Territory Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Territory Management Duty

Manages sales territories, territory proposals, and quotas.

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Transactional Analysis Duty

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Portrait Duty

Grants access to the worker and nonworker portrait pages.

Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

Performs administration duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Channel Sales Manager

Inherited Roles

Channel Sales Manager

          Business Intelligence Applications Worker

                    Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

          Channel Sales Manager Duty

                    Appointment Note Management Duty

                    Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

                    Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

                    Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

                    File Import Scheduling Duty

                              Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                    Interaction Management Duty

                    Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Lead Registration Management Duty

                    Lead Registration Submission Duty

                              Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

                              Partner Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

                    Marketing Approval Duty

                    Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

                              Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

                    Marketing Fund Request and Claim Processing Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

                    Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

                    Partner Account Administration Duty

                    Partner Account Maintenance Duty

                    Partner Account Review Duty

                    Partner Channel Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Partner Analysis Currency Preference

                              Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                              Territory Hierarchy Data Security

                    Partner Import Maintenance Duty

                    Partner Program Enrollment Maintenance Duty

                              Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

                    Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

                              Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

                    Partner Program Inquiry Duty

                              Partner Program Questionnaire Search and View Access Duty

                    Partner Program Review Duty

                    Partner Sales Party Management Duty

                              Locations Management Duty

                                        Locations Inquiry Duty

                              Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                              Opportunity View Duty

                              Participant Appointment View Duty

                              Participant Interaction Management Duty

                              Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

                              Partner Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

                              Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Resource Administration Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Application Attachment Administration Duty

                              Application Data Security Administration Duty

                              Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              Application Lookup Administration Duty

                              Application Message Administration Duty

                              Application Profile Option Registration Duty

                              Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

                              Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

                              Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Application World Reference Administration Duty

                              Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

                              Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                        Business Unit Selection Duty

                                        Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                        User Role Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                              Job Selection Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Resource Information Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                              View Person Details Duty

                              Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

                                        Talent Notifications Duty

                              Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                    Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

                    Sales Extension Management Duty

                    Sales Forecasting Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Sales Forecasting Management Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

                    Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

                    Sales Party Management Duty

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              Locations Management Duty

                                        Locations Inquiry Duty

                              Resource Information Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                              Sales Party Review Duty

                                        Appointment View Duty

                                        Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                                        Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

                                                  Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                                  Interaction Management Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Item Inquiry Duty

                                                  Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Interaction Management Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Marketing Response Data Review Duty

                                        Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                                        Opportunity View Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Sales Extension Management Duty

                                        Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                              Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                              Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

                    Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

                    Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

                    Task Note Management Duty

                    Territory Management Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Quota Management Duty

                                        Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                                  Business Unit Selection Duty

                                                  Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                                  User Role Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                        Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    View Portrait Duty

                              Social Connection Partner Duty

                                        Social Group Participation Core Duty

                                        Social Network Duty

                                                  Social Network Core Duty

          Marketing Approver

                    Lead Registration Approval Duty

          Partner Channel Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Partner Analysis Currency Preference

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Territory Hierarchy Data Security

          Partner Channel Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Read CRM documents on content server


                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Resource Directory Management Duty

                    Resource Information Management Duty

                              View Person Details Duty

                              Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                    Resource Organization Management Duty

                              Application Tree Administration Duty

                    Resource Team Management Duty

          Transactional Business Intelligence Worker

                    Transactional Analysis Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Channel Sales Manager.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

View Administration Link

Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages all application profile values.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Application Attachment Administration Duty

Manages attachment categories and entities.

Manage Application Attachment Category

Manage Application Attachment Entity

Application Data Security Administration Duty

Manages data security policies and database resources.

Manage Application Data Security Policy

Manage Application Database Resource

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage Application Standard Lookup

Application Message Administration Duty

Manages application messages.

Manage Application Message

Application Profile Option Registration Duty

Manages application profile categories and profile options.

Manage Application Profile Category

Manage Application Profile Option

Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

Manage application reference data set and assignments.

Manage Application Reference Data Set

Manage Application Reference Data Set Assignment

Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

Manages application taxonomy.

Manage Application Taxonomy

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Manage Application Tree

Manage Application Tree Label

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Manage My Application Profile Values

Application World Reference Administration Duty

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Currency

Manage Application Reference ISO Language

Manage Application Reference Industry

Manage Application Reference Language

Manage Application Reference Natural Language

Manage Application Reference Territory

Manage Application Reference Timezone

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Manage Calendar Preferences

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

View Customer Asset

View Product Recommendation

Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

View Audit Trail Report

Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

Provides channel roles a dashboard to manage their daily transactions.

Manage Partner User Profile

View Channel Manager Dashboard

View Channel Manager Dashboard as Administrator

View Customer Analytics

View Partner Content

View Partner Profile

View Partner Program Enrollment

View Partner Programs Summary

View Territories and Forecasts

Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

Views contract terms in a contract. Additionally, downloads contract terms to Microsoft Word.

Download Contract for External Parties

View Contract Terms

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Enable Buy Intent

Enable Sell Intent

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

View Contract

View Contract Terms

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Customer Data Management Foundation.

Manage Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

Set Up File Import Object and Mapping

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Manage Users

View Person Details

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Customize Incentive Compensation Participant Goal

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Lead Registration Approval Duty

Approves sales lead registrations submitted by external partners.

Approve Sales Lead

Lead Registration Management Duty

Manages and analyzes sales lead registrations. Includes the ability to create sales lead registrations, edit both internal and partner lead attributes as needed, and view lead age and status.

Create Sales Lead

Delete Sales Lead External Attributes

Delete Sales Lead Internal Attributes

Delete Sales Lead Primary Partner

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Select Sales Lead External Attributes

Select Sales Lead Internal Attributes

Select Sales Lead Primary Partner

Update Sales Lead Expiration Date

Update Sales Lead External Attributes

Update Sales Lead Internal Attributes

Update Sales Lead Primary Partner

View Sales Lead Contextual Bin

View Sales Lead Internal Tabs

Lead Registration Submission Duty

Submits sales lead registrations to the enterprise and manages sales lead attributes. Includes the ability to create, accept, and reject sales lead registrations.

Accept Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Delete Sales Lead External Attributes

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Reject Sales Lead

Select Sales Lead Claimed Flag

Select Sales Lead External Attributes

Submit Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead External Attributes

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Search Trading Community Location

View Trading Community Location

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Enter Trading Community Location

Remove Trading Community Location

Update Trading Community Location

Marketing Approval Duty

Reviews and approves secured marketing campaigns by viewing detailed campaign, list, segment, and treatment information from the campaign, audience, and treatment work areas.

Approve Marketing Campaign

Manage Audience Work Area

Manage Campaigns Work Area

Manage Treatments Work Area

Update Marketing Campaign

View Marketing Campaign

Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Manages marketing budgets and budget entries, including import, export, and viewing budget fund requests and claims that utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Activate Marketing Budget

Create Marketing Budget

Create Marketing Budget Entry

Create Marketing Claim Settlement

Delete Marketing Budget

Delete Marketing Claim Settlement

Export Marketing Budget

Export Marketing Budget Entry

Import Marketing Budget

Import Marketing Budget Entry

Inactivate Marketing Budget

Manage Budgets Work Area

Run Marketing Budget Currency Revaluation Scheduler

Update Marketing Budget

Update Marketing Budget Entry

Update Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Budget

View Marketing Budget Analytics

View Marketing Budget Checkbook

View Marketing Budget Entry

View Marketing Claim

View Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Source Code

Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Reviews marketing budgets and creates and manages budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Create Marketing Claim

Create Marketing Fund Request

Delete Marketing Claim

Delete Marketing Fund Request

Manage Budgets Work Area

Submit Marketing Claim

Submit Marketing Fund Request

Update Marketing Claim

Update Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Budget

View Marketing Claim

View Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Source Code

Marketing Fund Request and Claim Processing Duty

Reviews and approves budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities. Includes reviewing and exporting budget information.

Approve Marketing Claim

Approve Marketing Fund Request

Export Marketing Budget

Export Marketing Budget Entry

Manage Budgets Work Area

Reject Marketing Claim

Reject Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Budget

View Marketing Budget Analytics

View Marketing Budget Checkbook

View Marketing Budget Entry

View Marketing Claim

View Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Source Code

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

View Marketing Response

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Search Supplier Negotiation

View Supplier Negotiation

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

View Opportunity Revenue

Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for sales managers.

Assign Opportunity

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Delete Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Manages or views all aspects of the application. This role is for salespersons.

Assign Opportunity

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Delete Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for resources whose territories are on the opportunity territory team.

Assign Opportunity

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Delete Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

View Opportunity

Partner Account Administration Duty

Maintains a partner account, including managing members and partner profile information.

Create Partner

Create Partner Member

Create Partner User

Import Partner

Manage Partner Account Team

Manage Partner User Security Role

Remove Partner Member

Update Partner Member

Update Partner Profile

View Partner

View Partner Contract

Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Maintains a partner account, including managing members and partner profile information. This role is for members of the partner account team and their management chain.

Create Partner Member

Create Partner User

Import Partner

Manage Partner Account Team

Manage Partner User Security Role

Remove Partner Member

Update Partner Member

Update Partner Profile

View Partner Contract

Partner Account Review Duty

Views a partner account, including viewing a partner's members, profile, and account team.

Search Partner

View Channel Manager Dashboard

View Partner

View Partner Account Team

View Partner Contract

View Partner Interaction

View Partner Lead

View Partner Member

View Partner Note

View Partner Opportunity

View Partner Profile

View Partner Snapshot

View Partner Task

Partner Program Enrollment Maintenance Duty

Manages partner program membership. Additional duties inclue program questionnaire response.

Apply Partner Program

Manage Partner Program Enrollment

View Partner Program Enrollment

Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Views the enrollment details of the program to which a partner enrolls.

View Partner Program Enrollment

Partner Program Inquiry Duty

Reviews a partner program.

View Partner Program

Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

Manages the capture of responses to the partner program enrollment questionnaire.

Capture Partner Responses to Partner Program Enrollment Questionnaire

Partner Program Questionnaire Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views questions and their associations to partner programs.

View Questions associated to Program

Partner Program Review Duty

Reviews the program details in the program catalog.

Review Partner Program

Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of sales organizations and consumers for partners. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.  This role has limited access to customers and contacts.

Create Consumer

Create Sales Account

Create Sales Account Appointment

Create Sales Account Assessments

Create Sales Account Contact

Create Sales Account Interaction

Create Sales Account Note

Create Sales Account Task

Create Sales Group

Create Sales Group Members

Create Sales Organization

Create Sales Party Appointment

Create Sales Party Contact

Create Sales Party Interaction

Create Sales Party Task

Delete Sales Account Appointment

Delete Sales Account Assessments

Delete Sales Account Contact

Delete Sales Account Interaction

Delete Sales Account Note

Delete Sales Account Task

Delete Sales Group Members

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Delete Sales Party Contact

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Delete Sales Party Task

Manage Customers Work Area

Manage Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Account Team

Manage Sales Party Team

Update Consumer

Update Sales Account

Update Sales Account Appointment

Update Sales Account Assessments

Update Sales Account Contact

Update Sales Account Interaction

Update Sales Account Note

Update Sales Account Task

Update Sales Group

Update Sales Group Members

Update Sales Organization

Update Sales Party Appointment

Update Sales Party Contact

Update Sales Party Interaction

Update Sales Party Task

View Consumer

View Sales Account

View Sales Account Appointment

View Sales Account Assessments

View Sales Account Contact

View Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Account Interaction

View Sales Account Note

View Sales Account Team

View Sales Account task

View Sales Group

View Sales Group Members

View Sales Organization

View Sales Party

View Sales Party Appointment

View Sales Party Contact

View Sales Party Interaction

View Sales Party Task

View Sales Party Team

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Purchase Order

Quota Management Duty

Manages sales territory quotas and territory quota formulas. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and party information inquiry.

Manage Sales Quota Prediction Formula

Manage Sales Territory Quota

Resource Administration Duty

Administers resource information.

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Enter Trading Community Resource Information

Identify Trading Community Person as a Trading Community Resource

Manage Trading Community Resource

Manage Trading Community Resource History

Manage Trading Community Resource Lookups

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Type

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Type Mapping

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

Manage Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

Manage Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Remove Trading Community Resource

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Administration Detail Information

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource History

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Add Trading Community Resource to My Social Network

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Manage Trading Community Resource Address

Manage Trading Community Resource Contact Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Social Network

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Address

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Contact Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Skills

View Trading Community Resource Social Network

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Resource Organization Management Duty

Manages resource organizations.

Manage Resource Organization Member Descriptive Flexfields

Search Trading Community Resource Organization

Search Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Organization Resource Members

View Trading Community Resource Organization

View Trading Community Resource Organization Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Team Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Organization Usage Information

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

Resource Team Management Duty

Manages resource teams.

Search Trading Community Resource Team

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Team

View Trading Community Resource Team Details

View Trading Community Resource Team Members

View Trading Community Resource Team Usages

Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for salespersons.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Competitor

View Sales Competitor Opportunities

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Reference Customer

Sales Forecasting Duty

Manages sales forecasts, sales forecast items, sales forecast adjustments, and sales forecast item adjustments. Additional duties include exporting forecast information.

Edit Sales Forecast Items

Export Sales Forecast Participant

Manage Sales Forecast Adjustments

Manage Sales Forecast Item Adjustments

Manage Sales Forecast Participant

View Sales Forecast Adjustments

View Sales Forecast Item Adjustments

View Sales Forecast Participant For Self

Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Manages sales forecasts, sales forecast items, sales forecast adjustments, and sales forecast item adjustments. Additional duties include exporting forecast information and managing subordinates forecasts.

Edit Sales Forecast Items

Export Sales Forecast Participant

Manage Sales Forecast Adjustments

Manage Sales Forecast Item Adjustments

Manage Sales Forecast Participant

View Sales Forecast Item Adjustments

View Sales Forecast Participant

View Sales Forecast Participant For Self

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

View Sales Lead

Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Processes sales lead for follow up actions including the qualification and conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Convert Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Export Sales Lead

Identify Sales Lead

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Qualify Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Manages sales lead follow up marketing activities from qualification and assessment of leads to reassignment to sales for follow up sales activities including the conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Convert Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Export Sales Lead

Identify Sales Lead

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Qualify Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Create Consumer

Create Sales Account

Create Sales Account Appointment

Create Sales Account Assessments

Create Sales Account Contact

Create Sales Account Interaction

Create Sales Account Note

Create Sales Account Task

Create Sales Group

Create Sales Group Members

Create Sales Organization

Create Sales Party Appointment

Create Sales Party Assessment

Create Sales Party Contact

Create Sales Party Interaction

Create Sales Party Note

Create Sales Party Task

Delete Sales Account Appointment

Delete Sales Account Assessments

Delete Sales Account Contact

Delete Sales Account Interaction

Delete Sales Account Note

Delete Sales Account Task

Delete Sales Group Members

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Delete Sales Party Assessment

Delete Sales Party Contact

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Delete Sales Party Note

Delete Sales Party Task

Manage Reference Customer Profile

Manage Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Account Team

Manage Sales Party Classifications

Manage Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Party Forums

Manage Sales Party Team

Update Consumer

Update Sales Account

Update Sales Account Appointment

Update Sales Account Assessments

Update Sales Account Contact

Update Sales Account Interaction

Update Sales Account Note

Update Sales Account Task

Update Sales Group

Update Sales Group Members

Update Sales Organization

Update Sales Party Appointment

Update Sales Party Assessment

Update Sales Party Contact

Update Sales Party Interaction

Update Sales Party Note

Update Sales Party Task

Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

Manages sales account partner territory associations.

Manage Sales Party Partner Territory

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Manage Customers Work Area

View Billing Account

View Consumer

View One Source Market Place Information

View Revenue by Organization Hierarchy

View Sales Account

View Sales Account Appointment

View Sales Account Assessments

View Sales Account Contact

View Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Account Interaction

View Sales Account Note

View Sales Account Snapshot

View Sales Account Team

View Sales Account task

View Sales Group

View Sales Group Members

View Sales Organization

View Sales Party

View Sales Party Analytics

View Sales Party Appointment

View Sales Party Assessment

View Sales Party Classifications

View Sales Party Contact

View Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Party Forums

View Sales Party Hierarchy

View Sales Party Interaction

View Sales Party Note

View Sales Party Snapshot

View Sales Party Subsidiaries

View Sales Party Task

View Sales Party Team

View Siebel Service Requests

Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Views reference customer note data. This role is for salespersons.

View Sales Reference Customer

View Sales Reference Customer Opportunities

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Group

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Bookmarks

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Invite Social Connection

Manage Kudos

Manage Message Board

Manage Social Connections

Manage Social Self-descriptive Information

View Activity Stream

Talent Notifications Duty

Sets up and manages talent management notifications.

Manage Goal Management Notifications

Manage Talent Notifications

Territory Management Duty

Manages sales territories, territory proposals, and quotas.

Manage Sales Territory

Manage Sales Territory Account Exclusions

Manage Sales Territory Account Inclusions

Manage Sales Territory Proposal

Manage Territories, Forecasts and Quotas Work Area

Run Territory Proposal Activation Job

Run Territory Restore Job

Run Territory Validation Job

View Sales Territory

View Sales Territory Proposal

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Enter Trading Community Merge Request

Submit Trading Community Merge Request

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

Assign Roles to User

Copy Personal Data to LDAP

Manage User Account and Roles

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Person Details

View Portrait Duty

Grants access to the worker and nonworker portrait pages.

View Nonworker Portrait

View Worker Portrait

Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

Performs administration duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Talent Education Establishment

Manage Talent Profile Content Item

Manage Talent Profile Rating Model

Manage Talent Profile Sources

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Person Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Channel Sales Manager

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Activities and Interests

A Channel Sales Manager can view activities and interests for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Activities and Interests (Data)

Resource: Activities and Interests

Activity Stream

A Channel Sales Manager can view activity stream for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Activity Stream (Data)

Resource: Activity Stream

Application Attachment

A Channel Sales Manager can read application attachment for the categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment Category

A Channel Sales Manager can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Channel Sales Manager can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Channel Sales Manager can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category


A Channel Sales Manager can participant view appointment where they are owner or participants of the appointment

Role: Participant Appointment View Duty

Privilege: Participant View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

A Channel Sales Manager can view appointment for all appointments in the enterprise

Role: Appointment View Duty

Privilege: View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

Appointment Note

A Channel Sales Manager can delete appointment note where they have delete access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Channel Sales Manager can update appointment note where they have owner update access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view appointment note for all internal appointment notes in the enterprise

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view appointment note where they are the author of the private appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

Assignment Grade

A Channel Sales Manager can choose assignment grade for grades in their grade security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade


A Channel Sales Manager can view bookmark for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Bookmark (Data)

Resource: Bookmark

Business Unit

A Channel Sales Manager can choose business unit organization for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Business Unit Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Competitor Note

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales competitor note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales competitor note for all notes that are not private

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales competitor note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Consumer File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Manager can view consumer file import activity object type for all consumer file import activities of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Activity

Consumer File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Manager can view consumer file import mapping object type for all consumer file import mappings of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Mapping

Consumer File Import Object

A Channel Sales Manager can view consumer file import object type for all consumer file import objects of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Object

Contact File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Manager can view contact file import activity object type for all contact file import activities of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Activity

Contact File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Manager can view contact file import mapping object type for all contact file import mappings of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Mapping

Contact File Import Object

A Channel Sales Manager can view contact file import object type for all contact file import objects of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Object


A Channel Sales Manager can manage contract for all business units

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Contract

Contract Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view contract note for notes that are not private or private notes where they are the author.

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: View Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Customer Account

A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Sales Manager can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Sales Manager can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a sales account team member with edit or full access

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Sales Manager can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member with edit or full access

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Sales Manager can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Sales Manager can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a sales account team member

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Channel Sales Manager can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Customer File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Manager can view customer file import activity object type for all customer file import activities of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Activity

Customer File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Manager can view customer file import mapping object type for all customer file import mappings of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Mapping

Customer File Import Object

A Channel Sales Manager can view customer file import object type for all customer file import objects of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Object


A Channel Sales Manager can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Employee Resource File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Manager can view employee resource file import activity object type for all employee resource file import activities of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Activity

Employee Resource File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Manager can view employee resource file import mapping object type for all employee resource file import mappings of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Mapping

Employee Resource File Import Object

A Channel Sales Manager can view employee resource file import object type for all employee resource file import objects of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Object

Group Customer File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Manager can view group customer file import activity object type for all group customer file import activities of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Activity

Group Customer File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Manager can view group customer file import mapping object type for all group customer file import mappings of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Mapping

Group Customer File Import Object

A Channel Sales Manager can view group customer file import object type for all group customer file import objects of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Object

HR Job

A Channel Sales Manager can choose hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Job Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Manager can view hierarchy file import activity object type for all hierarchy file import activities of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Manager can view hierarchy file import mapping object type for all hierarchy file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Object

A Channel Sales Manager can view hierarchy file import object type for all hierarchy file import objects of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Object

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Manager can view hierarchy node file import activity object type for all hierarchy node file import activities of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Manager can view hierarchy node file import mapping object type for all hierarchy node file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Object

A Channel Sales Manager can view hierarchy node file import object type for all hierarchy node file import objects of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Object

Incentive Compensation Goal

A Channel Sales Manager can manage incentive compensation goal for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Goal (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


A Channel Sales Manager can delete interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Sales Manager can participant delete interaction where they are participants of the interaction

Role: Participant Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Participant Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Sales Manager can participant update interaction where they are participants of the interaction

Role: Participant Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Participant Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Sales Manager can participant view interaction where they are participants of the interaction

Role: Participant Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Participant View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Sales Manager can update interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Channel Sales Manager can view interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction


A Channel Sales Manager can view kudos for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Kudos (Data)

Resource: Kudos

Legal Employer

A Channel Sales Manager can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Legal Employer Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legal Entity File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Manager can view legal entity file import activity object type for all legal entity file import activities of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Activity

Legal Entity File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Manager can view legal entity file import mapping object type for all legal entity file import mappings of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Mapping

Legal Entity File Import Object

A Channel Sales Manager can view legal entity file import object type for all legal entity file import objects of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Object


A Channel Sales Manager can choose location for locations in their location security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Manager can delete marketing budget for all resource organizations and child resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Manager can delete marketing budget where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Manager can delete marketing budget where they are a resource in the marketing budget team

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Manager can delete marketing budget where they are the owner of the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Manager can update marketing budget for all resource organizations and child resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Manager can update marketing budget where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Manager can update marketing budget where they are a resource in the marketing budget team

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Manager can update marketing budget where they are the owner of the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Manager can view marketing budget for all resource organizations and child resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Manager can view marketing budget where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Manager can view marketing budget where they are a resource in the marketing budget team

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Channel Sales Manager can view marketing budget where they are the owner of the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Sales Manager can delete marketing budget note where they have delete access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Sales Manager can delete marketing budget note where they have view or update access to the marketing budget and where they are the author of the marketing budget note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Sales Manager can update marketing budget note where they have view or update access to the marketing budget and where they are the author of the marketing budget note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view marketing budget note for all internal or external marketing budget notes in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view marketing budget note where they are the author of the private marketing budget note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Marketing Budget Team

A Channel Sales Manager can update marketing budget team for all external and internal marketing budget team members

Role: Marketing Fund Request and Claim Processing Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Team (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Team

A Channel Sales Manager can update marketing budget team for all external and internal marketing budget team members where they are the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Team (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Team

A Channel Sales Manager can update marketing budget team for all external marketing budget team members who belong to their top-level resource organization or any of its child resource organizations

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Team (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Team

Marketing Campaign

A Channel Sales Manager can update marketing campaign where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the marketing campaign team with full access

Role: Marketing Approval Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Campaign (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign

A Channel Sales Manager can view marketing campaign for all resource organizations and child resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Marketing Approval Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Campaign (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign

Marketing Claim

A Channel Sales Manager can delete marketing claim where they have view access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim

A Channel Sales Manager can update marketing claim where they have view access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim

A Channel Sales Manager can view marketing claim where they have view access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim

Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Sales Manager can delete marketing claim note where they have delete access to the marketing claim

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Sales Manager can delete marketing claim note where they have view or update access to the marketing claim and where they are the author of the marketing claim note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Sales Manager can update marketing claim note where they have view or update access to the marketing claim and where they are the author of the marketing claim note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view marketing claim note for all internal or external marketing claim notes in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view marketing claim note where they are the author of the private marketing claim note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Sales Manager can delete marketing fund request note where they have delete access to the marketing fund request

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Sales Manager can delete marketing fund request note where they have view or update access to the marketing fund request and where they are the author of the marketing fund request note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Sales Manager can update marketing fund request note where they have view or update access to the marketing fund request and where they are the author of the marketing fund request note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view marketing fund request note for all internal or external marketing fund request notes in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view marketing fund request note where they are the author of the private marketing fund request note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Message Board

A Channel Sales Manager can view message board for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Message Board (Data)

Resource: Message Board

Network Activities

A Channel Sales Manager can view network activities for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Network Activities (Data)

Resource: Network Activities


A Channel Sales Manager can manage opportunity general profile where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Manager can manage opportunity general profile where they are an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Manager can manage opportunity general profile where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Manager can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Manager can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Manager can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Manager can manage opportunity revenue where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Manager can manage opportunity revenue where they are an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Manager can manage opportunity revenue where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Manager can manage opportunity team where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Manager can manage opportunity team where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Manager can manage opportunity team where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Channel Sales Manager can view opportunity where they are a territory resource in the opportunity sales account territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity sales account territory team

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Opportunity

A Channel Sales Manager can view opportunity where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Opportunity

A Channel Sales Manager can view opportunity where they are an opportunity sales team member with view, edit, or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Opportunity

A Channel Sales Manager can view opportunity where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with view, edit, or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Opportunity

Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Manager can manage opportunity note where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Manager can manage opportunity note where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Manager can manage opportunity note where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with full access and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Manager can manage opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view opportunity note where they are a member of the opportunity sales team with view, edit, or full access, and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view opportunity note where they are a territory resource in the opportunity sales account territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity sales account territory team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view opportunity note where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view opportunity note where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with view, edit, or full access, and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Partner File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Manager can view partner file import activity object type for all partner file import activities of object type 'partner company'

Role: Partner Import Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Activity

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Activity

Partner File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Manager can view partner file import mapping object type for all partner file import mappings of object type 'partner company'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Mapping

Partner File Import Object

A Channel Sales Manager can view partner file import object type for all partner file import objects of object type 'partner company'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Object

Partner Member File Import Activity

A Channel Sales Manager can view partner member file import activity object type for all partner member file import activities of object type 'partner member'

Role: Partner Import Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Activity

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Activity

Partner Member File Import Mapping

A Channel Sales Manager can view partner member file import mapping object type for all partner member file import mappings of object type 'partner member'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Mapping

Partner Member File Import Object

A Channel Sales Manager can view partner member file import object type for all partner member file import objects of object type 'partner member'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Object

Partner Note

A Channel Sales Manager can manage partner note for all notes  that are not private

Role: Partner Account Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Note (Data)

Resource: Partner Note

A Channel Sales Manager can manage partner note for all notes that are not private and where they are in the partner account team

Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Note (Data)

Resource: Partner Note

A Channel Sales Manager can manage partner note where they are the author of the note

Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Note (Data)

Resource: Partner Note

Partner Profile

A Channel Sales Manager can manage partner account for all partner accounts in the enterprise

Role: Partner Account Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Sales Manager can manage partner account where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the partner account team with full access

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Sales Manager can manage partner account where they are in the partner account team with full access

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Sales Manager can update partner account where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the partner account team with edit access

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Sales Manager can update partner account where they are in the partner account team with edit access

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Channel Sales Manager can view partner account for all partner accounts in the enterprise

Role: Partner Account Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

Fact: PRM - Partner Presence


A Channel Sales Manager can view partner account where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the partner account team

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

Fact: PRM - Partner Presence


Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

Fact: PRM - Partner Presence


A Channel Sales Manager can view partner account where they are in the partner account team

Role: Partner Account Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

Fact: PRM - Partner Presence


Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

Fact: PRM - Partner Presence


Partner Program

A Channel Sales Manager can view partner program for all partner programs in the enterprise

Role: Partner Program Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Partner Program (Data)

Resource: Partner Program

Partner Program Enrollment

A Channel Sales Manager can manage partner program enrollment where they are a member of the partner account team

Role: Partner Program Enrollment Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Partner Program Enrollment

A Channel Sales Manager can view partner program enrollment for all partner program enrollments in the enterprise

Role: Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Privilege: View Partner Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Partner Program Enrollment

Person Assignment

A Channel Sales Manager can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

A Channel Sales Manager can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Email

A Channel Sales Manager can manage person email for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: User Role Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Type

A Channel Sales Manager can choose person type for person types in their person type security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type


A Channel Sales Manager can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Public Person

A Channel Sales Manager can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Details Duty

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Reference Customer Note

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales reference customer note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales reference customer note for all notes that are not private

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales reference customer note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

Sales Account

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales account where the user is in the customer team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Channel Sales Manager can update sales account where the user is in the customer team with edit access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Account

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Account

Resource: Sales Account

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales account where the user is in the customer team with view access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with view access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Sales Competitor

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales competitor for all sales competitors in the enterprise

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor (Data)

Resource: Sales Competitor

Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales forecast adjustment for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales forecast adjustment for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales forecast adjustment for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales forecast adjustment for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales forecast adjustment for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales forecast adjustment for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales forecast adjustment for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales forecast adjustment for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Sales Forecast Item

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales forecast item for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales forecast item for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales forecast item for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales forecast item for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales forecast item for which they are the owner

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales forecast item for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales forecast item for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales forecast item for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales forecast item for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales forecast item for which they are the owner

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Sales Forecast Participant

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales forecast participant for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales forecast participant for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales forecast participant for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales forecast participant for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales forecast participant for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales forecast participant for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales forecast participant for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales forecast participant for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can convert sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can convert sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can convert sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can convert sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can convert sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can convert sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can convert sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can update sales lead others where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can update sales lead others where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can update sales lead others where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can update sales lead others where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can update sales lead owner where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can update sales lead owner where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can update sales lead owner where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can update sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing Lead


Fact: PRM - Registered Lead

Dimension(s): PRM - Registered Lead Detail

Sales Lead Note

A Channel Sales Manager can delete sales lead note where they have delete access to the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Sales Manager can delete sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Sales Manager can update sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales lead note for all external sales lead notes in the enterprise

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales lead note for all internal sales lead notes in the enterprise

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales lead note where they are the author of the private sales lead note

Role: Lead Registration Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Sales Party

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales party where they are in the sales account team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Manager can update sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Manager can update sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Manager can update sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with edit access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Manager can update sales party where they are in the sales account team with edit access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales party where they are in the sales account team

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Manager can delete sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Manager can delete sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Manager can delete sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Manager can edit sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Manager can edit sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Manager can edit sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Sales Quota Plan

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales quota plan for all sales quota plans that are active

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan

Sales Reference Customer

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales reference customer for all sales reference customers in the enterprise

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales resource quota where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy where the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales resource quota where they are the owner of the root territory, if the resource quota is for the root territory

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales resource quota where they are assigned the quota

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales resource quota where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy where the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales resource quota where they are the owner of the territory to which the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Sales Territory

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales territory where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy, as long as the topmost territory they own is not submitted

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales territory where they are a member of the territory team

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales territory where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales territory where they are the territory owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Sales Territory Partition

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales territory partition for all partitions in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Partition (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Partition

Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a territory administered by the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Sales Manager can manage sales territory proposal where they are the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy of a published or submitted territory in the proposal

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a published or submitted territory in the proposal

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a territory administered by the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Channel Sales Manager can view sales territory proposal where they are the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

Social Connection

A Channel Sales Manager can view social connection for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Connection (Data)

Resource: Social Connection

Social Profile

A Channel Sales Manager can view social profile for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Profile (Data)

Resource: Social Profile

Task Note

A Channel Sales Manager can delete task note where they have delete access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Sales Manager can delete task note where they have delete access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Sales Manager can update task note where they have update access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Sales Manager can update task note where they have update access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view task note for all internal task notes in the enterprise

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view task note where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community organization for a trading community organization that is a partner and the user is a member of the partner organization

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community person for all persons who are a member of their partner organization

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community person for all trading community persons that are contacts and associated with their partner company organization

Role: Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community person for their trading community person record

Role: Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships that are contacts and associated with their partner company organization

Role: Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community relationship for trading community partner contact relationships with their company

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource

A Channel Sales Manager can remove trading community resource for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Remove Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Channel Sales Manager can update trading community resource for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Channel Sales Manager can update trading community resource for their resource record

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community resource for all trading community resources.

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

Trading Community Resource Note

A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community resource note for the resource notes for which they are the owner

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community resource skill for all resource skills

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community resource skill for all resource skills

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

Abstract Role: Contingent Worker

Identifies the person as a contingent worker.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Contingent Worker

Duty Role


Approval Notification Duty

Grants access to view product specific notification content.

Approve Transactions Duty

Allows ability to approve transactions

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Intelligence Consumer Duty

A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office. This role  allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a subject area.


Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server

Chinese Accounts View Duty

Allows an employee within a Chinese legal employer to view their PHF and social insurance account numbers.

Create Social Group Duty

Creates social groups.

Employee Enrollment Duty

Manages employee enrollments.

Expense Bank Account Management Duty

Manages employee's bank accounts.

Expense Entry Duty

Creates and updates expense items and expense reports.

Gallery Access Duty

Grants access to the portrait and gallery search duties.

Goal Management Worker Duty

Goal Management Worker  - inherited by Worker

HCM Information Comparison Duty

Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

My Portrait Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the my portrait work area.

Negotiation Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty

Review supplier negotiation attachments as procurement requester.

Negotiation Viewing as Procurement Requester Duty

View a supplier negotiation and its details as a requester.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Payables Invoice Inquiry Duty

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

Payee Bank Account Management Duty

Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Performance Management Worker Duty

Adds content to rate to performance document and evaluates self.

Person Address Maintenance Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own address data.

Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the person gallery work area.

Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

Grants access to a person to manage their own marital status and related data.

Person Name Maintenance Duty

Maintains persons' name related attributes.

Person Name Maintenance Duty Obsolete

Obsolete role. Do not use.

Person National Identifier View Duty

Grants access to persons to view national identifier.

Personal Compensation Management Duty

Manages contributions made toward savings and contribution type plans.

Portrait Access Duty

Grants access to the portrait maintenance and portrait view duties.

Portrait Availability Duty

Grants access to the availability card in the portrait, which includes schedule, absence, and accrual information.

Portrait Benefits Duty

Views benefits data for a worker in the portrait.

Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human Resource Specialist to view the person's photo, phones, emails and other communication methods in the portrait.

Portrait Compensation Duty

Views compensation data for a worker in the portrait.

Portrait Contact Duty

Grants access to view the contact card in the portrait, which includes phone number, e-mail, other communication methods, work location information, manager, directs and peers.

Portrait Maintenance Duty

Grants access to the portrait maintenance duties for the portrait cards.

Portrait Personal and Employment Duty

Grants access to a person's own personal and employment information in the portrait.

Portrait View Duty

Grants access to the portrait view duties for the portrait cards.

Procurement Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and Spend Analysis module.

Public Person Selection Duty

Grants access to select deferred persons. This is a single privilege duty because it is an isolated privilege that needs to be consumed by other teams.

Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty

Review purchase order and referenced document attachments as a procurement requester.

Purchase Order Attachment Management as Procurement Requester Duty

Manage purchase order attachments as a procurement requester.

Purchase Order Changes as Procurement Requester Duty

Perform purchase order change management tasks as a procurement requester.

Receiving Management Requester Duty

Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, and return receipts.

Requester Analysis Duty

Duty role with limited access to view and analyze procurement cycle times related to requisitions processing within the Requisition BU that requester belongs to

Requisition Attachment Management Duty

Manages attachments on requisitions.

Requisition Business Unit Data Security

This role is used for Requisition Business Unit data security in the data warehouse

Requisition Self Service User Duty

Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing requisitions, creating noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on requisition lines.

Requisition and Referenced Attachment Inquiry Duty

Reviews attachments on requisitions.

Review Inbound Shipment Details Duty

Reviews inbound shipment details.

Review Receipt Summary Duty

Reviews receipt summary and receipt line details.

Review Receiving Transaction History Duty

Reviews transaction history associated with a receipt.

Social Connection Worker Duty

Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection employee duties.

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Group Participation Duty

Participates in social groups.

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Supplier Bank Account Import Duty

Allows access to import bank accounts and external payee information for suppliers, supplier sites, and supplier addresses.

Talent Worker Duty

Performs all talent management duties as an employee or contingent worker.

Task Management Duty

Manages transaction tasks.

Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty

Views generated total compensation statements for themselves.

US Employee Portrait Gallery Duty

Allows an employee within a US legal employer to access US specific tasks.

View Batch Jobs Duty

View ESS Batch Jobs in Scheduled Processes workarea.

View Employment Information Duty

Views employment information.

View Secured Custom Help Duty

Views custom help containing the security lookup value Secured.

Worker Availability Viewing Duty

Views workers' availability based on their work schedules.

Worker Document Management Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own document data.

Worker Duty

Performs worker related tasks.

Worker Gallery Access Duty

Restricts access to private data in the portrait to workers themselves and HR specialists.

Worker Gallery Search Duty

Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.

Worker Information Sharing Duty

Shares own employment information with line managers or external parties.

Worker Onboarding Duty

Duty role that permits newly hired workers to complete the onboarding tasks associated with an onboarding process.

Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Manages workers' addresses, e-mails, phones, and other personal information.

Worker Processes Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own data including address, marital status, documents, onboarding processes, and information sharing.

Worker Role Management Duty

Manages worker roles.

Worker Selection Duty

Selects workers.

Workforce Processes Work Area Navigation Duty

Duty role that provides access to the Workforce Processes and Tasks work area

Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Performs workforce profile duties as an employee or contingent worker.

Role Hierarchy and required role membership

Fusion applications ship the role memberships assuming you have deployed all offerings, options and features. Role memberships marked with a "+" in the "All" column are required for all options and features in this offering. If you are not deploying a particular offering, option or feature, remove those role memberships that are marked with a "*" for that offering, option or feature in Authorization Policy Manager.

If you are deploying other offerings, refer to the Security Reference Manual for those offerings before removing any role memberships.

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Contingent Worker

Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature



Attachments User



Procurement Requester

          Business Intelligence Applications Worker

                    Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

          Negotiation Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty

          Negotiation Viewing as Procurement Requester Duty

          Payables Invoice Inquiry Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

          Public Person Selection Duty


          Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty

          Purchase Order Attachment Management as Procurement Requester Duty

          Purchase Order Changes as Procurement Requester Duty

          Receiving Management Requester Duty

                    Item Inquiry Duty

          Requester Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Procurement Analysis Currency Preference

                    Requisition Business Unit Data Security

          Requisition Attachment Management Duty

          Requisition Self Service User Duty

                    Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

          Requisition and Referenced Attachment Inquiry Duty

          Review Inbound Shipment Details Duty

                    Item Inquiry Duty

          Review Receipt Summary Duty

                    Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Item Inquiry Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

          Review Receiving Transaction History Duty

Public Person Selection Duty


Worker Duty


          Approval Notification Duty


          Approve Transactions Duty


          Business Intelligence Consumer Duty


          Employee Enrollment Duty

          Expense Entry Duty

                    Business Intelligence Consumer Duty


                    Expense Bank Account Management Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Payee Bank Account Management Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Supplier Bank Account Import Duty

          Gallery Access Duty

                    Portrait Access Duty

                              Portrait Maintenance Duty

                              Portrait View Duty

                                        Portrait Availability Duty

                                        Portrait Compensation Duty

                                        Portrait Contact Duty

                    Worker Gallery Search Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

          HCM Information Comparison Duty

                    Public Person Selection Duty


          My Portrait Work Area Navigation Duty

          Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

          Personal Compensation Management Duty

          Social Connection Worker Duty

                    Social Group Participation Duty

                              Create Social Group Duty

                              Social Group Participation Core Duty

                    Social Network Duty

                              Social Network Core Duty

          Talent Worker Duty

                    Goal Management Worker Duty

                    Performance Management Worker Duty

                    View Employment Information Duty

                    Workforce Profile Worker Duty

          Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty

          View Batch Jobs Duty


          View Secured Custom Help Duty


          Worker Availability Viewing Duty

          Worker Gallery Access Duty

                    Portrait Communication Methods Duty

                    Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

                              Person National Identifier View Duty

                              Portrait Benefits Duty

                              Portrait Personal and Employment Duty

                              Task Management Duty

          Worker Onboarding Duty

          Worker Processes Duty

                    Chinese Accounts View Duty

                    Person Address Maintenance Duty

                    Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

                    Person Name Maintenance Duty

                    Person Name Maintenance Duty Obsolete

                    US Employee Portrait Gallery Duty

                    Worker Document Management Duty

                    Worker Information Sharing Duty

                              Public Person Selection Duty


          Worker Role Management Duty


          Worker Selection Duty


          Workforce Processes Work Area Navigation Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Contingent Worker.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Approval Notification Duty

Grants access to view product specific notification content.

View Notification Details

Approve Transactions Duty

Allows ability to approve transactions

Approve Transactions

Chinese Accounts View Duty

Allows an employee within a Chinese legal employer to view their PHF and social insurance account numbers.

View Chinese PHF/SI Account Numbers

Create Social Group Duty

Creates social groups.

Create Social Group

Employee Enrollment Duty

Manages employee enrollments.

Define Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

Elect Benefits

Maintain Plan Beneficiary Designation

Maintain Primary Care Provider

Review Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

Expense Bank Account Management Duty

Manages employee's bank accounts.

Manage Bank Account for Expense Reimbursement

Expense Entry Duty

Creates and updates expense items and expense reports.

Manage Expense Report

Review Expense Reimbursement

Goal Management Worker Duty

Goal Management Worker  - inherited by Worker

Manage Performance Goal

HCM Information Comparison Duty

Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

Compare HCM Information

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

My Portrait Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the my portrait work area.

Manage My Portrait Work Area

Negotiation Viewing as Procurement Requester Duty

View a supplier negotiation and its details as a requester.

View Supplier Negotiation

Payables Invoice Inquiry Duty

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

View Payables Invoice

Payee Bank Account Management Duty

Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Manage External Payee Payment Details

Manage Third Party Bank Account

View Third Party Bank Account

Performance Management Worker Duty

Adds content to rate to performance document and evaluates self.

Create Performance Document by Worker

Print Performance Document

Provide Performance Evaluation Feedback

Select Feedback Participants

Track Participant Feedback Status

View Performance Information on Worker Dashboard

Person Address Maintenance Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own address data.

Change Person Address

Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the person gallery work area.

View Person Gallery Work Area

Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

Grants access to a person to manage their own marital status and related data.

Change Person Marital Status

Personal Compensation Management Duty

Manages contributions made toward savings and contribution type plans.

Manage Variable Compensation Allocation by Worker

Purchase Order Changes as Procurement Requester Duty

Perform purchase order change management tasks as a procurement requester.

Cancel Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

Change Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

View Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

Receiving Management Requester Duty

Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, and return receipts.

Correct Self-Service Receiving Receipt

Create Self-Service Receiving Receipt

Manage Self-Service Receiving Receipt Return

Monitor Self-Service Receiving Receipt Work Area

Review Self-Service Receiving Receipt

View Receiving Receipt Notification

Requisition Self Service User Duty

Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing requisitions, creating noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on requisition lines.

Create Requisition with Changes to Deliver-to Location

Create Requisition with Noncatalog Requests

Create Requisition with One Time Location

Manage Requisition

View Requisition

Review Inbound Shipment Details Duty

Reviews inbound shipment details.

Review Inbound Shipment Details

Review Receipt Summary Duty

Reviews receipt summary and receipt line details.

Review Receiving Receipt Summary

Review Receiving Transaction History Duty

Reviews transaction history associated with a receipt.

Review Receiving Transaction History

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Group

Social Group Participation Duty

Participates in social groups.

Add Someone to Social Group

Invite Someone to Social Group

Link Social Group

Unlink Social Group

View Related Social Groups

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Bookmarks

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Invite Social Connection

Manage Kudos

Manage Message Board

Manage Social Connections

Manage Social Self-descriptive Information

View Activity Stream

Supplier Bank Account Import Duty

Allows access to import bank accounts and external payee information for suppliers, supplier sites, and supplier addresses.

Import Supplier Bank Accounts

Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty

Views generated total compensation statements for themselves.

View Total Compensation Statement Already Generated

US Employee Portrait Gallery Duty

Allows an employee within a US legal employer to access US specific tasks.

Update US W-4

View US End of Year Tax Form

View Batch Jobs Duty

View ESS Batch Jobs in Scheduled Processes workarea.

Manage Scheduled Processes Work Area

View Batch Jobs

Worker Document Management Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own document data.

Manage Person Documentation

Worker Duty

Performs worker related tasks.

Manage My Portrait Work Area

Worker Gallery Search Duty

Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.

Search Worker

View Nonworker Portrait

View Person Gallery Work Area

View Worker Portrait

Worker Information Sharing Duty

Shares own employment information with line managers or external parties.

Share Worker Information

Worker Onboarding Duty

Duty role that permits newly hired workers to complete the onboarding tasks associated with an onboarding process.

Complete Onboarding

Review Assignment

Review Compensation

Review Roles

Verify Personal Information

View Welcome Information

Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Manages workers' addresses, e-mails, phones, and other personal information.

Print Worker Portrait

Worker Role Management Duty

Manages worker roles.

Self Request Roles

View Own Account Details

Workforce Processes Work Area Navigation Duty

Duty role that provides access to the Workforce Processes and Tasks work area

Manage Workforce Processes Work Area

Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Performs workforce profile duties as an employee or contingent worker.

Define Talent Profile

Define Talent Profile Item

Manage Model Talent Profile

Manage Person Talent Profile

Manage Talent Profile Interest List

Match Talent Profile

Update Talent Profile Item

View Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the abstract role Contingent Worker

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Activities and Interests

A Contingent Worker can view activities and interests for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Activities and Interests (Data)

Resource: Activities and Interests

Activity Stream

A Contingent Worker can view activity stream for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Activity Stream (Data)

Resource: Activity Stream

Application Attachment

A Contingent Worker can delete application attachment for the categories including miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to payables

Role: Purchase Order Attachment Management as Procurement Requester Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Contingent Worker can read application attachment for the categories including document, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to payables

Role: Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Contingent Worker can read application attachment for the categories including miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, to payables, to receiver, and to supplier

Role: Negotiation Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Contingent Worker can update application attachment for the categories including miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to payables

Role: Purchase Order Attachment Management as Procurement Requester Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Reference Territory

A Contingent Worker can choose application reference territory for countries in their country security profile

Role: Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Choose Application Reference Territory (Data)

Resource: Application Reference Territory

Beneficiary Organization

A Contingent Worker can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Beneficiary Organization

Benefit Authorization

A Contingent Worker can view benefit authorization for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: View Benefit Authorization (Data)

Resource: Benefit Authorization

Benefit Covered Dependent

A Contingent Worker can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Benefit Covered Dependent

Benefit Participant Enrollment Action

A Contingent Worker can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Enrollment Action

Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

A Contingent Worker can review benefit participant enrollment result for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Review Benefit Participant Enrollment Result (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

A Contingent Worker can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

Benefit Participant Rate

A Contingent Worker can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Rate

Benefit Relation

A Contingent Worker can manage benefit relation for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Manage Benefit Relation (Data)

Resource: Benefit Relation


A Contingent Worker can view bookmark for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Bookmark (Data)

Resource: Bookmark

Corporate Card Transaction Dispute Note

A Contingent Worker can manage expense for themselves

Role: Expense Entry Duty

Privilege: Manage Expense (Data)

Resource: Corporate Card Transaction Dispute Note


A Contingent Worker can manage expense for themselves

Role: Expense Entry Duty

Privilege: Manage Expense (Data)

Resource: Expense

Expense Report

A Contingent Worker can manage expense report for themselves

Role: Expense Entry Duty

Privilege: Manage Expense Report (Data)

Resource: Expense Report

HR Job

A Contingent Worker can choose hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Help Topic

A Contingent Worker can view secured custom help content for all secured help content they are authorized

Role: View Secured Custom Help Duty

Privilege: View Secured Custom Help Content

Resource: Help Topic


A Contingent Worker can maintain item asset maintenance group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Asset Maintenance Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item attribute for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Attribute (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item basic for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Basic (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item costing group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Costing Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item general planning group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item General Planning Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item inventory group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Inventory Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item invoicing group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Invoicing Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item lead times group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Lead Times Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item mrp and mps group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item MRP and MPS Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item order management group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Order Management Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item pack for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Pack (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item people for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item People (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item physical group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Physical Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item primary group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Primary Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item process manufacturing group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Process Manufacturing Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item purchasing group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Purchasing Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item receiving group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Receiving Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item revision for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Revision (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item service group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Service Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item structure for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Structure (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item structure group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Structure Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item web option group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Web Option Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can maintain item work in process group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Work in Process Group (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can view item attribute for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: View Item Attribute (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can view item basic for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: View Item Basic (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can view item pack for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: View Item Pack (Data)

Resource: Item

A Contingent Worker can view item structure for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: View Item Structure (Data)

Resource: Item


A Contingent Worker can view kudos for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Kudos (Data)

Resource: Kudos

Message Board

A Contingent Worker can view message board for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Message Board (Data)

Resource: Message Board

Network Activities

A Contingent Worker can view network activities for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Network Activities (Data)

Resource: Network Activities

Payroll Personal Deduction

A Contingent Worker can update US W-4 for themselves if they are employed by a US legal employer

Role: US Employee Portrait Gallery Duty

Privilege: Update US W-4 (Data)

Resource: Payroll Personal Deduction

A Contingent Worker can view chinese accounts for themselves if they are employed by a chinese legal employer

Role: Chinese Accounts View Duty

Privilege: View Chinese Accounts (Data)

Resource: Payroll Personal Deduction


A Contingent Worker can change person address for themselves

Role: Person Address Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Change Person Address (Data)

Resource: Person

A Contingent Worker can change person marital status for themselves

Role: Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Change Person Marital Status (Data)

Resource: Person

A Contingent Worker can manage worker public portrait for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Worker Public Portrait (Data)

Resource: Person

A Contingent Worker can print worker portrait for themselves

Role: Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Print Worker Portrait (Data)

Resource: Person

A Contingent Worker can share worker information for themselves

Role: Worker Information Sharing Duty

Privilege: Share Worker Information (Data)

Resource: Person

A Contingent Worker can view worker availability portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Availability Duty

Privilege: View Worker Availability Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Person

A Contingent Worker can view worker personal and employment portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Personal and Employment Duty

Privilege: View Worker Personal and Employment Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Person

Person Address

A Contingent Worker can manage person private address details for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Private Address Details (Data)

Resource: Person Address

Person Assignment

A Contingent Worker can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Employment Information Duty

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Communication Method

A Contingent Worker can manage person communication method for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Communication Method (Data)

Resource: Person Communication Method

A Contingent Worker can view person communication method for private communication methods granted to the user for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Privilege: View Person Communication Method (Data)

Resource: Person Communication Method

Person Contact Relationship

A Contingent Worker can manage person contact details for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Contact Details (Data)

Resource: Person Contact Relationship

A Contingent Worker can manage person private contact details for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Private Contact Details (Data)

Resource: Person Contact Relationship

Person Documentation

A Contingent Worker can manage person documentation for document types in their document types security profile for themselves

Role: Worker Document Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

Person Email

A Contingent Worker can manage person email for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

A Contingent Worker can view person email for work e-mail addresses and private e-mail addresses granted to the user for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Privilege: View Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Image

A Contingent Worker can manage person image for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Image (Data)

Resource: Person Image

A Contingent Worker can view person image for public images for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Privilege: View Person Image (Data)

Resource: Person Image

Person Life Event

A Contingent Worker can manage person life event for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Life Event (Data)

Resource: Person Life Event

Person Name

A Contingent Worker can change person name for themselves

Role: Person Name Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Change Person Name (Data)

Resource: Person Name

Person National Identifier

A Contingent Worker can view person national identifier for themselves

Role: Person National Identifier View Duty

Privilege: View Person National Identifier (Data)

Resource: Person National Identifier

Person Phone

A Contingent Worker can manage person phone for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Phone (Data)

Resource: Person Phone

A Contingent Worker can view person phone for work phone numbers and private phone numbers granted to the user for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Privilege: View Person Phone (Data)

Resource: Person Phone

Plan Beneficiary Designation

A Contingent Worker can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Plan Beneficiary Designation

Portrait Private Note

A Contingent Worker can manage portrait private note for themselves

Role: Worker Processes Duty

Privilege: Manage Portrait Private Note (Data)

Resource: Portrait Private Note


A Contingent Worker can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Primary Care Provider

A Contingent Worker can define plan primary care provider for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Define Plan Primary Care Provider (Data)

Resource: Primary Care Provider

Public Person

A Contingent Worker can choose public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Public Person Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

A Contingent Worker can compare hcm information for themselves

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Compare HCM Information

Resource: Public Person

A Contingent Worker can search person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Gallery Search Duty

Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

A Contingent Worker can view worker contact portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Contact Duty

Privilege: View Worker Contact Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Public Person


A Contingent Worker can manage requisition for themselves for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Requisition Self Service User Duty

Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

A Contingent Worker can manage requisition for themselves for the financial business unit associated with their primary assignment

Role: Requisition Self Service User Duty

Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


A Contingent Worker can view salary details for themselves

Role: Personal Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: View Salary Details (Data)

Resource: Salary

A Contingent Worker can view worker compensation portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Compensation Duty

Privilege: View Worker Compensation Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Salary

Social Connection

A Contingent Worker can view social connection for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Connection (Data)

Resource: Social Connection

Social Group

A Contingent Worker can view social group for themselves

Role: Social Group Participation Duty

Privilege: View Social Group (Data)

Resource: Social Group

Social Profile

A Contingent Worker can view social profile for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Profile (Data)

Resource: Social Profile

Talent Profile

A Contingent Worker can match talent profile person for themselves

Role: Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Privilege: Match Talent Profile Person (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

A Contingent Worker can view talent profile model for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Model (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

A Contingent Worker can view talent profile person for themselves

Role: Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Person (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

Talent Profile Item

A Contingent Worker can view talent profile item worker for themselves

Role: Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Item Worker (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile Item


A Contingent Worker can manage tasks for themselves

Role: Task Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Tasks (Data)

Resource: Task

Total Compensation Statement

A Contingent Worker can view total compensation statement already generated for themselves

Role: Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty

Privilege: View Total Compensation Statement Already Generated (Data)

Resource: Total Compensation Statement

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Contingent Worker can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Contingent Worker can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Contingent Worker can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Contingent Worker can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Contingent Worker can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Contingent Worker can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Contingent Worker can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Contingent Worker can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Contingent Worker can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Contingent Worker can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Contingent Worker can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Contingent Worker can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

User Roles

A Contingent Worker can self request roles for themselves

Role: Worker Role Management Duty

Privilege: Self Request Roles (Data)

Resource: User Roles

A Contingent Worker can view own account details for themselves

Role: Worker Role Management Duty

Privilege: View Own Account Details (Data)

Resource: User Roles

Variable Compensation Allocation

A Contingent Worker can manage variable compensation allocation by worker for themselves

Role: Personal Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Variable Compensation Allocation by Worker (Data)

Resource: Variable Compensation Allocation


A Contingent Worker can choose worker for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Contingent Worker can compare worker employment information for themselves

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Compare Worker Employment Information (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Contingent Worker can review worker availability for themselves

Role: Worker Availability Viewing Duty

Privilege: Review Worker Availability (Data)

Resource: Worker

Job Role: Customer Contract Administrator

Works with sales account teams and legal to negotiate and author customer contracts. Tracks critical contract milestones, service level agreements, and assists account teams during contract renewals and amendments.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Customer Contract Administrator

Duty Role


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

Manages document sequences and document sequence categories.

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application document sequence categories.

Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application flexfields value sets.

Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application profile option values.

Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

Contract Amendment Duty

Amends approved contracts. This includes initiating an amendment, reverting the contract to the previous signed version, updating all allowable attributes, and submitting the amendment for approval.

Contract Authoring Duty

Authors contracts, including terms and conditions, interactions, and customer account information.

Contract Closeout Duty

Closes contracts or contract lines for active or expired contracts.

Contract Export Management Duty

Manages contracts export.

Contract File Import Duty

Manages contracts file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views contracts for the assigned business units.

Contract Setup Duty

Contract Setup

Contract Text Search Duty

Duty role to search contracts by text

Contract UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Contracts pages

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Customer Contract Management Duty

Negotiates and authors customer contracts. Also manages amendment and closeout of these contracts.

Customer Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views customer contracts for the assigned business units.

Customer Contract Setup Duty

In addition to the setup activities allowed by the Contract Setup Duty, this duty performs setup activities that are specific to customer contracts, such as managing customer contract management business function settings and billing accounts.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of interaction data. Interactions record inbound and outbound communications.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authoring Duty

Authors nonstandard terms and conditions in addition to standard terms and conditions. Nonstandard terms authoring includes editing standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses, deleting nonstandard clauses and sections, and removing contract terms.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Review purchase order, purchase agreement, and referenced document attachments.

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Customer Contract Administrator

Inherited Roles

Customer Contract Administrator

          Contract File Import Duty

                    File Import Scheduling Duty

                              Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

          Customer Contract Management Duty

                    Contract Amendment Duty

                    Contract Authoring Duty

                    Contract Closeout Duty

                    Contract Export Management Duty

                              CRM Export Management Duty

                    Customer Contract Search and View Access Duty

                              Contract Search and View Access Duty

                                        Contract Text Search Duty

                                        Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                        Interaction Management Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Item Inquiry Duty

                                        Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                    Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authoring Duty

          Customer Contract Setup Duty

                    Contract Setup Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

                              Application Lookup Administration Duty

                              Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

                              Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

                              Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Contract UI Customization Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Customer Contract Administrator.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

View Administration Link

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

Manages document sequences and document sequence categories.

Manage Application Document Sequence

Manage Application Document Sequence Category

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage Application Standard Lookup

Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application document sequence categories.

Manage Application Document Sequence Category

Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application flexfields value sets.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application profile option values.

Manage All Application Profile Values

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

Run CRM Export Process

Set Up CRM Objects for Export

Contract Amendment Duty

Amends approved contracts. This includes initiating an amendment, reverting the contract to the previous signed version, updating all allowable attributes, and submitting the amendment for approval.

Amend Contract

Cancel Contract

Close Contract

Create Contract

Delete Contract

Edit Contract

Hold Contract

View Contract

Contract Authoring Duty

Authors contracts, including terms and conditions, interactions, and customer account information.

Assign Contract Owner

Create Contract

Create Contract in Wizard

Delete Contract

Edit Contract

Edit Contract in Wizard

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

Manage Contract Work Area

Purge Contract Temporary Tables

Search Contracts

Send Contract Expiration Notification

View Contract

Contract Closeout Duty

Closes contracts or contract lines for active or expired contracts.

Close Contract

Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views contracts for the assigned business units.

Manage Contract Work Area

Search Contract by Text

Search Contracts

View Contract

View Contract Terms

Contract Setup Duty

Contract Setup

Build Keyword Search Index for the Contract Terms Library

Define Project Contract Billing Configuration

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

Manage Contract Currency Conversion Rate Types

Manage Contract Customer Account

Manage Contract Customer Account Site Usages

Manage Contract Global Employee

Manage Contract Interaction Reference Mapping

Manage Contract Layout Templates

Manage Contract Line Item

Manage Contract Line Type

Manage Contract Note Type Mapping

Manage Contract Organization Party

Manage Contract Party Contact

Manage Contract Party Location

Manage Contract Party Role and Contact Sources

Manage Contract Payment Terms

Manage Contract Person Party

Manage Contract Risk Event

Manage Contract Standard Clauses, Templates, and Contract Expert Rules

Manage Contract Type

Specify Customer Contract Management Business Function Properties

Specify Procurement Contract Management Business Function Properties

Track Purchasing Activity for Contract Fulfillment Line

Update Contract Status

View Contract Type

Contract Text Search Duty

Duty role to search contracts by text

Search Contract Text

Contract UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Contracts pages

Customize Contract UI

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Contract Management Duty

Negotiates and authors customer contracts. Also manages amendment and closeout of these contracts.

Enable Sell Intent

Include Project Attributes in Contract Search Pages

Customer Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views customer contracts for the assigned business units.

Enable Sell Intent

Customer Contract Setup Duty

In addition to the setup activities allowed by the Contract Setup Duty, this duty performs setup activities that are specific to customer contracts, such as managing customer contract management business function settings and billing accounts.

Enable Sell Intent

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Search Supplier Negotiation

View Supplier Negotiation

Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authoring Duty

Authors nonstandard terms and conditions in addition to standard terms and conditions. Nonstandard terms authoring includes editing standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses, deleting nonstandard clauses and sections, and removing contract terms.

Author Additional Standard Contract Terms and Conditions

Author Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions

Author Standard Contract Terms and Conditions

View Contract Terms

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Purchase Order

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Customer Contract Administrator

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Application Attachment

A Customer Contract Administrator can read application attachment for the categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment Category

A Customer Contract Administrator can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Customer Contract Administrator can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Customer Contract Administrator can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Application Document Sequence Category

A Customer Contract Administrator can manage application document sequence category for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Document Sequence Category (Data)

Resource: Application Document Sequence Category

Application Flexfield Value Set

A Customer Contract Administrator can manage application flexfield value set for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Flexfield Value Set (Data)

Resource: Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Profile Value

A Customer Contract Administrator can delete application profile value for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Profile Value (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Value

A Customer Contract Administrator can update application profile value for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Application Profile Value (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Value


A Customer Contract Administrator can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract Amendment Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Role: Contract Authoring Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Role: Contract Closeout Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Contract Export Object

A Customer Contract Administrator can view contract export object for all the contract export objects

Role: Contract Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Contract Export Object (Data)

Resource: Contract Export Object

Contract File Import Object

A Customer Contract Administrator can view contract import for all the contract file import objects

Role: Contract File Import Duty

Privilege: View Contract Import (Data)

Resource: Contract File Import Object

Contract Note

A Customer Contract Administrator can manage contract note for notes that are not private or private notes where they are the author.

Role: Contract Amendment Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Role: Contract Authoring Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Customer Account

A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

File Export Batch

A Customer Contract Administrator can view file export batch for all export batches

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: View File Export Batch (Data)

Resource: File Export Batch

File Export Object

A Customer Contract Administrator can manage export unit test for all export unit test objects

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Export Unit Test (Data)

Resource: File Export Object


A Customer Contract Administrator can delete interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Customer Contract Administrator can update interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Customer Contract Administrator can view interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Customer Contract Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Customer Contract Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Customer Contract Administrator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Job Role: Customer Contract Manager

Manages a team of customer contract administrators.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Customer Contract Manager

Duty Role


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

Manages document sequences and document sequence categories.

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application document sequence categories.

Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application flexfields value sets.

Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application profile option values.

Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

Contract Amendment Duty

Amends approved contracts. This includes initiating an amendment, reverting the contract to the previous signed version, updating all allowable attributes, and submitting the amendment for approval.

Contract Authoring Duty

Authors contracts, including terms and conditions, interactions, and customer account information.

Contract Closeout Duty

Closes contracts or contract lines for active or expired contracts.

Contract Export Management Duty

Manages contracts export.

Contract File Import Duty

Manages contracts file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Contract Import from File Setup Duty

Configures the mapping between the import file attributes and the contract attributes.

Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views contracts for the assigned business units.

Contract Setup Duty

Contract Setup

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Controls Duty

Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory clauses and sections in addition to authoring nonstandard terms and conditions.

Contract Text Search Duty

Duty role to search contracts by text

Contract UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Contracts pages

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Customer Contract Management Duty

Negotiates and authors customer contracts. Also manages amendment and closeout of these contracts.

Customer Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views customer contracts for the assigned business units.

Customer Contract Setup Duty

In addition to the setup activities allowed by the Contract Setup Duty, this duty performs setup activities that are specific to customer contracts, such as managing customer contract management business function settings and billing accounts.

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of interaction data. Interactions record inbound and outbound communications.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authoring Duty

Authors nonstandard terms and conditions in addition to standard terms and conditions. Nonstandard terms authoring includes editing standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses, deleting nonstandard clauses and sections, and removing contract terms.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Project Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views project contracts for the assigned business units.

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Review purchase order, purchase agreement, and referenced document attachments.

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Customer Contract Manager

Inherited Roles

Customer Contract Manager

          Contract File Import Duty

                    File Import Scheduling Duty

                              Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

          Contract Import from File Setup Duty

                    File Import Management Duty

                              File Import Scheduling Duty

                                        Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

          Contract Terms and Conditions Override Controls Duty

          Customer Contract Management Duty

                    Contract Amendment Duty

                    Contract Authoring Duty

                    Contract Closeout Duty

                    Contract Export Management Duty

                              CRM Export Management Duty

                    Customer Contract Search and View Access Duty

                              Contract Search and View Access Duty

                                        Contract Text Search Duty

                                        Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                        Interaction Management Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Item Inquiry Duty

                                        Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                    Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authoring Duty

          Customer Contract Setup Duty

                    Contract Setup Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

                              Application Lookup Administration Duty

                              Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

                              Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

                              Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Contract UI Customization Duty

          Functional Setups Duty

          Project Contract Search and View Access Duty

                    Contract Search and View Access Duty

                              Contract Text Search Duty

                              Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                              Interaction Management Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Item Inquiry Duty

                              Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                              Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Customer Contract Manager.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

View Administration Link

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

Manages document sequences and document sequence categories.

Manage Application Document Sequence

Manage Application Document Sequence Category

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage Application Standard Lookup

Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application document sequence categories.

Manage Application Document Sequence Category

Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application flexfields value sets.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application profile option values.

Manage All Application Profile Values

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

Run CRM Export Process

Set Up CRM Objects for Export

Contract Amendment Duty

Amends approved contracts. This includes initiating an amendment, reverting the contract to the previous signed version, updating all allowable attributes, and submitting the amendment for approval.

Amend Contract

Cancel Contract

Close Contract

Create Contract

Delete Contract

Edit Contract

Hold Contract

View Contract

Contract Authoring Duty

Authors contracts, including terms and conditions, interactions, and customer account information.

Assign Contract Owner

Create Contract

Create Contract in Wizard

Delete Contract

Edit Contract

Edit Contract in Wizard

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

Manage Contract Work Area

Purge Contract Temporary Tables

Search Contracts

Send Contract Expiration Notification

View Contract

Contract Closeout Duty

Closes contracts or contract lines for active or expired contracts.

Close Contract

Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views contracts for the assigned business units.

Manage Contract Work Area

Search Contract by Text

Search Contracts

View Contract

View Contract Terms

Contract Setup Duty

Contract Setup

Build Keyword Search Index for the Contract Terms Library

Define Project Contract Billing Configuration

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

Manage Contract Currency Conversion Rate Types

Manage Contract Customer Account

Manage Contract Customer Account Site Usages

Manage Contract Global Employee

Manage Contract Interaction Reference Mapping

Manage Contract Layout Templates

Manage Contract Line Item

Manage Contract Line Type

Manage Contract Note Type Mapping

Manage Contract Organization Party

Manage Contract Party Contact

Manage Contract Party Location

Manage Contract Party Role and Contact Sources

Manage Contract Payment Terms

Manage Contract Person Party

Manage Contract Risk Event

Manage Contract Standard Clauses, Templates, and Contract Expert Rules

Manage Contract Type

Specify Customer Contract Management Business Function Properties

Specify Procurement Contract Management Business Function Properties

Track Purchasing Activity for Contract Fulfillment Line

Update Contract Status

View Contract Type

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Controls Duty

Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory clauses and sections in addition to authoring nonstandard terms and conditions.

Author Additional Standard Contract Terms and Conditions

Author Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions

Author Standard Contract Terms and Conditions

Override Contract Terms and Conditions Controls

View Contract Terms

Contract Text Search Duty

Duty role to search contracts by text

Search Contract Text

Contract UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Contracts pages

Customize Contract UI

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Contract Management Duty

Negotiates and authors customer contracts. Also manages amendment and closeout of these contracts.

Enable Sell Intent

Include Project Attributes in Contract Search Pages

Customer Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views customer contracts for the assigned business units.

Enable Sell Intent

Customer Contract Setup Duty

In addition to the setup activities allowed by the Contract Setup Duty, this duty performs setup activities that are specific to customer contracts, such as managing customer contract management business function settings and billing accounts.

Enable Sell Intent

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

Set Up File Import Object and Mapping

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Review Applications Offering

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Setup and Maintain Applications

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Search Supplier Negotiation

View Supplier Negotiation

Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authoring Duty

Authors nonstandard terms and conditions in addition to standard terms and conditions. Nonstandard terms authoring includes editing standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses, deleting nonstandard clauses and sections, and removing contract terms.

Author Additional Standard Contract Terms and Conditions

Author Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions

Author Standard Contract Terms and Conditions

View Contract Terms

Project Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views project contracts for the assigned business units.

Enable Sell Intent

Include Project Attributes in Contract Search Pages

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Purchase Order

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Customer Contract Manager

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Application Attachment

A Customer Contract Manager can read application attachment for the categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment Category

A Customer Contract Manager can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Customer Contract Manager can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Customer Contract Manager can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Application Document Sequence Category

A Customer Contract Manager can manage application document sequence category for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Document Sequence Category (Data)

Resource: Application Document Sequence Category

Application Flexfield Value Set

A Customer Contract Manager can manage application flexfield value set for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Flexfield Value Set (Data)

Resource: Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Profile Value

A Customer Contract Manager can delete application profile value for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Profile Value (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Value

A Customer Contract Manager can update application profile value for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Application Profile Value (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Value


A Customer Contract Manager can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract Amendment Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Role: Contract Authoring Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Role: Contract Closeout Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Contract Export Object

A Customer Contract Manager can view contract export object for all the contract export objects

Role: Contract Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Contract Export Object (Data)

Resource: Contract Export Object

Contract File Import Object

A Customer Contract Manager can view contract import for all the contract file import objects

Role: Contract File Import Duty

Privilege: View Contract Import (Data)

Resource: Contract File Import Object

Role: Contract Import from File Setup Duty

Privilege: View Contract Import (Data)

Resource: Contract File Import Object

Contract Note

A Customer Contract Manager can manage contract note for notes that are not private or private notes where they are the author.

Role: Contract Amendment Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Role: Contract Authoring Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Customer Account

A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

File Export Batch

A Customer Contract Manager can view file export batch for all export batches

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: View File Export Batch (Data)

Resource: File Export Batch

File Export Object

A Customer Contract Manager can manage export unit test for all export unit test objects

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Export Unit Test (Data)

Resource: File Export Object


A Customer Contract Manager can delete interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Customer Contract Manager can update interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Customer Contract Manager can view interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Customer Contract Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Customer Contract Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Customer Contract Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Job Role: Customer Data Steward

Performs customer data management activities including data import, cleansing, duplicate identification, and duplicate resolution.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Customer Data Steward

Duty Role


Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

Manage application reference data set and assignments.

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

Manages application tree structure.

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Application World Reference Administration Duty

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

Appointment File Import Duty

Manage the appointment file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Addresses Management Duty

Manages customer account address information.

Customer Account Contact Responsibilities Management Duty

Manages customer account contact responsibility information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Contacts Management Duty

Manages customer account contact.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Information Management Duty

Manages customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Customer Account Relationships Management Duty

Manages customer account relationship information.

Customer Data Steward Duty

Enterprise duty role that inherits all duties performed by the Customer Data Steward

Data Steward Analysis Duty

BI duty role to perform data quality analysis of customer data.

Data Steward Transaction Analysis Duty

BI duty role to perform data quality analysis of customer data. Maps to Data Steward Manager / Customer Data Steward roles

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Group Information Management Duty

Manages group basic and child information.

Interaction File Import Duty

Manage interaction file import objects, mappings, activities.

Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage legal contact preferences

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Note File Import Duty

Manages the note file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Organization Information Inquiry Duty

Views organization basic information.

Organization Information Management Duty

Manages organization basic information.

Organization Relationships Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage organization relationship information

Organization Removal Duty

Removes organizations.

Party Center Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view party center nodes.

Party Center Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage party center nodes.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Person Information Inquiry Duty

Views person basic information.

Person Information Management Duty

Manages person information.

Person Relationships Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage person Relationship information

Person Removal Duty

Removes people.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Contact Information Management Duty

Manages personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Personal Identifier Management Duty

Manages social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.

Sales Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Sales Analysis module.

Task File Import Duty

Manage the task file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Trading Community Confidential PII Management Duty

Manages personally identifiable information.

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch Management Duty

Manages data cleansing batches.

Trading Community Data Cleansing Process Management Duty

Manages data cleansing process.

Trading Community Data Quality Analytics Duty

Trading Community Data Quality Analytics Duty

Trading Community Data Quality Management Duty

Performs real-time and batch data quality functions such as matching and cleansing.

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view duplicate identification batches

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage duplicate identification batches

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view duplicate resolution requests

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage duplicate resolution requests

Trading Community Hierarchy Management Duty

Manages hierarchies.

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Trading Community Link Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage trading community links

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Customer Data Steward

Inherited Roles

Customer Data Steward

          Business Intelligence Applications Worker

                    Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

          Customer Data Steward Duty

                    Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

                    Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

                    Application World Reference Administration Duty

                    Appointment File Import Duty

                    Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

                    Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                    Customer Account Addresses Management Duty

                              Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                    Customer Account Contact Responsibilities Management Duty

                    Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                    Customer Account Contacts Management Duty

                              Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                    Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                    Customer Account Information Management Duty

                              Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                    Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                    Customer Account Relationships Management Duty

                              Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                    Data Steward Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                    File Import Management Duty

                              File Import Scheduling Duty

                                        Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                    Functional Setups Duty

                    Group Information Management Duty

                    Interaction File Import Duty

                    Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

                    Locations Management Duty

                              Locations Inquiry Duty

                    Note File Import Duty

                    Organization Information Management Duty

                              Organization Information Inquiry Duty

                              Organization Relationships Management Duty

                    Organization Removal Duty

                    Party Center Inquiry Duty

                    Party Center Management Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Person Information Management Duty

                              Person Information Inquiry Duty

                              Person Relationships Management Duty

                    Person Removal Duty

                    Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Task File Import Duty

                    Trading Community Confidential PII Management Duty

                              Personal Contact Information Management Duty

                              Personal Identifier Management Duty

                              Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                    Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch Management Duty

                    Trading Community Data Cleansing Process Management Duty

                    Trading Community Data Quality Analytics Duty

                    Trading Community Data Quality Management Duty

                    Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

                              Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Inquiry Duty

                    Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

                              Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Inquiry Duty

                    Trading Community Hierarchy Management Duty

                              Application Tree Administration Duty

                              Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

                    Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                    Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

                    Trading Community Link Management Duty

          Data Steward Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Sales Analysis Currency Preference

          Data Steward Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Customer Data Steward.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

Manage application reference data set and assignments.

Manage Application Reference Data Set

Manage Application Reference Data Set Assignment

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Manage Application Tree

Manage Application Tree Label

Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

Manages application tree structure.

Manage Application Tree Structure

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Manage My Application Profile Values

Application World Reference Administration Duty

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Currency

Manage Application Reference ISO Language

Manage Application Reference Industry

Manage Application Reference Language

Manage Application Reference Natural Language

Manage Application Reference Territory

Manage Application Reference Timezone

Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

View Audit Trail Report

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Addresses Management Duty

Manages customer account address information.

Add Customer Account Site Use

Correct Customer Account Site

Create Customer Account Site

Export Customer Account Site

Move Customer Account Site

Remove Customer Account Site

Remove Customer Account Site Use

Update Customer Account Site Use

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contact Responsibilities Management Duty

Manages customer account contact responsibility information.

Enter Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Remove Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Select Customer Account Contact Responsibility as Primary

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Contacts Management Duty

Manages customer account contact.

Add Customer Account Contact

Remove Customer Account Contact

Select Customer Account Contact as Primary

Update Customer Account Contact

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Information Management Duty

Manages customer account basic information.

Enter Customer Account

Remove Customer Account

Update Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Account Relationships Management Duty

Manages customer account relationship information.

Enter Customer Account Relationship

Remove Customer Account Relationship

Update Customer Account Relationship

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

Set Up File Import Object and Mapping

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Review Applications Offering

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Setup and Maintain Applications

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Search Trading Community Location

View Trading Community Location

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Enter Trading Community Location

Remove Trading Community Location

Update Trading Community Location

Organization Information Inquiry Duty

Views organization basic information.

View Trading Community Organization

Organization Information Management Duty

Manages organization basic information.

Enter Trading Community Organization Information

Manage Organization Attachments

Manage Organization Interactions

Manage Organization Notes

Manage Trading Community Organization Usage Assignment

Submit Organization Merge Request

Update Trading Community Organization

Organization Relationships Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage organization relationship information

Add Trading Community Organization Relationship

Remove Trading Community Organization Relationship

Update Trading Community Organization Relationship

Organization Removal Duty

Removes organizations.

Remove Trading Community Organization

Party Center Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view party center nodes.

View Party Center Organization Profile History

View Party Center Person Profile History

View Party Center Relationships

View Party Center Source System References

Party Center Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage party center nodes.

Manage Party Center Relationships

Manage Party Center Source System References

View Party Center Organization Profile History

View Party Center Person Profile History

Person Information Inquiry Duty

Views person basic information.

View Trading Community Person

Person Information Management Duty

Manages person information.

Enter Trading Community Person

Manage Person Attachments

Manage Person Interactions

Manage Person Notes

Manage Trading Community Person Usage Assignment

Submit Person Merge Request

Update Trading Community Person

Person Relationships Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage person Relationship information

Add Trading Community Person Relationship

Remove Trading Community Person Relationship

Update Trading Community Person Relationship

Person Removal Duty

Removes people.

Remove Trading Community Person

Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch Management Duty

Manages data cleansing batches.

Search Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch

View Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch List and Env Statistics

View Trading Community Data Management Dashboard

Trading Community Data Cleansing Process Management Duty

Manages data cleansing process.

Accept Trading Community Data Cleansing Process Results

Enter Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch Process Information

Run Trading Community Data Cleansing Results Acceptance Process

Run Trading Community Data Cleansing Results Rejection Process

Trading Community Data Quality Analytics Duty

Trading Community Data Quality Analytics Duty

View Trading Community Data Quality Analytics Report

Trading Community Data Quality Management Duty

Performs real-time and batch data quality functions such as matching and cleansing.

Cleanse Trading Community Data Real-Time

Match Trading Community Data Real-Time

Run Trading Community Data Quality Batch Cleanse Process

Run Trading Community Data Quality Batch Cleanse Sub-Process

Run Trading Community Data Quality Batch Match Process

Run Trading Community Data Quality Batch Match Sub-Process

Run Trading Community Data Quality Data Synchronization Process

Run Trading Community Data Quality Data Synchronization Sub-Process

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view duplicate identification batches

Search Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

View Trading Community Data Management Dashboard

View Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

View Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Nonduplicate Mapping

View Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note

View Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Rejected Batches

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage duplicate identification batches

Enter Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

Manage Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note

Manage Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note Type

Manage Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note Type Mapping

Reject Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view duplicate resolution requests

Search Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

View Trading Community Data Management Dashboard

View Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

View Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note

View Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Rejected Requests

View Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Resolution History

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage duplicate resolution requests

Enter Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

Manage Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note

Manage Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note Type

Manage Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note Type Mapping

Override Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Mapping

Process Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

Reject Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

View Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note

Trading Community Hierarchy Management Duty

Manages hierarchies.

Manage Trading Community Hierarchy

Run Trading Community Hierarchy Audit Job

View Trading Community Hierarchy

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Modify Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Link Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage trading community links

Delete Trading Community Link

Enter Trading Community Link Information

Update Trading Community Link

View Trading Community Link

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Customer Data Steward

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Application Attachment Category

A Customer Data Steward can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Customer Data Steward can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Customer Data Steward can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Appointment File Import Activity

A Customer Data Steward can view appointment file import activity object type for all appointment file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Appointment File Import Duty

Privilege: View Appointment File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Appointment File Import Activity

Appointment File Import Mapping

A Customer Data Steward can view appointment file import mapping object type for all appointment file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Appointment File Import Duty

Privilege: View Appointment File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Appointment File Import Mapping

Appointment File Import Object

A Customer Data Steward can view appointment file import object type for all appointment file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Appointment File Import Duty

Privilege: View Appointment File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Appointment File Import Object

Consumer File Import Activity

A Customer Data Steward can view consumer file import activity object type for all consumer file import activities of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Activity

Consumer File Import Mapping

A Customer Data Steward can view consumer file import mapping object type for all consumer file import mappings of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Mapping

Consumer File Import Object

A Customer Data Steward can view consumer file import object type for all consumer file import objects of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Object

Contact File Import Activity

A Customer Data Steward can view contact file import activity object type for all contact file import activities of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Activity

Contact File Import Mapping

A Customer Data Steward can view contact file import mapping object type for all contact file import mappings of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Mapping

Contact File Import Object

A Customer Data Steward can view contact file import object type for all contact file import objects of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Object

Customer Account

A Customer Data Steward can update customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

A Customer Data Steward can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

Customer File Import Activity

A Customer Data Steward can view customer file import activity object type for all customer file import activities of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Activity

Customer File Import Mapping

A Customer Data Steward can view customer file import mapping object type for all customer file import mappings of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Mapping

Customer File Import Object

A Customer Data Steward can view customer file import object type for all customer file import objects of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Object

Group Customer File Import Activity

A Customer Data Steward can view group customer file import activity object type for all group customer file import activities of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Activity

Group Customer File Import Mapping

A Customer Data Steward can view group customer file import mapping object type for all group customer file import mappings of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Mapping

Group Customer File Import Object

A Customer Data Steward can view group customer file import object type for all group customer file import objects of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Object

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Customer Data Steward can view hierarchy file import activity object type for all hierarchy file import activities of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Customer Data Steward can view hierarchy file import mapping object type for all hierarchy file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Object

A Customer Data Steward can view hierarchy file import object type for all hierarchy file import objects of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Object

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Customer Data Steward can view hierarchy node file import activity object type for all hierarchy node file import activities of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Customer Data Steward can view hierarchy node file import mapping object type for all hierarchy node file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Object

A Customer Data Steward can view hierarchy node file import object type for all hierarchy node file import objects of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Object

Interaction File Import Activity

A Customer Data Steward can view interaction file import activity object type for all interaction file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorizedtion

Role: Interaction File Import Duty

Privilege: View Interaction File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Interaction File Import Activity

Interaction File Import Mapping

A Customer Data Steward can view interaction file import mapping object type for all interaction file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Interaction File Import Duty

Privilege: View Interaction File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Interaction File Import Mapping

Interaction File Import Object

A Customer Data Steward can view interaction file import object type for all interaction file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Interaction File Import Duty

Privilege: View Interaction File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Interaction File Import Object

Legal Entity File Import Activity

A Customer Data Steward can view legal entity file import activity object type for all legal entity file import activities of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Activity

Legal Entity File Import Mapping

A Customer Data Steward can view legal entity file import mapping object type for all legal entity file import mappings of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Mapping

Legal Entity File Import Object

A Customer Data Steward can view legal entity file import object type for all legal entity file import objects of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Object

Note File Import Activity

A Customer Data Steward can view note file import activity object type for all note file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Note File Import Duty

Privilege: View Note File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Note File Import Activity

Note File Import Mapping

A Customer Data Steward can view note file import mapping object type for all note file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Note File Import Duty

Privilege: View Note File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Note File Import Mapping

Note File Import Object

A Customer Data Steward can view note file import object type for all note file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Note File Import Duty

Privilege: View Note File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Note File Import Object

Task File Import Activity

A Customer Data Steward can view task file import activity object type for all task file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Task File Import Duty

Privilege: View Task File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Task File Import Activity

Task File Import Mapping

A Customer Data Steward can view task file import mapping object type for all task file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Task File Import Duty

Privilege: View Task File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Task File Import Mapping

Task File Import Object

A Customer Data Steward can view task file import object type for all task file import objects  in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Task File Import Duty

Privilege: View Task File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Task File Import Object

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Customer Data Steward can manage customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

A Customer Data Steward can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Customer Data Steward can manage customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Customer Data Steward can manage customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community data cleansing batch for all the data cleansing batches in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch

A Customer Data Steward can view trading community data cleansing batch for all the data cleansing batches in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community duplicate identification batch for all duplicate identification batches in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

A Customer Data Steward can reject trading community duplicate identification batch for self

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

Privilege: Reject Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

A Customer Data Steward can view trading community duplicate identification batch for all duplicate identification batches in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community duplicate identification batch note for all duplicate identification batches in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note

A Customer Data Steward can view trading community duplicate identification batch note for all duplicate identification batches in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

A Customer Data Steward can enter trading community duplicate resolution request for self

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

Privilege: Enter Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community duplicate resolution request for all duplicate resolution requests in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

A Customer Data Steward can process trading community duplicate resolution request for self

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

Privilege: Process Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

A Customer Data Steward can reject trading community duplicate resolution request for self

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

Privilege: Reject Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

A Customer Data Steward can view trading community duplicate resolution request for all duplicate resolution requests in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community duplicate resolution request note for all duplicate resolution requests in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note

A Customer Data Steward can view trading community duplicate resolution request note for all duplicate resolution requests in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Customer Data Steward can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Customer Data Steward can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Customer Data Steward can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Job Role: Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator

Individual responsible for customer relationship management application administration. Collaborates with customer relationship management application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator

Duty Role


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages all application profile values.

Application Attachment Administration Duty

Manages attachment categories and entities.

Application Data Security Administration Duty

Manages data security policies and database resources.

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

Manages document sequences and document sequence categories.

Application Help Text Administration Duty

Adds and maintains custom help for all applications.

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Application Message Administration Duty

Manages application messages.

Application Profile Option Registration Duty

Manages application profile categories and profile options.

Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

Manage application reference data set and assignments.

Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

Manages application taxonomy.

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

Manages application tree structure.

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Application World Reference Administration Duty

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application document sequence categories.

Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application flexfields value sets.

Applications Common Application Impersonator Role

Enables User to Impersonate as other Fusion Apps User, after Impersonatee grants him the privilege.

Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application profile option values.

Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

Appointment Note Management Duty

Manages creating and maintaining appointment notes.

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

Audit Trail Management Duty

Duty role to allow the administrator to configure and view the audit history.

Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

Business Intelligence Administration Duty

An Administrator of the Business Intellgience Server and Web Catalog. This role allows the user to maintain servers and services for Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Intelligence Consumer Duty

A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office. This role  allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a subject area.

Business Unit Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege that enables users to select a business unit, enabled for assignments and work terms, from a secured list determined by the organization security profile.

Bussiness Process Engineering Human Taskflow Administration Duty

This role grants a user the privilege to perform administrative actions in the workflow functionality via the worklist UI. A user in this role will be able to view all tasks in the system, recover errored (incorrectly assigned) tasks, create approval groups and edit task configuration / rules DT@RT UI (both AMX functionality) This is a business administrator type role. This role is granted to SOAAdmin.

CRM Administrative Analysis Duty

BI duty role to administer analysis in all key areas in CRM, including but not limited to Revenue,Quota, Forecasting,Territory, Marketing Programs, Leads, Responses and TCA.

CRM Application Administrator Duty

Consolidated duty role that allows an administrator to manage all setup duties and administer custom objects

CRM Auxiliary Data File Import Management Duty

This Duty Role enables an admin user to register objects , define column to attribute mapping, create an import job and schedule and run it

CRM Database Resource Administration Duty

Manages Customer Relationship Management application database resources.

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

CRM Extensibility Administration Duty

Manages extensible objects, business events, and e-mail templates, and custom subject areas for reporting.


Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server

Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

Provides channel roles a dashboard to manage their daily transactions.

Channel Operations Manager Duty

Enterprise Duty role that inherits all duties performed by Channel Operations Manager

Classification Administration Duty

Manage classification setup

Common Component Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all common components objects.

Contact Point Administration Duty

Grants privileges to manage contact point setup

Contract Export Management Duty

Manages contracts export.

Contract File Import Duty

Manages contracts file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Contract Import from File Setup Duty

Configures the mapping between the import file attributes and the contract attributes.

Contract Setup Duty

Contract Setup

Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Manages the Contract Terms Library, including defining and maintaining terms templates, clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections, variables, folders, questions, constants, and numbering schemes.

Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

Views contract terms in a contract. Additionally, downloads contract terms to Microsoft Word.

Contract UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Contracts pages

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Customer Center Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Oracle Fusion Customer Center.

Customer Contract Setup Duty

In addition to the setup activities allowed by the Contract Setup Duty, this duty performs setup activities that are specific to customer contracts, such as managing customer contract management business function settings and billing accounts.

Customer Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Manages sell intent Contract Terms Library objects.

Customer Data Management Administration Duty

Administers customer data management.

Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Customer Data Management Foundation.

Delete CRM documents on content server

Allows to delete CRM content on content server.

Department Selection Duty

Filters the department list of values based on the user's organization security profile.

E-Mail and Web Marketing Administration Duty

For information purposes only. The entitlements associated with this duty do not secure the tasks but are provided as reference to the set of manual tasks this duty is expected to perform, such as administering e-mail daemons and server connections for outbound delivery and responses for e-mail marketing.

FND Database Resource Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application database resources.

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Geography Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Goal Management All Profile Value Administration Duty

Duty role for managing profile values for Goal Management

Goal Management Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Duty role for managing descriptive flexfields for Goal Management

Goal Management Implementation Duty

Grant role for functional access to Goal Management Implementation

Goal Management Lookup Administration Duty

Duty role for managing lookups for Goal Management

HCM Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages Human Capital Management application descriptive flexfields.

HCM Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Manages Human Capital Management application flexfield value sets.

HCM Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages Human Capital Management application common, standard, and set-enabled lookups.

HCM Application Profile Value  Administration Duty

Manages Human Capital Management application profile values.

Identifier Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up identifier types

Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty

Imports people and organizations.

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of interaction data. Interactions record inbound and outbound communications.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Item Management Duty

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Job Selection Duty

Filters the job list of values based on the user's job security profile.

Lead Registration Submission Duty

Submits sales lead registrations to the enterprise and manages sales lead attributes. Includes the ability to create, accept, and reject sales lead registrations.

Legal Employer Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege  Choose Legal Employer Duty  that allows the ability to select a Legal Employer from a secured list as defined in the organization security profile.

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Marketing Budget Export Management Duty

Restricts the presentation of exportable objects to marketing budgets.

Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Manages marketing budgets and budget entries, including import, export, and viewing budget fund requests and claims that utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Reviews marketing budgets and creates and manages budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Marketing Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Oracle Fusion Marketing.

Marketing Export Management Duty

Restricts the presentation of exportable objects to marketing lists, treatments, responses, campaigns and associated activities.

Marketing Fund Request and Claim Processing Duty

Reviews and approves budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities. Includes reviewing and exporting budget information.

Marketing Maintenance Duty

Creates and maintains setup for marketing campaigns, responses, segments, lists, and treatments across the enterprise. Additional duties include file import management for the import of marketing campaign responses.

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

Name Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up name types

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Administers all aspects of the application, including some setup. This role is for channel administrators.

Opportunity Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all opportunity-related objects.

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

Opportunity Setup Duty

Sets up the application. This role is typically for a one-time setup event.

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

Page Composer Source View Access Duty

Duty role to allow access to page composer source view

Participant Appointment View Duty

manages the view access for the participant owner's appointment data.

Participant Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing the interaction data by a participant.

Partner Account Administration Duty

Maintains a partner account, including managing members and partner profile information.

Partner Account Review Duty

Views a partner account, including viewing a partner's members, profile, and account team.

Partner Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Partner Analysis module.

Partner Center UI Customization Duty

Customize the Partner Center pages.

Partner Channel Analysis Duty

This BI duty role is to analyze overall partner performance that entails complete visibility into all the transactions the partner is associated to.

Partner Content Management Duty

Secures who can create partner collateral

Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

Accesses partner customer contact information.

Partner Export Management Duty

Manages partners bulk export.

Partner Import Administration Duty

Partner Import Administration Duty role. This duty will allow for administration activities of Partner Import

Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Accesses partner company and partner member information.

Partner Lead Management Duty

Views and updates all partner leads in the enterprise.

Partner Management Setup Duty

Manages the partner management setup tasks.

Partner Program Contract Association Duty

Manages association of contract types and contract terms templates to partner programs.

Partner Program Enrollment Duty

Applies for a program and answers a questionnaire as part of the enrollment for the partner user.

Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Views the enrollment details of the program to which a partner enrolls.

Partner Program Maintain Duty

Manages, publishes, terminates, and submits partner programs.

Partner Program Questionnaire Management Duty

Creates questions and manages the association of questions to partner programs.

Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

Manages the capture of responses to the partner program enrollment questionnaire.

Partner Program Review Duty

Reviews the program details in the program catalog.

Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of sales organizations and consumers for partners. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.  This role has limited access to customers and contacts.

Party Contract View Access Duty

Views contracts for a party for the assigned business units.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Party Usage Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up party usages and filter rules

Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

Views their own information.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Promotion Administration Duty

Create and maintain promotions. For example, create a promotion like "buy one get one free".

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Review purchase order, purchase agreement, and referenced document attachments.

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Quota Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all sales territory quota related objects.

Quota Management Duty

Manages sales territory quotas and territory quota formulas. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and party information inquiry.

Quota Management Setup Duty

Manages sales territory quota setup, quota plans, prediction and spread formula parameters, and seasonality groups. Runs sales territory quota synchronization and sales quota plan activation and completion processes. Additional duties include party information inquiry.

Relationship Administration Duty

Grants privileges to manage relationship setup

Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.

Reports and Analytics Region Administration Duty

Selects reports to appear in the Reports and Analytics region of Oracle Fusion Applications work areas.

Resource Administration Duty

Administers resource information.

Resource Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Resource Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Resource Management Administration Duty

Administers resource management.

Resource Organization Administration Duty

Administers resource organizations.

Resource Organization Management Duty

Manages resource organizations.

Resource Role Administration Duty

Defines resource roles.

Resource Team Administration Duty

Defines resource teams.

Resource Team Management Duty

Manages resource teams.

Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Manages sales account team file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Sales Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Sales Analysis module.

Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Manages product groups and product eligibility rules.

Sales Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Oracle Fusion Sales.

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all sales forecasting related objects.

Sales Forecasting Setup Duty

Defines the sales forecast schedule, enables forecasting metrics, and determines the automatic forecasting criteria. Additional duties include defining lookups and profile options, and running sales forecasting jobs.

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

Sales Lead Export Management Duty

Restricts the presentation of exportable objects to sales leads.

Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Processes sales lead for follow up actions including the qualification and conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Sales Lead Maintenance Duty

Supports the ongoing maintenance of sales leads. Includes the ability to set up sales lead and assessment reference data, and to schedule and run sales lead processing activities.

Sales Party Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all sales party-related objects.

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

Manages sales account partner territory associations.

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Sales Predictor Administration Duty

Manages recommendation configuration parameters and selects metadata entities and attributes.

Sales Setup Duty

Configures the sales application.This role is typically for a one-time setup event.

Setup Customer Center Duty

Manages customer center set up, sales party creation and their related objects, such as appointments, assessments, interactions, notes and tasks.

Social Connection Partner Duty

Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection partner duties.

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Source System Entity Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up source system entities

Talent Notifications Duty

Sets up and manages talent management notifications.

Task Note Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of task notes data. Task notes record additional information about the specific task.

Territory Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all sales territory related objects.

Territory Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Territory Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Territory Management Duty

Manages sales territories, territory proposals, and quotas.

Territory Management Setup Duty

Manages sales territory setup, including lookups, profile options, flexfields, and dimension data. Runs dimension synchronization, and visibility jobs. Additional duties include quota management setup.

Trading Community Administration Duty

Grants privileges to administer the trading community.

Trading Community Common Configuration Administration Duty

Grants privileges to setup common configuration information.

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Trading Community Customer Account Administration Duty

Grants privileges to setup customer account information.

Trading Community Data Format Administration Duty

Manages trading community data formats

Trading Community Data Quality Administration Duty

Configures, reviews, and edits predefined data quality server configurations and the predefined matching, synchronization, and cleansing configurations.

Trading Community Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all party related objects.

Trading Community Group Administration Duty

Grants privileges to setup group information.

Trading Community Hierarchy Administration Duty

Administers the trading community hierarchy.

Trading Community Hierarchy Management Duty

Manages hierarchies.

Trading Community Import Administration Duty

Defines trading community data import installation and configuration information.

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Trading Community Location Administration Duty

Grants privileges to setup location information.

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Trading Community Organization Administration Duty

Grants privileges to setup organization information.

Trading Community Person Administration Duty

Grants privileges to setup person information.

Trading Community Source System Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up source systems

Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views trading partner items including competitor items, customer items, and manufacturer part numbers.

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Portrait Duty

Grants access to the worker and nonworker portrait pages.

View Secured Custom Help Duty

Views custom help containing the security lookup value Secured.

Watchlist Administration Duty

Maintains the Watchlist categories and items displayed in Oracle Fusion Applications. Disables items for performance reasons if needed.

Workforce Profile Administration Duty

Performs administrative duties for workforce talent profiles.

Workforce Profile Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive flexfields and value sets.

Workforce Profile Lookup Administration Duty

Provides the Fusion Search Crawl process with unrestricted access to workforce profile information when it builds a text-based index in the Oracle Fusion Search database deployed with Fusion Applications.

Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

Performs administration duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Zone Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up zones

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator

Inherited Roles

Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator

          Administration Link View Duty

          Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

          Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

          Application Help Text Administration Duty

                    View Secured Custom Help Duty

          Application Lookup Administration Duty

          Application Profile Option Registration Duty

          Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

          Applications Common Application Impersonator Role

          Business Process Human Taskflow Administration Duty

                    Bussiness Process Engineering Human Taskflow Administration Duty

          CRM Administrative Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Sales Analysis Currency Preference

          CRM Application Administrator Duty

                    Administration Link View Duty

                    Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                    Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                    Application Help Text Administration Duty

                              View Secured Custom Help Duty

                    Application Lookup Administration Duty

                    Application Profile Option Registration Duty

                    Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

                    Applications Common Application Impersonator Role

                    Audit Trail Management Duty

                    CRM Administrative Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                    CRM Auxiliary Data File Import Management Duty

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                    CRM Export Management Duty

                    CRM Extensibility Administration Duty

                              Business Intelligence Administration Duty

                              CRM Database Resource Administration Duty

                              FND Database Resource Administration Duty

                    Channel Operations Manager Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Applications Common Application Impersonator Role

                              Appointment Note Management Duty

                              Attachments User


                              Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

                              Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

                              Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              File Import Scheduling Duty

                                        Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              Functional Setups Duty

                              Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty

                                        Trading Community Import Administration Duty

                                        Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                                        Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

                              Interaction Management Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Item Management Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Lead Registration Submission Duty

                                        Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

                                        Partner Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

                              Marketing Budget Export Management Duty

                                        Common Component Export Management Duty

                                                  CRM Export Management Duty

                              Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

                                        Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

                              Marketing Fund Request and Claim Processing Duty

                              Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

                              Partner Account Administration Duty

                              Partner Account Review Duty

                              Partner Center UI Customization Duty

                              Partner Channel Analysis Duty

                                        Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                                        Partner Analysis Currency Preference

                                        Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                                        Territory Hierarchy Data Security

                              Partner Content Management Duty

                              Partner Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

                              Partner Import Administration Duty

                              Partner Lead Management Duty

                              Partner Program Enrollment Duty

                                        Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

                              Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

                                        Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

                              Partner Program Maintain Duty

                                        Partner Program Contract Association Duty

                                        Partner Program Questionnaire Management Duty

                                        Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

                              Partner Program Review Duty

                              Partner Sales Party Management Duty

                                        Locations Management Duty

                                                  Locations Inquiry Duty

                                        Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                                        Opportunity View Duty

                                        Participant Appointment View Duty

                                        Participant Interaction Management Duty

                                        Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

                                        Partner Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                              Party Contract View Access Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Resource Administration Duty

                                        Administration Link View Duty

                                        Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                                        Application Attachment Administration Duty

                                        Application Data Security Administration Duty

                                        Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                        Application Lookup Administration Duty

                                        Application Message Administration Duty

                                        Application Profile Option Registration Duty

                                        Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

                                        Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

                                        Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

                                        Application World Reference Administration Duty

                                        Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

                                        Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                                  Business Unit Selection Duty

                                                  Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                                  User Role Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                        Job Selection Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Resource Information Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                                  Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

                                                  Talent Notifications Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                              Resource Organization Administration Duty

                                        Application Tree Administration Duty

                                        Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

                                        Department Selection Duty

                                        Resource Organization Management Duty

                                                  Application Tree Administration Duty

                              Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

                              Sales Party Management Duty

                                        File Import Management Duty

                                                  File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                            Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                                        Locations Management Duty

                                                  Locations Inquiry Duty

                                        Resource Information Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                                  Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                                        Sales Party Review Duty

                                                  Appointment View Duty

                                                  Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                                                  Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

                                                            Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                                            Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                                            Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                                            Interaction Management Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Item Inquiry Duty

                                                            Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                                      Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                                      Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                                            Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                                      Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Interaction Management Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Marketing Response Data Review Duty

                                                  Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                                                  Opportunity View Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Sales Extension Management Duty

                                                  Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                                        Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                                        Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

                              Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

                              Task Note Management Duty

                              Territory Management Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Quota Management Duty

                                                  Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                                            Business Unit Selection Duty

                                                            Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                                            User Role Management Duty

                                                            View Person Details Duty

                                                  Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              View Portrait Duty

                                        Social Connection Partner Duty

                                                  Social Group Participation Core Duty

                                                  Social Network Duty

                                                            Social Network Core Duty

                    Contract File Import Duty

                              File Import Scheduling Duty

                                        Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                    Contract Import from File Setup Duty

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                    Customer Center Custom Objects Management Duty

                    Customer Contract Setup Duty

                              Contract Setup Duty

                                        Administration Link View Duty

                                        Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                        Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

                                        Application Lookup Administration Duty

                                        Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

                                        Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

                                        Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

                                        Contract UI Customization Duty

                    Customer Data Management Administration Duty

                    Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

                    E-Mail and Web Marketing Administration Duty

                    Functional Setups Duty

                    Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty

                              Trading Community Import Administration Duty

                              Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                              Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

                    Marketing Custom Objects Management Duty

                    Marketing Maintenance Duty

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              Marketing Budget Export Management Duty

                                        Common Component Export Management Duty

                                                  CRM Export Management Duty

                              Marketing Export Management Duty

                              Sales Lead Export Management Duty

                                        Common Component Export Management Duty

                                                  CRM Export Management Duty

                    Opportunity Setup Duty

                    Page Composer Source View Access Duty

                    Partner Management Setup Duty

                              Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Customer Contract Setup Duty

                                        Contract Setup Duty

                                                  Administration Link View Duty

                                                  Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                                  Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

                                                  Application Lookup Administration Duty

                                                  Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

                                                  Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

                                                  Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

                                                  Contract UI Customization Duty

                              Customer Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

                                        Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

                              Partner Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

                    Promotion Administration Duty

                    Reports and Analytics Region Administration Duty

                              Functional Setups Duty

                    Resource Management Administration Duty

                              Resource Administration Duty

                                        Administration Link View Duty

                                        Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                                        Application Attachment Administration Duty

                                        Application Data Security Administration Duty

                                        Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                        Application Lookup Administration Duty

                                        Application Message Administration Duty

                                        Application Profile Option Registration Duty

                                        Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

                                        Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

                                        Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

                                        Application World Reference Administration Duty

                                        Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

                                        Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                                  Business Unit Selection Duty

                                                  Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                                  User Role Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                        Job Selection Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Resource Information Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                                  Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

                                                  Talent Notifications Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                              Resource Organization Administration Duty

                                        Application Tree Administration Duty

                                        Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

                                        Department Selection Duty

                                        Resource Organization Management Duty

                                                  Application Tree Administration Duty

                              Resource Role Administration Duty

                                        Job Selection Duty

                              Resource Team Administration Duty

                                        Resource Team Management Duty

                    Sales Catalog Administration Duty

                    Sales Custom Objects Management Duty

                    Sales Forecasting Setup Duty

                              Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

                    Sales Lead Maintenance Duty

                    Sales Predictor Administration Duty

                              Business Intelligence Consumer Duty

                    Sales Setup Duty

                              Common Component Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

                              Opportunity Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

                    Setup Customer Center Duty

                              Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              Application Lookup Administration Duty

                              Application Profile Option Registration Duty

                              Audit Trail Management Duty

                              Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

                              Functional Setups Duty

                              Sales Party Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

                    Territory Management Setup Duty

                              Classification Administration Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Quota Management Setup Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Quota Export Management Duty

                                                  CRM Export Management Duty

                              Sales Catalog Administration Duty

                              Territory Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

                                        Quota Export Management Duty

                                                  CRM Export Management Duty

                              Zone Administration Duty

                    Trading Community Administration Duty

                              Classification Administration Duty

                              Contact Point Administration Duty

                              Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

                              Geography Administration Duty

                              Identifier Administration Duty

                              Name Administration Duty

                              Party Usage Administration Duty

                              Relationship Administration Duty

                              Source System Entity Administration Duty

                              Trading Community Common Configuration Administration Duty

                              Trading Community Customer Account Administration Duty

                              Trading Community Data Format Administration Duty

                              Trading Community Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

                              Trading Community Group Administration Duty

                              Trading Community Hierarchy Administration Duty

                                        Trading Community Hierarchy Management Duty

                                                  Application Tree Administration Duty

                                                  Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

                              Trading Community Import Administration Duty

                              Trading Community Location Administration Duty

                              Trading Community Organization Administration Duty

                              Trading Community Person Administration Duty

                              Trading Community Source System Administration Duty

                              Zone Administration Duty

                    Trading Community Data Quality Administration Duty

                    Watchlist Administration Duty

                              Functional Setups Duty

                    Workforce Profile Administration Duty

                              Goal Management Implementation Duty

                                        Goal Management All Profile Value Administration Duty

                                                  Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                                                  HCM Application Profile Value  Administration Duty

                                        Goal Management Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                                  Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                                  HCM Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                                  HCM Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

                                        Goal Management Lookup Administration Duty

                                                  Application Lookup Administration Duty

                                                  HCM Application Lookup Administration Duty

                                        Talent Notifications Duty

                              Talent Notifications Duty

                              Workforce Profile Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                        Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                        HCM Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                        HCM Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

                              Workforce Profile Lookup Administration Duty

                                        Application Lookup Administration Duty

                                        HCM Application Lookup Administration Duty

          CRM Auxiliary Data File Import Management Duty

                    File Import Management Duty

                              File Import Scheduling Duty

                                        Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

          CRM Export Management Duty

          CRM Extensibility Administration Duty

                    Business Intelligence Administration Duty

                    CRM Database Resource Administration Duty

                    FND Database Resource Administration Duty

          Contract Export Management Duty

                    CRM Export Management Duty

          Contract File Import Duty

                    File Import Scheduling Duty

                              Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

          Contract Import from File Setup Duty

                    File Import Management Duty

                              File Import Scheduling Duty

                                        Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

          Customer Center Custom Objects Management Duty

          Customer Contract Setup Duty

                    Contract Setup Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

                              Application Lookup Administration Duty

                              Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

                              Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

                              Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Contract UI Customization Duty

          Customer Data Management Administration Duty

          Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

          Delete CRM documents on content server

          E-Mail and Web Marketing Administration Duty

          Functional Setups Duty

          Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty

                    Trading Community Import Administration Duty

                    Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                    Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

          Marketing Custom Objects Management Duty

          Marketing Maintenance Duty

                    File Import Management Duty

                              File Import Scheduling Duty

                                        Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                    Marketing Budget Export Management Duty

                              Common Component Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

                    Marketing Export Management Duty

                    Sales Lead Export Management Duty

                              Common Component Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

          Opportunity Setup Duty

          Promotion Administration Duty

          Reports and Analytics Region Administration Duty

                    Functional Setups Duty

          Resource Management Administration Duty

                    Resource Administration Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Application Attachment Administration Duty

                              Application Data Security Administration Duty

                              Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              Application Lookup Administration Duty

                              Application Message Administration Duty

                              Application Profile Option Registration Duty

                              Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

                              Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

                              Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Application World Reference Administration Duty

                              Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

                              Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                        Business Unit Selection Duty

                                        Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                        User Role Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                              Job Selection Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Resource Information Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                              View Person Details Duty

                              Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

                                        Talent Notifications Duty

                              Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                    Resource Organization Administration Duty

                              Application Tree Administration Duty

                              Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

                              Department Selection Duty

                              Resource Organization Management Duty

                                        Application Tree Administration Duty

                    Resource Role Administration Duty

                              Job Selection Duty

                    Resource Team Administration Duty

                              Resource Team Management Duty

          Sales Account Team File Import Duty

          Sales Catalog Administration Duty

          Sales Custom Objects Management Duty

          Sales Lead Maintenance Duty

          Sales Setup Duty

                    Common Component Export Management Duty

                              CRM Export Management Duty

                    Opportunity Export Management Duty

                              CRM Export Management Duty

          Setup Customer Center Duty

                    Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                    Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                    Application Lookup Administration Duty

                    Application Profile Option Registration Duty

                    Audit Trail Management Duty

                    Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

                    Functional Setups Duty

                    Sales Party Export Management Duty

                              CRM Export Management Duty

          Territory Management Setup Duty

                    Classification Administration Duty

                    Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Quota Management Setup Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Quota Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

                    Sales Catalog Administration Duty

                    Territory Export Management Duty

                              CRM Export Management Duty

                              Quota Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

                    Zone Administration Duty

          Trading Community Administration Duty

                    Classification Administration Duty

                    Contact Point Administration Duty

                    Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

                    Geography Administration Duty

                    Identifier Administration Duty

                    Name Administration Duty

                    Party Usage Administration Duty

                    Relationship Administration Duty

                    Source System Entity Administration Duty

                    Trading Community Common Configuration Administration Duty

                    Trading Community Customer Account Administration Duty

                    Trading Community Data Format Administration Duty

                    Trading Community Export Management Duty

                              CRM Export Management Duty

                    Trading Community Group Administration Duty

                    Trading Community Hierarchy Administration Duty

                              Trading Community Hierarchy Management Duty

                                        Application Tree Administration Duty

                                        Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

                    Trading Community Import Administration Duty

                    Trading Community Location Administration Duty

                    Trading Community Organization Administration Duty

                    Trading Community Person Administration Duty

                    Trading Community Source System Administration Duty

                    Zone Administration Duty

          Trading Community Data Quality Administration Duty

          Watchlist Administration Duty

                    Functional Setups Duty

          Workforce Profile Administration Duty

                    Goal Management Implementation Duty

                              Goal Management All Profile Value Administration Duty

                                        Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                                        HCM Application Profile Value  Administration Duty

                              Goal Management Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                        Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                        HCM Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                        HCM Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

                              Goal Management Lookup Administration Duty

                                        Application Lookup Administration Duty

                                        HCM Application Lookup Administration Duty

                              Talent Notifications Duty

                    Talent Notifications Duty

                    Workforce Profile Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              HCM Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              HCM Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

                    Workforce Profile Lookup Administration Duty

                              Application Lookup Administration Duty

                              HCM Application Lookup Administration Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

View Administration Link

Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages all application profile values.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Application Attachment Administration Duty

Manages attachment categories and entities.

Manage Application Attachment Category

Manage Application Attachment Entity

Application Data Security Administration Duty

Manages data security policies and database resources.

Manage Application Data Security Policy

Manage Application Database Resource

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

Manages document sequences and document sequence categories.

Manage Application Document Sequence

Manage Application Document Sequence Category

Application Help Text Administration Duty

Adds and maintains custom help for all applications.

Customize Help Topics

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage Application Standard Lookup

Application Message Administration Duty

Manages application messages.

Manage Application Message

Application Profile Option Registration Duty

Manages application profile categories and profile options.

Manage Application Profile Category

Manage Application Profile Option

Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

Manage application reference data set and assignments.

Manage Application Reference Data Set

Manage Application Reference Data Set Assignment

Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

Manages application taxonomy.

Manage Application Taxonomy

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Manage Application Tree

Manage Application Tree Label

Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

Manages application tree structure.

Manage Application Tree Structure

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Manage My Application Profile Values

Application World Reference Administration Duty

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Currency

Manage Application Reference ISO Language

Manage Application Reference Industry

Manage Application Reference Language

Manage Application Reference Natural Language

Manage Application Reference Territory

Manage Application Reference Timezone

Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application document sequence categories.

Manage Application Document Sequence Category

Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application flexfields value sets.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Applications Common Application Impersonator Role

Enables User to Impersonate as other Fusion Apps User, after Impersonatee grants him the privilege.

Impersonate User

Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application profile option values.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Manage Calendar Preferences

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

View Customer Asset

View Product Recommendation

Audit Trail Management Duty

Duty role to allow the administrator to configure and view the audit history.

Manage Audit Trail

Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

View Audit Trail Report

CRM Application Administrator Duty

Consolidated duty role that allows an administrator to manage all setup duties and administer custom objects

Run Appointment Reminder

CRM Database Resource Administration Duty

Manages Customer Relationship Management application database resources.

Manage Application Data Security Policy

Manage Application Database Resource

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

Run CRM Export Process

Set Up CRM Objects for Export

CRM Extensibility Administration Duty

Manages extensible objects, business events, and e-mail templates, and custom subject areas for reporting.

Manage Extensible Object

Channel Manager Dashboard Duty

Provides channel roles a dashboard to manage their daily transactions.

Manage Partner User Profile

View Channel Manager Dashboard

View Channel Manager Dashboard as Administrator

View Customer Analytics

View Partner Content

View Partner Profile

View Partner Program Enrollment

View Partner Programs Summary

View Territories and Forecasts

Classification Administration Duty

Manage classification setup

Manage Trading Community Classification Category

Manage Trading Community Classification Category Group

Manage Trading Community Classification Lookups

Run Trading Community Classification Hierarchy Generation

Common Component Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all common components objects.

Run Purge Recent Items

Contact Point Administration Duty

Grants privileges to manage contact point setup

Manage Contact Point Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Contact Point Lookups

Manage Trading Community Telephone Numbering Plan

Contract Setup Duty

Contract Setup

Build Keyword Search Index for the Contract Terms Library

Define Project Contract Billing Configuration

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

Manage Contract Currency Conversion Rate Types

Manage Contract Customer Account

Manage Contract Customer Account Site Usages

Manage Contract Global Employee

Manage Contract Interaction Reference Mapping

Manage Contract Layout Templates

Manage Contract Line Item

Manage Contract Line Type

Manage Contract Note Type Mapping

Manage Contract Organization Party

Manage Contract Party Contact

Manage Contract Party Location

Manage Contract Party Role and Contact Sources

Manage Contract Payment Terms

Manage Contract Person Party

Manage Contract Risk Event

Manage Contract Standard Clauses, Templates, and Contract Expert Rules

Manage Contract Type

Specify Customer Contract Management Business Function Properties

Specify Procurement Contract Management Business Function Properties

Track Purchasing Activity for Contract Fulfillment Line

Update Contract Status

View Contract Type

Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Manages the Contract Terms Library, including defining and maintaining terms templates, clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections, variables, folders, questions, constants, and numbering schemes.

Adopt Global Clauses for a New Business Unit

Analyze Contract Clause Usage

Define Clause in the Contract Terms Library

Define Contract Expert Rule in the Contract Terms Library

Define Folders in the Contract Terms Library

Define Numbering Scheme in the Contract Terms Library

Define Section in the Contract Terms Library

Define Terms Template in the Contract Terms Library

Define Variable in the Contract Terms Library

Import Contract Clauses

Manage Contract Terms Library Work Area

Purge Contract Clause Import Tables

Purge Contract Temporary Tables

Search Clauses in the Contract Terms Library

Search Contract Expert Rules in the Contract Terms Library

Search Folders in the Contract Terms Library

Search Numbering Schemes in the Contract Terms Library

Search Sections in the Contract Terms Library

Search Terms Templates in the Contract Terms Library

Search Variables in the Contract Terms Library

View Clause in the Contract Terms Library

View Contract Expert Rule in the Contract Terms Library

View Folder in the Contract Terms Library

View Numbering Schemes in the Contract Terms Library

View Section in the Contract Terms Library

View Terms Template in the Contract Terms Library

View Variable in the Contract Terms Library

Contract Terms and Conditions View Access Duty

Views contract terms in a contract. Additionally, downloads contract terms to Microsoft Word.

Download Contract for External Parties

View Contract Terms

Contract UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Contracts pages

Customize Contract UI

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Enable Buy Intent

Enable Sell Intent

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

View Contract

View Contract Terms

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Center Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Oracle Fusion Customer Center.

Manage Customer Center Custom Objects

Customer Contract Setup Duty

In addition to the setup activities allowed by the Contract Setup Duty, this duty performs setup activities that are specific to customer contracts, such as managing customer contract management business function settings and billing accounts.

Enable Sell Intent

Customer Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Manages sell intent Contract Terms Library objects.

Enable Sell Intent

Customer Data Management Administration Duty

Administers customer data management.

Manage Trading Community Agreement Rules

Manage Trading Community Customer Hub Lookups

Manage Trading Community Customer Hub Profile Options

Manage Trading Community Merge Metadata

Manage Trading Community Organization 360 Tree

Manage Trading Community Person 360 Tree

Manage Trading Community Survivorship Rules

Run Trading Community Request Dispatch Job

Run Trading Community Request Process Job

Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Customer Data Management Foundation.

Manage Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects

E-Mail and Web Marketing Administration Duty

For information purposes only. The entitlements associated with this duty do not secure the tasks but are provided as reference to the set of manual tasks this duty is expected to perform, such as administering e-mail daemons and server connections for outbound delivery and responses for e-mail marketing.

Manage Marketing Bounce Handling Daemon

Manage Marketing Click-Through Daemon

Manage Marketing E-Mail Sending Daemon

Manage Marketing Outbound MTA Network Connections

FND Database Resource Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application database resources.

Manage Application Data Security Policy

Manage Application Database Resource

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

Set Up File Import Object and Mapping

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Manage Users

View Person Details

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Review Applications Offering

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Setup and Maintain Applications

Geography Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Manage Trading Community Geography

Manage Trading Community Geography Lookups

Goal Management Implementation Duty

Grant role for functional access to Goal Management Implementation

Manage Performance Goal Process

Manage Performance Goal Setup

HCM Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages Human Capital Management application descriptive flexfields.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

HCM Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Manages Human Capital Management application flexfield value sets.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

HCM Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages Human Capital Management application common, standard, and set-enabled lookups.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage Application Standard Lookup

HCM Application Profile Value  Administration Duty

Manages Human Capital Management application profile values.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Identifier Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up identifier types

Manage Trading Community Member Name and Identifier Setup for Identifier

Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty

Imports people and organizations.

Import Trading Community Person

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Customize Incentive Compensation Participant Goal

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Item Management Duty

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Create Item Structure

Manage Item

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Lifecycle Phase Change

Manage Item Organization Association

Manage Item Relationship

Manage Item Status Change

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Monitor Item Summary

Monitor Item Work Area

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Lead Registration Submission Duty

Submits sales lead registrations to the enterprise and manages sales lead attributes. Includes the ability to create, accept, and reject sales lead registrations.

Accept Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Delete Sales Lead External Attributes

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Reject Sales Lead

Select Sales Lead Claimed Flag

Select Sales Lead External Attributes

Submit Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead External Attributes

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Search Trading Community Location

View Trading Community Location

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Enter Trading Community Location

Remove Trading Community Location

Update Trading Community Location

Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Manages marketing budgets and budget entries, including import, export, and viewing budget fund requests and claims that utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Activate Marketing Budget

Create Marketing Budget

Create Marketing Budget Entry

Create Marketing Claim Settlement

Delete Marketing Budget

Delete Marketing Claim Settlement

Export Marketing Budget

Export Marketing Budget Entry

Import Marketing Budget

Import Marketing Budget Entry

Inactivate Marketing Budget

Manage Budgets Work Area

Run Marketing Budget Currency Revaluation Scheduler

Update Marketing Budget

Update Marketing Budget Entry

Update Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Budget

View Marketing Budget Analytics

View Marketing Budget Checkbook

View Marketing Budget Entry

View Marketing Claim

View Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Source Code

Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Reviews marketing budgets and creates and manages budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities.

Create Marketing Claim

Create Marketing Fund Request

Delete Marketing Claim

Delete Marketing Fund Request

Manage Budgets Work Area

Submit Marketing Claim

Submit Marketing Fund Request

Update Marketing Claim

Update Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Budget

View Marketing Claim

View Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Source Code

Marketing Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Oracle Fusion Marketing.

Manage Marketing Custom Objects

Marketing Fund Request and Claim Processing Duty

Reviews and approves budget fund requests and claims to utilize budgeted funds for marketing activities. Includes reviewing and exporting budget information.

Approve Marketing Claim

Approve Marketing Fund Request

Export Marketing Budget

Export Marketing Budget Entry

Manage Budgets Work Area

Reject Marketing Claim

Reject Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Budget

View Marketing Budget Analytics

View Marketing Budget Checkbook

View Marketing Budget Entry

View Marketing Claim

View Marketing Claim Settlement

View Marketing Fund Request

View Marketing Source Code

Marketing Maintenance Duty

Creates and maintains setup for marketing campaigns, responses, segments, lists, and treatments across the enterprise. Additional duties include file import management for the import of marketing campaign responses.

Manage Enterprise Scheduler Job Definition for Marketing

Manage Marketing URL

Set Up Marketing Campaign

Set Up Marketing Response

Set Up Marketing Segment

Set Up Marketing Treatment

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

View Marketing Response

Name Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up name types

Manage Trading Community Member Name and Identifier Setup for Name

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Search Supplier Negotiation

View Supplier Negotiation

Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Administers all aspects of the application, including some setup. This role is for channel administrators.

Assign Opportunity

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

Set Up Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

View Opportunity Revenue

Opportunity Setup Duty

Sets up the application. This role is typically for a one-time setup event.

Set Up Opportunity

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

View Opportunity

Page Composer Source View Access Duty

Duty role to allow access to page composer source view

Access Page Composer Source View

Partner Account Administration Duty

Maintains a partner account, including managing members and partner profile information.

Create Partner

Create Partner Member

Create Partner User

Import Partner

Manage Partner Account Team

Manage Partner User Security Role

Remove Partner Member

Update Partner Member

Update Partner Profile

View Partner

View Partner Contract

Partner Account Review Duty

Views a partner account, including viewing a partner's members, profile, and account team.

Search Partner

View Channel Manager Dashboard

View Partner

View Partner Account Team

View Partner Contract

View Partner Interaction

View Partner Lead

View Partner Member

View Partner Note

View Partner Opportunity

View Partner Profile

View Partner Snapshot

View Partner Task

Partner Center UI Customization Duty

Customize the Partner Center pages.

Customize Partner Center UI

Partner Content Management Duty

Secures who can create partner collateral

Manage Partner Content

Partner Lead Management Duty

Views and updates all partner leads in the enterprise.

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Partner Management Setup Duty

Manages the partner management setup tasks.

Set Up Opportunity

Set Up Partner Management

Partner Program Contract Association Duty

Manages association of contract types and contract terms templates to partner programs.

Associate Question to Partner Program

View Contract Terms Template by Web Service

View Contract Type by Web Service

Partner Program Enrollment Duty

Applies for a program and answers a questionnaire as part of the enrollment for the partner user.

Apply Partner Program

Manage Partner Program Enrollment

View Partner Program Enrollment

Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Views the enrollment details of the program to which a partner enrolls.

View Partner Program Enrollment

Partner Program Maintain Duty

Manages, publishes, terminates, and submits partner programs.

Maintain Partner Program

View Partner Program

Partner Program Questionnaire Management Duty

Creates questions and manages the association of questions to partner programs.

Define Contract Expert Question for Programs

Search Contract Expert Question for Programs

Partner Program Questionnaire Response Duty

Manages the capture of responses to the partner program enrollment questionnaire.

Capture Partner Responses to Partner Program Enrollment Questionnaire

Partner Program Review Duty

Reviews the program details in the program catalog.

Review Partner Program

Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of sales organizations and consumers for partners. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.  This role has limited access to customers and contacts.

Create Consumer

Create Sales Account

Create Sales Account Appointment

Create Sales Account Assessments

Create Sales Account Contact

Create Sales Account Interaction

Create Sales Account Note

Create Sales Account Task

Create Sales Group

Create Sales Group Members

Create Sales Organization

Create Sales Party Appointment

Create Sales Party Contact

Create Sales Party Interaction

Create Sales Party Task

Delete Sales Account Appointment

Delete Sales Account Assessments

Delete Sales Account Contact

Delete Sales Account Interaction

Delete Sales Account Note

Delete Sales Account Task

Delete Sales Group Members

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Delete Sales Party Contact

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Delete Sales Party Task

Manage Customers Work Area

Manage Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Account Team

Manage Sales Party Team

Update Consumer

Update Sales Account

Update Sales Account Appointment

Update Sales Account Assessments

Update Sales Account Contact

Update Sales Account Interaction

Update Sales Account Note

Update Sales Account Task

Update Sales Group

Update Sales Group Members

Update Sales Organization

Update Sales Party Appointment

Update Sales Party Contact

Update Sales Party Interaction

Update Sales Party Task

View Consumer

View Sales Account

View Sales Account Appointment

View Sales Account Assessments

View Sales Account Contact

View Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Account Interaction

View Sales Account Note

View Sales Account Team

View Sales Account task

View Sales Group

View Sales Group Members

View Sales Organization

View Sales Party

View Sales Party Appointment

View Sales Party Contact

View Sales Party Interaction

View Sales Party Task

View Sales Party Team

Party Contract View Access Duty

Views contracts for a party for the assigned business units.

View Contracts for Party

Party Usage Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up party usages and filter rules

Manage Trading Community Party Usage

Manage Trading Community Party Usage Filter Rule Information

Manage Trading Community Party Usage Lookups

Promotion Administration Duty

Create and maintain promotions. For example, create a promotion like "buy one get one free".

Manage Promotions

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Purchase Order

Quota Management Duty

Manages sales territory quotas and territory quota formulas. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and party information inquiry.

Manage Sales Quota Prediction Formula

Manage Sales Territory Quota

Quota Management Setup Duty

Manages sales territory quota setup, quota plans, prediction and spread formula parameters, and seasonality groups. Runs sales territory quota synchronization and sales quota plan activation and completion processes. Additional duties include party information inquiry.

Manage Sales Quota Plan

Manage Sales Quota Prediction Formula Parameter

Manage Sales Quota Seasonality Group

Manage Sales Quota Spread Formula

Manage Sales Territory Quota Setup

Run Sales Quota Plan Activation Job

Run Sales Quota Plan Completion Job

Run Sales Territory Quota Synchronization Job

View Sales Quota Plan

Relationship Administration Duty

Grants privileges to manage relationship setup

Manage Relationship Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Relationship Lookups

Manage Trading Community Relationship Type

Manage Trading Community Relationship Type Group

Reports and Analytics Region Administration Duty

Selects reports to appear in the Reports and Analytics region of Oracle Fusion Applications work areas.

Maintain Reports and Analytics Region

Resource Administration Duty

Administers resource information.

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Enter Trading Community Resource Information

Identify Trading Community Person as a Trading Community Resource

Manage Trading Community Resource

Manage Trading Community Resource History

Manage Trading Community Resource Lookups

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Type

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Type Mapping

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

Manage Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

Manage Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Remove Trading Community Resource

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Administration Detail Information

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource History

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Add Trading Community Resource to My Social Network

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Manage Trading Community Resource Address

Manage Trading Community Resource Contact Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Social Network

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Address

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Contact Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Skills

View Trading Community Resource Social Network

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Resource Organization Administration Duty

Administers resource organizations.

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Members

Run Trading Community Resource Reporting Hierarchy Generation

Search Trading Community Resource Organization

Search Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Organization Resource Members

View Trading Community Resource Organization

View Trading Community Resource Organization Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Team Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Organization Usage Information

Resource Organization Management Duty

Manages resource organizations.

Manage Resource Organization Member Descriptive Flexfields

Search Trading Community Resource Organization

Search Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Organization Resource Members

View Trading Community Resource Organization

View Trading Community Resource Organization Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Team Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Organization Usage Information

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

Resource Role Administration Duty

Defines resource roles.

Manage Resource Role Assignment Flexfields

Manage Resource Role Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Resource Role

Manage Trading Community Resource Role Lookups

Resource Team Administration Duty

Defines resource teams.

Edit Trading Community Resource Team Basic Information

Enter Trading Community Resource Team Information

Manage Resource Team Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Resource Team Member Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Resource Team

Manage Trading Community Resource Team Members

Manage Trading Community Resource Team Usages

Remove Trading Community Resource Team

Search Trading Community Resource Team

View Trading Community Resource Team

Resource Team Management Duty

Manages resource teams.

Search Trading Community Resource Team

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Team

View Trading Community Resource Team Details

View Trading Community Resource Team Members

View Trading Community Resource Team Usages

Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Manages product groups and product eligibility rules.

Manage Product Eligibility Rules

Manage Product Groups

Sales Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Oracle Fusion Sales.

Manage Sales Custom Objects

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Reference Customer

Sales Forecasting Setup Duty

Defines the sales forecast schedule, enables forecasting metrics, and determines the automatic forecasting criteria. Additional duties include defining lookups and profile options, and running sales forecasting jobs.

Define Sales Forecast

Run Sales Forecast Jobs

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

View Sales Lead

Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Processes sales lead for follow up actions including the qualification and conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Convert Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Export Sales Lead

Identify Sales Lead

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Qualify Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Sales Lead Maintenance Duty

Supports the ongoing maintenance of sales leads. Includes the ability to set up sales lead and assessment reference data, and to schedule and run sales lead processing activities.

Run Lead Processing Scheduler

Set Up Sales Lead

Set Up Sales Lead Assessment Reference Data

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Create Consumer

Create Sales Account

Create Sales Account Appointment

Create Sales Account Assessments

Create Sales Account Contact

Create Sales Account Interaction

Create Sales Account Note

Create Sales Account Task

Create Sales Group

Create Sales Group Members

Create Sales Organization

Create Sales Party Appointment

Create Sales Party Assessment

Create Sales Party Contact

Create Sales Party Interaction

Create Sales Party Note

Create Sales Party Task

Delete Sales Account Appointment

Delete Sales Account Assessments

Delete Sales Account Contact

Delete Sales Account Interaction

Delete Sales Account Note

Delete Sales Account Task

Delete Sales Group Members

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Delete Sales Party Assessment

Delete Sales Party Contact

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Delete Sales Party Note

Delete Sales Party Task

Manage Reference Customer Profile

Manage Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Account Team

Manage Sales Party Classifications

Manage Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Party Forums

Manage Sales Party Team

Update Consumer

Update Sales Account

Update Sales Account Appointment

Update Sales Account Assessments

Update Sales Account Contact

Update Sales Account Interaction

Update Sales Account Note

Update Sales Account Task

Update Sales Group

Update Sales Group Members

Update Sales Organization

Update Sales Party Appointment

Update Sales Party Assessment

Update Sales Party Contact

Update Sales Party Interaction

Update Sales Party Note

Update Sales Party Task

Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

Manages sales account partner territory associations.

Manage Sales Party Partner Territory

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Manage Customers Work Area

View Billing Account

View Consumer

View One Source Market Place Information

View Revenue by Organization Hierarchy

View Sales Account

View Sales Account Appointment

View Sales Account Assessments

View Sales Account Contact

View Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Account Interaction

View Sales Account Note

View Sales Account Snapshot

View Sales Account Team

View Sales Account task

View Sales Group

View Sales Group Members

View Sales Organization

View Sales Party

View Sales Party Analytics

View Sales Party Appointment

View Sales Party Assessment

View Sales Party Classifications

View Sales Party Contact

View Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Party Forums

View Sales Party Hierarchy

View Sales Party Interaction

View Sales Party Note

View Sales Party Snapshot

View Sales Party Subsidiaries

View Sales Party Task

View Sales Party Team

View Siebel Service Requests

Sales Predictor Administration Duty

Manages recommendation configuration parameters and selects metadata entities and attributes.

Manage Recommendation Configuration Parameter

Select Metadata Entities and Attributes

Sales Setup Duty

Configures the sales application.This role is typically for a one-time setup event.

Define Common CRM Configuration

Set Up Sales Competitor

Set Up Sales Note

Set Up Sales Resource Organization

Set Up Sales Task

Setup Customer Center Duty

Manages customer center set up, sales party creation and their related objects, such as appointments, assessments, interactions, notes and tasks.

Manage Sales Party Appointments

Manage Sales Party Assessments

Manage Sales Party Interactions

Manage Sales Party Notes

Manage Sales Party Tasks

Run Sales Party Batch Assignment

Set Up Customer Center

Set Up Sales Party Assignment

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Group

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Bookmarks

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Invite Social Connection

Manage Kudos

Manage Message Board

Manage Social Connections

Manage Social Self-descriptive Information

View Activity Stream

Source System Entity Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up source system entities

Manage Trading Community Original System Mapping

Talent Notifications Duty

Sets up and manages talent management notifications.

Manage Goal Management Notifications

Manage Talent Notifications

Territory Management Duty

Manages sales territories, territory proposals, and quotas.

Manage Sales Territory

Manage Sales Territory Account Exclusions

Manage Sales Territory Account Inclusions

Manage Sales Territory Proposal

Manage Territories, Forecasts and Quotas Work Area

Run Territory Proposal Activation Job

Run Territory Restore Job

Run Territory Validation Job

View Sales Territory

View Sales Territory Proposal

Territory Management Setup Duty

Manages sales territory setup, including lookups, profile options, flexfields, and dimension data. Runs dimension synchronization, and visibility jobs. Additional duties include quota management setup.

Manage Sales Territory

Manage Sales Territory Account Exclusions

Manage Sales Territory Account Inclusions

Manage Sales Territory Customer Size

Manage Sales Territory Proposal

Manage Sales Territory Proposal for Error Correction

Manage Sales Territory Setup

Run Territory Clear Stage Job

Run Territory Dimension Member Visibility Update Job

Run Territory Dimension Synchronization Job

Run Territory Proposal Activation Job

Run Territory Restore Job

Run Territory Stage Activation Job

Run Territory Stage Synchronization Job

Run Territory Validation Job

Run Territory Visibility Environment Synchronization Job

View Sales Territory

View Sales Territory Proposal

Trading Community Common Configuration Administration Duty

Grants privileges to setup common configuration information.

Manage Trading Community Common Lookups

Manage Trading Community Common Profile Options

Trading Community Customer Account Administration Duty

Grants privileges to setup customer account information.

Manage Trading Community Customer Account Contact Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Customer Account Contact Role Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Customer Account Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Customer Account Lookups

Manage Trading Community Customer Account Profile Options

Manage Trading Community Customer Account Relationship Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Customer Account Site Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Customer Account Site Use Descriptive Flexfields

Trading Community Data Format Administration Duty

Manages trading community data formats

Manage Data Format Profile Options

Manage Trading Community Address Format

Manage Trading Community Data Style

Manage Trading Community Name Format

Trading Community Data Quality Administration Duty

Configures, reviews, and edits predefined data quality server configurations and the predefined matching, synchronization, and cleansing configurations.

Manage Trading Community Data Quality Cleansing Setup

Manage Trading Community Data Quality Lookups

Manage Trading Community Data Quality Matching Setup

Manage Trading Community Data Quality Server Setup

Manage Trading Community Data Quality Synchronization

Run Trading Community Data Quality Data Synchronization Process

Run Trading Community Data Quality Data Synchronization Sub-Process

Trading Community Group Administration Duty

Grants privileges to setup group information.

Manage Trading Community Group Profile Options

Trading Community Hierarchy Administration Duty

Administers the trading community hierarchy.

Manage Trading Community Hierarchy Lookups

Manage Trading Community Hierarchy Type

Run Trading Community Hierarchy Audit Job

Run Trading Community Party Hierarchy Generation

Trading Community Hierarchy Management Duty

Manages hierarchies.

Manage Trading Community Hierarchy

Run Trading Community Hierarchy Audit Job

View Trading Community Hierarchy

Trading Community Import Administration Duty

Defines trading community data import installation and configuration information.

Manage Trading Community Import Lookups

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Modify Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Location Administration Duty

Grants privileges to setup location information.

Manage Trading Community Location Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Location Lookups

Manage Trading Community Location Profile Options

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Enter Trading Community Merge Request

Submit Trading Community Merge Request

Trading Community Organization Administration Duty

Grants privileges to setup organization information.

Manage Trading Community Organization Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Organization Lookups

Manage Trading Community Organization Site Descriptive Flexfields

Trading Community Person Administration Duty

Grants privileges to setup person information.

Manage Trading Community Contact Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Contact Lookups

Manage Trading Community Person Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Person Lookups

Manage Trading Community Person Profile Options

Manage Trading Community Person Site Descriptive Flexfields

Trading Community Source System Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up source systems

Manage Source System Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Original System

Manage Trading Community Source System Lookups

Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views trading partner items including competitor items, customer items, and manufacturer part numbers.

Monitor Item Work Area

View Trading Partner Item

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

Assign Roles to User

Copy Personal Data to LDAP

Manage User Account and Roles

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Person Details

View Portrait Duty

Grants access to the worker and nonworker portrait pages.

View Nonworker Portrait

View Worker Portrait

Watchlist Administration Duty

Maintains the Watchlist categories and items displayed in Oracle Fusion Applications. Disables items for performance reasons if needed.

Set Watchlist Options

Workforce Profile Administration Duty

Performs administrative duties for workforce talent profiles.

Manage Talent Education Establishment

Manage Talent Profile Content Item

Manage Talent Profile Content Type

Manage Talent Profile Instance Qualifier

Manage Talent Profile Rating Model

Manage Talent Profile Sources

Manage Talent Profile Type

Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

Performs administration duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Talent Education Establishment

Manage Talent Profile Content Item

Manage Talent Profile Rating Model

Manage Talent Profile Sources

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Person Talent Profile

Zone Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up zones

Manage Trading Community Zones

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Activities and Interests

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view activities and interests for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Activities and Interests (Data)

Resource: Activities and Interests

Activity Stream

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view activity stream for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Activity Stream (Data)

Resource: Activity Stream

Application Attachment

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can read application attachment for the categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment Category

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Application Descriptive Flexfield

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage application descriptive flexfield for all hcm applications data

Role: HCM Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield (Data)

Resource: Application Descriptive Flexfield

Application Document Sequence Category

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage application document sequence category for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Document Sequence Category (Data)

Resource: Application Document Sequence Category

Application Flexfield Value Set

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage application flexfield value set for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Flexfield Value Set (Data)

Resource: Application Flexfield Value Set

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage application flexfield value set for all hcm applications data

Role: HCM Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Flexfield Value Set (Data)

Resource: Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Lookup Type

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete application lookup types for all hcm applications data

Role: HCM Application Lookup Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Lookup Types (Data)

Resource: Application Lookup Type

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update application lookup types for all hcm applications data

Role: HCM Application Lookup Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Application Lookup Types (Data)

Resource: Application Lookup Type

Application Objects

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage application objects for all applications common objects

Role: FND Database Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage application objects for all customer relationship management application objects

Role: CRM Database Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Application Profile Value

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete application profile value for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Profile Value (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Value

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete application profile value for all hcm applications data

Role: HCM Application Profile Value  Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Profile Value (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Value

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update application profile value for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Application Profile Value (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Value

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update application profile value for all hcm applications data

Role: HCM Application Profile Value  Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Application Profile Value (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Value


A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can participant view appointment where they are owner or participants of the appointment

Role: Participant Appointment View Duty

Privilege: Participant View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view appointment for all appointments in the enterprise

Role: Appointment View Duty

Privilege: View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

Appointment Assignee Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view appointment assignee export object for all appointment assignee export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Assignee Export Object (Data)

Resource: Appointment Assignee Export Object

Appointment Category Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view appointment category export object for all appointment category export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Category Export Object (Data)

Resource: Appointment Category Export Object

Appointment Contact Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view appointment contact export object for all appointment contact export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Contact Export Object (Data)

Resource: Appointment Contact Export Object

Appointment Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view appointment export object for all appointment export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Export Object (Data)

Resource: Appointment Export Object

Appointment Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete appointment note where they have delete access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update appointment note where they have owner update access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view appointment note for all internal appointment notes in the enterprise

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view appointment note where they are the author of the private appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

Assignment Grade

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can choose assignment grade for grades in their grade security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade


A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view bookmark for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Bookmark (Data)

Resource: Bookmark

Business Unit

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can choose business unit organization for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Business Unit Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Consumer File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view consumer file import activity object type for all consumer file import activities of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Activity

Consumer File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view consumer file import mapping object type for all consumer file import mappings of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Mapping

Consumer File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view consumer file import object type for all consumer file import objects of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Object

Contact File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view contact file import activity object type for all contact file import activities of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Activity

Contact File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view contact file import mapping object type for all contact file import mappings of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Mapping

Contact File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view contact file import object type for all contact file import objects of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Object


A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage contract for all business units

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Contract

Contract Clause

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Contract Clause Folder

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Contract Expert Rule

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Contract Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view contract export object for all the contract export objects

Role: Contract Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Contract Export Object (Data)

Resource: Contract Export Object

Contract File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view contract import for all the contract file import objects

Role: Contract File Import Duty

Privilege: View Contract Import (Data)

Resource: Contract File Import Object

Role: Contract Import from File Setup Duty

Privilege: View Contract Import (Data)

Resource: Contract File Import Object

Contract Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view contract note for notes that are not private or private notes where they are the author.

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: View Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Contract Terms Template

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract Terms Library Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Country Structure File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view country structure file import activity object type for all country structure file import activities of object type country structure

Role: Geography Administration Duty

Privilege: View Country Structure File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Country Structure File Import Activity

Country Structure File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view country structure file import mapping object type for all country structure file import mappings of object type country structure

Role: Geography Administration Duty

Privilege: View Country Structure File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Country Structure File Import Mapping

Country Structure File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view country structure file import object type for all country structure file import objects of object type country structure

Role: Geography Administration Duty

Privilege: View Country Structure File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Country Structure File Import Object

Customer Account

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

Customer Competitor Purchase

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member with edit or full access

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Customer File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view customer file import activity object type for all customer file import activities of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Activity

Customer File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view customer file import mapping object type for all customer file import mappings of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Mapping

Customer File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view customer file import object type for all customer file import objects of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Object


A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Department Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Employee Resource File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view employee resource file import activity object type for all employee resource file import activities of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Activity

Employee Resource File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view employee resource file import mapping object type for all employee resource file import mappings of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Mapping

Employee Resource File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view employee resource file import object type for all employee resource file import objects of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Object

File Export Batch

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view file export batch for all export batches

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: View File Export Batch (Data)

Resource: File Export Batch

File Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage export unit test for all export unit test objects

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Export Unit Test (Data)

Resource: File Export Object

Geography File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view geography file import activity object type for all geography file import activities of object type geography

Role: Geography Administration Duty

Privilege: View Geography File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Geography File Import Activity

Geography File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view geography file import mapping object type for all geography file import mappings of object type geography

Role: Geography Administration Duty

Privilege: View Geography File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Geography File Import Mapping

Geography File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view geography file import object type for all geography file import objects of object type geography

Role: Geography Administration Duty

Privilege: View Geography File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Geography File Import Object

Group Customer File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view group customer file import activity object type for all group customer file import activities of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Activity

Group Customer File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view group customer file import mapping object type for all group customer file import mappings of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Mapping

Group Customer File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view group customer file import object type for all group customer file import objects of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Object

HR Job

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can choose hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Job Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Help Topic

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view secured custom help content for all secured help content they are authorized

Role: View Secured Custom Help Duty

Privilege: View Secured Custom Help Content

Resource: Help Topic

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view hierarchy file import activity object type for all hierarchy file import activities of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view hierarchy file import mapping object type for all hierarchy file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view hierarchy file import object type for all hierarchy file import objects of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Object

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view hierarchy node file import activity object type for all hierarchy node file import activities of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view hierarchy node file import mapping object type for all hierarchy node file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view hierarchy node file import object type for all hierarchy node file import objects of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Object

Imported Agreement File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view imported agreement file import activity object type for all imported agreement file import objects of object type 'agreement'

Role: CRM Auxiliary Data File Import Management Duty

Privilege: View Imported Agreement File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Imported Agreement File Import Activity

Imported Agreement File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view imported agreement file import mapping object type for all imported agreement file import objects of object type 'agreement'

Role: CRM Auxiliary Data File Import Management Duty

Privilege: View Imported Agreement File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Imported Agreement File Import Mapping

Imported Agreement File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view imported agreement file import object type for all imported agreement file import objects of object type 'agreement'

Role: CRM Auxiliary Data File Import Management Duty

Privilege: View Imported Agreement File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Imported Agreement File Import Object

Imported Asset File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view imported asset file import activity object type for all imported asset file import objects of object type 'asset'

Role: CRM Auxiliary Data File Import Management Duty

Privilege: View Imported Asset File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Imported Asset File Import Activity

Imported Asset File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view imported asset file import mapping object type for all imported asset file import objects of object type 'asset'

Role: CRM Auxiliary Data File Import Management Duty

Privilege: View Imported Asset File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Imported Asset File Import Mapping

Imported Asset File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view imported asset file import object type for all imported asset file import objects of object type 'asset'

Role: CRM Auxiliary Data File Import Management Duty

Privilege: View Imported Asset File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Imported Asset File Import Object

Incentive Compensation Goal

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage incentive compensation goal for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Goal (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can participant delete interaction where they are participants of the interaction

Role: Participant Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Participant Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can participant update interaction where they are participants of the interaction

Role: Participant Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Participant Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can participant view interaction where they are participants of the interaction

Role: Participant Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Participant View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

Interaction Association Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view interaction association export object for all interaction association export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction Association Export Object (Data)

Resource: Interaction Association Export Object

Interaction Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view interaction export object for all interaction export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction Export Object (Data)

Resource: Interaction Export Object

Interaction Participant Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view interaction participant export object for all interaction participant export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction Participant Export Object (Data)

Resource: Interaction Participant Export Object


A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can create item class item for the item classes they have access to

Role: Item Management Duty

Privilege: Create Item Class Item (Data)

Resource: Item


A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view kudos for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Kudos (Data)

Resource: Kudos

Legal Employer

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Legal Employer Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legal Entity File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view legal entity file import activity object type for all legal entity file import activities of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Activity

Legal Entity File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view legal entity file import mapping object type for all legal entity file import mappings of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Mapping

Legal Entity File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view legal entity file import object type for all legal entity file import objects of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Object


A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can choose location for locations in their location security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Marketing Advertising Activity Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing advertising activity export object for all marketing advertising activity export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Advertising Activity Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Advertising Activity Export Object

Marketing Advertising Activity File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing advertising activity file import activity object type for all marketing advertising activity file import activities in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Advertising Activity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Advertising Activity File Import Activity

Marketing Advertising Activity File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing advertising activity file import mapping object type for all marketing advertising activity file import mappings in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Advertising Activity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Advertising Activity File Import Mapping

Marketing Advertising Activity File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing advertising activity file import object type for all marketing advertising activity file import objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Advertising Activity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Advertising Activity File Import Object

Marketing Budget

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete marketing budget for all resource organizations and child resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete marketing budget where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete marketing budget where they are a resource in the marketing budget team

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete marketing budget where they are the owner of the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update marketing budget for all resource organizations and child resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update marketing budget where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update marketing budget where they are a resource in the marketing budget team

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update marketing budget where they are the owner of the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing budget for all resource organizations and child resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing budget where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing budget where they are a resource in the marketing budget team

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing budget where they are the owner of the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget

Marketing Budget Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing budget export object for all marketing budget export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Budget Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Export Object

Marketing Budget File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing budget file import activity object type for all marketing budget file import activities in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget File Import Activity

Marketing Budget File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing budget file import mapping object type for all marketing budget file import mappings in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget File Import Mapping

Marketing Budget File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing budget file import object type for all marketing budget file import objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget File Import Object

Marketing Budget Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete marketing budget note where they have delete access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete marketing budget note where they have view or update access to the marketing budget and where they are the author of the marketing budget note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update marketing budget note where they have view or update access to the marketing budget and where they are the author of the marketing budget note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing budget note for all internal or external marketing budget notes in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing budget note where they are the author of the private marketing budget note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Budget Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Note

Marketing Budget Team

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update marketing budget team for all external and internal marketing budget team members

Role: Marketing Fund Request and Claim Processing Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Team (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Team

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update marketing budget team for all external and internal marketing budget team members where they are the budget owner

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Team (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Team

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update marketing budget team for all external marketing budget team members who belong to their top-level resource organization or any of its child resource organizations

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Team (Data)

Resource: Marketing Budget Team

Marketing Campaign

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete marketing campaign for all marketing campaigns in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Campaign (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update marketing campaign for all marketing campaigns in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Campaign (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign

Marketing Campaign Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing campaign export object for all marketing campaign export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Campaign Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign Export Object

Marketing Campaign File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing campaign file import activity object type for all marketing campaign file import activities in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Campaign File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign File Import Activity

Marketing Campaign File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing campaign file import mapping object type for all marketing campaign file import mappings in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Campaign File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign File Import Mapping

Marketing Campaign File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing campaign file import object type for all marketing campaign file import objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Campaign File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign File Import Object

Marketing Campaign Resource Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing campaign resource export object for all marketing campaign resource export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Campaign Resource Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign Resource Export Object

Marketing Campaign Resource Team Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing campaign resource team export object for all marketing campaign resource team export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Campaign Resource Team Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign Resource Team Export Object

Marketing Campaign Stage Member Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing campaign stage member export object for all marketing campaign stage member export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Campaign Stage Member Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign Stage Member Export Object

Marketing Campaign Stage Member File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing campaign stage member file import activity object type for all marketing campaign stage member file import activities in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Campaign Stage Member File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign Stage Member File Import Activity

Marketing Campaign Stage Member File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing campaign stage member file import mapping object type for all marketing campaign stage member file import mappings in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Campaign Stage Member File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign Stage Member File Import Mapping

Marketing Campaign Stage Member File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing campaign stage member file import object type for all marketing campaign stage member file import objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Campaign Stage Member File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign Stage Member File Import Object

Marketing Claim

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete marketing claim where they have view access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update marketing claim where they have view access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing claim where they have view access to the marketing budget

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim

Marketing Claim Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete marketing claim note where they have delete access to the marketing claim

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete marketing claim note where they have view or update access to the marketing claim and where they are the author of the marketing claim note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update marketing claim note where they have view or update access to the marketing claim and where they are the author of the marketing claim note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing claim note for all internal or external marketing claim notes in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing claim note where they are the author of the private marketing claim note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Claim Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Claim Note

Marketing Event Activity Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing event activity export object for all marketing event activity export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Event Activity Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Event Activity Export Object

Marketing Event Activity File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing event activity file import activity object type for all marketing event activity file import activities in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Event Activity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Event Activity File Import Activity

Marketing Event Activity File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing event activity file import mapping object type for all marketing event activity file import mappings in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Event Activity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Event Activity File Import Mapping

Marketing Event Activity File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing event activity file import object type for all marketing event activity file import objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Event Activity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Event Activity File Import Object

Marketing Event Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing event export object for all marketing event export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Event Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Event Export Object

Marketing Fund Request Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete marketing fund request note where they have delete access to the marketing fund request

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete marketing fund request note where they have view or update access to the marketing fund request and where they are the author of the marketing fund request note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update marketing fund request note where they have view or update access to the marketing fund request and where they are the author of the marketing fund request note

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing fund request note for all internal or external marketing fund request notes in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Budget Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing fund request note where they are the author of the private marketing fund request note

Role: Marketing Budget Utilization Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Fund Request Note (Data)

Resource: Marketing Fund Request Note

Marketing Interaction Activity Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing interaction activity export object for all marketing interaction activity export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Interaction Activity Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Interaction Activity Export Object

Marketing Interaction Activity File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing interaction activity file import activity object type for all marketing interaction activity file import activities in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Interaction Activity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Interaction Activity File Import Activity

Marketing Interaction Activity File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing interaction activity file import mapping object type for all marketing interaction activity file import mappings in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Interaction Activity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Interaction Activity File Import Mapping

Marketing Interaction Activity File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing interaction activity file import object type for all marketing interaction activity file import objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Interaction Activity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Interaction Activity File Import Object

Marketing List

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete marketing list for all marketing lists in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing List (Data)

Resource: Marketing List

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update marketing list for all marketing lists in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing List (Data)

Resource: Marketing List

Marketing List Contact Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing list contact export object for all marketing list contact export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing List Contact Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing List Contact Export Object

Marketing List Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing list export object for all marketing list export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing List Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing List Export Object

Marketing List File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing list file import activity object type for all marketing list file import activities in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing List File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing List File Import Activity

Marketing List File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing list file import mapping object type for all marketing list file import mappings in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing List File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing List File Import Mapping

Marketing List File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing list file import object type for all marketing list file import objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing List File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing List File Import Object

Marketing Response Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing response export object for all marketing response export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Response Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Response Export Object

Marketing Response File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing response file import activity object type for all marketing response file import activities in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Response File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Response File Import Activity

Marketing Response File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing response file import mapping object type for all marketing response file import mappings in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Response File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Response File Import Mapping

Marketing Response File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing response file import object type for all marketing response file import objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Response File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Marketing Response File Import Object

Marketing Response Log Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing response log export object for all marketing response log export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Response Log Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Response Log Export Object

Marketing Response Product Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing response product export object for all marketing response product export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Response Product Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Response Product Export Object

Marketing Treatment

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete marketing treatment for all marketing treatments in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Treatment (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update marketing treatment for all marketing treatments in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Treatment (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment

Marketing Treatment E-Mail Footer

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing treatment restricted e-mail footer for all marketing treatment e-mail footers marked as restricted visibility in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Maintenance Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Treatment Restricted E-Mail Footer (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment E-Mail Footer

Marketing Treatment Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing treatment export object for all marketing treatment export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Treatment Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment Export Object

Marketing Treatment Product Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing treatment product export object for all marketing treatment product export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Treatment Product Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment Product Export Object

Marketing Treatment Promotion Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing treatment promotion export object for all marketing treatment promotion export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Treatment Promotion Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment Promotion Export Object

Marketing Treatment URL Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view marketing treatment url export object for all marketing treatment url export objects in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Treatment URL Export Object (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment URL Export Object

Message Board

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view message board for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Message Board (Data)

Resource: Message Board

Network Activities

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view network activities for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Network Activities (Data)

Resource: Network Activities


A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view note for all notes in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Note (Data)

Resource: Note

Note Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view note export object for all note export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Note Export Object (Data)

Resource: Note Export Object


A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage opportunity general profile for all opportunities having a partner organization

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage opportunity general profile where they are an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage opportunity restricted profile for all opportunities having a partner organization

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage opportunity revenue for all opportunities having a partner organization

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage opportunity revenue where they are an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage opportunity team for all opportunities having a partner organization

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage opportunity team where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view opportunity for all opportunities having a partner organization

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view opportunity where they are an opportunity sales team member with view, edit, or full access

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Opportunity Competitor Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view opportunity competitor export object for all opportunity competitor export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Competitor Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Competitor Export Object

Opportunity Contact Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view opportunity contact export object for all opportunity contact export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Contact Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Contact Export Object

Opportunity Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view opportunity export object for all opportunity export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Export Object

Opportunity Lead Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view opportunity lead export object for all opportunity lead export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Lead Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Lead Export Object

Opportunity Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage opportunity note for all opportunities having a partner organization and the note is external

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage opportunity note where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view opportunity note for all opportunities having a partner organization and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view opportunity note where they are a member of the opportunity sales team with view, edit, or full access, and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Channel Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Opportunity Reference Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view opportunity reference export object for all opportunity reference export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Reference Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Reference Export Object

Opportunity Resource Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view opportunity resource export object for all opportunity resource export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Resource Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Resource Export Object

Opportunity Revenue Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view opportunity revenue export object for all opportunity revenue export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Revenue Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Revenue Export Object

Opportunity Revenue Partners Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view opportunity revenue partners export object for all opportunity revenue partners export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Revenue Partners Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Revenue Partners Export Object

Opportunity Revenue Territories Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view opportunity revenue territories export object for all opportunity revenue territories export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Revenue Territories Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Revenue Territories Export Object

Opportunity Source Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view opportunity source export object for all opportunity source export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Source Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Source Export Object


A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view partner account for all partner accounts in the enterprise

Role: Partner Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner

Partner Account Team Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view partner account for all partner accounts in the enterprise

Role: Partner Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Account Team Export Object

Partner Dimensions Member Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view partner account for all partner accounts in the enterprise

Role: Partner Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Dimensions Member Export Object

Partner File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view partner file import activity object type for all partner file import activities of object type 'partner company'

Role: Partner Import Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Activity

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Activity

Partner File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view partner file import mapping object type for all partner file import mappings of object type 'partner company'

Role: Partner Import Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Mapping

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Mapping

Partner File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view partner file import object type for all partner file import objects of object type 'partner company'

Role: Partner Import Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Object

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Object

Partner Member File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view partner member file import activity object type for all partner member file import activities of object type 'partner member'

Role: Partner Import Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Activity

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Activity

Partner Member File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view partner member file import mapping object type for all partner member file import mappings of object type 'partner member'

Role: Partner Import Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Mapping

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Mapping

Partner Member File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view partner member file import object type for all partner member file import objects of object type 'partner member'

Role: Partner Import Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Object

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Object

Partner Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage partner note for all notes  that are not private

Role: Partner Account Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Note (Data)

Resource: Partner Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage partner note for all notes that are not private and where they are in the partner account team

Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Note (Data)

Resource: Partner Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage partner note where they are the author of the note

Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Note (Data)

Resource: Partner Note

Partner Profile

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage partner account for all partner accounts in the enterprise

Role: Partner Account Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view partner account for all partner accounts in the enterprise

Role: Partner Account Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view partner account where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the partner account team

Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view partner account where they are in the partner account team

Role: Partner Account Review Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

Partner Profile Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view partner account for all partner accounts in the enterprise

Role: Partner Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile Export Object

Partner Profile Multiple Values Fields Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view partner account for all partner accounts in the enterprise

Role: Partner Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile Multiple Values Fields Export Object

Partner Program

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can maintain partner program for all partner programs in the enterprise

Role: Partner Program Maintain Duty

Privilege: Maintain Partner Program (Data)

Resource: Partner Program

Partner Program Enrollment

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage partner program enrollment for all partner program enrollments in the enterprise

Role: Partner Program Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Manage Partner Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Partner Program Enrollment

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view partner program enrollment for all partner program enrollments in the enterprise

Role: Partner Program Enrollment View Duty

Privilege: View Partner Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Partner Program Enrollment

Person Assignment

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Email

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage person email for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: User Role Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Type

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can choose person type for person types in their person type security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type


A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Product Group Details Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view product group export object for all product group details export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Product Group Details Export Object

Product Group File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view product group file import activity object type for all authorized product group file import activities in all resource organizations where they are authorized

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Product Group File Import Activity

Product Group File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view product group file import mapping object type for all product group file import mappings in all resource organizations where they are authorized

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Product Group File Import Mapping

Product Group File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view product group file import object type for all product group file import objects in all resource organizations where they are authorized

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Product Group File Import Object

Product Group Products Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view product group export object for all product group products export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Product Group Products Export Object

Product Group Subgroups Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view product group export object for all product group subgroups export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Product Group Subgroups Export Object

Product Group Translations Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view product group export object for all product group translations export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Product Group Translations Export Object

Promotion File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view promotion file import activity object type for all promotion file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Promotion Administration Duty

Privilege: View Promotion File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Promotion File Import Activity

Promotion File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view promotion file import mapping object type for all promotion file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Promotion Administration Duty

Privilege: View Promotion File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Promotion File Import Mapping

Promotion File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view promotion file import object type for all promotion file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Promotion Administration Duty

Privilege: View Promotion File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Promotion File Import Object

Public Person

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Details Duty

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Resource Team File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view resource team file import activity object type for all resource team file import activities of object type 'resource team'

Role: Resource Team Administration Duty

Privilege: View Resource Team File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Resource Team File Import Activity

Resource Team File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view resource team file import mapping object type for all resource team file import mappings of object type 'resource team'

Role: Resource Team Administration Duty

Privilege: View Resource Team File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Resource Team File Import Mapping

Resource Team File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view resource team file import object type for all resource team file import objects of object type 'resource team'

Role: Resource Team Administration Duty

Privilege: View Resource Team File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Resource Team File Import Object

Sales Account

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales account where the user is in the customer team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update sales account where the user is in the customer team with edit access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Account

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Account

Resource: Sales Account

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales account where the user is in the customer team with view access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with view access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Sales Account File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales account file import activity object type for all sales account file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account File Import Activity Object type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account File Import Activity

Sales Account File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales account file import mapping object type for all sales account file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account File Import Mapping Object type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account File Import Mapping

Sales Account File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales account file import object type for all sales account file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account File Import Object type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account File Import Object

Sales Account Profile Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales account profile export object for all sales account profile export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Party Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account Profile Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Account Profile Export Object

Sales Account Team Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales account team export object for all sales account team export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Party Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account Team Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Account Team Export Object

Sales Account Team File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales account team file import activity object type for all sales account team file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account Team File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account Team File Import Activity

Sales Account Team File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales account team file import mapping object type for all sales account team file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account Team File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account Team File Import Mapping

Sales Account Team File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales account team file import object type for all sales account team file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account Team File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account Team File Import Object

Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales forecast adjustment for all territories in the enterprise

Role: Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Sales Forecast Adjustment Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales forecast adjustment export object for all sales forecast adjustment export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment Export Object

Sales Forecast Header Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales forecast header export object for all sales forecast header export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Header Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Header Export Object

Sales Forecast Item

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales forecast item for all territories in the enterprise

Role: Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Sales Forecast Item Adjustment Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales forecast item adjustment export object for all sales forecast item adjustment export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item Adjustment Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item Adjustment Export Object

Sales Forecast Item Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales forecast item export object for all sales forecast item export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item Export Object

Sales Forecast Participant

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales forecast participant for all territories in the enterprise

Role: Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

Sales Forecast Participant Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales forecast participant export object for all sales forecast participant export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant Export Object

Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can convert sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can convert sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can convert sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can convert sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can convert sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update sales lead all partners for all partner leads in the enterprise

Role: Partner Lead Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead All Partners (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update sales lead others where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update sales lead others where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update sales lead owner where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update sales lead owner where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales lead all partners for all partner leads in the enterprise

Role: Partner Lead Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead All Partners (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Sales Lead Contact Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales lead contact export object for all sales lead contact export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Contact Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Contact Export Object

Sales Lead Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales lead export object for all sales lead export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Export Object

Sales Lead Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete sales lead note where they have delete access to the sales lead

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales lead note for all external sales lead notes in the enterprise

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales lead note for all internal sales lead notes in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales lead note where they are the author of the private sales lead note

Role: Lead Registration Submission Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Sales Lead Product Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales lead product export object for all sales lead product export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Product Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Product Export Object

Sales Lead Resource Access Level Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales lead resource access level export object for all sales lead resource access level export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Resource Access Level Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Resource Access Level Export Object

Sales Lead Resource Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales lead resource export object for all sales lead resource export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Resource Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Resource Export Object

Sales Lead Territory Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales lead territory export object for all sales lead territory export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Territory Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Territory Export Object

Sales Party

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales party where they are in the sales account team with full access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with edit access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update sales party where they are in the sales account team with edit access

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales party where they are in the sales account team

Role: Partner Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Sales Party Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can edit sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can edit sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can edit sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Sales Party Partner Territory Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales party partner territory export object for all sales party partner territory export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Party Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Partner Territory Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Partner Territory Export Object

Sales Party Team Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales party team export object for all sales party team export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Party Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Team Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Team Export Object

Sales Party Team File Import Activity

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales party team file import activity object type for all sales party team file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Team File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Team File Import Activity

Sales Party Team File Import Mapping

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can sales party team file import mapping object type for all sales party team file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: Sales Party Team File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Team File Import Mapping

Sales Party Team File Import Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales party team file import object type for all sales party team file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Team File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Team File Import Object

Sales Quota Plan

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales quota plan for all sales quota plans

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan

Role: Quota Management Setup Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales quota plan for all sales quota plans that are active

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan

Sales Quota Plan Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales quota plan export object for all sales quota plan export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan Export Object

Sales Quota Plan Options Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales quota plan options export object for all sales quota plan options export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan Options Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan Options Export Object

Sales Quota Prediction Formula Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales quota prediction formula export object for all sales quota prediction formula export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Prediction Formula Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Prediction Formula Export Object

Sales Quota Prediction Formula Parameter Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales quota prediction formula parameter export object for all sales quota prediction formula parameters export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Prediction Formula Parameter Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Prediction Formula Parameter Export Object

Sales Quota Seasonality Factor Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales quota seasonality factor export object for all seasonality factor export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Seasonality Factor Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Seasonality Factor Export Object

Sales Quota Seasonality Group Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales quota seasonality group export object for all seasonality factor group export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Seasonality Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Seasonality Group Export Object

Sales Quota Spread Formula Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales quota spread formula export object for all spread formula export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Spread Formula Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Spread Formula Export Object

Sales Quota Territory Prediction Formula Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales quota territory prediction formula export object for all sales quota territory prediction formula export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Territory Prediction Formula Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Territory Prediction Formula Export Object

Sales Quota Territory Prediction Formula Parameter Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales quota territory prediction formula parameter export object for all sales quota territory prediction formula parameters export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Territory Prediction Formula Parameter Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Territory Prediction Formula Parameter Export Object

Sales Reference Customer

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales reference customer for all sales reference customers in the enterprise

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Sales Resource Quota

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales resource quota where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy where the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales resource quota where they are the owner of the root territory, if the resource quota is for the root territory

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales resource quota for all sales resource quota objects in the enterprise

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales resource quota where they are assigned the quota

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales resource quota where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy where the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales resource quota where they are the owner of the territory to which the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Sales Resource Quota Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales resource quota export object for all sales resource quota export objects in the enterprise

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota Export Object

Sales Resource Quota Time Period Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales resource quota time period export object for all sales resource quota time period export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota Time Period Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota Time Period Export Object

Sales Territory

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales territory for all territories in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Setup Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales territory where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy, as long as the topmost territory they own is not submitted

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales territory for all territories in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Setup Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales territory where they are a member of the territory team

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales territory where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales territory where they are the territory owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Sales Territory Dimensionality Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales territory dimensionality export object for all sales territory dimensionality export objects in the enterprise

Role: Territory Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Dimensionality Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Dimensionality Export Object

Sales Territory Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales territory export object for all sales territory export objects in the enterprise

Role: Territory Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Export Object

Sales Territory Partition

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales territory partition for all partitions in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Setup Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Partition (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Partition

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales territory partition for all partitions in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Partition (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Partition

Role: Territory Management Setup Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Partition (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Partition

Sales Territory Proposal

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales territory proposal for all proposals in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Setup Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a territory administered by the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage sales territory proposal where they are the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy of a published or submitted territory in the proposal

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a published or submitted territory in the proposal

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a territory administered by the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales territory proposal where they are the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

Sales Territory Proposal Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales territory proposal export object for all sales territory proposal export objects in the enterprise

Role: Territory Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal Export Object

Sales Territory Quota Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales territory quota export object for all sales territory quota export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Quota Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Quota Export Object

Sales Territory Quota Time Period Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales territory quota time period export object for all sales territory quota time period export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Quota Time Period Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Quota Time Period Export Object

Sales Territory Resource Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view sales territory resource export object for all sales territory resource export objects in the enterprise

Role: Territory Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Resource Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Resource Export Object

Social Connection

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view social connection for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Connection (Data)

Resource: Social Connection

Social Profile

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view social profile for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Profile (Data)

Resource: Social Profile

Talent Profile

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view talent profile model for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Administration Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Model (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view talent profile person for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Administration Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Person (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

Task Assignee Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view task assignee export object for all task assignee export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Assignee Export Object (Data)

Resource: Task Assignee Export Object

Task Contact Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view task contact export object for all task contact export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Contact Export Object (Data)

Resource: Task Contact Export Object

Task Export Object

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view task export object for all task export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Export Object (Data)

Resource: Task Export Object

Task Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete task note where they have delete access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can delete task note where they have delete access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update task note where they have update access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update task note where they have update access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view task note for all internal task notes in the enterprise

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view task note where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Export

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community export object for all trading community export objects in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Export Object (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Export

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community organization for a trading community organization that is a partner and the user is a member of the partner organization

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community person for all persons who are a member of their partner organization

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community person for all trading community persons that are contacts and associated with their partner company organization

Role: Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community person for their trading community person record

Role: Person Self Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships that are contacts and associated with their partner company organization

Role: Partner Customer Contact Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community relationship for trading community partner contact relationships with their company

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can remove trading community resource for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Remove Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update trading community resource for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can update trading community resource for their resource record

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community resource for all trading community resources.

Role: Partner Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

Trading Community Resource Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage trading community resource note for the resource notes for which they are the owner

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Resource Skill

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage trading community resource skill for all resource skills

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community resource skill for all resource skills

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job  role Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator

GRC Entitlement

Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Create Items

Approve Cycle Count Sequences

Create Cycle Count

Create Interorganization Transfer

Create Subinventory Transfer

Cycle Counting

Inventory Transactions

Item Costing

Create Items

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as follows:

GRC Entitlement Type

GRC Entitlement

Duty Role



Create Items

Manage Item

Job Role: Data Steward Manager

Manages customer data stewards and has additional privileges including assigning requests.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Data Steward Manager

Duty Role


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

Manage application reference data set and assignments.

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

Manages application tree structure.

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Application World Reference Administration Duty

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

Appointment File Import Duty

Manage the appointment file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Addresses Management Duty

Manages customer account address information.

Customer Account Contact Responsibilities Management Duty

Manages customer account contact responsibility information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Contacts Management Duty

Manages customer account contact.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Information Management Duty

Manages customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Customer Account Relationships Management Duty

Manages customer account relationship information.

Customer Data Steward Duty

Enterprise duty role that inherits all duties performed by the Customer Data Steward

Customer Hub UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Customer Hub pages

Data Steward Analysis Duty

BI duty role to perform data quality analysis of customer data.

Data Steward Manager Duty

Enterprise duty role that inherits all duties performed by the Data Steward Manager

Data Steward Transaction Analysis Duty

BI duty role to perform data quality analysis of customer data. Maps to Data Steward Manager / Customer Data Steward roles

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Group Information Management Duty

Manages group basic and child information.

Interaction File Import Duty

Manage interaction file import objects, mappings, activities.

Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage legal contact preferences

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Note File Import Duty

Manages the note file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Organization Information Inquiry Duty

Views organization basic information.

Organization Information Management Duty

Manages organization basic information.

Organization Relationships Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage organization relationship information

Organization Removal Duty

Removes organizations.

Party Center Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view party center nodes.

Party Center Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage party center nodes.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Person Information Inquiry Duty

Views person basic information.

Person Information Management Duty

Manages person information.

Person Relationships Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage person Relationship information

Person Removal Duty

Removes people.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Contact Information Management Duty

Manages personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Personal Identifier Management Duty

Manages social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.

Sales Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Sales Analysis module.

Task File Import Duty

Manage the task file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Trading Community Confidential PII Management Duty

Manages personally identifiable information.

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch Management Duty

Manages data cleansing batches.

Trading Community Data Cleansing Process Management Duty

Manages data cleansing process.

Trading Community Data Quality Analytics Duty

Trading Community Data Quality Analytics Duty

Trading Community Data Quality Management Duty

Performs real-time and batch data quality functions such as matching and cleansing.

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Approval Duty

Grants privileges to approve and reject duplicate identification batches

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view duplicate identification batches

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage duplicate identification batches

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Approval Duty

Grants privileges to approve and reject duplicate resolution requests

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view duplicate resolution requests

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage duplicate resolution requests

Trading Community Hierarchy Management Duty

Manages hierarchies.

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Trading Community Link Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage trading community links

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Data Steward Manager

Inherited Roles

Data Steward Manager

          Business Intelligence Applications Worker

                    Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

          Data Steward Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Sales Analysis Currency Preference

          Data Steward Manager Duty

                    Administration Link View Duty

                    Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

                    Customer Data Steward Duty

                              Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

                              Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Application World Reference Administration Duty

                              Appointment File Import Duty

                              Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

                              Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Addresses Management Duty

                                        Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Contact Responsibilities Management Duty

                              Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Contacts Management Duty

                                        Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Information Management Duty

                                        Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Relationships Management Duty

                                        Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                              Data Steward Analysis Duty

                                        Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                                        Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              Functional Setups Duty

                              Group Information Management Duty

                              Interaction File Import Duty

                              Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

                              Locations Management Duty

                                        Locations Inquiry Duty

                              Note File Import Duty

                              Organization Information Management Duty

                                        Organization Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Organization Relationships Management Duty

                              Organization Removal Duty

                              Party Center Inquiry Duty

                              Party Center Management Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Person Information Management Duty

                                        Person Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Person Relationships Management Duty

                              Person Removal Duty

                              Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Task File Import Duty

                              Trading Community Confidential PII Management Duty

                                        Personal Contact Information Management Duty

                                        Personal Identifier Management Duty

                                        Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                              Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch Management Duty

                              Trading Community Data Cleansing Process Management Duty

                              Trading Community Data Quality Analytics Duty

                              Trading Community Data Quality Management Duty

                              Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

                                        Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Inquiry Duty

                              Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

                                        Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Inquiry Duty

                              Trading Community Hierarchy Management Duty

                                        Application Tree Administration Duty

                                        Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

                              Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                              Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

                              Trading Community Link Management Duty

                    Customer Hub UI Customization Duty

                    Data Steward Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                    File Import Management Duty

                              File Import Scheduling Duty

                                        Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Approval Duty

                    Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

                              Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Inquiry Duty

                    Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Approval Duty

                    Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

                              Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Inquiry Duty

          Data Steward Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Data Steward Manager.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

View Administration Link

Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

Manage application reference data set and assignments.

Manage Application Reference Data Set

Manage Application Reference Data Set Assignment

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Manage Application Tree

Manage Application Tree Label

Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

Manages application tree structure.

Manage Application Tree Structure

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Manage My Application Profile Values

Application World Reference Administration Duty

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Currency

Manage Application Reference ISO Language

Manage Application Reference Industry

Manage Application Reference Language

Manage Application Reference Natural Language

Manage Application Reference Territory

Manage Application Reference Timezone

Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

View Audit Trail Report

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Addresses Management Duty

Manages customer account address information.

Add Customer Account Site Use

Correct Customer Account Site

Create Customer Account Site

Export Customer Account Site

Move Customer Account Site

Remove Customer Account Site

Remove Customer Account Site Use

Update Customer Account Site Use

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contact Responsibilities Management Duty

Manages customer account contact responsibility information.

Enter Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Remove Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Select Customer Account Contact Responsibility as Primary

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Contacts Management Duty

Manages customer account contact.

Add Customer Account Contact

Remove Customer Account Contact

Select Customer Account Contact as Primary

Update Customer Account Contact

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Information Management Duty

Manages customer account basic information.

Enter Customer Account

Remove Customer Account

Update Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Account Relationships Management Duty

Manages customer account relationship information.

Enter Customer Account Relationship

Remove Customer Account Relationship

Update Customer Account Relationship

Customer Hub UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Customer Hub pages

Customize Customer Hub UI

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

Set Up File Import Object and Mapping

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Review Applications Offering

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Setup and Maintain Applications

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Search Trading Community Location

View Trading Community Location

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Enter Trading Community Location

Remove Trading Community Location

Update Trading Community Location

Organization Information Inquiry Duty

Views organization basic information.

View Trading Community Organization

Organization Information Management Duty

Manages organization basic information.

Enter Trading Community Organization Information

Manage Organization Attachments

Manage Organization Interactions

Manage Organization Notes

Manage Trading Community Organization Usage Assignment

Submit Organization Merge Request

Update Trading Community Organization

Organization Relationships Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage organization relationship information

Add Trading Community Organization Relationship

Remove Trading Community Organization Relationship

Update Trading Community Organization Relationship

Organization Removal Duty

Removes organizations.

Remove Trading Community Organization

Party Center Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view party center nodes.

View Party Center Organization Profile History

View Party Center Person Profile History

View Party Center Relationships

View Party Center Source System References

Party Center Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage party center nodes.

Manage Party Center Relationships

Manage Party Center Source System References

View Party Center Organization Profile History

View Party Center Person Profile History

Person Information Inquiry Duty

Views person basic information.

View Trading Community Person

Person Information Management Duty

Manages person information.

Enter Trading Community Person

Manage Person Attachments

Manage Person Interactions

Manage Person Notes

Manage Trading Community Person Usage Assignment

Submit Person Merge Request

Update Trading Community Person

Person Relationships Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage person Relationship information

Add Trading Community Person Relationship

Remove Trading Community Person Relationship

Update Trading Community Person Relationship

Person Removal Duty

Removes people.

Remove Trading Community Person

Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch Management Duty

Manages data cleansing batches.

Search Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch

View Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch List and Env Statistics

View Trading Community Data Management Dashboard

Trading Community Data Cleansing Process Management Duty

Manages data cleansing process.

Accept Trading Community Data Cleansing Process Results

Enter Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch Process Information

Run Trading Community Data Cleansing Results Acceptance Process

Run Trading Community Data Cleansing Results Rejection Process

Trading Community Data Quality Analytics Duty

Trading Community Data Quality Analytics Duty

View Trading Community Data Quality Analytics Report

Trading Community Data Quality Management Duty

Performs real-time and batch data quality functions such as matching and cleansing.

Cleanse Trading Community Data Real-Time

Match Trading Community Data Real-Time

Run Trading Community Data Quality Batch Cleanse Process

Run Trading Community Data Quality Batch Cleanse Sub-Process

Run Trading Community Data Quality Batch Match Process

Run Trading Community Data Quality Batch Match Sub-Process

Run Trading Community Data Quality Data Synchronization Process

Run Trading Community Data Quality Data Synchronization Sub-Process

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Approval Duty

Grants privileges to approve and reject duplicate identification batches

Assign Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

Reject Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view duplicate identification batches

Search Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

View Trading Community Data Management Dashboard

View Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

View Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Nonduplicate Mapping

View Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note

View Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Rejected Batches

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage duplicate identification batches

Enter Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

Manage Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note

Manage Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note Type

Manage Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note Type Mapping

Reject Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Approval Duty

Grants privileges to approve and reject duplicate resolution requests

Assign Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

Process Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

Reject Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view duplicate resolution requests

Search Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

View Trading Community Data Management Dashboard

View Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

View Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note

View Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Rejected Requests

View Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Resolution History

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage duplicate resolution requests

Enter Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

Manage Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note

Manage Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note Type

Manage Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note Type Mapping

Override Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Mapping

Process Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

Reject Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

View Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note

Trading Community Hierarchy Management Duty

Manages hierarchies.

Manage Trading Community Hierarchy

Run Trading Community Hierarchy Audit Job

View Trading Community Hierarchy

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Modify Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Link Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage trading community links

Delete Trading Community Link

Enter Trading Community Link Information

Update Trading Community Link

View Trading Community Link

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Data Steward Manager

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Application Attachment Category

A Data Steward Manager can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Data Steward Manager can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Data Steward Manager can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Appointment File Import Activity

A Data Steward Manager can view appointment file import activity object type for all appointment file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Appointment File Import Duty

Privilege: View Appointment File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Appointment File Import Activity

Appointment File Import Mapping

A Data Steward Manager can view appointment file import mapping object type for all appointment file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Appointment File Import Duty

Privilege: View Appointment File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Appointment File Import Mapping

Appointment File Import Object

A Data Steward Manager can view appointment file import object type for all appointment file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Appointment File Import Duty

Privilege: View Appointment File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Appointment File Import Object

Consumer File Import Activity

A Data Steward Manager can view consumer file import activity object type for all consumer file import activities of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Activity

Consumer File Import Mapping

A Data Steward Manager can view consumer file import mapping object type for all consumer file import mappings of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Mapping

Consumer File Import Object

A Data Steward Manager can view consumer file import object type for all consumer file import objects of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Object

Contact File Import Activity

A Data Steward Manager can view contact file import activity object type for all contact file import activities of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Activity

Contact File Import Mapping

A Data Steward Manager can view contact file import mapping object type for all contact file import mappings of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Mapping

Contact File Import Object

A Data Steward Manager can view contact file import object type for all contact file import objects of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Object

Customer Account

A Data Steward Manager can update customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

A Data Steward Manager can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

Customer File Import Activity

A Data Steward Manager can view customer file import activity object type for all customer file import activities of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Activity

Customer File Import Mapping

A Data Steward Manager can view customer file import mapping object type for all customer file import mappings of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Mapping

Customer File Import Object

A Data Steward Manager can view customer file import object type for all customer file import objects of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Object

Group Customer File Import Activity

A Data Steward Manager can view group customer file import activity object type for all group customer file import activities of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Activity

Group Customer File Import Mapping

A Data Steward Manager can view group customer file import mapping object type for all group customer file import mappings of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Mapping

Group Customer File Import Object

A Data Steward Manager can view group customer file import object type for all group customer file import objects of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Object

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Data Steward Manager can view hierarchy file import activity object type for all hierarchy file import activities of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Data Steward Manager can view hierarchy file import mapping object type for all hierarchy file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Object

A Data Steward Manager can view hierarchy file import object type for all hierarchy file import objects of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Object

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Data Steward Manager can view hierarchy node file import activity object type for all hierarchy node file import activities of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Data Steward Manager can view hierarchy node file import mapping object type for all hierarchy node file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Object

A Data Steward Manager can view hierarchy node file import object type for all hierarchy node file import objects of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Object

Interaction File Import Activity

A Data Steward Manager can view interaction file import activity object type for all interaction file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorizedtion

Role: Interaction File Import Duty

Privilege: View Interaction File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Interaction File Import Activity

Interaction File Import Mapping

A Data Steward Manager can view interaction file import mapping object type for all interaction file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Interaction File Import Duty

Privilege: View Interaction File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Interaction File Import Mapping

Interaction File Import Object

A Data Steward Manager can view interaction file import object type for all interaction file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Interaction File Import Duty

Privilege: View Interaction File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Interaction File Import Object

Legal Entity File Import Activity

A Data Steward Manager can view legal entity file import activity object type for all legal entity file import activities of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Activity

Legal Entity File Import Mapping

A Data Steward Manager can view legal entity file import mapping object type for all legal entity file import mappings of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Mapping

Legal Entity File Import Object

A Data Steward Manager can view legal entity file import object type for all legal entity file import objects of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Object

Note File Import Activity

A Data Steward Manager can view note file import activity object type for all note file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Note File Import Duty

Privilege: View Note File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Note File Import Activity

Note File Import Mapping

A Data Steward Manager can view note file import mapping object type for all note file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Note File Import Duty

Privilege: View Note File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Note File Import Mapping

Note File Import Object

A Data Steward Manager can view note file import object type for all note file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Note File Import Duty

Privilege: View Note File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Note File Import Object

Task File Import Activity

A Data Steward Manager can view task file import activity object type for all task file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Task File Import Duty

Privilege: View Task File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Task File Import Activity

Task File Import Mapping

A Data Steward Manager can view task file import mapping object type for all task file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Task File Import Duty

Privilege: View Task File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Task File Import Mapping

Task File Import Object

A Data Steward Manager can view task file import object type for all task file import objects  in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Task File Import Duty

Privilege: View Task File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Task File Import Object

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Data Steward Manager can manage customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

A Data Steward Manager can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Data Steward Manager can manage customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Data Steward Manager can manage customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community data cleansing batch for all the data cleansing batches in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch

A Data Steward Manager can view trading community data cleansing batch for all the data cleansing batches in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Data Cleansing Batch

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community duplicate identification batch for all duplicate identification batches in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

A Data Steward Manager can reject trading community duplicate identification batch for all duplicate identification batches in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Approval Duty

Privilege: Reject Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

A Data Steward Manager can reject trading community duplicate identification batch for self

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

Privilege: Reject Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

A Data Steward Manager can view trading community duplicate identification batch for all duplicate identification batches in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community duplicate identification batch note for all duplicate identification batches in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Approval Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note

A Data Steward Manager can view trading community duplicate identification batch note for all duplicate identification batches in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Approval Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Note

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

A Data Steward Manager can enter trading community duplicate resolution request for all duplicate identification batches in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Approval Duty

Privilege: Enter Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

A Data Steward Manager can enter trading community duplicate resolution request for self

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch Management Duty

Privilege: Enter Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community duplicate resolution request for all duplicate resolution requests in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

A Data Steward Manager can process trading community duplicate resolution request for all duplicate resolution requests in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Approval Duty

Privilege: Process Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

A Data Steward Manager can process trading community duplicate resolution request for self

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

Privilege: Process Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

A Data Steward Manager can reject trading community duplicate resolution request for all duplicate resolution requests in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Approval Duty

Privilege: Reject Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

A Data Steward Manager can reject trading community duplicate resolution request for self

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

Privilege: Reject Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

A Data Steward Manager can view trading community duplicate resolution request for all duplicate resolution requests in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community duplicate resolution request note for all duplicate resolution requests in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Approval Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note

A Data Steward Manager can view trading community duplicate resolution request note for all duplicate resolution requests in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Approval Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note

Role: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request Note

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Data Steward Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Data Steward Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Data Steward Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Data Steward Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Abstract Role: Employee

Identifies the person as an employee.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Employee

Duty Role


Approval Notification Duty

Grants access to view product specific notification content.

Approve Transactions Duty

Allows ability to approve transactions

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Intelligence Consumer Duty

A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office. This role  allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a subject area.


Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server

Chinese Accounts View Duty

Allows an employee within a Chinese legal employer to view their PHF and social insurance account numbers.

Create Social Group Duty

Creates social groups.

Employee Absence Recording Duty

Manages absence records. This role is used by employees.

Employee Enrollment Duty

Manages employee enrollments.

Expense Bank Account Management Duty

Manages employee's bank accounts.

Expense Entry Duty

Creates and updates expense items and expense reports.

Gallery Access Duty

Grants access to the portrait and gallery search duties.

Goal Management Worker Duty

Goal Management Worker  - inherited by Worker

HCM Information Comparison Duty

Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

My Portrait Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the my portrait work area.

Negotiation Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty

Review supplier negotiation attachments as procurement requester.

Negotiation Viewing as Procurement Requester Duty

View a supplier negotiation and its details as a requester.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Payables Invoice Inquiry Duty

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

Payee Bank Account Management Duty

Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Payroll Personal Payment Method Management Duty

Manages payment methods used to pay a person and defines how the payments are split if multiple payment methods are specified.

Payroll Personal Payment Method View Duty

Views payment methods used to pay a person and how the payments are split if multiple payment methods are specified.

Payroll View Payslip View Duty

Views payslips.

Performance Management Worker Duty

Adds content to rate to performance document and evaluates self.

Person Address Maintenance Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own address data.

Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the person gallery work area.

Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

Grants access to a person to manage their own marital status and related data.

Person Name Maintenance Duty

Maintains persons' name related attributes.

Person Name Maintenance Duty Obsolete

Obsolete role. Do not use.

Person National Identifier View Duty

Grants access to persons to view national identifier.

Personal Compensation Management Duty

Manages contributions made toward savings and contribution type plans.

Portrait Access Duty

Grants access to the portrait maintenance and portrait view duties.

Portrait Availability Duty

Grants access to the availability card in the portrait, which includes schedule, absence, and accrual information.

Portrait Benefits Duty

Views benefits data for a worker in the portrait.

Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human Resource Specialist to view the person's photo, phones, emails and other communication methods in the portrait.

Portrait Compensation Duty

Views compensation data for a worker in the portrait.

Portrait Contact Duty

Grants access to view the contact card in the portrait, which includes phone number, e-mail, other communication methods, work location information, manager, directs and peers.

Portrait Maintenance Duty

Grants access to the portrait maintenance duties for the portrait cards.

Portrait Personal and Employment Duty

Grants access to a person's own personal and employment information in the portrait.

Portrait View Duty

Grants access to the portrait view duties for the portrait cards.

Procurement Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and Spend Analysis module.

Public Person Selection Duty

Grants access to select deferred persons. This is a single privilege duty because it is an isolated privilege that needs to be consumed by other teams.

Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty

Review purchase order and referenced document attachments as a procurement requester.

Purchase Order Attachment Management as Procurement Requester Duty

Manage purchase order attachments as a procurement requester.

Purchase Order Changes as Procurement Requester Duty

Perform purchase order change management tasks as a procurement requester.

Receiving Management Requester Duty

Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, and return receipts.

Requester Analysis Duty

Duty role with limited access to view and analyze procurement cycle times related to requisitions processing within the Requisition BU that requester belongs to

Requisition Attachment Management Duty

Manages attachments on requisitions.

Requisition Business Unit Data Security

This role is used for Requisition Business Unit data security in the data warehouse

Requisition Self Service User Duty

Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing requisitions, creating noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on requisition lines.

Requisition and Referenced Attachment Inquiry Duty

Reviews attachments on requisitions.

Review Inbound Shipment Details Duty

Reviews inbound shipment details.

Review Receipt Summary Duty

Reviews receipt summary and receipt line details.

Review Receiving Transaction History Duty

Reviews transaction history associated with a receipt.

Social Connection Worker Duty

Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection employee duties.

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Group Participation Duty

Participates in social groups.

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Supplier Bank Account Import Duty

Allows access to import bank accounts and external payee information for suppliers, supplier sites, and supplier addresses.

Talent Worker Duty

Performs all talent management duties as an employee or contingent worker.

Task Management Duty

Manages transaction tasks.

Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty

Views generated total compensation statements for themselves.

US Employee Portrait Gallery Duty

Allows an employee within a US legal employer to access US specific tasks.

View Batch Jobs Duty

View ESS Batch Jobs in Scheduled Processes workarea.

View Employment Information Duty

Views employment information.

View Secured Custom Help Duty

Views custom help containing the security lookup value Secured.

Worker Availability Viewing Duty

Views workers' availability based on their work schedules.

Worker Document Management Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own document data.

Worker Duty

Performs worker related tasks.

Worker Gallery Access Duty

Restricts access to private data in the portrait to workers themselves and HR specialists.

Worker Gallery Search Duty

Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.

Worker Information Sharing Duty

Shares own employment information with line managers or external parties.

Worker Onboarding Duty

Duty role that permits newly hired workers to complete the onboarding tasks associated with an onboarding process.

Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Manages workers' addresses, e-mails, phones, and other personal information.

Worker Processes Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own data including address, marital status, documents, onboarding processes, and information sharing.

Worker Role Management Duty

Manages worker roles.

Worker Selection Duty

Selects workers.

Workforce Processes Work Area Navigation Duty

Duty role that provides access to the Workforce Processes and Tasks work area

Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Performs workforce profile duties as an employee or contingent worker.

Role Hierarchy and required role membership

Fusion applications ship the role memberships assuming you have deployed all offerings, options and features. Role memberships marked with a "+" in the "All" column are required for all options and features in this offering. If you are not deploying a particular offering, option or feature, remove those role memberships that are marked with a "*" for that offering, option or feature in Authorization Policy Manager.

If you are deploying other offerings, refer to the Security Reference Manual for those offerings before removing any role memberships.

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Employee

Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature



Attachments User



Employee Absence Recording Duty

Payroll Personal Payment Method Management Duty

          Payee Bank Account Management Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Supplier Bank Account Import Duty

          Payroll Personal Payment Method View Duty

                    Payee Bank Account Management Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Supplier Bank Account Import Duty

Payroll View Payslip View Duty

          Chinese Accounts View Duty

Procurement Requester

          Business Intelligence Applications Worker

                    Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

          Negotiation Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty

          Negotiation Viewing as Procurement Requester Duty

          Payables Invoice Inquiry Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

          Public Person Selection Duty


          Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty

          Purchase Order Attachment Management as Procurement Requester Duty

          Purchase Order Changes as Procurement Requester Duty

          Receiving Management Requester Duty

                    Item Inquiry Duty

          Requester Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Procurement Analysis Currency Preference

                    Requisition Business Unit Data Security

          Requisition Attachment Management Duty

          Requisition Self Service User Duty

                    Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

          Requisition and Referenced Attachment Inquiry Duty

          Review Inbound Shipment Details Duty

                    Item Inquiry Duty

          Review Receipt Summary Duty

                    Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Item Inquiry Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

          Review Receiving Transaction History Duty

Public Person Selection Duty


Worker Duty


          Approval Notification Duty


          Approve Transactions Duty


          Business Intelligence Consumer Duty


          Employee Enrollment Duty

          Expense Entry Duty

                    Business Intelligence Consumer Duty


                    Expense Bank Account Management Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Payee Bank Account Management Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Supplier Bank Account Import Duty

          Gallery Access Duty

                    Portrait Access Duty

                              Portrait Maintenance Duty

                              Portrait View Duty

                                        Portrait Availability Duty

                                        Portrait Compensation Duty

                                        Portrait Contact Duty

                    Worker Gallery Search Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

          HCM Information Comparison Duty

                    Public Person Selection Duty


          My Portrait Work Area Navigation Duty

          Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

          Personal Compensation Management Duty

          Social Connection Worker Duty

                    Social Group Participation Duty

                              Create Social Group Duty

                              Social Group Participation Core Duty

                    Social Network Duty

                              Social Network Core Duty

          Talent Worker Duty

                    Goal Management Worker Duty

                    Performance Management Worker Duty

                    View Employment Information Duty

                    Workforce Profile Worker Duty

          Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty

          View Batch Jobs Duty


          View Secured Custom Help Duty


          Worker Availability Viewing Duty

          Worker Gallery Access Duty

                    Portrait Communication Methods Duty

                    Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

                              Person National Identifier View Duty

                              Portrait Benefits Duty

                              Portrait Personal and Employment Duty

                              Task Management Duty

          Worker Onboarding Duty

          Worker Processes Duty

                    Chinese Accounts View Duty

                    Person Address Maintenance Duty

                    Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

                    Person Name Maintenance Duty

                    Person Name Maintenance Duty Obsolete

                    US Employee Portrait Gallery Duty

                    Worker Document Management Duty

                    Worker Information Sharing Duty

                              Public Person Selection Duty


          Worker Role Management Duty


          Worker Selection Duty


          Workforce Processes Work Area Navigation Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Employee.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Approval Notification Duty

Grants access to view product specific notification content.

View Notification Details

Approve Transactions Duty

Allows ability to approve transactions

Approve Transactions

Chinese Accounts View Duty

Allows an employee within a Chinese legal employer to view their PHF and social insurance account numbers.

View Chinese PHF/SI Account Numbers

Create Social Group Duty

Creates social groups.

Create Social Group

Employee Absence Recording Duty

Manages absence records. This role is used by employees.

Manage Absence Records

Employee Enrollment Duty

Manages employee enrollments.

Define Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

Elect Benefits

Maintain Plan Beneficiary Designation

Maintain Primary Care Provider

Review Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

Expense Bank Account Management Duty

Manages employee's bank accounts.

Manage Bank Account for Expense Reimbursement

Expense Entry Duty

Creates and updates expense items and expense reports.

Manage Expense Report

Review Expense Reimbursement

Goal Management Worker Duty

Goal Management Worker  - inherited by Worker

Manage Performance Goal

HCM Information Comparison Duty

Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

Compare HCM Information

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

My Portrait Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the my portrait work area.

Manage My Portrait Work Area

Negotiation Viewing as Procurement Requester Duty

View a supplier negotiation and its details as a requester.

View Supplier Negotiation

Payables Invoice Inquiry Duty

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

View Payables Invoice

Payee Bank Account Management Duty

Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Manage External Payee Payment Details

Manage Third Party Bank Account

View Third Party Bank Account

Payroll Personal Payment Method Management Duty

Manages payment methods used to pay a person and defines how the payments are split if multiple payment methods are specified.

Manage Personal Payment Method

Payroll Personal Payment Method View Duty

Views payment methods used to pay a person and how the payments are split if multiple payment methods are specified.

Manage Personal Payment Method

Payroll View Payslip View Duty

Views payslips.

View Payslip

Performance Management Worker Duty

Adds content to rate to performance document and evaluates self.

Create Performance Document by Worker

Print Performance Document

Provide Performance Evaluation Feedback

Select Feedback Participants

Track Participant Feedback Status

View Performance Information on Worker Dashboard

Person Address Maintenance Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own address data.

Change Person Address

Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the person gallery work area.

View Person Gallery Work Area

Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

Grants access to a person to manage their own marital status and related data.

Change Person Marital Status

Personal Compensation Management Duty

Manages contributions made toward savings and contribution type plans.

Manage Variable Compensation Allocation by Worker

Purchase Order Changes as Procurement Requester Duty

Perform purchase order change management tasks as a procurement requester.

Cancel Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

Change Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

View Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

Receiving Management Requester Duty

Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, and return receipts.

Correct Self-Service Receiving Receipt

Create Self-Service Receiving Receipt

Manage Self-Service Receiving Receipt Return

Monitor Self-Service Receiving Receipt Work Area

Review Self-Service Receiving Receipt

View Receiving Receipt Notification

Requisition Self Service User Duty

Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing requisitions, creating noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on requisition lines.

Create Requisition with Changes to Deliver-to Location

Create Requisition with Noncatalog Requests

Create Requisition with One Time Location

Manage Requisition

View Requisition

Review Inbound Shipment Details Duty

Reviews inbound shipment details.

Review Inbound Shipment Details

Review Receipt Summary Duty

Reviews receipt summary and receipt line details.

Review Receiving Receipt Summary

Review Receiving Transaction History Duty

Reviews transaction history associated with a receipt.

Review Receiving Transaction History

Social Group Participation Core Duty

Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Group

Social Group Participation Duty

Participates in social groups.

Add Someone to Social Group

Invite Someone to Social Group

Link Social Group

Unlink Social Group

View Related Social Groups

Social Network Core Duty

Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Manage Social Bookmarks

Social Network Duty

Participates in social networks.

Invite Social Connection

Manage Kudos

Manage Message Board

Manage Social Connections

Manage Social Self-descriptive Information

View Activity Stream

Supplier Bank Account Import Duty

Allows access to import bank accounts and external payee information for suppliers, supplier sites, and supplier addresses.

Import Supplier Bank Accounts

Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty

Views generated total compensation statements for themselves.

View Total Compensation Statement Already Generated

US Employee Portrait Gallery Duty

Allows an employee within a US legal employer to access US specific tasks.

Update US W-4

View US End of Year Tax Form

View Batch Jobs Duty

View ESS Batch Jobs in Scheduled Processes workarea.

Manage Scheduled Processes Work Area

View Batch Jobs

Worker Document Management Duty

Grants access to persons to manage their own document data.

Manage Person Documentation

Worker Duty

Performs worker related tasks.

Manage My Portrait Work Area

Worker Gallery Search Duty

Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.

Search Worker

View Nonworker Portrait

View Person Gallery Work Area

View Worker Portrait

Worker Information Sharing Duty

Shares own employment information with line managers or external parties.

Share Worker Information

Worker Onboarding Duty

Duty role that permits newly hired workers to complete the onboarding tasks associated with an onboarding process.

Complete Onboarding

Review Assignment

Review Compensation

Review Roles

Verify Personal Information

View Welcome Information

Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Manages workers' addresses, e-mails, phones, and other personal information.

Print Worker Portrait

Worker Role Management Duty

Manages worker roles.

Self Request Roles

View Own Account Details

Workforce Processes Work Area Navigation Duty

Duty role that provides access to the Workforce Processes and Tasks work area

Manage Workforce Processes Work Area

Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Performs workforce profile duties as an employee or contingent worker.

Define Talent Profile

Define Talent Profile Item

Manage Model Talent Profile

Manage Person Talent Profile

Manage Talent Profile Interest List

Match Talent Profile

Update Talent Profile Item

View Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the abstract role Employee

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Activities and Interests

An Employee can view activities and interests for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Activities and Interests (Data)

Resource: Activities and Interests

Activity Stream

An Employee can view activity stream for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Activity Stream (Data)

Resource: Activity Stream

Application Attachment

An Employee can delete application attachment for the categories including miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to payables

Role: Purchase Order Attachment Management as Procurement Requester Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

An Employee can read application attachment for the categories including document, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to payables

Role: Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

An Employee can read application attachment for the categories including miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, to payables, to receiver, and to supplier

Role: Negotiation Attachment Inquiry as Procurement Requester Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

An Employee can update application attachment for the categories including miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to payables

Role: Purchase Order Attachment Management as Procurement Requester Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Reference Territory

An Employee can choose application reference territory for countries in their country security profile

Role: Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Choose Application Reference Territory (Data)

Resource: Application Reference Territory

Beneficiary Organization

An Employee can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Beneficiary Organization

Benefit Authorization

An Employee can view benefit authorization for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: View Benefit Authorization (Data)

Resource: Benefit Authorization

Benefit Covered Dependent

An Employee can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Benefit Covered Dependent

Benefit Participant Enrollment Action

An Employee can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Enrollment Action

Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

An Employee can review benefit participant enrollment result for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Review Benefit Participant Enrollment Result (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

An Employee can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

Benefit Participant Rate

An Employee can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Rate

Benefit Relation

An Employee can manage benefit relation for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Manage Benefit Relation (Data)

Resource: Benefit Relation


An Employee can view bookmark for themselves

Role: Social Network Core Duty

Privilege: View Bookmark (Data)

Resource: Bookmark

Corporate Card Transaction Dispute Note

An Employee can manage expense for themselves

Role: Expense Entry Duty

Privilege: Manage Expense (Data)

Resource: Corporate Card Transaction Dispute Note


An Employee can manage expense for themselves

Role: Expense Entry Duty

Privilege: Manage Expense (Data)

Resource: Expense

Expense Report

An Employee can manage expense report for themselves

Role: Expense Entry Duty

Privilege: Manage Expense Report (Data)

Resource: Expense Report

HR Job

An Employee can choose hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Help Topic

An Employee can view secured custom help content for all secured help content they are authorized

Role: View Secured Custom Help Duty

Privilege: View Secured Custom Help Content

Resource: Help Topic


An Employee can maintain item asset maintenance group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Asset Maintenance Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item attribute for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Attribute (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item basic for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Basic (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item costing group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Costing Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item general planning group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item General Planning Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item inventory group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Inventory Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item invoicing group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Invoicing Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item lead times group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Lead Times Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item mrp and mps group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item MRP and MPS Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item order management group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Order Management Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item pack for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Pack (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item people for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item People (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item physical group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Physical Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item primary group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Primary Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item process manufacturing group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Process Manufacturing Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item purchasing group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Purchasing Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item receiving group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Receiving Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item revision for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Revision (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item service group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Service Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item structure for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Structure (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item structure group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Structure Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item web option group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Web Option Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can maintain item work in process group for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: Maintain Item Work in Process Group (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can view item attribute for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: View Item Attribute (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can view item basic for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: View Item Basic (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can view item pack for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: View Item Pack (Data)

Resource: Item

An Employee can view item structure for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Worker Duty

Privilege: View Item Structure (Data)

Resource: Item


An Employee can view kudos for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Kudos (Data)

Resource: Kudos

Message Board

An Employee can view message board for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Message Board (Data)

Resource: Message Board

Network Activities

An Employee can view network activities for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Network Activities (Data)

Resource: Network Activities

Payroll Personal Deduction

An Employee can update US W-4 for themselves if they are employed by a US legal employer

Role: US Employee Portrait Gallery Duty

Privilege: Update US W-4 (Data)

Resource: Payroll Personal Deduction

An Employee can view chinese accounts for themselves if they are employed by a chinese legal employer

Role: Chinese Accounts View Duty

Privilege: View Chinese Accounts (Data)

Resource: Payroll Personal Deduction

Payroll Relationship

An Employee can manage payroll person process results for themselves

Role: Payroll View Payslip View Duty

Privilege: Manage Payroll Person Process Results (Data)

Resource: Payroll Relationship

An Employee can manage payroll relationship for themselves

Role: Payroll Personal Payment Method Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Payroll Relationship (Data)

Resource: Payroll Relationship

An Employee can view payroll relationship for themselves

Role: Payroll Personal Payment Method View Duty

Privilege: View Payroll Relationship (Data)

Resource: Payroll Relationship


An Employee can change person address for themselves

Role: Person Address Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Change Person Address (Data)

Resource: Person

An Employee can change person marital status for themselves

Role: Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Change Person Marital Status (Data)

Resource: Person

An Employee can manage worker public portrait for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Worker Public Portrait (Data)

Resource: Person

An Employee can print worker portrait for themselves

Role: Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Print Worker Portrait (Data)

Resource: Person

An Employee can share worker information for themselves

Role: Worker Information Sharing Duty

Privilege: Share Worker Information (Data)

Resource: Person

An Employee can view worker availability portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Availability Duty

Privilege: View Worker Availability Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Person

An Employee can view worker personal and employment portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Personal and Employment Duty

Privilege: View Worker Personal and Employment Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Person

Person Address

An Employee can manage person private address details for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Private Address Details (Data)

Resource: Person Address

Person Assignment

An Employee can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Employment Information Duty

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Communication Method

An Employee can manage person communication method for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Communication Method (Data)

Resource: Person Communication Method

An Employee can view person communication method for private communication methods granted to the user for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Privilege: View Person Communication Method (Data)

Resource: Person Communication Method

Person Contact Relationship

An Employee can manage person contact details for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Contact Details (Data)

Resource: Person Contact Relationship

An Employee can manage person private contact details for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Private Contact Details (Data)

Resource: Person Contact Relationship

Person Documentation

An Employee can manage person documentation for document types in their document types security profile for themselves

Role: Worker Document Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

Person Email

An Employee can manage person email for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

An Employee can view person email for work e-mail addresses and private e-mail addresses granted to the user for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Privilege: View Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Image

An Employee can manage person image for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Image (Data)

Resource: Person Image

An Employee can view person image for public images for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Privilege: View Person Image (Data)

Resource: Person Image

Person Life Event

An Employee can manage person life event for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Life Event (Data)

Resource: Person Life Event

Person Name

An Employee can change person name for themselves

Role: Person Name Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Change Person Name (Data)

Resource: Person Name

Person National Identifier

An Employee can view person national identifier for themselves

Role: Person National Identifier View Duty

Privilege: View Person National Identifier (Data)

Resource: Person National Identifier

Person Phone

An Employee can manage person phone for themselves

Role: Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Phone (Data)

Resource: Person Phone

An Employee can view person phone for work phone numbers and private phone numbers granted to the user for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Communication Methods Duty

Privilege: View Person Phone (Data)

Resource: Person Phone

Personal Payment Method

An Employee can manage payroll relationship for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Personal Payment Method Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Payroll Relationship (Data)

Resource: Personal Payment Method

An Employee can view payroll relationship for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Personal Payment Method View Duty

Privilege: View Payroll Relationship (Data)

Resource: Personal Payment Method

Plan Beneficiary Designation

An Employee can view worker benefits portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Benefits Duty

Privilege: View Worker Benefits Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Plan Beneficiary Designation

Portrait Private Note

An Employee can manage portrait private note for themselves

Role: Worker Processes Duty

Privilege: Manage Portrait Private Note (Data)

Resource: Portrait Private Note


An Employee can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Primary Care Provider

An Employee can define plan primary care provider for themselves

Role: Employee Enrollment Duty

Privilege: Define Plan Primary Care Provider (Data)

Resource: Primary Care Provider

Public Person

An Employee can choose public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Public Person Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

An Employee can compare hcm information for themselves

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Compare HCM Information

Resource: Public Person

An Employee can search person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Gallery Search Duty

Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

An Employee can view worker contact portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Contact Duty

Privilege: View Worker Contact Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Public Person


An Employee can manage requisition for themselves for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Requisition Self Service User Duty

Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

An Employee can manage requisition for themselves for the financial business unit associated with their primary assignment

Role: Requisition Self Service User Duty

Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


An Employee can view salary details for themselves

Role: Personal Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: View Salary Details (Data)

Resource: Salary

An Employee can view worker compensation portrait card for themselves

Role: Portrait Compensation Duty

Privilege: View Worker Compensation Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Salary

Social Connection

An Employee can view social connection for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Connection (Data)

Resource: Social Connection

Social Group

An Employee can view social group for themselves

Role: Social Group Participation Duty

Privilege: View Social Group (Data)

Resource: Social Group

Social Profile

An Employee can view social profile for themselves

Role: Social Network Duty

Privilege: View Social Profile (Data)

Resource: Social Profile

Talent Profile

An Employee can match talent profile person for themselves

Role: Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Privilege: Match Talent Profile Person (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

An Employee can view talent profile model for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Model (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

An Employee can view talent profile person for themselves

Role: Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Person (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

Talent Profile Item

An Employee can view talent profile item worker for themselves

Role: Workforce Profile Worker Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Item Worker (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile Item


An Employee can manage tasks for themselves

Role: Task Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Tasks (Data)

Resource: Task

Total Compensation Statement

An Employee can view total compensation statement already generated for themselves

Role: Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty

Privilege: View Total Compensation Statement Already Generated (Data)

Resource: Total Compensation Statement

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

An Employee can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

An Employee can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

An Employee can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

An Employee can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

An Employee can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

An Employee can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

An Employee can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

An Employee can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

An Employee can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

An Employee can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

An Employee can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

An Employee can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

User Roles

An Employee can self request roles for themselves

Role: Worker Role Management Duty

Privilege: Self Request Roles (Data)

Resource: User Roles

An Employee can view own account details for themselves

Role: Worker Role Management Duty

Privilege: View Own Account Details (Data)

Resource: User Roles

Variable Compensation Allocation

An Employee can manage variable compensation allocation by worker for themselves

Role: Personal Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Variable Compensation Allocation by Worker (Data)

Resource: Variable Compensation Allocation


An Employee can choose worker for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker

An Employee can compare worker employment information for themselves

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Compare Worker Employment Information (Data)

Resource: Worker

An Employee can review worker availability for themselves

Role: Worker Availability Viewing Duty

Privilege: Review Worker Availability (Data)

Resource: Worker

An Employee can view absence balance for themselves

Role: Employee Absence Recording Duty

Privilege: View Absence Balance (Data)

Resource: Worker

Worker Absence

An Employee can manage absence records for themselves

Role: Employee Absence Recording Duty

Privilege: Manage Absence Records (Data)

Resource: Worker Absence

Job Role: Enterprise Contract Administrator

Performs the duties of both customer contract administrator and supplier contract administrator.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Enterprise Contract Administrator

Duty Role


Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

Contract Amendment Duty

Amends approved contracts. This includes initiating an amendment, reverting the contract to the previous signed version, updating all allowable attributes, and submitting the amendment for approval.

Contract Authoring Duty

Authors contracts, including terms and conditions, interactions, and customer account information.

Contract Closeout Duty

Closes contracts or contract lines for active or expired contracts.

Contract Export Management Duty

Manages contracts export.

Contract File Import Duty

Manages contracts file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Contract Fulfillment Management Duty

Manages contract deliverables. Additional duties include initiating the creation of purchase orders and purchase agreements from deliverables, tracking the execution of purchase orders and agreements created in the procurement application, and sending deliverable notifications.

Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views contracts for the assigned business units.

Contract Text Search Duty

Duty role to search contracts by text

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Customer Contract Management Duty

Negotiates and authors customer contracts. Also manages amendment and closeout of these contracts.

Customer Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views customer contracts for the assigned business units.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of interaction data. Interactions record inbound and outbound communications.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authoring Duty

Authors nonstandard terms and conditions in addition to standard terms and conditions. Nonstandard terms authoring includes editing standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses, deleting nonstandard clauses and sections, and removing contract terms.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Review purchase order, purchase agreement, and referenced document attachments.

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Supplier Contract Management Duty

Negotiates and authors supplier contracts. Also manages amendment and closeout of these contracts.

Supplier Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views supplier contracts for the assigned business units.

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Enterprise Contract Administrator

Inherited Roles

Enterprise Contract Administrator

          Contract File Import Duty

                    File Import Scheduling Duty

                              Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

          Customer Contract Management Duty

                    Contract Amendment Duty

                    Contract Authoring Duty

                    Contract Closeout Duty

                    Contract Export Management Duty

                              CRM Export Management Duty

                    Customer Contract Search and View Access Duty

                              Contract Search and View Access Duty

                                        Contract Text Search Duty

                                        Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                        Interaction Management Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Item Inquiry Duty

                                        Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                    Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authoring Duty

          Supplier Contract Management Duty

                    Contract Amendment Duty

                    Contract Authoring Duty

                    Contract Closeout Duty

                    Contract Export Management Duty

                              CRM Export Management Duty

                    Contract Fulfillment Management Duty

                    Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authoring Duty

                    Supplier Contract Search and View Access Duty

                              Contract Search and View Access Duty

                                        Contract Text Search Duty

                                        Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                        Interaction Management Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Item Inquiry Duty

                                        Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                              Contract Text Search Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Enterprise Contract Administrator.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

Run CRM Export Process

Set Up CRM Objects for Export

Contract Amendment Duty

Amends approved contracts. This includes initiating an amendment, reverting the contract to the previous signed version, updating all allowable attributes, and submitting the amendment for approval.

Amend Contract

Cancel Contract

Close Contract

Create Contract

Delete Contract

Edit Contract

Hold Contract

View Contract

Contract Authoring Duty

Authors contracts, including terms and conditions, interactions, and customer account information.

Assign Contract Owner

Create Contract

Create Contract in Wizard

Delete Contract

Edit Contract

Edit Contract in Wizard

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

Manage Contract Work Area

Purge Contract Temporary Tables

Search Contracts

Send Contract Expiration Notification

View Contract

Contract Closeout Duty

Closes contracts or contract lines for active or expired contracts.

Close Contract

Contract Fulfillment Management Duty

Manages contract deliverables. Additional duties include initiating the creation of purchase orders and purchase agreements from deliverables, tracking the execution of purchase orders and agreements created in the procurement application, and sending deliverable notifications.

Manage Contract Fulfillment

Send Contract Fulfillment Notification

View Contract Fulfillment

Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views contracts for the assigned business units.

Manage Contract Work Area

Search Contract by Text

Search Contracts

View Contract

View Contract Terms

Contract Text Search Duty

Duty role to search contracts by text

Search Contract Text

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Contract Management Duty

Negotiates and authors customer contracts. Also manages amendment and closeout of these contracts.

Enable Sell Intent

Include Project Attributes in Contract Search Pages

Customer Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views customer contracts for the assigned business units.

Enable Sell Intent

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Search Supplier Negotiation

View Supplier Negotiation

Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authoring Duty

Authors nonstandard terms and conditions in addition to standard terms and conditions. Nonstandard terms authoring includes editing standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses, deleting nonstandard clauses and sections, and removing contract terms.

Author Additional Standard Contract Terms and Conditions

Author Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions

Author Standard Contract Terms and Conditions

View Contract Terms

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Purchase Order

Supplier Contract Management Duty

Negotiates and authors supplier contracts. Also manages amendment and closeout of these contracts.

Enable Buy Intent

Specify Procurement Contract Management Business Function Properties

Supplier Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views supplier contracts for the assigned business units.

Enable Buy Intent

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Enterprise Contract Administrator

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Application Attachment

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can read application attachment for the categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment Category

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category


An Enterprise Contract Administrator can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract Amendment Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Role: Contract Authoring Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Role: Contract Closeout Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Contract Export Object

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view contract export object for all the contract export objects

Role: Contract Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Contract Export Object (Data)

Resource: Contract Export Object

Contract File Import Object

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view contract import for all the contract file import objects

Role: Contract File Import Duty

Privilege: View Contract Import (Data)

Resource: Contract File Import Object

Contract Note

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can manage contract note for notes that are not private or private notes where they are the author.

Role: Contract Amendment Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Role: Contract Authoring Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Customer Account

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

File Export Batch

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view file export batch for all export batches

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: View File Export Batch (Data)

Resource: File Export Batch

File Export Object

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can manage export unit test for all export unit test objects

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Export Unit Test (Data)

Resource: File Export Object


An Enterprise Contract Administrator can delete interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can update interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Job Role: Enterprise Contract Manager

Manages a team of enterprise contract administrators.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Enterprise Contract Manager

Duty Role


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

Manages document sequences and document sequence categories.

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application document sequence categories.

Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application flexfields value sets.

Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application profile option values.

Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

Contract Amendment Duty

Amends approved contracts. This includes initiating an amendment, reverting the contract to the previous signed version, updating all allowable attributes, and submitting the amendment for approval.

Contract Authoring Duty

Authors contracts, including terms and conditions, interactions, and customer account information.

Contract Closeout Duty

Closes contracts or contract lines for active or expired contracts.

Contract Export Management Duty

Manages contracts export.

Contract File Import Duty

Manages contracts file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Contract Fulfillment Management Duty

Manages contract deliverables. Additional duties include initiating the creation of purchase orders and purchase agreements from deliverables, tracking the execution of purchase orders and agreements created in the procurement application, and sending deliverable notifications.

Contract Import from File Setup Duty

Configures the mapping between the import file attributes and the contract attributes.

Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views contracts for the assigned business units.

Contract Setup Duty

Contract Setup

Contract Text Search Duty

Duty role to search contracts by text

Contract UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Contracts pages

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Customer Contract Management Duty

Negotiates and authors customer contracts. Also manages amendment and closeout of these contracts.

Customer Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views customer contracts for the assigned business units.

Customer Contract Setup Duty

In addition to the setup activities allowed by the Contract Setup Duty, this duty performs setup activities that are specific to customer contracts, such as managing customer contract management business function settings and billing accounts.

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of interaction data. Interactions record inbound and outbound communications.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authoring Duty

Authors nonstandard terms and conditions in addition to standard terms and conditions. Nonstandard terms authoring includes editing standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses, deleting nonstandard clauses and sections, and removing contract terms.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Review purchase order, purchase agreement, and referenced document attachments.

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Supplier Contract Management Duty

Negotiates and authors supplier contracts. Also manages amendment and closeout of these contracts.

Supplier Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views supplier contracts for the assigned business units.

Supplier Contract Setup Duty

In addition to the setup activities allowed by the Contract Setup Duty, this duty performs setup activities that are specific to supplier contracts, such as managing supplier contract management business function settings and payables payment terms.

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Enterprise Contract Manager

Inherited Roles

Enterprise Contract Manager

          Contract File Import Duty

                    File Import Scheduling Duty

                              Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

          Contract Fulfillment Management Duty

          Contract Import from File Setup Duty

                    File Import Management Duty

                              File Import Scheduling Duty

                                        Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

          Customer Contract Management Duty

                    Contract Amendment Duty

                    Contract Authoring Duty

                    Contract Closeout Duty

                    Contract Export Management Duty

                              CRM Export Management Duty

                    Customer Contract Search and View Access Duty

                              Contract Search and View Access Duty

                                        Contract Text Search Duty

                                        Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                        Interaction Management Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Item Inquiry Duty

                                        Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                    Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authoring Duty

          Customer Contract Setup Duty

                    Contract Setup Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

                              Application Lookup Administration Duty

                              Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

                              Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

                              Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Contract UI Customization Duty

          Functional Setups Duty

          Supplier Contract Management Duty

                    Contract Amendment Duty

                    Contract Authoring Duty

                    Contract Closeout Duty

                    Contract Export Management Duty

                              CRM Export Management Duty

                    Contract Fulfillment Management Duty

                    Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authoring Duty

                    Supplier Contract Search and View Access Duty

                              Contract Search and View Access Duty

                                        Contract Text Search Duty

                                        Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                        Interaction Management Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Item Inquiry Duty

                                        Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                              Contract Text Search Duty

          Supplier Contract Setup Duty

                    Contract Setup Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

                              Application Lookup Administration Duty

                              Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

                              Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

                              Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Contract UI Customization Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Enterprise Contract Manager.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

View Administration Link

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Document Sequence Administration Duty

Manages document sequences and document sequence categories.

Manage Application Document Sequence

Manage Application Document Sequence Category

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage Application Standard Lookup

Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application document sequence categories.

Manage Application Document Sequence Category

Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application flexfields value sets.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application profile option values.

Manage All Application Profile Values

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

Run CRM Export Process

Set Up CRM Objects for Export

Contract Amendment Duty

Amends approved contracts. This includes initiating an amendment, reverting the contract to the previous signed version, updating all allowable attributes, and submitting the amendment for approval.

Amend Contract

Cancel Contract

Close Contract

Create Contract

Delete Contract

Edit Contract

Hold Contract

View Contract

Contract Authoring Duty

Authors contracts, including terms and conditions, interactions, and customer account information.

Assign Contract Owner

Create Contract

Create Contract in Wizard

Delete Contract

Edit Contract

Edit Contract in Wizard

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

Manage Contract Work Area

Purge Contract Temporary Tables

Search Contracts

Send Contract Expiration Notification

View Contract

Contract Closeout Duty

Closes contracts or contract lines for active or expired contracts.

Close Contract

Contract Fulfillment Management Duty

Manages contract deliverables. Additional duties include initiating the creation of purchase orders and purchase agreements from deliverables, tracking the execution of purchase orders and agreements created in the procurement application, and sending deliverable notifications.

Manage Contract Fulfillment

Send Contract Fulfillment Notification

View Contract Fulfillment

Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views contracts for the assigned business units.

Manage Contract Work Area

Search Contract by Text

Search Contracts

View Contract

View Contract Terms

Contract Setup Duty

Contract Setup

Build Keyword Search Index for the Contract Terms Library

Define Project Contract Billing Configuration

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

Manage Contract Currency Conversion Rate Types

Manage Contract Customer Account

Manage Contract Customer Account Site Usages

Manage Contract Global Employee

Manage Contract Interaction Reference Mapping

Manage Contract Layout Templates

Manage Contract Line Item

Manage Contract Line Type

Manage Contract Note Type Mapping

Manage Contract Organization Party

Manage Contract Party Contact

Manage Contract Party Location

Manage Contract Party Role and Contact Sources

Manage Contract Payment Terms

Manage Contract Person Party

Manage Contract Risk Event

Manage Contract Standard Clauses, Templates, and Contract Expert Rules

Manage Contract Type

Specify Customer Contract Management Business Function Properties

Specify Procurement Contract Management Business Function Properties

Track Purchasing Activity for Contract Fulfillment Line

Update Contract Status

View Contract Type

Contract Text Search Duty

Duty role to search contracts by text

Search Contract Text

Contract UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Contracts pages

Customize Contract UI

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Contract Management Duty

Negotiates and authors customer contracts. Also manages amendment and closeout of these contracts.

Enable Sell Intent

Include Project Attributes in Contract Search Pages

Customer Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views customer contracts for the assigned business units.

Enable Sell Intent

Customer Contract Setup Duty

In addition to the setup activities allowed by the Contract Setup Duty, this duty performs setup activities that are specific to customer contracts, such as managing customer contract management business function settings and billing accounts.

Enable Sell Intent

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

Set Up File Import Object and Mapping

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Review Applications Offering

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Setup and Maintain Applications

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Search Supplier Negotiation

View Supplier Negotiation

Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authoring Duty

Authors nonstandard terms and conditions in addition to standard terms and conditions. Nonstandard terms authoring includes editing standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses, deleting nonstandard clauses and sections, and removing contract terms.

Author Additional Standard Contract Terms and Conditions

Author Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions

Author Standard Contract Terms and Conditions

View Contract Terms

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Purchase Order

Supplier Contract Management Duty

Negotiates and authors supplier contracts. Also manages amendment and closeout of these contracts.

Enable Buy Intent

Specify Procurement Contract Management Business Function Properties

Supplier Contract Search and View Access Duty

Searches and views supplier contracts for the assigned business units.

Enable Buy Intent

Supplier Contract Setup Duty

In addition to the setup activities allowed by the Contract Setup Duty, this duty performs setup activities that are specific to supplier contracts, such as managing supplier contract management business function settings and payables payment terms.

Enable Buy Intent

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Enterprise Contract Manager

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Application Attachment

An Enterprise Contract Manager can read application attachment for the categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment Category

An Enterprise Contract Manager can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

An Enterprise Contract Manager can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

An Enterprise Contract Manager can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Application Document Sequence Category

An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage application document sequence category for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Document Sequence Category (Data)

Resource: Application Document Sequence Category

Application Flexfield Value Set

An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage application flexfield value set for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Flexfield Value Set (Data)

Resource: Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Profile Value

An Enterprise Contract Manager can delete application profile value for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Profile Value (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Value

An Enterprise Contract Manager can update application profile value for all applications common applications data

Role: Applications Common Application Profile Value Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Application Profile Value (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Value


An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Contract Amendment Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Role: Contract Authoring Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Role: Contract Closeout Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Contract Export Object

An Enterprise Contract Manager can view contract export object for all the contract export objects

Role: Contract Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Contract Export Object (Data)

Resource: Contract Export Object

Contract File Import Object

An Enterprise Contract Manager can view contract import for all the contract file import objects

Role: Contract File Import Duty

Privilege: View Contract Import (Data)

Resource: Contract File Import Object

Role: Contract Import from File Setup Duty

Privilege: View Contract Import (Data)

Resource: Contract File Import Object

Contract Note

An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage contract note for notes that are not private or private notes where they are the author.

Role: Contract Amendment Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Role: Contract Authoring Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Customer Account

An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

File Export Batch

An Enterprise Contract Manager can view file export batch for all export batches

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: View File Export Batch (Data)

Resource: File Export Batch

File Export Object

An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage export unit test for all export unit test objects

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Export Unit Test (Data)

Resource: File Export Object


An Enterprise Contract Manager can delete interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

An Enterprise Contract Manager can update interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

An Enterprise Contract Manager can view interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

An Enterprise Contract Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

An Enterprise Contract Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

An Enterprise Contract Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Abstract Role: Line Manager

Identifies the person as a line manager.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Line Manager

Duty Role


Absence Management Reporting Data Duty

Reports on the absence management data.

Absence Management Transaction Analysis Duty

Analyzes Workforce absences transactional information

Absence Recording Duty

Manages absence records.

Absence and Leave Accrual Analysis Duty

This duty role is used for analyzing employee historical and future planned absence trends and employee leave accrual balances

Assignment Status Type Service Duty

Allows the Assignment Status Type Service to be called

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Unit Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege that enables users to select a business unit, enabled for assignments and work terms, from a secured list determined by the organization security profile.

Compensation Analysis Duty

This duty role is used for analyzing employee salary, salary range penetration and the correlation of pay and performance

Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Adds contingent workers.

Corporate Card Transaction Review Duty

Reviews outstanding corporate card transactions of employees in the reporting hierarchy.

Department Selection Duty

Filters the department list of values based on the user's organization security profile.

Employee Data Security

This role is used for Employee dimension data security in the data warehouse

Employee Expense Business Unit Data Security

This role is used for Employee Expense Business Unit data security in the data warehouse

Employee Hire Duty

Hires employees.

Employment Public Objects Management Duty

Manages the public objects related to employment.

Employment Services Management Duty

Manages the services related to employment.

Expense Analysis Duty

Analyzes employee expenses and trends for the employees in their reporting hierarchy.

Expense Approval Duty

Approves expense reports of Oracle Fusion Expenses users.

Financial Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Financial Analysis module.

Gallery Access Duty

Grants access to the portrait and gallery search duties.

Goal Management Line Manager Duty

Goal Management Line Manager  - inherited by Line Manager

Goal Management Organization Owner Duty

Goal Management Organization Owner for functional access to Organization Goals

HCM Document Management Duty

Manages documents.

HCM Information Comparison Duty

Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

HR Salary Management Duty

Manages worker salary and views salary analytics.

HR Specialist Compensation Management Duty

Manages worker salary and off-cycle compensation for individual workers.

Human Resources Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used get the supported currencies in Human Resources Analysis module.

Individual Compensation Management Duty

Manages off-cycle compensation awards for individual workers.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Job Selection Duty

Filters the job list of values based on the user's job security profile.

Legal Employer Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege  Choose Legal Employer Duty  that allows the ability to select a Legal Employer from a secured list as defined in the organization security profile.

Legislative Data Group Selection Duty

Filters the legislative data group list of values based on the user's legislative data group security profile.

Line Manager Compensation Budget Management Duty

Manages compensation budgets by distributing and publishing budgets to lower manager.

Line Manager Compensation Management Duty

Manages compensation for workers in their organization by distributing budgets, awarding compensation to groups of workers on a periodic basis, or adjusting salary or awards for individual workers on an off-cycle basis, and viewing a worker's compensation in the portrait.

Line Manager Expense Analysis Duty


Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Manages workforce compensation by allocating compensation, rating performance, and promoting workers on a periodic basis.

Manager Gallery Access Duty

Grants access to the worker and manager gallery cards. This role is associated with the HR specialist and line manager roles.

Manager Gallery Cards Access Duty

Restricts specific portrait cards to line managers or HR specialists only.

Manager Transaction Dashboard Analysis Duty

Grants access to the line manager transaction dashboard that contains analytics.

Manager Transaction Dashboard Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the manager transaction dashboard.

Non Worker Addition Duty

Adds nonworkers.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Payroll Flow Submission Duty

Submits new payroll flows.

Pending Worker Addition Duty

Adds pending workers.

Pending Worker Hire Duty

Hires pending workers.

Performance Management Compensation Duty

Views performance documents from compensation work area.

Performance Management Line Manager Duty

Views performance documents from line manager dashboard.

Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the person gallery work area.

Person Hiring Duty

Hires employees and adds contingent workers and nonworkers. This role is also responsible for entering pending workers and hiring them. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits the privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or line manager typically.

Portrait Access Duty

Grants access to the portrait maintenance and portrait view duties.

Portrait Availability Duty

Grants access to the availability card in the portrait, which includes schedule, absence, and accrual information.

Portrait Compensation Duty

Views compensation data for a worker in the portrait.

Portrait Contact Duty

Grants access to view the contact card in the portrait, which includes phone number, e-mail, other communication methods, work location information, manager, directs and peers.

Portrait Employment Information Duty

Grants access to view the employment card in the Portrait, which includes assignment and contract information. This role is associated with the line manager and HR specialist.

Portrait Maintenance Duty

Grants access to the portrait maintenance duties for the portrait cards.

Portrait View Duty

Grants access to the portrait view duties for the portrait cards.

Position Lookup Service Duty

Calls the position lookup service.

Procurement Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and Spend Analysis module.

Public Person Selection Duty

Grants access to select deferred persons. This is a single privilege duty because it is an isolated privilege that needs to be consumed by other teams.

Question Management Duty

Creates and maintains questions and responses.

Questionnaire Line Manager Duty

Performs all questionnaire duties as a line manager.

Questionnaire Management Duty

Creates and maintains questionnaires.

Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.

Salary Management Duty

Manages salary data for workers.

Schedules and Exceptions Assignment Management Duty

Manages the association of schedules to an assignment. This role is associated with the line manager or HR specialist.

Supervisor Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Supervisor Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Supervisor Hierarchy Search Duty

Searches supervisor hierarchy through services.

Talent Line Manager Duty

Performs all talent management duties as a line manager.

Talent Review Participant Duty

Manages the data utilized during the talent review meeting.

Total Compensation Statements Human Resources Duty

Views generated total compensation statements for individuals within their security profile.

US New Hire Reporting Duty

Allows user to produce the New Hire State report.

User Role Account Management Duty

Manages user role accounts.

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

View Employment Information Duty

Views employment information.

Worker Availability Viewing Duty

Views workers' availability based on their work schedules.

Worker Checklist Management Duty

Manages checklist definitions.

Worker Employment Management Duty

Hires, promotes, transfers, and terminates workers. Changes locations, working hours, and workers' managers. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or line manager typically.

Worker Gallery Search Duty

Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.

Worker Information Sharing Duty

Shares own employment information with line managers or external parties.

Worker Location Change Duty

Changes persons' locations.

Worker Manager Change Duty

Changes persons' managers.

Worker Person Management Duty

Manages workers' documents, schedules, checklists, and information shared information by line managers.

Worker Preboarding Duty

Duty role that permits line managers and others to complete the preboarding component of an onboarding process.

Worker Prediction Reporting Duty

This duty role is used to view worker predictions

Worker Promotion Duty

Promotes persons.

Worker Service Creation Duty

Creates workers through the worker service.

Worker Termination Reporting Duty

Reports on workers' termination data.

Worker Transfer Duty

Transfers persons.

Worker Work Relationship Addition Duty

Adds work relationships to persons.

Worker Work Relationship Termination Duty

Terminates work relationships.

Worker Working Hours Change Duty

Changes the working hours of persons.

Workforce Business Process Analytics Line Manager Duty

Duty role that provides managers access to the workforce business process analytics

Workforce Business Process Start Duty

Duty role that provides access to the Start Process menu on the Workforce Processes work area

Workforce Deployment Analysis Duty

This duty role is used for analyzing headcount staffing, employee turnover, workforce diversity, internal mobility and employee performance

Workforce Processes Work Area Navigation Duty

Duty role that provides access to the Workforce Processes and Tasks work area

Workforce Profile Line Manager Duty

Performs workforce profile duties as a line manager.

Workforce Reporting Data Duty

Secures workforce reporting data.

Workforce Structures Reporting Data Duty

Secures workforce structures reporting data.

Workforce Transaction Analysis Duty

Analyzes Workforce transactional information

Role Hierarchy and required role membership

Fusion applications ship the role memberships assuming you have deployed all offerings, options and features. Role memberships marked with a "+" in the "All" column are required for all options and features in this offering. If you are not deploying a particular offering, option or feature, remove those role memberships that are marked with a "*" for that offering, option or feature in Authorization Policy Manager.

If you are deploying other offerings, refer to the Security Reference Manual for those offerings before removing any role memberships.

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Line Manager

Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature



Absence Management Transaction Analysis Duty

          Absence Management Reporting Data Duty

          Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Workforce Structures Reporting Data Duty

Absence Recording Duty

Absence and Leave Accrual Analysis Duty

          Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Employee Data Security

          Human Resources Analysis Currency Preference

          Supervisor Hierarchy Data Security

Business Intelligence Applications Worker


          Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Compensation Analysis Duty

          Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Employee Data Security

          Human Resources Analysis Currency Preference

          Supervisor Hierarchy Data Security

Corporate Card Transaction Review Duty

          Party Information Inquiry Duty


Employment Public Objects Management Duty


          Supervisor Hierarchy Search Duty

Employment Services Management Duty


          Assignment Status Type Service Duty

          Position Lookup Service Duty

          Worker Service Creation Duty

Expense Analysis Duty

Expense Approval Duty

          Party Information Inquiry Duty


HCM Information Comparison Duty

          Public Person Selection Duty

Line Manager Compensation Management Duty

          HR Salary Management Duty

          Individual Compensation Management Duty

          Line Manager Compensation Budget Management Duty

          Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

                    Performance Management Compensation Duty

          Portrait Compensation Duty

Line Manager Expense Analysis Duty

          Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Employee Expense Business Unit Data Security

          Financial Analysis Currency Preference

          Procurement Analysis Currency Preference

Manager Gallery Access Duty


          Gallery Access Duty

                    Portrait Access Duty

                              Portrait Maintenance Duty

                              Portrait View Duty

                                        Portrait Availability Duty

                                        Portrait Compensation Duty

                                        Portrait Contact Duty

                    Worker Gallery Search Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty


          Manager Gallery Cards Access Duty

                    Portrait Employment Information Duty

Manager Transaction Dashboard Analysis Duty

Manager Transaction Dashboard Navigation Duty

Party Information Inquiry Duty


Payroll Flow Submission Duty

          Legislative Data Group Selection Duty

Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty


Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Talent Line Manager Duty


          Goal Management Line Manager Duty

          Goal Management Organization Owner Duty

          Performance Management Line Manager Duty

          Questionnaire Line Manager Duty

                    Question Management Duty

                    Questionnaire Management Duty

          Talent Review Participant Duty

                    HR Specialist Compensation Management Duty

                              HR Salary Management Duty

                              Individual Compensation Management Duty

                              Total Compensation Statements Human Resources Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty


                    Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Salary Management Duty

          View Employment Information Duty


          Workforce Profile Line Manager Duty


User Role Account Management Duty


User Role Management Duty


Worker Employment Management Duty

          Person Hiring Duty

                    Contingent Worker Addition Duty

                              Business Unit Selection Duty

                              Legal Employer Selection Duty

                    Employee Hire Duty

                              Business Unit Selection Duty

                              Legal Employer Selection Duty

                    Non Worker Addition Duty

                              Business Unit Selection Duty

                              Legal Employer Selection Duty

                    Pending Worker Addition Duty

                              Business Unit Selection Duty

                              Legal Employer Selection Duty

                    Pending Worker Hire Duty

                              Business Unit Selection Duty

                              Legal Employer Selection Duty

                    US New Hire Reporting Duty

          Worker Location Change Duty

          Worker Manager Change Duty

          Worker Promotion Duty

          Worker Termination Reporting Duty

          Worker Transfer Duty

          Worker Work Relationship Addition Duty

          Worker Work Relationship Termination Duty

          Worker Working Hours Change Duty

Worker Person Management Duty

          HCM Document Management Duty

          Schedules and Exceptions Assignment Management Duty

          Worker Availability Viewing Duty

          Worker Checklist Management Duty

          Worker Information Sharing Duty

                    Public Person Selection Duty

Worker Preboarding Duty

Worker Prediction Reporting Duty

Workforce Business Process Analytics Line Manager Duty

Workforce Business Process Start Duty

Workforce Deployment Analysis Duty

          Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Employee Data Security

          Human Resources Analysis Currency Preference

          Supervisor Hierarchy Data Security

Workforce Processes Work Area Navigation Duty

Workforce Transaction Analysis Duty

          Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Workforce Reporting Data Duty

          Workforce Structures Reporting Data Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Line Manager.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Absence Recording Duty

Manages absence records.

Manage Absence Records

View Absence Balance

Assignment Status Type Service Duty

Allows the Assignment Status Type Service to be called

Use Assignment Status Type Service

Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Adds contingent workers.

Add Contingent Worker

Create User

Renew Placement

Corporate Card Transaction Review Duty

Reviews outstanding corporate card transactions of employees in the reporting hierarchy.

Manage Outstanding Corporate Card Transaction

Employee Hire Duty

Hires employees.

Create User

Hire Employee

Rehire Employee

Expense Approval Duty

Approves expense reports of Oracle Fusion Expenses users.

Approve Expense Report

Approve Travel Authorization or Cash Advance

Goal Management Line Manager Duty

Goal Management Line Manager  - inherited by Line Manager

Assign Workers Goals Mass Process

Manage Performance Goal

Manage Performance Goal of Others

Goal Management Organization Owner Duty

Goal Management Organization Owner for functional access to Organization Goals

Assign Performance Goal to Groups of Workers

Assign Workers Goals Mass Process

Manage Performance Goal

Manage Performance Goal for Organization

HCM Document Management Duty

Manages documents.

Manage Person Documentation

Search Person Documentation

HCM Information Comparison Duty

Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

Compare HCM Information

HR Salary Management Duty

Manages worker salary and views salary analytics.

Enter Salary Details

View Salary Analytics

Individual Compensation Management Duty

Manages off-cycle compensation awards for individual workers.

Enter Variable Compensation Allocation

Line Manager Compensation Budget Management Duty

Manages compensation budgets by distributing and publishing budgets to lower manager.

Export Compensation Budget Data by Line Manager

Manage Compensation Budget by Line Manager

Manage Group Compensation and Budgets

Model Compensation Distribution Model for Budgets by Line Manager

Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Manages workforce compensation by allocating compensation, rating performance, and promoting workers on a periodic basis.

Allocate Compensation Person Rate by Line Manager

Approve and Submit Compensation Allocation by Line Manager

Assign Compensation Performance Rating by Line Manager

Award Compensation Promotion by Line Manager

Create Compensation Distribution Model for Allocation by Line Manager

Export Compensation Allocation Details to Spreadsheet by Line Manager

Generate Compensation Allocation Statements by Line Manager

Manage Group Compensation and Budgets

Run Group Compensation Line Manager Reports by Line Manager

Manager Gallery Cards Access Duty

Restricts specific portrait cards to line managers or HR specialists only.

Print Worker Portrait

Manager Transaction Dashboard Analysis Duty

Grants access to the line manager transaction dashboard that contains analytics.

View Manager Transaction Dashboard

Non Worker Addition Duty

Adds nonworkers.

Create Person Nonworker

Create User

Payroll Flow Submission Duty

Submits new payroll flows.

Submit Payroll Flow

Pending Worker Hire Duty

Hires pending workers.

Add Worker Pending Hire

Hire Pending Worker

Performance Management Compensation Duty

Views performance documents from compensation work area.

Print Performance Document

View Worker Performance Management Document

Performance Management Line Manager Duty

Views performance documents from line manager dashboard.

Approve Worker Performance Document

Cancel Worker Performance Document by Manager

Change Participant Due Date by Manager

Complete Worker Performance Document by Manager

Create Performance Document by Manager

Delete Worker Performance Document by Manager

Print Performance Document

Reopen Performance Document by Manager

Reset Worker Performance Evaluation Status by Manager

Restore Performance Document by Manager

Select Feedback Participants

Track Participant Feedback Status

Transfer Performance Document by Manager

View Performance Information on Manager Dashboard

View Performance Information on Worker Dashboard for Manager

View Performance and Potential

Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty

Grants navigation access to the person gallery work area.

View Person Gallery Work Area

Position Lookup Service Duty

Calls the position lookup service.

Use Position lookup Service

Question Management Duty

Creates and maintains questions and responses.

Manage Questions

Questionnaire Management Duty

Creates and maintains questionnaires.

Manage Questionnaires

Salary Management Duty

Manages salary data for workers.

Enter Salary Details

Export Salary

View Salary Analytics

Schedules and Exceptions Assignment Management Duty

Manages the association of schedules to an assignment. This role is associated with the line manager or HR specialist.

Manage Work Schedule Assignment

Supervisor Hierarchy Search Duty

Searches supervisor hierarchy through services.

Search Supervisor Hierarchy

Talent Review Participant Duty

Manages the data utilized during the talent review meeting.

Manage Talent Review Content

Total Compensation Statements Human Resources Duty

Views generated total compensation statements for individuals within their security profile.

View Total Compensation Statement Already Generated

US New Hire Reporting Duty

Allows user to produce the New Hire State report.

Run US New Hire State Report

User Role Account Management Duty

Manages user role accounts.

Map and Synchronize User Account Details

View Person Account Details

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

Assign Roles to User

Copy Personal Data to LDAP

Manage User Account and Roles

Worker Checklist Management Duty

Manages checklist definitions.

Manage Person Allocated Checklist

Run Checklist Events Process

Worker Gallery Search Duty

Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.

Search Worker

View Nonworker Portrait

View Person Gallery Work Area

View Worker Portrait

Worker Information Sharing Duty

Shares own employment information with line managers or external parties.

Share Worker Information

Worker Location Change Duty

Changes persons' locations.

Change Worker Location

Worker Manager Change Duty

Changes persons' managers.

Change Worker Manager

Worker Person Management Duty

Manages workers' documents, schedules, checklists, and information shared information by line managers.

New Person Work Area

Worker Preboarding Duty

Duty role that permits line managers and others to complete the preboarding component of an onboarding process.

Complete Preboarding

Review Worker Compensation

Review Worker Employment

Worker Prediction Reporting Duty

This duty role is used to view worker predictions

View Worker Prediction

Worker Promotion Duty

Promotes persons.

Promote Worker

Worker Termination Reporting Duty

Reports on workers' termination data.

View Conclude Placement Reports

View Termination Reports

Worker Transfer Duty

Transfers persons.

Transfer Worker

Worker Work Relationship Addition Duty

Adds work relationships to persons.

Create Work Relationship

Worker Work Relationship Termination Duty

Terminates work relationships.

Terminate Work Relationship

Worker Working Hours Change Duty

Changes the working hours of persons.

Change Worker Working Hour

Workforce Business Process Analytics Line Manager Duty

Duty role that provides managers access to the workforce business process analytics

View Workforce Business Process Analytics as Line Manager

Workforce Business Process Start Duty

Duty role that provides access to the Start Process menu on the Workforce Processes work area

Start Workforce Business Process

Workforce Processes Work Area Navigation Duty

Duty role that provides access to the Workforce Processes and Tasks work area

Manage Workforce Processes Work Area

Workforce Profile Line Manager Duty

Performs workforce profile duties as a line manager.

Define Talent Profile

Define Talent Profile Item

Manage Model Talent Profile

Manage Person Talent Profile

Manage Talent Profile Interest List

Match Talent Profile

Update Talent Profile Item

View Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the abstract role Line Manager

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Applied Cash Advance

A Line Manager can view employee expense for the employees for whom they are responsible

Role: Expense Analysis Duty

Privilege: View Employee Expense (Data)

Resource: Applied Cash Advance

Assignment Grade

A Line Manager can choose assignment grade for grades in their grade security profile

Role: Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Role: Employee Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Role: Non Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Role: Pending Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Role: Pending Worker Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Role: Worker Promotion Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Role: Worker Transfer Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

A Line Manager can report assignment grade for grades in their grade security profile

Role: Workforce Structures Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade Ladder

A Line Manager can report assignment grade ladder for grades in their grade security profile

Role: Workforce Structures Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Ladder (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Ladder

Assignment Grade Rate

A Line Manager can report assignment grade rate for grades in their grade security profile

Role: Workforce Structures Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Rate (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Rate

Assignment Supervisor

A Line Manager can search assignment supervisor hierarchy for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Supervisor Hierarchy Search Duty

Privilege: Search Assignment Supervisor Hierarchy (Data)

Resource: Assignment Supervisor


A Line Manager can report person for organizations in their organization security profile

Role: US New Hire Reporting Duty

Privilege: Report Person (Data)

Resource: Assignments

Business Unit

A Line Manager can choose business unit organization for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Business Unit Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Cash Advance

A Line Manager can view employee expense for the employees for whom they are responsible

Role: Expense Analysis Duty

Privilege: View Employee Expense (Data)

Resource: Cash Advance

Compensation Allocation

A Line Manager can allocate compensation person rate by line manager for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Allocate Compensation Person Rate by Line Manager (Data)

Resource: Compensation Allocation

A Line Manager can approve and submit compensation allocation by line manager for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Approve and Submit Compensation Allocation by Line Manager (Data)

Resource: Compensation Allocation

Compensation Budget

A Line Manager can manage compensation budget by line manager for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Line Manager Compensation Budget Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Compensation Budget by Line Manager (Data)

Resource: Compensation Budget

Compensation Note

A Line Manager can manage compensation note for public compensation notes for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile and for private compensation notes that they own

Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Compensation Note (Data)

Resource: Compensation Note

Compensation Performance Rating

A Line Manager can assign compensation performance rating by line manager for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Assign Compensation Performance Rating by Line Manager (Data)

Resource: Compensation Performance Rating

Compensation Promotion

A Line Manager can award compensation promotion by line manager for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Award Compensation Promotion by Line Manager (Data)

Resource: Compensation Promotion

Compensation Stock Grant

A Line Manager can view compensation stock grant by line manager for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: View Compensation Stock Grant by Line Manager (Data)

Resource: Compensation Stock Grant

Corporate Card Transaction

A Line Manager can manage outstanding corporate card transaction for the employees for whom they are responsible

Role: Corporate Card Transaction Review Duty

Privilege: Manage Outstanding Corporate Card Transaction (Data)

Resource: Corporate Card Transaction

Fact: Employee Expenses Corporate Card

Dimension(s): Security Manager


A Line Manager can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Department Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Employee Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Non Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Pending Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Pending Worker Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Worker Promotion Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Worker Transfer Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

A Line Manager can report department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Workforce Structures Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Line Manager can view employee expense for the employees for whom they are responsible

Role: Expense Analysis Duty

Privilege: View Employee Expense (Data)

Resource: Expense

Fact: Employee Expenses Overview

Dimension(s): Security Manager

Fact: Employee Expenses Violation

Dimension(s): Security Manager

Expense Report

A Line Manager can view employee expense for the employees for whom they are responsible

Role: Expense Analysis Duty

Privilege: View Employee Expense (Data)

Resource: Expense Report

Expense Report Approval Note

A Line Manager can manage expense report approval note for the employees for whom they are responsible

Role: Expense Approval Duty

Privilege: Manage Expense Report Approval Note (Data)

Resource: Expense Report Approval Note

HR Checklist

A Line Manager can manage hr checklist for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Checklist Management Duty

Privilege: Manage HR Checklist (Data)

Resource: HR Checklist

HR Job

A Line Manager can choose hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Employee Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Job Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Non Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Pending Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Pending Worker Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Worker Promotion Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Worker Transfer Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

A Line Manager can report hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Workforce Structures Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Legal Employer

A Line Manager can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Legal Employer Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legislative Data Group

A Line Manager can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Legislative Data Group Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group


A Line Manager can choose location for locations in their location security profile

Role: Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Role: Employee Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Role: Non Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Role: Pending Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Role: Pending Worker Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Role: Worker Location Change Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Role: Worker Promotion Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Role: Worker Transfer Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

A Line Manager can report location for locations in their location security profile

Role: Workforce Structures Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Payroll Checklist

A Line Manager can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Payroll Flow Submission Duty

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist

Payroll Checklist Annotation

A Line Manager can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Flow Submission Duty

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist Annotation

Payroll Flow Definition

A Line Manager can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Payroll Flow Submission Duty

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition

Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

A Line Manager can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Payroll Flow Submission Duty

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

Performance Document

A Line Manager can create performance document for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Performance Management Line Manager Duty

Privilege: Create Performance Document (Data)

Resource: Performance Document

A Line Manager can manage performance document for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Performance Management Line Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Performance Document (Data)

Resource: Performance Document


A Line Manager can compare person for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Compare Person (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can hire pending worker for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Pending Worker Hire Duty

Privilege: Hire Pending Worker (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can print worker portrait for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Maintenance Duty

Privilege: Print Worker Portrait (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can rehire employee for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Employee Hire Duty

Privilege: Rehire Employee (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can renew placement for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Renew Placement (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can report person for organizations in their organization security profile

Role: US New Hire Reporting Duty

Privilege: Report Person (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can report person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Person (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can search person live for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manager Gallery Access Duty

Privilege: Search Person Live (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can share worker information for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Information Sharing Duty

Privilege: Share Worker Information (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can view worker availability portrait card for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Availability Duty

Privilege: View Worker Availability Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Person

A Line Manager can view worker employment information portrait card for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Employment Information Duty

Privilege: View Worker Employment Information Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Person

Person Address

A Line Manager can report person address for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Person Address (Data)

Resource: Person Address

Person Assignment

A Line Manager can promote worker for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Promotion Duty

Privilege: Promote Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

A Line Manager can report person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

A Line Manager can search worker for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Promotion Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Role: Worker Transfer Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

A Line Manager can transfer worker for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Transfer Duty

Privilege: Transfer Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

A Line Manager can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Employment Information Duty

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Checklist

A Line Manager can manage person allocated checklist for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Checklist Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Allocated Checklist (Data)

Resource: Person Checklist

Person Communication Method

A Line Manager can report person communication method for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Person Communication Method (Data)

Resource: Person Communication Method

Person Contact

A Line Manager can report person contact for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Person Contact (Data)

Resource: Person Contact

Person Documentation

A Line Manager can manage person documentation for document types in their document types security profile belonging to subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: HCM Document Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

A Line Manager can search person documentation for document types in their document types security profile belonging to subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: HCM Document Management Duty

Privilege: Search Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

Person Driver License

A Line Manager can report driver license for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Driver License (Data)

Resource: Person Driver License

Person Email

A Line Manager can manage person email for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: User Role Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

A Line Manager can report person email for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person National Identifier

A Line Manager can report person national identifier for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Person National Identifier (Data)

Resource: Person National Identifier

Person Passport

A Line Manager can report person passport for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Person Passport (Data)

Resource: Person Passport

Person Phone

A Line Manager can report person phone for work phone numbers and private phone numbers granted to the user for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Person Phone (Data)

Resource: Person Phone

Person Type

A Line Manager can choose person type for person types in their person type security profile

Role: Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type

Role: Employee Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type

Role: Non Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type

Role: Pending Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type

Role: Pending Worker Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type

Person Visa

A Line Manager can report person visa for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Person Visa (Data)

Resource: Person Visa


A Line Manager can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Role: Employee Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Role: Non Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Role: Pending Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Role: Pending Worker Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Role: Worker Promotion Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Role: Worker Transfer Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

A Line Manager can report position  for positions in their position security profile

Role: Workforce Structures Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Position  (Data)

Resource: Position

Public Person

A Line Manager can choose public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Public Person Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

A Line Manager can compare hcm information for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Compare HCM Information

Resource: Public Person

A Line Manager can report public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

A Line Manager can view worker contact portrait card for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Contact Duty

Privilege: View Worker Contact Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Public Person


A Line Manager can enter salary details for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: HR Salary Management Duty

Privilege: Enter Salary Details (Data)

Resource: Salary

Role: Salary Management Duty

Privilege: Enter Salary Details (Data)

Resource: Salary

A Line Manager can view worker compensation portrait card for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Portrait Compensation Duty

Privilege: View Worker Compensation Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Salary

Schedule Assignment

A Line Manager can manage work schedule assignment for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Schedules and Exceptions Assignment Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Work Schedule Assignment (Data)

Resource: Schedule Assignment

Talent Profile

A Line Manager can match talent profile person for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Line Manager Duty

Privilege: Match Talent Profile Person (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

A Line Manager can view talent profile model for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Line Manager Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Model (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

A Line Manager can view talent profile person for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Line Manager Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Person (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

Talent Profile Item

A Line Manager can view talent profile item manager for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Line Manager Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Item Manager (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile Item

Talent Review Note

A Line Manager can manage talent review content for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Talent Review Participant Duty

Privilege: Manage Talent Review Content (Data)

Resource: Talent Review Note

Total Compensation Statement

A Line Manager can view total compensation statement already generated for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Total Compensation Statements Human Resources Duty

Privilege: View Total Compensation Statement Already Generated (Data)

Resource: Total Compensation Statement

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Line Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Line Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Line Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Line Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Line Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Line Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Line Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Line Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Line Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Line Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Line Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Line Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Line Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

User Roles

A Line Manager can assign user roles for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: User Role Management Duty

Privilege: Assign User Roles (Data)

Resource: User Roles

A Line Manager can view person account details for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: User Role Account Management Duty

Privilege: View Person Account Details (Data)

Resource: User Roles

Variable Compensation Allocation

A Line Manager can enter variable compensation allocation for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Individual Compensation Management Duty

Privilege: Enter Variable Compensation Allocation (Data)

Resource: Variable Compensation Allocation

Work Relationship

A Line Manager can terminate work relationship for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Work Relationship Termination Duty

Privilege: Terminate Work Relationship (Data)

Resource: Work Relationship

A Line Manager can view conclude placement reports for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Termination Reporting Duty

Privilege: View Conclude Placement Reports (Data)

Resource: Work Relationship


A Line Manager can change worker location for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Location Change Duty

Privilege: Change Worker Location (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can change worker manager for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Manager Change Duty

Privilege: Change Worker Manager (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can change worker working hour for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Working Hours Change Duty

Privilege: Change Worker Working Hour (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can compare worker employment information for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: HCM Information Comparison Duty

Privilege: Compare Worker Employment Information (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can report worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Absence Management Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can review worker availability for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Availability Viewing Duty

Privilege: Review Worker Availability (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Location Change Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can search worker for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Manager Change Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker

Role: Worker Working Hours Change Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can view absence balance for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Absence Recording Duty

Privilege: View Absence Balance (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can view manager transaction dashboard for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manager Transaction Dashboard Analysis Duty

Privilege: View Manager Transaction Dashboard (Data)

Resource: Worker

A Line Manager can view manager transaction dashboard for themselves

Role: Manager Transaction Dashboard Analysis Duty

Privilege: View Manager Transaction Dashboard (Data)

Resource: Worker

Worker Absence

A Line Manager can manage absence records for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Absence Recording Duty

Privilege: Manage Absence Records (Data)

Resource: Worker Absence

A Line Manager can report worker absence for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Absence Management Reporting Data Duty

Privilege: Report Worker Absence (Data)

Resource: Worker Absence

Worker Prediction

A Line Manager can view worker prediction for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Prediction Reporting Duty

Privilege: View Worker Prediction (Data)

Resource: Worker Prediction

A Line Manager can view worker prediction for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Prediction Reporting Duty

Privilege: View Worker Prediction (Data)

Resource: Worker Prediction

Worker Service

A Line Manager can create worker service for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Worker Service Creation Duty

Privilege: Create Worker Service (Data)

Resource: Worker Service

Workforce Business Process

A Line Manager can start workforce business process for workforce business processes in their workforce business process security profile

Role: Workforce Business Process Start Duty

Privilege: Start Workforce Business Process (Data)

Resource: Workforce Business Process

A Line Manager can view workforce business process analytics for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Business Process Analytics Line Manager Duty

Privilege: View Workforce Business Process Analytics (Data)

Resource: Workforce Business Process

World Territory

A Line Manager can choose world territory for countries in their country security profile

Role: Contingent Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose World Territory (Data)

Resource: World Territory

Role: Employee Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose World Territory (Data)

Resource: World Territory

Role: Non Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose World Territory (Data)

Resource: World Territory

Role: Pending Worker Addition Duty

Privilege: Choose World Territory (Data)

Resource: World Territory

Role: Pending Worker Hire Duty

Privilege: Choose World Territory (Data)

Resource: World Territory

Job Role: Product Data Steward

Executes change requests upon approval and maintains the quality of the product master. Responsible for data loads. Develops consistent data in accordance with the business rules of the corporation.  Responsibilities also include data scrubbing, monitoring data entry exception, data de-duplication, ensuring overall data quality.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Product Data Steward

Duty Role


Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty

Imports people and organizations.

Item Administration Duty

Administers setup tasks required to manage items including definition and management of item statuses, lifecycle phases, templates, attribute controls, and item structure type.

Item Batch Management Duty

Creates and manages item batches to import items and related data.

Item Catalog Administration Duty

Creates and manages item catalogs and their categories including functional area catalog associations.

Item Catalog Management Duty

Creates and manages item catalogs and their categories including item assignments.

Item Change Order Administration Duty

Administers setup tasks required to manage item change orders including managing change order reasons, priorities, statuses and change order types.

Item Change Order Management Duty

Creates and manages item change orders including change order promotion, demotion, and propagation.

Item Class Administration Duty

Creates and manages item classes and item class hierarchy including lifecycle phases, templates, attributes, and item security policies for each item class.

Item Import Management Duty

Imports items into enterprise system from other external sources.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Item Management Duty

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Item Pack Creation Duty

Creates and manages packs for items.

Item People Management Duty

Reviews and manages item access to enterprise users.

Item Purge Management Duty

Creates and manages delete groups to purge data from the system including items, item structures, item supplier associations, item change orders, and new item requests.

Item Supplier Management Duty

Creates and manages item supplier associations.

Manage Product for Pedigree and Serialization Duty

Duty role to manage Product.

New Item Request Management Duty

Creates and manages new item requests including new item request promotion, demotion, and completion.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Product Catalog Transaction Analysis Duty

Analyzes Product Catalog transactional information

Product Hub Administration Duty

Administers tasks required to setup Oracle Fusion Product Hub. Duty role includes all setup duty roles available for this product and inherits setup duty roles from Oracle Fusion Product and Catalog Management.

Product Management Dashboard Duty

Monitors product management dashboard containing analytical data related to items, change orders, new item requests, and item batches.

Product Model Administration Duty

Administers tasks required to setup Oracle Fusion Product Model. Duty role includes all setup duty roles available for this product.

Product Monitoring Duty

Monitors item work area containing information related to items, new item requests, change orders, catalogs, and item batches.

Product Transaction Analysis Duty

Analyzes Product transactional information

Product Transactions Analysis Duty


Product and Catalog Administration Duty

Administers setup tasks required to implement Oracle Fusion Product and Catalog Management. Duty role includes all setup duty roles available for this product and inherits setup duty roles from Oracle Fusion Product Model.

Trading Community Import Administration Duty

Defines trading community data import installation and configuration information.

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Trading Community Source System Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up source systems

Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views trading partner items including competitor items, customer items, and manufacturer part numbers.

Transactional Analysis Duty

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Product Data Steward

Inherited Roles

Product Data Steward

          Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

          Business Intelligence Applications Worker

                    Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

          Item Batch Management Duty

          Item Catalog Management Duty

          Item Change Order Management Duty

                    Item Inquiry Duty

          Item Import Management Duty

          Item Management Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

          Item Pack Creation Duty

                    Item Management Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

          Item People Management Duty

                    Item Inquiry Duty

          Item Purge Management Duty

          Item Supplier Management Duty

                    Item Management Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

          Manage Product for Pedigree and Serialization Duty

          New Item Request Management Duty

                    Item Inquiry Duty

          Product Catalog Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Product Hub Administration Duty

                    Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty

                              Trading Community Import Administration Duty

                              Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                              Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Product and Catalog Administration Duty

                              Item Change Order Administration Duty

                              Product Model Administration Duty

                                        Functional Setups Duty

                                        Item Administration Duty

                                        Item Catalog Administration Duty

                                        Item Class Administration Duty

                                        Item Import Management Duty

                    Trading Community Source System Administration Duty

          Product Management Dashboard Duty

          Product Monitoring Duty

          Product Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Product Transactions Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Transactional Business Intelligence Worker

                    Transactional Analysis Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Product Data Steward.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Review Applications Offering

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Setup and Maintain Applications

Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty

Imports people and organizations.

Import Trading Community Person

Item Administration Duty

Administers setup tasks required to manage items including definition and management of item statuses, lifecycle phases, templates, attribute controls, and item structure type.

Manage Item Attribute Control

Manage Item Child Value Set

Manage Item Lifecycle Phase

Manage Item Status

Manage Item Structure Type

Item Batch Management Duty

Creates and manages item batches to import items and related data.

Check Item Data Quality

Manage Item Batch

Manage Item Source System

Monitor Item Batch Summary

Item Catalog Administration Duty

Creates and manages item catalogs and their categories including functional area catalog associations.

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Default Functional Area

Item Catalog Management Duty

Creates and manages item catalogs and their categories including item assignments.

Manage Item Catalog

Monitor Item Catalog Summary

Monitor Item Work Area

Item Change Order Administration Duty

Administers setup tasks required to manage item change orders including managing change order reasons, priorities, statuses and change order types.

Manage Item Change Order Status

Manage Item Change Order Type

Item Change Order Management Duty

Creates and manages item change orders including change order promotion, demotion, and propagation.

Generate Item Change Order Report

Manage Item Change Order

Monitor Item Change Order Summary

View Item Change Order

Item Class Administration Duty

Creates and manages item classes and item class hierarchy including lifecycle phases, templates, attributes, and item security policies for each item class.

Manage Item Class

Item Import Management Duty

Imports items into enterprise system from other external sources.

Import Item

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Item Management Duty

Creates and manages items including item attributes, item structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog assignments.

Create Item Structure

Manage Item

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Lifecycle Phase Change

Manage Item Organization Association

Manage Item Relationship

Manage Item Status Change

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Monitor Item Summary

Monitor Item Work Area

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Item Pack Creation Duty

Creates and manages packs for items.

Create Item Pack

Item People Management Duty

Reviews and manages item access to enterprise users.

Manage Item People

Item Purge Management Duty

Creates and manages delete groups to purge data from the system including items, item structures, item supplier associations, item change orders, and new item requests.

Manage Item Delete Group

Monitor Item Work Area

Item Supplier Management Duty

Creates and manages item supplier associations.

Manage Item Supplier Association

View Item Supplier Association

Manage Product for Pedigree and Serialization Duty

Duty role to manage Product.

Create Product for Pedigree and Serialization

Delete Product for Pedigree and Serialization

Edit Product for Pedigree and Serialization

New Item Request Management Duty

Creates and manages new item requests including new item request promotion, demotion, and completion.

Manage New Item Request

Monitor New Item Request Summary

View New Item Request

Product Hub Administration Duty

Administers tasks required to setup Oracle Fusion Product Hub. Duty role includes all setup duty roles available for this product and inherits setup duty roles from Oracle Fusion Product and Catalog Management.

Manage Item Catalog Category Mapping

Manage Item Source System

Product Management Dashboard Duty

Monitors product management dashboard containing analytical data related to items, change orders, new item requests, and item batches.

Monitor Item Dashboard

Product Monitoring Duty

Monitors item work area containing information related to items, new item requests, change orders, catalogs, and item batches.

Monitor Item Catalog Summary

Monitor Item Summary

Monitor Item Work Area

Product and Catalog Administration Duty

Administers setup tasks required to implement Oracle Fusion Product and Catalog Management. Duty role includes all setup duty roles available for this product and inherits setup duty roles from Oracle Fusion Product Model.

Manage Item Rule Set

Trading Community Import Administration Duty

Defines trading community data import installation and configuration information.

Manage Trading Community Import Lookups

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Modify Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Source System Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up source systems

Manage Source System Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Original System

Manage Trading Community Source System Lookups

Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views trading partner items including competitor items, customer items, and manufacturer part numbers.

Monitor Item Work Area

View Trading Partner Item

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Product Data Steward

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Application Objects

A Product Data Steward can manage application objects for the item classes they have access to

Role: Item Class Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

A Product Data Steward can manage application objects for the items they have access to in item and inventory organizations

Role: Item People Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Consumer File Import Activity

A Product Data Steward can view consumer file import activity object type for all consumer file import activities of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Activity

Consumer File Import Mapping

A Product Data Steward can view consumer file import mapping object type for all consumer file import mappings of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Mapping

Consumer File Import Object

A Product Data Steward can view consumer file import object type for all consumer file import objects of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Object

Contact File Import Activity

A Product Data Steward can view contact file import activity object type for all contact file import activities of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Activity

Contact File Import Mapping

A Product Data Steward can view contact file import mapping object type for all contact file import mappings of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Mapping

Contact File Import Object

A Product Data Steward can view contact file import object type for all contact file import objects of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Object

Customer File Import Activity

A Product Data Steward can view customer file import activity object type for all customer file import activities of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Activity

Customer File Import Mapping

A Product Data Steward can view customer file import mapping object type for all customer file import mappings of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Mapping

Customer File Import Object

A Product Data Steward can view customer file import object type for all customer file import objects of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Object

Group Customer File Import Activity

A Product Data Steward can view group customer file import activity object type for all group customer file import activities of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Activity

Group Customer File Import Mapping

A Product Data Steward can view group customer file import mapping object type for all group customer file import mappings of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Mapping

Group Customer File Import Object

A Product Data Steward can view group customer file import object type for all group customer file import objects of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Object

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Product Data Steward can view hierarchy file import activity object type for all hierarchy file import activities of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Product Data Steward can view hierarchy file import mapping object type for all hierarchy file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Object

A Product Data Steward can view hierarchy file import object type for all hierarchy file import objects of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Object

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Product Data Steward can view hierarchy node file import activity object type for all hierarchy node file import activities of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Product Data Steward can view hierarchy node file import mapping object type for all hierarchy node file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Object

A Product Data Steward can view hierarchy node file import object type for all hierarchy node file import objects of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Object


A Product Data Steward can create item class item for the item classes they have access to

Role: Item Management Duty

Privilege: Create Item Class Item (Data)

Resource: Item

Fact: PIM - Item

Dimension(s): Item Class

Legal Entity File Import Activity

A Product Data Steward can view legal entity file import activity object type for all legal entity file import activities of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Activity

Legal Entity File Import Mapping

A Product Data Steward can view legal entity file import mapping object type for all legal entity file import mappings of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Mapping

Legal Entity File Import Object

A Product Data Steward can view legal entity file import object type for all legal entity file import objects of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Object

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Product Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Product Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Product Data Steward can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Product Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Product Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Product Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Product Data Steward can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Product Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Product Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Product Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Product Data Steward can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job  role Product Data Steward

GRC Entitlement

Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Create Items

Approve Cycle Count Sequences

Create Cycle Count

Create Interorganization Transfer

Create Subinventory Transfer

Cycle Counting

Inventory Transactions

Item Costing

Create Items

Manage Item Change Orders

Approve Item Change Order

Manage New Item Request

Approve New Item Request

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as follows:

GRC Entitlement Type

GRC Entitlement

Duty Role



Create Items

Manage Item

Manage Item Change Orders

Manage Item Change Order

Manage New Item Request

Manage New Item Request

Abstract Role: Resource

Identifies the person as front office personnel.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Resource

Duty Role


Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Resource Directory Management Duty

Obsoleted Role. Not used anymore

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Resource Organization Management Duty

Manages resource organizations.

Resource Team Management Duty

Manages resource teams.

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Resource

Inherited Roles


          Party Information Inquiry Duty

          Resource Directory Management Duty

          Resource Information Management Duty

                    View Person Details Duty

                    Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

          Resource Organization Management Duty

                    Application Tree Administration Duty

          Resource Team Management Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Resource.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Manage Application Tree

Manage Application Tree Label

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Add Trading Community Resource to My Social Network

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Manage Trading Community Resource Address

Manage Trading Community Resource Contact Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Social Network

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Address

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Contact Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Skills

View Trading Community Resource Social Network

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Resource Organization Management Duty

Manages resource organizations.

Manage Resource Organization Member Descriptive Flexfields

Search Trading Community Resource Organization

Search Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Organization Resource Members

View Trading Community Resource Organization

View Trading Community Resource Organization Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Team Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Organization Usage Information

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

Resource Team Management Duty

Manages resource teams.

Search Trading Community Resource Team

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Team

View Trading Community Resource Team Details

View Trading Community Resource Team Members

View Trading Community Resource Team Usages

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Person Details

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Person Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the abstract role Resource

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Public Person

A Resource can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Details Duty

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Resource can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Resource can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Resource can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Resource can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Resource can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Resource can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Resource can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Resource can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Resource can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Resource can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Resource can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Resource

A Resource can update trading community resource for their resource record

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

Trading Community Resource Note

A Resource can manage trading community resource note for the resource notes for which they are the owner

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Resource can view trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Skill

A Resource can manage trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Resource can manage trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Resource can view trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Resource can view trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

Job Role: Sales Administrator

Manages sales department and personnel. Performs ongoing administrative tasks, corrects erroneous data, and customizes the application according to business needs.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Sales Administrator

Duty Role


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages all application profile values.

Application Attachment Administration Duty

Manages attachment categories and entities.

Application Data Security Administration Duty

Manages data security policies and database resources.

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Application Message Administration Duty

Manages application messages.

Application Profile Option Registration Duty

Manages application profile categories and profile options.

Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

Manage application reference data set and assignments.

Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

Manages application taxonomy.

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

Manages application tree structure.

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Application World Reference Administration Duty

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Applications Common Application Impersonator Role

Enables User to Impersonate as other Fusion Apps User, after Impersonatee grants him the privilege.

Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

Appointment File Import Duty

Manage the appointment file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Appointment Note Management Duty

Manages creating and maintaining appointment notes.

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

Audit Trail Management Duty

Duty role to allow the administrator to configure and view the audit history.

Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Intelligence Consumer Duty

A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office. This role  allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a subject area.

Business Unit Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege that enables users to select a business unit, enabled for assignments and work terms, from a secured list determined by the organization security profile.

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

Classification Administration Duty

Manage classification setup

Common Component Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all common components objects.

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Customer Center Custom Object File Import Duty

Manages file import of all top-level customer center custom objects. Unlike seeded customer center objects where they are individually secured by their unique object codes, all top-level customer center custom objects within the deployed customer center application are secured by a common object code.

Customer Center UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Customer Center pages

Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Customer Data Management Foundation.

Delete CRM documents on content server

Allows to delete CRM content on content server.

Department Selection Duty

Filters the department list of values based on the user's organization security profile.

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Goal Management All Profile Value Administration Duty

Duty role for managing profile values for Goal Management

Goal Management Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Duty role for managing descriptive flexfields for Goal Management

Goal Management Implementation Duty

Grant role for functional access to Goal Management Implementation

Goal Management Lookup Administration Duty

Duty role for managing lookups for Goal Management

HCM Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages Human Capital Management application descriptive flexfields.

HCM Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Manages Human Capital Management application flexfield value sets.

HCM Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages Human Capital Management application common, standard, and set-enabled lookups.

HCM Application Profile Value  Administration Duty

Manages Human Capital Management application profile values.

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Interaction File Import Duty

Manage interaction file import objects, mappings, activities.

Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of interaction data. Interactions record inbound and outbound communications.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Job Selection Duty

Filters the job list of values based on the user's job security profile.

Lead Registration Processing Duty

Reviews, accepts, and rejects sales lead registrations. Includes the ability to view sales lead details and update internal attributes.

Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage legal contact preferences

Legal Employer Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege  Choose Legal Employer Duty  that allows the ability to select a Legal Employer from a secured list as defined in the organization security profile.

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Marketing Analysis module.

Marketing Lead Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze leads generated from sales and marketing campaigns.

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

Mobile CRM Sales Representative Duty

Manages customer relationship management data on mobile device. This role is for the salesperson using the mobile application.

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Note File Import Duty

Manages the note file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Opportunity Administration Duty

Administers all aspects of the application, including some setup. This role is for opportunity administrators.

Opportunity Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all opportunity-related objects.

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Administration Duty

Allows sales administrators to setup Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Person Information Inquiry Duty

Views person basic information.

Person Information Management Duty

Manages person information.

Person Relationships Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage person Relationship information

Personal Campaign Management Duty

Manages secured personal campaigns used to promote products or events to specific customers.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Contact Information Management Duty

Manages personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Personal Identifier Management Duty

Manages social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Review purchase order, purchase agreement, and referenced document attachments.

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Quota Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all sales territory quota related objects.

Quota Management Administration Duty

Manages sales territory quotas, quota setups, territory quota formulas, spread formulas, and seasonality groups, and can view quota plans. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and party information inquiry.

Quota Management Enterprise Administration Duty

Manages sales territory quotas and territory quota formulas. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and quota management setup.

Quota Management Setup Duty

Manages sales territory quota setup, quota plans, prediction and spread formula parameters, and seasonality groups. Runs sales territory quota synchronization and sales quota plan activation and completion processes. Additional duties include party information inquiry.

Quota Management UI Customization Duty

Manages the customization of quota UIs.

Rating Model Administration Duty

Sets up and manages rating models.

Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.

Resource Administration Duty

Administers resource information.

Resource Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Resource Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Resource Organization Administration Duty

Administers resource organizations.

Resource Organization Management Duty

Manages resource organizations.

Resource Role Administration Duty

Defines resource roles.

Resource Team Administration Duty

Defines resource teams.

Resource Team Management Duty

Manages resource teams.

Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Manages sales account team file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Sales Administration Duty

Sets up various aspects of the sales application.

Sales Administrative Analysis Duty

BI duty role to administer analysis in all key areas in Sales, including but not limited to Revenue,Quota, Forecasting and Territory.

Sales Administrative Transaction Analysis Duty

BI duty role to administer analysis in all key areas in Sales, including but not limited to Revenue,Quota, Forecasting and Territory. Maps to Sales Administrator role

Sales Administrator Duty

This is the enterprise role that inherits all duties performed by sales administrators.

Sales Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Sales Analysis module.

Sales Campaign Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze effectiveness of sales campaign created in  terms of responses, leads generation and revenue.

Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Manages product groups and product eligibility rules.

Sales Competitor Administration Duty

Administers the sales competitor application, including creation and maintenance of sales competitors.

Sales Custom Object File Import Duty

Manages file import of all top-level sales custom objects. Unlike seeded sales objects where they are individually secured by their unique object codes, all top-level sales custom objects within the deployed sales application are secured by a common object code.

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Sales Forecasting Administration Duty

Manages sales forecasting setup. Additional duties include delegated administration.

Sales Forecasting Delegated Management Duty

Manages sales forecasts, sales forecast items, sales forecast adjustments, and sales forecast item adjustments. Additional duties include exporting forecast information and managing forecasts on behalf of other users.

Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all sales forecasting related objects.

Sales Forecasting Setup Duty

Defines the sales forecast schedule, enables forecasting metrics, and determines the automatic forecasting criteria. Additional duties include defining lookups and profile options, and running sales forecasting jobs.

Sales Forecasting UI Customization Duty

Manages the customization of forecasting UIs.

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Processes sales lead for follow up actions including the qualification and conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Manages sales lead follow up marketing activities from qualification and assessment of leads to reassignment to sales for follow up sales activities including the conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Sales Lead Processing Duty

Processes sales leads including managing, importing, and assigning sales lead activities.

Sales Manager Dashboard Duty

Accesses the sales dashboard. This role is for sales managers.

Sales Party Administration Duty

Manages named sales accounts, sales account import scheduler and the flagging of existing accounts. Additional duties include managing sales parties, functional setups, customer center objects, and relationship information inquiries.

Sales Party Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all sales party-related objects.

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

Manages sales account partner territory associations.

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Sales Predictor Administration Duty

Manages recommendation configuration parameters and selects metadata entities and attributes.

Sales Predictor UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of sales prediction pages

Sales Reference Customer Administration Duty

Edits reference customer data. This role is for reference customer administrators.

Sales Representative Dashboard Duty

Access the sales dashboard. This role is for salespersons.

Sales Setup Duty

Configures the sales application.This role is typically for a one-time setup event.

Sales UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Sales pages

Setup Customer Center Duty

Manages customer center set up, sales party creation and their related objects, such as appointments, assessments, interactions, notes and tasks.

Talent Notifications Duty

Sets up and manages talent management notifications.

Task File Import Duty

Manage the task file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Task Note Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of task notes data. Task notes record additional information about the specific task.

Territory Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all sales territory related objects.

Territory Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Territory Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Territory Management Administration Duty

Manages sales territories and territory proposals. Additional duties include territory management setup and quota management administration.

Territory Management Enterprise Administration Duty

Manages sales territories and territory proposals. Additional duties include territory management setup and quota management administration.

Territory Management Setup Duty

Manages sales territory setup, including lookups, profile options, flexfields, and dimension data. Runs dimension synchronization, and visibility jobs. Additional duties include quota management setup.

Territory Management UI Customization Duty

Manages the customization of territory UIs.

Trading Community Confidential PII Management Duty

Manages personally identifiable information.

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Trading Community Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all party related objects.

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

Workforce Profile Administration Duty

Performs administrative duties for workforce talent profiles.

Workforce Profile Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive flexfields and value sets.

Workforce Profile Lookup Administration Duty

Provides the Fusion Search Crawl process with unrestricted access to workforce profile information when it builds a text-based index in the Oracle Fusion Search database deployed with Fusion Applications.

Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

Performs administration duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Zone Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up zones

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Sales Administrator

Inherited Roles

Sales Administrator

          Business Intelligence Applications Worker

                    Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

          Delete CRM documents on content server

          Sales Administrative Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Sales Analysis Currency Preference

          Sales Administrative Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Sales Administrator Duty

                    Administration Link View Duty

                    Applications Common Application Impersonator Role

                    Appointment File Import Duty

                    Appointment Note Management Duty

                    Appointment View Duty

                    Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                    Audit Trail Management Duty

                    Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

                    File Import Management Duty

                              File Import Scheduling Duty

                                        Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                    File Import Scheduling Duty

                              Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                    Functional Setups Duty

                    Interaction File Import Duty

                    Interaction Management Duty

                    Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Item Inquiry Duty

                    Lead Registration Processing Duty

                    Locations Management Duty

                              Locations Inquiry Duty

                    Marketing Lead Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

                              Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                              Territory Hierarchy Data Security

                    Mobile CRM Sales Representative Duty

                    Note File Import Duty

                    Opportunity Administration Duty

                    Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Administration Duty

                    Person Information Management Duty

                              Person Information Inquiry Duty

                              Person Relationships Management Duty

                    Personal Campaign Management Duty

                    Rating Model Administration Duty

                    Resource Administration Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Application Attachment Administration Duty

                              Application Data Security Administration Duty

                              Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              Application Lookup Administration Duty

                              Application Message Administration Duty

                              Application Profile Option Registration Duty

                              Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

                              Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

                              Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Application World Reference Administration Duty

                              Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

                              Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                        Business Unit Selection Duty

                                        Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                        User Role Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                              Job Selection Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Resource Information Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                              View Person Details Duty

                              Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

                                        Talent Notifications Duty

                              Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                    Resource Organization Administration Duty

                              Application Tree Administration Duty

                              Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

                              Department Selection Duty

                              Resource Organization Management Duty

                                        Application Tree Administration Duty

                    Resource Role Administration Duty

                              Job Selection Duty

                    Resource Team Administration Duty

                              Resource Team Management Duty

                    Sales Administration Duty

                    Sales Administrative Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                    Sales Campaign Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                              Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                    Sales Catalog Administration Duty

                    Sales Competitor Administration Duty

                    Sales Custom Object File Import Duty

                    Sales Forecasting Administration Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Sales Catalog Administration Duty

                              Sales Forecasting Delegated Management Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Sales Forecasting Setup Duty

                                        Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

                                                  CRM Export Management Duty

                              Sales Forecasting UI Customization Duty

                    Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

                    Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

                    Sales Lead Processing Duty

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                              Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

                    Sales Manager Dashboard Duty

                    Sales Party Administration Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              Application Lookup Administration Duty

                              Application Profile Option Registration Duty

                              Customer Center Custom Object File Import Duty

                              Customer Center UI Customization Duty

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              Functional Setups Duty

                              Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

                              Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Sales Account Team File Import Duty

                              Sales Party Management Duty

                                        File Import Management Duty

                                                  File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                            Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                                        Locations Management Duty

                                                  Locations Inquiry Duty

                                        Resource Information Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                                  Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                                        Sales Party Review Duty

                                                  Appointment View Duty

                                                  Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                                                  Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

                                                            Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                                            Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                                            Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                                            Interaction Management Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Item Inquiry Duty

                                                            Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                                      Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                                      Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                                            Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                                      Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Interaction Management Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Marketing Response Data Review Duty

                                                  Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                                                  Opportunity View Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Sales Extension Management Duty

                                                  Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                                        Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                                        Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

                              Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

                              Trading Community Confidential PII Management Duty

                                        Personal Contact Information Management Duty

                                        Personal Identifier Management Duty

                                        Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                              Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                              Trading Community Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

                              Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                    Sales Party Management Duty

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              Locations Management Duty

                                        Locations Inquiry Duty

                              Resource Information Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                              Sales Party Review Duty

                                        Appointment View Duty

                                        Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                                        Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

                                                  Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                                  Interaction Management Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Item Inquiry Duty

                                                  Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Interaction Management Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Marketing Response Data Review Duty

                                        Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                                        Opportunity View Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Sales Extension Management Duty

                                        Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                              Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                              Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

                    Sales Predictor Administration Duty

                              Business Intelligence Consumer Duty

                    Sales Predictor UI Customization Duty

                    Sales Reference Customer Administration Duty

                    Sales Representative Dashboard Duty

                    Sales Setup Duty

                              Common Component Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

                              Opportunity Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

                    Sales UI Customization Duty

                    Setup Customer Center Duty

                              Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              Application Lookup Administration Duty

                              Application Profile Option Registration Duty

                              Audit Trail Management Duty

                              Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

                              Functional Setups Duty

                              Sales Party Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

                    Task File Import Duty

                    Task Note Management Duty

                    Territory Management Administration Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Quota Management Administration Duty

                                        Administration Link View Duty

                                        Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                                  Business Unit Selection Duty

                                                  Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                                  User Role Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                        Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Territory Management Enterprise Administration Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Functional Setups Duty

                              Quota Management Enterprise Administration Duty

                                        Administration Link View Duty

                                        Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                                  Business Unit Selection Duty

                                                  Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                                  User Role Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                        Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

                                        Quota Management Setup Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Quota Export Management Duty

                                                            CRM Export Management Duty

                                        Quota Management UI Customization Duty

                              Territory Management Setup Duty

                                        Classification Administration Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Quota Management Setup Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Quota Export Management Duty

                                                            CRM Export Management Duty

                                        Sales Catalog Administration Duty

                                        Territory Export Management Duty

                                                  CRM Export Management Duty

                                                  Quota Export Management Duty

                                                            CRM Export Management Duty

                                        Zone Administration Duty

                              Territory Management UI Customization Duty

                    Workforce Profile Administration Duty

                              Goal Management Implementation Duty

                                        Goal Management All Profile Value Administration Duty

                                                  Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                                                  HCM Application Profile Value  Administration Duty

                                        Goal Management Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                                  Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                                  HCM Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                                  HCM Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

                                        Goal Management Lookup Administration Duty

                                                  Application Lookup Administration Duty

                                                  HCM Application Lookup Administration Duty

                                        Talent Notifications Duty

                              Talent Notifications Duty

                              Workforce Profile Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                        Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                        HCM Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                                        HCM Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

                              Workforce Profile Lookup Administration Duty

                                        Application Lookup Administration Duty

                                        HCM Application Lookup Administration Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Sales Administrator.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

View Administration Link

Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages all application profile values.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Application Attachment Administration Duty

Manages attachment categories and entities.

Manage Application Attachment Category

Manage Application Attachment Entity

Application Data Security Administration Duty

Manages data security policies and database resources.

Manage Application Data Security Policy

Manage Application Database Resource

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage Application Standard Lookup

Application Message Administration Duty

Manages application messages.

Manage Application Message

Application Profile Option Registration Duty

Manages application profile categories and profile options.

Manage Application Profile Category

Manage Application Profile Option

Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty

Manage application reference data set and assignments.

Manage Application Reference Data Set

Manage Application Reference Data Set Assignment

Application Taxonomy Administration Duty

Manages application taxonomy.

Manage Application Taxonomy

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Manage Application Tree

Manage Application Tree Label

Application Tree Structure Registration Duty

Manages application tree structure.

Manage Application Tree Structure

Application User Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages my application user profile values.

Manage My Application Profile Values

Application World Reference Administration Duty

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Currency

Manage Application Reference ISO Language

Manage Application Reference Industry

Manage Application Reference Language

Manage Application Reference Natural Language

Manage Application Reference Territory

Manage Application Reference Timezone

Applications Common Application Impersonator Role

Enables User to Impersonate as other Fusion Apps User, after Impersonatee grants him the privilege.

Impersonate User

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Manage Calendar Preferences

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

View Customer Asset

View Product Recommendation

Audit Trail Management Duty

Duty role to allow the administrator to configure and view the audit history.

Manage Audit Trail

Audit Trail Report Viewing Duty

Duty role to allow view of the audit history detail report

View Audit Trail Report

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

Run CRM Export Process

Set Up CRM Objects for Export

Classification Administration Duty

Manage classification setup

Manage Trading Community Classification Category

Manage Trading Community Classification Category Group

Manage Trading Community Classification Lookups

Run Trading Community Classification Hierarchy Generation

Common Component Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all common components objects.

Run Purge Recent Items

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Enable Buy Intent

Enable Sell Intent

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

View Contract

View Contract Terms

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Center UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Customer Center pages

Customize Customer Center UI

Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects Management Duty

Manages custom objects in Customer Data Management Foundation.

Manage Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

Set Up File Import Object and Mapping

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Manage Users

View Person Details

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Review Applications Offering

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Setup and Maintain Applications

Goal Management Implementation Duty

Grant role for functional access to Goal Management Implementation

Manage Performance Goal Process

Manage Performance Goal Setup

HCM Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages Human Capital Management application descriptive flexfields.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

HCM Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Manages Human Capital Management application flexfield value sets.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

HCM Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages Human Capital Management application common, standard, and set-enabled lookups.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage Application Standard Lookup

HCM Application Profile Value  Administration Duty

Manages Human Capital Management application profile values.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Customize Incentive Compensation Participant Goal

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Lead Registration Processing Duty

Reviews, accepts, and rejects sales lead registrations. Includes the ability to view sales lead details and update internal attributes.

Accept Sales Lead

Delete Sales Lead Internal Attributes

Reject Sales Lead

Select Sales Lead Internal Attributes

Update Sales Lead Internal Attributes

View Sales Lead Contextual Bin

View Sales Lead Internal Tabs

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Search Trading Community Location

View Trading Community Location

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Enter Trading Community Location

Remove Trading Community Location

Update Trading Community Location

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

View Marketing Response

Mobile CRM Sales Representative Duty

Manages customer relationship management data on mobile device. This role is for the salesperson using the mobile application.

Access Mobile CRM

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Search Supplier Negotiation

View Supplier Negotiation

Opportunity Administration Duty

Administers all aspects of the application, including some setup. This role is for opportunity administrators.

Assign Opportunity

Assign Opportunity Batch

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Delete Opportunity Revenue

Manage Manual Assigned Territories

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Bulk Import

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Currency Reevaluation

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

Set Up Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

View Opportunity Revenue

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

View Opportunity

Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Administration Duty

Allows sales administrators to setup Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook.

Define Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Integration

Download Outlook Installer

Person Information Inquiry Duty

Views person basic information.

View Trading Community Person

Person Information Management Duty

Manages person information.

Enter Trading Community Person

Manage Person Attachments

Manage Person Interactions

Manage Person Notes

Manage Trading Community Person Usage Assignment

Submit Person Merge Request

Update Trading Community Person

Person Relationships Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage person Relationship information

Add Trading Community Person Relationship

Remove Trading Community Person Relationship

Update Trading Community Person Relationship

Personal Campaign Management Duty

Manages secured personal campaigns used to promote products or events to specific customers.

Create Sales Campaign

Delete Sales Campaign

Manage Sales Campaign

Run Marketing Campaign Scheduler

Update Sales Campaign

View Sales Campaign

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Purchase Order

Quota Management Administration Duty

Manages sales territory quotas, quota setups, territory quota formulas, spread formulas, and seasonality groups, and can view quota plans. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and party information inquiry.

Manage Sales Quota Prediction Formula

Manage Sales Quota Prediction Formula Parameter

Manage Sales Quota Seasonality Group

Manage Sales Quota Spread Formula

Manage Sales Territory Quota

Manage Sales Territory Quota Setup

View Sales Quota Plan

Quota Management Enterprise Administration Duty

Manages sales territory quotas and territory quota formulas. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and quota management setup.

Manage Sales Quota Prediction Formula

Manage Sales Territory Quota

Quota Management Setup Duty

Manages sales territory quota setup, quota plans, prediction and spread formula parameters, and seasonality groups. Runs sales territory quota synchronization and sales quota plan activation and completion processes. Additional duties include party information inquiry.

Manage Sales Quota Plan

Manage Sales Quota Prediction Formula Parameter

Manage Sales Quota Seasonality Group

Manage Sales Quota Spread Formula

Manage Sales Territory Quota Setup

Run Sales Quota Plan Activation Job

Run Sales Quota Plan Completion Job

Run Sales Territory Quota Synchronization Job

View Sales Quota Plan

Rating Model Administration Duty

Sets up and manages rating models.

Manage Talent Profile Rating Model

Resource Administration Duty

Administers resource information.

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Enter Trading Community Resource Information

Identify Trading Community Person as a Trading Community Resource

Manage Trading Community Resource

Manage Trading Community Resource History

Manage Trading Community Resource Lookups

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Type

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Type Mapping

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

Manage Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

Manage Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Remove Trading Community Resource

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Administration Detail Information

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource History

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Add Trading Community Resource to My Social Network

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Manage Trading Community Resource Address

Manage Trading Community Resource Contact Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Social Network

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Address

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Contact Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Skills

View Trading Community Resource Social Network

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Resource Organization Administration Duty

Administers resource organizations.

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Members

Run Trading Community Resource Reporting Hierarchy Generation

Search Trading Community Resource Organization

Search Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Organization Resource Members

View Trading Community Resource Organization

View Trading Community Resource Organization Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Team Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Organization Usage Information

Resource Organization Management Duty

Manages resource organizations.

Manage Resource Organization Member Descriptive Flexfields

Search Trading Community Resource Organization

Search Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Organization Resource Members

View Trading Community Resource Organization

View Trading Community Resource Organization Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Team Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Organization Usage Information

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

Resource Role Administration Duty

Defines resource roles.

Manage Resource Role Assignment Flexfields

Manage Resource Role Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Resource Role

Manage Trading Community Resource Role Lookups

Resource Team Administration Duty

Defines resource teams.

Edit Trading Community Resource Team Basic Information

Enter Trading Community Resource Team Information

Manage Resource Team Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Resource Team Member Descriptive Flexfields

Manage Trading Community Resource Team

Manage Trading Community Resource Team Members

Manage Trading Community Resource Team Usages

Remove Trading Community Resource Team

Search Trading Community Resource Team

View Trading Community Resource Team

Resource Team Management Duty

Manages resource teams.

Search Trading Community Resource Team

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Team

View Trading Community Resource Team Details

View Trading Community Resource Team Members

View Trading Community Resource Team Usages

Sales Administration Duty

Sets up various aspects of the sales application.

Set Up Sales Competitor

Set Up Sales Note

Set Up Sales Resource Organization

Set Up Sales Task

Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Manages product groups and product eligibility rules.

Manage Product Eligibility Rules

Manage Product Groups

Sales Competitor Administration Duty

Administers the sales competitor application, including creation and maintenance of sales competitors.

Manage Sales Competitor

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Competitor

View Sales Competitor Opportunities

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Reference Customer

Sales Forecasting Administration Duty

Manages sales forecasting setup. Additional duties include delegated administration.

View Sales Forecast for Subordinates

Sales Forecasting Delegated Management Duty

Manages sales forecasts, sales forecast items, sales forecast adjustments, and sales forecast item adjustments. Additional duties include exporting forecast information and managing forecasts on behalf of other users.

Edit Sales Forecast Items

Export Sales Forecast Participant

Manage Sales Forecast Adjustments

Manage Sales Forecast Item Adjustments

Manage Sales Forecast Participant

View Sales Forecast Item Adjustments

View Sales Forecast Participant

View Sales Forecast Participant For Self

Sales Forecasting Setup Duty

Defines the sales forecast schedule, enables forecasting metrics, and determines the automatic forecasting criteria. Additional duties include defining lookups and profile options, and running sales forecasting jobs.

Define Sales Forecast

Run Sales Forecast Jobs

Sales Forecasting UI Customization Duty

Manages the customization of forecasting UIs.

Customize Sales Forecasting Management UI

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

View Sales Lead

Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Processes sales lead for follow up actions including the qualification and conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Convert Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Export Sales Lead

Identify Sales Lead

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Qualify Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Manages sales lead follow up marketing activities from qualification and assessment of leads to reassignment to sales for follow up sales activities including the conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Convert Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Export Sales Lead

Identify Sales Lead

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Qualify Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Sales Lead Processing Duty

Processes sales leads including managing, importing, and assigning sales lead activities.

Create Sales Lead

Delete Sales Lead

Export Sales Lead

Import Sales Lead

Manage Lead Processing Work Area

Manage Sales Lead

Manage Sales Lead Processing

Qualify Sales Lead

Run Lead Processing Scheduler

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Sales Manager Dashboard Duty

Accesses the sales dashboard. This role is for sales managers.

View Sales Manager Dashboard

View Sales Representative Dashboard

Sales Party Administration Duty

Manages named sales accounts, sales account import scheduler and the flagging of existing accounts. Additional duties include managing sales parties, functional setups, customer center objects, and relationship information inquiries.

End date Sales Account

Manage Named Sales Account

Run Sales Account Import Scheduler

Run Update Existing Account Flag Service

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Create Consumer

Create Sales Account

Create Sales Account Appointment

Create Sales Account Assessments

Create Sales Account Contact

Create Sales Account Interaction

Create Sales Account Note

Create Sales Account Task

Create Sales Group

Create Sales Group Members

Create Sales Organization

Create Sales Party Appointment

Create Sales Party Assessment

Create Sales Party Contact

Create Sales Party Interaction

Create Sales Party Note

Create Sales Party Task

Delete Sales Account Appointment

Delete Sales Account Assessments

Delete Sales Account Contact

Delete Sales Account Interaction

Delete Sales Account Note

Delete Sales Account Task

Delete Sales Group Members

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Delete Sales Party Assessment

Delete Sales Party Contact

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Delete Sales Party Note

Delete Sales Party Task

Manage Reference Customer Profile

Manage Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Account Team

Manage Sales Party Classifications

Manage Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Party Forums

Manage Sales Party Team

Update Consumer

Update Sales Account

Update Sales Account Appointment

Update Sales Account Assessments

Update Sales Account Contact

Update Sales Account Interaction

Update Sales Account Note

Update Sales Account Task

Update Sales Group

Update Sales Group Members

Update Sales Organization

Update Sales Party Appointment

Update Sales Party Assessment

Update Sales Party Contact

Update Sales Party Interaction

Update Sales Party Note

Update Sales Party Task

Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

Manages sales account partner territory associations.

Manage Sales Party Partner Territory

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Manage Customers Work Area

View Billing Account

View Consumer

View One Source Market Place Information

View Revenue by Organization Hierarchy

View Sales Account

View Sales Account Appointment

View Sales Account Assessments

View Sales Account Contact

View Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Account Interaction

View Sales Account Note

View Sales Account Snapshot

View Sales Account Team

View Sales Account task

View Sales Group

View Sales Group Members

View Sales Organization

View Sales Party

View Sales Party Analytics

View Sales Party Appointment

View Sales Party Assessment

View Sales Party Classifications

View Sales Party Contact

View Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Party Forums

View Sales Party Hierarchy

View Sales Party Interaction

View Sales Party Note

View Sales Party Snapshot

View Sales Party Subsidiaries

View Sales Party Task

View Sales Party Team

View Siebel Service Requests

Sales Predictor Administration Duty

Manages recommendation configuration parameters and selects metadata entities and attributes.

Manage Recommendation Configuration Parameter

Select Metadata Entities and Attributes

Sales Predictor UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of sales prediction pages

Customize Sales Predictor UI

Sales Reference Customer Administration Duty

Edits reference customer data. This role is for reference customer administrators.

Manage Sales Reference Customer

View Sales Reference Customer

View Sales Reference Customer Opportunities

Sales Representative Dashboard Duty

Access the sales dashboard. This role is for salespersons.

View Sales Representative Dashboard

Sales Setup Duty

Configures the sales application.This role is typically for a one-time setup event.

Define Common CRM Configuration

Set Up Sales Competitor

Set Up Sales Note

Set Up Sales Resource Organization

Set Up Sales Task

Sales UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Sales pages

Customize Sales UI

Setup Customer Center Duty

Manages customer center set up, sales party creation and their related objects, such as appointments, assessments, interactions, notes and tasks.

Manage Sales Party Appointments

Manage Sales Party Assessments

Manage Sales Party Interactions

Manage Sales Party Notes

Manage Sales Party Tasks

Run Sales Party Batch Assignment

Set Up Customer Center

Set Up Sales Party Assignment

Talent Notifications Duty

Sets up and manages talent management notifications.

Manage Goal Management Notifications

Manage Talent Notifications

Territory Management Administration Duty

Manages sales territories and territory proposals. Additional duties include territory management setup and quota management administration.

Manage Sales Territory

Manage Sales Territory Account Exclusions

Manage Sales Territory Account Inclusions

Manage Sales Territory Inheritance

Manage Sales Territory Proposal

Manage Territories, Forecasts and Quotas Work Area

Run Territory Proposal Activation Job

Run Territory Restore Job

Run Territory Validation Job

View Sales Territory

View Sales Territory Proposal

Territory Management Enterprise Administration Duty

Manages sales territories and territory proposals. Additional duties include territory management setup and quota management administration.

Manage Sales Territory Inheritance

Manage Sales Territory Proposal

Manage Territories, Forecasts and Quotas Work Area

View Sales Territory Proposal

Territory Management Setup Duty

Manages sales territory setup, including lookups, profile options, flexfields, and dimension data. Runs dimension synchronization, and visibility jobs. Additional duties include quota management setup.

Manage Sales Territory

Manage Sales Territory Account Exclusions

Manage Sales Territory Account Inclusions

Manage Sales Territory Customer Size

Manage Sales Territory Proposal

Manage Sales Territory Proposal for Error Correction

Manage Sales Territory Setup

Run Territory Clear Stage Job

Run Territory Dimension Member Visibility Update Job

Run Territory Dimension Synchronization Job

Run Territory Proposal Activation Job

Run Territory Restore Job

Run Territory Stage Activation Job

Run Territory Stage Synchronization Job

Run Territory Validation Job

Run Territory Visibility Environment Synchronization Job

View Sales Territory

View Sales Territory Proposal

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Modify Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Enter Trading Community Merge Request

Submit Trading Community Merge Request

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

Assign Roles to User

Copy Personal Data to LDAP

Manage User Account and Roles

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Person Details

Workforce Profile Administration Duty

Performs administrative duties for workforce talent profiles.

Manage Talent Education Establishment

Manage Talent Profile Content Item

Manage Talent Profile Content Type

Manage Talent Profile Instance Qualifier

Manage Talent Profile Rating Model

Manage Talent Profile Sources

Manage Talent Profile Type

Workforce Profile Resource Administration Duty

Performs administration duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Talent Education Establishment

Manage Talent Profile Content Item

Manage Talent Profile Rating Model

Manage Talent Profile Sources

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Person Talent Profile

Zone Administration Duty

Grants privileges to set up zones

Manage Trading Community Zones

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Sales Administrator

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Application Attachment

A Sales Administrator can read application attachment for the categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment Category

A Sales Administrator can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Sales Administrator can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Sales Administrator can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Application Descriptive Flexfield

A Sales Administrator can manage application descriptive flexfield for all hcm applications data

Role: HCM Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield (Data)

Resource: Application Descriptive Flexfield

Application Flexfield Value Set

A Sales Administrator can manage application flexfield value set for all hcm applications data

Role: HCM Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Application Flexfield Value Set (Data)

Resource: Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Lookup Type

A Sales Administrator can delete application lookup types for all hcm applications data

Role: HCM Application Lookup Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Lookup Types (Data)

Resource: Application Lookup Type

A Sales Administrator can update application lookup types for all hcm applications data

Role: HCM Application Lookup Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Application Lookup Types (Data)

Resource: Application Lookup Type

Application Profile Value

A Sales Administrator can delete application profile value for all hcm applications data

Role: HCM Application Profile Value  Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Profile Value (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Value

A Sales Administrator can update application profile value for all hcm applications data

Role: HCM Application Profile Value  Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Application Profile Value (Data)

Resource: Application Profile Value


A Sales Administrator can view appointment for all appointments in the enterprise

Role: Appointment View Duty

Privilege: View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

Appointment Assignee Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view appointment assignee export object for all appointment assignee export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Assignee Export Object (Data)

Resource: Appointment Assignee Export Object

Appointment Category Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view appointment category export object for all appointment category export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Category Export Object (Data)

Resource: Appointment Category Export Object

Appointment Contact Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view appointment contact export object for all appointment contact export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Contact Export Object (Data)

Resource: Appointment Contact Export Object

Appointment Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view appointment export object for all appointment export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Export Object (Data)

Resource: Appointment Export Object

Appointment File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view appointment file import activity object type for all appointment file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Appointment File Import Duty

Privilege: View Appointment File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Appointment File Import Activity

Appointment File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view appointment file import mapping object type for all appointment file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Appointment File Import Duty

Privilege: View Appointment File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Appointment File Import Mapping

Appointment File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view appointment file import object type for all appointment file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Appointment File Import Duty

Privilege: View Appointment File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Appointment File Import Object

Appointment Note

A Sales Administrator can delete appointment note where they have delete access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Sales Administrator can update appointment note where they have owner update access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Sales Administrator can view appointment note for all internal appointment notes in the enterprise

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Sales Administrator can view appointment note where they are the author of the private appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

Assignment Grade

A Sales Administrator can choose assignment grade for grades in their grade security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Business Unit

A Sales Administrator can choose business unit organization for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Business Unit Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Competitor Note

A Sales Administrator can manage sales competitor note for all notes that are not private

Role: Sales Competitor Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

A Sales Administrator can manage sales competitor note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Competitor Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

A Sales Administrator can view sales competitor note for all notes that are not private

Role: Sales Competitor Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

A Sales Administrator can view sales competitor note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Competitor Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Consumer File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view consumer file import activity object type for all consumer file import activities of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Activity

Consumer File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view consumer file import mapping object type for all consumer file import mappings of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Mapping

Consumer File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view consumer file import object type for all consumer file import objects of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Object

Contact File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view contact file import activity object type for all contact file import activities of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Activity

Contact File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view contact file import mapping object type for all contact file import mappings of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Mapping

Contact File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view contact file import object type for all contact file import objects of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Object


A Sales Administrator can manage contract for all business units

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Contract

Contract Note

A Sales Administrator can view contract note for notes that are not private or private notes where they are the author.

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: View Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Customer Account

A Sales Administrator can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Administrator can update customer competitor purchase for all customer parties in the business units that they are authorized within

Role: Sales Competitor Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Administrator can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Administrator can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member with edit or full access

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Administrator can view customer competitor purchase for all customer parties in the business units that they are authorized within

Role: Sales Competitor Administration Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Administrator can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Administrator can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Customer File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view customer file import activity object type for all customer file import activities of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Activity

Customer File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view customer file import mapping object type for all customer file import mappings of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Mapping

Customer File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view customer file import object type for all customer file import objects of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Object


A Sales Administrator can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Department Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Employee Resource File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view employee resource file import activity object type for all employee resource file import activities of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Activity

Employee Resource File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view employee resource file import mapping object type for all employee resource file import mappings of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Mapping

Employee Resource File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view employee resource file import object type for all employee resource file import objects of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Object

File Export Batch

A Sales Administrator can view file export batch for all export batches

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: View File Export Batch (Data)

Resource: File Export Batch

File Export Object

A Sales Administrator can manage export unit test for all export unit test objects

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Export Unit Test (Data)

Resource: File Export Object

Group Customer File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view group customer file import activity object type for all group customer file import activities of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Activity

Group Customer File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view group customer file import mapping object type for all group customer file import mappings of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Mapping

Group Customer File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view group customer file import object type for all group customer file import objects of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Object

HR Job

A Sales Administrator can choose hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Role: Job Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view hierarchy file import activity object type for all hierarchy file import activities of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view hierarchy file import mapping object type for all hierarchy file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view hierarchy file import object type for all hierarchy file import objects of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Object

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view hierarchy node file import activity object type for all hierarchy node file import activities of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view hierarchy node file import mapping object type for all hierarchy node file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view hierarchy node file import object type for all hierarchy node file import objects of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Object

Incentive Compensation Goal

A Sales Administrator can manage incentive compensation goal for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Goal (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


A Sales Administrator can delete interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Sales Administrator can update interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Sales Administrator can view interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

Interaction Association Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view interaction association export object for all interaction association export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction Association Export Object (Data)

Resource: Interaction Association Export Object

Interaction Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view interaction export object for all interaction export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction Export Object (Data)

Resource: Interaction Export Object

Interaction File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view interaction file import activity object type for all interaction file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorizedtion

Role: Interaction File Import Duty

Privilege: View Interaction File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Interaction File Import Activity

Interaction File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view interaction file import mapping object type for all interaction file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Interaction File Import Duty

Privilege: View Interaction File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Interaction File Import Mapping

Interaction File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view interaction file import object type for all interaction file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Interaction File Import Duty

Privilege: View Interaction File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Interaction File Import Object

Interaction Participant Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view interaction participant export object for all interaction participant export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction Participant Export Object (Data)

Resource: Interaction Participant Export Object

Legal Employer

A Sales Administrator can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Legal Employer Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legal Entity File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view legal entity file import activity object type for all legal entity file import activities of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Activity

Legal Entity File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view legal entity file import mapping object type for all legal entity file import mappings of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Mapping

Legal Entity File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view legal entity file import object type for all legal entity file import objects of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Object


A Sales Administrator can choose location for locations in their location security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Marketing List

A Sales Administrator can delete marketing list where they are the owner of the marketing list

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing List (Data)

Resource: Marketing List

A Sales Administrator can update marketing list where they are the owner of the marketing list

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing List (Data)

Resource: Marketing List

Marketing Treatment

A Sales Administrator can delete marketing treatment where they are the owner of the marketing treatment

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Treatment (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment

A Sales Administrator can update marketing treatment where they are the owner of the marketing treatment

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Treatment (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment

Marketing Treatment E-Mail Footer

A Sales Administrator can view marketing treatment unrestricted e-mail footer for all marketing treatment e-mail footers marked as unrestricted visibility in the enterprise

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Treatment Unrestricted E-Mail Footer (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment E-Mail Footer


A Sales Administrator can view note for all notes in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Note (Data)

Resource: Note

Note Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view note export object for all note export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Note Export Object (Data)

Resource: Note Export Object

Note File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view note file import activity object type for all note file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Note File Import Duty

Privilege: View Note File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Note File Import Activity

Note File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view note file import mapping object type for all note file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Note File Import Duty

Privilege: View Note File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Note File Import Mapping

Note File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view note file import object type for all note file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Note File Import Duty

Privilege: View Note File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Note File Import Object


A Sales Administrator can manage opportunity general profile for all opportunities in the business units that they are authorized within

Role: Opportunity Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Administrator can manage opportunity restricted profile for all opportunities in the business units that they are authorized within

Role: Opportunity Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Administrator can manage opportunity revenue for all opportunities in the business units that they are authorized within

Role: Opportunity Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Administrator can manage opportunity team for all opportunities in the business units that they are authorized within

Role: Opportunity Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Administrator can view opportunity for all opportunities in the business units that they are authorized within

Role: Opportunity Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Opportunity Competitor Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view opportunity competitor export object for all opportunity competitor export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Competitor Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Competitor Export Object

Opportunity Contact Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view opportunity contact export object for all opportunity contact export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Contact Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Contact Export Object

Opportunity Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view opportunity export object for all opportunity export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Export Object

Opportunity File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view opportunity file import activity object type for all opportunity file import activities in the business units that they are authorized within

Role: Opportunity Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Opportunity File Import Activity

Opportunity File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view opportunity file import mapping object type for all opportunity file import mappings in the business units that they are authorized within

Role: Opportunity Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Opportunity File Import Mapping

Opportunity File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view opportunity file import object type for all opportunity file import objects in the business units that they are authorized within

Role: Opportunity Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Opportunity File Import Object

Opportunity Lead Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view opportunity lead export object for all opportunity lead export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Lead Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Lead Export Object

Opportunity Note

A Sales Administrator can manage opportunity note for all notes that are not private

Role: Opportunity Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Administrator can manage opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Administrator can view opportunity note for all notes that are not private

Role: Opportunity Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Administrator can view opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Administration Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Opportunity Reference Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view opportunity reference export object for all opportunity reference export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Reference Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Reference Export Object

Opportunity Resource Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view opportunity resource export object for all opportunity resource export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Resource Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Resource Export Object

Opportunity Revenue Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view opportunity revenue export object for all opportunity revenue export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Revenue Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Revenue Export Object

Opportunity Revenue Partners Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view opportunity revenue partners export object for all opportunity revenue partners export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Revenue Partners Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Revenue Partners Export Object

Opportunity Revenue Territories Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view opportunity revenue territories export object for all opportunity revenue territories export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Revenue Territories Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Revenue Territories Export Object

Opportunity Source Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view opportunity source export object for all opportunity source export objects in the enterprise

Role: Opportunity Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Source Export Object (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Source Export Object

Partner File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view partner file import activity object type for all partner file import activities of object type 'partner company'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Activity

Partner File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view partner file import mapping object type for all partner file import mappings of object type 'partner company'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Mapping

Partner File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view partner file import object type for all partner file import objects of object type 'partner company'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Object

Partner Member File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view partner member file import activity object type for all partner member file import activities of object type 'partner member'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Activity

Partner Member File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view partner member file import mapping object type for all partner member file import mappings of object type 'partner member'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Mapping

Partner Member File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view partner member file import object type for all partner member file import objects of object type 'partner member'

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Object

Person Assignment

A Sales Administrator can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

A Sales Administrator can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Email

A Sales Administrator can manage person email for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: User Role Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Type

A Sales Administrator can choose person type for person types in their person type security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type


A Sales Administrator can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Product Group Details Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view product group export object for all product group details export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Product Group Details Export Object

Product Group File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view product group file import activity object type for all authorized product group file import activities in all resource organizations where they are authorized

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Product Group File Import Activity

Product Group File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view product group file import mapping object type for all product group file import mappings in all resource organizations where they are authorized

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Product Group File Import Mapping

Product Group File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view product group file import object type for all product group file import objects in all resource organizations where they are authorized

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Product Group File Import Object

Product Group Products Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view product group export object for all product group products export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Product Group Products Export Object

Product Group Subgroups Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view product group export object for all product group subgroups export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Product Group Subgroups Export Object

Product Group Translations Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view product group export object for all product group translations export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Product Group Translations Export Object

Public Person

A Sales Administrator can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Details Duty

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Reference Customer Note

A Sales Administrator can manage sales reference customer note for all notes that are not private

Role: Sales Reference Customer Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

A Sales Administrator can manage sales reference customer note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Reference Customer Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

A Sales Administrator can view sales reference customer note for all notes that are not private

Role: Sales Reference Customer Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

A Sales Administrator can view sales reference customer note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Reference Customer Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

Resource Team File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view resource team file import activity object type for all resource team file import activities of object type 'resource team'

Role: Resource Team Administration Duty

Privilege: View Resource Team File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Resource Team File Import Activity

Resource Team File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view resource team file import mapping object type for all resource team file import mappings of object type 'resource team'

Role: Resource Team Administration Duty

Privilege: View Resource Team File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Resource Team File Import Mapping

Resource Team File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view resource team file import object type for all resource team file import objects of object type 'resource team'

Role: Resource Team Administration Duty

Privilege: View Resource Team File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Resource Team File Import Object

Sales Account

A Sales Administrator can manage sales account for all sales accounts in the enterprise

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Administrator can manage sales account where the user is in the customer team with full access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Administrator can manage sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with full access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Administrator can update sales account where the user is in the customer team with edit access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Account

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Administrator can view sales account for all sales accounts in the enterprise

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Administrator can view sales account where the user is in the customer team with view access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Administrator can view sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with view access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Sales Account File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view sales account file import activity object type for all sales account file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account File Import Activity Object type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account File Import Activity

Sales Account File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view sales account file import mapping object type for all sales account file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account File Import Mapping Object type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account File Import Mapping

Sales Account File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales account file import object type for all sales account file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account File Import Object type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account File Import Object

Sales Account Profile Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales account profile export object for all sales account profile export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Party Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account Profile Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Account Profile Export Object

Sales Account Team Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales account team export object for all sales account team export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Party Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account Team Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Account Team Export Object

Sales Account Team File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view sales account team file import activity object type for all sales account team file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account Team File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account Team File Import Activity

Sales Account Team File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view sales account team file import mapping object type for all sales account team file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account Team File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account Team File Import Mapping

Sales Account Team File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales account team file import object type for all sales account team file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account Team File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account Team File Import Object

Sales Campaign

A Sales Administrator can delete sales campaign for all sales campaigns in draft or scheduled execution status where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

A Sales Administrator can delete sales campaign for all sales campaigns in draft or scheduled execution status where they are the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

A Sales Administrator can update sales campaign where they are the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

A Sales Administrator can view sales campaign where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

A Sales Administrator can view sales campaign where they are the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

Sales Competitor

A Sales Administrator can manage sales competitor for all sales competitors in the enterprise

Role: Sales Competitor Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Competitor (Data)

Resource: Sales Competitor

A Sales Administrator can view sales competitor for all sales competitors in the enterprise

Role: Sales Competitor Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor (Data)

Resource: Sales Competitor

Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales Administrator can manage sales forecast adjustment for all territories in the enterprise

Role: Sales Forecasting Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Role: Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales Administrator can manage sales forecast adjustment for child territories of territories where they are the delegated participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Delegated Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales Administrator can manage sales forecast adjustment for the territories where they are the delegated participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Delegated Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales Administrator can view sales forecast adjustment for child territories of territories where they are the delegated participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Delegated Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales Administrator can view sales forecast adjustment for the territories where they are the delegated participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Delegated Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Sales Forecast Adjustment Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales forecast adjustment export object for all sales forecast adjustment export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment Export Object

Sales Forecast Header Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales forecast header export object for all sales forecast header export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Header Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Header Export Object

Sales Forecast Item

A Sales Administrator can manage sales forecast item for all territories in the enterprise

Role: Sales Forecasting Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Role: Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales Administrator can manage sales forecast item for child territories of territories where they are the delegated participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Delegated Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales Administrator can manage sales forecast item for the territories where they are the delegated participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Delegated Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales Administrator can view sales forecast item for child territories of territories where they are the delegated participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Delegated Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales Administrator can view sales forecast item for the territories where they are the delegated participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Delegated Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Sales Forecast Item Adjustment Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales forecast item adjustment export object for all sales forecast item adjustment export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item Adjustment Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item Adjustment Export Object

Sales Forecast Item Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales forecast item export object for all sales forecast item export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item Export Object

Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Administrator can manage sales forecast participant for all territories in the enterprise

Role: Sales Forecasting Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Administrator can manage sales forecast participant for child territories of territories where they are the delegated participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Delegated Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Administrator can manage sales forecast participant for the territories where they are the delegated participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Delegated Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Administrator can view sales forecast participant for child territories of territories where they are the delegated participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Delegated Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Administrator can view sales forecast participant for the territories where they are the delegated participant

Role: Sales Forecasting Delegated Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

Sales Forecast Participant Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales forecast participant export object for all sales forecast participant export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Forecasting Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant Export Object

Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can convert sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can convert sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can convert sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can convert sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can convert sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can convert sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can convert sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can delete sales lead for all retired leads in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can update sales lead for all sales leads in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can update sales lead others where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can update sales lead others where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can update sales lead others where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can update sales lead others where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can update sales lead owner where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can update sales lead owner where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can update sales lead owner where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can update sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can view sales lead for all sales leads in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can view sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can view sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can view sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can view sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can view sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can view sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Administrator can view sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Sales Lead File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view sales lead file import activity object type for all file import activities of type lead in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead File Import Activity

Sales Lead File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view sales lead file import mapping object type for all file import mappings of type lead in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead File Import Mapping

Sales Lead File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales lead file import object type for all file import objects of type lead in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead File Import Object

Sales Lead Note

A Sales Administrator can delete sales lead note where they have delete access to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Administrator can delete sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Administrator can update sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Administrator can view sales lead note for all internal sales lead notes in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Administrator can view sales lead note where they are the author of the private sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Sales Party

A Sales Administrator can manage sales party for all sales parties in the enterprise

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Administrator can manage sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with full access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Administrator can manage sales party where they are in the sales account team with full access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Administrator can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Administrator can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Administrator can update sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Administrator can update sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Administrator can update sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with edit access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Administrator can update sales party where they are in the sales account team with edit access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Administrator can view sales party for all sales parties in the enterprise

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Administrator can view sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Administrator can view sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Administrator can view sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Administrator can view sales party where they are in the sales account team

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Sales Party Note

A Sales Administrator can delete sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Administrator can delete sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Administrator can delete sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Administrator can edit sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Administrator can edit sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Administrator can edit sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Administrator can view sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Administrator can view sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Administrator can view sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Sales Party Partner Territory Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales party partner territory export object for all sales party partner territory export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Party Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Partner Territory Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Partner Territory Export Object

Sales Party Team Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales party team export object for all sales party team export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Party Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Team Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Team Export Object

Sales Party Team File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view sales party team file import activity object type for all sales party team file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Team File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Team File Import Activity

Sales Party Team File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can sales party team file import mapping object type for all sales party team file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: Sales Party Team File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Team File Import Mapping

Sales Party Team File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales party team file import object type for all sales party team file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Team File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Team File Import Object

Sales Quota Plan

A Sales Administrator can view sales quota plan for all sales quota plans

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan

Role: Quota Management Setup Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan

A Sales Administrator can view sales quota plan for all sales quota plans that are new, pending activation, or active

Role: Quota Management Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan

Sales Quota Plan Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales quota plan export object for all sales quota plan export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan Export Object

Sales Quota Plan Options Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales quota plan options export object for all sales quota plan options export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan Options Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan Options Export Object

Sales Quota Prediction Formula Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales quota prediction formula export object for all sales quota prediction formula export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Prediction Formula Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Prediction Formula Export Object

Sales Quota Prediction Formula Parameter Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales quota prediction formula parameter export object for all sales quota prediction formula parameters export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Prediction Formula Parameter Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Prediction Formula Parameter Export Object

Sales Quota Seasonality Factor Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales quota seasonality factor export object for all seasonality factor export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Seasonality Factor Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Seasonality Factor Export Object

Sales Quota Seasonality Group Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales quota seasonality group export object for all seasonality factor group export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Seasonality Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Seasonality Group Export Object

Sales Quota Spread Formula Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales quota spread formula export object for all spread formula export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Spread Formula Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Spread Formula Export Object

Sales Quota Territory Prediction Formula Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales quota territory prediction formula export object for all sales quota territory prediction formula export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Territory Prediction Formula Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Territory Prediction Formula Export Object

Sales Quota Territory Prediction Formula Parameter Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales quota territory prediction formula parameter export object for all sales quota territory prediction formula parameters export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Territory Prediction Formula Parameter Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Territory Prediction Formula Parameter Export Object

Sales Reference Customer

A Sales Administrator can manage sales reference customer for all sales reference customers in the enterprise

Role: Sales Reference Customer Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

A Sales Administrator can view sales reference customer for all sales reference customers in the enterprise

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Role: Sales Reference Customer Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Sales Resource Quota

A Sales Administrator can manage sales resource quota for all quota assigned to salespeople in the enterprise

Role: Quota Management Enterprise Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Sales Administrator can manage sales resource quota where they are an administrator of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy where the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Sales Administrator can manage sales resource quota where they are the administrator of the root territory, if the resource quota is for the root territory

Role: Quota Management Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Sales Administrator can view sales resource quota for all quota assigned to salespeople in the enterprise

Role: Quota Management Enterprise Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Sales Administrator can view sales resource quota for all sales resource quota objects in the enterprise

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Sales Administrator can view sales resource quota where they are an administrator of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy where the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Sales Administrator can view sales resource quota where they are an administrator of the territory to which the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Sales Resource Quota Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales resource quota export object for all sales resource quota export objects in the enterprise

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota Export Object

Sales Resource Quota Time Period Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales resource quota time period export object for all sales resource quota time period export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota Time Period Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota Time Period Export Object

Sales Territory

A Sales Administrator can manage sales territory for all territories in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Enterprise Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Role: Territory Management Setup Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Sales Administrator can manage sales territory where they are an administrator of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy, as long as the topmost territory they administer is not submitted

Role: Territory Management Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Sales Administrator can view sales territory for all territories in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Enterprise Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Role: Territory Management Setup Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Sales Administrator can view sales territory where they are an administrator of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy

Role: Territory Management Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Sales Administrator can view sales territory where they are an administrator of the territory

Role: Territory Management Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Sales Territory Dimensionality Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales territory dimensionality export object for all sales territory dimensionality export objects in the enterprise

Role: Territory Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Dimensionality Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Dimensionality Export Object

Sales Territory Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales territory export object for all sales territory export objects in the enterprise

Role: Territory Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Export Object

Sales Territory Partition

A Sales Administrator can manage sales territory partition for all partitions in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Partition (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Partition

Role: Territory Management Enterprise Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Partition (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Partition

Role: Territory Management Setup Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Partition (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Partition

A Sales Administrator can view sales territory partition for all partitions in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Partition (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Partition

Role: Territory Management Enterprise Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Partition (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Partition

Role: Territory Management Setup Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Partition (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Partition

Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales Administrator can manage sales territory proposal for all proposals in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Enterprise Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

Role: Territory Management Setup Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales Administrator can manage sales territory proposal where they are an administrator of a territory owned by the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales Administrator can manage sales territory proposal where they are the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales Administrator can view sales territory proposal for all proposals in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Enterprise Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales Administrator can view sales territory proposal where they are an administrator of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy of a published or submitted territory in the proposal

Role: Territory Management Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales Administrator can view sales territory proposal where they are an administrator of a published or submitted territory in the proposal

Role: Territory Management Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales Administrator can view sales territory proposal where they are an administrator of a territory owned by the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales Administrator can view sales territory proposal where they are the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

Sales Territory Proposal Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales territory proposal export object for all sales territory proposal export objects in the enterprise

Role: Territory Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal Export Object

Sales Territory Quota Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales territory quota export object for all sales territory quota export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Quota Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Quota Export Object

Sales Territory Quota Time Period Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales territory quota time period export object for all sales territory quota time period export objects

Role: Quota Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Quota Time Period Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Quota Time Period Export Object

Sales Territory Resource Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view sales territory resource export object for all sales territory resource export objects in the enterprise

Role: Territory Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Resource Export Object (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Resource Export Object

Talent Profile

A Sales Administrator can view talent profile model for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Administration Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Model (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

A Sales Administrator can view talent profile person for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Administration Duty

Privilege: View Talent Profile Person (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

Task Assignee Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view task assignee export object for all task assignee export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Assignee Export Object (Data)

Resource: Task Assignee Export Object

Task Contact Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view task contact export object for all task contact export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Contact Export Object (Data)

Resource: Task Contact Export Object

Task Export Object

A Sales Administrator can view task export object for all task export objects in the enterprise

Role: Common Component Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Export Object (Data)

Resource: Task Export Object

Task File Import Activity

A Sales Administrator can view task file import activity object type for all task file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Task File Import Duty

Privilege: View Task File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Task File Import Activity

Task File Import Mapping

A Sales Administrator can view task file import mapping object type for all task file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Task File Import Duty

Privilege: View Task File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Task File Import Mapping

Task File Import Object

A Sales Administrator can view task file import object type for all task file import objects  in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Task File Import Duty

Privilege: View Task File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Task File Import Object

Task Note

A Sales Administrator can delete task note where they have delete access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Administrator can delete task note where they have delete access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Administrator can update task note where they have update access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Administrator can update task note where they have update access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Administrator can view task note for all internal task notes in the enterprise

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Administrator can view task note where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Sales Administrator can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Sales Administrator can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Sales Administrator can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Export

A Sales Administrator can view trading community export object for all trading community export objects in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Export Object (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Export

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Sales Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Sales Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Sales Administrator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Sales Administrator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource

A Sales Administrator can remove trading community resource for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Remove Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Sales Administrator can update trading community resource for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

A Sales Administrator can update trading community resource for their resource record

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

Trading Community Resource Note

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community resource note for the resource notes for which they are the owner

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Sales Administrator can view trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

A Sales Administrator can view trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community resource skill for all resource skills

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Administrator can manage trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Administrator can view trading community resource skill for all resource skills

Role: Resource Administration Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Administrator can view trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Administrator can view trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

Job Role: Sales Analyst

Identifies interesting sales trends and customer behavior insights useful to help the overall sales organization to target customers more effectively.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Sales Analyst

Duty Role


Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Intelligence Consumer Duty

A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office. This role  allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a subject area.

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Product Recommendation Analysis Duty

Manages business rules and recommendations about selling the right products to the right customers. Analyzes product recommendations and schedules sales lead generation and predictive model learning.

Sales Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Sales Analysis module.

Sales Analyst Duty

All duties associated with the Sales Analyst job role

Sales Lead Processing Duty

Processes sales leads including managing, importing, and assigning sales lead activities.

Sales Operational Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze predictive models and identify interesting sales trends and customer behavior insights useful to help overall sales organization target customers more effectively.

Sales Operational Transaction Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze predictive models and identify interesting sales trends and customer behavior insights useful to help overall sales organization target customers more effectively. Maps to Sales Analyst role

Sales Predictor Administration Duty

Manages recommendation configuration parameters and selects metadata entities and attributes.

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Sales Analyst

Inherited Roles

Sales Analyst

          Business Intelligence Applications Worker

                    Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

          Sales Analyst Duty

                    Product Recommendation Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Consumer Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Sales Lead Processing Duty

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                              Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

                    Sales Operational Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                    Sales Predictor Administration Duty

                              Business Intelligence Consumer Duty

          Sales Operational Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Sales Analyst.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

Set Up File Import Object and Mapping

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Product Recommendation Analysis Duty

Manages business rules and recommendations about selling the right products to the right customers. Analyzes product recommendations and schedules sales lead generation and predictive model learning.

Analyze Product Recommendation

Manage Recommendations Work Area

Manage Rule and Product for Recommendation

Schedule Predictive Model Learning

Schedule Sales Lead Generation

Sales Lead Processing Duty

Processes sales leads including managing, importing, and assigning sales lead activities.

Create Sales Lead

Delete Sales Lead

Export Sales Lead

Import Sales Lead

Manage Lead Processing Work Area

Manage Sales Lead

Manage Sales Lead Processing

Qualify Sales Lead

Run Lead Processing Scheduler

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Sales Predictor Administration Duty

Manages recommendation configuration parameters and selects metadata entities and attributes.

Manage Recommendation Configuration Parameter

Select Metadata Entities and Attributes

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Import Process Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Modify Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Sales Analyst

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Application Attachment Category

A Sales Analyst can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Sales Analyst can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Sales Analyst can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Consumer File Import Activity

A Sales Analyst can view consumer file import activity object type for all consumer file import activities of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Activity

Consumer File Import Mapping

A Sales Analyst can view consumer file import mapping object type for all consumer file import mappings of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Mapping

Consumer File Import Object

A Sales Analyst can view consumer file import object type for all consumer file import objects of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Object

Contact File Import Activity

A Sales Analyst can view contact file import activity object type for all contact file import activities of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Activity

Contact File Import Mapping

A Sales Analyst can view contact file import mapping object type for all contact file import mappings of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Mapping

Contact File Import Object

A Sales Analyst can view contact file import object type for all contact file import objects of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Object

Customer File Import Activity

A Sales Analyst can view customer file import activity object type for all customer file import activities of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Activity

Customer File Import Mapping

A Sales Analyst can view customer file import mapping object type for all customer file import mappings of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Mapping

Customer File Import Object

A Sales Analyst can view customer file import object type for all customer file import objects of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Object

Group Customer File Import Activity

A Sales Analyst can view group customer file import activity object type for all group customer file import activities of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Activity

Group Customer File Import Mapping

A Sales Analyst can view group customer file import mapping object type for all group customer file import mappings of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Mapping

Group Customer File Import Object

A Sales Analyst can view group customer file import object type for all group customer file import objects of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Object

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Sales Analyst can view hierarchy file import activity object type for all hierarchy file import activities of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Sales Analyst can view hierarchy file import mapping object type for all hierarchy file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Object

A Sales Analyst can view hierarchy file import object type for all hierarchy file import objects of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Object

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Sales Analyst can view hierarchy node file import activity object type for all hierarchy node file import activities of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Sales Analyst can view hierarchy node file import mapping object type for all hierarchy node file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Object

A Sales Analyst can view hierarchy node file import object type for all hierarchy node file import objects of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Object

Legal Entity File Import Activity

A Sales Analyst can view legal entity file import activity object type for all legal entity file import activities of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Activity

Legal Entity File Import Mapping

A Sales Analyst can view legal entity file import mapping object type for all legal entity file import mappings of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Mapping

Legal Entity File Import Object

A Sales Analyst can view legal entity file import object type for all legal entity file import objects of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Object

Sales Lead

A Sales Analyst can delete sales lead for all retired leads in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Analyst can update sales lead for all sales leads in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Analyst can view sales lead for all sales leads in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Sales Lead File Import Activity

A Sales Analyst can view sales lead file import activity object type for all file import activities of type lead in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead File Import Activity

Sales Lead File Import Mapping

A Sales Analyst can view sales lead file import mapping object type for all file import mappings of type lead in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead File Import Mapping

Sales Lead File Import Object

A Sales Analyst can view sales lead file import object type for all file import objects of type lead in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead File Import Object

Sales Lead Note

A Sales Analyst can delete sales lead note where they have delete access to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Analyst can delete sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Analyst can update sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Analyst can view sales lead note for all internal sales lead notes in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Analyst can view sales lead note where they are the author of the private sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Processing Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Sales Analyst can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Analyst can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Sales Analyst can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Sales Analyst can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Sales Analyst can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Analyst can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Sales Analyst can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Sales Analyst can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Analyst can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Sales Analyst can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Analyst can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Job Role: Sales Catalog Administrator

Sets up and maintains sales catalogs for leads, opportunities, quotes and orders; sets up and maintains rollup catalog for the purpose of forecasting, territory management, and other purposes. Also associates products, promotions, and competitor products to catalogs, and defines eligibility rules. Also manages the bulk export and import of all product group-related objects.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Sales Catalog Administrator

Duty Role


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

Contract File Import Duty

Manages contracts file import objects, mappings, and activities.

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Manages product groups and product eligibility rules.

Sales Catalog Administrator Duty

Inherits all duties performed by the sales catalog administrator.

Sales Catalog UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Sales Catalog pages

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Sales Catalog Administrator

Inherited Roles

Sales Catalog Administrator

          Sales Catalog Administrator Duty

                    Administration Link View Duty

                    CRM Export Management Duty

                    Contract File Import Duty

                              File Import Scheduling Duty

                                        Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                    File Import Management Duty

                              File Import Scheduling Duty

                                        Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                    Functional Setups Duty

                    Item Inquiry Duty

                    Sales Catalog Administration Duty

                    Sales Catalog UI Customization Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Sales Catalog Administrator.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

View Administration Link

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

Run CRM Export Process

Set Up CRM Objects for Export

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

Set Up File Import Object and Mapping

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Review Applications Offering

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Setup and Maintain Applications

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Manages product groups and product eligibility rules.

Manage Product Eligibility Rules

Manage Product Groups

Sales Catalog UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Sales Catalog pages

Customize Sales Catalog UI

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Sales Catalog Administrator

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Application Attachment Category

A Sales Catalog Administrator can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Sales Catalog Administrator can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Sales Catalog Administrator can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Contract File Import Object

A Sales Catalog Administrator can view contract import for all the contract file import objects

Role: Contract File Import Duty

Privilege: View Contract Import (Data)

Resource: Contract File Import Object

File Export Batch

A Sales Catalog Administrator can view file export batch for all export batches

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: View File Export Batch (Data)

Resource: File Export Batch

File Export Object

A Sales Catalog Administrator can manage export unit test for all export unit test objects

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Export Unit Test (Data)

Resource: File Export Object

Product Group Details Export Object

A Sales Catalog Administrator can view product group export object for all product group details export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Product Group Details Export Object

Product Group File Import Activity

A Sales Catalog Administrator can view product group file import activity object type for all authorized product group file import activities in all resource organizations where they are authorized

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Product Group File Import Activity

Product Group File Import Mapping

A Sales Catalog Administrator can view product group file import mapping object type for all product group file import mappings in all resource organizations where they are authorized

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Product Group File Import Mapping

Product Group File Import Object

A Sales Catalog Administrator can view product group file import object type for all product group file import objects in all resource organizations where they are authorized

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Product Group File Import Object

Product Group Products Export Object

A Sales Catalog Administrator can view product group export object for all product group products export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Product Group Products Export Object

Product Group Subgroups Export Object

A Sales Catalog Administrator can view product group export object for all product group subgroups export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Product Group Subgroups Export Object

Product Group Translations Export Object

A Sales Catalog Administrator can view product group export object for all product group translations export objects in the enterprise

Role: Sales Catalog Administration Duty

Privilege: View Product Group Export Object (Data)

Resource: Product Group Translations Export Object

Job Role: Sales Lead Qualifier

Identifies, generates and qualifies sales leads and ensures that they are successfully closed within established time objectives. Includes the ability to deliver reports, ensure a healthy sales pipeline volume, help shorten sales cycles, shape lead generation strategies, and provide effective guidance to the rest of the lead qualification team. Other supporting roles include territory development, event and webinar strategies.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Sales Lead Qualifier

Duty Role


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages all application profile values.

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Application Profile Option Registration Duty

Manages application profile categories and profile options.

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

Appointment Note Management Duty

Manages creating and maintaining appointment notes.

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Bussiness Process Engineering Human Taskflow Administration Duty

This role grants a user the privilege to perform administrative actions in the workflow functionality via the worklist UI. A user in this role will be able to view all tasks in the system, recover errored (incorrectly assigned) tasks, create approval groups and edit task configuration / rules DT@RT UI (both AMX functionality) This is a business administrator type role. This role is granted to SOAAdmin.

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Customer Center Custom Object File Import Duty

Manages file import of all top-level customer center custom objects. Unlike seeded customer center objects where they are individually secured by their unique object codes, all top-level customer center custom objects within the deployed customer center application are secured by a common object code.

Customer Center UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Customer Center pages

Delete CRM documents on content server

Allows to delete CRM content on content server.

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Fusion Opportunity Landscape Analysis Duty

BI duty role to access warehouse data for Fusion Opportunity Landscape(SPD). This duty role is built exclusively for SPD

Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of interaction data. Interactions record inbound and outbound communications.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Lead Registration Processing Duty

Reviews, accepts, and rejects sales lead registrations. Includes the ability to view sales lead details and update internal attributes.

Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage legal contact preferences

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Marketing Analysis module.

Marketing Campaign Data Review Duty

Views marketing campaigns and treatments across the enterprise.

Marketing Lead Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze leads generated from sales and marketing campaigns.

Marketing Lead Transaction Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze leads generated from sales and marketing campaigns. Maps to Sales Lead Qualifier role

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal marketing users. Additional duties include viewing of appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Marketing Source Code Data Review Duty

Reviews marketing source codes that represent a combination of treatment, segment, list, and campaign information.

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Opportunity Landscape Access Duty

Reviews prospective accounts for Sales targetting and accesses leads from Opportunity landscape tool.

Opportunity Landscape Transaction Analysis Duty

BI Duty role to be used for Opportunity Landscape analysis

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Contact Information Management Duty

Manages personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Personal Identifier Management Duty

Manages social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Review purchase order, purchase agreement, and referenced document attachments.

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.

Resource Directory Management Duty

Obsoleted Role. Not used anymore

Resource Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Resource Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Resource Organization Management Duty

Manages resource organizations.

Resource Team Management Duty

Manages resource teams.

Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Manages sales account team file import objects, mappings, and activities.

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Sales Lead Attachment Management Duty

Manages secured file attachments of specific categories associated to sales leads.

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Qualifies sales leads to determine the sales readiness of the lead.

Sales Lead Qualifier Duty

Inherits all duties performed by sales lead qualifiers.

Sales Party Administration Duty

Manages named sales accounts, sales account import scheduler and the flagging of existing accounts. Additional duties include managing sales parties, functional setups, customer center objects, and relationship information inquiries.

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

Manages sales account partner territory associations.

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Task Note Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of task notes data. Task notes record additional information about the specific task.

Territory Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Territory Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Trading Community Confidential PII Management Duty

Manages personally identifiable information.

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Trading Community Export Management Duty

Manages bulk export of all party related objects.

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Sales Lead Qualifier

Inherited Roles

Sales Lead Qualifier

          Business Intelligence Applications Worker

                    Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

          Business Process Human Taskflow Administration Duty

                    Bussiness Process Engineering Human Taskflow Administration Duty

          Delete CRM documents on content server

          Fusion Opportunity Landscape Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Territory Hierarchy Data Security

          Marketing Lead Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Territory Hierarchy Data Security

          Marketing Lead Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Opportunity Landscape Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty


                    Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Resource Directory Management Duty

                    Resource Information Management Duty

                              View Person Details Duty

                              Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                    Resource Organization Management Duty

                              Application Tree Administration Duty

                    Resource Team Management Duty

          Sales Lead Qualifier Duty

                    Appointment Note Management Duty

                    Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Lead Registration Processing Duty

                    Marketing Campaign Data Review Duty

                    Marketing Lead Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

                              Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                              Territory Hierarchy Data Security

                    Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

                              Appointment View Duty

                              Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                              Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

                                        Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                        Interaction Management Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Item Inquiry Duty

                                        Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                              Interaction Management Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Locations Management Duty

                                        Locations Inquiry Duty

                              Marketing Response Data Review Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Resource Information Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                              Sales Extension Management Duty

                              Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                              Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                              Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

                    Marketing Source Code Data Review Duty

                    Opportunity Landscape Access Duty

                    Sales Lead Attachment Management Duty

                    Sales Lead Qualification Duty

                    Sales Party Administration Duty

                              Administration Link View Duty

                              Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

                              Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

                              Application Lookup Administration Duty

                              Application Profile Option Registration Duty

                              Customer Center Custom Object File Import Duty

                              Customer Center UI Customization Duty

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              Functional Setups Duty

                              Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

                              Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Sales Account Team File Import Duty

                              Sales Party Management Duty

                                        File Import Management Duty

                                                  File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                            Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                                        Locations Management Duty

                                                  Locations Inquiry Duty

                                        Resource Information Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                                  Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                                        Sales Party Review Duty

                                                  Appointment View Duty

                                                  Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                                                  Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

                                                            Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                                            Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                                            Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                                            Interaction Management Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Item Inquiry Duty

                                                            Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                                      Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                                      Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                                            Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                                      Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                                      Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Interaction Management Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Marketing Response Data Review Duty

                                                  Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                                                  Opportunity View Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Sales Extension Management Duty

                                                  Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                                        Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                                        Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

                              Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

                              Trading Community Confidential PII Management Duty

                                        Personal Contact Information Management Duty

                                        Personal Identifier Management Duty

                                        Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                              Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                              Trading Community Export Management Duty

                                        CRM Export Management Duty

                              Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                    Task Note Management Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Sales Lead Qualifier.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Administration Link View Duty

Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.

View Administration Link

Application All Profile Value Administration Duty

Manages all application profile values.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty

Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Application Lookup Administration Duty

Manages application common lookups, set-enabled lookups, and standard lookups.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage Application Standard Lookup

Application Profile Option Registration Duty

Manages application profile categories and profile options.

Manage Application Profile Category

Manage Application Profile Option

Application Tree Administration Duty

Manages application trees and tree labels.

Manage Application Tree

Manage Application Tree Label

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Manage Calendar Preferences

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

View Customer Asset

View Product Recommendation

CRM Export Management Duty

Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and schedule export process

Run CRM Export Process

Set Up CRM Objects for Export

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Enable Buy Intent

Enable Sell Intent

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

View Contract

View Contract Terms

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Center UI Customization Duty

Allows customization of Customer Center pages

Customize Customer Center UI

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

Set Up File Import Object and Mapping

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Functional Setups Duty

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Review Applications Offering

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Setup and Maintain Applications

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Lead Registration Processing Duty

Reviews, accepts, and rejects sales lead registrations. Includes the ability to view sales lead details and update internal attributes.

Accept Sales Lead

Delete Sales Lead Internal Attributes

Reject Sales Lead

Select Sales Lead Internal Attributes

Update Sales Lead Internal Attributes

View Sales Lead Contextual Bin

View Sales Lead Internal Tabs

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Search Trading Community Location

View Trading Community Location

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Enter Trading Community Location

Remove Trading Community Location

Update Trading Community Location

Marketing Campaign Data Review Duty

Views marketing campaigns and treatments across the enterprise.

View Marketing Campaign

View Marketing Treatment

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

View Marketing Response

Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal marketing users. Additional duties include viewing of appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Create Consumer

Create Sales Account

Create Sales Account Appointment

Create Sales Account Assessments

Create Sales Account Contact

Create Sales Account Interaction

Create Sales Account Note

Create Sales Account Task

Create Sales Group

Create Sales Group Members

Create Sales Organization

Create Sales Party Appointment

Create Sales Party Assessment

Create Sales Party Contact

Create Sales Party Interaction

Create Sales Party Note

Create Sales Party Task

Delete Sales Account Appointment

Delete Sales Account Assessments

Delete Sales Account Contact

Delete Sales Account Interaction

Delete Sales Account Note

Delete Sales Account Task

Delete Sales Group Members

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Delete Sales Party Assessment

Delete Sales Party Contact

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Delete Sales Party Note

Delete Sales Party Task

Manage Customers Work Area

Manage Reference Customer Profile

Manage Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Account Team

Manage Sales Party Classifications

Manage Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Party Forums

Manage Sales Party Team

Update Consumer

Update Sales Account

Update Sales Account Appointment

Update Sales Account Assessments

Update Sales Account Contact

Update Sales Account Interaction

Update Sales Account Note

Update Sales Account Task

Update Sales Group

Update Sales Group Members

Update Sales Organization

Update Sales Party Appointment

Update Sales Party Assessment

Update Sales Party Contact

Update Sales Party Interaction

Update Sales Party Note

Update Sales Party Task

View Billing Account

View Consumer

View One Source Market Place Information

View Sales Account

View Sales Account Appointment

View Sales Account Assessments

View Sales Account Contact

View Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Account Interaction

View Sales Account Note

View Sales Account Team

View Sales Account task

View Sales Group

View Sales Group Members

View Sales Organization

View Sales Party

View Sales Party Appointment

View Sales Party Assessment

View Sales Party Classifications

View Sales Party Contact

View Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Party Forums

View Sales Party Hierarchy

View Sales Party Interaction

View Sales Party Note

View Sales Party Snapshot

View Sales Party Subsidiaries

View Sales Party Task

View Sales Party Team

View Siebel Service Requests

Marketing Source Code Data Review Duty

Reviews marketing source codes that represent a combination of treatment, segment, list, and campaign information.

View Marketing Source Code

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Search Supplier Negotiation

View Supplier Negotiation

Opportunity Landscape Access Duty

Reviews prospective accounts for Sales targetting and accesses leads from Opportunity landscape tool.

Identify Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

View Opportunity Revenue

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

View Opportunity

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Purchase Order

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Add Trading Community Resource to My Social Network

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Manage Trading Community Resource Address

Manage Trading Community Resource Contact Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Social Network

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Address

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Contact Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Skills

View Trading Community Resource Social Network

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Resource Organization Management Duty

Manages resource organizations.

Manage Resource Organization Member Descriptive Flexfields

Search Trading Community Resource Organization

Search Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Organization Resource Members

View Trading Community Resource Organization

View Trading Community Resource Organization Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy Details

View Trading Community Resource Organization Team Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Organization Usage Information

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

Resource Team Management Duty

Manages resource teams.

Search Trading Community Resource Team

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Team

View Trading Community Resource Team Details

View Trading Community Resource Team Members

View Trading Community Resource Team Usages

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Reference Customer

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

View Sales Lead

Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Qualifies sales leads to determine the sales readiness of the lead.

Create Sales Lead

Identify Sales Lead

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Manage Sales Lead

Qualify Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Sales Party Administration Duty

Manages named sales accounts, sales account import scheduler and the flagging of existing accounts. Additional duties include managing sales parties, functional setups, customer center objects, and relationship information inquiries.

End date Sales Account

Manage Named Sales Account

Run Sales Account Import Scheduler

Run Update Existing Account Flag Service

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Create Consumer

Create Sales Account

Create Sales Account Appointment

Create Sales Account Assessments

Create Sales Account Contact

Create Sales Account Interaction

Create Sales Account Note

Create Sales Account Task

Create Sales Group

Create Sales Group Members

Create Sales Organization

Create Sales Party Appointment

Create Sales Party Assessment

Create Sales Party Contact

Create Sales Party Interaction

Create Sales Party Note

Create Sales Party Task

Delete Sales Account Appointment

Delete Sales Account Assessments

Delete Sales Account Contact

Delete Sales Account Interaction

Delete Sales Account Note

Delete Sales Account Task

Delete Sales Group Members

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Delete Sales Party Assessment

Delete Sales Party Contact

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Delete Sales Party Note

Delete Sales Party Task

Manage Reference Customer Profile

Manage Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Account Team

Manage Sales Party Classifications

Manage Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Party Forums

Manage Sales Party Team

Update Consumer

Update Sales Account

Update Sales Account Appointment

Update Sales Account Assessments

Update Sales Account Contact

Update Sales Account Interaction

Update Sales Account Note

Update Sales Account Task

Update Sales Group

Update Sales Group Members

Update Sales Organization

Update Sales Party Appointment

Update Sales Party Assessment

Update Sales Party Contact

Update Sales Party Interaction

Update Sales Party Note

Update Sales Party Task

Sales Party Partner Territory Management Duty

Manages sales account partner territory associations.

Manage Sales Party Partner Territory

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Manage Customers Work Area

View Billing Account

View Consumer

View One Source Market Place Information

View Revenue by Organization Hierarchy

View Sales Account

View Sales Account Appointment

View Sales Account Assessments

View Sales Account Contact

View Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Account Interaction

View Sales Account Note

View Sales Account Snapshot

View Sales Account Team

View Sales Account task

View Sales Group

View Sales Group Members

View Sales Organization

View Sales Party

View Sales Party Analytics

View Sales Party Appointment

View Sales Party Assessment

View Sales Party Classifications

View Sales Party Contact

View Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Party Forums

View Sales Party Hierarchy

View Sales Party Interaction

View Sales Party Note

View Sales Party Snapshot

View Sales Party Subsidiaries

View Sales Party Task

View Sales Party Team

View Siebel Service Requests

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Enter Trading Community Merge Request

Submit Trading Community Merge Request

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Person Details

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Person Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Sales Lead Qualifier

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Application Attachment

A Sales Lead Qualifier can delete application attachment for all application attachments of categories including sales lead document and miscellaneous

Role: Sales Lead Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Sales Lead Qualifier can read application attachment for all application attachments of categories including sales lead document and miscellaneous

Role: Sales Lead Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Sales Lead Qualifier can read application attachment for the categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update application attachment for all application attachments of categories including sales lead document and miscellaneous

Role: Sales Lead Attachment Management Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment Category

A Sales Lead Qualifier can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Sales Lead Qualifier can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category


A Sales Lead Qualifier can view appointment for all appointments in the enterprise

Role: Appointment View Duty

Privilege: View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

Appointment Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can delete appointment note where they have delete access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update appointment note where they have owner update access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view appointment note for all internal appointment notes in the enterprise

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view appointment note where they are the author of the private appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

Consumer File Import Activity

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view consumer file import activity object type for all consumer file import activities of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Activity

Consumer File Import Mapping

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view consumer file import mapping object type for all consumer file import mappings of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Mapping

Consumer File Import Object

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view consumer file import object type for all consumer file import objects of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Object

Contact File Import Activity

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view contact file import activity object type for all contact file import activities of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Activity

Contact File Import Mapping

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view contact file import mapping object type for all contact file import mappings of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Mapping

Contact File Import Object

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view contact file import object type for all contact file import objects of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Object


A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage contract for all business units

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Contract

Contract Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view contract note for notes that are not private or private notes where they are the author.

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: View Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Customer Account

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member with edit or full access

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Customer File Import Activity

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer file import activity object type for all customer file import activities of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Activity

Customer File Import Mapping

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer file import mapping object type for all customer file import mappings of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Mapping

Customer File Import Object

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer file import object type for all customer file import objects of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Object

File Export Batch

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view file export batch for all export batches

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: View File Export Batch (Data)

Resource: File Export Batch

File Export Object

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage export unit test for all export unit test objects

Role: CRM Export Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Export Unit Test (Data)

Resource: File Export Object

Group Customer File Import Activity

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view group customer file import activity object type for all group customer file import activities of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Activity

Group Customer File Import Mapping

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view group customer file import mapping object type for all group customer file import mappings of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Mapping

Group Customer File Import Object

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view group customer file import object type for all group customer file import objects of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Object

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view hierarchy file import activity object type for all hierarchy file import activities of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view hierarchy file import mapping object type for all hierarchy file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Object

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view hierarchy file import object type for all hierarchy file import objects of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Object

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view hierarchy node file import activity object type for all hierarchy node file import activities of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view hierarchy node file import mapping object type for all hierarchy node file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Object

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view hierarchy node file import object type for all hierarchy node file import objects of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Object


A Sales Lead Qualifier can delete interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

Legal Entity File Import Activity

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view legal entity file import activity object type for all legal entity file import activities of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Activity

Legal Entity File Import Mapping

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view legal entity file import mapping object type for all legal entity file import mappings of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Mapping

Legal Entity File Import Object

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view legal entity file import object type for all legal entity file import objects of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Object

Marketing Campaign

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view marketing campaign for all marketing campaigns in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Campaign Data Review Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Campaign (Data)

Resource: Marketing Campaign

Marketing Treatment

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view marketing treatment for all marketing treatments in the enterprise

Role: Marketing Campaign Data Review Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Treatment (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment

Public Person

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Details Duty

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Sales Account

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage sales account for all sales accounts in the enterprise

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage sales account where the user is in the customer team with full access

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with full access

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update sales account where the user is in the customer team with edit access

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Account

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Account

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales account for all sales accounts in the enterprise

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales account where the user is in the customer team with view access

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with view access

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Sales Account File Import Activity

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales account file import activity object type for all sales account file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account File Import Activity Object type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account File Import Activity

Sales Account File Import Mapping

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales account file import mapping object type for all sales account file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account File Import Mapping Object type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account File Import Mapping

Sales Account File Import Object

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales account file import object type for all sales account file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account File Import Object type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account File Import Object

Sales Account Team File Import Activity

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales account team file import activity object type for all sales account team file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account Team File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account Team File Import Activity

Sales Account Team File Import Mapping

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales account team file import mapping object type for all sales account team file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account Team File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account Team File Import Mapping

Sales Account Team File Import Object

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales account team file import object type for all sales account team file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account Team File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Account Team File Import Object

Sales Lead

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update sales lead others where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update sales lead others where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update sales lead owner where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update sales lead owner where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Sales Lead Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can delete sales lead note where they have delete access to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can delete sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales lead note for all internal sales lead notes in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales lead note where they are the author of the private sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Qualification Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Sales Party

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage sales party for all sales parties in the enterprise

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with full access

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage sales party where they are in the sales account team with full access

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with edit access

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update sales party where they are in the sales account team with edit access

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales party for all sales parties in the enterprise

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales party where they are in the sales account team

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Sales Party Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can delete sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can delete sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can delete sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can edit sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can edit sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can edit sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Marketing Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Administration Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Sales Party Team File Import Activity

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales party team file import activity object type for all sales party team file import activities in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Team File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Team File Import Activity

Sales Party Team File Import Mapping

A Sales Lead Qualifier can sales party team file import mapping object type for all sales party team file import mappings in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: Sales Party Team File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Team File Import Mapping

Sales Party Team File Import Object

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales party team file import object type for all sales party team file import objects in all resource organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Sales Account Team File Import Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Team File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Team File Import Object

Sales Reference Customer

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view sales reference customer for all sales reference customers in the enterprise

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Task Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can delete task note where they have delete access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can delete task note where they have delete access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update task note where they have update access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update task note where they have update access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view task note for all internal task notes in the enterprise

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view task note where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Export

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view trading community export object for all trading community export objects in the enterprise

Role: Trading Community Export Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Export Object (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Export

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences of type legal.

Role: Legal Contact Preferences Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource

A Sales Lead Qualifier can update trading community resource for their resource record

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

Trading Community Resource Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community resource note for the resource notes for which they are the owner

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Lead Qualifier can manage trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Lead Qualifier can view trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

Job Role: Sales Manager

Manages salespersons within the organization. Generates revenue within a territory, builds pipeline, manages territory forecasts, and assists salespersons in closing deals.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Sales Manager

Duty Role


Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

Appointment Note Management Duty

Manages creating and maintaining appointment notes.

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Intelligence Consumer Duty

A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office. This role  allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a subject area.

Business Unit Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege that enables users to select a business unit, enabled for assignments and work terms, from a secured list determined by the organization security profile.

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Delete CRM documents on content server

Allows to delete CRM content on content server.

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Fusion Opportunity Landscape Analysis Duty

BI duty role to access warehouse data for Fusion Opportunity Landscape(SPD). This duty role is built exclusively for SPD

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Monitor, for directs and self, incentive transactions, payments, and plans

Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Review incentive reports, plans, disputes incentive transactions, and payments for self

Incentive Compensation Transaction Analysis Duty

Analyzes Incentive Compensation transactional information

Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of interaction data. Interactions record inbound and outbound communications.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Lead Registration Processing Duty

Reviews, accepts, and rejects sales lead registrations. Includes the ability to view sales lead details and update internal attributes.

Legal Employer Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege  Choose Legal Employer Duty  that allows the ability to select a Legal Employer from a secured list as defined in the organization security profile.

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Marketing Analysis module.

Marketing Lead Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze leads generated from sales and marketing campaigns.

Marketing Lead Transaction Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze leads generated from sales and marketing campaigns. Maps to Sales Lead Qualifier role

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

Mobile CRM Sales Representative Duty

Manages customer relationship management data on mobile device. This role is for the salesperson using the mobile application.

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Opportunity Landscape Transaction Analysis Duty

BI Duty role to be used for Opportunity Landscape analysis

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

Opportunity Sales Account Sales Manager Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for managers of sales account team members.

Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for sales managers.

Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Manages or views all aspects of the application. This role is for salespersons.

Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for resources whose territories are on the opportunity territory team.

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Sales Manager Duty

This role allows sales managers to access Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook application functionality.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Person Information Inquiry Duty

Views person basic information.

Person Information Management Duty

Manages person information.

Person Relationships Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage person Relationship information

Personal Campaign Management Duty

Manages secured personal campaigns used to promote products or events to specific customers.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Product Recommendation Analysis Duty

Manages business rules and recommendations about selling the right products to the right customers. Analyzes product recommendations and schedules sales lead generation and predictive model learning.

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Review purchase order, purchase agreement, and referenced document attachments.

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Quota Management Duty

Manages sales territory quotas and territory quota formulas. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and party information inquiry.

Quota Viewing Duty

Provides viewing access to sales resource quotas.

Resource Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Resource Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Sales Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Sales Analysis module.

Sales Campaign Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze effectiveness of sales campaign created in  terms of responses, leads generation and revenue.

Sales Campaign Transaction Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze effectiveness of sales campaign created in  terms of responses, leads generation and revenue. Maps to Sales Representative and Sales Manager roles

Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for sales managers.

Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for salespersons.

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Manages sales forecasts, sales forecast items, sales forecast adjustments, and sales forecast item adjustments. Additional duties include exporting forecast information and managing subordinates forecasts.

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Processes sales lead for follow up actions including the qualification and conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Manages sales lead follow up marketing activities from qualification and assessment of leads to reassignment to sales for follow up sales activities including the conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Sales Manager Dashboard Duty

Accesses the sales dashboard. This role is for sales managers.

Sales Manager Duty

This is the enterprise role that inherits all duties performed by sales managers.

Sales Managerial Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze sales team  performance against targets.

Sales Managerial Transaction Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze sales team  performance against targets. Maps to Sales Manager role

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Views reference customer note data. This role is for salespersons.

Task Note Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of task notes data. Task notes record additional information about the specific task.

Territory Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Territory Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Territory Management Duty

Manages sales territories, territory proposals, and quotas.

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Transactional Analysis Duty

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Sales Manager

Inherited Roles

Sales Manager

          Business Intelligence Applications Worker

                    Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

          Delete CRM documents on content server

          Fusion Opportunity Landscape Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Territory Hierarchy Data Security

          Marketing Lead Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Territory Hierarchy Data Security

          Marketing Lead Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Opportunity Landscape Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Quota Viewing Duty

          Sales Campaign Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Sales Analysis Currency Preference

          Sales Campaign Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Sales Manager Duty

                    Appointment Note Management Duty

                    Appointment View Duty

                    Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                    Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

                    Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

                    Incentive Compensation Transaction Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Interaction Management Duty

                    Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Lead Registration Processing Duty

                    Locations Management Duty

                              Locations Inquiry Duty

                    Marketing Lead Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

                              Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                              Territory Hierarchy Data Security

                    Mobile CRM Sales Representative Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Account Sales Manager Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

                    Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

                    Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Sales Manager Duty

                    Person Information Management Duty

                              Person Information Inquiry Duty

                              Person Relationships Management Duty

                    Personal Campaign Management Duty

                    Product Recommendation Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Consumer Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Sales Campaign Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                              Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                    Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

                    Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

                    Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

                    Sales Forecasting Management Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

                    Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

                    Sales Manager Dashboard Duty

                    Sales Managerial Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                              Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                              Territory Hierarchy Data Security

                    Sales Party Management Duty

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              Locations Management Duty

                                        Locations Inquiry Duty

                              Resource Information Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                              Sales Party Review Duty

                                        Appointment View Duty

                                        Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                                        Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

                                                  Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                                  Interaction Management Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Item Inquiry Duty

                                                  Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Interaction Management Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Marketing Response Data Review Duty

                                        Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                                        Opportunity View Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Sales Extension Management Duty

                                        Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                              Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                              Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

                    Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

                    Task Note Management Duty

                    Territory Management Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Quota Management Duty

                                        Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                                  Business Unit Selection Duty

                                                  Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                                  User Role Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                        Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

          Sales Managerial Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                    Territory Hierarchy Data Security

          Sales Managerial Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Transactional Business Intelligence Worker

                    Transactional Analysis Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Sales Manager.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Manage Calendar Preferences

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

View Customer Asset

View Product Recommendation

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Enable Buy Intent

Enable Sell Intent

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

View Contract

View Contract Terms

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

Set Up File Import Object and Mapping

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Manage Users

View Person Details

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Customize Incentive Compensation Participant Goal

Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Monitor, for directs and self, incentive transactions, payments, and plans

Create Incentive Compensation Dispute

Dispute Incentive Compensation Transaction

Review Incentive Compensation Dispute

Review Incentive Compensation Team Attainment

Review Incentive Compensation Transaction

Verify Incentive Compensation Transaction

Verify Participant Earnings and Attainment Report

Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Review incentive reports, plans, disputes incentive transactions, and payments for self

Create Incentive Compensation Dispute

Dispute Incentive Compensation Transaction

Review Incentive Compensation Dispute

Review Incentive Compensation Transaction

Verify Incentive Compensation Transaction

Verify Participant Earnings and Attainment Report

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Lead Registration Processing Duty

Reviews, accepts, and rejects sales lead registrations. Includes the ability to view sales lead details and update internal attributes.

Accept Sales Lead

Delete Sales Lead Internal Attributes

Reject Sales Lead

Select Sales Lead Internal Attributes

Update Sales Lead Internal Attributes

View Sales Lead Contextual Bin

View Sales Lead Internal Tabs

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Search Trading Community Location

View Trading Community Location

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Enter Trading Community Location

Remove Trading Community Location

Update Trading Community Location

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

View Marketing Response

Mobile CRM Sales Representative Duty

Manages customer relationship management data on mobile device. This role is for the salesperson using the mobile application.

Access Mobile CRM

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Search Supplier Negotiation

View Supplier Negotiation

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

View Opportunity Revenue

Opportunity Sales Account Sales Manager Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for managers of sales account team members.

Manage Opportunity Work Area

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for sales managers.

Assign Opportunity

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Delete Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Manages or views all aspects of the application. This role is for salespersons.

Assign Opportunity

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Delete Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for resources whose territories are on the opportunity territory team.

Assign Opportunity

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Delete Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

View Opportunity

Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Sales Manager Duty

This role allows sales managers to access Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook application functionality.

Download Outlook Installer

Person Information Inquiry Duty

Views person basic information.

View Trading Community Person

Person Information Management Duty

Manages person information.

Enter Trading Community Person

Manage Person Attachments

Manage Person Interactions

Manage Person Notes

Manage Trading Community Person Usage Assignment

Submit Person Merge Request

Update Trading Community Person

Person Relationships Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage person Relationship information

Add Trading Community Person Relationship

Remove Trading Community Person Relationship

Update Trading Community Person Relationship

Personal Campaign Management Duty

Manages secured personal campaigns used to promote products or events to specific customers.

Create Sales Campaign

Delete Sales Campaign

Manage Sales Campaign

Run Marketing Campaign Scheduler

Update Sales Campaign

View Sales Campaign

Product Recommendation Analysis Duty

Manages business rules and recommendations about selling the right products to the right customers. Analyzes product recommendations and schedules sales lead generation and predictive model learning.

Analyze Product Recommendation

Manage Recommendations Work Area

Manage Rule and Product for Recommendation

Schedule Predictive Model Learning

Schedule Sales Lead Generation

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Purchase Order

Quota Management Duty

Manages sales territory quotas and territory quota formulas. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and party information inquiry.

Manage Sales Quota Prediction Formula

Manage Sales Territory Quota

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Add Trading Community Resource to My Social Network

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Manage Trading Community Resource Address

Manage Trading Community Resource Contact Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Social Network

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Address

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Contact Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Skills

View Trading Community Resource Social Network

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Competitor

Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for sales managers.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Competitor

View Sales Competitor Opportunities

Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for salespersons.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Competitor

View Sales Competitor Opportunities

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Reference Customer

Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Manages sales forecasts, sales forecast items, sales forecast adjustments, and sales forecast item adjustments. Additional duties include exporting forecast information and managing subordinates forecasts.

Edit Sales Forecast Items

Export Sales Forecast Participant

Manage Sales Forecast Adjustments

Manage Sales Forecast Item Adjustments

Manage Sales Forecast Participant

View Sales Forecast Item Adjustments

View Sales Forecast Participant

View Sales Forecast Participant For Self

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

View Sales Lead

Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Processes sales lead for follow up actions including the qualification and conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Convert Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Export Sales Lead

Identify Sales Lead

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Qualify Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Manages sales lead follow up marketing activities from qualification and assessment of leads to reassignment to sales for follow up sales activities including the conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Convert Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Export Sales Lead

Identify Sales Lead

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Qualify Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Sales Manager Dashboard Duty

Accesses the sales dashboard. This role is for sales managers.

View Sales Manager Dashboard

View Sales Representative Dashboard

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Create Consumer

Create Sales Account

Create Sales Account Appointment

Create Sales Account Assessments

Create Sales Account Contact

Create Sales Account Interaction

Create Sales Account Note

Create Sales Account Task

Create Sales Group

Create Sales Group Members

Create Sales Organization

Create Sales Party Appointment

Create Sales Party Assessment

Create Sales Party Contact

Create Sales Party Interaction

Create Sales Party Note

Create Sales Party Task

Delete Sales Account Appointment

Delete Sales Account Assessments

Delete Sales Account Contact

Delete Sales Account Interaction

Delete Sales Account Note

Delete Sales Account Task

Delete Sales Group Members

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Delete Sales Party Assessment

Delete Sales Party Contact

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Delete Sales Party Note

Delete Sales Party Task

Manage Reference Customer Profile

Manage Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Account Team

Manage Sales Party Classifications

Manage Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Party Forums

Manage Sales Party Team

Update Consumer

Update Sales Account

Update Sales Account Appointment

Update Sales Account Assessments

Update Sales Account Contact

Update Sales Account Interaction

Update Sales Account Note

Update Sales Account Task

Update Sales Group

Update Sales Group Members

Update Sales Organization

Update Sales Party Appointment

Update Sales Party Assessment

Update Sales Party Contact

Update Sales Party Interaction

Update Sales Party Note

Update Sales Party Task

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Manage Customers Work Area

View Billing Account

View Consumer

View One Source Market Place Information

View Revenue by Organization Hierarchy

View Sales Account

View Sales Account Appointment

View Sales Account Assessments

View Sales Account Contact

View Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Account Interaction

View Sales Account Note

View Sales Account Snapshot

View Sales Account Team

View Sales Account task

View Sales Group

View Sales Group Members

View Sales Organization

View Sales Party

View Sales Party Analytics

View Sales Party Appointment

View Sales Party Assessment

View Sales Party Classifications

View Sales Party Contact

View Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Party Forums

View Sales Party Hierarchy

View Sales Party Interaction

View Sales Party Note

View Sales Party Snapshot

View Sales Party Subsidiaries

View Sales Party Task

View Sales Party Team

View Siebel Service Requests

Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Views reference customer note data. This role is for salespersons.

View Sales Reference Customer

View Sales Reference Customer Opportunities

Territory Management Duty

Manages sales territories, territory proposals, and quotas.

Manage Sales Territory

Manage Sales Territory Account Exclusions

Manage Sales Territory Account Inclusions

Manage Sales Territory Proposal

Manage Territories, Forecasts and Quotas Work Area

Run Territory Proposal Activation Job

Run Territory Restore Job

Run Territory Validation Job

View Sales Territory

View Sales Territory Proposal

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Enter Trading Community Merge Request

Submit Trading Community Merge Request

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

Assign Roles to User

Copy Personal Data to LDAP

Manage User Account and Roles

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Person Details

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Person Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Sales Manager

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Application Attachment

A Sales Manager can read application attachment for the categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment Category

A Sales Manager can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Sales Manager can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Sales Manager can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category


A Sales Manager can view appointment for all appointments in the enterprise

Role: Appointment View Duty

Privilege: View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

Appointment Note

A Sales Manager can delete appointment note where they have delete access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Sales Manager can update appointment note where they have owner update access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Sales Manager can view appointment note for all internal appointment notes in the enterprise

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Sales Manager can view appointment note where they are the author of the private appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

Assignment Grade

A Sales Manager can choose assignment grade for grades in their grade security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Business Unit

A Sales Manager can choose business unit organization for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Business Unit Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Competitor Note

A Sales Manager can manage sales competitor note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

A Sales Manager can view sales competitor note for all notes that are not private

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

A Sales Manager can view sales competitor note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Consumer File Import Activity

A Sales Manager can view consumer file import activity object type for all consumer file import activities of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Activity

Consumer File Import Mapping

A Sales Manager can view consumer file import mapping object type for all consumer file import mappings of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Mapping

Consumer File Import Object

A Sales Manager can view consumer file import object type for all consumer file import objects of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Object

Contact File Import Activity

A Sales Manager can view contact file import activity object type for all contact file import activities of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Activity

Contact File Import Mapping

A Sales Manager can view contact file import mapping object type for all contact file import mappings of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Mapping

Contact File Import Object

A Sales Manager can view contact file import object type for all contact file import objects of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Object


A Sales Manager can manage contract for all business units

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Contract

Contract Note

A Sales Manager can view contract note for notes that are not private or private notes where they are the author.

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: View Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Customer Account

A Sales Manager can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Manager can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Manager can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a resource of a territory or a resource of an ancestor territory of a territory in the sales account territory team

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Manager can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a sales account team member with edit or full access

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Manager can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member with edit or full access

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Manager can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Manager can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a resource of a territory or a resource of an ancestor territory of a territory in the sales account territory team

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Manager can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a sales account team member

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Manager can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Customer File Import Activity

A Sales Manager can view customer file import activity object type for all customer file import activities of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Activity

Customer File Import Mapping

A Sales Manager can view customer file import mapping object type for all customer file import mappings of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Mapping

Customer File Import Object

A Sales Manager can view customer file import object type for all customer file import objects of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Object


A Sales Manager can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Group Customer File Import Activity

A Sales Manager can view group customer file import activity object type for all group customer file import activities of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Activity

Group Customer File Import Mapping

A Sales Manager can view group customer file import mapping object type for all group customer file import mappings of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Mapping

Group Customer File Import Object

A Sales Manager can view group customer file import object type for all group customer file import objects of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Object

HR Job

A Sales Manager can choose hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Sales Manager can view hierarchy file import activity object type for all hierarchy file import activities of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Sales Manager can view hierarchy file import mapping object type for all hierarchy file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Object

A Sales Manager can view hierarchy file import object type for all hierarchy file import objects of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Object

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Sales Manager can view hierarchy node file import activity object type for all hierarchy node file import activities of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Sales Manager can view hierarchy node file import mapping object type for all hierarchy node file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Object

A Sales Manager can view hierarchy node file import object type for all hierarchy node file import objects of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Object

Incentive Compensation Dispute

A Sales Manager can create incentive compensation dispute for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Create Incentive Compensation Dispute (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Dispute

A Sales Manager can create incentive compensation dispute for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Create Incentive Compensation Dispute (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Dispute

Incentive Compensation Goal

A Sales Manager can manage incentive compensation goal for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Goal (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Measure

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation measure for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Measure (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Measure

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation measure for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Measure (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Measure

Incentive Compensation Participant

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation participant for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation participant for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant

Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation participant attainment balance for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation participant attainment balance for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation participant earning balance for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation participant earning balance for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation participant subledger for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation participant subledger for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation payment plan for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Plan (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation payment plan for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Plan (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation payment transaction for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation payment transaction for themselves and the paysheet that is at least submitted

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

Incentive Compensation Paysheet

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation paysheet for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Paysheet (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Paysheet

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation paysheet for themselves and the paysheet that is at least submitted

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Paysheet (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Paysheet

Incentive Compensation Plan

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation plan for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Plan

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation plan for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Plan

Incentive Compensation Plan Component

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation plan component for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan Component (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Plan Component

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation plan component for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan Component (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Plan Component

Incentive Compensation Transaction

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation transaction for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Transaction (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Transaction

A Sales Manager can review incentive compensation transaction for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Transaction (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Transaction


A Sales Manager can delete interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Sales Manager can update interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Sales Manager can view interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

Legal Employer

A Sales Manager can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Legal Employer Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legal Entity File Import Activity

A Sales Manager can view legal entity file import activity object type for all legal entity file import activities of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Activity

Legal Entity File Import Mapping

A Sales Manager can view legal entity file import mapping object type for all legal entity file import mappings of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Mapping

Legal Entity File Import Object

A Sales Manager can view legal entity file import object type for all legal entity file import objects of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Object


A Sales Manager can choose location for locations in their location security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Marketing List

A Sales Manager can delete marketing list where they are the owner of the marketing list

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing List (Data)

Resource: Marketing List

A Sales Manager can update marketing list where they are the owner of the marketing list

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing List (Data)

Resource: Marketing List

Marketing Treatment

A Sales Manager can delete marketing treatment where they are the owner of the marketing treatment

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Treatment (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment

A Sales Manager can update marketing treatment where they are the owner of the marketing treatment

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Treatment (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment

Marketing Treatment E-Mail Footer

A Sales Manager can view marketing treatment unrestricted e-mail footer for all marketing treatment e-mail footers marked as unrestricted visibility in the enterprise

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Treatment Unrestricted E-Mail Footer (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment E-Mail Footer


A Sales Manager can manage opportunity general profile where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Manager can manage opportunity general profile where they are an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Manager can manage opportunity general profile where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Manager can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Manager can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Manager can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Manager can manage opportunity revenue where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Manager can manage opportunity revenue where they are an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Manager can manage opportunity revenue where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Manager can manage opportunity team where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Manager can manage opportunity team where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Manager can manage opportunity team where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Manager can view opportunity where they are a territory resource in the opportunity sales account territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity sales account territory team

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Pipleline

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view opportunity where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Pipleline

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view opportunity where they are an opportunity sales team member with view, edit, or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Pipleline

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view opportunity where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales account team member

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Pipleline

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view opportunity where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with view, edit, or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Pipleline

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Opportunity Note

A Sales Manager can manage opportunity note where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Manager can manage opportunity note where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Manager can manage opportunity note where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with full access and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Manager can manage opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Manager can view opportunity note where they are a member of the opportunity sales team with view, edit, or full access, and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Manager can view opportunity note where they are a territory resource in the opportunity sales account territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity sales account territory team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Manager can view opportunity note where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Manager can view opportunity note where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales account team member and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Manager can view opportunity note where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with view, edit, or full access, and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Manager can view opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Outlook Edition Metadata Package

A Sales Manager can access outlook configuration package where they have been granted access to a single record by unique identifier.

Role: Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Access Outlook Configuration Package (Data)

Resource: Outlook Edition Metadata Package

Person Assignment

A Sales Manager can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

A Sales Manager can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Email

A Sales Manager can manage person email for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: User Role Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Type

A Sales Manager can choose person type for person types in their person type security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type


A Sales Manager can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Public Person

A Sales Manager can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Details Duty

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Reference Customer Note

A Sales Manager can manage sales reference customer note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

A Sales Manager can view sales reference customer note for all notes that are not private

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

A Sales Manager can view sales reference customer note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

Sales Account

A Sales Manager can manage sales account where the user is in the customer team with full access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Manager can manage sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with full access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Manager can update sales account where the user is in the customer team with edit access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Account

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Manager can view sales account where the user is in the customer team with view access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Manager can view sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with view access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Sales Campaign

A Sales Manager can delete sales campaign for all sales campaigns in draft or scheduled execution status where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

A Sales Manager can delete sales campaign for all sales campaigns in draft or scheduled execution status where they are the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

A Sales Manager can update sales campaign where they are the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

A Sales Manager can view sales campaign where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

A Sales Manager can view sales campaign where they are the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

Sales Competitor

A Sales Manager can view sales competitor for all sales competitors in the enterprise

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor (Data)

Resource: Sales Competitor

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor (Data)

Resource: Sales Competitor

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor (Data)

Resource: Sales Competitor

Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales Manager can manage sales forecast adjustment for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales Manager can manage sales forecast adjustment for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales Manager can manage sales forecast adjustment for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales Manager can manage sales forecast adjustment for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales Manager can view sales forecast adjustment for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item Adjustment

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales forecast adjustment for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item Adjustment

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales forecast adjustment for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item Adjustment

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales forecast adjustment for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item Adjustment

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Sales Forecast Item

A Sales Manager can manage sales forecast item for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales Manager can manage sales forecast item for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales Manager can manage sales forecast item for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales Manager can manage sales forecast item for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales Manager can manage sales forecast item for which they are the owner

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales Manager can view sales forecast item for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales forecast item for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales forecast item for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales forecast item for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales forecast item for which they are the owner

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Manager can manage sales forecast participant for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Manager can manage sales forecast participant for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Manager can manage sales forecast participant for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Manager can manage sales forecast participant for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Manager can view sales forecast participant for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Manager can view sales forecast participant for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Manager can view sales forecast participant for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Manager can view sales forecast participant for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can convert sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can convert sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can convert sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can convert sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can convert sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can convert sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can convert sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can update sales lead others where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can update sales lead others where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can update sales lead others where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can update sales lead others where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can update sales lead owner where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can update sales lead owner where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can update sales lead owner where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can update sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Manager can view sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Sales Lead Note

A Sales Manager can delete sales lead note where they have delete access to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Manager can delete sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Manager can update sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Manager can view sales lead note for all internal sales lead notes in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Manager can view sales lead note where they are the author of the private sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Sales Party

A Sales Manager can manage sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with full access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Manager can manage sales party where they are in the sales account team with full access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Manager can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Manager can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Manager can update sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Manager can update sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Manager can update sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with edit access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Manager can update sales party where they are in the sales account team with edit access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Manager can view sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales party where they are in the sales account team

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Sales Party Note

A Sales Manager can delete sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Manager can delete sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Manager can delete sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Manager can edit sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Manager can edit sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Manager can edit sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Manager can view sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Manager can view sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Manager can view sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Sales Quota Plan

A Sales Manager can view sales quota plan for all sales quota plans that are active

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan

Sales Reference Customer

A Sales Manager can view sales reference customer for all sales reference customers in the enterprise

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Sales Resource Quota

A Sales Manager can manage sales resource quota where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy where the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Sales Manager can manage sales resource quota where they are the owner of the root territory, if the resource quota is for the root territory

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Sales Manager can view sales resource quota where they are assigned the quota

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Fact: CRM - Resource Quota

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM Resource Quota Historical

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Role: Quota Viewing Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Fact: CRM - Resource Quota

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM Resource Quota Historical

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales resource quota where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy where the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Fact: CRM - Resource Quota

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM Resource Quota Historical

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales resource quota where they are the owner of the territory to which the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Fact: CRM - Resource Quota

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM Resource Quota Historical

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Sales Territory

A Sales Manager can manage sales territory where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy, as long as the topmost territory they own is not submitted

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Sales Manager can view sales territory where they are a member of the territory team

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Fact: CRM Territory Quota

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM Territory Quota Historical

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales territory where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Fact: CRM Territory Quota

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM Territory Quota Historical

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Manager can view sales territory where they are the territory owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Fact: CRM Territory Quota

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM Territory Quota Historical

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Sales Territory Partition

A Sales Manager can view sales territory partition for all partitions in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Partition (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Partition

Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales Manager can manage sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a territory administered by the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales Manager can manage sales territory proposal where they are the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales Manager can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy of a published or submitted territory in the proposal

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales Manager can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a published or submitted territory in the proposal

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales Manager can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a territory administered by the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales Manager can view sales territory proposal where they are the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

Task Note

A Sales Manager can delete task note where they have delete access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Manager can delete task note where they have delete access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Manager can update task note where they have update access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Manager can update task note where they have update access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Manager can view task note for all internal task notes in the enterprise

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Manager can view task note where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Sales Manager can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Sales Manager can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Sales Manager can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Sales Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Sales Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Sales Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource

A Sales Manager can update trading community resource for their resource record

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

Trading Community Resource Note

A Sales Manager can manage trading community resource note for the resource notes for which they are the owner

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Sales Manager can view trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Manager can manage trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Manager can manage trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Manager can view trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Manager can view trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

Job Role: Sales Representative

Represents the business to sell its products. Maintains relationships with customers and contacts, builds pipeline, manages leads and opportunities and performs sales forecasting.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Sales Representative

Duty Role


Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

Appointment Note Management Duty

Manages creating and maintaining appointment notes.

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Delete CRM documents on content server

Allows to delete CRM content on content server.

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Fusion Opportunity Landscape Analysis Duty

BI duty role to access warehouse data for Fusion Opportunity Landscape(SPD). This duty role is built exclusively for SPD

Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Review incentive reports, plans, disputes incentive transactions, and payments for self

Incentive Compensation Transaction Analysis Duty

Analyzes Incentive Compensation transactional information

Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of interaction data. Interactions record inbound and outbound communications.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Lead Registration Processing Duty

Reviews, accepts, and rejects sales lead registrations. Includes the ability to view sales lead details and update internal attributes.

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Marketing Analysis module.

Marketing Lead Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze leads generated from sales and marketing campaigns.

Marketing Lead Transaction Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze leads generated from sales and marketing campaigns. Maps to Sales Lead Qualifier role

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

Mobile CRM Sales Representative Duty

Manages customer relationship management data on mobile device. This role is for the salesperson using the mobile application.

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Opportunity Landscape Access Duty

Reviews prospective accounts for Sales targetting and accesses leads from Opportunity landscape tool.

Opportunity Landscape Transaction Analysis Duty

BI Duty role to be used for Opportunity Landscape analysis

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

Opportunity Sales Account Sales Representative Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Manages or views all aspects of the application. This role is for salespersons.

Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for resources whose territories are on the opportunity territory team.

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Sales Representative Duty

This role allows salespersons to access Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook application functionality.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Person Information Inquiry Duty

Views person basic information.

Person Information Management Duty

Manages person information.

Person Relationships Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage person Relationship information

Personal Campaign Management Duty

Manages secured personal campaigns used to promote products or events to specific customers.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Review purchase order, purchase agreement, and referenced document attachments.

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Quota Viewing Duty

Provides viewing access to sales resource quotas.

Resource Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Resource Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Sales Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Sales Analysis module.

Sales Campaign Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze effectiveness of sales campaign created in  terms of responses, leads generation and revenue.

Sales Campaign Transaction Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze effectiveness of sales campaign created in  terms of responses, leads generation and revenue. Maps to Sales Representative and Sales Manager roles

Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for salespersons.

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Sales Forecasting Duty

Manages sales forecasts, sales forecast items, sales forecast adjustments, and sales forecast item adjustments. Additional duties include exporting forecast information.

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Processes sales lead for follow up actions including the qualification and conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Views reference customer note data. This role is for salespersons.

Sales Representative Dashboard Duty

Access the sales dashboard. This role is for salespersons.

Sales Representative Duty

This is the enterprise role that inherits all duties performed by sales representatives.

Sales Transaction Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze personal performance against quota and also opportunity pipeline, customer buying patterns, etc., to better cross sell and up sell. Maps to Sales Representative role

Sales Transactional Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze personal performance against quota and also opportunity pipeline, customer buying patterns, etc., to better cross sell and up sell.

Task Note Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of task notes data. Task notes record additional information about the specific task.

Territory Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Territory Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Transactional Analysis Duty

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Sales Representative

Inherited Roles

Sales Representative

          Business Intelligence Applications Worker

                    Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

          Delete CRM documents on content server

          Fusion Opportunity Landscape Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Territory Hierarchy Data Security

          Marketing Lead Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Territory Hierarchy Data Security

          Marketing Lead Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Opportunity Landscape Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Quota Viewing Duty

          Sales Campaign Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Sales Analysis Currency Preference

          Sales Campaign Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Sales Representative Duty

                    Appointment Note Management Duty

                    Appointment View Duty

                    Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                    Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

                    Incentive Compensation Transaction Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Interaction Management Duty

                    Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Lead Registration Processing Duty

                    Locations Management Duty

                              Locations Inquiry Duty

                    Marketing Lead Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

                              Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                              Territory Hierarchy Data Security

                    Mobile CRM Sales Representative Duty

                    Opportunity Landscape Access Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Account Sales Representative Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

                    Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

                    Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Sales Representative Duty

                    Person Information Management Duty

                              Person Information Inquiry Duty

                              Person Relationships Management Duty

                    Personal Campaign Management Duty

                    Sales Campaign Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                              Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                    Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

                    Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

                    Sales Forecasting Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

                    Sales Party Management Duty

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              Locations Management Duty

                                        Locations Inquiry Duty

                              Resource Information Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                              Sales Party Review Duty

                                        Appointment View Duty

                                        Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                                        Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

                                                  Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                                  Interaction Management Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Item Inquiry Duty

                                                  Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Interaction Management Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Marketing Response Data Review Duty

                                        Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                                        Opportunity View Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Sales Extension Management Duty

                                        Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                              Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                              Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

                    Sales Party Review Duty

                              Appointment View Duty

                              Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                              Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

                                        Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                        Interaction Management Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Item Inquiry Duty

                                        Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                        Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                              Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                              Interaction Management Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Marketing Response Data Review Duty

                              Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                              Opportunity View Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Sales Extension Management Duty

                              Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                    Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

                    Sales Representative Dashboard Duty

                    Sales Transactional Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                              Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                              Territory Hierarchy Data Security

                    Task Note Management Duty

          Sales Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Sales Transactional Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                    Territory Hierarchy Data Security

          Transactional Business Intelligence Worker

                    Transactional Analysis Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Sales Representative.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Manage Calendar Preferences

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

View Customer Asset

View Product Recommendation

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Enable Buy Intent

Enable Sell Intent

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

View Contract

View Contract Terms

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

Set Up File Import Object and Mapping

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Review incentive reports, plans, disputes incentive transactions, and payments for self

Create Incentive Compensation Dispute

Dispute Incentive Compensation Transaction

Review Incentive Compensation Dispute

Review Incentive Compensation Transaction

Verify Incentive Compensation Transaction

Verify Participant Earnings and Attainment Report

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Lead Registration Processing Duty

Reviews, accepts, and rejects sales lead registrations. Includes the ability to view sales lead details and update internal attributes.

Accept Sales Lead

Delete Sales Lead Internal Attributes

Reject Sales Lead

Select Sales Lead Internal Attributes

Update Sales Lead Internal Attributes

View Sales Lead Contextual Bin

View Sales Lead Internal Tabs

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Search Trading Community Location

View Trading Community Location

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Enter Trading Community Location

Remove Trading Community Location

Update Trading Community Location

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

View Marketing Response

Mobile CRM Sales Representative Duty

Manages customer relationship management data on mobile device. This role is for the salesperson using the mobile application.

Access Mobile CRM

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Search Supplier Negotiation

View Supplier Negotiation

Opportunity Landscape Access Duty

Reviews prospective accounts for Sales targetting and accesses leads from Opportunity landscape tool.

Identify Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

View Opportunity Revenue

Opportunity Sales Account Sales Representative Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Manage Opportunity Work Area

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Manages or views all aspects of the application. This role is for salespersons.

Assign Opportunity

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Delete Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for resources whose territories are on the opportunity territory team.

Assign Opportunity

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Delete Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

View Opportunity

Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Sales Representative Duty

This role allows salespersons to access Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook application functionality.

Download Outlook Installer

Person Information Inquiry Duty

Views person basic information.

View Trading Community Person

Person Information Management Duty

Manages person information.

Enter Trading Community Person

Manage Person Attachments

Manage Person Interactions

Manage Person Notes

Manage Trading Community Person Usage Assignment

Submit Person Merge Request

Update Trading Community Person

Person Relationships Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage person Relationship information

Add Trading Community Person Relationship

Remove Trading Community Person Relationship

Update Trading Community Person Relationship

Personal Campaign Management Duty

Manages secured personal campaigns used to promote products or events to specific customers.

Create Sales Campaign

Delete Sales Campaign

Manage Sales Campaign

Run Marketing Campaign Scheduler

Update Sales Campaign

View Sales Campaign

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Purchase Order

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Add Trading Community Resource to My Social Network

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Manage Trading Community Resource Address

Manage Trading Community Resource Contact Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Social Network

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Address

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Contact Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Skills

View Trading Community Resource Social Network

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Competitor

Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for salespersons.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Competitor

View Sales Competitor Opportunities

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Reference Customer

Sales Forecasting Duty

Manages sales forecasts, sales forecast items, sales forecast adjustments, and sales forecast item adjustments. Additional duties include exporting forecast information.

Edit Sales Forecast Items

Export Sales Forecast Participant

Manage Sales Forecast Adjustments

Manage Sales Forecast Item Adjustments

Manage Sales Forecast Participant

View Sales Forecast Adjustments

View Sales Forecast Item Adjustments

View Sales Forecast Participant For Self

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

View Sales Lead

Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Processes sales lead for follow up actions including the qualification and conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Convert Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Export Sales Lead

Identify Sales Lead

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Qualify Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Create Consumer

Create Sales Account

Create Sales Account Appointment

Create Sales Account Assessments

Create Sales Account Contact

Create Sales Account Interaction

Create Sales Account Note

Create Sales Account Task

Create Sales Group

Create Sales Group Members

Create Sales Organization

Create Sales Party Appointment

Create Sales Party Assessment

Create Sales Party Contact

Create Sales Party Interaction

Create Sales Party Note

Create Sales Party Task

Delete Sales Account Appointment

Delete Sales Account Assessments

Delete Sales Account Contact

Delete Sales Account Interaction

Delete Sales Account Note

Delete Sales Account Task

Delete Sales Group Members

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Delete Sales Party Assessment

Delete Sales Party Contact

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Delete Sales Party Note

Delete Sales Party Task

Manage Reference Customer Profile

Manage Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Account Team

Manage Sales Party Classifications

Manage Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Party Forums

Manage Sales Party Team

Update Consumer

Update Sales Account

Update Sales Account Appointment

Update Sales Account Assessments

Update Sales Account Contact

Update Sales Account Interaction

Update Sales Account Note

Update Sales Account Task

Update Sales Group

Update Sales Group Members

Update Sales Organization

Update Sales Party Appointment

Update Sales Party Assessment

Update Sales Party Contact

Update Sales Party Interaction

Update Sales Party Note

Update Sales Party Task

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Manage Customers Work Area

View Billing Account

View Consumer

View One Source Market Place Information

View Revenue by Organization Hierarchy

View Sales Account

View Sales Account Appointment

View Sales Account Assessments

View Sales Account Contact

View Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Account Interaction

View Sales Account Note

View Sales Account Snapshot

View Sales Account Team

View Sales Account task

View Sales Group

View Sales Group Members

View Sales Organization

View Sales Party

View Sales Party Analytics

View Sales Party Appointment

View Sales Party Assessment

View Sales Party Classifications

View Sales Party Contact

View Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Party Forums

View Sales Party Hierarchy

View Sales Party Interaction

View Sales Party Note

View Sales Party Snapshot

View Sales Party Subsidiaries

View Sales Party Task

View Sales Party Team

View Siebel Service Requests

Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Views reference customer note data. This role is for salespersons.

View Sales Reference Customer

View Sales Reference Customer Opportunities

Sales Representative Dashboard Duty

Access the sales dashboard. This role is for salespersons.

View Sales Representative Dashboard

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Enter Trading Community Merge Request

Submit Trading Community Merge Request

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Person Details

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Person Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Sales Representative

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Application Attachment

A Sales Representative can read application attachment for the categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment Category

A Sales Representative can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Sales Representative can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Sales Representative can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category


A Sales Representative can view appointment for all appointments in the enterprise

Role: Appointment View Duty

Privilege: View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

Appointment Note

A Sales Representative can delete appointment note where they have delete access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Sales Representative can update appointment note where they have owner update access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Sales Representative can view appointment note for all internal appointment notes in the enterprise

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Sales Representative can view appointment note where they are the author of the private appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

Competitor Note

A Sales Representative can manage sales competitor note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

A Sales Representative can view sales competitor note for all notes that are not private

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

A Sales Representative can view sales competitor note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Consumer File Import Activity

A Sales Representative can view consumer file import activity object type for all consumer file import activities of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Activity

Consumer File Import Mapping

A Sales Representative can view consumer file import mapping object type for all consumer file import mappings of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Mapping

Consumer File Import Object

A Sales Representative can view consumer file import object type for all consumer file import objects of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Object

Contact File Import Activity

A Sales Representative can view contact file import activity object type for all contact file import activities of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Activity

Contact File Import Mapping

A Sales Representative can view contact file import mapping object type for all contact file import mappings of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Mapping

Contact File Import Object

A Sales Representative can view contact file import object type for all contact file import objects of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Object


A Sales Representative can manage contract for all business units

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Contract

Contract Note

A Sales Representative can view contract note for notes that are not private or private notes where they are the author.

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: View Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Customer Account

A Sales Representative can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Representative can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Representative can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a resource of a territory or a resource of an ancestor territory of a territory in the sales account territory team

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Representative can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a sales account team member with edit or full access

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Representative can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member with edit or full access

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Representative can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Representative can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a resource of a territory or a resource of an ancestor territory of a territory in the sales account territory team

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Representative can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a sales account team member

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales Representative can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Customer File Import Activity

A Sales Representative can view customer file import activity object type for all customer file import activities of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Activity

Customer File Import Mapping

A Sales Representative can view customer file import mapping object type for all customer file import mappings of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Mapping

Customer File Import Object

A Sales Representative can view customer file import object type for all customer file import objects of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Object

Group Customer File Import Activity

A Sales Representative can view group customer file import activity object type for all group customer file import activities of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Activity

Group Customer File Import Mapping

A Sales Representative can view group customer file import mapping object type for all group customer file import mappings of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Mapping

Group Customer File Import Object

A Sales Representative can view group customer file import object type for all group customer file import objects of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Object

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Sales Representative can view hierarchy file import activity object type for all hierarchy file import activities of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Sales Representative can view hierarchy file import mapping object type for all hierarchy file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Object

A Sales Representative can view hierarchy file import object type for all hierarchy file import objects of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Object

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Sales Representative can view hierarchy node file import activity object type for all hierarchy node file import activities of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Sales Representative can view hierarchy node file import mapping object type for all hierarchy node file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Object

A Sales Representative can view hierarchy node file import object type for all hierarchy node file import objects of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Object

Incentive Compensation Dispute

A Sales Representative can create incentive compensation dispute for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Create Incentive Compensation Dispute (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Dispute

Incentive Compensation Measure

A Sales Representative can review incentive compensation measure for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Measure (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Measure

Incentive Compensation Participant

A Sales Representative can review incentive compensation participant for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant

Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

A Sales Representative can review incentive compensation participant attainment balance for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

A Sales Representative can review incentive compensation participant earning balance for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

A Sales Representative can review incentive compensation participant subledger for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

A Sales Representative can review incentive compensation payment plan for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Plan (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

A Sales Representative can review incentive compensation payment transaction for themselves and the paysheet that is at least submitted

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

Incentive Compensation Paysheet

A Sales Representative can review incentive compensation paysheet for themselves and the paysheet that is at least submitted

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Paysheet (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Paysheet

Incentive Compensation Plan

A Sales Representative can review incentive compensation plan for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Plan

Incentive Compensation Plan Component

A Sales Representative can review incentive compensation plan component for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan Component (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Plan Component

Incentive Compensation Transaction

A Sales Representative can review incentive compensation transaction for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Transaction (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Transaction


A Sales Representative can delete interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Sales Representative can update interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Sales Representative can view interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

Legal Entity File Import Activity

A Sales Representative can view legal entity file import activity object type for all legal entity file import activities of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Activity

Legal Entity File Import Mapping

A Sales Representative can view legal entity file import mapping object type for all legal entity file import mappings of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Mapping

Legal Entity File Import Object

A Sales Representative can view legal entity file import object type for all legal entity file import objects of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Object

Marketing List

A Sales Representative can delete marketing list where they are the owner of the marketing list

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing List (Data)

Resource: Marketing List

A Sales Representative can update marketing list where they are the owner of the marketing list

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing List (Data)

Resource: Marketing List

Marketing Treatment

A Sales Representative can delete marketing treatment where they are the owner of the marketing treatment

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Treatment (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment

A Sales Representative can update marketing treatment where they are the owner of the marketing treatment

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Treatment (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment

Marketing Treatment E-Mail Footer

A Sales Representative can view marketing treatment unrestricted e-mail footer for all marketing treatment e-mail footers marked as unrestricted visibility in the enterprise

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Treatment Unrestricted E-Mail Footer (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment E-Mail Footer


A Sales Representative can manage opportunity general profile where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Representative can manage opportunity general profile where they are an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Representative can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Representative can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Representative can manage opportunity revenue where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Representative can manage opportunity revenue where they are an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Representative can manage opportunity team where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Representative can manage opportunity team where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales Representative can view opportunity where they are a member of the opportunity sales account team

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Pipleline

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Representative can view opportunity where they are a territory resource in the opportunity sales account territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity sales account territory team

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Pipleline

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Representative can view opportunity where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Pipleline

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Representative can view opportunity where they are an opportunity sales team member with view, edit, or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Pipleline

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Opportunity Note

A Sales Representative can manage opportunity note where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Representative can manage opportunity note where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Representative can manage opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Representative can view opportunity note where they are a member of opportunity sales account team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Representative can view opportunity note where they are a member of the opportunity sales team with view, edit, or full access, and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Representative can view opportunity note where they are a territory resource in the opportunity sales account territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity sales account territory team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Representative can view opportunity note where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales Representative can view opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Outlook Edition Metadata Package

A Sales Representative can access outlook configuration package where they have been granted access to a single record by unique identifier.

Role: Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Access Outlook Configuration Package (Data)

Resource: Outlook Edition Metadata Package

Public Person

A Sales Representative can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Details Duty

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Reference Customer Note

A Sales Representative can manage sales reference customer note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

A Sales Representative can view sales reference customer note for all notes that are not private

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

A Sales Representative can view sales reference customer note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

Sales Account

A Sales Representative can manage sales account where the user is in the customer team with full access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Representative can manage sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with full access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Representative can update sales account where the user is in the customer team with edit access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Account

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Representative can view sales account where the user is in the customer team with view access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales Representative can view sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with view access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Sales Campaign

A Sales Representative can delete sales campaign for all sales campaigns in draft or scheduled execution status where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

A Sales Representative can delete sales campaign for all sales campaigns in draft or scheduled execution status where they are the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

A Sales Representative can update sales campaign where they are the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

A Sales Representative can view sales campaign where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

A Sales Representative can view sales campaign where they are the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

Sales Competitor

A Sales Representative can view sales competitor for all sales competitors in the enterprise

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor (Data)

Resource: Sales Competitor

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor (Data)

Resource: Sales Competitor

Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales Representative can manage sales forecast adjustment for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales Representative can manage sales forecast adjustment for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales Representative can view sales forecast adjustment for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item Adjustment

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Representative can view sales forecast adjustment for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item Adjustment

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Representative can view sales forecast adjustment for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item Adjustment

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Representative can view sales forecast adjustment for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item Adjustment

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Sales Forecast Item

A Sales Representative can manage sales forecast item for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales Representative can manage sales forecast item for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales Representative can manage sales forecast item for which they are the owner

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales Representative can view sales forecast item for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Representative can view sales forecast item for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales Representative can view sales forecast item for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Representative can view sales forecast item for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales Representative can view sales forecast item for which they are the owner

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Representative can manage sales forecast participant for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Representative can manage sales forecast participant for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Representative can view sales forecast participant for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Representative can view sales forecast participant for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Representative can view sales forecast participant for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales Representative can view sales forecast participant for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

Sales Lead

A Sales Representative can convert sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Representative can convert sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Representative can convert sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Representative can convert sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Representative can convert sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Representative can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Representative can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Representative can update sales lead others where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Representative can update sales lead others where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Representative can update sales lead owner where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Representative can update sales lead owner where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Representative can update sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Representative can view sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Representative can view sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales Representative can view sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Representative can view sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Representative can view sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Sales Lead Note

A Sales Representative can delete sales lead note where they have delete access to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Representative can delete sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Representative can update sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Representative can view sales lead note for all internal sales lead notes in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales Representative can view sales lead note where they are the author of the private sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Sales Party

A Sales Representative can manage sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with full access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Representative can manage sales party where they are in the sales account team with full access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Representative can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Representative can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Representative can update sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Representative can update sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Representative can update sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with edit access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Representative can update sales party where they are in the sales account team with edit access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales Representative can view sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Representative can view sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Representative can view sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales Representative can view sales party where they are in the sales account team

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Sales Party Note

A Sales Representative can delete sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Representative can delete sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Representative can delete sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Representative can edit sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Representative can edit sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Representative can edit sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Representative can view sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Representative can view sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales Representative can view sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Sales Reference Customer

A Sales Representative can view sales reference customer for all sales reference customers in the enterprise

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Sales Resource Quota

A Sales Representative can view sales resource quota where they are assigned the quota

Role: Quota Viewing Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Fact: CRM - Resource Quota

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM Resource Quota Historical

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Task Note

A Sales Representative can delete task note where they have delete access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Representative can delete task note where they have delete access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Representative can update task note where they have update access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Representative can update task note where they have update access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Representative can view task note for all internal task notes in the enterprise

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales Representative can view task note where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Sales Representative can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Sales Representative can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Sales Representative can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Sales Representative can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Representative can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Sales Representative can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Sales Representative can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Sales Representative can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Representative can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Sales Representative can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Sales Representative can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Representative can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Sales Representative can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Sales Representative can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Sales Representative can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource

A Sales Representative can update trading community resource for their resource record

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

Trading Community Resource Note

A Sales Representative can manage trading community resource note for the resource notes for which they are the owner

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Sales Representative can view trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Representative can manage trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Representative can manage trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Representative can view trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales Representative can view trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

Job Role: Sales VP

Manages sales managers within the organization. Responsible for account planning, territory and quota management, and managing sales forecasts for the territory.


Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Sales VP

Duty Role


Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Fusion Applications application reference data.

Appointment Note Management Duty

Manages creating and maintaining appointment notes.

Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Intelligence Consumer Duty

A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office. This role  allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a subject area.

Business Unit Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege that enables users to select a business unit, enabled for assignments and work terms, from a secured list determined by the organization security profile.

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Delete CRM documents on content server

Allows to delete CRM content on content server.

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Fusion Opportunity Landscape Analysis Duty

BI duty role to access warehouse data for Fusion Opportunity Landscape(SPD). This duty role is built exclusively for SPD

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Monitor, for directs and self, incentive transactions, payments, and plans

Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Review incentive reports, plans, disputes incentive transactions, and payments for self

Incentive Compensation Transaction Analysis Duty

Analyzes Incentive Compensation transactional information

Interaction Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of interaction data. Interactions record inbound and outbound communications.

Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community contact relationship data not created by partners.

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Lead Registration Processing Duty

Reviews, accepts, and rejects sales lead registrations. Includes the ability to view sales lead details and update internal attributes.

Legal Employer Selection Duty

Grants access to a data security privilege  Choose Legal Employer Duty  that allows the ability to select a Legal Employer from a secured list as defined in the organization security profile.

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Marketing Analysis module.

Marketing Lead Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze leads generated from sales and marketing campaigns.

Marketing Lead Transaction Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze leads generated from sales and marketing campaigns. Maps to Sales Lead Qualifier role

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

Mobile CRM Sales Representative Duty

Manages customer relationship management data on mobile device. This role is for the salesperson using the mobile application.

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Opportunity Landscape Transaction Analysis Duty

BI Duty role to be used for Opportunity Landscape analysis

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

Opportunity Sales Account Sales Manager Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for managers of sales account team members.

Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for sales managers.

Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Manages or views all aspects of the application. This role is for salespersons.

Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for resources whose territories are on the opportunity territory team.

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Sales Manager Duty

This role allows sales managers to access Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook application functionality.

Party Information Inquiry Duty

Views trading community parties.

Person Information Inquiry Duty

Views person basic information.

Person Information Management Duty

Manages person information.

Person Relationships Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage person Relationship information

Personal Campaign Management Duty

Manages secured personal campaigns used to promote products or events to specific customers.

Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

Views personal contact information such as home phone, home address, and personal e-mail.

Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

Views social security number, tax registration identification numbers, and other personal identifiers.

Product Recommendation Analysis Duty

Manages business rules and recommendations about selling the right products to the right customers. Analyzes product recommendations and schedules sales lead generation and predictive model learning.

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Review purchase order, purchase agreement, and referenced document attachments.

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Quota Management Duty

Manages sales territory quotas and territory quota formulas. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and party information inquiry.

Quota Viewing Duty

Provides viewing access to sales resource quotas.

Resource Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Resource Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Sales Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Sales Analysis module.

Sales Campaign Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze effectiveness of sales campaign created in  terms of responses, leads generation and revenue.

Sales Campaign Transaction Analysis Duty

BI duty role to analyze effectiveness of sales campaign created in  terms of responses, leads generation and revenue. Maps to Sales Representative and Sales Manager roles

Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for sales managers.

Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for salespersons.

Sales Executive Analysis Duty

BI duty role to monitor sales effectiveness and analyze sales performance of the entire sales organization.

Sales Executive Transaction Analysis Duty

BI duty role to monitor sales effectiveness and analyze sales performance of the entire sales organization. Maps to Sales VP role

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Manages sales forecasts, sales forecast items, sales forecast adjustments, and sales forecast item adjustments. Additional duties include exporting forecast information and managing subordinates forecasts.

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Processes sales lead for follow up actions including the qualification and conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Manages sales lead follow up marketing activities from qualification and assessment of leads to reassignment to sales for follow up sales activities including the conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Sales Manager Dashboard Duty

Accesses the sales dashboard. This role is for sales managers.

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Views reference customer note data. This role is for salespersons.

Sales VP Duty

This is the enterprise role that inherits all duties performed by sales VPs.

Task Note Management Duty

Manages creating and reviewing of task notes data. Task notes record additional information about the specific task.

Territory Hierarchy Data Security

This role is used for Territory Hierarchy data security in the data warehouse

Territory Management Duty

Manages sales territories, territory proposals, and quotas.

Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

Views personally identifiable information.

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Transactional Analysis Duty

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Role Hierarchy

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Sales VP

Inherited Roles

Sales VP

          Business Intelligence Applications Worker

                    Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty

          Delete CRM documents on content server

          Fusion Opportunity Landscape Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Territory Hierarchy Data Security

          Marketing Lead Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Territory Hierarchy Data Security

          Marketing Lead Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Opportunity Landscape Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Quota Viewing Duty

          Sales Campaign Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Sales Analysis Currency Preference

          Sales Campaign Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Sales Executive Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                    Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                    Territory Hierarchy Data Security

          Sales Executive Transaction Analysis Duty

                    Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

          Sales VP Duty

                    Appointment Note Management Duty

                    Appointment View Duty

                    Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                    Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

                    Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

                    Incentive Compensation Transaction Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                    Interaction Management Duty

                    Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                    Lead Registration Processing Duty

                    Locations Management Duty

                              Locations Inquiry Duty

                    Marketing Lead Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Marketing Analysis Currency Preference

                              Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                              Territory Hierarchy Data Security

                    Mobile CRM Sales Representative Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Account Sales Manager Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

                    Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

                    Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

                    Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Sales Manager Duty

                    Person Information Management Duty

                              Person Information Inquiry Duty

                              Person Relationships Management Duty

                    Personal Campaign Management Duty

                    Product Recommendation Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Consumer Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Sales Campaign Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                              Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                    Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

                    Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

                    Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

                    Sales Executive Analysis Duty

                              Business Intelligence Authoring Duty

                              Resource Hierarchy Data Security

                              Sales Analysis Currency Preference

                              Territory Hierarchy Data Security

                    Sales Extension Management Duty

                    Sales Forecasting Management Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                    Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

                    Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

                    Sales Manager Dashboard Duty

                    Sales Party Management Duty

                              File Import Management Duty

                                        File Import Scheduling Duty

                                                  Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

                              Locations Management Duty

                                        Locations Inquiry Duty

                              Resource Information Management Duty

                                        View Person Details Duty

                                        Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

                              Sales Party Review Duty

                                        Appointment View Duty

                                        Asset and Recommendation View Duty

                                        Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

                                                  Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

                                                  Interaction Management Duty

                                                  Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Item Inquiry Duty

                                                  Negotiation Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

                                                  Purchase Order Viewing Duty

                                                            Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                                  Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty

                                                            Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

                                        Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Interaction Management Duty

                                        Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Marketing Response Data Review Duty

                                        Opportunity Revenue View Duty

                                        Opportunity View Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

                                        Sales Extension Management Duty

                                        Sales Lead Data Access Duty

                              Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

                              Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

                    Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

                    Task Note Management Duty

                    Territory Management Duty

                              Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

                              Party Information Inquiry Duty

                              Quota Management Duty

                                        Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

                                                  Business Unit Selection Duty

                                                  Legal Employer Selection Duty

                                                  User Role Management Duty

                                                  View Person Details Duty

                                        Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

                                        Party Information Inquiry Duty

          Transactional Business Intelligence Worker

                    Transactional Analysis Duty


Privileges granted to duties of the job role Sales VP.

Duty Role

Duty Role Description


Appointment View Duty

Manages viewing of appointment data.

Manage Calendar Preferences

Asset and Recommendation View Duty

Views assets and recommendations in Customer Center.

View Customer Asset

View Product Recommendation

Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Views contracts across all business units regardless of business unit assignment.

Enable Buy Intent

Enable Sell Intent

Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

View Contract

View Contract Terms

Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Views customer account address information.

Search Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty

Views customer account contact information.

Export Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Views customer account basic information.

Export Customer Account

Search Trading Community Organization

View Customer Account

Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Views customer account relationship information.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Search Customer Account Relationships

View Customer Account Relationship

View Customer Account Relationships

File Import Management Duty

Duty role to manage web-based file import object registration, import mapping and import activities, available to advanced user roles.

Set Up File Import Object and Mapping

File Import Scheduling Duty

Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities, available to both novice and advanced user roles.

Run File Import Scheduler

Set Up File Import Activity

Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Manage Users

View Person Details

Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Maintain incentive compensation to quota management worklist notification via quota management integration

Customize Incentive Compensation Participant Goal

Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Monitor, for directs and self, incentive transactions, payments, and plans

Create Incentive Compensation Dispute

Dispute Incentive Compensation Transaction

Review Incentive Compensation Dispute

Review Incentive Compensation Team Attainment

Review Incentive Compensation Transaction

Verify Incentive Compensation Transaction

Verify Participant Earnings and Attainment Report

Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Review incentive reports, plans, disputes incentive transactions, and payments for self

Create Incentive Compensation Dispute

Dispute Incentive Compensation Transaction

Review Incentive Compensation Dispute

Review Incentive Compensation Transaction

Verify Incentive Compensation Transaction

Verify Participant Earnings and Attainment Report

Item Inquiry Duty

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Manage Item Catalog

Manage Item Global Search

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

View Item

View Item Organization Association

View Item Relationship

Lead Registration Processing Duty

Reviews, accepts, and rejects sales lead registrations. Includes the ability to view sales lead details and update internal attributes.

Accept Sales Lead

Delete Sales Lead Internal Attributes

Reject Sales Lead

Select Sales Lead Internal Attributes

Update Sales Lead Internal Attributes

View Sales Lead Contextual Bin

View Sales Lead Internal Tabs

Locations Inquiry Duty

Calls location web service.

Search Trading Community Location

View Trading Community Location

Locations Management Duty

Calls location web service.

Enter Trading Community Location

Remove Trading Community Location

Update Trading Community Location

Marketing Response Data Review Duty

Views responses to marketing campaigns.

View Marketing Response

Mobile CRM Sales Representative Duty

Manages customer relationship management data on mobile device. This role is for the salesperson using the mobile application.

Access Mobile CRM

Negotiation Viewing Duty

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Search Supplier Negotiation

View Supplier Negotiation

Opportunity Revenue View Duty

Views revenue information. This role is for read-only access to revenue information.

View Opportunity Revenue

Opportunity Sales Account Sales Manager Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for managers of sales account team members.

Manage Opportunity Work Area

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views all aspects of the application. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for sales managers.

Assign Opportunity

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Delete Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Manages or views all aspects of the application. This role is for salespersons.

Assign Opportunity

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Delete Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Manages all aspects of the application. This role is for resources whose territories are on the opportunity territory team.

Assign Opportunity

Close Opportunity

Create Opportunity

Delete Opportunity

Delete Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Assessments

Manage Opportunity Competitors

Manage Opportunity Group Space

Manage Opportunity Leads

Manage Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Partner Registration

Manage Opportunity Partners

Manage Opportunity References

Manage Opportunity Reports

Manage Opportunity Revenue

Manage Opportunity Revenue Credits

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recommendations

Manage Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

Manage Opportunity Sales Account

Manage Opportunity Sales Method

Manage Opportunity Sources

Manage Opportunity Work Area

Mass Update Opportunity

View Opportunity

View Opportunity Appointments

View Opportunity Competitors

View Opportunity Contacts

View Opportunity Group Space

View Opportunity Interactions

View Opportunity Leads

View Opportunity Nonrevenue Credits

View Opportunity Notes

View Opportunity Partners

View Opportunity References

View Opportunity Revenue

View Opportunity Revenue Credits

View Opportunity Revenue Recurrences

View Opportunity Sales Coach

View Opportunity Similar Opportunities

View Opportunity Sources

View Opportunity Tasks

View Opportunity Team

Opportunity View Duty

Views opportunity data. This role is for viewing opportunities from the customer center.

View Opportunity

Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Sales Manager Duty

This role allows sales managers to access Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook application functionality.

Download Outlook Installer

Person Information Inquiry Duty

Views person basic information.

View Trading Community Person

Person Information Management Duty

Manages person information.

Enter Trading Community Person

Manage Person Attachments

Manage Person Interactions

Manage Person Notes

Manage Trading Community Person Usage Assignment

Submit Person Merge Request

Update Trading Community Person

Person Relationships Management Duty

Grants privileges to manage person Relationship information

Add Trading Community Person Relationship

Remove Trading Community Person Relationship

Update Trading Community Person Relationship

Personal Campaign Management Duty

Manages secured personal campaigns used to promote products or events to specific customers.

Create Sales Campaign

Delete Sales Campaign

Manage Sales Campaign

Run Marketing Campaign Scheduler

Update Sales Campaign

View Sales Campaign

Product Recommendation Analysis Duty

Manages business rules and recommendations about selling the right products to the right customers. Analyzes product recommendations and schedules sales lead generation and predictive model learning.

Analyze Product Recommendation

Manage Recommendations Work Area

Manage Rule and Product for Recommendation

Schedule Predictive Model Learning

Schedule Sales Lead Generation

Purchase Agreement Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Order Viewing Duty

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Purchase Order

Quota Management Duty

Manages sales territory quotas and territory quota formulas. Additional duties include incentive compensation goal management, user and roles management, and party information inquiry.

Manage Sales Quota Prediction Formula

Manage Sales Territory Quota

Resource Information Management Duty

Manages resource information.

Add Trading Community Resource to My Social Network

Contact Trading Community Resource

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Manage Trading Community Resource Address

Manage Trading Community Resource Contact Information

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Manage Trading Community Resource Social Network

Search Trading Community Resource

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

View Trading Community Resource Address

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

View Trading Community Resource Contact Information

View Trading Community Resource Details

View Trading Community Resource Note

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

View Trading Community Resource Profile

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

View Trading Community Resource Skills

View Trading Community Resource Social Network

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account territory team.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Competitor

Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for sales managers.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Competitor

View Sales Competitor Opportunities

Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for salespersons.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Competitor

View Sales Competitor Opportunities

Sales Extension Management Duty

Views secure customer competitor purchase data. This role is for members of the sales account team.

Update Customer Competitor Purchase

View Customer Competitor Purchase

View Sales Reference Customer

Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Manages sales forecasts, sales forecast items, sales forecast adjustments, and sales forecast item adjustments. Additional duties include exporting forecast information and managing subordinates forecasts.

Edit Sales Forecast Items

Export Sales Forecast Participant

Manage Sales Forecast Adjustments

Manage Sales Forecast Item Adjustments

Manage Sales Forecast Participant

View Sales Forecast Item Adjustments

View Sales Forecast Participant

View Sales Forecast Participant For Self

Sales Lead Data Access Duty

Views sales leads.

View Sales Lead

Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Processes sales lead for follow up actions including the qualification and conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Convert Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Export Sales Lead

Identify Sales Lead

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Qualify Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Manages sales lead follow up marketing activities from qualification and assessment of leads to reassignment to sales for follow up sales activities including the conversion of sales lead to revenue opportunities.

Convert Sales Lead

Create Sales Lead

Export Sales Lead

Identify Sales Lead

Manage Lead Qualification Work Area

Qualify Sales Lead

Update Sales Lead

View Sales Lead

Sales Manager Dashboard Duty

Accesses the sales dashboard. This role is for sales managers.

View Sales Manager Dashboard

View Sales Representative Dashboard

Sales Party Management Duty

Manages creation and maintenance of the sales organizations and consumers for internal sales users. Additional duties include viewing of opportunities and opportunity revenue, reviewing sales leads as well as appointments, interactions, and customer contacts.

Create Consumer

Create Sales Account

Create Sales Account Appointment

Create Sales Account Assessments

Create Sales Account Contact

Create Sales Account Interaction

Create Sales Account Note

Create Sales Account Task

Create Sales Group

Create Sales Group Members

Create Sales Organization

Create Sales Party Appointment

Create Sales Party Assessment

Create Sales Party Contact

Create Sales Party Interaction

Create Sales Party Note

Create Sales Party Task

Delete Sales Account Appointment

Delete Sales Account Assessments

Delete Sales Account Contact

Delete Sales Account Interaction

Delete Sales Account Note

Delete Sales Account Task

Delete Sales Group Members

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Delete Sales Party Assessment

Delete Sales Party Contact

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Delete Sales Party Note

Delete Sales Party Task

Manage Reference Customer Profile

Manage Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Account Team

Manage Sales Party Classifications

Manage Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

Manage Sales Party Forums

Manage Sales Party Team

Update Consumer

Update Sales Account

Update Sales Account Appointment

Update Sales Account Assessments

Update Sales Account Contact

Update Sales Account Interaction

Update Sales Account Note

Update Sales Account Task

Update Sales Group

Update Sales Group Members

Update Sales Organization

Update Sales Party Appointment

Update Sales Party Assessment

Update Sales Party Contact

Update Sales Party Interaction

Update Sales Party Note

Update Sales Party Task

Sales Party Review Duty

Allows resources read-only access to sales parties information such as manage customer work area and all sales party duties. Additional duties include view access to other customer and sales lead features.

Manage Customers Work Area

View Billing Account

View Consumer

View One Source Market Place Information

View Revenue by Organization Hierarchy

View Sales Account

View Sales Account Appointment

View Sales Account Assessments

View Sales Account Contact

View Sales Account Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Account Interaction

View Sales Account Note

View Sales Account Snapshot

View Sales Account Team

View Sales Account task

View Sales Group

View Sales Group Members

View Sales Organization

View Sales Party

View Sales Party Analytics

View Sales Party Appointment

View Sales Party Assessment

View Sales Party Classifications

View Sales Party Contact

View Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

View Sales Party Forums

View Sales Party Hierarchy

View Sales Party Interaction

View Sales Party Note

View Sales Party Snapshot

View Sales Party Subsidiaries

View Sales Party Task

View Sales Party Team

View Siebel Service Requests

Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Views reference customer note data. This role is for salespersons.

View Sales Reference Customer

View Sales Reference Customer Opportunities

Territory Management Duty

Manages sales territories, territory proposals, and quotas.

Manage Sales Territory

Manage Sales Territory Account Exclusions

Manage Sales Territory Account Inclusions

Manage Sales Territory Proposal

Manage Territories, Forecasts and Quotas Work Area

Run Territory Proposal Activation Job

Run Territory Restore Job

Run Territory Validation Job

View Sales Territory

View Sales Territory Proposal

Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Trading Community Merge Request Management Duty

Grants privileges for end user to create merge requests

Enter Trading Community Merge Request

Submit Trading Community Merge Request

User Role Management Duty

Manages user roles.

Assign Roles to User

Copy Personal Data to LDAP

Manage User Account and Roles

View Person Details Duty

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Person Details

Workforce Profile Resource Manager Duty

Performs resource manager duties for workforce talent profiles, related to the use of profiles within the Resource Management component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model.

Manage Person Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role Sales VP

Business Object

Policy Description

Policy Store Implementation

Analytics Implementation

Application Attachment

A Sales VP can read application attachment for the categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Purchase Document Attachment Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment Category

A Sales VP can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Sales VP can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

A Sales VP can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category


A Sales VP can view appointment for all appointments in the enterprise

Role: Appointment View Duty

Privilege: View Appointment (Data)

Resource: Appointment

Appointment Note

A Sales VP can delete appointment note where they have delete access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Sales VP can update appointment note where they have owner update access to the appointment and where they are the author of the appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Sales VP can view appointment note for all internal appointment notes in the enterprise

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

A Sales VP can view appointment note where they are the author of the private appointment note

Role: Appointment Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Appointment Note (Data)

Resource: Appointment Note

Assignment Grade

A Sales VP can choose assignment grade for grades in their grade security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Business Unit

A Sales VP can choose business unit organization for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Business Unit Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Competitor Note

A Sales VP can manage sales competitor note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

A Sales VP can view sales competitor note for all notes that are not private

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

A Sales VP can view sales competitor note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor Note (Data)

Resource: Competitor Note

Consumer File Import Activity

A Sales VP can view consumer file import activity object type for all consumer file import activities of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Activity

Consumer File Import Mapping

A Sales VP can view consumer file import mapping object type for all consumer file import mappings of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Mapping

Consumer File Import Object

A Sales VP can view consumer file import object type for all consumer file import objects of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Object

Contact File Import Activity

A Sales VP can view contact file import activity object type for all contact file import activities of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Activity

Contact File Import Mapping

A Sales VP can view contact file import mapping object type for all contact file import mappings of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Mapping

Contact File Import Object

A Sales VP can view contact file import object type for all contact file import objects of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Object


A Sales VP can manage contract for all business units

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Contract

Contract Note

A Sales VP can view contract note for notes that are not private or private notes where they are the author.

Role: Contract View Access Across All Business Units Duty

Privilege: View Contract Note (Data)

Resource: Contract Note

Customer Account

A Sales VP can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Customer Account

Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales VP can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales VP can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a resource of a territory or a resource of an ancestor territory of a territory in the sales account territory team

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales VP can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a sales account team member with edit or full access

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales VP can update customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member with edit or full access

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: Update Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales VP can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a legal entity or sales prospect

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales VP can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a resource of a territory or a resource of an ancestor territory of a territory in the sales account territory team

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales VP can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are a sales account team member

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

A Sales VP can view customer competitor purchase where the customer party is a sales account and they are in the management chain of a sales account team member

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer Competitor Purchase (Data)

Resource: Customer Competitor Purchase

Customer File Import Activity

A Sales VP can view customer file import activity object type for all customer file import activities of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Activity

Customer File Import Mapping

A Sales VP can view customer file import mapping object type for all customer file import mappings of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Mapping

Customer File Import Object

A Sales VP can view customer file import object type for all customer file import objects of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Object


A Sales VP can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Group Customer File Import Activity

A Sales VP can view group customer file import activity object type for all group customer file import activities of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Activity

Group Customer File Import Mapping

A Sales VP can view group customer file import mapping object type for all group customer file import mappings of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Mapping

Group Customer File Import Object

A Sales VP can view group customer file import object type for all group customer file import objects of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Object

HR Job

A Sales VP can choose hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Sales VP can view hierarchy file import activity object type for all hierarchy file import activities of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Sales VP can view hierarchy file import mapping object type for all hierarchy file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Object

A Sales VP can view hierarchy file import object type for all hierarchy file import objects of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Object

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Sales VP can view hierarchy node file import activity object type for all hierarchy node file import activities of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Sales VP can view hierarchy node file import mapping object type for all hierarchy node file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Object

A Sales VP can view hierarchy node file import object type for all hierarchy node file import objects of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Object

Incentive Compensation Dispute

A Sales VP can create incentive compensation dispute for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Create Incentive Compensation Dispute (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Dispute

A Sales VP can create incentive compensation dispute for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Create Incentive Compensation Dispute (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Dispute

Incentive Compensation Goal

A Sales VP can manage incentive compensation goal for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Incentive Compensation Goal Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Incentive Compensation Goal (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Measure

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation measure for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Measure (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Measure

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation measure for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Measure (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Measure

Incentive Compensation Participant

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation participant for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation participant for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant

Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation participant attainment balance for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation participant attainment balance for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Attainment Balance

Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation participant earning balance for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation participant earning balance for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Earning Balance

Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation participant subledger for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation participant subledger for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Participant Subledger

Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation payment plan for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Plan (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation payment plan for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Plan (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Payment Plan

Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation payment transaction for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation payment transaction for themselves and the paysheet that is at least submitted

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Payment Transaction

Incentive Compensation Paysheet

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation paysheet for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Paysheet (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Paysheet

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation paysheet for themselves and the paysheet that is at least submitted

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Paysheet (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Paysheet

Incentive Compensation Plan

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation plan for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Plan

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation plan for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Plan

Incentive Compensation Plan Component

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation plan component for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan Component (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Plan Component

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation plan component for themselves

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Plan Component (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Plan Component

Incentive Compensation Transaction

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation transaction for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Incentive Compensation Participant Management Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Transaction (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Transaction

A Sales VP can review incentive compensation transaction for themselves and the period enabled for reporting

Role: Incentive Compensation Participation Duty

Privilege: Review Incentive Compensation Transaction (Data)

Resource: Incentive Compensation Transaction


A Sales VP can delete interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Sales VP can update interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: Update Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

A Sales VP can view interaction for all interactions in the enterprise

Role: Interaction Management Duty

Privilege: View Interaction (Data)

Resource: Interaction

Legal Employer

A Sales VP can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Legal Employer Selection Duty

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legal Entity File Import Activity

A Sales VP can view legal entity file import activity object type for all legal entity file import activities of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Activity

Legal Entity File Import Mapping

A Sales VP can view legal entity file import mapping object type for all legal entity file import mappings of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Mapping

Legal Entity File Import Object

A Sales VP can view legal entity file import object type for all legal entity file import objects of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Object


A Sales VP can choose location for locations in their location security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Marketing List

A Sales VP can delete marketing list where they are the owner of the marketing list

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing List (Data)

Resource: Marketing List

A Sales VP can update marketing list where they are the owner of the marketing list

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing List (Data)

Resource: Marketing List

Marketing Treatment

A Sales VP can delete marketing treatment where they are the owner of the marketing treatment

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Marketing Treatment (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment

A Sales VP can update marketing treatment where they are the owner of the marketing treatment

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Update Marketing Treatment (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment

Marketing Treatment E-Mail Footer

A Sales VP can view marketing treatment unrestricted e-mail footer for all marketing treatment e-mail footers marked as unrestricted visibility in the enterprise

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: View Marketing Treatment Unrestricted E-Mail Footer (Data)

Resource: Marketing Treatment E-Mail Footer


A Sales VP can manage opportunity general profile where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales VP can manage opportunity general profile where they are an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales VP can manage opportunity general profile where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales VP can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales VP can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales VP can manage opportunity restricted profile where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales VP can manage opportunity revenue where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales VP can manage opportunity revenue where they are an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales VP can manage opportunity revenue where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with edit or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales VP can manage opportunity team where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales VP can manage opportunity team where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales VP can manage opportunity team where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

A Sales VP can view opportunity where they are a territory resource in the opportunity sales account territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity sales account territory team

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Pipleline

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view opportunity where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Pipleline

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view opportunity where they are an opportunity sales team member with view, edit, or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Pipleline

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view opportunity where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales account team member

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Pipleline

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view opportunity where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with view, edit, or full access

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Fact: CRM - Pipleline

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM - Revenue

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Opportunity Note

A Sales VP can manage opportunity note where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales VP can manage opportunity note where they are an opportunity sales team member with full access and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales VP can manage opportunity note where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with full access and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales VP can manage opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales VP can view opportunity note where they are a member of the opportunity sales team with view, edit, or full access, and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales VP can view opportunity note where they are a territory resource in the opportunity sales account territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity sales account territory team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales VP can view opportunity note where they are a territory resource in the opportunity territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the opportunity territory team and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales VP can view opportunity note where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales account team member and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales VP can view opportunity note where they are in the management chain of an opportunity sales team member with view, edit, or full access, and the note is not private

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

A Sales VP can view opportunity note where they are the author of the note

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Role: Opportunity Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Opportunity Note (Data)

Resource: Opportunity Note

Outlook Edition Metadata Package

A Sales VP can access outlook configuration package where they have been granted access to a single record by unique identifier.

Role: Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: Access Outlook Configuration Package (Data)

Resource: Outlook Edition Metadata Package

Person Assignment

A Sales VP can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

A Sales VP can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Email

A Sales VP can manage person email for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: User Role Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Type

A Sales VP can choose person type for person types in their person type security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type


A Sales VP can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Foundation User and Roles Management Duty

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Public Person

A Sales VP can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Details Duty

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Reference Customer Note

A Sales VP can manage sales reference customer note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

A Sales VP can view sales reference customer note for all notes that are not private

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

A Sales VP can view sales reference customer note where they are the author of the note

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer Note (Data)

Resource: Reference Customer Note

Sales Account

A Sales VP can manage sales account where the user is in the customer team with full access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales VP can manage sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with full access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales VP can update sales account where the user is in the customer team with edit access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Account

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales VP can view sales account where the user is in the customer team with view access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

A Sales VP can view sales account where the user is in the management team of a user who is on the customer team with view access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Account (Data)

Resource: Sales Account

Sales Campaign

A Sales VP can delete sales campaign for all sales campaigns in draft or scheduled execution status where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

A Sales VP can delete sales campaign for all sales campaigns in draft or scheduled execution status where they are the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

A Sales VP can update sales campaign where they are the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

A Sales VP can view sales campaign where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

A Sales VP can view sales campaign where they are the owner of the sales campaign

Role: Personal Campaign Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Campaign (Data)

Resource: Sales Campaign

Sales Competitor

A Sales VP can view sales competitor for all sales competitors in the enterprise

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Account Territory Resource Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor (Data)

Resource: Sales Competitor

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Manager Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor (Data)

Resource: Sales Competitor

Role: Sales Competitor Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Competitor (Data)

Resource: Sales Competitor

Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales VP can manage sales forecast adjustment for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales VP can manage sales forecast adjustment for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales VP can manage sales forecast adjustment for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales VP can manage sales forecast adjustment for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

A Sales VP can view sales forecast adjustment for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item Adjustment

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view sales forecast adjustment for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item Adjustment

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view sales forecast adjustment for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item Adjustment

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view sales forecast adjustment for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Adjustment (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Adjustment

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item Adjustment

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Sales Forecast Item

A Sales VP can manage sales forecast item for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales VP can manage sales forecast item for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales VP can manage sales forecast item for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales VP can manage sales forecast item for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales VP can manage sales forecast item for which they are the owner

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

A Sales VP can view sales forecast item for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view sales forecast item for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view sales forecast item for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view sales forecast item for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view sales forecast item for which they are the owner

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Fact: CRM Revenue Forecast Item

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales VP can manage sales forecast participant for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales VP can manage sales forecast participant for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales VP can manage sales forecast participant for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales VP can manage sales forecast participant for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales VP can view sales forecast participant for child territories of territories that they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales VP can view sales forecast participant for child territories of the territories that they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales VP can view sales forecast participant for territories they owned previously for which the active forecast is in progress

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

A Sales VP can view sales forecast participant for the territories they own currently

Role: Sales Forecasting Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

Sales Lead

A Sales VP can convert sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can convert sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can convert sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can convert sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can convert sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can convert sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can convert sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can update sales lead others where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can update sales lead others where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the lead sales team with full access

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can update sales lead others where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can update sales lead others where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can update sales lead others where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Others (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can update sales lead owner where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can update sales lead owner where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can update sales lead owner where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Owner (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can update sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can view sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view sales lead where they are a manager in the management hierarchy of the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Fact: Marketing - Lead

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view sales lead where they are a resource in the lead sales team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can view sales lead where they are a resource in the territory assigned to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can view sales lead where they are a territory resource in the sales lead territory team or a territory resource with a descendant territory in the sales lead territory team

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can view sales lead where they are an administrator of the resource organization in the primary assignment of the owner

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

A Sales VP can view sales lead where they are the owner of the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Sales Lead Note

A Sales VP can delete sales lead note where they have delete access to the sales lead

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales VP can delete sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales VP can update sales lead note where they have view or update access to the sales lead and where they are the author of the sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales VP can view sales lead note for all internal sales lead notes in the enterprise

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

A Sales VP can view sales lead note where they are the author of the private sales lead note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Role: Sales Lead Follow Up Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Lead Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead Note

Sales Party

A Sales VP can manage sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with full access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales VP can manage sales party where they are in the sales account team with full access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales VP can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales VP can manage sales party where they are the owner of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales VP can update sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales VP can update sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales VP can update sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team with edit access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales VP can update sales party where they are in the sales account team with edit access

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

A Sales VP can view sales party where they are a member of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view sales party where they are a member of the territory that is an ancestor of the territory associated with the sales account

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view sales party where they are in the management chain of a resource who is on the sales account team

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view sales party where they are in the sales account team

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Sales Party

Fact: CRM - Sales Account

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Sales Party Note

A Sales VP can delete sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales VP can delete sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales VP can delete sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales VP can edit sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales VP can edit sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales VP can edit sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: Edit Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales VP can view sales party note all sales contact notes that are not private or private sales contact notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales VP can view sales party note all sales party appointment notes that are not private or private sales party appointment notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

A Sales VP can view sales party note all sales party notes that are not private or private sales organization notes where they are the author

Role: Sales Party Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Role: Sales Party Review Duty

Privilege: View Sales Party Note (Data)

Resource: Sales Party Note

Sales Quota Plan

A Sales VP can view sales quota plan for all sales quota plans that are active

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan

Sales Reference Customer

A Sales VP can view sales reference customer for all sales reference customers in the enterprise

Role: Sales Extension Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Role: Sales Reference Customer Sales Representative Duty

Privilege: View Sales Reference Customer (Data)

Resource: Sales Reference Customer

Sales Resource Quota

A Sales VP can manage sales resource quota where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy where the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Sales VP can manage sales resource quota where they are the owner of the root territory, if the resource quota is for the root territory

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

A Sales VP can view sales resource quota where they are assigned the quota

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Fact: CRM - Resource Quota

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM Resource Quota Historical

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Role: Quota Viewing Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Fact: CRM - Resource Quota

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM Resource Quota Historical

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view sales resource quota where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy where the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Fact: CRM - Resource Quota

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM Resource Quota Historical

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view sales resource quota where they are the owner of the territory to which the quota is assigned

Role: Quota Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Fact: CRM - Resource Quota

Dimension(s): Security - Resource Based OR Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM Resource Quota Historical

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Sales Territory

A Sales VP can manage sales territory where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy, as long as the topmost territory they own is not submitted

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

A Sales VP can view sales territory where they are a member of the territory team

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Fact: CRM Territory Quota

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM Territory Quota Historical

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view sales territory where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Fact: CRM Territory Quota

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM Territory Quota Historical

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

A Sales VP can view sales territory where they are the territory owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Fact: CRM Territory Quota

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Fact: CRM Territory Quota Historical

Dimension(s): Security - Territory Based

Sales Territory Partition

A Sales VP can view sales territory partition for all partitions in the enterprise

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Partition (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Partition

Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales VP can manage sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a territory administered by the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales VP can manage sales territory proposal where they are the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales VP can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a parent territory in the territory hierarchy of a published or submitted territory in the proposal

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales VP can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a published or submitted territory in the proposal

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales VP can view sales territory proposal where they are the owner of a territory administered by the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

A Sales VP can view sales territory proposal where they are the proposal owner

Role: Territory Management Duty

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

Task Note

A Sales VP can delete task note where they have delete access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales VP can delete task note where they have delete access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Delete Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales VP can update task note where they have update access to the task

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales VP can update task note where they have update access to the task and where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: Update Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales VP can view task note for all internal task notes in the enterprise

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

A Sales VP can view task note where they are the author of the private task note

Role: Task Note Management Duty

Privilege: View Task Note (Data)

Resource: Task Note

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Sales VP can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Relationships Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Sales VP can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Sales VP can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Sales VP can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Sales VP can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization

A Sales VP can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Sales VP can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Sales VP can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Sales VP can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person

A Sales VP can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Sales VP can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Sales VP can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Sales VP can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Sales VP can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Party Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Sales VP can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource

A Sales VP can update trading community resource for their resource record

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource

Trading Community Resource Note

A Sales VP can manage trading community resource note for the resource notes for which they are the owner

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

A Sales VP can view trading community resource note for all resource notes

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Note (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales VP can manage trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales VP can manage trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales VP can view trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

A Sales VP can view trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Information Management Duty

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Skill

Data Role Templates

You use data role templates to create new roles that are authorized to specific data. 

For example, creating an Accounts Payable Manager authorized to the Suppliers, Invoices and Payments within a specific business unit. These types of roles are called data roles.

The data role template specifies which base roles to combine with which dimension values for a set of data security policies. The template generates the data roles using a naming convention specified by the template's naming rule. Data role templates are invoked automatically on the creation of a new dimension value.

Data role templates for the offering Sales.

Template Display Name

Common CRM Template for Business Unit Security

Template Name


Template Description

Common CRM Template for Business Unit Security

Dimension Column Names


Role Name Naming Rule


Role Display Name Naming Rule


Role Description Naming Rule

Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business unit [BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME]

Template Base Roles

Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator

Template Policy Business Object

Template Policy Description

Contract Clause

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Contract Clause Folder

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Contract Expert Rule

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Contract Terms Template

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Incentive Compensation Goal

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage incentive compensation goal for the business units for which they are authorized

Template Display Name

Common CRM Template for SetID

Template Name


Template Description

Common CRM Template for SetID

Dimension Column Names


Role Name Naming Rule


Role Display Name Naming Rule


Role Description Naming Rule

Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Reference Data Set [SET_NAME]

Template Base Roles

Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator

Template Policy Business Object

Template Policy Description

Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can manage trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

A Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator can view trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Template Display Name

Enterprise Contracts Template for Business Function Customer Contract Management

Template Name


Template Description

Enterprise Contracts Template for Business Function Customer Contract Management

Dimension Column Names


Role Name Naming Rule


Role Display Name Naming Rule


Role Description Naming Rule

Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business function || BFunc.bf_name || for business unit [BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME]

Template Base Roles

Business Practices Director

Customer Contract Administrator

Customer Contract Manager

Enterprise Contract Administrator

Enterprise Contract Manager

Template Policy Business Object

Template Policy Description


A Business Practices Director can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized


A Customer Contract Administrator can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized


A Customer Contract Manager can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized


An Enterprise Contract Administrator can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized


An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized

Contract Clause

A Business Practices Director can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Contract Clause Folder

A Business Practices Director can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Contract Expert Rule

A Business Practices Director can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Contract Terms Template

A Business Practices Director can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

A Business Practices Director can manage supplier negotiation as procurement agent for other agents in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

A Business Practices Director can view supplier negotiation for themselves in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

A Customer Contract Administrator can manage supplier negotiation as procurement agent for other agents in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

A Customer Contract Administrator can view supplier negotiation for themselves in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

A Customer Contract Manager can manage supplier negotiation as procurement agent for other agents in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

A Customer Contract Manager can view supplier negotiation for themselves in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can manage supplier negotiation as procurement agent for other agents in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view supplier negotiation for themselves in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage supplier negotiation as procurement agent for other agents in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

An Enterprise Contract Manager can view supplier negotiation for themselves in the business units for which they are authorized

Template Display Name

Enterprise Contracts Template for Business Function Procurement Contract Management

Template Name


Template Description

Enterprise Contracts Template for Business Function Procurement Contract Management

Dimension Column Names


Role Name Naming Rule


Role Display Name Naming Rule


Role Description Naming Rule

Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business function || BFunc.bf_name || for business unit [BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME]

Template Base Roles

Business Practices Director

Enterprise Contract Administrator

Enterprise Contract Manager

Supplier Contract Administrator

Supplier Contract Manager

Template Policy Business Object

Template Policy Description


A Business Practices Director can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized


A Supplier Contract Administrator can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized


A Supplier Contract Manager can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized


An Enterprise Contract Administrator can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized


An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized

Contract Clause

A Business Practices Director can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Contract Clause Folder

A Business Practices Director can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Contract Expert Rule

A Business Practices Director can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Contract Terms Template

A Business Practices Director can manage contract terms library for the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

A Business Practices Director can manage supplier negotiation as procurement agent for other agents in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

A Business Practices Director can view supplier negotiation for themselves in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

A Supplier Contract Administrator can manage supplier negotiation as procurement agent for other agents in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

A Supplier Contract Administrator can view supplier negotiation for themselves in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

A Supplier Contract Manager can manage supplier negotiation as procurement agent for other agents in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

A Supplier Contract Manager can view supplier negotiation for themselves in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can manage supplier negotiation as procurement agent for other agents in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view supplier negotiation for themselves in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage supplier negotiation as procurement agent for other agents in the business units for which they are authorized

Supplier Negotiation

An Enterprise Contract Manager can view supplier negotiation for themselves in the business units for which they are authorized

Template Display Name

Enterprise Contracts Template for SetID

Template Name


Template Description

Enterprise Contracts Template for SetID

Dimension Column Names


Role Name Naming Rule


Role Display Name Naming Rule


Role Description Naming Rule

Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Reference Data Set [SET_NAME]

Template Base Roles

Business Practices Director

Customer Contract Administrator

Customer Contract Manager

Enterprise Contract Administrator

Enterprise Contract Manager

Supplier Contract Administrator

Supplier Contract Manager

Template Policy Business Object

Template Policy Description

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Business Practices Director can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Business Practices Director can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site

An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Business Practices Director can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Template Display Name

Lead Management Template for Business Function Marketing

Template Name


Template Description

Lead Management Template for Business Function Marketing

Dimension Column Names

, ,

Role Name Naming Rule


Role Display Name Naming Rule


Role Description Naming Rule

Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business function || BFunc.bf_name || for business unit [BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME]

Template Base Roles

Corporate Marketing Manager

Marketing Analyst

Marketing Manager

Marketing Operations Manager

Marketing VP

Sales Lead Qualifier

Template Display Name

Sales Prediction Engine Template for Business Function Sales

Template Name


Template Description

Sales Prediction Engine Template for Business Function Sales

Dimension Column Names

, ,

Role Name Naming Rule


Role Display Name Naming Rule


Role Description Naming Rule

Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business function || BFunc.bf_name || for business unit [BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME]

Template Base Roles

Sales Administrator

Sales Analyst

Sales Manager

Sales Representative

Sales VP

Template Display Name

Sales Template for Business Function Sales

Template Name


Template Description

Sales Template for Business Function Sales

Dimension Column Names

, ,

Role Name Naming Rule


Role Display Name Naming Rule


Role Description Naming Rule

Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business function || BFunc.bf_name || for business unit [BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME]

Template Base Roles

Sales Administrator

Sales Analyst

Sales Manager

Sales Representative

Sales VP

Template Display Name

Trading Community Hub Template for SetID

Template Name


Template Description

Trading Community Hub Template for SetID

Dimension Column Names


Role Name Naming Rule


Role Display Name Naming Rule


Role Description Naming Rule

Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Reference Data Set [SET_NAME]

Template Base Roles

Customer Data Steward

Data Steward Manager

Master Data Management Application Administrator

Template Policy Business Object

Template Policy Description

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Customer Data Steward can manage customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Customer Data Steward can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Data Steward Manager can manage customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Data Steward Manager can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Master Data Management Application Administrator can manage customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Customer Data Steward can manage customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Data Steward Manager can manage customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Master Data Management Application Administrator can manage customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Customer Data Steward can manage customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Data Steward Manager can manage customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Master Data Management Application Administrator can manage customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

A Master Data Management Application Administrator can manage trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Unassigned Duties

Sales offering duties defined but not assigned to any job or abstract role in the reference implementation.

Duty Role

Role Description

Anonymous My Accounts Duty

View My Accounts Tab For Anonymous

B2B Overview Duty

View My Accounts Overview for B2B

B2C Overview Duty

View My Accounts Overview for B2C

Site Administration Duty

Site Administration Duty Role